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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1905)
..-. t ' CoV DAILY J3UIUJAL, TOIITLAIID, TUESDAY EVENING. OCTOCZH 8, --lSCX . TODAY'S: MARKE Annual Roundup ' of Jackrabbits Begun In : Eastern Orejon and the Echo Cannery Is : Receiving Slilpments-ortland Gets Some. - - v n ta - 1 10 ft IS I 4 JACK WHS HUE iUOl. Initial Shipment of the Season 4 Made From Echo Cannery Demand Is Fair. ' L DEMAND FOR APPLES V IS CROWING HEAVIER Poultry Shows Some Concession in Price of Hen Springs Sljow Beit 1 ' DemandDuck and - Gees Art '.. Quoted Firmer Eggs Art Scarcer. Front Street. Oct. 8. l-The principal feature . ef tht Portland wholesale aiarkcts looey ate: x Apple demand vary heavy. . ;,' Easterners wsnt to buy peers. . . rint lacknbblt are In market. . ' Poultry I lower for hens. Knrlog. chicken ' la Tlr demand. ; - ; ; Uecee and. ducks are inner. - " ' Urate good despite weather., . ' Ranch, egg ecere. etlff at price, . Four can banana due toulgbu Car crated wnt potato In. " Crab aupplles are atlll scarce. , Hop are dull; some ssies lower. " aire market la eomewMt armtr. Butter Indifferent at price. Wheat and Sour are Bra aad aachaaged. lrt JaekrebUta-An la JUrkt H. " I h .iIiim mmA fl.1dir.tlAU III ( am ii u uh. ivwnt.i eaatera Oresoa av began and Jekrbhlt are now arriving In the Portland market. Tee i cannery at Ecbo la being made ready tor It -4 regular ratiattav- tor - thee -will be more 4 rabbit caught than the Instltatkio can can i ftw the present easa. Page Boa received 4 the Bret shipment et th eson ' today from .1 Crho, lbs Jot finding" fair. taW ft W per doaea. Frleee Lewer la Ohlffbtne'i v The expected lull la the poultry market kaa materialised. Receipt were very liberal ' today and practlrally all et the larger dealer were filled up and did not rare to buy. .Those that purchased were enabled to secure Mock ! et about He decline from former quotation, ' thla move being very elgDlficant, a formerly ' drsten refused to sU under a Mated value. .In chickens aprlngs show the moot strength. '4 former condition and demand being reversed. eery gssd rail for ducks ena t' ami 1106 - with small arrival. "Duck are today quoted , quite Ira et let IBe per pound tor live birds. . while geese ere firmer at Bi&lOc. Turkeys are , conning more freely, but the price are very high and eom cooceeslon la price will likely , be made before Mock begin to more freely. Raach'Xgg Are Soaroa Teday. 'AKhoneh thi arrivals of' fresh rsneb egg yesterday morning were quite fair the market ' today Is almost void of stock and price are . : arm at -RTHevu- Eaatera ors rainev ferent on account of generally poor quality, - but the wld range Jn prlcee ta causing mors aalra than formerly. . ' Apple Demand la Yery Hesry . . - Demand for aBDlesu m Bow very heavy.' J ' C- '! repreaeatatly .flt Paimiit -V- Co. ""ofBIii City. Iowa. Is la th city trying - ta obtain some of Oregoa'e pnoe lor bis , firm. Horns very Bio BellOowsr wen dianieeea abuie the street this morning. They .'rem from nouthera Oregon ap4 were quoted "no bright-red apples laT'ths msrket sod $1.60 .to the top, Bom Mnry King- hre expected , early next week, it their arrival depeBde al- meaty ef Baaaaas Due. ,h " Three or possibly four can. or banana an A n to, arrlT la thla market tonight, thus ' replenishing a famine-stricken market far 'tart- fruit I concerned. Wethr condition ' are not good for fruit business today and trade was dull throughout ta market. V A car of crated sweet potatoes came la nr .lng theanoralng and sold around forme Bgaree. . Btnrka raf aood analttr. Itemand exrellent. There an plenty of grapes la the market toriee of the Tokar varletr. bat Concsrd an omewbkt rrce. Beet varletie of th wi tter sell at 1 tSfil oO per crate. ' Pears an rather ecarca with the market Arm, ' Bom value en higher. I Hep Asa Ball '110 Are Ziewer. " ' The hop market la exceedingly dull for thla time of the year, as easterners are determined 'not to glr growers ny more quarter than ' they are compelled to. Late sale reported " ' an: Hickett. located Bear Salem, to Loula ' Lochmin. 