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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1905)
tiiz or.zco:i daily journal. rcnTLAin." mciiday evehino, octocsh 2, T If.your.wifiU a victim of "too ' much kitchen" advertise for a cook in The Journal's "want ads" and let her slip , her head - out; of the col .. lar. '.' ' 71. PERSONAL. la DIES Ton appear , to raara younger, re move all wrtnklea, bar akla Ilka vlt ; by aalnr Ogegon Grape Skla food. Phon -; last 1S8T. . . MENI WOMEN"! Raymond's pills positively , euro nervousae and lack at vitality) 1, 4 boxes as. fiammar urug vo.. n antra. fOUNfM-At 13B Ktrst at. and 113 Grand ara.. rtbe place to rat Tomllnaoa'a Dead Shot and Quick Belief OH; arory family ebould aara It. WANTED To nicat naa of 00 a? cm with meene or Inconi matrimonially Inclined, by lady with home. Addreaa I- 48. Journal, i SHITS whtla yon' wait. SO. Ladles' . skirts pressed 50e. ' naxt to tha Quelle. oiioart. was suta at.. Phone Clay kuo. OINSENO, It'a a money-maker Plant bow; , prtrellet for eeed and plant oa application. B. W. Klblsr, Tacoma. Waab. CLSA BANCS aal all klnda of wamt. ktmenee, , tjiaalln andcrwaar, at., below aaat. elag Ckooa7 Co., Us Morrison at. LJ U.IAN R. CRAM Chiropodist, manicuring and shampooing. Parlor 424 Ablngtoa aide, . Portland. Or. Black 280S. MARRY Wester ladlea want baahanda; many r- wsi"y awniaii a ., am are axam ? rraaclaco, California. - M1HS BERTHA MARTIN Room It J, Allsky bldg. Stamping aad tloa Dcadlaworkl laaaous VRRB aanpls oom, boriloo and wart earn. Ed win L. Dana, dept. K. Taunton. Maaa. PR. FLETCHER'S chiropody parlors, SIS Allsky bid., of fir prattle. Bad 18v. EXPERIENCED dressmaker will soaka eaxaie- ncnta la famllla. Union Baa, ATTORNEYS. , OREGON LAW aV COLLECTION CO. 41T Pas. ton block. Oollactloaa aaad throagnant tba United BUtaat barkraptey aaattera a apedaltyt bad teaante a Jar ted; reota eo Her tad aad gear ' oral law baslneea; notary public. . JL. H. TANNER, attorney, BO Commerrlal blk.. Second and Waahlngtoa ata. -Phone Mala MS. S. T. TAOOABT. attorney aad rooaaallor at law. t- 416 Chamber of Commerce bldg. ART EMPORIUM. PROP. RICHARD MAX METER Portrait and landscape artlet) Inatrnrttoa In oil painting, J water color, etc., and drawing: art gallery . connected with etudte;. pictures for sale and framing to order. 84S Alder at. - Phone 160. THE LATEST FAD" 0a bays a pen aad Ink eketcb of yooraelf from photo or Ufa. Fag ' King. B2B Balelgh at.. Dear SSth. M. car. BLANk-BOOK MAKERS. HOWE, DATIS 4t KILHAM. UW-lll Second st. Blank book maaufacurera; agents for Jonea fmprorad Looea-Leaf Jadgera; are tha new Eureka leaf, tha beat oa the market. " T BATHS MASSAGE. TWB 6NOWDHN BATHB Iiy attendaata. Alder at.r tub and rnpor hatha, niaanage and elocu-trlty. Phone Main SS85. afAS.AGB, tab aad vapor hatha by two young ladlea at 11H Kourtb at., cor, Washington. tr "' ' i ... i .1 BICYCLE DEALERS. COLrMBIA. TRIBUNE AND CHEBCFNT. BPOBTINti GOODS. EXPERT REPAIRING, , r. r. KGttftAn. sua iuisu ei. BIRDS. ' lIRsJs. If. FRITZ. M Grand are., beauMfnl 'Imported canary blrda. reaeonahle; all good Biugrr. ana amimiaciiua iimtwiiw. BOTTLING WORKS. O. M. BOTTLING CO.. bottlers of fine car bonated beverage; family wine and Minora a specialty. 18 Union are. Pheae East 180. CARPET-CLEANING. STANDARD Carpet Cleaning Co., Urgent plant oa the coaat, Ioring and Harding ate., tele phone - Eaet SBO Carpets cleaned, refitted, sewed and kid; both ateam and la teat com pnaaad air proceas; renovating mattresses and feather a specialty. MATE your walla cleaned w cleaa napered and pa in tea era prlcee reasonable and painted walla; eetUfaetion guaranteed; references. AOU , CARPETS' cleaned on tba floor: we ralae duet. Phone Clay S31. free demonstration. 