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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1905)
V e . t t::s oszco:)" - daily jcuhiialy Portland, kohday evening, ocTOSza 8. V - 110 iioici;ie8 Miss Mary Brookins kins 'Tell, of Christian Science and Cor V rects Wrong Impressions. ' BELIEVERS DO NOT WORSHIP MRS. EDDY -u To Know Ood If to Know Good Only ; -t-Chatian 8cience Hat Other Ob- ( jeft BelJ Healing Evil Is Not t: of Ood.N iv:,i'l-;' MBcianee brought a Immense throng last BlKbt to the.Marquaro to hear the leo- tture given by ihe distinguished woman lot Minneapolis, one of the board of II (ton. The lecture wu a c6mpllmntary tone given under .the auspices of the Flrat and Second' Churches, of Christ, (Scientist, of Portland; and, as explained by the members, was given not for re TlvaUtlq purposes, but to Correct mis ''apprehensions about the faith. V- Both floors Pf the building were filled land the local members of the .faith sat j on the stage, to the number of about i 850, in Order to make room for. the vls ) Iting audience. Miss Brookins Is a most ; pleasing - speaker, .with a low. sweet , -voice which carries readily to every part of the house. She was listened to at tentively by the large audience and sue- ' teeeded in holding Its undivided attention to the last. , Willis B. Dunlwsy Introduced Miss Brookins,'. speaking briefly of the -ichanged attitude within -in- past- few -years toward the new faith which was , at first subjected' to the same scorn and - contumely that.uneeta almost every new 1 movement. . ItajTposttlon today, be said, has proved its worth. ( Miss Brookins said, In part: - - "Wt have met to consider for an hour 'or more the subject of Christian 8cl jence, and it Is my wish to present It to you In the light of a practical religion and remedy showing - Christianity , and Science to be one and demonstrable. - "Looking closely Into the face of hu manity today, one must be Impressed with two salient features In Its general aspect, namely, a wholesome discontent j with what it. has. and eager, energetic divri w vuuin wui 11 un nisi. ."If there -were no sense of Joss, or . lack, or limitation -no throes of dire de struction or distress, there were no need of a remedy. If the reign of health and ' righteousness and peace were conscious ly established in. the experience of the I people . today there were no room for . further "redemption, and no use for firs -continued offices of a Redeemer. Veopl Hot Content.---' "Bat such is not the case. We are not : content to bear those Ills we have' any mare than we are to fly to others thai ' we knowj not of.1 An Instinctive impulse ' . In the het of man protests against the , heritage j of evil entailed. ipon the race . of Adages nd either beats its hopeless wings against the boundaries of Its sup poped, environment. or industriously oc cupies Its time in mors or less Intelli gent effort to escape. . . s "Christ Jesus expounded and exempli fied life that means power, authority, 1 dominion over the flesh. It was not after the storm bad subsided, but in the very midst of its fury that he said, ; 'Peace, be still,' and there was a great , calm. He did not wait for the ascen- sion before declaring; -'I have overcome the world.' In view of these assurances of man's 'dominion over all material elements, 11- I lustrated by what has actually occurred. And tells what " ll ' " ' f ' . - . f I m . II . I - Lom to America; jof New . York and Newport. By the authors of " The Lightning Conductor. -The story of "LADY BETTY" begins in the Ladies' Home Journal THE CURTIS . It will never be found in the mind of man to be content with anything leas than the conscious, possession and exer cise of life that is In perfect consonance with absolute good. - i . .'eave aad the War. .'..! "According to the teaching Of Chris tian 'Science heaven is harmony ' itself, the absolute reign of spirit without a rival power that condition of mind In which principle actually does! govern end control all with supreme and undi vided sway. This definition bag no ref erence to time or place. ... 1 ! : . "And hero let us note, aa we nave seen before, that there is. that native quality of aspiration, inherent inl hu manity, that will, never, in Its hope. and expectancy, and eager pursuit,! stop short of the absolute, the Infinite, the everlasting tru$h itself, V. ... ' '!