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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1905)
1 v. i THE OREGON DAILY I JOURNAL, PORTLAND. MONDAY, has. EVENING. OCTOBER IMIilGE TO E(ID : DAMAGE SUIT Breach of Promts Case for v Twenty-Five ThoMsand, Against V Widow Will Not Bel Tried. IRE-ARGUMENT HEARD IN PATRICK MURDER TRIAL nl Special Mm Hn, -- Alheny. N. T, Oct. t. The case - of Albert T. Patrick. the lawyer, convicted en March 21, 101, of having murdered a. wealthy man named W. M. Rica, and who waa to hava been electrocuted Au- j (uat 7 Pf thia yaar, waa. raopanad before RATHEli WED THAN TO ; BE EXPOSED IN COURT Wealthy Woman Does Noi With to Jlava Details of Her Courting Mads , Public and Is Willing to Mate With .V Man She Agreed to Marry. iJoursat SmcUI Berries.) McKeesport, Oct. I. Th broach of promise suit for 1 26.000, 1 brought bj Dr. W. W. Campbell, formerly of Kansas City, against Mrs. Roaa A. Breltanrelter, tha wenKywiaoW here, will nut ba " called for trial, aceordlna to ' the lltl anta. MVs. Breitenrelter dld-not wis, to (o Into open court and hava bei ' "courtship paraded befora tha publlo, hence she met Dr. Campbell with thi purpose of compromising tha caee out or court. ' ' Now there, Is a reconciliation. Final '. conditions for Settlement will ba made '.tomorrow, and If they are aatlafactory, there will ba a wedding Inataad of a sensational breach of promlaa suit. Mrs. Breltanrelter said today that she had never refuaed to marry Dr. Camp. - bell, and was willing to become hi bride it preliminaries could be arranged to hen satisfaction. She lives In one of the .moat beautiful homes In the fashionable residence portion. She is fha mother of" four children.. w .... Dr. Campbell says that financial eon 'sideratlon Is necessary to soothe his "reelings, already bo badly, abused.- AMERICAN GIRLS WARNED AGAINST WEDDING GREEKS t , (Journal apodal Scrrtca) , i Washington. Oct. 1 1. America girls , who are looking for husbands are' warned against . marrying -Oreeke, unless the ceremony ba performed, by, reputable Greek priests. Otherwise., according t v;onsuiyeorge Horton at Athena, in a report to tha state department.-the . women are likely to be deserted.. l ' Consul Horton further says that the .oeeeruon or American Wlvea by Oreeks . la of vary frequent occurrence, ha hue- bands returning to their native country 'and remarrying without tha formality of a divorce, which seems" to ba legally per missible, unless tha 'former 'marrlagei ceremony was performed by the regular orthodox Greek priests. . -; ., .;;.-, -e NEARLY ALL UMATILLA . GRAir IN WAREHOUSES "f; - ; Spinel Btepetefc to The Journal) 'l ? Pendleton, Of., Oct. . Nearly all the grain barveeted in Umatnia county Js In warehouses, and so far but a small percentage has been shipped away.. The warehouses have been taxed to their , fullest capacity, thia being-an Indica tion that the'crop la about as large as ; .. years yieia. ; -.-. I.' Cars -are being secured slowly for moving the crop." ' Most of the grain being shipped but of tha oounty has -been sold. 