3. HUNTER Steam carpet-'and mattr ' cleaner. .600 Jeffereoa. I'bona Mala SI. nCARPENTERSANP BUILDERS: ' AUTHORS- WOOD, carpenters, bnlldera; ra- pairing hnd Johhlng: atora and office fixture built. Shop V Oolnrobla. Main 5JDT. CEMENT CONTRACTORS. AS. H. CARTBI aad Eaaa- Twentieth All work guaranteed. it., 1'huoe Eaat U70. r r-. CHIROPODISTS: IF your feet are out of order, go te Dr. W or ley . Benjamin. Seventh and MUrk, tka lost ape 'clalfat. Phone Blark SlS-T , ,llr-IrIW1rt COMMISSION MERCHANTS. OATENP0RT BROS. General eommlealnn mar chanta; fruit and produce; conalgnaienla ao ucited; prompt returna. lou rreoiaiv IF yon want to get good returna for your : produce, ah lp to na; pay highest price for egga f. o, b. P. Miller i Co. ETERDINO 4k FARRELL. prodac aad commla. i - sloa merrhsnt. 140 Front. at., Portland. Or. Phone lli'a 17. CAFES. TUB OFTICE gff Waablagto It. " Pboaa Mala TT1. Saanuel Vlgnvana. CLEANING AND DYEIN0. PORTLAND BTEAM CI,EANlNO DYEING Workei practical batter In connection ! feather bona and plumra cleaned end curled by aa as pert. 211 Fourth- Phone Clay 704. LP TO-NOW. CLEANING A PREHrllNG COM r Hall preaaeil. MVIi -penraiioci raoaa I'acuic K48 Ankeny at. -CLOTHES cleaned and preea.d II per month, Unique Tailoring Co., 847 Waanrngtoa at. H. W. TT'RNKR, pmfeaalonal dvrr and cleaner. " BOB Jerferaon St. Phone Main 1118. aii mi aiani-aiiiim -n a mi i a lis '1 " , COLLECTION A6ENCYV DOES snrhodv own roa snv money? Wa ("1 leet had debts of a'l kl- f It ap. -lit 1 , ..:. . 1 .. t CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALUIST -mi -un.i-ij-iJLirui-uruTr n i-"kr - " T WHXIV LPS Gifted child tram birth, bow la Portland and will (It tMt readluee for 201 four luiHtt af radlnc: locales irlnlng aad kluoea Irwimi, Jtooin t, 1U4 tint. MADAMS JOHNSTON Clairvoyant. ' fOlmtat. eerd readeri I give facts reliable d luipor. tint oa all affair of real Ufa. Beading AOs. 88 Seventh at., Ber Oak. COAL AND WOOD. CHT7BCHLEY BROS, hat raise rod from foal Darts at. to 410) Kearney at.. Mar 11th; la ow tha largaat woudyard la tba city, carry. ' In all kind of wood and coat. Mala' SSL OREOOBY MORRIS, aeeceeeor to Cala A MrKane, dealer la wood and coal at kat . price; eatla'aetlo guaranteed. Cor. TeWth ad Irvine. Psoas Main 411. ' WESTERN Feed Fuel Co., oa Front, bat. Ollaaa and Hort.. dealers la all .fclade of konaa coal and Mackemltb eoaav. Pbone , Main 101. ALBINA FUEL CO. .Daalera la eordweed, coal and reea and drylabwood. R. H. and Al klua ara.. I blocka aaat of ferry. Cast 874. BOXWOOD and planer trimmings eVwaye oa band at tba Standard woo co. Phone East SS1B. Foot af Eaat Pine at! STEEL BRIDGB FUEL CO. Dealers In coaU"t cordvrovd ana dry eleDWooa. i-none -aa u. OREGON FUEL CO. All klrde of coal aad wood. 00 Alder at, rneni uam no. KIRK HOOVER, SIS Water at. wood aad coat rhoa Mala aavs.- FOR 8 ALB S.000 aorda fU wood. Phone aat ZOID. CIGARS AND TOBACCO EBBKRII-OUNBT CO. , DUUlbutara of , ... ,F1NB CIGARS. Portland. Oregon. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WHOLESALE crockery and glassware. Praal, llegele at Co.. 100 to 10 Firth, cor, stare sc. DETECTIVES. DETECTIVE or secret set-ice work: strictly confidential; girriruit caeca solicited, ituum 14. Waahlngtoa bldg. 1 ' DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL. DR.C.E.BROWN.D.V.S .D.C.M Dog. Horae ho. pltal. 8gT Burnalde. Phoncat Maowe;-aatgiaa DRESSMAKING. ' SHIRTWAISTS, wool or wash silk, made for Sl.Zs; ablrtwalat aalta. a.u. an Eaat Mar at. Phone Eaat 1231. i . DRESSMAKING Strictly Bp to data; lateat de- aigna. ana nay at. ' - ELECTRICAL WORKS-- NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Company, go mark at., rortiana. u. mr everything la the - electrical Una. - 1'houe Mala IRKS. PACIFI0 ELECTRIC CO. Englaeere. coatrac- ..tors, repalrera. electric wiring, euppiiea. a Flrat. cor. Blark. Mala OSS. It. H. Tate. mgr. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. THB Electrical Appliance Co., 480 Washlagtua at. I'hone Main awe. , FRENCH BAKERIES. THE only place la Portland to get French bread. Barter Mayiie. auT oiltn a - uauy ocuv ery. Phone Green 503. furnaces: ' BOYNTON warm-air fnrnaeea aara fuel. - J, 0. n . . a o W-1 AM oarer r ii rn,i. v . . ew cvuu. FURNITURE FACTORIES. OREGON Furniture Manufacturing 'Company Manufacturers ex furniture lor u (raoe. Portland. Or. FTBNITCBE manofarturlng and special erdere. Ie Baveneky' furniture factory. 170 frost at. DENTISTS. NET CHURCHMAN, lentlet.- M Marauam - bldg"BItk and MorrleoBr Phono -lain 17t0i. GROCERS. WXDHAMB CO., wboleaale grocer, mana- facturere and commiaatoa marenaaia. roaru ad Osk sts. ALLEN LEWIS, enmralaeton and produce mer chanta. Front ana uavie sts.. rortisno. ur. 'r HAIR AND SCALP SPECIALIST. J. J. BORO, manufacturer of hatnaa lialr roll. etc. - Eaat Mntn. IK on Beat nil. '-' HARDWARE. Portland Hardware Co. aolldt opportunity to it at., cor. Alder. Mala I3S4. quote prlcee. lao let HOTELS. HOTEL Peadletoa, Pradletoo. W. A. Brown, mgr. HOTEL Pertlaad, Amerlcea plaa; $3. 9 per day. HnTrl, at. RMrr, Pendleton! leadlnjt kotcL BELVEDERE; Earopiaa plaa; 4tk and Alder ata. Oabom ntel. 81 Grand are.. IWic'to tl day. INSURANCE. ISAAC L WHITE, fire Insurance. 100 Dekun Mg. LAMBERT, WH1TMER k CO. Fire Inauranc and reel estate; oincea l"l-i'"i nnerioca ikii, Mala 1008; dept. 404 Eaat Alder.. Eaat 4wl. JAB. McL WOOD, employer' liability and to- dividual accident surety oonue oi au amoa. 4T. 102 McKay bldg. l Hj r. RARTELS COMPANY Fire Inauranc. 44S Sherlock bldg. Oregon Pbone Clay 62. LAWYERS. paints; oil and glass. F. E. BEACH eV CO. The Pioneer Paint Co. ; window-glass and glaslng. 130 Flrat at. Phont 1334. " BA8MUBBEN CO Jobbers, palnta. oll.glaee, . - A Jt . - A ..a IT,,, MAGNETIC HEALING. MRS. L. H. HART treat an dlaeaaa.' atotaaea trouble. neTvoeaaeea and funetJeael wea k a aa . Coaeults tloa free. tBOH-Psrk. car. Jeffereoe. LOCKSMITH. J. R trnABOKON. eineft lock aad keyamlth: general repairing; caailroa brailngj i all work guaranteed. SO fourth at. Pbone Hood 1782. BROWNEit IN TOWN Expert mrkamlth aad bicycle repairing. tN9 Stark. Day pboaa. Clay Ml: night phone- MalnM OVERALLS. BOBS OP THE ROAD OVERALLS and. me. rhanlca' clothing; union made. NeuaUdtOT . Broa., maoufacturera, Portland, Or. OSTEOPATHS.- DltS, ADIT NORTHRI'P. 4IB-IS-1T lVkum bMg.r TBIrd "ihd "WaahlBlfToli It. PBOo Main S4f. , lExamlnatlona free, ft , 't DRS. OTIS MABEL AKIN, 4. Macleay bid. Clay T7A. Hea. M. 8161. Ooaultatka free, PLUMBERS. DONNERRERG RADEMACHER. aaaltary - plumnera-. a georth at. - Hots paonaav FOX A CO., eanltery pi amber, sil 10004, bC Jkata aad Balmoa, uragoa t hen Mala guoi. musical; COrRTNET'S MIBI6 STORE, SO Fifth at- Good line or abeet muale 10c; guitars. aanao line 1-S lea than aaual price; Columbia record SSc. , -, LEK80NS BOr. galtar. banjo, awndolln, violin. Mra. Martin. t41ri flrat, car. Mala. PIANO tuning, f2; perfect work guaranteed. C. W. Johnson. Phone Mala 1811. ' MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN Oa Improved city aropsrty or for handing purpoaea. Any amouut a from S to 10 y ears' time., with nrtvllcge to repay aU or , part of tuaa afterr one yeer. Ina ap proved from plana f aad money advanced aa building prog r ease; auortgagc takea ap ami reularel. . FRED H, STRONG, Financial Agent, 243 Blark 8 treat. . . THE STAB LOAN CO. Any salaried employe, wage-earner. ran gat , oa hi Bote, without mortgage Month. 