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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1905)
TllZ OZZZOU DAILY JCUHIIAL. TOZtTLkllD, tlONDAY , EVENING, .OCTOSSI? a, s TODAY'S 11 SEASON OPEII Supplies of Fresh Stock Soon to ' - Be Brought to the Local :;: " Markets. v ' ' nun 0 CRAB - WHEAT VALUE? ARE - AT THE TOP Flour Not So Active but Milla Have I All the Grinding They Can Do for r Some Time Chickens Show Indif ferent Tone. -:, - -JTwwt lr t. iQrt. t. The WlnclMl ft8tnrJ wf tbe Portland' wholesale markete todsy : , Flour market flrta tut qwi. WkHt value rlKlit t tile lop. - - t potato end on inn duller. I'miMrr batter dull but snrtianged, , Chicken rhow lndlf (imi too. . ' Mora eaetera egga ara now due. " ' . ", Hteamer bring npM rrom eootb. t , Tom tort owar with larger receipts. Some old boss ara selling. a vj ' Csllfornle csntskmpee an la N abape. : All dressed meets ara arlllnf well. - Salmon from Columbia la fair aupplr. -Crab eraaoal open la Whrngtua. ' ' Peer market firm a nsotatlooa. ; 7 ; Banana euppHee ara small. " Orab Seaaoa Open la Waealagfca.' V '. " Lonn of (wh rraba will anw ba able to bar tlierr fill, for tha eeasoa la apaa la tba .. atata a . Weenlngton. . Yesterday was tha opening daj of. t lie season, but non of tin flahara were at work and today thara were, I bo receipt In thto cltjr frets that enures. It la Snnoune" however, " that eblpniente win ba ,i - made -today and thle market will aoea ba eua- pllex! Tba rraba from Waabtnxtoa .come from . Shoalwater bar d ara ahipped la a lira u ' dllloo ,t thla market. Kara tbrr ' generallr received -at aigtiteand ara rook Ml at once, tnue bworlng surer at crabs tba -next morning toe freabeet gomla that could ba purchased. Tlie Idea of ranking- eraba ia till rltr originated ' WHti C.'J. B. Malarker. a wholesale flab dealer, . who bad aperial rata built to enable bhn lo rouk a rerr ferge Bomber at ones." Later sev ' aral ereer flab handlera aigntfled their Inten . tton of gola Into that branch of tba boatues. -: Up to thla time, when' tba Waahlngtou aeaeoa waa rlaaad. rrb auipllaa par thla market and. : In fact, tba entire 1'aciftc coaat, cam In a rooked eoQdltloa from Yaqulna bar. but tba . aapfllea wara not of a flrat-elaaa quality,, neither wer tbr larca eaoafh ta aupplr . tba da uainU. , ' Borlpta of aalmoa from tba fewer rlrer .ara .oalr fair,. Quality la not ao food oa aeeauat ,.of tha weather. Coaat atrcama eoottnne to make k -pood ablpmanti to thla anarket.' Prlcea ara ' tba- aama. ..... .t : " ITear Market rira Bat Aalat. Tha fkwr market la farm; bat tba feellnf , 'more quiet than It baa baea alnea tha new ' ; aeaaoa opened and tba bearr purcbaaea began In tha orient. Larallr tha flour -trade la qdl'a . good, but nllla atlll bar all tba work tber caa do to fill their (urmarlr eaeeired oriental or '. dora. Tba mlllfaad market la lawful ahana with ' an pp Ilea . laraar aad - demand eorraapoadlnglr '. good. Oata ara firm bat unchanged. The tme, - howaear, la mora quiet