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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1905)
t::z cncc:i daily jsutjiai; fostlakd. " imonday evening, octossr 2, TQCSDAVSnZCCrJ was nvimY-c;; Tourncncs FREIGHT: SMASHED: TO SPUNTERS -I . - TOKIOXTS AMTlXMIXTs. . . Varsoasi Grand.. .....rise Girl Prom aSay's" : Belasos ...."The Charity Ball" Baker.. .: MMical Burlesque LTrt "Ylrntnla of VlrHsIs" Empire..... ..;.." tke Brldgs at Mldulshf Bur ViUdTllU - Orand ...... .....,....... ...t..VssderlU . ., . ' ( Jrs& Iverson. sged IT years, vu r . rested yesterdsr .and. brought, before Municipal . Judge Camaron thla morn ' Inf. Tha bey , pleaded guilt? to the ' charge of being drunk,, stating thai ha - secured hla liquet) st one of tha aaloona ' on tha Trail. Ha waa ordered held until Peputy District Attorney Galloway could investlgste "the caae. An Informa tion will be filed sgalnst-tha saloon . keeper who ' aold liquor to I Verso n. Thomas Campbell,- also 17 ' yeara pld, told Judge Cameron that be waa drunk and that liquor" had been aold him on 'tha Trail. ' When a Treated, Campbell waa attempting to throw pepper In tha ejrea of passsrs-y. Mr, Hallo way will alio inveatlsata Campbell's caae. . 1 !! , VIIIWIIKQU ssssm'sa. ,, . an l""g 1"" " " MUstas school is the cause of a general com plaint from reeldente r of the dlatrlct. especially from members of tha civic association, who are trying to secure fire protection and other improvements. The school will hold but 17 pupils, and It la already -certain that many more than this number of children' are living near the building. The majority of ,' these, either attend -Brooklyn or Bell- wood schools, but thoaa -now have their full quota of atudants from the terri tory at their doors. - slareua A. Mayer, the' eastern repra , , sentatlve of rielachner, t Mayer Co. of this ojty, is here from. New York on a. -visit. He espects to remain about . two . weeka- . Mr. Mayer waa - born In '; Portland, and, although ha has lived in tha aaa't for many yeara and la a wsll- ' known flirura in New Tork business and political circles, he still claims the Rase ""City as his home. " ' ' -The Northern Paclflo Railroad com pany baa ' made arrangements . for the Puget Bound-limited, .leaving Portland at 4:10 in the afternoon. . to atop at Claremont The same train from Beat tie will stop at Claremont at p. m. A new station will be erected at that ' point, making travel to and from Clare mont a great convenience. .... ... . ' More ornamental shrubbery will be set out on the grounds surrounding the eeidlere monument at . the Lone Fir cemetery.' It la also planned to secure seversl old cannon from the government and mount them about tha monument. Thla waa a part of the original plan, which' waa not carried out owing to lack of funds. - . I Municipal Judge Cameron thla morn ing filed hla report for September In tha City audltor'a ofns. The report ahowa that during September, . I1.8S8.I0 . wss collected by fines and forfeited ball ' money. Of thla aum, $1.(11 waa collect ed through cases In which defendsnta were charged with vlolitlng city ordi nances. Louie rllll, son of James J. 'Hill, and - a party of friends took a " whirl In his .. automobile down the LJnnton road to ' Claremont yesterday. Mr. Hill aaya '.that tha ride la delightful. After a brief atop tha party returned and took a ride' through the City park. ' : (Wilbur E. Moore and Miss Mary A Rothltsberger were married by tha Rev. Clarence True Wilson, D. the - Grace M. E. parsonage. Hi Taylor street, Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. '.Moor wfH reside permanently In Port land. ' ' --. . y . .-, : E. M. Courtlenne, the distinguished pianist. Is engaged to play a piano re cital orl Musicians' day. Oct. I. at tha - Auditorium of tha Lewis and Clark ax , position. Certainly a rare treat 4o Port land music-lovers. , v 4 Tourists, aa well aa city people, finan cially embarrassed, will nna tne tvrt land Loan Office, 74 Third street, tha aafeat and most reliable place to trans act their business., Ratee ..reasonable, Ernst Palmer, years ago the manager of tha American Type Foundry In Port land, la in tha city from Boston, where hm la tha New Enaiand msnager of the Mlehl Press. . f Dr. H. A. Stodevant. formerly of Tha Dalles, Is now with Wise Broav at rooms ill-l. The railing.. Third and Washing ton streets. Phone Mala SOU. 4 'Professor Rlngler's physical cultura school and dancing academy, 101 Aldur street Claaa and private Instruction. Fat people reduced. .', . , j Any watches cleaned, 11.00; ' main spring,' 1100; all work guaranteed one year. Metsger Co., lit Sixth street. a Tour credit lS 'good. Watches, .11 ' down. $1 a week. Metsger Co., Jewel ers and opticians, 111 Sixth street.. . . ' Launches for' torpedo-boat destroyer at Merrill's boathouse, north side Morrl- t- son bridge. T- T--r- .villi v..i.t M.Ha. v. . . w ., -Z Pranclaco Call, la In tha cty visiting im iir. . -.. . Class A billiard tournament , tonight, Reddlck's halls. Lowery vs. Hansen. Try a meal wimeut meat at tha Tag. tarlan cafe. If I Sixth atreet, , Good signs put np quickly. Foster A Klelaef, Fifth and Everett. .' Frits' s tamalea are tha best ; .' ft. ' . i i.. "J.--. POLICEMAN AS HOBO i IS ENTIRE SUCCESS I "' )- Police Officer Olttlnga says he won't do plain-clothes work sny more. Last . night he waa assigned by Captain Bailey' to watch a number of north end aaloona to aee that -they observed tha closing ordinance. OUtlngs prepared himself for the. 'work by defining tha clothing of a hobo. Ha selected . a dark . corner across tha street from 'the saloon ha' waa watch ing and eat down on a door step. He watched the placa for an hour or more before Patrolman Anderaon same along On his regular beak, " t Tha patrolman aaw what ha believed to be the hobo aeated In the doorway, and Immediately pounced upon - him. The encounter, that followed waa finally ended by explanations and apologies. . ." .' 1 ' ". . I' Ho, for. Astoria. Swift stesmer Telegraph leaves Alder Street dock 7:30 a. m. dally except Fri day. Returning Issves Astoria S p. m ' arriving Portland 1:10 p- m. ' Sundays leaves Portland t s. m, Astoria p. nv Arriving Portland p. m. ; "it" Wilvyaukl Country Clulr" " Esstern and Seattle races. ' Take Self- wood and Oregon City ears at First and llltat --- -.- ' y Alder. Scene at the Freight Wreck on the . i . . . . ' At tha foot of Sullivan's- gulch., not far "from tha Burnslde ' street bridge, there ; ara upward ' of 40 freight - cars piled in a heap, and some hundreds ot bushels of wheat mixed In the mud and wreckage to such an -extent , that the sight resembles a, .bran mash. '-' ' ,-rFor -sight hours, the- main line of -tha Oregon "Railroad k Navigation company entering Portland waa useless. Traffic was blocked completely., '! .. .- This was - the 'result of - a : rear-end collision between two freight trains at the point named yesterday morning at about 7:15 o'clock. It-will cost the railroad company at leaat $8,000 and was due to .negligence on the part of engineers, with whom It la likely to go hard when the investigation.. is over. - The two trains were made up at Tha Pallea and -were both loaded with wheat consigned tq Portland. They ran sev eral' minutes apart all 'the way down, the first being a aingla header and the second one "a double-header of St cars. At tha throttle of tha first train was C." r.'.yl4 ' ' Wrecking Crew at Work Clearing the O. R. A N. Track at Sullivan CHILDREN SEE THE SSSOJERS" ? Ernsst and Rolla Wells Spend t' Happy- Day While Mother -. '.Worries at Their Absence. . EXPOSITION GATES Da NOT CHECK WANDERERS 'Oh, Ma and Ernie Is Goin to Be Sojera,'' Says Rolla in Explanation . of Their Conduct 'Art-Incident f , Portland Day. mint ' Ernest and Rolla Welts, sons of Mrs. Wr. B. Wells fsfr Davis- streetr ara little tots possessed of' boundless ambi tion to be soldiers. The alght of a tint form in.b'ue and martial music '.Is to them as V iivlne symphony Many times has thslr desire to follow soldiers caused their 'mother trouble, 'but' lest Saturday the little fellows did Something that the police thought almost Impossible and kept .their mother In a state, of. sus pense for the. whole-day. - '. It waa Portland day and a platoon of (pldlers from' Vancouver - barracka marched Into town and to the fair grounds, passing the Weils house on the line of march. - Ernest, who la aged .7 years and Is three yeara the senior of Rolls, took his brother by the hand snd ran with-him to the next corner, where they' could, get a good view of the "sojers.'' f ' ' ' ' '.. ' When the hnyu In blue had passed the 1 little fellows gssed . unutterable things st each other. , i " "Iiet's follow 'em." lisped Rolls. ' -His brother looked st him., Both were hstless and - without their coats. . He struggled with a aensa of duty for a few momenta' ahoT'then-toolr-Roltg-br the hand. r ' - " - - . -All right. Buddie." he Bald. Til sea you don't get hurt.",' . . Toddling along aa fast aa their chubby.- atardy legs would carry- them, the children walked a mile and a half to tha fair grounds -In -the wake -of the sol diers. When they reached the gmunds they managed lo tflUS ehS gsU without being' intercepted by Via gatekeepers. EhoTtty after thtf dlsmppearanoa -ttMlr O. R-.& N. Track -Yesterday Photo . .. ... ..... nmm TVinlnn 'Tha enslneera of that other war Oliver Barrett and J. O'Brien. t-v. mA nor. ;":7Z ..V .I" say, providing for a slow-down to six miles an hour when entering the yards. IWlfJ SB, W SB v VI Hw wsvas waaw But for some reason the section be hind was running st 10 miles, or jnore. Its operatora evidently- disregarding tha fact that a curve would be rounded on a 1 per cent grade. The result was that tha second train - crashed into the cabooae of the train moving slow ly and was ditched. . With li cars behind, 1 tha piling up was complete. The engineers Jumped " and landed safely. They reported for work thia morning,' but will probably await the Investigation, which General. Super intendent Buckley will Institute at once. Besides the cara of wheat, smashed to splinters, the engines of the train be hind were badly damaged, the caboose .was crushed and half a, car of land piaster ahead of tha cabooae was pul verised. .-...