14 Month. Week. l. weea. or or 81.68 or fl.00 Repay to aa iib.s or szn.uu ltepay to ua v.eo or (1S.I 1.00 lie pay to a t 4.00 or 82.00 310 McKay bldg. MONEY to loan, aaUrM People, teamster, ete.r without erviil-lly ; eaay paymenta; largeat bualneaa In 40 principal eitlee. Tolnuuw-2-l Ablngtoa bid. PJione Mala 457. MONEY to loan on real, beraonkl and collateral 1 security; special attention to chattel mort gagee; no tee bought. C. W. Pallet, S04-S Kenton bldg.. 84 Sixth at. HIGHLY reepecUbto pUos where ladlea and genta caa borrow money on dlamoodeaad Jewelry. Collateral Loaa Bank. 20a. Waah Ingtoa St Phone Black Tl. CHATTEL loan In aawunta ranging from $28 to $5,000; ronmlng-houaee a apeclalty. New Era Loan aV Truat Co., SO Abingtoa bldg. WE make all klnda of loans oa good security st lowest ratee; special et ten tloa gives to chattel luaaa. 193 Morrlaoa at. MONEY to loaa la eume of from $3,000 to; term to anlt Cue Borrower. Suo-io, Commercial blk. MONEY1o lna In large or small amount oa good aecurlty; loweat rata. William G. Beck. SOT falling bldg. THE CRESCENT LOAN COMPANY Salary loan a from three to lis montha: coafldeatlaL SIT Oregoalaa. . ' MONEY to loan on Clackamas county lande. r E. P. ad V. B. Biley, Sua Chamber of Com- PORTLAND REAL ESTATE IX)ANS. B and S per cent. Wm. Dcnbolm. 22S Failing bldg. LOWEST ate an furniture and planoa. Eaat era Loaa Co., 448 Sherlock bldg. Clay 828. TO LOAN Slime to salt en chattel aecurlty. R. A, Frame, "S14 The Marqnam. $1.000-TO toan oa dty property. 404 Eaat Mor rnone Keet ua, - PLATING. THE OREGON PLATING WORKS. 401 Wash . Ington at. Pboaa 2378. Polishing, plating and lecquerlng. PRINTING. ANDERSON DUNIWAT COMPANY, printing, lithographing, blank books. Phone Mala 17. 11 Alder at. f '. ROOFING. TIN ROOFING, guttering, repairing and general jonning. i. uoalll, zia aerreraoo at. RUBBER STAMPS. P. 8. STAMP WORKS, tit Alder, phon Mala 710;. rubber atampa. aeala, atenctla, baggage. win c-nvi-aa, aeou lor flumgaa no. JD. i i. i f a 1 i -irai m l us si a aw ROPE. - PORTLAND CORDAOB CO.- aad Nerthrap at.. Portland. Or. SPIRITUALISTS. LOBTTA Spiritualist, medium and healer. The acknowledged leader. Marvelous cure.. Bp clalty rheumatic and stubborn dlaesses. Tour advantage to consult me. Boom -10, 224 M let SAFES. DIEBOLD Maagaaaa aafea; fir' aad burg la r- proci worst jail aad priasn work: lockouts repair. 1. B. navm. fl Third n. second.hAnd. UOODE'S Furnltnr Hone Hlgheat price paid for aecood hand furaltur. 21S Second at. Pbone Pacific 403. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of eery deacrlptloo; bank, bar ana atore niturea made to order. Tba Latke Manufacturing Co.. Portland. SIGN-PAINTERS. GOLD SIGNS, window lettering, cloth banners. econm ileal electric xana sndj- signs of sll kinds made quickly. Fnatef eAKIcleer, riftk and JCrwett. , Pbe Exchange 69. WARREN Conatroctlon Co., street psvlng, side walks and eroaawalka. 716 Oregonlaa bldg. THE Trinidad Aaphalt Paving Co. of rortlaad. tirnre vo worreater blk. TALKING MACHINES. OIRSON CO.. 3411 WasMngtoa at. Complete etock of Colombia grapbopbonea and records. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brush, soap, $1 per month. I wrenre Broa.' Towel Supply . Co., Fourth and Couch. Phone 42V. . TRANSFER AND HAULINQ. QAFE8, plane and furhltnr moved, packed i reedr for ehlnvlnc and ahloord: all work . guaranteed; large, 8-ator.v. , brick, fire proof warehonae rnr alorage. ornca 128 tlrat at. C. M. Olaen. Phone Main M7. C. G. PICK, offlce 88 Flrat at., between Stark and Oak ata., phone AM; planna and furaltur moved and packed for shipping ; commodious erica warenonae, rront ana t-iay ay. - - OREGON TRANHFER CO.. 14 North Sixth, Phone Mala 00. Heavy hauling and etorage. SEE Roea M. Plum mer about atorage; Orenroefl cut rat. 3H3 Third at. Pboaa Mala SOX POT PIWIAf--lBWVBH Ington at. Phone Main M2. VICLINS. I. A. WEB;Ov vlolla-mehee and repaleeri work Srat claaa. SB Kuaael bldg., 4th and Morrlaoa, WALLPAPER. MORGAN WALLPAPER CO., 184-IM Second -t.r bet - Vamhlll .aad Taylor, - Portland. Ensign Charles T. WOMEN'S CLUBS WILL HOLD Meet at Eugene for Three Days' Session at Which Governor Chamberlain Speaks. . .. (Special D la patck to The JoarnaLl Eugene, Or- 'Oct; I. Th annual con vention of tb - But Federation of Women' club -will b held In th Meth odlRt . church in Eugcn on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of this week. Th- program Inrludea wnv-addra by Oovernor George E. Chamberlain, 8 vlnit to ther lTn1verHT of Oreson' aaacmbly. t which time Peldent P. L. Camp bell will deliver an address, and public reception and musical. There will be numerous, paper on Interesting topic. The Fortnightly club, under whose ua- ploes the convention wll be held. Is mak ing extenalv preparations for the enter tainment of the delegateL about SO in number. Vw Vaiforma tot Xllltia, (Special Nanatch to Tb JooraaL) ' Ashland. Or.. Oct. 2. Company B, I separatr battalion, ba received Its new uniforms and the members appeared In new dress at regular inspection Satur day. afraf rrd Btoek Oaaal QooOa, Allen V Lewis Best Brand.. ' FINANCIAL. rSTXAED TKU8T COMPAaTT Of 0EE00S. Tb Oldeat Truat Company In Ortgoa. KESOUBCEB OVEB 1.000.0UO. OeneraJ banking Bavtnge S to 4 per cent; special certificate (net under I&00). t to 4 per cent oa abort call. veil rnr anoa or ixui Dinauuna, . Pboaa Mala 46 S. lug Third at. BENJ. I. ItiHKS Preeldent H. L. PITTOCK .Vlce-Prellent B. LEE PAGET Secretary I. O. OOLTBA... Aaalatant secretary UaTTZD STATES HATIOVAL BAMK or postlahd, oseooir. . MOKTaTWZST COB. THIKD AMD OAK STS. Traasacto a oeaera jaanaing suaiaeea. . Avatlabl In All t itle of the Tutted State - and Europe, Bongkong ana Henna. COLLECTIOXS MADE Oaf yATOBABLE TIBlfS I'reald-nt t. -,"v,V2I5 Vlce-Preldnt...., .W. B. A LB Vice-President B. LEA S A BN K8 Cssbler .B. W. Aaalatant Cahler... A. m. vr ""'". Aaalatant Caahler..., A. UllLI LADD TILTOB, BABKEKS. (EataUUaed la 1U8.) Traaaaat a Oeaeral Banking Baainaas. Collections made at all polnta on favorable terma. Lettera af credit laaued available la inrope end all polnta in ine luiicu niair-. . aieht Kit-ban and Telegraphic Tranafera told oa New York. Waahlngtoa. Chicago, 8t. Ioula. Peaver. omana. naa rrinnani ara ontana and Hruien toinmnis. . i j Parte T4eeltn Prankfort. Honakong. Yokohama. Manila and Honolulu. EBST BATIOVAL BAMK nr POETLASD. 0BE00K. . . Designated Depnaltorr and Unanilal Agent Tlf the United State. -t Preeldent ...A. L. MILI Ceahler t. W. V. Aaalatant Caahler. ... : rr. c. aniwau 8econd Aaalatant Caahler B. r. 8TEVK.n Letters ef rredlt lamra avauaoie in a.orop raV4 th Kaalern gtate. Sight Ehng and Teleavanhle Transfer old on New York. iPton. Chicago, t. uuis. St. Paul, nmaba, Baa Francisco a so mi prlnrlpel point ia the Northweet. Bight and time bills drawa In sum to anlt oa Loodon. Psrla, Berlin. Frank fort-ln-the-Maln. Hongkong. Tokokama. Copenhagen, Chrlsttanln. 8tockhnlm4 St. Petrraburg, Moa eow. Enrich, Honolulu. ' ' Collection Made B- favorable Term. M1 EBCKABTS' BATTOMAL BASK, POBTLAMD, OBIOOB. J. rSAJTK WATHON .....President n. 1 IilRIIAU , vice-t-reaioeni B. W. HOTT .....Chler CEORCB W. HOTT. Amlstant Caahler Traaaaeta a Oeaeral Banking. Bsaiaeea. Dtafta nd Lettera of Credit loed Avallabl to All Parte of th World. I'olleetlooe a Specialty. SE0UKTTT SAT1B08 Si TBUST OOMPABT, SM Morris St., Portland, Or. Traasaet Oeaeral Banking Bualaea. ; SATIBOS DEPABTMEXT. Is teres t Allowed ei Time snd Ssvings Depoalt. . Act Truatee for tela lea. Drift and Letter of Credit Avallabl a All nrta or tae n aria. C. t. A OA MS. ........... . .. .rreeinent ,...rirt VlcaPreldnt ..Second VIcgPTealdent L. A. LEW IB. A. L. Ml 1. 1.8 f.-i , .recrTry UKoTrl Ml 88 SIX asiisni iwi.i-'l M OBBJS BIOS. ' IIS rirat St., Fertlaad. Or. I Offer Ollt-Edge Investment I Municipal aid Jlailroad Honda. Writ or Call. MORTOAQQ a Portland Bal. Estate LOANS t Lewast Bates, Tit' Inaurad. Ahatraet Turnlshad, -TITLE tUaSAIIEI IIUI1 111 - Sto Waahiagtea St.. er, Wsdt of the Bennington.. TEMPERANCE ADVOCATES TO MEET AT THE DALLES . Twenty-Third Annual Conven tion of Oregon State Union ' to Begin Its Labors. 