( '. "This being the case, there must be an exact and unmistakable way to this acme -of -achievement,- this -longed-for goal, this 'the' desired of all nations.' and wo believe such a way te have been discovered and revealed to this age',! by Our reverend . leader and teacher, ; Rev. Mary Baker Eddy, in what has ; been named by her 'Christian Science.' ; We also believe that the teachings of this science, ones thoroughly understood, and rightly -practiced, are fully adequate to the accomplishment of even so Infinite an end.-; r.:-- ; r -Y - Slsoovery of Christian ajcieaee. ; ' First of all. be It known that Chris- an. Science Is not aoma tiling that Mrs; Eddy has Invented or manufactured In some storehouse or workshop, of .human conjecture. , It is not a system of men tal therapeutics in which the muscles or organs' or. elements of mortal' mentality are manipulated for the benefit of the sick. ,. v - ; .. - V rJ-j.:' - tV l , . "Knowing is knowledge and - ral knowledge IS - science; " and, - s truth alone can be known, the only absolute knowing or knowledge or science, mtlst be that which pertains to truth, and1 achieves the purposes of good and It is our purpose . to show ehsit i Christian; Science la Just such Chrlstly knowledge,! or Christian knowledge, t To ua adenoe. In order to be science at 'all, must be Chrtstly or Christian Sciences and must always, ; xrom everlasting, nave pee Christian Science, coexistent with th anolent of days, t . ' . . rThen j. the advent of Christian -Bel ence at this time simply means (ha the discovery was made- through . h pairs, Spiritual discernment of Mrs. Ednl dy, - that there is, and ever has been, available to man, 'a science so Cbristly. ao unerring. and so comprehensive . In Its -nature) and operation; as to actually maet the needs of the race ln'vori coming its vsried Ills; that this science Is ths knowledge of Ood and his eter nal laws; and that" coincident" with her discovery Mrs. Eddy founded a system of practice, teaching and preaching, which Is calculated to bring this' knowl edge within the reach of all who wish to avail themselves of Its beneficent offices. :r v " - -. ! 'Christian Scientists do not worship Mrs. Eddy, as some suppose. They sim ply thank and love and revarence her for the good she haa done. When mor tal thought misjudges or misrepresents or maligns Mrs. Eddy It must be out of totsl lack of appreciation of her mis sion, and of , the wonder of her fulfill ment of it No one having any adequate conception of her history- can but be stirred to t the depths , ofntys being by the unutterable pathos, and the -unmeasured majesty : of a life - lived so near to Ood. t. " Mot Kind Ore Kind. ' -As a direct result of the sdvent of Christian Science more unity of purpose and mora concerted action are In evi dence along all higher llnea of human progress. The teaching reveale one fundamental principle named life, truth, mind, love, spirit,. Ood, infinite being, hence the only One. In this profoundly simple doctrine .of tha oneness of mind, of sptrlL of life, of power. Is found sis of action that precludes friction and insures harmony. The claim -has been made by .those who believe In minds many, that influ ences for good may be exerted by one human mind acting upon another hu man mind through mesmerism, or hyp shef sees in the "Smartest Set' : : cents at ah News-Stands ' PUBLISHING - COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA notism, or mental suggestion. .But the one divine- mind that la omnipotent mast Include within Itself all the power there is. Hence there le no agency Mot p"btency for good that Is not Involved within it. Why look for mora than the allT Or why expect to find something outside of or -beyond the Infinite? "Besides, it Is a well-known fact that the thought and purposes and'actlvlties of the- human mind are by ne means confined-to the offices pf good.' Who would willingly Intrust his welfare Jo hands -that might work good or 111 at pleasure, when the Infinity of divine good is ever at hand, assertlag Its undi vided right to rule and to bless ths raosT Christian Science teaches that the two Christian -of flees of preaching ths gos pel and heating the sick are so insepara ble,' so equal In Importance, and so iden tified In purpose snd method that one's Christian Ufa Js Incomplete if either, on is omitted. In A system wherein science snd religion are one, the theology must be curative, .. .. ?v.f.', .