1M bale of choice ISO at lie; XV C. Bearer, eft bale 1000 et 11c: am party. ' 54 bales at lie; Bongs Brae, of Kagene, car : load ef IBot ta Hearty A Metsler at lie. Some aale wen re port en arouaa tn esma nine. The market at the moment le very wees, grow era not being willing to sell while dealera an .unwilling to pay mon than currant price. . At present values then an a aumber ef orders In the msrket from the east. Tuns far moat ef the aale hare been md to abort sellers ' who an covering. It now appears that then I plenty ef mold la valley yard that wen nicked lata. Borne yard around Independence an not yet picked and the product I prc- ticsllr ruined. Th Lndoa market l setter for fancy.' choir and medium hop, but poorer than the latter grade an dull and lower. Th following price an paid along front street by th retail trad for eholc quality In round lots. , IToancers price an .as speci fied: Oralav, Fleer aad feed. WHEAT New club, T9r: Red Russian, Tc Uni.n T4e; Taller. T172c. BAKLET read. rolled 1 3X. B 2.1.00; brewing, fa.ousjie.wa. CORN Whole, tvr.oo; cracksd, $X8.0 pet tea. ore m u mmw ML t OATS Producers? price No.41 whits, $38. M 2S0O: gray. won.oo. . FtOTTR New, esstera Ongoa patent, H l atralghts, 8-808M i expnrW, fS.SS; Valley, T"nln W-60' rT, Ms, ft.00 . tmm 5 in MlLLffTUPPS Bna, l"-00 per foat mid dlings. $28,001 short, country, ).00J city, liv.w, crop, oll'vv. ' H A I Producers' priee Timothy. Willamette valley, fsney. $1I.06Q10; ordinary, 7.ooy a.iiu; eaatera irregon, e.'e-w biiwl M.BOOe.OO; clover $9. 00010.001 grain, I8.MO S.00! cheat. gs.ooajB.ou, , Buttw, Egg an Fsultrr. BDTTBR rAT Sweet, ilci aour. tc. . . BUTTER City creamery, beat. S0MH , second grsde, tTHe; euUlde fancy, JTH (fiance; ordinary, 3nQ2TVsc; etora, lefllTe. KUUH ne. 1 rresu urvaou, cuoieu. mi )C; sold atoraae end Meters. 244t2-te CHEESE New Full cream, twin, ISHOlec; Zoung America, iHViae; eneoaar, leo. GAME Jsckrabblts. S per do. ' POULTRY Chicken, . lee per lb; fancr bens, 14c per lb: ronsten. old. V 10s per lb; fryers, 4o per lb: hrollen, 14e per lb; dark. 14'rtl(lc per lb; gees. RQloc per th; turkey. 18&2UC per lb; dnssed. S20U per 10 i equaM, Z.BUOiS.uu per aoa. . Rope, West aad Bides. llOPSlOOft OregoB, lac; ' Washington, lOttllci 1B04 crop. 13a for ebolo, llttlX for prime and mediums. WOOL I90S clip, valley, sosrse te sssdlsaa, ttHttttV,! Saa, . aotjSTc.eastsra trga, lOHAIR NomlnaL BOshlla. ' BHIkPHKlNSflhcenne. It - short week TUESDAY PRICES IN ,THE WHEAT MARKET ! . e ' JDerj. May. 4 Chicago '.;....$ .14 HB I HA ' e Milwaukee) .... .USA .MSB 4 4 Liverpool IHd 'lilM eJiewr; e .Kansas City... :..1t l.m.. ...!id : vp , ft,- iyouio.i.,,. d Minneapolis , ,. .81 ,A ep Ltuiutn ..... .7THB .. San .rranclBca... l.lfi 1,99 , March. : . December barley. JOURNAL'S DAILY 7 .'. TIPS TO SHIPPERS Say Fruit Inspector James Read: . 'The crop of Concord grspea In the state of Oregon this saason will b fully 9 per cant short Of ths normal yield. Ther were various cauaes for this. The frosts early In the year and the cool weather .con tributed to the loas. . but the heavy-rains early In the spring were responsible for d large por tion of the decrease In produo-.. tlon." ' " , Kasoe; medlaa wsol. . a0Ol hiBS wool. tOrUfl.OO each. .' ' . , ' . TALLOW Prime, per Rr dOt M. aad ,resw. lOlda. tnn iiu sua-awnse pw isu M HIDE Drr hides. h L II B t . IHfldHe per lb; dry kip. be. a. a U Mm, 14c; dry ealf. Ks. 1. under S m. leejlBst dry salted btdse. steers, sound. SO lbs fc ewe M lu,i u t m ihaL aaSMLLct arnaar Se kb sad osm, SMH1 Uf aad hauWa na. etjlji kip, 15 to SO lb. 5c: sound, 1" 14 , 01 ie; caic, oand, under 10 ue tS' a' -(snsalted), le par lb lees; sella, le pJ ljl Borsehidee. esrted, each. l.01: ff' ! each. gl.00ai.BO; eolt hides, each. taOauei goat (klae, eommea. each.' lonfbd Anger. in wool ask eaea, Jacati. . ' ' rratts aad vegetable. POTATOES Best Ongoa. fOTot' ear lota, 0e sack; ordinary, eOtfoOci sweet. . lUe crates. ' ONIONB New Ongoa yenow Denrers, 86c, rKKBH rnuiTS Apple, ungesu faacy, 1.7ft,2.O0 erabapples, 1.60; erangee, late i'aleui-Us, 4.7R 5.2ft; banana, be per ttu lernet. choice, 5.S04t 7 per bos) fancy. par box; lima, Msxlcsa. ..