-.,'.. , '.' i m .' mother began a search for them. When an hour had psssed with no sign of her little ones she called on the police. To ward evening Acting Captain Blover waa notified at the Upshur street ststlon. His men failed to And the children and finally ha telephoned inaida to the ex position guard. However, the ' little ' fellows . were found,' hovering around the soldiers' qusrters. Thsy were eecortea tor the gates by' the -guard and placed In tha hands of Csptsln Clover, who detslled a patrolman to tAke them home. There waa repo.loing. at the. Welle home that evening. " - "What dldf'you run away forT" asked the mother.- ..... , . ' "OK me and Ernie Is goin' to be so Jers,t answered Rolla. - " . ELLERY, PROGRAM AT THE FAIR TOMORROW . i. " The '' program for ' Ellery's band at the fair grounds tomorrow will be as follows: : . . afternoon Progi'wni-fMgrch. "Traffic gees" (Costa); overture.- i"L,lgnt cav alry" 8tippe) i dance, ' "Zamona" (Lor ralne); "Narclsaua" ' (Nevln); "Minoq Lescsut." grand 'fantasia (Puccini) ; aoioa by filgnorl ' Palma, L5monte and Declmo; "March Number fix" (Man clnl); Moulin," morceauV chsrac- Isque (Olllet); rHesrts and Flowers" (Tobanl); "Lucia dl Lammermoor," sex tet (Donlsettl). Hlgnorl Palma. Plant amura. Lomonte, Rlso, Basils. and Man clnl - ,i. , .' '--..,. - Evening- Proa4am March, "Expo" (Perullo) ; overture, "Mlgnon (Thomas): clarinet solo, "Adsglo and Tarantella' (Cavalllnt), Signer Declmo; "Laughing Water," Intermesso (Moret); suite "L'Arleslenne"' (Blxet)i solos by Slgnorl Covone and ftlecl; . waits. "Dlnorah" (Meyerbeer-Btrauaa): "Gloria" . from "Twelfth Maas'' (Mosart); "Tester Thoughts" (Herbert); "Carmen." grand fantasia"- (Biset)) solos by Slgnorl Pal ma, Lomonte.- Rlso and Raho. - - - - WORK ON GUNST BLOCrT"" - STARTS IN ONE MONTH bn. month from today' work will commence on a brick 10 by 100 feet square, at tha northweat comer of Kiev antkwaod.Waahlngtan streets A. Uunst, the wealthy Ban Francisco and Portland business man, who recently bought-this- tract, atated this morning that the date for commencement of work had been fixed, but that' be had not yet. determined the height of tha building that will be reared there. There la a " general Impression thst U-wia be- At Jea at are -stories awd -per-hsps more, but Mr. Ounat said that he blf io guts poslUvaijt la by Warren. , , , 4 f-. " " ' The wreck played havoo wlth'traffio It was 4 o'clock In tha afternoon before I the wrecking crew had cleared tha line 1 Train. Nm. and Sfrom Huntington. the "Spokane Flyer" and the Chicago Portland special, both Incoming and but going, .were held up for from lhre to five boura. . ' - ,.'.'' The railroad -officials speak -of this delay In traffic aa (be moat serious fea ture of the 'wreck. They care leas for tha financial loss, although It will be at leaat $4,000 for the cars, $2,000for the wheat and $2,000 for tha damaged loco motives, both of which were stripped of their smokestacks and one of which had Its boiler ruined. ' : The scene of the accident was. visited by large crowds during the day, the news having spread rapidly, although it waa Sunday,- There was a rumor at one time that - two passenger trains had coma together head-on and that 160 persons were killed. .. Considerable ex citement was' tha result In soma quar ters. . ,. .' . "r Gulch Photo by Warren. thla " respect for - several days. Mr. Ounst haa come to tha city to inaugu rate work, and will remain here a 'abort time. DEAF MUTES ATTEND ; DR. WILSON'S SERVICE The Grace Methodlat church was well filled yesterday at the communion serv ice. ' Five ministers participated In the service and the new quartet rendered the chanta effectively. - At night the chorus led tha singing for the first time and the musical program delighted the large audience. When Professor Wilder played the "Martyrs," from the "Hugue nots," the lights were dimmed and the effectiveness of tha music was : thus en hanced. There were solos by Miss Eula Bennett and Mrs. Reno Hutchinson, aad the aermon by Dr.