Htayc You, Ever Thought cf the Startling Contrast of the Frigate of 1812 and the ' Battleshiplof 1905? GOULD on of Admiral Togo's battleships, like the Anhi or the Mlkasa, be anchored alongside one of the valiant frigates of the War of 1812. like the Constitution or the United States, in some quiet harbor, the world would have a speaking picture of the development of century. - . . k 1 . " ' Ninety years ago, - throughout the country the names .Decatur, Jones and Lawrence were toasted at every table were sung from the forecastle tq the drawing-room, from the wayside tavern to the stage of the city playhouse. - - , . - , , As Togo today, makes history as his victory marks the complete circuit of advancement which began originally at the eastern frontier . of the world so the stiff little frigates fastened open the. door of that advancement to spresd westward through America. Vessels of less than a thousand tons carrying eighteen to thirty-eight guns throwing twelve-pounders and thirty-pound carronades these were the great battleships of the past I ' ' 4 1 v. - 5 Mere pigmies of the sea compared with Togo's 15,000-ton bettle shipe, with their twelve-inch projectiles. Battles were fought under great spreads of sail and at distances of a pistol shot A mile of open wster between war vessels meant almost impossible marksmanship whereas ten and twelve miles now is not an unusual distance for opening, fire.' Yet these old frigates meant fife tq, Japan, as well as to America, for it was with a fleet of them that Commodore Perry first sailed to Japan and forced his treaties upon the Shogun which resulted in the open ing of that country to modern civilisation. It has been a marvel oua progress! And the same, marvelous progress has marked the -development of trade. The house of OLDS, WORTMAN ft KINO' founded twenty-eight years ago is one of Portland's pioneer houses, in fact; is often referred to aa the "Old Homestead Store. ' How it has kept pace with progress in the manufacture and sale of good merchandise ' everything pertaining to - personal weae.-and ' ; household use is a "matter of record today. It holds today the premier position among coast stores Portland's largest, foremost and beet. Givers of best values, distributors of best merchandise, recognised authority on correct fashions. A few examples of values that nave made ua famous these for Wednesday.: : ; - 'Free Lessons in .Fancy Needlework 1 . Given by an expert artiste in the Art Stitchery Shop. , See:DrAIice, Goodwin's Demonstration of "Wisdom's Violet Cream" for the toilet.on The Fair-Way," First Floor, main building. - Watches Cleaned And warranted' one year for '75cjv Ne"3r mainsprings for 75c AH other repairing on jewelry at proportionate prices First Floor, near Urge elevators. Items oi Interest to House wives - i ten SPLENDID SPECIALS FOR WEDNESDAY THE LINEN AISLE FIRST FLOOR. ; ' NAPKINS S3.M D02EHV Z JAbout SO dozen Fine Satin Damask Napkins, large dinner size. Spe cial, the dozen............ 53.60 TABLE LINEN 54c. Satin Damask Bleached Table. " Linen pretty patterns, 62 inches r wide. Special at, the yard..54eV - HUCK TOWELS 10c EACH. - Linen H uckrTowels neat-fancy- border, good size, Special at, each .......lO TURKISH TOWELING 2c YARD. - Heavy Bleached and Unbleached Turkish Toweling. Special at, the yard ......... .. . ........... ... ;&;1SK An Important Sale of Blankets - .That Must Interest Housekeepers. - To you folks who have rooms, to furnish or warmer bedding to buy this sale will offer helps you must appreciate. Suppose you clip this item and bring it along when you come to do tomorrow's shopping. WEDNESDAY SPECIALS IN THE HOMEFURNISHING STORES. , " ' ' FOURTH FLOOR. . - WHITE WOOL BLANKETS. Fine White Wool Blankets, manufactured in and made of Oregon's - choicest wool, values at, pair.. ..95 56.50 57.60 58 59 510 811 513.60 to 25 . $7.50 NAVAJO BLANKETS 14.95. Genuine Pendleton Navajo Blankets; regular value $7.50. Special, the pair .......,.......95 M : $6.00 WOOL BLANKETS $4.85. Heavy All-Wool Vicuna Brown Blankets; regular y.alue $6.00. Spe cial, the pair 54.85 "' $2.50, SMYRNA RUGS $1.48. All-Wool Double-Fared, Smyrna Rugs, size 30x60 inches; regular value $2.50. Special, each.. fl.48 The Time to Buy Women's Knit Underwear and Hosiery Is Now FIRST FLOOR SHOPS. 