-lT 100; plaeepplse. KM Pr doef etches, faacy. BUi80c; ordinary. otf7fte; plnus. 76CU'- per crate; cantaloupes, 75e P" crt; ter melou. SOe per ewt; gnpee, Ongoa, WT6o. tioncord. oa. aOe; 10s, 5c Basket; WttorBl, TSeeil.SO box; pears. Bartlett, S1.IA0, box. Winter NeUla. fl.SB per bpxi blacber riee, SSc1.00; casebaa, $X.OOQ.0 dus frssa prunes I ) per lb; poaiegrauatas, 1 J par sox. yjataKXABLj ii.ii n isnaipa. aivfi. carrots, 11.00 uck beet. S1.VUU I.SS par aacfcl Oregos radishes. Zoe pat doe) cabbage, Ongoa. 1.00O hxo per ewt : gnB peppers, be per lb; local tumatore, 30i40c; pwanlps,- fl.W4 I Jlftt stiuig btaoa, cauliflower. Tftcfef 1.00 dos; rhubarb, per lb; borseradlah, loe lb; srtlcbokes, 40 J oue- per do; bead kttuos. SOe per dos; . greea onions, ( ) per dos; aplnach, sa per lt green com, loe per saw r . He per lb; cacumben. We per hack l celery, local. T5We per dus: eggutoat, (3.00 per crate; pumpkin. IMc " VKiliU e UIX ADOies. ensaaiei. s lb: anrlnnta. lUII nee lilt SSCkB. A eer lb mms: peachee. saia per Ibt sears. aer Ib pranee. lUlisa. UflW .aer Ibt IdMU. m Ik, rlirnmlai white. IB I vlsms. plttad. Bar lb; dates, go Idee. set Ibt fsrde. St. BO aer lb-lb areoaseaa. Sata. ta. anna a s.k k.-4. mhe. sa.M. Bowdered. i5.8S; fruit granulated, fB.2B; dry granulated. 5.aa; Oouf. A, fo.80; Bt grsnutoied. -oi extra C. S4.T5; goldea C, H5; D reltow, M; bbla, 10c; H bbl. ISc; boxs Me adTaace a sack basis. Isae Xo aer cw. sa so says; msple. 14iaise DSC in. UONaV d3 per orate. " COrr EE Package brands, $18. TB. SALT Fine bale. s. a. 4. fje. 1(J. I.Wl Uble. dairy. SOS. U.O0r 100s. filO.M: Im. ported Urerpool. OOs. 17.0ui IWsj. 1.30 t24a. tl O0; extra fine. Dble. Pa. da. 10a. M bOftssO: balk. Iba. t4.0Ctis.U0i sacks. ALTWHIf-rradr'IO--r.nHBr f7.00; AOs. p-r ton. ST. 50; Llrernool lonie roc, isio per font 60-lb rock. ST.0VI KC sa.Ta. niun. .nnl. t- aaka et tnm than rar lot. Car lota at soselal tvteaa aahlaet u rioctoatloasl. A) RAIN bags 4icarta. Tsevj - M- - a Sir's ltmt Me. 4. SVt Mev a. tic: New Orlaaaa head. SVket Alas. 4i Cra- j. SV. -" -. na-Aki latshSUet lane White, Itte: Blak, aia; bayoa. 4laai Uses. ShtJJ Werlcas rede, . , MUTS Peaaata. Ttaet yamaea. esse mmmt OSSirk. Vkf Mieated. it BBOPOe per doai wslnate. 14A16e Perlbi lne aats.-aiSMe per lb: hickory aula. Joe per Kit chestnut, eastern. 1501rV per lb: Brasll Bnts. IS per lb; filberts. 1401Se par lb; faacy paeans, IdAlSet alveada. Uttlba oet lav - Falam. Ossi OOs. Xts ROPB Pan hi anils, 14c: etaadard. lAllai lletk hr.BB slaaL BSin. Utiet UOAL OIL Peer! or Astral., SOU set rail weter white, Iroa bble. tBei gsl: woodea. 18e per gall aeedllalit, 170-da, sasa. tmt per gsl. aiuii inasu eaase. tae nee self Bbla. SSc per salt a torse, bum. S4VM as sal; Imh 1Se nee oat. BEN EI N 49-des. raaea. ,35 per ssJ: trea Bbla. lUc per gaL TURPENTINE la ease. Sis per salt weeds kblas 8MC Px ( Ale WHITE LEAD Too lots, Te per Bit SOO-IS tot. 8e per lb; less iota, rHc per id. wihK maiIa Present baa at $. T.ivReicn OIL Pure raw. la t-bbl lots. S4e: 1-bhl lot, boc; caae. doc per gal; genuine kettl boiled, cases, 2e per gsl; -bbl kKs, sdc; 1-bhl lot, b7e per gal; ground rake, rar lots, 12U.00 per toe; lees tnsa car ewe, s4w.w wm. Heat, fish sad Ptatlilsa. bmu UKAT rront trsst Pssf mm SQOc per lb; pork, block, SUSMa per lb; psch- era, ae per iu , mmh, yf ,f cvwa, SHOec per lb; veal, extra. So per lb; ordinary, Te per lb; poor, dc per lb; mutton, fancy, T0THc per lb. UAslS. RACON. ETC. Portland rk (Iocs I) k.Zl 10 to 14 lbs. 14 per R; lite Id .be. 13 per lb: 18 te SO lb. le per Ibt eottage. be per U; break rest bacon, UtjlSHc per b; picnic, be per lb; rsaoiar snort clears. waoked, lie per R; smoked, Ue as lb clear tack, ansmoked, 10e Ibf amokso. 11 pee lb: union salts, iu ta te ins, ensmoaea. Be per lb: emoked Be per lb; clear bellies, ss smoked. lie per lbi eoioked. U sag Ibt abouA- J BU. MA. Ik. LOCAL LA BD Kettle leaf. 10a. lla per lb; bs, lle per lb; BO-lb tin. HHe per lb; eteam rsodtred? 10a. 10 par Ibj aalOlb par lb. . ll.HO; t-lb talk,, 2.T0; fancy, 1-lb flat, il.HO; M-lb fancy flat.; faacy 1-lb evaia, Ji7ft) Alask una. pins, soaewve, no. uan s tail m-iOO. rittll Rock cod. Te per lb; flounders. Be pat lb; halibut, Stte per lb; crabs. II. SO per due; trloed baas, 12Ho per lb; catfish. Se per lbi slmon, sllnrsldr. dc per lb; blaeback, d per lt; . nerring, oe per id; eniee, sc per lt; shrimps, 10c per lb; perch, fie per lb; black rod. T per lb; l!ver smelt, Tc per lb; lobsters. I6c fresh mackerel, b per lb) crawfish, U per a. OYSTERS hoalwater bay. par gal. SS.SBI ssr sack, SX.76. CLAMS Hard heU, Bar bag. "mOPt rsaof (lasts. 4X00 per baa. i toropak nimia stocks. 8s b Francisco, Oct. S. Tonopah stock, of- aciai Burning session: Rid. BM. .1 .IS MnnUna ,....:$2.(0 Midwyr;.;.r. i.firt McNamara .an Belmont 1.40 North ritar ....r .61 Rescue -. .OT' Gold MonnUlB.. ' Jim Ratkec 19 Nevada 13 Toa. Ki tension. , Red Top 6.1 Onldfleld ..M Rsndstorm .AOA Ssndetorm Ex.. , ,7 Adams ......... . .04 Mohawk lb Dixie' 12 Kendall '...s t'oltimbla Ut . .1A Jumho ......... Jumbo Extra ... Black Butte Hllrer Pick ... Jolden" Anchor. , Ray A O'Brien., Ophlr Tonopah.. O. Bull Prog..., TlamondnrUI .. . Ijnnm But ...... Home Cash Boy ...... Eclipse National Bank .. . .T5 ., .M . .2'A .0 .Ml .11 .24 .2:1 .20 .let .00 .IT .4.1 .11 A TRARCIbCO LOCAL STOCKS. 8rf rtaociecb, Oct. i. Official ekies, BMrnlnf session: . - BM. ' Cnatrs Coats Water 4A4 Spring Valley Water , .... 44 Mutual Kleetrlc '. Id Rsn rranclsr Uaa A Electric ...... Mi (llant Powder 79 Hawaiian Commercial M Honoke Sugar 18 Hutchinson Sugar , 18 Makawelt Sugar ....-i-ji.T.-:'... . (tflij Onomea Sngsr r 84 Pssuhsu Suxsr 32 '4; , Aak. bo . 4T4 IT 3M 80 - t-acaer. .......... ow en Ocet BUrrtresiiiaiiip Pacific States Telephone r tr ...lonj , . S3 ...W2 .. CslKnrnl Wine) Pactne Coast Borax Stsrllsg Rsta. ' Kew "Tor." Oct. A Sterling ra1r: 'TVmand, 4S5.aoeT4M.40i dO day. . Mi.20g 4SJ 30. T . ' w Terk inver. " :5ew tork. Oct. I Bllrar U quoted fit tlmd. CIIIGE 111 UIIEJIT VERY SLIALL At the Close December Had a Loss of a Quarter While the May Was Unchanged. PRIMARY RECEIPTS SHOW SMALL INCREASE Bradstreets Report of World's - Vis ible Has Fair-Sized GaiiwGood Weather Is Reported in Cora Belt and Crop Is Now Said to- Be Safe' TUESDAY'S WHEAT , MARKET. Caw . Close Tuee. Mm. -.. A4B .M V ... .StJ A M- . . Loss Close ' Tuee. Tesr Age .00 lasS Dec.., M.y.. flitraao. Oct. S. Ism A Rrrsa earl -' T day'a wheat market made fraetkmal headway early Is the eeaetoa, aubeequently eaalug off, and for December a hows a H lose ta He fur May for th day. Tb market range was nar- iw, tn local pit crowa Being on note eiurs, Ith bearish feeling mors proaouaeed at the use. Condition, as w view tbem. show no material change. The principal buying con tinues to come from th bull Interest, out yet the market weald not indicate any great ut- slde following. While the temper of the crow seems tnt the market, that sans old stone wu stands out as prominently ea ever ia sup port of prlcee, Cra fAarpri -ai4saa,' Tbs com market surprised it friend today. makina a little net besdwsy. though boelneii did wot. ahow any material improvement' The strong underlying factors. If continued, we feel 111 la time bring about aa Improved tone a of price rajrfe. f Oat Market Oema. Th cat marker scted 1 ltogther m sym psthy with cora, making a fractional gala for th day. Oommlesloa boose demand on the de clines I excellent. Provisions hsd aa trregalar Oar with prices closlna generally lower. Trade la dull and with out ensrlal algnlflcence. orncial quotatHoa try utstooxs, Oook eompeny: Starr A WnEU. Ooen. High. - Low. Dec. ...... .K44 I .8.-, 14 f -MS May -W , .fioVb July..... 1 ..... . rmT CORN. Octu....44 . t New Dee. . . ' .43 '4 Old Dec.. . .44 May..... -.42 --- .4AH . " OATH. Ol?te a ' sees"" ) Dee .274 . . .274 May.... - . - - -w MENS PORK. Oct...... 14.T5 14.S3 14.T5 " Jan...... la.Tr 12.37 XS42 14 S3 12A2 ., - 6.80 A 8.52 '. 1 . 7 LARD Oct.,,.., TJI ' Jaa...... S.80 d.BO S.80; BHORT RIBS. Oct S M 8 50 8.S0 JSB.-sr;;To.4 S.4T6.45 raJMART aaAiR movtmhit. Chicago, Oct, 1, Primary receipts: lonty Wheat . i,3uo,uno Cent ....... Bav,uuu aue,w HhltHneat:-- 1 , 1 Wheat Wfl.ono 1,011.000 Corn STB.000 284.0U0 ClearsAcea: - Wheat. iw,otw susnesi; iiour, 121.000 barrels! eora. 70,700 bushels j eats, 131,- 000 bushels; . CHICAGO CASK WHXAI. v - Chicago, Oct. . Caeh wheat: . - Bid. Art, No. S red V Mk Ho. S red fW No S hard, & efA4 - No. S hard "2 : M . No. 1 northern....... . .HS No. S northern........ -13 ' jm ' No. S eprlng . .IS .ad ' BlAPfiTtEirS gRAJjr REPORT. , Chlrato. Oct. S. Bradatrest' grain report ef visible supply: - . . - ,. inc. nnsn, Whest. aaet of Rockies 1,062.000 Enrobe snd afloat dOO.OOO Total m crease t.K2.000 (Vra , egaoouo Oat , 1.T32.W0 Uecreass. ; . : " - . CHICAOO ORAUI CAR LOTS, Chicago, Oct. . Orsla car kU: . Can Grade Est. Wheat , 42 . I2d Cora 271 -KM 2711 Oats 875 S 8417 Wheat can today: Minneapolis tun. taunts 570. ' Year ago: . Minneapolis AOS, Duluth tili. Chicago 60. 1 -, - LTrTRPOOL ORAUf MAR KIT. amkd jWaat famaiasB Rjn im.mri, Wl-s ruai . narsu awtin- her. e SHdV d higher: March, da SMd, d higher. Corn December, da SUd, tad lower; Januarr, 4a a.d. aacbanged; March, 4a Sd, aa ebaaged. . .. CATTLE 25 CENTS UP AND HOGS SOME LOWER Best East of Mountains Cattle . Find Sale at Advance- , Sheep and Calves Firrn. , Portlisd Union Stockyards, Oct. .IJ restock raeetots:, . Bog. Cattle. Sheen. Today ft 21 OriS Week sen 84d : DO Jr.ll Previous week ..' - T9 ' 230 'Month ago .. .. . HolMav. f Then I but Door strength shown Is the hog msrket and prices sr practically Sflc lower at for beet stock. Th rattle marxet m setter for east of the monntsln stock If ta prims shape end price rale 2Ac hither. "Sheep n firm," ssys Msoager Daughtrey, "ad veal calee 'goBd." Official urlcea foe II restock: - Hogs Beet eaatera Oregon, fd.OO; blockers nd China fat, fA.00; atockrra ssd feeders, 4.B0. est tie Beet esstera Oregon teer, S.1.ZR: light and metllum teen, 2.0l; light row, I1M i2.00; storkers nd teed era, fz.xosjx.ou; nulls, 1.80. . Hheep Wethers, 8Q8H': mixed sheen, e; straight ewee. 838Vc: spring Ismhe, 4i4t4c ' - aires flood teal. ISO to 2X pound, etijfiftci rough hery, 83H& XAITXRR HOOS LOWXR. S- Chlcsio, Oct. . Livestock ncelpta: line Cattle Sheep Chicago'' 18.0H0 1.1. 0M) 40.0ns Omaha 4.500 S.BOI 25.0ia) Ksnsa City 18.000 25.000 S.OO0 Hog opened Se lower with 6..VM) left orer. Receipts s year sge wen 16,000. Prices: Mired. 6.O6Jft.T0; gonrl. $5.8005.70; rough. 44. B.'.rt 5.20: light. 5.50flJ.0. Cattle Steady. . ,, .... Sheep Bteeay. C0MST00X MIRIRS STOCKS. Saa rrasctsce, Oet. S. Official elose, morning easlm ! ' Bid. ..... .84 BM. Savags I .46 Potosl - I'nlos Co f. 48 Yellow Jsrket... .11 ' Ptcheouer 47 Bnllon Beh-ker . . . ; . r. . .22 - Close. I -MA j8 A9i .404 481 .43 A .44 A4A '.27 A - -A ton. Cal-V.., 1.28 Ophlr S25 Caledonia ...... .41 Metlcaa ...... 1. 00 Aadtg i .It Hsle Norcrosa,' 1.00 scucploa ,.a..u .11 SHELTER UP Oil rao puts Common Stock Very Active and Prices Make a Rapid Ascent , . ' . During , the Day. ; , NEW YORK STOCKS ARE GENERALLY BULLISH New York Central tha Leader of Ac- v tivity With a ;Gain ; of One and Three Eighths Small Losses Are Shown Today. ADVANCES. Anaconda ... C. A N. W...... Amalgamated ..... 4 Atchison A ten Iso a, pfd .... Sugar 1 Car A Foundry.... . Brooklyn Bt. Psul N. T. Csatral.:.., 1 Back Island rr.7T- 4 Colo. Booth .... Colo. South, let I Erie, 2d pfd ... trie. 1st Pfd ... Missouri Paclae Norfolk Loularille Preaatd Steel ,. Tenn. Cost Rock Island, pfd.. I'nioa Psrlfl I'. S. Bteet ....... u Wretera Union , u. a. atesi, pia... Ttinmeiter ,t. ........ , . nitf'I.INKK. Cola. South. Id nfd lAIKruT. Vk Ont A West I Reading , w Texas pacific... ' 141 Wall Street, New. York. Oct. . New Tork Central was tbs bun feature of the stock mar' ket today, although a good rise waa sbowa In th general list. The bearlest) gala wss la American Smelter, which closed with a Bet rise of 2Si points. The losses wen small. Official quotations by Orerbeck, Starr A Cook company 1 - - DESCRIPTION. Aaacouda Mining Co..., AmaL Copper Co....... Atchison, com da pnf erred 125 MS BO 1O0 Am. Car A Foundry , e. do peel Am. Sugar. 140 1261. liLit 142 140 Am. Smelt.. a....... 128 1W 121 do preferred . 123 4 113 Baltimore 4k Ohio, comlll3 Brooklyn Rapid Transit. 71t Csnadlaa Pacific, 00m.. 1743 micago at aiton, eom do unf erred. ....... a A Q. W., com. .....I 21 H Chi.. Mil. A Bt. P .114 v. it. w com itia Chesapeake A Ohio I bS Coto. Fuel Iroa, com. 484 Colo. Hon there, com.... 2H do second preferred...! 44 do first nreferred I i-eiawars- sp tsuosoa Del., Lack. A Wee. D. A R. O.. com.... ...I K 85 do oreferrcd.. ........ I S8U Krie, com fipViLfiO. d seerjeidXJireYerred . do first preferred.... 1 R2U 821 Illinois Central.. 181 1824 Louisville A MaabvlUe. Met. Bt. Ry is.M4!i2immi2m Manhattan Ry 165 15 Mexlcaa- Centra! Rr.r,. S4 S4 Ulan., Bt. P. at St, m do preferred.... Missouri Psclflc. ...... VI. K. A T-. com 10 105 88 84 0 151 do preferred... New York Central...,. Northera Pacific Norfolk A Western, co do preferred 150 Hi 211 85 North American........ N. y., Ont. Weatern Pennayrranla Ry...... P. a. L. A C. Oe 55 55 144 54 144 103 143 10 Pressed Steel Car, eom 45 I 45 I ctts. n 45 do preferted Pacific Ms II 8. 8. Co... Reading, eom 123 124 do 2d preferred...... . do 1st preferred BV . 100 Rep. Iron A Bteel, eom. ao prererrea Rock eom do preferred. Rubber ttooda, com.... do preferred Southern Ry. com,... 36 1011 T0 to' 24 87 88 do preferred . ........ 100 100 South era Pacific....... T0 TO do Deferred St. U A S. r . 2d pfd St. L. A S. W., com.. do nreferred Texas A Pacific....... Tennessee Coal A Iroa., e 134 2 Unioa Psciac, com. , do preferred. V. 8. Leather, com.. do pnferred. ....... TJ. S- Rubber, com... do preferred U. S. Steel Co.. com. do pre f erred ........ Westera Csloa Tel.. Wabash, com......... do pnferred 12 11 J1O4&104H Delaware, Lackawana A Western, ex-dlrldead af 2 per cent. Total ealea for day, SAT.SOO share. .. Call BsoBey closed 4 per seat. BOSTOV COPPER STOCKS. Bosto, Oct, . flfBclsl copper close Bio. Bid. Adventan Atlinttc . A Hones .. Blnshsm . 8.50 Ms fi 10.50 . td.12 . 30.75 . 81.62 . 100.12 Oaceols 108.50 Parrot 26.O0 Phoenix 1.00 tiulncy , 107.00 Cal. A Aril Calamet ... 0H6.O0 Khannon ....i 8.12 Copper Bang. 78.87 28.75 14.12 8.12 T.T8 28.25 27.25 50 75 18 25 33.00 lsmarack . . l.n.c Centennial Daly West ... Elm (Irsnhy flreen Old Oomtnlos. Mohawk ..... Michigan .... Tenn. Copper. Trinity 0.25 I nlted Vlctorl Winona Wolverln .... rtsb .0. 8. Mining., 84 1 6. 1 si 10.50 ,118.00 . 4T.12 Itoysl 28.12 North Butt.. 67.00 ' ,i'TSW tOBX CURB. 'New Tort, Oct, S-Curb: ' Bid. Art. Can. HVb 72 ...,., 9614 4 do preferred. Oreeae Copper. Greene Gold... T2 a lit Interurhaa (....,...218 siavt Northera Becuxltlce.,, . .jno I IW4 Mackey , do pnferred................. Subway 46 46 74 - 74 5714 Mi COTTON FUTURES SHOW - A SLUMP IN PRICE New Tork. Oct. (. ottoa futures tloaed 98 te 87 point lower. Official - quotation by Overbeck, Starr A Open. High. Iw. Close . Januarf , rehraary March .., April .... ........... lOW 1053 1010 1023.(21 .....1O40 100 KKI2 lo:tor,t.tJ ..limn linn kwo iretltt;" 4.......1072 . 1072 1045 . 