'r (Special Dispatch to Tha"loornal.) the Deljea. Or.. Oct, . Th twenty third annual meeting of the Woman's Christian Temperance union of the atata of Oregon will begin its first session In this, city tomorrow afternoon at 1 o'clock. - The convention - will last from October . to Inclusi ve, . The , first business on th program Is th eecu tlv metlnK, composed of general of ficer, county preeldent and aut au- tukelntenrlont. " " ' The state orncers ara: x-riuii,. Mrs. Lucia Faxon Additon; vlca-presl- dent, Mrs. Helen D. Harford; corro .nonrllna: secretary. Mrs. Henrietta Browne recording secreUry Mrs. Ida F. Marsters; treasurer. Mrs.' Hassle J. sh.n.. aaeraurv Y" branch. Mr. Eva C. Wheeler; secretary I T. 1.. Mrs. fda M. Courtney. The county -preeldent arc: Mr. E, tat Wnnd. Raker: Mra, Ida F. Marstars, Dougl; Mr. D. F.Hyde, Jackson; Mra. Anna Caulklns, Lane; Mra. .nuca r t.w er,. Linn; Mrs. Rebecca Steele, Marion; Mrs. Edith Whiteside. Multnomah; Mrs Chloe Butts. Polk; Mrs. . Bertha Courtney, Umatilla; Mrs. A. 8. McOhe Union; Mrs. Carrl Nlon, TamhllL -A big gathering of thoe interested is expected and much business of impor tance to th union will be transacted, FIVE KILLED BY PLUNGE OVER STEEP PRECIPICE ' (Special TMepatck to The Joaraal.) Medford, Or., Oct. I.Th remains of Mr. and Mrs. John Doaks and tair three children have been louna at me foot of a precipice on the Medford Klamath road near Proa pec tr whr they had lain for apparently three weeks. The wrecked wagon And the re tnalna of th horse wer also found at the sam place. It Is svldent that all wer victima of a runaway dlsastsr. Doako formerly resided on Wllllama creek, but left with his family lat spring for atern Oregon. It. ia evi dent that they were returning by way of the Crater Lak road when th dlaatr happened. WIFE REFUSES, PARENTS TAIL TO CLAIM BODY (SpecteJ Dispatch to Th JoarnaL) "Colfx, Wh., Oct Mrs. J. Blnk of Friends. OK. refused to claim or bury th body of her husband, who died in SL Ignatius' hospital here on September it, and tha body is still hsld in th un dertaking parlors of Oliver Hall. Mr. Blnk Is now picking hops near North Yakima. Ida wife at first promised to com for th body, but later wrot to 7 . . ' l ' ' It. 1 . . . iA .he ,,nertikc- ei vna TBTgmar-vnrrh-ad- dress of her husband's parents, who, 11 v at Rockford. Mo. Th undertaker teie- Lgraphed to "the pkrent that their son . W treat successfully all privet r vou and chronic dlaas of mn; ale blood, stomach. hart, Ilvar. kidney and throat trouble. W our BTPHIL1S , (without mercury) to ty cured for vr. , W rmov STRICTURE, with out operation or pain, in II days. We atop drain, ! night loa and spermatorrhea by a now method lo a week. W can restore the xual vigor of any man under &0Jy mean of local' treatment peculiar to ouraalv. ...4. We Cure Gonorrhoea In a Week Th doctor ef thl inatltut are eVL regular graouat. nav 1 yr' prlnce, hav been Portland for li year, hav a A .i.t.l. h,I11 undertake tie. mm unies cartaiD our can d aaectea. We aiiarante a cur in vry eaae nndartaka or charge no fe. Conault. i .,-. : -f a..- 'n-ajMiM a--. tlv BOOK FOR MEN mailed free la plain wrapper. W cur th worat eaa ef Pla tm t tion. Cur gueranteed, t - If you daoaot call at office, write for ecsaful. One hour. I to I and T te I. land IN A DR.-W. - NORTON Offlc ia Taa Noy HotL ISU TkUd f TRANSPORTATION. COLUMBIA RIVER TRIP i . STEAMER' "BAILEY GATZERT" Lav wek days u m. Sundays, I a, m, Aj-rlve nei p. m. ROUND TRIP $1.50 Through stmr for The D41 way Dolnts leave daily 1 a. m- Wharf foot of Aldr etreeU, Phone Mali ALASKA FAST AND POPrl-AR trEAMSBIPS Leave Seattle S a. m. . "Jef feraea," September T. IT. ST. "BolakiaV' September t, 12, SS . . KETCHIKAN, JUNEAU, OOOaLAS, HAINES, 8KA0WAT. Oonaects with W. P. T. route tor Atlln. Pawaoa. Isasaa. Mome. eta. FOB ALL SODTnEASTEBN ALASKA i pqr,tb, j S. S. MTaraHsa,H September 4. S. 8. "Dirige." September 14, - Call or , send for 'Trip to Wonderful A leak a," "ladlaa Baaketry," "Totem tfakmrn." - Wahla,. Cav- Aeebl S8S Osk SU Portlaad. Or. C. OEE WO Hie Great Chinese Doctor yermerlf ' located at S5S. Aider U een Iktra. , . . Has Moved To th - Urr brlcl anlldlna at S. B. corner f rirat a a Morrlsue at. Errtran 162ft First. Strati vw r " - - v k. Ami flaln a aa well tmoet and famous thaoucboat the 0. a bees a eta wonderful aad marveloa 'cares have bee heralded roadeaet tbrogboattb i .h -.4 Lmritk a tau aoontrr. He treats ear aad aU dleeaaea wltk powerful .Chinee root, aerbe, bade, barka and vegetable thai T . i . , . hmIim! aeaenee I thai coaatrr. and through tb uee et theee karmljes remedlea b guaranteee to euro caiarro. hug troablea. rheamaUam.Bereoasnee atoms, liver, kidney, female troablea and all print dleeea. ... ... ef the knife, without "ualng somi er drugs. TViia raaaraaa nncroe ai.s wi,dw. .w Rnndeeds of testlmonlshi ea ni " Call aad eee klm. Cberge adnata. , OOaTBtTLTATIOK FBEB. " PatUnt out et the elty write for" blanks and etrcnlar. Inclos. stamp. Address Th 0. See We China Kadleia e.. 1 M eor. Merrmsa, reruaaa, vn Pleaae meotio thle peper. For - todrsj dnUl work. - Wrld-r noamed DclallstaV Lowest prlc eonltnt with flrgt-ciaaa -:::-" -.. -?,. OO t th ', NEWjYORKDENTISTS FOTJBTat AST MOmmXlOBT STB. Opa day and night, from S:S v wire- . ntl( f, ft fc ttna dead and asked what disposi tion should be mad of tha body.. H received no reply. ONE KILLED AND MANY- SERIOUSLY INJURED (Journal Special Service.) Rt Paul. Minn.. Oct. 3. On pasen ger was kllfad and everl other erl oualy Injured In an accident at th Orest Western crossing In this city, yesterday, caused by a Chicago Ac Great Western stock trsln running at a high rate of speed striking a HSoo" lln pes aenaer train fairly In th center. Two Pullman aleenera were hurled Into mill v to feet deer. Nln of th injured are in a aerloua condition and a acor of others ar allchtly hurt. Th dead passenger was Mra Clara N. Cross of Minneapolis, who died, t the hospital. " A rw afor OoBtMrtanta May aBtar. j Th answer ar coming In and good one they ar. but there is, yet room for new contestants. Remember this is one opportunity, one good rasr with a big premlam at the other end that cost you nothing to ntr. It'a Just Ilk a chck from horn. With a week' file of Th Journal before you and a little knowledge of the bualnea bouse of th city you can In a Ilttl tlm write out your reason. A llttl thought even In will do th trick. "It's up to you." Do not think that becaua It appear so easy that thr is com catch to It. It's a way Th Journal ha, you know, of treating th people liberally. There Is nothing too good for our friend. W wlah w had a Ceclllan for every one but we haven't, so we give you the only on w do hav. This in on good thing you must not ml as. If you ar not working, get busy Immediately. It' no bother to answer questions., If there Is anything you do not understand, call at th office or phone boo. ' - King Carlos' title is Imposing. He IS "King of Portugal and th Algarvea f within aad beyond Hi a, In Atr; Lord .of Guinea, and of the Navigation and Commerce of Ethiopia, Arabia, Per la and the West India." - . ' , f't v r C- wo ear thr traunata, wltheal prae v - -tMMrtlea blaah, Ummt traatsaaal ay an t II t tl 4 C: C0. f 1 rDuUtIoi ff 1 it 1 U (7 M TRAKSrC STATIC II. mi. UmoirEicinc 3 Trains to tbe East Daily 3 . Through PuUme etaadard aad rot-ear dally to Omaha. Chics toarlat BUeolnear dali te E City I through Pallmsa toarlat sleeping -car (pars. ally esndueted) weekly-to Chirac. BeeUauaa eneirear laeata free) aa toe Baet aauy. UK ION DEPOT. Leave. CHlcanA.pnaTT.aMii SPECIAL, rag tba Bait via Baat- :! at I oiiy.. Daily. ingtoe. SPOKamb rim For Esstera Waahln. toa. Walla Walla. Lew- ii p. i Dally. I t.a. Daily. .: . . Isto, Coear d'Alene ana lieeac . ...I w. -seiatft L ATLAKTIC acMeaa f S- a. m. t:ts a. aw or tae Ksst via Baat-l uauy. tngtoa. Oclamkw Blver Drrlaloa. FOB AgTonta a.a rOp,k, I Pally. Aboul es. Sooday.! 8:0 a. av Saturdar. rex. Suadaav r.ia, emaniii wit Bfear. m --a North Beach, atm. ttmrnj ". asat. sort Il0:0 p. m.l - Tarn hi 11 Brrer Bauto. POB DATTriM n! Cltr and Tamklll river T:!w. m. Dally. av Sunday. T:8 a, Bk DeUy. ex. Samday. poinra, at mra. Burn aad mono. Ash, dock, Weter permitting. ) Saaka Bivar Beaks. POB LBWISTON. Ida. nd wsy points from HJoarla. Waahu claaa Spokane aad Lewie to. TICKET 0FFICB. Third aad Waahiagtea. Te poone B1S1B TLX. C. W. STINOEB, City Ticket Arnt. A, ta. CBAIO, Oeaeral passenger Ageat. EAST SOUTH CMIOB UBPtrT. 0VBBLAND BXPBE8B. Train, for Bass burg. .Ashland. 8 era meat, Ogdea. Baa graav elaco. Stork ton, Los A a-! galea. El Paao, Mew Or S:49 aa. rTa,aa, leene and the Moralaa Ire I a Beet at Woodtiur dally - eseept Saanay with trela far alt. l:S0.ak. SBb. AageL Silver. Brow nar 111., series field., weasua Marroa. Eugea pai S:00a. m. Bret at Waodha eadbura with 10: a-BV, Mt. Angi ton locaL Angel aa Bllvi Trial a. m. 4:50 a. m. Coevallla pai BMlvBa. J3 . m. Ml on p. m. Saerlde pusinger. For eat grove paaaenger. 1110:411 p.m. naiiv. , - IIDally eieept Sunday. ." ' rrtlad-Oawee. Sahmrhaa aVarrio A Tsjahal. ... lMvariea. Depot foot ef Jefterae etreet. Leave Portland dally for Oeweg I a. avt IS0, p. m . K Sm, 4.0O, :so, :o. :an. i:en, ao 'e i. Deliy (zcep Bandar). SdO. d:0, AS. 10:19 a, . ( :uu. ji:au p. as. vaaaar ar. SrOO a. m. Returning frora Oeweg. errtv Portlead Sail , :80 . B 1:8A 1:08. 48. 8:2. T: !, Il:l p. m. osny lrvt bubostf. .. a-. S:S0. 10 10. 11:48 a. m Except lieaAay, IZJm a. m. Sunday aolv. I0r08 a. m. Leave grom a ma depot fof Dalla and hrteav medlar point dally 8:00 B. av Arrive Per. . orieTarea rlrllr to kfonmootli and Awn, eoae ectln wltk Soathem Ptrln aompaay track t nstlaa snd Indnud-Bca. . Flrt-cls rare rr"r i-nrriauu ,u , ad San rrancter 12ft. kertha 88; eewmd-ektai far 118, secn!-eir nenee Ticket to Eeetern pom,- -la ran. Oiln. Hlala eud "'rrslU. . Cltv Ticket Oeace eoenee Third sad waeae ln-f eve. Phae Mai Til- , , dty Ticket Ageat, . .. Osa. Pas. Agawt. TIME CARD OF TRAINS Portland.' DAILY. UNION DEPOT.- Depart Arrive. v.iw.aiatona Park-Ka- sss Clty-St. Loal Bp dat tor Chehalla. ea rn Ha. Olympla, Oraya 1:30 a. SL 4:90 a, . Harbor, acuta bcbo. it Beatlle Snokane. Lewistoa. Bstte. BUi- lnn nearer. Oman. Kansss City. St. Lsala and eatbeL North Coast Limited, electric lighted, for Te eonta. Seattle. Snokane. t :00 a. at TrM a. aa. Piatt. Mlnnaepoli. St Paul and tb Eaat. Paget Sound Limited. tor Chehalla. Centralla :S0f, m. 101 a. i Taeom aad Seatll eolv.. Twla City tiwa. for Taeom. Seattle. Spa-1 an. neiene, Butte, Yellowstone Park. Mia. 11:41 p, m. 40 b, an, Beapolla. . 8C Pant ad A. D. CHARLTON. AaalstsBt Oeneral Passenger Ageat. EM Morrlaoa St.. eor, Iklfa. . Poruaed, Orego. Astoria &. Columbia! ; ; " River Railroad Co. lfauB!- I I O (OO ' a. IHavJ"" J Isfti ouTa. Afiiveav Leave. . L'NIOK DEPOT. . Arrtvaa, t 00 a. n . Per Margeta, Baraler, 111, av Dally. . Cbtakaale, Weetport, DsUf, -.: . Clifton, Astoria. War rentoa, r'laveL tlaav mond. Port Bteveaa, Gearhart Park, Seaatde, Astoria sad Mssihara, Einresa dally. 8-8 a, ag, Y0. m. , . dU. IIDally. Astoria Bipreea. f . J. a MAYO, ' O. P. aad P. A- Astoria, A. C. A. STEW A ST. Cemmerrlal Agent. 848 Aide street. Pkoae Mala Sue, Ticket Offlee MS Third 9. 1BM -Trnngeoontln rrtaU ' Trwlnai tl- c ! : . FAOT VI : " to trov 1 " MiA. ... , . Dayl'-t t nd l.o- ' f kamJ , Tirana ara., , ro m li. c. t.M out. ' 1 I