- Clarence True Wilson on tha Sabbath waa far out of the beaten track. There were about AO deaf mutea present. With Profeasor - Wants a a Interpreted They will attend hereafter- on Sunday mornings, beginning next Sunday. .... . . . .. . ENTHUSIASTIC ADMIRERS. ' .... .- Worse Than a Bargala Counter Blot is '. ru Blast," ' When It became known. Saturday' that the exhibitors In the Japsnese section of the Oriental building at the Lewis and Clark fair were going"- to sacrifice their beautiful and coatly exhibits , the people .were frensled and each tried' to see which could make the quickest Investment.- The exhibits would cost 1200,000 In the markets of Jspan. The exhibitors feel assured that , the dis tribution of these goods In Amerlcs will help their home market and for that 'reason will give thousands of dol lars' worth away . free ..for their frlenda and. patrona.' . These weres and manu factures ara the mosv; beautirul and costly products of .the, mlksdo's realm. It Is gratifying to know that they will renialn In thla country to beautify our homes and ornament.our women.-- The Society of Japanese Art Admirers, composed of leading Washington .and Oregon people, haa thla laudable enter prise In charge. . Many , of the more prominent atate, county, city and ex position officials are honorary mem bers. . ..' W n a rare tippoitunlty to aecttro a splendid bargain and ' have an oppor tunity of being presented with an arlclr or articles worth from $1 to $1,000. ' Tsks A4vaatags of Bids Trips, Holders of certain Lewie and Clark llckata ara entUled to fifteen-day one. fare tlcketa on the 8 uthern Paclflo as far-south aa Ashlsnd.- Particulars by asking at Third and Washington streets, Portland,- -4-- - 1 . " A BELATED , LIST. THAT ATT 'VfttsN 9 AY tttW t A ' 1 PEARED SATURDAY. Numerous of Your Friend Are , , in This Account Eilers Piano , House Patronised by ,. People From Far and Near A Few . Words as to the Sale Prices and Instruments. . -c Thla exposition (down-town) of tha choicest of creationsbf rora thirty of the leading and greatest piano fanufactur era of Amerloa haa aroused unparal leled Intereat frdm every quarter. Wa have been publlehlng the list of pur chasers each day, aa the- records were completed, ahowlng an average of nearly twenty-flve pianos aold each day here. This la a ahowing that can scarcely be equaled In the largest and most densely populated cities of the East, and when It is considered thst most of the instru ments sold are the verjf costliest of Chickorings, aJuTWebe'rs, and KlmbaHa, It la aafe to aay that no city on the American continent can show a, dally selling record equsl to these. Owing to tha rush Incident to tha Portland dav. it waa fmDoeslble to com pile Thursday's list of sales until too late for the Saturday paper, hence Its belated' appearance. - Friday's list will bo published tomorrow. 1 There were twenty-one Instruments sold by Eilers Piano House Thursday, and these are the buy ara: Miss Luella Barr, Hlnse piano; Utile and K. R. Arbogoat, one of tha . old standard favorites, the Kimball piano; Mra. A. W. Markla, a Chase piano; Mrs, W. E. Eliot, one of the dainty "Little Jewel" pianos; a Kimball waa selected by A. W. Bullock; Mr. W E. Strauhal, a Flschsr: 8. W! Brampton, an excel lent Paclflo Queen organ; Proebatel school, a handsome Bcnumann; sir. n. Unnkin. hMiitifnl Weber Dlano: Mr. 1. M. Park, Burdett organ; another ot the Peerless Electric pianos, as ex hihtte at tha exnoal tlon. waa purchased by Mr. A.-J. OlaesiMissB. Anderson, Burdett organ; Mr. M. C. H. Dy, Kim ball piano; A. F. Eastman, ona of tha spienaia nooan a. wmum HMiik. a-Kimball Dlano: Mra. Lilly Morse, a Chlckerlng; "Rev. A. A. Luce, a "Meyer" piano; Arthur Hodges, Pianola: Mra. Jessie Van Orden, .Weber Slano; Mlaa May Lelnenweber, Crown irchestra piano, and Mr. D- I Shrode, Klmhall. . While the low prioes at which wa are now selling good ueed planoa and or gana have much to do with thla tre mendous Hat, many "buyera are alao tak ing ad ran ta ire of tmr" prevailing cut on all our - instruments. Including special fair exhibit Styles In Chlcksring. Weber. Kimball and many other of our Oneat makes. . .. The atock was never so great, so thoroughly comprehensive and attrac tive. All demands have beeh. met; from those who want the reliable Hlnse or Clarendon piano, or even a Bailey or a Marshall or Weser orchestral, or a par lor or cabinet organ, up to. those who re- ?ulre the magnificent Chlckerlng, at rom $560 to 11.000; or a Weber, or i Weber Pianola Piano at 00 and 11.000. not 'to "mention that musical educator and enteitatner, tne tnanoia. What an array thle Is! What chance for comparison Snd selection!-- Is It any wonder that the Ellera Piano House can publish aalea' lists such aa the above? Remember that we are keeping open t. ...... jurin. tha fair, and that no mat ter what you errand, you are welcome i iui, atora. and that we will be happy to serve fair visitors aa well aa the people of Portland, in any way possible. P EILERS PIANO HOUSE. tSl Washington, cor. Psrk (th) street ON Ladles'. Men's. Misses or Boys' Shoes of sll kinds at great bar gains. Big selection of Men's and Youths'. Suits,- Overcoats, Pants, Hats and Shirts, all kinds of Un derwear, at SO per cent less In price comparison with high rent stores' prices. You can save from $1.00 to $2.50 on Trunks,. Valises, Suit Cases. Blankets and Com forters. Our price Is strictly ona marked In plain flgurea. y, John Dellar BVBBXVO TWO UTOBBeV COB. BST ABB - ABB COB. TBXBB ABB BATtB. '; - ' AtfTJl Claremont Tavern Fineit Roadhouso In ths West. Famoos for Maryland Chicken , SPECIAL Northsrn Pacific Puget Sound Limited leaving Portland daily, t 4:30 p. m. stops at Claremont, Returning (game train) leaves Claremont at 10:45 p. m. - THE GRAND TKX TBaZS BOUrDIWO 0D0Vt. - EUNICE DkAXK CO) figs AID LOZELLX. MOSS. HEKSIHI, ' . yagD rtraigTOg. ' , . THE EAkDlSCOyE. nenerai sdmlenlnn. 10c. Brenlnss, Banilirs nd knlldays. renerred seals es kiwer. Bnor. inc. Dally siatlneea, 10e to any seat swept hniea. Bos seats. ft. Er1ng eerfnai. nees st T:Manl 0:19. Sundays eoatissaas, MO 10: 9.m. , TtHB STArt XAMOsT'S COCKATOO 01X008. ' Z'- THE BOTAL TXIO. ''"' 10TTIE WIST SYMOlTDf. TH OETTINOa, FEED HT1T0B. , . . rXAMKUV COWFI1. - , TUB STAXOgOOrX. Oeseral admUeloa. 10c. ETenlnss. Sundars ind holidays, reserved sests es Inwer Bnor, Joe. Pslljr aiatlfKies, lot to any seat sieept . .. Haw ta SfW, ItmIu aerfMem. res' st I W ssd $:1S. Sssdays esstunsMS, X-SU-ta lu:8 p. m. i- HYRIC THEATRE Keating & Flood Mgra. Week Stzrtlza Ucnday Oct 2 !VIRGIHIA0E,V1RGIWIA7 A sVssaaea sf ths Clrll Wsr la rear Act, - - Aaaussisa (ei aVesetve Seeta,-ga, - SKIES Yoer m , It ist so much the amount of the first purchase we care! about, no matter what you buy it will prove the stepping- ' stone,, not alone to your