1042W43 ,.10T8 107S 104 1(H',;7 ....... W..101B 1019 ' PHT yiO nay October .. November 10R8 10S1 inno December .1046 1047 1013 1017UU aevarameat Cettea Report, - WathtngtoB. Oct. Sc Moverament cotton re- rt : . Asa wool tb report Indicates no cbsac th eoadltloa of cotton row pared wtih tli pnvtoua week. A alight Improvement M ehowa hi Northera Alabama and la port loo of Texas, while la other eectlons of the latter stste there hss been a slight deterioration. ' The crop has suffsred from the of tnseeis In Loals lasa,, 4rkanaa SBil TtaahoU weTJlbelug snmeroa hi the Mat earned state. Rslus reused alight damage la Oenrgla. Alabama, Mlaalaalppl and Louisiana, snd oerioasly Inynred the crop In Florid, with the etneetstkm of heavy tslne la enatliera Mlsslssltipl and Florid. and ahowers la portion of A Is hams' snd Oeorgie. - The west her -conditions hart been fsrorsM for picking la Hie Carolina. Oenrgla, rjorlil snd Alabama. It I eetlmated that from 60 to 75 par rest of tit JjsO as asad la MUsUsUisJ ua4 tial.Ssmsi Baa peas getnerefl ta lerss rmm ns to ZaUallshsd lire. OOR PIilllTSOUK CCST ADYCK1TCS Thoaaaade la Portland aad an aver the aerthwest eaa testify to ear great aad aa. aamptod escceee. , , , GONORRHCE A May be attended with the gravest complica tion If neglected or Improperly tree tad. We BT a apedfle treatment which aare gulckly, safely sad palnlaaaly. . Syphilis ; , f snother aeqalnd dlsesss, the rsvegea ef which when fully developed a pea eaa describe. Whsa. It show by skin rupMou or by (one la mouth or throat Its horrors are already brgua. Ws .safely and that. eugbly care yea aad BO salaeral peaaoaa at, eupleyed., VARICOCELE AND HYDROCELE ' . We treat sad can, sot by the eM sweatee! procedur, but by s nslnle method solely oar own. We likewise will care yea and at yea tb suffering sssoclated with Xsrveas DsbUlty, lost Maahood, Impstaaoy, Spsrmatorrhoea, Xsetarnal XmUsioaa, Prs matun DecUae, less ef Memory, Knargy aad Amhltioa In the briefest time ft eaa be does and we insure yea a.atf aad positive ear., ConsDltatlou and xminatloa free. Write for symptom blank aad Book If yea eaaaet eaU. Office Bonn: S s. St. te S b. sv Baa days, 10 to 12. : . ST. LOUIS Midlcat and Surgical , DISPENSARY Oor. Id aad TaatklB thu. rartUad. Oa. $1.00fo1r$1.00i Turkish 1 Bath anA rood bad fos Bleat. aB tot Ik, King's Baths SevanUt aoA Waab. tat-toa Sta. BTnaat and largast amtaa as tha eity. i soinmrar HOPiaars ctx, (EsUbllsbad lltt.) , . an stock nVMrn 4, Otosmd Tloov, ersrAsewwav n ov ns-rwTM. : tndt.a Tserttorv from HI to SO Bar cent, and m Arkana and Tennessee from ta U par cent. . tirTfrarruit, ' Urerpool, Oct. 8. Cot toa foture closed Bs cnangto. jrrw tori cowtb xarxxt. New Tork, Oct.' t. Coffee futures closed to 10 point ap. Official quotations: ' J. , Bid. Aak.l . ... Bid. Aak. January Tt. 7.25 f 7.80 July 17.60 $7.61 Pebruary .. 7. SO 7.3ft1 August T. . T.70 March T.40 T.45i September T.70 T.78 April T.45 T.60 October .... t.00 - T. May 7.60 7.5ol Noremher .. T.05 T.l June T.59 101 December .. T T.28 Toniga Oeffe Karketa. Harre. Oct. 8. Coffee future advsneed t I tl.mhure nnrhanted to an. Rio re ceipts. S dare. 25.000 bsga; prlcee T5 down. Santos. S days, 46,000 bags; prices firm bat unchanged. . ... leg Terk Oaah Coffee. - New Tork. Oct. S. Cssh coffeel No. T Rio, 8C. No. d Santo. Se. Raw Torh-Loadea Sugar, New Tork, Oct. S. Refined sngn u ehsnged snd firm: raws steady; Loudon beet. d; November 8 ltd. KEES SUMMARILY REMOVES DOCTOR BULOCK Trouble at Walla Walla Peniten tiary Culminates in Open Rupture. (Special Dispatch ta Th Journal.) Walla Walla, Wash.. Oct I. Tha ill feellns between Warden Kees and Prison Physician Blalock, arlslnr' ovsr th placing of-th6 TtegponBtblllty- for tha CDldemlc of tvDhold at the peniten tiary, culminated this mornlna in kees summarily .removing Blalock after the latter had refused to tender his resig nation. Tha rupturs cam, when BU- lock arrived at me priaon to mage nis dally munds at tha hospital. Keea called Blalock Into his private office and said that sa harmony between them had ceaaed to exist Blalock had batter Bend In his resignation. Blalock hotly declined to do so, when Kees summarily removed him. - Blalock demanded that his removal be placed in writing, but Kees refused. Blalock said ha would expectlo-drawJils jolaryuntll such time aa ho waa formally removed and left tha prison. Kees Immediately ap pointed Dr. J. C. Mack of Uila city priaon physician. . .. ... ; -.: .. ...... .... .. ... ; FAMOUS DIVING DOG - ,DES AT VANCOUVER -' ' (Special Olapatcb to Th Journal.) Vancouver. Waah., Oct. . DanJy, tha dog who bald tha Pacific coaat rec ord for high diving, died In this city lAst night aa tha result of several at tacks of congestion of - the-: rtpmach. Dandy's record waa 71 feet. He la. It la thought, the best known canlna In tha Pacific coast atatea, having ap peared publicly In all tha large cities. Mora than 10,000 of his photos are dis tributed In Oregon. Washington and California. At tha Chutes In San Fran cisco Dandy waa a prima favorite. It vaa while there that a San Francisco newspaper printed tha statement that A BinorrflTHJI- Often ends In a aad accident. To heal accidental Injuries, use Bucklen's Ar nica Halve. - "A deep wound In my font. from an wocldent," writes Theodora Brhuele, of ColunihuS, 0 "oaueed me great pain. Phynlclana were helpless, hut fturklen's Arnica Halve otiirltlv pealed it." Poothes snd heals burns Ilka fnagin. znr at Bkiamor Uruf vo. 461 ulLbifA Spraat. At the Dantuet lUast Night V 1 They all said the same y, Elliott promised the greatest 'railroad, Mr. Wilcox " promised the deepest river. GoverncChamberlain -and Mayor lane promised the best state and the finest y ; city. ; y: ": '' -' "irwasIghFyef was that spread. Ande7" beUeve it alL PORTLAND WILL BE GREAT. . Right here we break in to say that Vernon lots at the :'.; present little prices are profit-makers, f ji 1 . :. ." ' , Come in and get a contract today, f , ; ' " r: $90 $400 Mooro ' PAYMENTS 15IJ5 SlJCtta 7 we; J - ..J ',Chase-s-; Dyspepsia : hi it Cure (LIQUID) -jg jhe eaeit Temiij for dyspepsia , or Indigestion ctt made.. , The problem is to make jroti know It ' HOW It will rielp you from the " first dose, and curt you If its use Is persisted in for a short time. - - ; Trio nmhlsm is io make vom know it r., -mmm Therefore, In order to induce sufferers from dyspepsia to c'v Chase's Dyspepsia Cure a fair trial we ask them to go to any drurgist and ret a bottle. : If after three day' trial too are not satisfied that it iswbt voa want, go to the druffist and fet your money back without question or srpiroent - ' ; - Price, 5Sc aavi L00 par kettle THE CHASE KFG. C0n Kcwhath, N. Y. FOR SALE BY WOODARD, CLARKE & CO. r Qodern Floors at : -1. w tut . a. V.';w W a- L-re -Jk SDaviesV m as X vl.v". TNX ff'-" Anyone csn spply Dsvles' Vsrno Stsia Lad sncceasfnlry, Imitstint sny expensive wood desired.l Stains snd varnishes with one operation, requiring no skill to secure perfect results. . Ask for card showing cood combinations. i ratal Acs Vbite Lead For Sale 5 p OVERBECK, STARR & COOKE QO Members Chicago Board of Trade. ,' - OBAZBT, SSOTTSIOaTS, OOTTOBT, STOCatl AWO OaTDS. , 101 Third Street McKay Building. Portland. Or. WB1 DO A TaUCTX.T OOBrJaTtSSIOaT BtrSXKBSS. , Continuous Markets br Private Wire. . 1 Tlltoo. bankers, and United he waa dead as the result of a high diva. , .'. . ' Dandy was 11 years old. . ; ' Harry It. llolmee, owner of ' Dundy, said: "Dandy has been reported dead on alx different occaalona, For tha benefit of thoae who kneay Dandy and In view of the previous mlsatatementa, I. wish to make thla .authorised suta- menu" , ' TO MAKE MILLS FILE - fifteen l:;llic:j co:.d (Innrnal Special Serlc " Chlcaro.'tjct. I. '1 ha city of Chlras today fllad sn e ' -v't In f fvlrrsl tourt la c-ii... 4 . t.s C-.." thing." Mr. Hill and Mr. Investment Co. (i eA n tt U lilolkUlei froors tfl every part of yoar boms with ao gxpendirura bat a 11 toe of yoar owa drnt sod tbd price of xAScsaof. - if Varno 5tain Lac aa VarssA di Color Works, Detroit! by the Mew Era Paint Cm, : v ' Varnish Co. 208-210 front St ' Quirk Service. RKlTCRKNtTIS Lsi'ld m atatea National Bank ef Portland. ..LI ., ! l.AJ U- s Oss litigation, declaring that IX. d. Mills, ss tha principal stockholder of the Peo ple's Qea company, should be compelled to bond for 1I.000,0 to maure re. garment to , gonsumers of II cents oa each 1.000 cable feet uaed since Ilia pas. sage of the brdlnsnce reducing tha price of gaa from II to It cents. It d - thstjjhe people are not proiec- j ' out a bond;" : 1 . tew r Holders r' sold t e f i weatern t tied to f Cet-'l y e