1 When women can get such ' Under-' garments and splendid Hosiery as are told of here - at- such . prices a the - Underwear J and Hosiery Chief has named for Wednes day and Thursday selling, it will 'pay to secure the full winter supply. UNUH.K WEAR. ." . ,, WOMEN'S $1.25 VESTS AND " PANTS' 88c. Flat , Woven Camelshair Vests, and Pants, ' shaped vests, pants ankle length, splendid M winter weight; regular value $1.25. Spe- cial, each . i N. . ..J... ..8Be- WOMEN'S $3.00 UNION SUITS $Z25.. Fine Cashmere Union Suits, in white, open across-bust Vvry-neatly - finished; our. regular $3.00 value. ' Special at, the suit ...2.25 WOMEN'S $1.50 VESTS AND 7 , TIGHTS $1.19. - - White Cashmere .Yestr and Tights, medium weights regular value $1.50. Special, each .f 1.19 HOSIERY SECTION . CHILDREN'S HOSE., ' Children's Fine and Double Ribbed Worsted Hose, made of good strong yarns. Sizes 7)4. 8 and 8, regular value 30c Special, the pair ...... ...r. ....... 22e Sizes 9, 9 and 10, regular value 35c. ' special, the pair v e e i WOMEN'S 50c HOSE 15c Heavy-Weight Ingrain Black LleMoje,Jwaco split sole, spliced heel, double soles, sizes 9,- 9'A and 10 only;. regular, value 50c. Special, the pair I.. i.854 4 ' . V ' WOMEN'S 35c HOSE 25c ' . Fleece-Lined Black Cotton. Hose, finished foot, double sole; regular . - ' f .1. r- J - ir - - - - VIK value 35c. Special, the pair. 7. Cj CIC::j V S t mj I Ml mm Waa MaJ TZZ2 VCZZZ2Z7 CZPZXTZLZZT t:ouoc nncT c? onioAoo P.lidweck Jottings, Business Locals, Wed. Oct 4th cso P. d. QiJew Suits Goats Surpassing Values This Week fa Women's Smart Apparel ;- of Authoritative Styles . ' - v; ; ; i ; ' - '' ' 1 , ' ; V Women's Autumn Coats :- ; London set the style for the Three-Quafter .Coats of tweeds; fl beworn withskirtsinplain.jEOlormatchmgthedominant,-eolor-notef The fashion baa-already taken with. American women the coats are so com fortable with ,thir "easy" lines,' so helpful with their pockets. ' . . i" " But" tweeds'. do not monopolize the fashiqn; in fine covert cloth and broad cloth are coats of this length, a bit dressier in style.. Plenty , of all kinds. A few hints: , v. . .- .''.,".-,"'' A GREAT VALUE IS A NEW THREE-QUARTER LENGTH COAT , ;v ( . FOR$7J0. ; A handsome Coat cut in very latest and smartest mode, made of stylish man nish mixed tweedish materials, in the swell box effect; has leg-o'-mutton sleeves, belted back, self collar and trimmed in strap and button effects. Most stores 'would consider these coats priced low at $10.00. It's a habit we have to underselI-our price for these coats is.., aT.SO HANDSOME COATS AT $18 50 MATCHLESS VALUES. We've-arranged several lines to be offered at the above price, and allow !-choice.of alULeadingftyJesEmpire modes. Raglans or Box Coats, all in the popular three-quarter lengths, materials the smart mannish mixtures in m the roughish "effects so much favored by swell dressers. Buttons and strap pings form the trimming accessories.,. Outside patch pockets are a feature " on many. - Some iiave Jytlvet collars; others have collars of the materials. Price here....... A GREAT VALUE IN FULL-LENGTH RAGLANS AT $25.00. T(fnr hn, vhn prefer th full lengths in Raylsns, Wi offer especially great values at $25.00. The choosing is wide in this class. You may select a fancy mix ture, -covert, cheviot, homespun or tweedish mixed cloth. Suit,yourpreferencess to color from reds, greens, grays and mixtures. , All are smartly trimmed ; with strappings. ofthe .materials, fancy stitchings, fancy buclcles and pouches of velvet Greatest value ever offered in the city for... ...f25M COATS FOR THEATRE WEAR AND rtr;";:;ruTOMOBiUNG. . :...rT" The finest line ever shown in all the west. No local T.f house could hope to compete with: such a monster showing atrthorttativeatylesTOAmong this gather-J ing we call especial attentiontfrthe magnificent con vention of FUR-LINED