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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1905)
I; Tin:, cnrcou daily joutijai; rcnTLAi.D. i:o::day . evening. ocTorzn s. . TRUTH IS GOOD ENOUGH Wa allow no exaggerations la our advertising. When we quote a, reduction it is an actual deduction from our telling price. Deceiving, untruthful "worthe," unfortunately too common in newspaper an- nouncements, 'have no place in this store's advertising. In tha "worth $10.00 for $1.95 value-claiming, we are proud to say we. are not in it, but in real, e very-day value-giving, and for genuine bargains in what we advertise, we recognize no peer in America. Von will find some excellent examples, in this advertisement V ' COMPARE TinO STORE'S REGULAR VALUZ3 ; WITH THOSE ELSEWHERE , .We wish customers would naka It a point to ask our clerks the : former price on advertised articles. If there should be any variation j from quotations in the newspaper you will confer a favor on the management by reporting it. Another pointRight now, at tba beginning of tba aaaaon, is whan our lower prices count. Our mer chandise is marked at a uniform increase over cost. We do not -- try to see how much profit the new things will stand, but bow good an article we can afford to sell at a given price. . CZzto C?c: CltTOClZZZi c:cuon hcot op ohioaqo TUESDAY BARGAINS, OCTOBER 3 At thejStof e Today A Matchless Auturnja Sale Composed of . Seasonable, Stylish Merchandise of. Dependable Unriiatchable Values in Character Z0 Z 3- . ! Demonstration of "Wisdom's Violet Cream" for the toilet on "The :A' ;, Fair-Way," First Floor, main building. j Watches Gleaned And warranted one year for 75c New mainsprings for 75c All relry at proportion near large elevators. other repairing on . jewelry at proportionate prices First Floor, 1 H Free Lessons in Fancy Needlework iirrrxt1 Given by an expert artiste in the At Stitchery Shop, . My! How the Youngsters' Are ' v:; : . v ' Working; , . DAY AND NIGHT THEY ARE HUSTLING FOR VOICES .IN THE AMERICAN MANUAL TRAINING SCHOOL CONTEST. allots Pouring in P A Perfect Deluge :z-y--''-; , ' T NAMES OF LEADING TEN CONTESTANTS IN THE AMERI ' .CAN" MANUAL TRAINING SCHOOL VOTING CONTEST i WITH . 8TANDING OF EACH AT 10 A. M. TODAY. ROBERT HOLMES, Harriaon....,i ..... ...7718.078 GEORGE SLATER, Ladd.t '. 17.369 WRIGHT BROWN, Clinton 15,828 TRUMAN COOK, Failing.. 14,511 R OLA N D MALM, . Sunnyalde .i.e.. . , . . ................ 1 1,246 SIDNEY CRUMM. North Central.... 10.437 JAMES WINSTON, Harrison...; v.. 10,019 lOHN wILHELM. Couch. ...... ...:rr... ... ..f HENRY HAWKINS, Davia..... MARION OGDEN. Ockley Green Scattering ,.............:....... 25,61$ - I-'. UJ l l. ---TOTAL -.. f V-r sTarsrsm sjr sr. 148,446 .............. ....... u, ww 8,371 SB 4A Housekeep i m . -w aasi a 1 : Every thing -for Housekeeping ers THIRD AND FOURTH FLOORS ' " Everything for Housekeeping" has been made a subject of earnest study for nigh onto thirty-one years by this "Old Homestead " Store. The housewife of to day has the benefit of this effort in the OLDS, WORTMAN & KING STORES. She will find in these establishments china tableware from the great potteries of the world, ex quisite cut glass, in which-America excels; the prettiest patterns - brushes -and other'" requisites fbr the bathroom; enamel ware, sad ' irons, clothes-wrinarers. bread-mixers, mest-choooers. knives, forks ' and spoons for the kitchen, laundry helps and everything else that may be required for the1 modern house. The dual advantage of getting "Everything for Housekeeping" in one store, from an insignificant article for. the humblest apartment in the house to the carpets, curtains and hangings for