'With tha exceotion of a -few vicinities there has been but little seed-J inf. aaucu grain will do sown tnis ialU out ine extent will be determined by the HONEY IN THE ROCKS ; . IN SOUTHERN OREGON - paetal Dispatch to The JoeraaL) j Klamath Falls, Or.. Oct I. Every, body has read of the land ' flowing wun mux ana noney, but who ever heard of It being In Oregon T This (and m noney exienas irom, x-ramath Falls ' down across the lino Into California, and It beau the world; -not only la this so in quantity, but also In quality. J. K. P. rarren nas round stretching across tha Oregon Una Into California a aeries of lava beds. In these lava beds there are cavities auttable for bees, and here ara hundreds npon hundreds of swarms of oeaa storing their honey. ' It la sup posed urn mere are tons or .' honey aioreo jn tneee lava Deas. ; I . I III I - " I 1 - TT I I B Saw - I 4 -r-; .yr - -:1 r f-lsX f - V- e" - S J'Vv II II . II u m IB and II 111 I ?r-ry f":- :it I s ', 1 ; "'- . - .'. r f Albert Patrick. : - 1 i IRCANS ALMOST FOR THE ASKING RELIABLE PIANOS ALSO FOR A MERE SONG.' Prices That Must Dispose of Al ; Accumulated Used Ones Post ' Haste Easy Payments to Out-of-Town Buyers, as Well as to Those in the City Eilcrs Piano House Guarantee Goes With Each One. Steamer Telegraph for .'Astoria, - . Bound trip dally r (except ' Friday). '.seavea Alder Street dock T:)S e m. Re turning leaves Astoria t p. m." Arriving Portland S:t p. m. Sundays leaves-Pore land s a. m.. Arrives Portland t p. m. I ; October is a bracing month' when October is a bracing month when one can brace up end- do "a man's work" or a man's play and here are braces the 60o quality at 25 Embrace tha opportunity. Our double-breaated f 2d busi ness suit Is "a good brace" for a man who is striving to Improve his position. New Arrivals in Suits. Overcoats & Raincoats ; $(Cto $25 Dutchess "Tousers, f2 U) fS.OO Boyal Blue Shoes . f 3.SO aad f 4 The Idea's 0peelat . '. Hate ........... .f 2.35 at f3 We would llk" to show" you. GusJufin-Prop Ontflteri te Mea aad Boya, , ee aaa lea nurs anrsvt, keae Sfomsoac the court of Appeals today. : The crime was committed on September ts,l00, and Patrick was sentenced to death May a. 1101. : July 14 last -Patrick moved a reargument, upon tha ground that important- points had. been overlooked jog a majority of the court in affirming the judgment of eonvtction. On- that motion I due of Judas Cennla O'Briea of tha court of an-1 stook. paala granting an order staying 'the exe cution of. the sentence, pending the hear ing of the motion for reargument If you have been looking for a really reliable used piano, you 11 bo able to find something thoroughly to your liking in tnis 11st. inese pianoe come rrora the best homes, moat of them having been received by ua In part payment for new Baby Grands, and new Pianola nanoe aunng tne apeciai exhibition and sale now going on at fillers piano House. ' ' While these cut prices St which the used ptanoa are now orered are to be cash, we can arrange wtoh any city or out-oi-iown ouyer to pay tor a piano or Off an M th mnmf oo., JfrmS Jit payment for the mere simple Interest, not on the whola amount, but on the unpaio naiance. This is a partial list: A Fischer, medium also, mehna-anv. i. - - . - - At Wing A Son. fancy walnut (new), flit. ' An Eatey, fancy mahogany, cannot be loia irnra new, tzvv. 1 A "Meyer" sold last week and "ex. changed" for aaother ..make of piano, 1117. .', V - Baus, largest slse, fancy oak case, 200. ' , . 1 Emerson, In excellent condition, oak case. 1 . J. a C. Fischer, vary handsome ebony Base, . ' .A wing eon, walnut case, 1KB. DraDer Bros., oak case, llfft. v Weser Orchestral Grand, mahogany nvv peamis, 1 . J. P. Hale, rosewood ease; $115. Ludwl?. larrest slse. oak case, till !'F. O. Lelrht, mahogany -Caee, looks like new, II 8 1 Jacob boll, . mahogany , case, three peoaia, sisz. 1 Starr plane, very fancy walnut ease. ', 1315. ' ' , ose piano, like new, fancy mahog- 211: another Voee. dark case. 1141. Tlr.r. A. Pah4. n waIm.i, ' u.. isey eie.' -'Fancy, nearlv new Hackler unrlaht piano, left on sale, 1115. , 1 niwioa uprignv in gooa oraer, s. Aad Ooet Oxgaas. . . - 8earS-Roebuck. mahoeanv. Mann uu carved walnut case. 130. One of the nonular Pacific Ou made with special reference to Paclfld coaat climate, quarter-sawed oak case, With large mirror, only $45. Seara-Roebuck (new),. 142; Kimball, lovely- oak case, the $85 style, now 157: Great Western, case shows wear, but good tone, $42; Kimball, very neat satin walnut case, tha $80 -style, now $50; Earhuff, very fancy cabinet style, wal nut caae. 134: Newman, cabinet atvla. fancy-walnut caae, nearly new, 146; Chi cago Cottage, walnut caae, a line looker, $28; Eatey parlor cabinet, walnut caae. regular $100 Style, now. $46; Maann & Hamlin, walnut .caae, $4f; Needham, walnut case, $21; Prince, walnut -case. v. cahlnet too. finnv ueena. $4; Epworth. good caae In good Order. $2(; "Western Cottage, $21: Schults or- fancy - walnut, new, 140: Schultx.1 fancy oak, new, 131; Schults, plainer! case, new, $21.60; Schults, plainer cake, I walnut. 115. The above Your are real-1 ' the Whale-Gilbert bankrupt I Chioaeo Cottaara. walnut eaaa heautl- xuiiy carved, largest! aise, 127.60. v Another Chicago Cottage, not a-year) 01a. ranciesi oaa case, witn large mir-1 LEWISTO-CLARKSTO: FAIR r VILL BL BIG ONE " A 2. 4n mlnnl absolutely good! I ' largeat -else, I BijgE-Delegatlons Expected From uon?"$26. Portland and Other Out- ' atde Towns. utlful Kimball. panels of satin walnut as new.Jii.. . V . Another fine Klmbal satin walnut case. 170. Scare-Roebuck, quarter aawed oak. xanciesc aiyie, " - Esteyt . solid walnut! caae. 120T- Great Weatern, cannot be told from new, iu, . Mason ft Hamlin,: la perfect condl ' (Sprdsl THapatrh to Tbe Joaniel.) ' TjWlston.Ida.. Oct 1. The Lewiston- Clsrkston - fair promises'' to .eclipse all previous ."sfforta of. -western states In exhibiting the .'state'a, resources. The racing will be the best' of the season on the western, circuit . Secretary C. F. Osmars of tha Lewis- tdn-Clarkatoh' -Fair association' has- re ceived a letter-from the Portland Commercial-club In Which it Is stated that Friday, October SO, has been selected as Portland day at the Lewtston fair. The letter States that a special train of at least 600 Portland people will arrive la Lewtston for that day and an effort will be made trf secure delegations from other, weatern points. A letter was received yesterday from General Passenger Agent Charlton of the Northern Pacific company announc ing a round-trip rata of 110 from Port land and other weatern points and good xor several days at the Lewiston fair. ' Another Zadaoemeat. " Any of these Instruments will be taken pack ny us towara payment or -any new hlch-crade piano, and we will al low the full amount paid to date of re- I turn at any time within two years from I dste of purchase. Every Instrument! guaranteed by ua just as represented. Pay 11 to 11 down, and 12, II or 15 a monu- according to price 01 matru ment See them or write us at once. Ellers Piano House 161 Washington,! corner ran i&isnini aireeu YOUTH CONFESSES MURDER Of 17. 1'; BOOTH Boy . of Fifteen Admits Killing Harnessmaker Jn an . At .tempted Hold-Up. ' Pianos at aTalf.lFrtoe. ' ' Did you see Ellers Piano Mouse list of used pianos and organs advertised? . Most of these are Inatruments that are being reoelved right along from owners of tha finest of homea In nart payments for new Pianola pianos, for fancy baby grands and for special atvlaa of the famous Kimballa and ChlckerlngS ana omer pianos. in two. weeks' time a lot of. used enting pianos will be returned from tha world's FaTr groundaTTiencrThiiT treme anxiety to keep .the floors. clear of all used pianoe, and thus it Is "that these wonderfully low prloes on real I v desirable. pianos and organs are. now being made. ' - -. Dont rall to -wnte-orr telephone.-nr better to call at,, Ellers Piano House if the saving of 'money by purchase ot a good used piano Is an object Easy payments for the mere Imnle Iritereet to those not wishing to pay all caaw. The retail salesrooms and . general offices of Ellers Piano House ara In the quar ter block, corner of Park and Washing ton, entrance No. 161. Phone Exchange ' 1 " 1 ) S" " VUlloas 0e Vp la Shaoke. , - , IJoaraal Bpeirlal flrrvlce.) Toklo, -Oct.. 1. Twenty . temporSry buildings containing millions of dollars' worth of goods consisting principally of provisions and clothing were deatroyed In a Are which broke out in an army storehouse at Hiroshima yesterday.- It Is thought the blase waa of Incendiary origin. The lose la variously estimated at from 11,000,000 to 11,000,000.- - - ' . - XlteaeU to Bee Preetdeat, - CJeornal Rnaelal trrir . ' '- I Scranton. Pa., Oct. 1. President John Mitchell of the fnlted Mine Workers wilt at the tnvttntlon of President Roose velt call on the latter Tuesday. If Is supposed the Idea is to look over the situation in tne anthracite region with e view of .averting, a possible strike next Spring. : '-r ; J: Preferred Meek Ossaed m4r- AUen A Lewis' Best BrasA . . (Jeurael Special Service.) HQlsboro,' Or., Oct. 1. - Sydney B rug ger." aged 15, waa arrested yesterday and confessed to the murder of W. W. Booth at HUlsboro Saturday night. He I was found at the home of Mrs. M. Grow, his grandmother, St. Reedvllle. He said: "I came up from tha farm yesterday and was up town- all day. I had no money. - After dark while on a cross street I heard a mart jingling money in his pocket. The idea 'of holding him up occurred 'to me and I walked ahead of him until .we reached a dark place, when I turned and, pointing a revolver at him. i I M LJ . , - I , - " tJ luia mm 1 wnniea money. "The man struck at me with his cane and the blow fell on tne' hand in which I was holding the gun, causing It to be discharged. The man fell and I ran away. I bad jio idea of killing him I jut wanted moneys. -- - Or. A. By Bailey made a postmortem and found that the .bullet had entered the. left eye and lodged In the left dome ot the skull. The coroner called no jury owing to the fact that the mur derer made a confession. young considered a degen erate, but has never before-been known to 'exhibit Vlclousness. His father Is John Brugger of Reedvllle, a violinist His mother. 1" Mra Vtndle Brugger uues, wno resided st Lenta thia sum-. mer. . . ' The murderer does not jseem anxious and does not appear to think he has done anything very wrong. ' Both he ana me grandmother-give his age aa 11 yeara, nut thoee who have seen him tnina no is nearer zo than 11 years or age. Mr. Booth was born In Illinois, served faithfully In the civil war and came to this city about four years agoi having lurmenjr resiaea at Beatrice.- WeBraeka. He and his family have many friends In this oounty: He leaves a -wife and two married daughters, Mrs.. Powers of this county ana Mrs. Kafer of Condon,, and three other cnlldren, teiias a brother wno nves in oaiem,' t j , . Tne corpse ts now lying la W. O, uoneison s unnertaklng parlors 1 await. ing ura time of the funeral, which has not. yt oeen set.- The youth who mm mi tied 4hatrocious crime la lodged In eountj jau nere awaiting trial in Mevambar, ; 1 ' "rji ialmon u Double Salesroom "tWH.vstaa'erriec. (t0l45 rstANKLIN ST. ' t(. eeisaaeaue .. iOTt09 CAST HAOlSON STtCCTT . rcuataoaia aaia --auto -tru- ll0O-O07 WaSHINOTOM AVi ., joe. . ' h 0US PAYABLE M NEW WH Q CHICAGO CXCMANGC. ' TERMS ftcr CASH W cms Ofd90uctnt9llom9JtKCtfjp9Citjgrt9mtnt .Opzn 8a.m. Till 8:30 p. m. Saturday " 10 p. in. r. ; At .the Lowest Prices Ever.Qooted for High Class Fall and' Wiiiter Goods. Fine lien's sad Coys' QcSilag, Bsls, Shoes tad Fnrcisl:;s ol CCLLAND DS0S. Suits and Overcoats for odds In $7.00, $8.00 and " $9.00 Suits. ,. y ' for choice of 600 Suits and Overcoats, all colors and sizes to 42, worth $10 and $12. ", 7 ' $2.65 $3.90 Q A for choice of 500 Suits, Overcoats'aiid Cravenettes, tDUeyU fall or winter weighty .worth to $20. r -Q-rQA-for-choice-of over 600, Suits, Overcoats and Crav PSsj enette all colors and sizes, worth to $25, OH r choice ;of nearly 600 fall and winter Suits, 4llyU Overcoats and Cravenettes, worthlo $30. r . - PANTS 6,000 Pairs 50J for $1.50 grade Hickory Working Pants. ;: - . 894 for Corduroy, Worsted and Cassimere $2.50 Pants. 1.39 for Worsted, Cheviots and Corduroy up ta $3.50 Pant. $1.85 for Worsted, Cassimere, All-Wool Cheviots, Tweeds " worth to $4.50. , . ' ""l.. 2J&9 for 'extra quality jVVoriteds, - Cordur6y7CassImereT Cheviots, tailor made,' to $6 Pants. .--i --.J-;-i .-. -- $2.89 for imported material, "Silk and Wo4 and Merino v Worsted, up to $7 Pants. . v'7- j $3.39 and 93.89 for French and English Worsteds,' custom made, sold by Holland Bros, to $10. '- - - iliiiii Unparalleled - Bargains In Shirts, UnderVear,Qloves, V Hosiery Etc. 25e for Woof Merino, extra 50c quality, -.-.--39 for black and blue fleece, 87c winter kind. 49e for fleece, rib and Jersey, $1 winter kind. 39 for 3-4. Wool Cheviot knit 85c Underwear, 98p for full lines Wool Derby, fleece,; rib and straight Wool , f Underwear, worth to $2.50. .... Manhattan and Monarch -Shirts - 30 f for choice broken size White Dress Fancy Percale - HT.J... L ...-1. a. e-n .' ' " Children's Suits 89 for All-Wool small size to $3 Suits. 91.79 for small size All-Wool to $5 Suits! 92.39 for All-Wool size ttf'16 $5- Suits. r 92.89 for extra fine All-Wool to $6.50 Suits. Size to 16. 93.39 for all sizes boys ; Suits, worth to $8.50. . ' , v Reefer Coats 89, 91.39, 91.89, 929, 92.89 worth to $10. Sweaters 49e for odds worth to $1.50. . 69 for odds, half Wool, worth to $2. ' " ' 89, 91JI9, 91.89, 92.39, 92.89, 93.89, 94.89 for 60 styles worth $3 to $10. 5 for 10c Cotton Sox. ; ; , . 6e for fast black 15c Sox. T 10 for tan and fast black 25c Sox. 12ytf for Lisle Merino 30c Sox. - ...I 22 for Merino, Wool and Balbriggan 50c Sox.t 39- for extra quality Wool and Merino 75c Sox. Suspenders 1 9e for 25c Suspenders. . 12 for 35c Suspenders. -22 for 50c and 60c Suspenders. 29p for up to $1 Suspenders. BoysJ Shirtwaists; 10c ; u : Mother's Friend, Star, etc plain and fancy, broken lott 300 ot them worth to $1. ..- v ' ! 19c Shirtwaists ' Star, Mother's Friend, in white dress, wool and fancy, worth w y. mis, vj picx irom. v . 1000 and 1 Bargains in the different things that men and boya wear, from colored collars at lc each to Stetson Hats, Thibett's Fine Shoes, Mackin toshes, Coats, Rubbers, Umbrellas, Rubber Boots, etcl ' " i-ae- AT THE THEATRES. -The Girl From Kay's" Tonight Tbere Is ' one (.stare about the prodnrtlna of "Tbe fllrl rrora Kar's" at tae feUrquaa Grand theatre tonlfht and tomorrow nlfht. with s snrrlal matinee tomorrow, that la sort t tllt-tl (.mUlne im - that view - It The (owns worn la the mnaieal coned? ere ild to be daetdtxiir aandMine ead to ne d errrinf of the term "creations" of bMntr. kltaa Blow wear two (owns whli ahe bad made in Parle last anmmer, one of then 4e Irs1 eloth of altrar. Mlaa Morton wean a ered din drMS that is Tbe coowdy la errldMllr homoro.. end contain, i mWr ol beartr laoahs. There are three eeta end the stating of the tc la aald te bare coat s mall fortune. The Marquani la located oa Morrtane street tiftixi Blith and Srr.ntn. Seats era now selllnf. ,' , , Show at tha Star. The Star' commented the week with another tron and a re bill ef sor.ltlea. La. Moat's eorkatoe rlreae will prore a bl drawtns eard. Tbe Bnral trie baTU a raflaed amain art. . fred Hilton does wnnoera en a anapnided lander. -. untie wasi Bmoaaa, aa irwn com edienne, waa a bit. and the Oettmee preeent a ferf entertalninc ak.teb; rranklht Confer alnaa a pretty so-V and the Starosoope eoacludea tbe DIU. -. - - '.I, "Matinee Tomorrow at Marqtiam. a apeetal-prlee Biatinee will be sleea to morrow . (TseMarl aftareooa at the Maranata Orrad theatr. wh.n the nnilfirTomdT."Th. pirl rrem Kay's." will pe preeaatrd. The eurtala will rlae at till e'elork. The last performance will be rtr.a totsorrew Slfht. , qn.ts Grind tbeetre seat Wedneedar. day, rrida and aaturday al(hta, Oetobw 4, Tliurs. S and T, with a anerlal rrldar afternooa, Oetoher , prnt Robert Frown 1 setir aTV now atlllix. tine. Baturdar, Mlaa Bobeoa will At tha Grand. , Aaotber ef those fin., vsuaerllle praarams la brine-preerated at tbe Orasa this week. Mabel tiowara. the peat little slnflnc bird aeerd here In Tanderllle, will M'th nature act. Twd and Laaelle will do a Gorman dialect comedy in inrre nonnams uoraone, acrobat 4, a team ef dramatle eketrk people, the aew 111m trated eongs sad the funay uraadleeope pletures wp.w ine urano a jib i ot llrelli Eleanor-Robeon Wednesday." " The eharmlne aetreea. PJImm. lhMn e eirelleet company ef plajrere will sr. Mat ': ' "Vtrtfnta ot Virginia." L ror tbe week etarrlnf today the l-rte Stock company will preamt "Vlrarlnla of Tlrlnla," a southern war drama dealing with Incidents la tbe eoetk daring the Civil war. The drama a romance containing mora Seart Intereat, aa well aa dramatle eltuathma and dim. tea. in. great Battle enone la tbe third act Is Mm w mm Twrry reaiieue. - "Charity Ball" Tonight 'The Ch.ritr BalL" tha .oiMuHiT .i... drama wrlttea some years sgo by Dang Be aa i and H. C. D.Mille, will be ftreeented by - w. wimrmmr ror one week, be (Inslng tonight, la the haada ef this erganlaa l should preee a grt dramaUe ateeaiwtea Bates to VearBort. - The Southern Paclflo eompaay h piaca on sail at aU-- rortlena offlee '."S? Jrlp..lic,c,U NPort at rat. ef H. limited te October 10. 1101. ad for f I Saturday te llonuar tlaketa, Ample hotel aocommodatlona at raum. able rates are fro Tided at this popular rwown. " l a. yiofoiioa meek easaea ee4a,,'K' Our t;: ' CrawnCates are certainly a combination of style, comfort and durability. They are strictly waterproof, well tailored and priced so moderately as " to make then! within reach of all. Besides, we give youche privilege to' pay a . small fraction of the amount at "the time of purchase arid the balance at $1.00AWEffi The same terms on Salts, Top Coats nd Overcoats.' mTEKOUlTiTTiWG CO. THX STORE WHUIE " YOUR CREDIT IS COOD, "Marev Mary Aa," at tsa ifaa. Mwir esx sraaa 4 . tt