COATS. . Rich broadcloths " in black and colors, with padded end quilted linings for elderly women.. Among the furs we note mink, ' squirrel-' astrachan and Persian lamb. As low as . $3500. ' As good as . .".i . . v. , ,. ...T5 -Three-Qusrter Length Coats... ..fT.CO tcPfSS.00 Especially Strong Lines at f 12.50 S 15 and f 18.50 (The Biggest Values Ever Shown in the City -, by Any House.) ' ...flS.SO Matchless Suit Values Look Where You Will You'll Not Find Their. Equals at 915.50. :WOMEN'&-TAILOItEDuSUITS-FOR- Sl&iOL, Tho' we sell more suits at higher prices than the above named, we offer this week the best value at the price, we have ever known shown by any house in America. It again illustrates pur absolute supremacy in Ihe -i apparel- market.- The nearest ' we are approached locally at this value is by a house that shows a suit .' not quite so good as these we offer, BUT AT ' A HIGHER PRICE. They call it "A $25.00 and $27.50 value sold by them at $20.00." Our price is $18.50. The suits: Navy, black or gray mixtures, cheviots and homespuns. Cut in Redingote styles, coats with leg-o'-mutton sleeves, . notched - collar. Skirts full aited. 9 and 18 goredverir smartly tailored. - Besr value you ever saw, with all the wearing season el rlC el d eaa-aae f e -v f , 18eftO - SAVE BY BUYING THE CHILD'S ' JACKET. . - TOMORROW.- Children's Wool Jackets SECOND. FLOOR. T - Made of fine materials in navy, red, green, cardinal, tan and browiv-and trimmed in plain or fancy braids,' gilt buttons, fancy stitching and shields; sizes from. 2 to 6 years. For rapid selling we have reduced the prices as follows: Special for Wednesday only;. Our $1 .40 to $ 4.50 values Special at, each ........ T9e Our $5.00 to $10.00 values Special at, each 2.89 Fashion 's Favorites for $2.98 Another Great Sale of Smart Millinery at a Popular Price "BIJOU" MILLINERY SALONS ANNEX THIRD FLOOR. 'Individuality is the theme of fashion's latest millinery news for October. Our collection is complete in its fullness, with every down-to-date shape, style and coloring. A brilliant display of pattern hats is here and exact copies of hundreds of imported models ranging in price up from $5.00. Among the most popular ot the season's creations are the fancy spangled black iet hats. We show these in five distinct shapes and, styles, trimmed with ostrich tips or Amazon plumes in black or white. A very stylish, strik ing dressy hat and a wonderful value for the next two day's selling at.... 2.98 Buy the New Dress Stuffs TOMORROW. AT, THESE VERY GREAT REDUC- . TIONS THE VALUES ARE NpT Only unmatched-- but unmatchable. Don't leave the J)repsGoods.Storepffyour .shopping list . for thejiext two days 'These special values are for Wednesday and 'Thursday;'1 :, ' ' - ' ' . SOUTH ANNEX FIRST FLOOR. "'. $2.00 BLACK DRESS GOODS $1.59. s Imported Black Dress Fabrics, such as English Mohairs, x$erges and Broadcloths Turkish Roxanas, Mohairs -and Spitings French and German Henriettas, Pru- nellas, Poplin de Chen'e-rCrepe de Paris, etc.; regular $i00 value. Special the yard..... fl.69 t $1.25 BLACK DRESS GOODS 89c Black Armures, Melrose Granites, Serges, Prunellas, ; Venetians, Panamas, Voiles, Henriettas, Batistes, PppJinde Chene and Crepe dearis, etci.regular. $1.25 value. Special, the yard.. ........ ...........,...89f 1. " " COLORED DRESS GOODS. l Novelty Dress Fabrics, in all the new colors and weaves,' bought direct from the makers Regular $2.50 value Special, the yard... -..'..52.16 Regular $2.00 value Special, the yard ....fl.59 Regular $1.75 value Special, the yard. ...........f 1.46 Regular $1.50 value Special, the-yard. ....... ....51.19 Regular $15 value Special, the yard.. jiS&eV Synopsis of the New Fall Silks So numerous are the silks which will be, considered correct .for" , the coming season-that afull description of them all would surely fill , a book of which the index woujdbe quite-lengthy, and in only certain'senses could they be!mentioned-urideir one heading--hat is, all are beautiful and-all are original. Each individual silk has by fashion's proclamation "been ' ordained for some spe cial article of apparel' or for some special occasion.