- . : ;. .....v - Blghteone Uriagv Tree ITayer. . . "Christian Scientists have been -palled a prayerleas people, but like many of tha statements concerning them, this one is quite the opposite of the fact. Indeed, It le only through -the teaching of this science that we have found It possible to obey the scriptural Injunction, "Pray without ceasing.' .While, no one can o continually in the physical attlttida ef prayer.: nor forever renefttnsr lta words or formulate one can always be -k llenC" spirit uaFoommunlon with vOod.,1 Believing aa we do thst wa are created and sustained by the one divine Mind, who gives and does Exceedingly- more abundantly than we can ask or think.' our prayers assume less- the form of petition snd more that of grateful1, ac knowledgment and thanksgiving. ' ,'The best demonstrator of God's power was wont to-sy. . Of iulie own self I can do nothing; the Father that dwelleth In- me he doeth the works.' Thus he repudiated not only all material remedies, but -all hypnotic influence and control. A habitual declaration of man's unity with ths divine and Inexhaustible Life. "the real ' and Jndestructlble sub stance, the Infinite and . Omnipotent Love; la the effectual prayer that avall eth much, in that it heals and redeems the sln-slck and bodily infirm and casts out all manner of evil. To' the extent that prayer ceases to be an attempt to Inform Omnipotent Wisdom or to pe tition Infinite" Love. It . becomes ths prayer of faith that shall and doles savs the oleic. , '.if "..ill.-.' ' v. . Seals) Both Sia sad lokneee. ' - -'"Though, not muah given to statistics, we can say without exaggeration that (-many hundreds of thousands 'of so-called incurable cases of disease : have been healed through Christian Science.-Notwithstanding this astsundlng statement its work Is by no means eonflned to ths oure-of physical ills rather Is this inci dental to the vastly greater mission of healing aln .and leading in all mattera of genuine reform.' It reclaims ths sinner, not through fear ofpunUhment-nor an ticipation of reward, but by the suprem acy of mind that Is good, dispelling the illusion of his lovs of sin, and jby ao up lifting his sense of god and enlarging his affection for It, that he -peases to And satisfaction in aught but tjfie way -of holiness. Hosts of people have been and are being healed of the appetlie for In toxicants, tobacco , snd opium through this sort of temperance' Wprk proving it tf be a prohibition that actually does prohibit the sin Itself Instead of spend ing Its energies in the fruitless attempt to prevent the' consequences; pf sin. . "Chrlstlsn science comes ; as a mes sage from the All Father; looking to ward the fuller establishment of bis kingdom on earth as It Is in, heaven. It Is the angel that troubles the, waters of way-worn' and-weary, the physically, mentally and morally infirm may be re freshed and healed. Its mission is to bring lto human knowledge I the ever- present healing Christ, the risen Savior, reappearing now not In person, but In Ides, to save and bless mankind. svu Mot of trod. "Since Ood Is good and Infinite, to know Ood Is to know good only. Wore we not from the first forbidden to know Both good and evilt "Of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou ahalt not eat of It.' One of the otrongeet ar guments brought forward In support of OCTOBER . if n . ll L ' -; ' . DA1NTT DRESS FOR CHILDREN. , ' """;'-.' '. Pattsrn No, I7H. ' ': An Seams Allowed.'? '"..':' Ths pretty dress here depicted Is a one piece modsl and Is made tn double, box plaits la front and back, tinea, obam. Mortals for flevelopli terlals for developing. v ' ;: Ths pattern Is In T slsee-a to I years. For a child of I years ths drees requires Mfc yards of material rf Inches wide, t yards M laches wide. Ti. yards 44 Inches Wide, r I yards W Inches wide. . . ... Price, 10 cents. ' .. . ' ni osaooir xaxi.t ?oinurA& wiu nijrS ABOTB WATTBsVsT VOT vaxd ovost mmamirr or , aaUCB.i ), - No aise. ........... jfame ''.!