future business, but also to the - business of your friends. - - - Let Us Show You The many bargains we have which we are selling on easy Veelilylor. Monthly We charge no more than were you to pay cash, and give you possession when making first 'payment. . ' ' u Tiis Portland 1IASX & CLCCD. Preps. Phone : AinjSBatBBTSW . Thcatress Dtrertloa " T. A88'M - O. BeUlg, rrea. . Marrlisa Street Wtweea t aad Tta. , Vkess Bala MS. . . ' TOKIOHT AT g:U O'CLOCK, Batiaee TBI LONDON AND NEW YOKE MUSICAL- SUCCESS. - 'THE GIRL FROM KAYS' dow noun! L Aatsrios's Ores test SUUet OasiadUa. Prettf Olrls Catetaf stosie awarter Oavas. MATINEE PRICES ev. SRe, ftoe, TSe, It. MOI1T PBICES ase, SSe. eOe, Tfte, 1111.60. Seats are sow selling- for svarr psrtoraiaaee. Delasco Theatre aTAUpsU i BELASCO It MATER, Proprietor. - E. D. PRICE. Oeneral Maaasar. W f. A ' V W TT U I . Toelgkt st S:la Matiwws Satsrdar A Ba'sdsr. 19th Week of the Belasco Stock Co. THE ByBdascolDemlHe CHARITY BIG PRODUCTION BALL Ersalngs, t3e u TSe. Matinees Saturday sad Sunday, SSe. to SOe. '! West Week WHITE WHITTLESEY la "THB roXTUSES Or THE KINO." Marquam Grand Theatre ENGAGEMENT EXTRAORDINARY. Wsdnsadar. - - Thorday. rrtdar. Sat wear Nlsbts. Ortfltter 4, I. S. T. ISflS. MATINEE SATIRDAY AT t:lS O'CLOCK, TKX nrTrXMATTOXAL STAB, ' " ' ELEANOR ROBSON, .' MERELY MARY ANN (Uebler A Co.. Msasen.i . S Moatha fa Londna S Months In New Tv. Rpertal Matinee Prlder Afternoon, October ft, at S s't'lnrk MIRS RORSn.N and Company la aessn nrnaf i "im ;a aa-mosi." Ne One Rented rriday Aftornnoa After the Hiss 'of ' Cnrtaln. PRICE BOTH MATINEE AND WIGHT - rerqaet. 12: parquet cirele, f l.SO. Bal . cony, trat rows, II; grst I at last , rawe, TSe; . laat rows Is Ha loony. (MV. Entire sallert. ROe. Boxes and loaee, S1S.S0. SEATS ARB, NOW BELLI NU. BAKER. THEATRE OREGON THEATRI CO., LE.SSEE8, GEO. L. BAKER. MANAUER. ; w ' Panne Main 190T. " ' YAMHnj. AND THIRD "TP. EFT",. THE HOME OP MC8ICAL BCULKJIB. Tenlfht and Every Nlcht Tbla Week. Matlneen Sunday, Wedaeaday aad- Saturday. NOTE Barf aln Matinee Wednesday, 1:10 s. at., Xe ts Any Sent. ' Sam Devere'a Own Company " A CO N8TELL A TtV OP YArDEYILLK ' . . AND COMEDY -"TARS; PRlcm Etii1v tne. SRe. Sue snd TV. Ssadsr snd Saraeday .-matinees, lor. Sftr. toe aad SOe. " Wedaeaday sastlaee, SB Is ssy'saat. , .;- '' Ksst . Astrsetles Tss OiVlaal Bap BswaH Xxtiavagaasa cam snap. , Empire Theatre TwtirtkaHarrhaa Pimm Mala 117 stn.TO W. SEAMAN. Ma PORTLAND'S POPULAR PLAT PLACE. . Tonlrbt ssd Rery Nlgbt Thla Week ' turn a oaesolo's sct.nio and - COMEUT TBICMPH, ' . . - a m LZ12ZI AT HZ'ZTZt ReaTilar MaHses Rataaday. I IS . a. - fR ICR Reining, Iso, fas. rv? ssd Oa Hattaaea, Me, las aad sJe. Ksst AtttaeUea"CNaJl 1: 1 tTZZH.''; ... . Q 4 ", -I-"'. -V- -1 v. in Diamonds' and Watches, " ' ' '" ? Payments LoanOISce ; 71 TEED STEER Xf ro wisk to deposit aaoasy for m sps ' ellled tlsse and get Interest, krlag t to this kaaktag-aouse and take one or Saore of ear apeolal Oertlfleatea of Be paait, payable oa 10, SO or go aays eall, oaarlng froaa $H Is 4 pot east iateraat. Issued (os asaomata of SoOO ex opwara. Mala 4537; IC9 Third Street STYUSD VERY stylish Chiffon v Taffetas, Loulslne and Peau de Sole Silk Waists, lace trimmed; shirred and lace yokes; new sleeves; open backs ; all colors. In cluding black, and. all sizes.' Values up to Pspeclatomdrrow- ; only OTHER BARGAINS IN K0- OipiTilTJSCO Tks Msss Wkass' Teat OrelM to Btal LOUI3II. CCLL PIANO RTUDIO ROW Otrt T' I Parkws aad M. "". " jour.r.'ALv.v.r; on SILK 1.