- - . .,.' i;- .'," - . ' ' " ' " SPECIALS' BARGAINS FOR WEDNESDAY IN . THE BIG SILK STORE. " SOUTH ANNEX FIRST FLOOR.' " BLACK SILKS. Black Silks,, in. Satin DuchesseiraiinlL made. For gowns. High-Grade Rhadamas, the Best wearing silk waists,', skirt! -anf lining ate unequaled for .'richness and durability . , . : , . ' .. Our regular $2.50 value Special, the yardr.T.T..l.T Our rrffular 1225 value Sneciat. th vard. Our regular $2.00 value Special, the yard.. Our regular $175 value Special, the yard.. COLORED SILKS! Colored All. Silk Taffeta," in white, ivory,-cream colors; regular value 8$cV Special, the yard... .51.59 ..51-49 ..51.39 and all ... BLACK TAFFETA. SILK, Vk Best grades All Silk Black, Taffetas. 23 inches wide, regular value $1.10 Special, yard.... 69 27 inches-wide, regularvalue $175 Special. yard--89f . 36 mche's wide, regular value $175 Special, yard.. ..94f 36 inches wide regular value$1.50 Special. yard..51l9 36 Inches wldeTTegular Value" $1.75 Special, yard . . f 1.43 , w NOVELTY SUIT. SILKS S7c iJOOO Neat NoVelty- Suit Silks,, in.. all the ;new jcolors " makes "and1 designs. Specjal at, the yard".'. CMailual Training ; Gchccl.Vcir ContestA FewPointo Azz School ; Work anct What the 7c; li intheHomciMeans tortheiiEoy HOME, to many boys. Is1 merely a convenient place to eat an4 i sleep. His, interests are elsewhere, perhaps in C rrj club or in reading trashy literature In some barn lot. If not in these woree things he may at- least be in idleness. Do you know what your. boy. is doing? A boy's interest in anything cannot be forced by any amount of pressure. rTo reason with a bay as to why he' should or. should net do this or that, is good and ought to be indulged in by the thoughtful parent,. of course; but it ia often times more successful with the less energetic fellow,' The -etreng-. est -minded, the setf-willed, high-spirited lad, whose very .character, istics, if properly . directed, will, make the best all-around man. is . 'often less influenced or governed in his' acta by spiritual and moral perauaaion of the parenta. ' ". . -EVERY CHILD. BOY OR GIRL. WANTS tO WORK WITH ITS HANDS. It is perfectly natural that thia should be so. and it is only a question how best to direct this energy in order that the home life may be more attractive. ; It ought not be difficult to ' persuade the average parent that the best results in Manual Train- ' Ing are obtained where the boy has his work bench and tools at home, and" is free to use them whenever, so inclined. ', . NAMES OK LEADING TEN CONTESTANTS IN THE AMERI CAN MANUAL TRAINING SCHOOL VOTINO CONTEST WITH STANDING OFEACHATJ0A. M. TODAY. - . ROBERT HOLMES, Harrison;. T j:ron.v ct itvd i mAA ' ........... . . , . . 18,711 17.440 WRIGHT BROWN, CUnton Kelly...'...... 14S22 TRUMAN COOK. FafBnf .. ; . . ,1 .V. .". ;...'.. . . i 15,246 ROLAND MALM, Sunnyside... 1.;. 1485 JAMES WINSTON, Hsrrison.... ..v. ........i..".. 14.155, SIDNEY CRUMM. North Central. .v. U:....".. . i.. .. UJ22 MARION OGDEN, Ockley Green. ......... :...V.T...Vr.; 910 JOHN WILHELM. Couch. .. . . . . ..i .. ..; ; ...... ........... , 8,700- HENRY HAWKINS, Davis. .. , , ...... JSil ' Scattering .. . .'. . . t. .'. ...... 25,908 - TOTAL' ........... ......160330 A Tip to Men By a ; ; Shoe Man THE "BOOTE SHOPPE" ON THE "FAIR WAY" SIXTH STREET ANNEX7 . FIRST FLOOR. " , -WHO SHOES YOU, MR. MAN ?, LETS CHAT A MOMENT. -We've the finest Men's Shoe Store 'in the' Northwest, splendidly stocked with the smart est shoes for . winter ever turned out in American factories the best in the world. HHAT.H MADR-j-MpnU Patent' Colt B ton. dull box top, oak tanned soles, and the' ' best of shoemaking. . , Lots of men don't like' to wear rubbers . , think it effeminate. It isn't especially in some ' weathers: but if any one thinks so, he's un comfortable (though protected) by wearing them.. Hence, the shoes must, of themselves, - be built to keep out wet and dampness that was a ' condition , we had to meet. By long study of tanning and processes - ot treating