-': ":: 'v;; ...... Address ....,.,,.... City ............................... State evil is' the claim that Oodj is Its author and austalnar; that in some Inscrutable way, that' nobody undertakes satisfac torily to explain, Ood has assigned to evil a large and useful place In tha di vine economy; that nis theodicy requires sn admixture of two opposite and con flicting forces to bring shout an ultl mate result, which, after all. Is a total failure, liv that neither one of such con tradictory elements could ever attain to eupremacy. - "It le evidenced' that God's creation must be like him; must fairly express and represent that which Is in Ood to be expressed as an effect must : always be like Its cause. Admitting this, if we undertake to give evil a place In God's universe, we find ourselves in ths. dl lemma Of either pronouncing evil good. or else considering Ood cspable of orig inating the opposite of good. It Is' not likely that any of us would willingly grasp sitner horn of this dilemma. ''Science eliminates the falsa suppo sition of an element of evil that cannot exist In ths omnipresence and omnipo tence of Ood 'who la good; and restores the primitive and unadulterated knowl edge of - the Jreal creation, pronounced by dtvlne wisdom 'very - good.' , That truth, rightly understood and separated from Illusion, demonstrates harmonious and unfailing Life, Is being daily at tested by countless proofs, and ty thslr xruiis. ye snail jenow them." t . " 9emoastratea fey AIL "Finally, we who have had expert mental knowledge of the value of this science do not hesitate i to. recommend moot earnest study Of this vital subject ana association with those who haw made aoroe progress In its lore. We es peclaly advocina tha dally perusal of the textbook, 'Science and! Health With Key to the Scriptures,' in connection with the Bible, pondering deeply snd ap plying as lar as possible its wonderful precepts, thue coming Into closer ac quaintance and i fellowship with Its in spired author. Then you will find that you, too, can demonstrate the spiritual power of the undaunted thought . of truth, to supplant any and every sug gestion or evil; can prove that Divine Mind to omnipotent to heat and save to the uttermost. ,. . . i . "Progression is ths Inevitable outcome of all honest endeavor. So If we are alncerely seeking truth fori truth's own sake, we must ail- move along under this Impartial ruling, gaining continu ally a greater sense of peace snd power, am we an come into the unity of faith and of the knowledge of the Son of Ood, unto a perfect man, unto the measures of the suture of . the fullness of Christ.' - i- I ' . i . . . BARBECUE CLOSED RED i LETTER CELEBRATION fgDMlal Diaiwteh tn Ths Jonni.l. : Grants Pass, Or.. Oct 8. Ths, Bed Letter sale days closed Saturday with a street- parade" fnthe -morning," fol lowed by a barbecua at noon. Three kinds of meat were furnished to the big crowd In attendance, bestdes bread, po tato salad and coffee.. In the afternoon a drilling contest and baseball game took place. The drilling contest -was won by the Oronlte Hill team, which drilled 1 49 Inches In IS minutes Is hard granite. . , i ;.- V TRUSTED CASHIEfflETS FIVE YEARS 4N PRISON (Special Dispatch: te The foarael.) Spokane, Wash. ' Oct. 1. Joseph Leahy, trusted cashier and book-keeper of the 'American, Typefounders' com pany, was sentenced to ths penitentiary' for a term of five years, Friday, for the embesslement of a sum aggregating 1500. The defendant had full charge of the accounts and money of the com pany, and the misappropriation of Its funds is supposed to i have covered a period of more than a year. He waa In dicted by the grand Jury. , 1 STRANGE DISAPPEARANCE I OF ASHLAND HOTEL MAN Ar ' . ' ij ; .. : (Kperlal Dlipatrh te The Imrnal.) Ashland, Or., Oct. I. Bud Scrlbner, who but recently leased the Ashland hotel In this city about o'clock Saturday morning went to the holel'offtte, looked at the register, wslked out Into ths street and disappeared utterly. J He had been farming In Scott valley. California dur ing Jbe past year. His relatives fear that hs haa been foully dealt with. , N0TfHIirrEENTHTLOOR IN NEW HOTEL GOTHAM I V . f Joeraal Special gwTlaa,V - New Tork, Oct. I. The new Hotel Qothem. on Fifth avenue, directly oppo atte the St Regis, opened last night Th4 structure eost.t4.000.doe and Is a trifle larger than the St Regie, contain ing e more rooms. It Is to be to great - . .' . . ..