the humble home , of the wage-earner or the most pretentious city mansion, is a con venience that bas kept pace with the steady advancement of present day methods of doing business. Speaking of CARPETS (Fourth ' Floor), run thro' all the carpet ads published by Portland houses yesterdsy or today. Clip 'em out of the newspapers and, bring 'em -JuMrcr-after csarninin g qu at i t i es el se wh ere antfr we 'II save you money Df selling you liic carpcis lur icis in every insn.c. r Largest and Neweat Stock of Carpets on the Coast Lowest Prices in the Northwest Other Household Needs at Sale Prices. . 8pecial Today and Tomorrow.' jA . . '. . . y NEW COMMUNITY. SILVERWARE. V .v7 A choiceJine of fancy pieces New Community Silverware; guaranteed for 25 vears: artistic designs in French gray and burnished finish- Teaspoons, set of 6, at. .81.80 Dessert Spoom 1 able spoon Forks, set of Knives, set of 6, at .'..l. .$2.75. '.'New novelties in ChinaGlass and, Silverware 'arriving daily. New rich 'decorations -in Austrian China Pistes, Teas, Salads, Berry Bowls and Fancy Pieces. See them. , . - Portland agents for the famous Libbey Cut Glass; best guarantee of quality, workmanship and design; name etched on. every piece. Colored Globes for hall lamps Special at, each'.. ....... ......81.35 . hanging lamps $4.50. ., - , A line of Hanging Lamps, with Rochester burners, decorated shade and on fount jo tnatcn, metn osnq arauna snaae. special poonss, set of 6, at... ...82.65 on, set of 6, at...' .......,....:.........;...$ S.OO of 6, at.. $3.00 at, each .v.. $4.50 v ODD PIECESPTNNER SETS AT HALF PRICE. Closing out odd pieces open stock Dinner Sets at HALF PRICE Decorated Dinner Plates Special at, the doien............. .5 KS-Inrh Mf1 Dih Snril at. nch. ........... .. .... .. 8T Td Bfue'Tone Dishes Spec1aTiTrrhrdqien ; v75ai : Covered Dishes Special at, ech.............,...........,....BOe' . Covered Soup Tureens Special at, each.; , 75 KITCHEN FUKWISMINQS. j y. r ; ( Potato Masher of Fruit Press Special at, each.'.. .. ... 777. ...5e Universal Food Chopper Family size Special atr eacnrr..-,S5 Kitchen Sets, fork and spoons Special at, each. ,.vV.;... 1 Crown Bread Set, three pieces Special at rach.V.V,Vi..t...'i.. .94 E See, yesterday's Full Page of Advert tiseaBargains to Which Those JBelow ' -4 ' Should Be Added. Cut out both lists and bring them , to , the1 store today for reference , while shopping. Thi3 great "complimehtary sale" isgivenat this time as a mark of appreciation to those visitors within the city's gates and our good home folk who came and helped lis make it 85,133 "Portland Day," We'll make it possible for you to save the expenses of your trip in your Autumn :1 j 'ibuying if you trade here Matchless Values in 17 Big Fashion Show in the Grand Salons These Dress Ex hibits Worthy of a Museum ,. ; - ON SECOND FLOOR. . . , .. ;. y j in spots and jopon every, day of the year, toii atbre s-not atore... . . '"' It rises .abovt profit-making and becomes a picture glleryf(tr -cathedral with Its altar organ or a Studio of. Fashions. '. ' . i - ' ' '. , Anybody able to buy dresses may havehe productions of WbrtbrPaquiri. Doucet, Agnes, Beerr Doeuillet, etf., and jo far as we are concerned they are welcome 40 them. . " '. - : t . ; - v 'i - - ------t. - -r--r.v-, We do not want for these great revelations of artistic' growth in 'color-blending, embroidery and new formations of silks, sitins and laces, what seems to satisfy others. There would be no particular need for this place if it did not succeed in calling to Portland at all seasons and particularly now the alUsurpassing creations of the mas ters of dress conceptions. " v -Sight makes it self-evident that there are indescribable loveliness iathe-fiidden treasures that coma- here from the salons of Paris. ' Money is the smallest part of getting these superb things together for America,. : Matchless Suit Values Look Where You Win You'll Not Find Their Equal - U at I1&50. : WOMEN'S TAILORED SUITS FOR $1150. Tho'.we sell more auits at higher prices than the above - named, we offer this week the best value at the price ' we have ever known shown by any house in America. It again illustrates our absolute supremacy in the ! apparel market The nearest we are approached locally at this value is by a house that shows a suit not quite so good as these we .offer, BUT AT' A HIGHER PRICE. Thev call it "A $25.00 and $27.50 value sold by them at $20.00." Our price is $18.50. The suits: Navy, black or gray mixtures, cheviots and homespuns.- Cut in Redingote styles, coats with leg-o'-mutton sleeves, notched collar; Skirts full plaited, 9 and 18 gored. Very smartly tailored. ' Best value you ever saw. with all the wearing aeason ahead 18.50 . COATS FOR THEATRE WEAR AND AUTOMOBILINO. The finest line ever shown in all the west. No local - house could hope to compete with such a monster showing of authoritative styles. Among this gather ing we call especial attention to the magnificent con vention of FUR-LINED COATS. Rich broadcloths in black and colors, with padded and quilted linings for elderly women, Among the furs we note mink, squirrel, astrachan and Persian lamb. As low as $35.00. At good as .... 5175 Three-Quarter Length Coats . f 7.50 to SSS.OO ' Especially Strong Linea at f 12.50 f 15 and 18.50 (The Biggest Values Ever Shown in the City , by Any Honae.) A GREAT VALUE IS A NEW THREE-QUARTER -LENGTH COAT FOR $7.30. A handsome Coat cut in very latest and smartest .mode, - made of stylish mannish mixed tweedish materials, in the swell box effect; haa leg-o'-mutton sleeves, ' belted back, self ! collar and trimmed in atrap and button effects. Most stores would consider, these' coats priced low at $10.0GLIt'a a habit we hive-to undersellour price for these coata is.. ...... 7.50 HANDSOME COATS AT S18J0 MATCHLESS VALUES. - We've arranged several linea to be offered at the above price, and allow choice of all leading atyles. Empire - modes, Raglans or Box Coats, all in the popular three-quarter lengths, materials the smart mannish mixtures in the roughish effects so much favored by awell dressers. Buttons and strappings form the trimming accessories. Outside patch pocketa are a feature on many. Soma have velvet collars; othera have collars of the materials. The styles are very amart and mannish. These are the much-advertised "$25.00 values" of some stores. .Price here.. 18.60 A GREAT VALUE IN FULL-LENGTH RAGLANS AT $25.00. For those who prefer the full lengths in Raglans, we offer especially- great values at $25.00. The choosing . is wide in this class. You may select a fancy mix ture, covert, cheviot, homespun or tweedish mixed cloth. Suit your preference as to color from reds, greens, graya and mixtures. All are smartly trimmed with strappings of the materials, fancy stitchings, fancy buckles and touches of velvet Greatest value ever offered in the city for ."..,.825.00 Smart Millinery at Popular Prices ' Bijou Salons Second FloorAnnex Although our expert millinery artistes have been taxed to their1 utmost capacity the past week in creating and eoniurinsr dsintv creations for those who had aoecial ldi of hits hev wanted, thev hiv. bV'wnrVinir Am. nv.r. -time, been enabled to supply ua witbTTome very handsome hats that embody every new atyle feature, amart color ing and fetching combination known to the world of correct millinery fashion. These we shall offer tomorrow at . I .1 . . 1 C AA i . i. . L . . . ' . . . . . mm . k vcrjr vpcciai Taiuc, inni i fw.w tur inc cnoiccsi coniecuona, ana ringing aown 10 fu.uv ior naia worm at least a half more. '-.- .' r . ' ' . Sensational Values in the Silk Store A TWO-DAY SALE OF BEAUTIFUL SILKS THAT WILL ENTHUSE PORTLAND'S 8ILK BUYERS INTO IMMEDIATE ACTION AND START EM TROOPINO TO THIS STORE POPULAR FALL SILKS. T . V First Floor-r-Fifth'Street Annex At the.lowest prices in the Northwest. Such beautiful Silks, such immensely desirable Silks, at the very extraordi nary prices named, should create enormous demand. , The Silk Store deserves to be cepwded to its utmost capacity, for Portland never before saw the like of such values at thia season. In most cases the prices art what the Silks would cost-at wholesale, under ordinary conditions. The sale is for today and. tomorrow. , Descriptions and prices follow; 1, 19-INCH ALL PURE SILK ' TAFFETA. No better Silk shown in Portland at our regular price. 85 yard. ' Colors are white, ivory, cream, deep cream, pinks, light blue, royal, navySjJturguoiseoldjrose. greens, browns7nns7Ttesedas. reds, purples, helio, gsrnets, Alice and black. Special for two days only, yard ......J 944 . . . SWELL tfOVELTT SUIT SILKS."";'. ; In red, Brown, pavy. royaL black, green grounds with " neat figured and, sc.roll.effects So-called famous $1.00 silks." Two dsys only, yard. 4. ...t.w .5Tfj. 23-INCH ALL PURE SILK BLACK TAFFETA. Warranted to give good wear; our regular $1.10 grade. Special for two days only, yard 69 27-INCH ALL PURE SItK BLACK TAFFETA. ; -Regnlar$1.25yadepedartmly,-TraTdrrr;-n7rr.88fV- 36-INCH ALL PURE SILK BLACK TAFFETA. ; Regular $15 grade Special only, yard .......84 - 36-INCH ALL PURE SILK BLACK TAFFETA. Regulat$L50 grade Special only, yard.. ..81.19 36-INCH ALL PURE SILK BLACK TAFFETA. -Regular $17S frHe Special only, yard,...,..1.. 1.43 A-Vcritablc-World'aJEnir ' - Expose of . Women Gloves for Autumn FIRST FLOOR. ' I have often wondered ' why the! OLDS, WORT MAN & KING Gloves the "Magneta." Derbya,' . "MonarchV Eskaya" and MT tmUeaM bbw aiA mmA . in T io . perfect-fitting -and so . shown elsewhere. ' I in vestigated perhaps -you'd" ' like to know the result at least you should be in terested. Here'a what .a flove man told me. who ad been where they are made. Speaking of the "Reyniera,'' he aaid: MORS THAN SKIN ' . DEEP. . -"It bearins back of the skins the goodness of the Reynier Gloves. It is more, than skin deep. Starting right is only hajf their motto endine right and. being right all through is the rest of it. T ' ' "I heard of their patient labor of yeara to get the thumb cut right and the "pattefns without fauhr " "'Tramped through the storehouse where bales of skin are piled up., "Witched the dyes brushed into them by- quick hands, or trodden -in by the barefeet of men, who work them round and round in immense vats; . . , . : . ." "Stood' by while the 'first' and.'aecond' and Hhird' qualities were sorted out, and many skins rejected which other less particular', factories are glad to buy up and uae. -. -'- "Counted in all different operations through which each pair of Reynier Gloves passes before it ia pronounced finished and complete. .. , i .:, : GRENOBLE A CUP IN THE HILLS - ' "Like a cup. among the hills is the beautiful City of Crenoblef wnere tne work is oone. 1 ne worxmen. glancing jrora tne winaowa, have always the inspiration of "looking jip" to the snow-capped mountainl ' ' , - ' ' . "The factory Is spotless. In the room filled with $20,000 worth of whjte kid skins, the men. are in white smocks, and not a apeck of dust is to be seen.".. - . - . . 4 ' And yet there are still better gloves for the American woman than the "Revniers" t least we think so yes, have proven it. Gloves made with the same carl:, under same healthful and cheerful condi-r tions, same skill but with the American hand as a model. Cross ing over into Saxony, our glove man has found a band of workmen . who 'understand the making of gloves to fit the perfect rounded hand of ' the American woman to perfection. They have broken away from' the idea that ALL banda are French hands, with their long, tapering proportions. They know the American hand ia plump and perfectly rounded the model hand of womanhood and they make glovea to fit our women folk. Yes, there's much to glove making and we believe we've attained perfection at least so near , as human skill can reach. The new autumn linea are in! Our fitters await your pleasure.' Suppose you come today. "Magnets," "Derbys " "Eskays" and "Monarchs" ire only sold in Portland by ULU5, WUKTMAN dt MNU. " . . The workmanship cannot be excelled. Every pair has been made : to our special order, and we are satisfied that there are none better on the market ' - Our motto is "To Excel," and we credit ourselves with having done so in thia instance of gloves. : . ' THE BEST $1.00 GLOVE IN THE WORLD. The "Magnet," 2-clasp style, in black and colors; a great value at, the pair ........ .....v.. ..81.00 ft THE BEST $L50 GLOVE IN THE WORLD. The "Derby." 2-clasp style; very dursble. fits perfectly, and is a . very satiafactoryaall-around glove; price, the pair 81.SO( J THE BEST $2.00 GLOVE IN THE WORLD. . The "Monarch," 2-clasp, is one of the. best makes in the world r made of real kid, with fancy Paris Point back: gusaeted between the fingers and reinforced in the palm of the hand; is a perfect- fitting glove, which looks well, wears .well. andJa as good ss csn be made; price,, the pair.. ........82.00 THE DRESSIEST $1J0 GLOVE IN THE WORLD. The "Eskay," a 3-clasp glove; made of real French kid; very light weight, very thin, but very atrong; ia very dressy, and fitevery , crease and line in the hand; in black, white and colore; price, the pair Sl.SO The-New-Eight-Button;JMousg,uitakeGlovea, in all the popular; price, ioq pair... , r. sjifcasw Long Kid Glovea, 16 buttons; in all the popular and new shades;' priced at, the pair...-. ...82.1141 mnA atA.HO NO WOMAN WILL GET THEBESTVALUE FOR-HER MONEY UNLESS SHE COMES HERE FOR ; - -Aitumn Dress Stuns FIRST FLOOR FIFTH STREET ANNEX. We'rejrepared to back tlya statement with' facts. Look around today. ' Examine the dress goods offered elsewhere; just take out ' g pencil and Jot down the store von sea- it in then the price. After making the rounds come here be sure you come here LAST and come THOROUGHLY POSTED. YouH no longer wonder we do more dress goods business than any other three Portland stores combined. IT'S THE VALUES. Read. These speciala are for two days today and tomorrow. ' ' " ' ;- ,- . Regular $200 grade of Turkish Mohair, Armures, Panamss, Prunellas, , Roxanaa, Surah Twill. Crepe de Paris, Broadcloth. Voiles. Poplin de Chene and English Mohair. Special for today and tomorrow only, yard ........'.. ,i .,,.81.69 Regular $1.2S gradea of Armuws,, Henriettas, Venetians, Psnamas. oiCheviots, Serges, Prunellas, Crepe de Paris, Voiles and Poplin Je( Chene. Special for today and tomorrow only, yard.. .........t COLORED - DRESS L GOODS RADICALLY KZDVCZO fC3 ' TODAY AND TOMORROW. - - 50c regular grade new Suiting, in an endless assortment, f ir" aaya only, yard... ,.1. $1.00 regular grade 52-Inch Serges and Cheviots, in i.: t c inrt. Special for two days at, yard $1.25 rrtular grade All Pure Wool Serges. C" Mrti..aines Granites, etc., in all colors.-. Z or , r?ri