leathers, and shoemaking methods,' and by I riaridly excluding whatever was detrimental, we . .4 have evolved A SPLENDID LINE, OF r- SHOES, as nearly waterproof as it's, possible . i to make. Ultra-fashionable footwear at popu - lar price-$4.00, $5.00, $6.00. , ' , 7 "Small Change"--First Floor Shops r-Coin savers' that prove powerful magnates to attract thrifty shoppers who believe-in, "Save the pennies" maxim ENGLISH PINS, 300 pins in package; our 5c value. Special at,. the paper ........... ................... ...... LARGE SIZE KID HAIR- CURLERS, 1 doien in package; our 10c vahte. Special at, the package....................; .5e LIGHT-WEIGHT WHIT E SI LK-D R ESS SH I ELDSr sizes i and - 4. Special at, the pair............ '....i.v. ...... WHITE PEARL' SHIRT-BUTTONS, 2 or 4. holes, all aizes; our. 9c valhe. Special at, the card..;................ .......5e SEWING MACHINE OIL in large siae 4-ounce patent cins;' our- 15c value. Special at, the can...;. 9 f STICKY FLY PAPER Special for 5 double sheets. . ..... . .. I lOf CARBOLATED PETROLEUM jELLYfor cuts, burns snd skin diseases; our 10c value. Special at, the bottle .';........6e PURE WITCH HAZEL, in 8-os. bottles. Special at. the bottle. 15 EXTRA QUALITY ALL PURE BRISTLE HAIR BRUSHES, fine solid back; our $1.25 value. Special at, each... .55 ' TRANSPARENT GLYCERINE TOILET SOAP, large size bars; . our 10c value. Special at, the bar 5e LADIES' SCISSORS, full nickel plated, 6 and 7-inch size, guaran teed; our 50c value. Special at, the pair.. .................. .29e LE PAGE'S LIQUID FISH GLUE in 4-ounce size cans. Special at, the can .3e FINE HIGH-GRADE CLOTH FINISH BOX WRITING PAPER, in white, gray and blue tints; our 35c value.' Special at, box.. 20 EXTIgtA FINE JAPANESE LINEN WRITING TABLETS, letter size, plain or ruled, white paper; our 35c value. Special, each. .25e RULED WRITING PAPER, smooth finish, in 1-pound packages, - 120 sheets of paper in package; our 25c value. Special at, the - . package .- 15 WEDNESDAY . SPECIALS IN THE ' if " Big Housefurnishing Stores ' r; ' ''';. ' ' THIRD FLOOR. '.':'";.';' 1 : . Here are the biggest kind of bargains-UlownrighU genuiner simon -pure bargains. Goods- at prices that justify and sustain the use of the most stereotyped word found in current advertising. JARDINIERES.- V ' ' ':' ' Hundreds to select from, values from.;. T.. ....15f to 25e Plain Green Glazed Jardiniere (6-inch); regular valne 20c. Spe-' cial, each . n, .i..... ...5 Assorted colors and mottled, 7yi inch; regular value 40c. ., Spe cial, each ........ .304 Green gold decorated, 8 inch; regular value 25c. Special, each. 15e ART JARDINIERES HAND PAINTED. v , -Under glazed, 7 inches; regular value $1.00 Special, each..;... . TS Under glazed, 8 inches; regular value $1.50 Special, each.... .5115 Under glazed, 9 inches; regular value $2.25 Special, each. . . ..51. TO Under glazed. 10 inches; regular value $2.75 Special, each-. ..$ 2.05 DECORATED SEMIVITREOUS DINNER SETS. Neat floral decorations of dainty . blue and pink flowers with spray, m S. tancy snapes, goia iracea. 50-Piece set, regular value $6.25 Soecial ...54.T5 . 60-piece ; set, regular value $8.35 Special... i."...95-35 100-piece set, regular value $12.45 Special ..... r ... - . -HOUSKFURN1SHINGS. . . ' .-S-Gallon Faucet Never-Leak Oil Can: rearular value $125. - - - V Special, each .............. r. i.... ....... 99e 5-Gallon Pump Oil. Can, regu'sr value $1.75 Special, each... f 1.49 Long Handle Dust Pan. regular value 25c Special, each ;.5 -. ': ''.;":.' ' FURNITURE POLISH.-' r''-' . . Our Furniture Polish is unequaled for restoring furniture or wood work to its original finished beauty, will not harm the highest finish. . . . . , Small -bottle Special at, -each,, . ............'' Large bottle Special at; each ...:.-.. .,.t. . TAYLOR'S KLENZER 20e BOTTLE. For polishing all kinds oT metal. wiirhoIratchJirvrr-h' - removes tarnish, restoring it to its original luster, f; the bottle New lines of Heating Stores, for wood sad coal, v: : :i f Up"-; . . .v,r.". .. vi .-.... . $3.50 Coal Oil Heaters Special, teach