- - , : i .' :. I .-. L ',-.....-..' u '-.: .-'- 'I- 4 ' . . : ( . ; ., u .-rV--.-..W-'-.4--V ' . - -r-.V-.-4-- U.--.. .t-:-4 liXV'""- r"' --jTf--i-.-:: ! "''-. ."'.. ' -" ';":: ;- .-.'.;FTT'r7"T7?"'t Ts-,i -, - r7- O-TT: TTP"7 -rr -- ' -t u,.. , ey .. i "; :1" '' " '--;.' . ; ' ' ; ' ' ' .,-,.' t .- Crowning and Clsk Ceritennial Expo- rition ancLOrientallFair Portland Homes Fortune Favored. Rare and Costly Japanese Articles Remain : "i. as Souvenirs " . Japan's Tribute to America and sMrrV1r TValt'o-Vif s4 OTyeae Vis ' . : . ... Society of Japanese Ait Admirers Lovers of Japanese Art, Curios, Wares and Manufactures have a rare opportunity to secure valuable articles from Fair Japan at small cost. Worth of, the finest goods known in Japan were sent to the Lewis and Clark Cen termial Exposition for exhibition purposes.. This magnificent collection is the best products of. over 200 manufacturers, artists and curio collectors, and is now displayed in the Oriental Building at the Fair. Not more than one half" of this superb exhibit has been disposed of and rather than ' reship these beautiful wares and manufactures to Japan many pf the exhibitors are' willing to : . . - - Sacrifice Their Exhibits Some are willing to accept the cost price in Japan. This would be a mere pittance as compared to the selling price in the art emporiums and dry goods stores and ba zaars of America. It means a rare . bargain at about 25 per cent of the old selling price. The exhibitors believe that the distribution of these beautiful goods and art works on the Pacific Coast will prove a valuable advertisement for the home market. In order that this beneficent result may be secured for local connoisseurs and all others interested, a number of PROMINENT AND INFLUENTIAL CITIZENS of Oregon and Washington have taken advantage of the situation and organised a TSociety Art Admirers Patrons of this Great Sale are guaranteed more values than can be obtained in American marts. It is the intention of the Society to give away One thousand dollars' worth of Fine Japanese articles at the Oriental Building on the Lewis and CJark Fair Grounds. The cheaper articles among the exhibits have been sold. Only the very best and very choicest goods remain. v Many of the most prominent state, county, city and exposition officials are honorary members of this Society. V -Those who wish to become members of the Society of Japanese Art Admirers can do so by applying at the Society's headquarters in the Oriental Building, where the 1 goods and articles of merchandise and manufactures can be seen, admired and appreciated,:.- . . . '-..;,-::. cV. '-: V- Full information can be obtained also from JAPANESE SECRETARY, ORIEN TAL BUILDING, LEWIS AND CLARK EXPOSITION; FAIR JAPAN, ON THE TRAIL, LEWIS AND CLARK EXPOSITION; PORTLAND HOTEL; M. FU RUYU CO., 51 NORTH FOURTH STREET. ; i. fi & TAKATA, Secretary :sszsxxs Prevents Brirflit'o Dioeaoe and Diab otco I : ! ' - WOODARD. CLARKE A CO. AND 8. Q. SKIDMORK A CO. ' estent . en apartment hoteu Xu ids Oothara stands within 209 rest or. church, the hotel haa no bar, but liquors will be bought outside ana eervea te guests. . . I . - Another litterestms; resture le isst thers is no thirteenth floor. It le e tQ-StOry bulldlB. end the omission of the thirteenth floor fie fiven it ll stories. . Th " " - 'i' Xw Sets Slde-TrtB 1ekeJb Holders ef Lewie -ssxl Clerk tlokete sold eest ef Poeatello or Butte end the weetera boundary of Jlrlaons ars enti tled te flften-dsr ene-fe.- tlekete to eertsls -point en th Or R. a N. Par ticulars by esklnf et Third and Wssh tng toa streets, rorUaad. Feature of Prospect r- 400,000 If . Japaiose and Tremsnrer- the Lewis Portland Thor- T9eHo-i4 4 , -Ra. PUKAOAWA, President Experience Teribs That cheap pslnt td start with will be dear pslnt to end with. Better M paint for the first coat end the lr at the very berlnnlnf which le t f -irreena and mixed at cxxj gr- i rial, even ff4t does cost a 1....J more. Wi would like le have a ' chat with you on the pelnt Won't you drop la eom oajr ev.f risiiETi:::-"'? reTT-arr tr: