TU2 OnSCOU DAILY JOURNAL, rOSTLAriD. TUESDAY CVCNINO. OCTOEZn J. 1ZZ3. u i -" 7T-HirillTli . i v PERSONAL. Y: v-' , MME. LABADIB? - . THR GREAT MAUNKTIO HKALEB. BVssts successfully all kinds of disss ky magnet lam. Kbeumausni and tnilu pains, lao (ever heedseuss. era alnwai Instantly relieved, and In meny eases dlsessee of loaf " standing sre nertusuently cured attar a few ,-', weeks' treatment. A call on Ma. Labadle : will convince iuu a to Iter ability la healing, whlrfc will bs demonstrated by removing any never keaderb bv on Irestinsat al, from . ; September 25 to September 80, and oo Prl- day of esch week attar, free of ebsrgs, until . further merle. -l not fall to coma. Mum. i ' Lsnsdta will ba pleseed to msk known kar .. wonosrrui nesting stmiiy. Hueumatiam, r- mala' tronnia. painful menstruation and ner , vous disease a specialty, alma. Labadlo takaa i great Interest In treating delloats and sllln children., sud -slso. treat. LUeai eucseea fully. . times at 1-b iwta dmi., cor, nri ana Mor- " rtaon eta. Of fine open from 8 a. m. to g . p. m. dsiiyi Huntisys on special, request, Plesas bring this ad wltk you. -; HE If EN! " 1 - . P. (Vltsl-Powerl tablata will rsstor to 7n th anap, aim and vigor of manhood) If ron ara lacking In tha powar of vitality, Ua . jobs recalling rrom indiscretions ana sscessee. ea tor nog or tness taoiata ana no eou - vtnesd of th.lr merit. By mall In slain okk.. - 1. Tha Armstrong .Tsblst Co., inc., 8M Tolsms blk.. Detroit. Mick. . " V DETECTIVE eseocUs Confidential Investls ttooa; roparta msds on any Individual business , or property! hooka sxpertsd; koat city ssfsr en pa; abaicaa ressousbHi correspondence so : ,. llettrd. : Oregon Detective Service, offleoa : Bis-sia Columbia niac, mo vVBsBingtaa v, Portland. Phone Mala MIS. " tWROLARR ere getting tmayl Don't ran the risk or using runns : nana mo your name and sddress and I will ahow too a practical and reliable way to protest your hone from thieves. C, B. Anderson 606 Velaoa) at., rortiana, or. ' fiO DRUGS, do operation; Prof. Dunn glvae osteopathy and magnetic treatment, reduce your flesh, rellevee eappraeaed asoathly Urea nlarltlaa. ConaulUUoa - free. Office, 0J i Ooodnonch bldg. ' WINONA. MILL aramlaee koalery for ma a. : women tnd children; any weight or material , to order. Sll Commercial blk. Phone Mala f. .. eno. sea our oxniuit. aianuiacturaa Dug., X)ST powere reatored ky the great Dr. tarena a NrrT Tonic Tableta; SSo nor kos. 6 boiaa for ll.B. Write or call at kyoeell'e MAMLT vigor reetored by Dr. Kehertf Nerre Olobnlea. Ono aaonth'a treatmant, ' Ml BMataa, mt eent eeenreiy eaalea ay mats . Agenta, Woodard. Clarke & Co., Portland, Or. VISIT PORTLAND 10c bring Narhrlchten Orrman weekly, till Jan uary 1. 1006. Ratabllahed II yearn. Oar- man Pub. Co., 202 Second at., Portland, Or, BOOKS! Here they are: "Decameron." "Hon tameron." "A Hot Tamala." "Kannr Hlli. Twenty-Tanra a Vaker." "Porbldd.n Fruit. BOe each; Uata free. A. arfcmale. tit Plrat C pITK It did not takVng to And out; know ' - - yon will B aarpneea - wnen yoa near ne troth; of coucee I will e von aa nana!.' -. CARRIJC. JWANTED To confer wltk tfaoi onnttmplat ln a bnalneaa conrae: to your Beraooal and 'floaielal Intereat ta UiTaaUgata. Addrtea J ear jonmai. JOHN T. Attrl bote It a Vine to my sot being ' able to do luatlce; yon will bear orcaalnnally, "but do not let that deter you; will await your pieaeura. b. aa. ' DR. ATWOOD, 14 Ruaael Oildg., 1HH Ponrtk at. Pemala dlaeaaea and confinement; open ,- Wedneeday andaturtlay vvenlnga. Coo - au nation rree. I GROW, buy and oell gtnaeng: U acre worth gvi.OOO; big book that telle all about ft, pnt paid SI eente. E. 1. AtwelU S00 Latter, Kan Ulty, aaaw LADretl Toa appear SO yea re yonnga. re- more all wrinkle, bare akin Ilk velvet , jrM,r Onion .Orap Skua rood. Phone MEN I WOMKNI Raymond' pllkt noeltlraly car nervoaeneee and lark el vitality; ai, box 1 Plnnuaa Drag Co., 360 Third, grOUND At 139 Pint at. and 18S Orand are.. - th plae ta get Tomllnena' Dead Shot and Quick Relief Oil; every family auould bar it. CITS preaaed while yoa wait. SO. Ladlao' ' aklru preaaed 50c. Gilbert, VVk Sixth t next to the Quell. Phone Clay Soft. -OINNBNO, M'a - a - neoney-makee Plant- oow 6rlcellat for ed and planta a appllcatloa. i. W. K I bier. Tacoma. Waah. ilcLBARANCR aale aU kind of waufa. klaaoooa. mualla underwear, eta., below eaaL Slag ' Cbong Co.. SM Morrlnoa ft. LILLIAN ft. CRAM Celrorwdlet, manlcnrln and abampnolng. Parlor 34 Abangloa bldg, Portland, Or. Black S86S. IfARRT Weetera ladlea want buabande; many wealthy. Adrireeae free. Star Box 383, Baa rranclaco, California. - - S1IRS BERTHA M A RT1 N Room 811, Allaky blrig. StamtlDg and flna needlework; leeeona given. " fRER aarrnle corn, btrnlon nod wart ear. Rd wla I Deao. dept. M, Tauntan, Maaa.- - DR. PLXTmER'S chiropody parlor, SIS Allaky bldg.. office practice. Red 1800. EXPERIENCED dreaamaker will make engage menta In famlllea. Union 644. -ATTORNEYS! OREGON LAW A COLLECTION CO (IT Pen- , too block. Collection made throughout th .Tjnlted State; bankruptcy matter pclaltyt ' bad tenant ejected; rent collected and (ao . eral law baatneaat notary pahllo. A. H. TANNER, attorney, nt CommerHa! blk., Second and Waahlngtoa at. Phon Mala 642. B. T. T AGO ART. attorney and coonaallor at law. 41S Chamber of Com mere bldg. ART EMPORIUM. fRor. RICHARD MAX METER Portrait and landscape artUt; lnrtrnetlon la oil painting, . water color, etc.. and drawing) art gallery '- connected with atudlo; picture for aale and framing to order. -648 Alder at. Phon 1580. TH8 LATEST PAt)' 0e bay a pen and Ink aketcb of yourself from photo or life. Pay King, 829 Ralelghat., near 8lth. M. ttf. 7 BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. ' HOWE. DAVIS A KILHAM, 108-111 Second t. Blank book manufacturer! agent for Jone Improved Looee-Leef ledgers; see th aew Rureka leaf, the beat oa the market. BATHS? MASSAGE. (TURKISH, vanor snifaponte bathe; a aura car for rheninetlain, nervoaeneea, lumbago, etc., . by electricity, hand nibbing and magnetlam; ynrmg Udy operator. 8W)H Slark, parlor 31. Iloure from 10 a. m. to 11 p. m. VHR SNOWDEN BATHS Lady attendanta, , 27 H Alder et., tub and vapor hatha, maaeag . and electricity. Phon Main 686. f ARSAGB, tub and vapor bath by two yonnf Udlea at lloi, ronrtb at., cor. Waahlngton. BICYCLE DEALERS." COLUMBIA, TRIBUNE AND CRESCRNT. -LSCUBTIAU OUODS, EXPERT RKPAIRlNQi ' r. P. KEKNAN. 808 THIRD ST. BIRDS. ' w MRS. S. M. FRITS. SO Grand av., fceaaflfnl .. Imported canary birds, reaennahlet all good , Singers, tad asUa(aUoR g sax aa teed. BOTTLINQ WORSS. O. A M. BOTTLING CO., bottler of fin car. - boaated beverage; family wlneaad liquor a apeclaJty.- 1 f nlen Phon JCaat Mo. CEMENT CONTRACTORS, CHAS. H. CARTER CO., ma Oon tractor. 44 Beat Twentieth at. 1'auoa Baa MTa, All work guaranteed. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. DATBNPORT BROS General enmmlaalon chanta; frulf and product: cooalguneata Uclted; orompl return. 156 front at, IF yoa want ta get good return for you , produce, ahlp to ua; pay hlgheat nrke fuf , eta f. a. b. P. Miller AC. afo RDIMG PARR ELL. oroduco and eomml- lon merchant. 14U front at., Portland, Or. rnin Main 17. . CARPET-CLEANINQ, ' STANDARD Carpet Cleaning Co.. Urgent plant oo the eoaat, Larlng and Harding fta., trie. ' phone Eaat SSO Carpet cleaned, refitted, dewed and laid; both ateam and lateet eom- preaaed air proceaa ; renovating BiaUre and avmtavry a BiMpciaur. HAVR yoar walla ewaned; w clean papered and painted walla; aatlafaetlon guaranteed; price reasonable; nfereooaa. Red CARPETS cleaned on the floor; we raw duet. Pkoo Clay Hi, fro aemanatrauoa. . HUNTER Steem carpet and mattrM- c leaner, boo jafreraoa. raon aaain ai. CHIROPODISTS. IW year feet are oat of order, go-to Dr. Worley Benjamin. Seventh and Stark, th foot ape clallat. Phon Black S18. , . , CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS, AUTHORS WOOD, carpenter, builder:, re pairing and lobbing; atore and office fixture built. Shop ) Oolumbl. Main 629T. CAFES. TflB OPriCR 16 Waahlngton, at. TT1. Samuel Vlgneaui. Pkoo Mala cleAnino and pyeing. PORTLAND STEAM CLEANING A DTEINO Worka; practical hatter la connection! feather be and plume cleaned aad curled by an port, til Pourtk. Phon Clay 704. UP-TO-NOW eLEANIN--PRIS88JNu-COM. nany Snlta nread, DOe; pant, 5. Phon raclfhl XM. S Ankeny at. CLOTHES cleaned and preaaed fl per month. Unique Tailoring Co.. , HI w Waahlngtoa at. H. W. TTJRNBB, OMfeaalaaal dyer and oloaaa. 606 Jeffereoa at. Phon Main 2018. COLtECTION AGENCY. tfiTM anybody owe yoa any money? W col lect Dad oeDfa oi an ainow rrom at np, ixi Grand v., room 13. Cot thla out. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST IflLLIB LEB Gifted child from birth, now la ruriteaiai "u will ri., mw rvauiua " eoi rinc manner of reading; locate mining and -tree Room S. 884 ft Tirol ADAMR JOHNSTON Clalrvovant. nalmlat. card reader; I give facta reliable and Impor tant ea all affair of real Ufa. Bcadlnan sue. 68 Seventh at., near Oak. COAL AND WOOD. CHURCHLET BROS, have removed from foot Davl at. to 42t Kearney at., near lltk; la bow the Urgent woodyard la th city, carry Ins all klnda of wood and anal. Mala S8L OREGORT A MORRIS, ncceteor to Cain A McKun. dealer In wood and eoal at .lowett prlcea; aatlafaetlon guaranteed. Cor. Tevth and Irving. Phon Main 4T. - y WESTERN Feed A "! Cav, oa rront. bet. Olleaa and Hoyt., deeler la all kind ef .hone aoaia aad , SUckamltk anal.. ,. 1'haa Main 101A ALBINA PUEL CO. Dealer In rordweod. osal and green and dry alabwood. R. S. and AW nina av., a niocaa aaa or lerry. nai aie. BOXWOOD aad planet trimming a I way aa hand at the Standard Wood Co. Phon Beet B816. root of Eaat Plan at. STEEL BRIDGE FUEL CO Dealers In coal. cord wood and dry alabwood. - Phon Beat 4S4. OREGON FUEL CO AU klnda ef coal , aad wood, aua Alder at. none Mam oa. KIRK HOOVER. SIS Water at, wood and eoal. rnon aaain eovo. rOR SALE 8,000 cord fir wood. Phon Eart ZOTB. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. ESRBRO-GUNST CO. lUatrivBtora of FINB CISABS. " a Portland, Ore eon. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WHOLESALE crockery and glaaawar. Prael, Hegeie a co., too to lo rirtn. cor, qtara at. DETECTIVES. DETECTIVE or eecret eervlce work; strictly confidential; difficult caaaa solicited. Room 14. Waahlngton bldg. ( " . DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL. DB-C. E. BROWN. D.V.S.,D.C.M. Dog. Horae boa- pltal, awT Burnaiaa. rkonea; Maln4iwe;B;aat.-iH0 DRESSMAKING. SHIRTWAISTS, wool or waah silk, mad for Il.ao; anirtwaiat autta. f.au, o nan Mar at. Phon Eaat 8281. DRESSMAKING Strictly p to data Uteat d signs. 4o t lay at. i - ELECTRICAL WORKS. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Company, 80S Star at., Portland. O. K. lor everything in th electrical line. Phon Main 1888."- "'" PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. -Engineer, contra- tor, repairer, electric wiring, auppiie. Pint, cor. Stark. Main 680. R. H. Tata. mgr. 1 ' r- ' ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. THB Electrical Ap'pllanc Co., 490 Waahlngtoa at. mono a am mm. , . FRENCH BAKERIES. TUB only place la Portland to get French bread, Barrare A May lie, 4"7 Sixth at. Dally deliv ery. . Phon Green 603. 1 FURNACES. BOTNTON warm-air fnrnaeea aeve fneL ' J. 0. Bayer Furnace Co.. 866 Second. Main 461. FURNITURE FACTORIES. OREGON Purnltur Manufacturing Company Manufacturer of furniture for th trad. Portland. Or. - PURNITURB manufacturing and special srdera. L. Rnvenaky' furnltur factory. 870 Pront at. DENTISTS. NET CHURCHMAN, denrnrt, 824 Marquam bldg.. Sixth and Morrlaon. Pbon Main 1700, GROCERS. WADHAMS A CO., wholesale gioeaaa, maaa facturer. and commtaelon imerckanta. Fourth - and Oak ate. 1 ALLRN A LEWIS, eommlaataa aad prodnc chanta. Front and Davie at., Portland, Or, HAIR AND SCALP SPECIALIST. J. J. BOKO, manufacturer Of human lialf foils, ata.488 Eaet Nlntk frlln" 'V"1;,,,,,, HARDWARE. Portlaad Plardwar Oo. solicits opportunity ta sjuot prlcea, )8 1st st, tor. Alder. Mala it. HOTELS, HOTEL Pendleton. Peodtotoa. W.A. Brown, mgr. HOTBIz-rnrtbrnd.' Amertcaa pUnt $3. $S oar Say. HOTEL Sf. Ueorge, Pendleton; leadlagj koteL BRLTStVBRBrBwrenean plan) th and Aide Ma, Oahorq Hot I. II Oraad a.. So to 81 day. 'INSURANCE. ISAAO U WHITE,' fir lDeurane. SOO Dekaa bldg. . .(;,'..- LAMBIBT, WHITMBR A CO Tire tawaraoea and reel aaute; older lot -10 Baorlock biff. Mala 1008) dept. 004 Baat A 14m. Boot L (AS. Mel. WOOD, mptoyer' Habllltf ,.ad ta . dividual accident aorety beoda of all klnda. moo t. aoa aacavay Diog. '4T'BhrockEWg.0rHknn LAWYERS. H. P. BURLEIGH, livrar, 12S Grand av., Beat Portland. . " PAINTS. OIL AND GLASS.' P. R. BEACH CO-Tb Pujaeer Paint Co. . wlndow-glaa and fUalng, - 130 Plrat at. Phone 1884. . RASMUS8EN A CO Jobber, paint, oil, flaaa, aeah and door. Second and Taylor. - MAGNETIC-HEALING. MBS. Ik H. HART treat n dtaaeeaa. HimaiS . trouble, oervouan and faaetlaaai Wekaial, Conaumttoq free. S80Va Park. ear. Jaffsreoa. LOCKSMITH. J. H. RICHARDSON, asport Hek and keymlth; genera l repairing; caaturoo nraaing; nil worn guaraati ueo. SOd fourth at. Pboa Hood ITS2. BROWNB'B IN TOWN Expert lockemlth and . bicycle repairing. 285 8tark.Dy phooe. B, Hint pot'uv. bbbid vww OVERALLS, BOSS OP THE ROAD OVERALLS and fa. chantes' clothing; ankm made, Maladta Bro., manafacturan, Portland, Or. OSTEOPATHS. DRS. ADIX A NORTHRUP, 416-161T Dekum tiag intra aad -Weening ildg. Main 84B. Esamlnatlona free. DRS. OTIS MABEL AKIN, 408 Maeloay bldg. Clay ' f 76. Ro. M. S1B1. Conaultatlon frea. PLUMBERS. DONNBRBERO A RADBMACHBR, aanltary plumhera. 84 Fourth at. Both phone. POX A CO., sanitary plumber, XSl Second, bet. Main' aad Salmon. Oregon Phon Mala S001. MUSICAL. COURTNEY'S MUSIO STORE, SO Fifth at. Good Una of akeet muale 10c; guitars, mando- una l-a leaa records SSe. LESSONS 60e. guitar, banjo, mandolin, violin. aire. Martin, self nrec, ear. main. PIANO tuning. 83; perfect work guaranteed. C. W. Job neon. Phon Main 1011. MONEY TO LOAN. MONET TO LOAN On Improved city property or foe kalldlng purpoeea. Any amount on from S to 10 , yeara time, with privilege to repay all or part of Vtett aft- on yeart Loan ap D roved from nlana and money advanced aa 1 bolldlng prograaaaa; mortgage takaa up and repiaceo. rKU-nV BTBONOr PlnaaeUl Ageat, -S4S Stark 8treet. THB STAR LOAN CO. Any saUrled employe, wag earner, get mm nia .mj, wiinout anortgago " Month, to Month- Weak, jnouin. an aionin. wees, to as 613.88 or 86.86- or 88.88 -to a 6 6.66 or 3.86 or 61.66 to ua 6 4.00 or M.00 at tl.OO aoo.oQ Repay to as fia.iui f joint Hepay 118.00 Repay 810 MeKay bldg. MONET to loan, salaried paopU, teamater. etc., without ascurlty ; esay pay menu ; , Urgeet bnalneaa In 4S principal cities. Totasa, 1U1 aoingion niog. rnone main neoi. MONET to loan oa real, peraonal and collateral . aecnrlty; apecial attention to chattel mart ; gagea; notes bought. C. W, Pallet, 604-6 Feoton bldg., 64 Sixth St. . HIOHLT re per tab la place where ladlea aad I cote caa borrow money on diamond and ewelry. Collateral Loan Bank, 200 Weak ngtoa at- -Phone BUck Tl. CHATTEL loan la amount ranging from 128 to 86,000; rooming. housee a apeelalty. New Era Leaa A Trnat Co.. S06 Abingtoa bldg. WB make all kind of loan oa food aeearlty st lowest rate ; special attention given to chattel loan. MS Morrison at. MONET to btaa la sums of from 63,000 to 85,000; terms to aalt th borrower. Rooms 809-10, Commercial blk. MONET to loan In Urge or small amounts on anoa security; wwi rave. n iiiiaiB. vt Beck. 807 Falling bldg. , WANTED T loan 810.000; east eld property prerevren; some OI f 1 ,uiu, a per cepa a yoara. CaU 107 Third at. THB CRESCENT LOAN COM PANT Salary nana rrom tare to six atonine; sonnaenuai. SIT Oregonlan. .. MONET to loan on CUckamaa county tan 4a. . r. and r. . Riley, aua chamber of com PORTLAND REAL T.8TATB LOANS. S and 6 per cant. Wm. Denholm, Z26 Falling bldg. LOWEST ratea on furniture and pUnoa. Eaat- era uma vo., ew aneriocB niag, uisy eaa. TO LOAN Soma to ault oa chattel security. R. A. Frame. 614 The Marquam. $1,000 TO loan on city property. 406 East Mor- rieon. rnoaae avaat oxo. , PRINTINO. ANDERSON A DUNIWAT COMPANT, printing. mnograpBing, Dunk soon a. rseos Main it. 1 Alder St.- i ROOFING. TIN ROOFING, guttering, repairing and gsnsrsl ynnning. I. xoetll, zii jerrersoa (. RUBBER STAMPS. P. S. STAMP WORKS, S4S Alder, phone Msla TIO: rnbber stamps, sea la. etenetts, bagsags, trad ebecke; eead for cstamgn No. 85. ROPE. -JH PORTLAND CORDAOR CO, and Nortkrnp sts., Portlaad. Or. SPIRITUALISTS. LOETTA Splrltnallat, medium snd hauler. Th einowieugeg leader. Marvrlou sure, no laity rheumatic and at tab bora dteeaeea. Tear advantage to consult ms. Room 10. 1244 1st SAFES. DIBROLD Msagaaasa aafsst fir sad kwrgUr- arocr work! tall pad pnsoa wore wesoum I repairs. I. u. povs. aa mira at. SECOND-HAND. OOODE'S Furniture Hooae Hlgbret pries paid for. seennd-hsod furniture. 816 Second St. Phon Psdde 408. SHOWCASES- AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of very description; beak, bsr ssd star I tores mode to erder, Th Lata Manufacturing Co., -Portland. J STREET-PA VINO. , WABREN Construction Co., street ps'lng, sld walks and erooawsias. Tin wegoniss Mag. THB Trinidad Aaphalt Peeing Co. t PorUand. v rse so vtereeaiat aia. , SIGN.PAINTSRS. GOA.D SKINS, window lettaringclotk oaooar. -economical elrctrl. (aua, and algna el aU " "wd flulckly. Poster A Kir leer. Fifth aad Everett. Pheoo Bsehaaga 66.' ALKINffmCHlNEST 8IBSOM CO.. S46 WaehlngtM at Comput a tock of Colombia STaphopAoaaa and recaroa. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brush, esse, ' J.1 "0"tb. Lawrenr pro.' lowel Supply TRANSFER AND HAULING. SAFES, ready for shipping and skipped; aU work guaranteed; Urge. Settory. brick, aW-praof J,i,0 ,or e- Ofac 12S rirt at C. M. Olaso. Pbona Mala 64T, C. 0. Pip, ofsee SS Plrat at., hetweeai stark and Oak eta., pawn 6iM; pie gad furniture Bov4 and packed for aklpslng; eonMnodiouS ketok ararekona, Preat aad Clay eta. OREGON TRANSFER CO., 14 North Slitk. . Pkene Main 88. . Heavy hauling aad atorag. IBB Bo M- Pmmaaer about atorag a; tre proof ; ana inira at. fnaa Mala sua. POST SPECIAL DELI VERT No, SOW Wash. Ug ton et. 'Phage Mala SSS. " ---- - VICUNS, f, A- WESCp. vaoUa-maher aad repairer: work Srt das. S6 Ruaael bldg.. 4tk and Morrtseo. WALLPAPER. MORGAN WALLPAPER CO.. 164-186 Second et.. net, remain . and Taylor, recti n FINANCIAL. DOKTlAlfB TRUST COMPART OP ORZOOR I Th Oldest Tract Compaay la Oregon. RESOURCES OVER 61,000,000. S antral banking koslnena coodactad. Saving deposits received. Tim eortlfleates leased, 8 to 6 ymr eaat; apeeUI ertl8eata (not nader 600), 84 t 4 pey cent oa short call. Call tor book f "ILLUSTRATIONS." Phone Mala 468. 10 Third at, BEN J. I. COHEN President H. L. PITTOCK ,. ,.TlM-Preeldnt f: LEE PAGET.. ..,.....;.....,.. Secretary O. aOLTBA...........AaaIatant Secretary U KITZO STATES NATIONAL BANK At PORTLAND. BBBSMR?.-- BORTHWZST COR. THIRD ARB OAK STS. Traaaaata a eMasrsi aeaaing araaiaaaa. DRAFTS-ISHtlEiy Available Is All Cities of the United State and Zarataa. Hoaafcaaa and Manila. COLLECTIONS MADE OK P AVORABLa TT nira Prealdenf. , C, AINSWORTH Vlca-PTMldent ...W. B. AVER Vice Preeldeot. ............... I-BA BARNES Ca abler ..,..,.,.... W. SCHMBER Aaalatant Oaahler. A- M. WRIOHT Aaalaunt Csshlsr W. A. JIOLT LADD TU-TON, BANKERS. (EataUUaaA la 188S.) TTaaanera av avenw wwh - Collectloo made at an polnta an favorable term. Letter of credit Issued svsllsble la Europe snd all points in the United State. mgaa airunnv iin'twv ., sold on new lors. waeninsio. xjuirmmv, m. Montana and Itritian commoia, . Exchange sold oa London, Paris, Berlin, Frankfort. Henakong. Yokohama, Manila aad Honolulu. rlKST NATIONAL BANK T OF PORTLAND, OREGON. Designated Depository and Financial Agent of .Us United States. President.. . .................. - A. U , MILLS Cashier W. NEWKIRK Aaalatast Cashier W. C. ALVOHD Second Assistant Csshlsr .B. P. STEVENS Latter of credit Iue avsiianw in-Eorops nd th Eastern States. ' - leht Richsmie snd TeUcranhle Transfers sold on New York, Boston. Chicago, St. Lou!, Bt. Paul, umana, nan Francisco sna . ins principal points In the Northwest, m.ht snd Una UUr drawn In anus to suit on London. Paris, Berlin, Prsshfort-ln-tho- Mai. Hongkong, lea earns. uipsnnagen, Chrlstlsnls, Stockholm, St. ' Petersburg, Mos- asw. Enrich. Hsnolutte. ' -Collections Msds oa Favorable Term. MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK, POSTLAND. ORESON. t, FRANK WATSON........... .Preeldent R, L. DURHAM ,..,. ....Tlce-Preoldent R. V. HOTT Caable OEOROE W. HOTT AaaUtaat I a abler Transaeta a Oesersl Bsakisg Bualneea. DrafU and Letters of Credit Issued Avsllsbls to All Psrts f the warla. Collection a Specialty. SECVRITT SAVINGS TRUST COMPANT. 84 Mavrkwa It., Portland. Or. Transects a General Banking Business. SAVINOS DEPARTMENT. Interest Allowed on Tims snd Saving Deposits. Acts ss Trustee for Eststes. Drafts snd Letters of Credit Avsllsbls la All Psrts ef the World. C. F. ADAMB , President U A. LEWIS ........First Vc-Presldent A. L. MILLS., Second Vlea-Prosldent B, O. eTBITB Secretary 0E0. F. RUSSELL AaalsUnt Secretary M ORRIS BROS. 181 First St., Portland, Or. Offer Gilt-Edge taveatment Is Municipal aad Railroad Bonds. Writs or Call. MORTOAGB LOANS On Portlaad Real Estate at Lowest Rstos. Titles Insured. Abstracts ruralshsd. TITLE OOARANT1E A TRUST CO. S46 Waakiagtoa St., Osr. Beosad. FAMILY DIFFERENCES ARE AIRED ID COURT . Jury Decides Montana Man Mutt Pay His Brother for Services Rendered Wife. (Speelsl Dispatch to The Journal.) Btttts.-Oct. I.A Jury-In Judge Botir quln's court has decided that Andrew Corklsh must relmbura his brother Evan for supporting his (Andrew's) wlf snd Infant child for a period of sis months and 1100 was named as the sum Andrew must pay Evan. The prosecu tion claimed that 'Andrew deserted his wlfs and left her In destitute circum stances, The cabin in which she wss living was sold over her hesd In bank ruptcy proceedings instituted by her husband. Ths woman subsisted upon food sent In by tha neighbors. Evan, her brother-in-law, took her to his horn and provided for her wants. , He 'claims he is out a considerable sum for medicine when the ftsby had pneumonia. For the defense Andrew Corklsh claimed that ha and his wifa separsted by mutual r agreement. He said the trouble between them whs caused by Evan's- meddling. It was sllsgsd that Evan secured a skeleton key for Mrs. Andrew, with which h unjocked her husband's trunk, finding thareln a bundls of love letters addressed to Andrew and signed by a woman calling heraelf Nettl Wilson. The family dif ference received a thorough airing in th courtroom. j ' Prfxe Winners. 1;, r: ' Milton J- 'Jones, proprietor of the Oregon market, 161 Fourth street, pur-- chased ' from , ths livestock exhibit, two la-monthe-old steers, which- are beauties, and which he Intends to slaughter snd plsc on sal in a few days. Tha prlae winners were on ss- hlbltlon all- yesterday- afternoon and great crowds stopped to sdmlrs ths beauties. ' An snnounoament will bs made later- whn tho bef -aw be sesrt, j and everybody will have an opportunity to guoss their weight, 'Watch Th Jour nal fos further announcement. neTotrod oTtsski Oaamdd eods. slUsa A Lswla Bsst BtaA t-.,, HAITEGDUE AI lUOU StAttFidratjon-olWoffitn'i Club in Fifth Annual Session t Eugene. EVERY CLUB IN STATE HAS DELEGATE PRESENT Attendance; Is Largs and Prof ram (or Thrts Dsvs' Meeting I Lengthy On First Ordefi of Business Meeting of Board. J.-. i (SpeeUl Dispatch to The Journal.) 'Kttsena, Op., Oct, I. Tha But Fed eration t Women's clubs is In Its (lftb annual oeaalon In this eitr, havtns metl In tha Methodlat Eplaoopat church at t;IO 'elock this tnornlns. Tha stUnd snca of delegates la larg. svory clb In th stats havlna; a rprentation. Th program of tha convention for th dap ta"ss fol'owt: "" 1 -Tha meeting of tha board waa Raid st :0 o'clock followed by a call to order of ths convention at 10 o'clock and St 10:11 greeting by Mrs. Frederick B. Dunn, president of th Fortnightly club, Mrs. Warren B." Whits then made the re sponse for ths. federation, after which Mayor T. M. Wilkin delivered . tha welooma on behalf of th city. At 10:10 o'clocknh reportof th credei tials eomrnlttsa followed by roll call of delagatss, report ,. of president, report of recording secretary', report of cor responding . secretary, report of traaa urar, report of auditor, report of general federation secretary. Introduction ef vis itors, and announcements In ths order named were heard. " 1 -. ' . At 11:41 o'clock adjournment wss taken until 1:1 a In lh fttrnoontwhen the sesalon asain convened. Tha first business was th announcement of con vention committees followed by reports of chairman of standing; commlttoes ss follows! .. . ..- r Education, Mrs.' John Halley, Pendle ton; library, Mrs. B. F. Burrougha, Pen dleton: domestie science. Dr. Ma Card well, Portland; clvlca, Mrs, T: A. Moore-, Balem; Oregon history, Mrs. Alios H. Dodd, Salem; reciprocity, Mra. Carrie (throve, Portland; jnemberehlp, Mrs. Bamuet "White; exposition, Mrs. Q. M. Qllnea, Portland; Chautauqua, Mrs, M. A, palton, Portland; legislative, Mrs. M IJ - TL Trumbull, Portland. Industrial. Mrs. A. A. BalUy, Portland; forestry, Mrs. A. H. areymsn, Portland. A report of ths club was thh hesrd followed by a paper by Mrs.. Bishop of Balem, "Lsason From Lewi and Clark Fair," after which a dlscusalon wss irr- t dulged in by members. Muslo then fol lowed. - . At 4:11 Mrs. Henry Bengstacken of Msrshfield will deliver a paper, fol lowed by renort -of eonventlon oommjt teea and announcements. Adjournment will be ,tkn st t o'clock. -' At: 8:30 o'clock this -evening a reception to offi cers, delegates and visitors will ba hold st - the Armory, - at - which an us to - will ba furnished by. Profeaoor Glen, Mlas Eva L Btinson, Miss Abby Whit and Arthur L. Fraaler.; Th , officers for 1804-OS are: Acting president, Mra. 8. A. Evans. Woman's club, Portland; seoond vice president, Mrs. Hattls A. Skldmore, Bo nis! Betenco club, gtlverton; reoordlng secretary, Mrs. O. M. Gllnea, Womin's club, Portland; corresponding secretary, Mra, Bam u el - White, Alpha Literary rlub. Baker City; treasurer. Miss Olive B)ster, Neighborhood club. La Grande; auditor, Mrs. Fred Dunn, Fortnightly rlub, Eugene: first director, Mrs. M. A. Dalton, Woman's club, Portlsnd; seo ond director, Mrs. M. L. Spalding, Boro sis club, - Th Palles; honorary presi dent, Mrs. A. 8. Duntway, Woman's club, Portland; honorary preeldent. Mrs. A. D, Wade Woman's club, Whlttler, California; general federated secretary, Mra M. L. Bpauldlng. Th Dalles. Th chairmen of local committees sr: Witl means and. Information. Mra. Minnie Washburn; credentials. Mra Clara Ingham; -hospitality, Mra. F. 8. Dunnrrcitlon.- Mr8.- F. M, Wllkins; psges snd usher. Mrs. J. M. Hyde; mu sic. Miss Ruby Hendricks; decoration. Mra A. Tolmie; badges, Mrs. O. F. Stafford; transportation. . Mrs. M. L. Bpsuldlng; press, Mrs. Llachen Miller. The entertaining club is ths Fort nightly and th Hoffman house Is ths headquarters. Th second day's session will convene st 8:16 o'clock Wednesday morning. In Vlllard hall. . . Yak Advaatag ef Bids Trips. Holders of certain Lewie and Clsrk tickets are entitled to fifteen-day on, far tickets on th 8 -uthern Pacific as far south aa Aahland. Particulars by asking at Third and Washington strasta, Portland. , rahUo BM Borsd. Washington, Oct. I. The September statement of ths public debt shows a decrease of nearly . 000,000 at the close of buslneen on Beptember 10. SUKE CURE FOR- PILES L VSSASi sat AVUOSSt BaaaBiCBRj BtBlBlBft aWi OstwsM laeWIkltlsT SU fores, sswsh ss sUlnd. sUsedlnFirndln? T-Iv . Jf'T P." P r sjarrietl T -w seas. aVvrtTAHaw. WmWQm IN A W i W trat sreseassfully oil prlvst sr vou and ehronlo dlsaa st mem alsa blood, stomseh. heart, llvar, kldnsy and throat troubloa, - W aura BTPHIL1B (without mercury) to stay cured for over. W rsmov BTBICTUREl with- . out operation or pain. In II day a We stop drains, night los snd spermatorrhea by a aw method In a week. We can restore th sexual vigor of any man under 16 by means of local treatment peculiar to ourselves. . Wo Cure Gonorrhoea In a Week Th doctors of this Institute ro all reguiac graduates, have had many gCr yoara exoerleneer hav boon known In Portland for II years, hav a -reputation I to maintain, sna will undertake no eassLc nnless certain sure aa bo -effeeted. tiij W guarantee cur in ovary eaaa w &-Jt-nndsrtsk or charge no fea - Conaulta- . t-?l tion ire, iertra coinaontisi. instruo- le O rrV wrtB UrU mallet fro, tm nlaln wraDDor. . W cur th worst eass ef pll lain or thro trwatmsnta, without pra- - Uon Curs-guaranteed. srulU CU 0&c vrtM or OfBos hnsra. I U I and I Ml , Buad ays and holidays, it t It, DR. W. NORTON DAVIS & CO. iw, 3Taox KM VotaL MkV Third TRANSPORTATION. ill) tni mmromMu way. - - City Tlokst Ofloa. U8 Talr4 St.. Fken 80, 2 OVERLAND TRAILS DAILY 7 TR riyo aad the Fast Moll. - BPIaBBTDXTj BKBTTOsV VP-TO-DATsl WQTIJTaXjrr . , OOUetTBOVB nmiriA'ton LEAVE 6:84 a. m. ' From ; . lvvntiaad f TUBaoHl ABRIVE :00 a. m. 11:41p.m. 16:66 p. m. IT1T p. m. ". Tin Bpokaav (o.m.sT.qp.) lOOsTmT SUIT aTOBTKBsUr inAMHlf OO. r Hailing From Besttls ' '" B. B. MTjraTBSOTA, WOT. B. ' ' ' " " 8. 8. PAKOTA, DOC IB. T" For Japan' and C h I na Ports Snd Manila. EfTPrOsT TUKBaT AtAIBaT-A (Japan Mall Steamship Company) fl. B. KAWAOAWA MAST . Sails from Seattle for Japan, China and all Aelatlc Porta About Oct, 25. For tickets. rtes,. berth reservations, tc, call on or sddrena ;... M. BZOKBOaT, C P. T. A. ' Portland, Or. i.. . , e. Twat, a. o. p; a.. Seattle, Waah. COLUMBIA RIVER TRIP . 941 monsd trii te Ossoavdo Iiocka steamer ;;'?- BAILEY QATZERT Leave week days MO I. m. Sundays, s. m. Arrives back P. m. ROUND TRIP $155 Through atoamara for Th Dallas and way points leave dally T a. m.. Wharf foot of Alder street FhonS Main tit. PR0F. VAN CORTLAND The Eminent Clalrvoy. ant. Beer and Hralet. Oldeat Eatabllahed. Beat Known Clalrvoy- ' : ant ta Portland, Low r. N Cksrgs tlnless Bat." v isTscrery.- -(Tim Pn Re ths Judge)" Without sny previous knowledee snd ksvlns a nstursl means ef knewlng wbs you are, be tells your nsme, age, occupation, where you Hve, wnenes snd for what yoa came. He tells yoa name ef friends snd enemies, who Is true snd wko 1 fa lav. Tell whom end wken yon will marry, gl-rlna name, date, facta and loca tion, tsklng no fee In advance, accepting nous unless stlafctlos Is given; sdvtes on bualneea, health, law, - lev, msniage. divorce snd sll domestic snd flnsndsl dltflmltlea; renewa von to and vital force; Vocstes mines snd vslushlc ores; reunites separatrd. Don't mlatake to name sua numtarrr VAN CORTLAND 30354 WASH, ST uoars v a. m. nip, as. onrGUiiirs E100D IJERVE TONIC .r A TARXBT TO TAXM AT atBAIi TUfR, Acnns ss th Bleed sod Saeve H rplse th ls l Dlsasse, Or nork or Dlssinstlon. , Te BaS flttk mmt ttrtngt. (not fat). r Semoe weseees From 4 ny Cansa, To Onatm Mttvt Font, , To mrov thi aeevor, re toe 01 hi Saa Te give Htmlth 8ees. Te Stem gsg I no In fora Te Make Liver Aetlem. . To Cure SWssg 0'tesee. Te Kemeee Lloer gotta, TeUuHeiMmClemr. Te Cure Dpopeptle, UUeuMmeMmm40emetlptlen, f OtP IT DRUGGISTS, OR BY BAIL ON RECEIPT ' OFMICsV .B0X;IB0XEI2. DR. ROSAJTKO OO, rflTLAPBLrSIlA. A. Scott's Sutal-Pepsin Capsulss A POSITIVE CURE TorTnflsmmntloa erOstsrrkof ins wstiuer sna viaeseea nio neys. R0 C0SB B0 TAT. Cures Iqulrkly snd nermsnentiy cne worst esses of alaaasiBf snd BU,L no msttsr of h long steading. Ahselntsly hseulee. Sold bv druuiats. Pries ti e-or ky mall, oett paid, H.suTl boxes. 81.7a THE SAITALPEPSlw CO Bellevoataioe, Qbi. Waedsrd. Olarbe O. Evory IVomdn mi esieu sna noaia snow . tKu tns SBndarral MARVEL whirtirtf Spray ssnsw vaiaii jias. Aaiec. faaavswd tturtirm, !( Sif. ss wost t onvnnient. sakrenri If be can not supply the aaamvatsn aojept no oilier, hut send alamo for Illustrated book aaali. tt i full nsrtleulsrs snd 11rectiona tn. vslustus to ladles. MARVRt, CO., a R. sa st.. ibw t ons. FOR BAZJI BZ W0OOARS. CLARXX A 00. eNLHGMNTS Or ALL KNOS l-W-mune Ar snap stOTsosveiopeo one DAY rHSHco pfTS rtte next. ", 4w taav tnsotlon hlaals. Boss tratmat m Btrwst. Corner rt.'s, PerUasU, Os 1 Zf. USSS fendinUj. A" ar i . ismco fas 81 B .ft .Sa M 8 I" sk-w - -aaaaa- 'V.-vbh, b raasMSjeM. WJi Ll: V- - eJf,M AW ( Vsw" ' 1 J AT TaW V. a- X I .si as TRANSPORTATICIJ. fsySSRvnnVassnsRssagaas-- tinrrKl.'-fi. . W8d 3-TraIns to the East Daily 3 ,' Tkrosgh rulhoen eta soar end Saurtvt slse ln-cr dally to Omaha. Ckloase, Hvokaaet tourist sleeping-car dalle to Jtsssss Cll tnrosgk Psilnaa tasrlst lrpln-aer (nersso slly sondnoted) wsakly t Chlceg. Raeltslsg ehalreers (seats free) to the Bsst dally. UNIOR PBP0T, Leave. CniCAOo-poRTl.asu IPICIlt. 8 :18 a. I Osliy. 8la.sa, Dally. Bus the Beat vl Bsst- UgtOB. (rOKANR FLTSR. For Kaatarn W..kln. ton. Walla Walls I.-. 80. ax. Dsiiy. . tsteo, snd coeur, d'Alese 0flf'' ... aolnta . ' 1 " ATLANTIC KXPRC8S. for. te East vis Baat- Inston. 8:16. I Dally. Ttl8 s. as. DsUy. Oolsskls Riee Plvtsten. ROR ASmnia 1 S:oa a. sa. nplnto. eonneetlng with etrnw fat Ihrae snd nslly.- Ahetrt sa. Boaosy. Saturday. , 10:00 p. m 6 00. m. ss, Saadsyv ?" esea. stmr. Bse elo. Aak-st. dock. I TaatHU Rrvee Rent. rna naw,a. City sad Yamhill river T:Sa. am. nell. t-Bftm. as. I""1", asmra. Kuth ssd Water Wrnilttlng. ) ! Dally. eg. Sunday. ss. Ssadsy. w . Baok Rlvse Bests. ROR LBW1STOM. Ids. snd way points from Rlperls. Wash., at sir. Bpoksss sad Lewtcteq. TICKBT OfTICR. Third and WssklngWa. Tass. phone Main Tit. i "' e SW.V,STJN0,ra- CT,r Ticket Anaf. A. U CBAIO. Oenersl rasseagar Agsot., OVBRLAMn EXPSESR Trslos. for Bales. Boa. vurg, aenuna, nsers- Ogden. aaa Traa Btockssa. Lo As- gele. El Paao, New Or- assss sna in Ban, sloralng train sects st dally ' sieept Soadsyi wits - train tor jst. Brownsville, lirlir- 8;66s.8J. field, wsooui Matron. Eagene pseeenger eea neetn st Woodburn wltk aft. Angel sad BUvs.l ten locsL Coevslll Sheridan nsssenger. rs:so a. an. 1111 :60 p. SB. forest Prove passenger. T--"""v w fr 1 V A ' A 1 Lsavs. I 4 OWIOB) PSPtytT I Arrtv, V " '8:80 . m. 8:00 p. m T-80 a. "at 4 Mb. na. 1110 A3 p.m. 10.M s-kv - ws7 -- - . .. . 1 1 Doily ncvt-Kmr6aj. " : ---7-.-fr : sswanftasBwaasfaT'Oasrt SBWawJwSos .. . . . . - . IMvision. , . . Depot font et Jsftersea street. Lesvs Portland dally for Oswsgo 1:80 a. Ss.1 130, 8:06. 4.00, 6:80. 6:00, 6:86. T:6, 16.1S p. m. Dslly (except Sundny). 8 JO. 6:80, 686. 10:86 a. b.; 6:00, 11:30 B. St. gakday ly. :00 a. as. . . . Returning from Oswego, arrive Portlsnd dsjly 1:80 n. ss." 1:66. 8:06. 4:66. 6:18. T:8S. J fi 11:1 p. m. Dslly (ssewt Bnndsy). 6:86, T:aJ, 8:86. lO-IO. 11:46 e, m Basept stoaday, UJ . p. m. tdndsy snly. 106 s. m. Leeve from same depot for Dallas and tarts, media f point dslly 6:06 S av Arrive Bsvs. ( n '''fnienMdsvMeejSBoetk assr; Irs eoeratee dally to Moamoatk aad Ah-lls, son- rt i nectln with Sonthern Psdne eomsssy S trass f st Dsllss snd Indepsonce. ' rtntIaee far from Portland t Mersmsnta snd Ssn lYsnclseo 620. berths 8! mood-elas fsr 118. second-clss oerrhs flBO. " Tickets to Raatera polnta snd Fnropet SSO i.i. ImBmII.. City Ticket O files comer Third sod Wsn rngton er-. ' Phone Main Tit, , 0. W. BTIHOM. A. t CBAIfi. City Tlokst Agent. - Oea. rsas. Asrsat. f l TIME CARD OF TRAINS-- Portland! DA1LT. CMION DEPOT. Dense t. i Arrive. iinwatona Park-Kas ss Clty-flt. Lenta Sso-I elal for ChehaUa. Cen tra Ha. Olympta. Orsys Harbor, fkuth Bend. Ts .. Beaitle. Snokane, 8:80 a. BL 4:60 a. m. Lew 1st on. Butts, Blll-i Inn. rmivse. Omaha. Kansas City, tt, LsoU ssd sontbsssU North Ooast Limited, electrle lighted, tor Ta coma. Seattle. Spokane. Butts, Minneapolis, St Paul sad tks Bsst. Puget Sound Limited, for Chebslls. Centralla. Taeoms aad Seattle only. Twla City Expr. fw Tscosu, Besttl, Bp. kane. Helen., Butte, Teliowstons ark. alls sespolls, gt, Pssl sad tks Rsst. 8:00. a TsXi 4:80 s. BA 106 B. BV 11:46 b. as, B0 p. av A. D. CBAtLTON. - Assistant Oenersl Pssssnger Ages. (66 Morrlana St.. see. Third. . - . Portlsnd, Oisgssv Astoria & Columbfa River Railroad Co. Leaves. UNION DEPOT. Ante 6:06 a. BV Dally. for nfaygsrs. Re tntee, U to Cletskanl. wee tp itport. Wsr Cllrtsn. Aetneia. renton. r level. Baas mood. Port Btsvess, Gear hart Park, See a, as. As tana ' Ixprss daily. Astoria El pries. 6-60 a i 19. BV IIDally. Dally. 1 I. 0. M s TO, O. P. ssd P. A.. Assorls. Or. 0. A. ITEWART. Commerdel Agent, 66 Aids streeV P Bests Msla SOS.. ALASKA fAS AKt P0PTXAB BTBAalMIPB Imm aVattle S a. aa. "yeffereon." September I. IT IT, -, 'Deloaia.'' Beptemher t, It, tt, . CALLIMO AT rrTrntrv jimsac. JOOrrTLAt, HAINES. SKAOWAT. Co a' rlb W. P, A I. routs for Atlls, (Memea, Ts Moms, etc. ' . IUR ALL SOUT" TEEIf ALAfT FASH. S. aV"FroUo,M Seote- v-e tV -B. B. "Dlrig." tmtas Call e -4 ' " ilssks," . -a I . ." fWes.'' TT"t " ' Pr- v. Z"t Oek t . -iv, , t 1 ye a. .( - ' I r