than formarlr. Prleea la grata unchanged. ' ; - Totataaa and Oakwa Ara JEhiUer. Thara m a duller feeling m both pmatoea and i onlone. . Ontalda demaad. baa tbaaJ far failed 1 ' !? ! to matermllak and grawera ara becoming anaarTi.e. suaBHe; baron. aWe: Umae. Ai . ' and ara offering area more . freely tbaa trer. :The on km. market m Terr nan ad far a tba I 'Kval atotka ara eoncernad. Walla Walla onlone aging glrea tha preference aa account of their I vary low prleea, f - TT "Cklckeaa Bhow Jaatrfaraat' Tone, ' An Indifferent tone la todar ruling In the chlrkea markeK Recelpla during tba dar were ' fair, mt a aaual oa Mondar there waa little ' ' demand. Dealera do not aaem worried orer the altuatwa and aar tha market will bold Ma owe. - Kara are qnnted ery firm for local ranch n acrmint of the aonpliea bemg amailer than the demand. Htorka, boworer, ara coming aonta- -what better than laat week. Beraral mora rare ' of eaetera cnld arorago atocta ara ao route to thla dir. bnt .tba tuarkee oa theae la not aa ' good on account of uncertain qualltr. Ouaraa teed atorka ara firm, t'reemarr butter remain rery dull with anaiai . what of an tncreaee la tha arrlTam. Home Call- i fornla atork ratne oa tha laat a learner, but a ft waa of good qualltr It eold anmnd the value . or weal eecorwi. country a tor la la demand and rarr firm at tba price. - fheeae from raid atnnga M bowing target . arrival and the market la eaay to weak with price unchanged. t - Steamer atringa 6 rape Iron South. ' ' - Tha Callfornta ateamer atuff waa anloade.1 i thla morning. Good euppllea of grapaa were abowa from Racramento, tienerally they were In good condition and tba heat Tokara readllr brought Sl.anQI.SS per crate. Local granea ara In gooa anape with aunpnea conalderably amailer. Tbe market m firm at tha price. w i Tnmatoea ara a trifle rawer on account of in Increaea la anppllea. Quality first -claaa with Terr Uttla cracked atork.- Hear ara. Terr firm aroma $1 M for fanrr. Cold atorage aend moat anppllea. Banana are rather acarce and few hipping rdera wera filled today. Huppllea will not ba replenlabed for eereral daya. Roma eery choice eantaioupea from tba aouth Were anloaded from the ateamer todar. Tba following quotation ; ara paid along Front atreet by . the II trade for ' choice quality ta round lota. . Producer' price ara ao Defined: rata. Tlear and read. ' WHEAT New club. T2c: Red Boaaiao, STel 1 kmoaaSm. taet Taller. TIT3e, - BABL1T Teed. 21.60O2iLUMt rolled; SUM B2S 00: brewing, fsi.ouajv.uu. . coKrtWbole. H.oa cracked. 2d.M pef taa. ,- HTRl.l per awt. OAT Produce ra" price Ho. 1 White, S2S.B0 WOO: grT. S23.00a4.oO, rLOUB New. eaetera Oregon patent, 14 JO; ' atralghta." SS.B0e3.BSi' egnortt, M S; Taller, ' S3.6B; graham, fte, 3 60; rye, 60, s.00 hair. ISTB. j MliL"TUrr Bran, fiaOO par font mid--. dllnr a, S2B.0O; ahortg,' feountrr, SaOXMt elty, . 110 00: crop, ili.oo. RAT Produce ra' price Timothy. Willamette - -Talley fancy. -ll.00Xia. 00; ordlnaryr-S7.00 a.oo;" eaaterd Oregon. H4.00ilB.OO: mlxe-l. rl.MOa.OO; rloTer. .0010.00, grata. SS-BUQ 00; cheat. $8.00aS60. -Battari Xgga and aaltrp. ' BCTTBB FAT Sweet. Slat Boar, 2e. ' ' . -HL'TTIR City 'creamery, beet, SOQAIHo! - pecond grade. 4THe outaide-flnrr c7M130c; ' ordinary. 3r327tte; atore, tlTc. RGUH No. 1 freah Ureann. candled, T7H( ld atnrag and aaatera, MdSIlt. CHEESE New Full cream, -Orln, UHOlac; k 'Tonng America. ItHQlBc; Cheddar, 14c. . POULTRY Chicken. 14flt4H pr lb; . ' fencr ben. M4tlBc per lb: rooatrr. 'old. HI - 1o per lb; fryer, 1 4c per H; broiler. 14 per lb; ducka, 14IHc per lb: gee, lc per . lb; turkey, lAflWc per thf dreaaed, Z2Q2S ' Ml IK, .nnih. r4 HAM! m n.. Anm Hope. Weei and Bldaa. - . FOPS ions Oregon. 12M3Uet Waehlnrfon. lnllc; I9i4 crop. 12o for cboiam, UK Q lie - for prime and medium. 1 - WOOL 1Mb aup. Taller, esarea ta medlam, SATURDAY PRICES IN - THE WHEAT MARKET Deeembar. Hay - q d Chlraao 4 Milwgukea --, 4 Naw Tork . d Kanaaa City Bt, Loulg , "d Mtrmawpol' d Duluth .q LlTerrmol Sd "-fTan Fra rralaco 1.164 - ' - march; Dacember barley. .1 .Ma ,: I . A IBU . a a 1 . .. .74 ... T7 IMd MAR! JOURNAL'S - DAILY - - TIPS TO SHIPPERS Bmall-alaed hoga of beat qual- - Ity ara naw deal red by tha local trad and for theae tha prleea 'ara - 4 rather high with tha maraet nrtn. 4 Veal that la aow coinrntfla wTia it tha trade wanta, but heavier ra fetpts would n ba unwelcome.. Good mutton finds a ready al at the price, - - - - -,-- (4HaHe aet- SSOe kioiiAiR nominal, aogiiia. 8 H K BI'8 KIN S Bheartna, ltttBSa tOUHOc: medium arooL aottcae tocull 00 each, . , , TALLOW I' time, nag Bl 40e Me. freaae. ttim. chiitiu BARlv awtjoe par in. . B1DRS Drr hides. C 1 lba aad an. ltlSH per lb;, dry kip. Ka, W ta IS lba, 14c: drr calf. No. L end S ma, lISe: dry Ml ted hldea, teer. aound. W lba .- IHai SO to SO lba, SOH: aaaar Um and eow. saswc, atog and ball, aeana. eOJet kip, IS to SO lba. c: acond. IP ao 14 lba. He; calf. (oaad. anden 10 lb .SVaCJlle: greea tnnaMted). la per M. laeat OT"eyti'Cf;. aach. 1. 000 1. BO; eolt bldaa. each. SSOoue; goat eklna, eommon, each, ior.ibe; Angara. nil wool aa, each, toeeisi, - . :. - rratta and Vegetablee. - POTiTCiJEa wmn. afiaTBef ear lot. 0e aack; ordinary. 40tWe awaat. So aacka, 2H crate. ONIONS New Oregon yellow PanTara, Sec; ear Iota. 80c; garlic, Stj lOc oer lb. ruGSH frihtb Apulea, Oregon, ei.uuw fancy, ll.TSGS.OO; erabapplea, SI BO; ". lal Valencia, 4.TBft9.2S; banana. Be per lb, lemooa, choice, S.B0S-'S per box; fancy. Se.00 per hoi; llmea, ieilca. Sl- P 100: pineapple. $4.00 per due; peach. f"ncy, Soa0c; ordinary. eoTfic; plum. TBc.lAJ per crate: cantaloupe, 76e per crate; water melon.. 60c nor cwt: araoee. Oregon. S0iBe t'.incorda, B. Oe: 10a, aoe baaketi California, TRcftllBO boi: pear. Bart let t. fl.SS Pf dot; -winter Nellie, 41.23 ier noi; oi.cir rlee. BSceil.OO; eb, $2.0002-60 doa; freeh prune. ( ) per lb; pomegranate. 11-25 per box. VUG STABLES -Turnip., aew, Sine r el earrota,. 11.00 per aack; beete. $1.00( 1.Z3 pair aaekt Orgo-edlaa. me nw cabbage. Ongon. H.onQl.xS per cwt: -greea pepper, Be per lb: local tomatoea, auajeiic, parantpa, l.r)l 2.; string beans, 4.Vs caullfloweT, Tci$1.00 doa; rbnharb. per lb: hcraeradl.k, lo lb: ' rtlcaokoa. 401 SOe par doa; head . lettuce. BOe per doa; greea onion. ) per dost aplnaoh. ne per ID; green corn. Toe per anca. Be per lb; cucumber. TBe per aackt celery. local, per doa; eggplant, 3.00 per crate; pumpkins, H4e. UBIKD FKUITH Apnlo. arauuianao. tmmtm ir lb) aorlcota, PUrtlte par Ibi aarks. A lh leaM, Mehu U0,9m MT lb! Diin m r lb: nranea. Italian. InrliXt Per, lb: r lb: prane. Italian, SWA4A per, lb: eocli. 8ue4tte perjb: fir. CalltoraU black. m per -lb: California white, -.ear Ibt ma. pitted. per lb: date, goldea, a rrencii, olama. aar )bl tarda. 11.60 nor 6-! aos. wreoeriee. sTnhta ' Xts. St'GAR Rack baala Cube. Id 60! powdered. 18.86; fralt granulated.. SS.JSJ dry granulate?.. 0.28 Conf. A. 5.S0; beet granuUted. 6-l. extra C. . $4.75; golden- O, $4.05; D yellow, $4.65; bbl, 10c; bhla. SSc; box SOe adrance on aack baala. leea 20 oar cwt (or case, IS ear: maple 1416e nor lb. nuKxr aa per arataV COFFER) Package bra ad. $H.TS. -SALT Fine Bala. 2. Sa. 4a. 6a. . JSa, .tl-SOt table, dairy. SOa. 111.00: 1 00a. Slo.TS: Inv ported Llremool. SOS. $17.0. 100. SlS-SOi 224. Sld.OO: tra fin, bbbv 2. da.- 10. 14 6O0n M: bulk. 320 lba. tMttil.. aacka, 60. asesd. " r SALT Ooarae Half craned. lOfl. aae ton. $7.00: 60a. nr too. $7.50; Llremaol Inmo roes. ia ut tn iw k. r m ttmm. ad.TS. KM) W ' ' . (AboTe prlrea apolr e aama of W Ml rar fete. Car loU at asocial arkjaa aahlaet m flnetnatlonal. GRAIN BAOIt Oaleatta, Ttta. , ' RICH Imperial Japan. No. 1. Wb- wiaaaa paao. o -. . , . N UT" Peanwta, ti pt - tamboa. IU nee Ibt mmm anin. m IK. n..au4 -1 eocuaaata. MietPOc pee doat walnnta. 14rtlSe per Ibt Plae nnra. lOfllSUe ner : l.lekorr nntv per et-eatnnta. eastern. IRallO rer lb: Bra all aota. IBs ner lb: filbert. 14116 par Ibt faaey Parana. Itai6t nl-Tonds. IXAlBa ear lb. , ralata. Deal Oil, tte. BOPB Pare Manila. -14: arandard. UV .1.. I iAk ltal. keaod llML S. ClIAL OIL Pearl ar AatraL Csaee, SOUe par gal: waler white, iroa-oaia, ids vm nun wooden. ISO par gal: haadlUhb. 170-tV. aara. 22X4 ner 1. , . OASOLIN It -de. rasa. S2e aer gait Iron bbla. tc per gal: etorea, easaa, 24 H aa sail Imh taj. m aral. BKNZ1NB S-de. reaee, IBa par gal; Iron bb. l.c ner gaL . TCRPBNT1NB la eesaa. tie pe gall wood npi.. Tac per aai WHITS LF A TV Ton lota, T4e per b 800-lb lota. Rc per lb; lees lot. 8H per lb. . ; v. wiwv mail i i i n na mm m r mm. ,u. T.lNaKRn AIL Pr raw. In S-bhl lota. B4e: 1-hhl lot. 66e; cae. etc per gat; genuine kettle boiled, caaes, 2c per gal; B-bbl lot. Bdc; 1-hh lot, 67c per gal: ground cake, car lota, $20.09 par ton; leaa than car lot. .)0.00 per ton. ataeta. Flih and Froriaioaa. FRB5H V1KAT Front atreet Beef . Meera. BQAc par lb; pork, block, lUSo per lb; pack ara. He per lb: bull 4U3c per lb; eowa, meeo per lh; Teal, extra, So per lb; ordinary, Tc per lb; poor, 6c per lb; mutton, fancy, IJVe Per.l5- . , , .... .. .. nee alear back a. anaokd, 10e lb smoked. 11 par lb: Union nuira. iu to ia in, nnaaraaea. aa per lb: emoked 0 per lb; clear belli, en- amok ed. 11 ner id. amoaew, oar ui aiaOUt l.ra. SHa per Jb. . .. . . LOCAL LA BD Kettle leaf. 10a, 11 per lb; Be. 1114 per lb; BO-lh tins, Ufce par lb .tm renreAV 10a, lOKe P to; SaTlO, par lb. en SALMON Colnmhla r!er. I -lb tail. tl.SO; 2-lb tall. $2.70; fancy. Mb flar. Sl.So; Vk-lb fancy flat. $1.16; faacy lib era la, $476; a l k .-II. nl.b. alAallOik.. Mat tl BA, Ma.Ua' a. ..It J rio. i riHH liock cod. T oer lb; flnandera. Be pet lh: halibut, BHc per lb; crab. SI. 60 per duet etrlped baea, 12V4e per lb; catflah. So par lb; almoo,-llraldr. Sc per lb; blnebaek. S per lb; herring, Sc per lb; aolaa. Sc ner lb; brlnipa. 10c pa lb; perch, 6c per lh ; black rod. 1e ner lb: atlrcr amelt. Te ner lb: lobeter. ISc; freah mack aral, Sc per lb; erawBah. Ue per ooa, , OYri!R-Snoalwtar bar. Per gal, $1,281 par aack. 13.75. . ULAH9 tiara eneu. par pea. pikwi tlema. 12.00 per ooa. COTTON FUTURES FOUR TO TEN POINTS-OFF New York, Oct. 2. Cotton future cloaed iteariy. 4 to 10 point lower. Official quotation by OVerBeck, Starr - A Cooke company; . open, itign, . jjow, (loo. January . Febmary March .. April ... May ..... October MoVenlber December ....10.62 10. Hi 10.4T I0.6P4I00 ....10.7T ....10.73 ....lO.Urt ....10.X8 ....10.46, met MT7 10.7S 10. ST io. m 10.41 10.68 10.n4 "," )(.(Wln 10.60 io.74itjTS 10. TV ULTKirtr ni.o.1 in.N:ii(iK4 Irt.lfl 10 il.lij J7 10. .12 l(81r40 10.68 10.41 10.MU64 Llrarpoel Cot toa Lower. Llrerpool: (let. 2. Cotton future cloaed" to. 10 points lower. nw rots corns kauxt. New Tork,' Oct. 2. Coffee futtire cloeed ancbanrea to o poinie Higher, , , - Official quota i lone: '.-. ' Bid. Aak. . v.' " Rid. Aak Jannarr ...$7 .20 T.2ft inlr $7 no $7.06 February I. T.lM T.Wi Angnt .... Too f-TO March ...I. T.M T.4: October .... anil April ....A. T.40- T.46lNnremrier ... T.tJ T.06 Mar ........ T 4V To! December ... T.10 LIS June ...t. iu i.aiii- - Teratga Coffee Market. " llarr. Oct. 2 Coffee fntnrea H lower ( Ram.' bura declined H. Bio n-eclnta 17.0H0 baa. market firm, price 200 hither: Santo $7,000 bag. maraei iirm nna niener, XW TORK CTTlB, New Turk. Oct. 1. Curb quota tlona;. , . Bid. Aak. C.reene Copper It . 2m llreene tinm o , 4 Northern, Secnrltlea. .. ....... A... .100 IM Tenna.a.a topper.. ... .-.---t; - lUrkey 46 '4 ',;pl ,. fin preferred......... 74 'IH ha ma. 1U to 1. ido, w pvr m, aa to ao toa, 18V pr lb: IS to 20 lb. 18e pmr Ibi eottaga. So per lb) breakfaat bacon. 16ttHe par ik; picnic. PC Bar lb: frmlar hort. ctaara. en nuavA. 11 ner lb: emoked. 12a nee Ibi lateral pea , jue CETS It Is Rt;srtJ of Hop, Pttt Two Day MICE IS H , UT Whatever Cain Is Shown ,ln . Wheat Values Today Is Se ' cured In Initial Trades. . CHICAGO MARKET STRONG THROUGHOUT THE DAY December Cloaca With Good Rise of One and an Elghtfe May Option Three Quarters of a Ceqt Higher Smaller Increase in Visible. UONQAX'a WHBAT MABKBT. Close Won. .. Cloee , Gala Cloee ' Mat. Moo. Tear Age a kiua a nt u. ai.iaia. December, May .a 4 $1.12A .t. MA . .SBti .004 Chicago, Oct.- 3 Logaa A Bryan aayf Whaterer acttoa waa ahowa today la wheat waa at tbe opening or Immediately thereafter. Tbe tone through the .area ton waa at roof and waa helped by a smaller locraaae la the TMble than had beea .eipectadt ' Primary receipt. while. being much a bore a year ago, aeTertheleee fell abort of tha tremeodoa. run expeeted by the trade. " Add).! thla a little better eaaa mar ket, foupled with aggraaarre action by tba leading pall tnteraat and your general abort eorering, and you bare tbe factor that brought about the decided change In neotlment. Oera'e Action Diaappalatlag. OonaMering the atrangth In tha wheat pit, thev action of core waa moat dlaappolating. Tba market abowed a reactionary apirtt and cloaed with a email fractional loss, notwithstanding the premium, be lug -paid, for- cash corn, - The favorable weather continue, to count agaluat tbe pecultlT market, erarabadowlag all the favorable feature. Oaah Trent ad, Xgaerada Oata ruled largely la armpathy with corn. The crowd eeema bearlah. looking at the large atorka, free morament and Ignoring the cash demand. - Tbe latter, while- not urgent, con tinue, moat healthy. ProrUtons ruled firm ta atnoag, tbe strength being altogether la the October, which auggeata eorering of current contracts. .Trade, however, continue elow. ' Official qnotatlona by Over neck, Btsrr Cook sompany;. ' Open. High. Low. Clo.' Ie...V;.S -c4 -MH May..... .as '.S6 .a . - -.- CORN. - - Oct .- .80 . .80 ' .49 .49 New Dee. MK .4ST .48 ,43H Old Dee. .44 ' A .44 .44 .43 .4X4 2 . . 0AT8. - -r - r -' Oct...... ..... Dec...... .27 JT'A V" TH .27AA MESS POBK. Oct.. ..... 14.80 14.S0 14.TS -14.80.. Jan 12.43 1X42 ; 1X8T U.8T . LARDa r . T" 730 y T n, Doo .M S.82 - S.80.- S.82 A Jan S.80 ' S.82 ' 8.80 8 .SB A SHORT BIBS. - - ' Oct..".".".; 8 4T 8.6T - 8 80 -- BBT Jan 8.47 B 8.62 8.47 8.4T obaib mtortxtrtf niXAlY Chicago, Oct; 1 Primary recelpta: . - ;"- C . . - '-- " ,Tdsy Tear Age ''-. Rush. Bush. :...a,oj2.ooe Corn ...j.... .807,800 874,00 phipmente: Whet .vitv.......,.l.SS,OfJ TUB. one Corn eoe.oou t learanree: -. V neat, nusoai-, iiour, 4.000 barrela: enra, 180,000 besnelai oata, 248.- TJ80 bosbele. - CHICAOO CASK WHBAT. Chicago. Oct. 2. Caah wheat) Bid, A'k. .SB t -85Vi .88 . M .Rt . .87, .82 . .84 JKXH .84 .87 .80 : M No, S red.... No. S red No. 1 hard No. S hard No. 1 northera. a. ... fie. f northern........... No. I spring ' AUXBICAB OBAIB SITPPtT, Chicago. Oct. 2 American grain Tialhle: r-. - Bnah. Buah. Bueh. Wheat .......lT.W.f)00 17.n78.ono oan.onp Owe .......... S.774.ono- e.aip.wai aoa.iaa- Oate 18,878.000 90.018,000 1.139.000 eincreaa. CHICAOO OBAIB CAB IbTS.' Ctilcaga, Oct. 2. Oram ear i- , . Car 'Orade Eat. 81 242 wheat ....... .:.rtr.v..J... j Corn r y5 n. t. o.w na. ?42 Wheat care touay: imratn oio. aw agut Mlnnaapolia 1,084. Dulnth 838, Chicago S8. WOBLD'S OBAIH BHIPHIBTS. Chicago, Oct. 2. World'' gram ahlpmente: last Week PrerWeek Tear Age Buah. Bnali. - Bosh. Wneat 11.3P2.000 10.78.000 10.815.000 Owii S.848.000 8.871.000 S.87S.O0O SHEEP VALUES ARE RULING RATHER STRONG None Received , at Local .yards Within the Last Forty Eight Hours. Portland TJalon Stockyard, Oct. 2. Uvea rock fP1nt,: ' , n'lr. ' fC.Ha. hi - Todar ... Week ago Prevloaa , im ,.ioo .-,; 250 Ka ... SO SI - SO Montk age Livestock mentioned. condition remain aa prerlonalr There la a Terr itrong ton la ao arrival la the yard during with the part 48 honra. A few bogs are coming, out tbe tone le Juet eaiy. Cattle are food for hast. Calrea firm at the price. ( Official price for Uveatock: , r . Hog Beet canteen Oregon, S8.0OiS8.23; blocker and China fata, 8.ote3.2B; alocker aad feeder.. 4.n0. jr rattlK Beat eaatern Oregon ateera. $3.00(1 l: light and medium eteera, 1(0; light c'.wa. i.Mliet2.O0: torkcra and feeder, 12.23 2.RO; bull. 81-80. piMaWeiher. seSHc; mixed been. SHe; tralght awea. StiXHe; aprlng Umba, 44Ae. (.-.IrMiiood eal. 160 to 800 pound, otjotte; rough heavy, gae. ' IASTZB XOaS DTTtL. - Ctcgo Oct. B Llveetoeh recelptef - - Hog. Cattle. . Sheep. Chicago .......28.000 88.000 , ..... Kanaaa City 8,oon 28.on S.eoO Omaha 1.0OO Aft-O 80.008 - Hoga Opened dll with 4.800 left overs re, relpte a year ago were Ift.OrKV Price.: Mixed; 15.1018.73; good. 83.4808-78; rough, Sft.08J S.28: light. SAWttlSB. Cttle tHeedy. . Sheep Strong. 1 COMSTOCH Ktsme STOCKS., - P4 TYtbrUcO,- WL BT tloeirsiorn Ing aesaioai Bid. Bid. Bullion ...... .n Savage .84 Belcher 22 Peine! 18 Con. CI..Va.... 123 I'nlon Cos 48 tphlr TTvrr,Tr 8.88-- ello Jachet, , r-.18 r l aledonla ..... .48 Ktrheouer .4T - Me i Iran l.oo Hale A Norrraaa, 1.08 Andes . mil , ISoufpluA ..... .it 0PEK1G That a Consideift! Numbtr Hav Ceen Sold During tha at Present Values. -; C ISLAUDLED STOCK HHiET Both Common and Preferred Is sues Make Substantial Ad vances in New York. TENNESSEE CbAL HAS GOOD UPWARD MOVE Shows Gain of On and an Eighth in Today's TradingSouthern Pacific One of tha Actlre Ones Advance " 1 1 in Raw Copper s. Help. ; . r 1. i. . . ..- . Aaacoada 1 IN. Y.. Central Amalgamated .... Ont. A Went,. Atchfama, pfd .... mPennaylvanla . Sugar IWIPeonU'e Oaa . - 5 V It Smelter ....-w.... Preaeed Steel, pfd Car A Foundry..., Beading , Baltlmon .HI Republic Steel .. loaoraoo rue l .... tin. r., 2ta pia 1 , ii n. w 1 southern ur Chesapeake Canadian . , Colo. Mouth st. L. a a. w... I'nlon Pacific .. Wabash, -pfd Colo. South.. Sd p. Brie, Sd pfd , Erie, let pfd Ureat Weatera .... Manhattan Mexican Central Bock laland Hi Bock IUnd. Pfd .. 14 Southern PnclSe ... 1 Tenn. Coal ........ ltt k;Ti . Vi U. B. Rubber . WiU. 8. Steel . M ID, 8. atael, pfd kat Kor folit" " DKcLlNES. J- Atchlaoa ......... kl Brook -5S '.V.V.V.'.,-: d Steel Car.. Kris U Loelavr racine Mall u It. JU 8. W.. pfd Vfc Wall Street. Naw Tork, Oct Bock laland laeues ware easily leaden of what activity waa ahowa. br tha stock market todar Trading la both tha common, and preferred waa neipca or Tartou ouuian up Bene xorin br wire bona earlr In tha dar. Tennessee Coal, although etrong, waa not aa active aa or ut. out ea aavanc ot in point waa ahowa todar. Sugar was Inactive, with a gala of 1 points. Tha advance ot fee per pouimT In raw copper was a help te both Amalgamated nd Anaconda. Official quot tlona by ' Overbook, " Starr - impose company: DESCRIPTION, Inaconda Mining Co... 12441123 1124 84 H 8a MU, -" " "W,. W ...... Alchlsoa. com do preferred., Am. Car A Foundry, c. do preferred.... Am. Hugar, com Am. Smelt., com........ do preferred Baltimore Ohio, com. do preferred Brooklyn Rapid Transit. Canadian- Pecif le, earn, Chicago A Alton, com.. do preferred C. 5. Wm com........ Chi.. MH & Bt. P...... C aV W Br 0! 0Val 0V 108 106 87m S7) 112 11214 21 ltui I ("hir.r. Terminal Ry, . 18 Chaeapeake Ohio Colov rl Iron. com. Colo. Hoot hern. com.. do aeeood preferred.-.. do ft rat preferred. . . . Delaware Iludaoa... Oel- .Lack. A Waatera. Q. 4. R. O., com - alts'- Haf flpasaj fj ,iTn i Brie, cot ,, do aeeood preferred... do flnt preferred.... IlimoM Central Ixmlavllle Nabvllls.. Met. St. By Sett 4ni 28 43H 81H 1 niia IK3 1AS 1.MIU 24 J aianoatian ny lnAH Mexican Central Br.... Minn, St. P. Sta. M do preferred. ......... Mieaourl Pacific M. K. A T., com....... do preferred ,, New York Central...... Northern Pacific S4 140 , 1U 108 H 180H io0 II2H 13014 XIX aSlX Norfolk A Weatera, com 88 oi4 88 do preferred- North American N. Y.. Ont. Weatera PaonaylTanla Ry...... P. O. U 0. Co Pre ad Steel Car, com do preferred .a. ...... Pacific Mail 8. 8. Co. Beading, com L, do second prefened.L. do flrat Dref erred... . 1244 lOtli s3 Republic Iron A Steel, e do prererred. .. . Bock laland, com. do preferred, Bnbber Oooda.... do preferred.., Southern Ry.. cor do preferred.... Southern Pacific. , do preferred.... P3 84, 81 m S7H 87V.I 884 8PH 70H 120 V 71 H ,aaOt.T St. J A . P., Sd pfd. 7044 ao rirat prererred.. St. L. A S. W.. com. . do preferred . ....... Terse A Pacific Tennessee Co I a Iron T., Bt. I.. A W., com do preferred.,....,, tlnloa Pacific, com.... do- preferred V. 8. Leather, com.... do preferred U. 8. -Rubber, com.,.. - do prefiTred ........ r. K Steel Co., com, do preferred 8444 81 u i1 S8 68 U B74 183 I84H 13314 ip4 Wheel. A L. R.. rota. 17141 do 2d preferred 28 I 23 ao it preterred...,,.! 40 I 4044 w te. i -entr i., comA do preferredr. Weatero Inlo Tele.... 88 834 Wahaah. com I 23 23H no prerrrreu .a.. at1at Z American Smelter, eommon, i-dlvldend lti per cent. Total aalea for dar, 888.800 hre. .... Call money cloaed S per cent. TOHOPAH atlBIMO STOOIS. . Ban rranclace. Oct. 2 Tonopah .tocit, ffcil clo, Baorning aeaaloa: Bid. Bid. Montana ..... Midway McNamata ... Belmont ...... North Star ... Beacue , Oold Monntala. Jim Butler ... Bed Top rvrr. Ton. Nevada .. Ton. Kxten . . Hold Held Sanuetorm .... Sandstorm Bx. Adam Eclipse ;$2.88 , 1.80 . .40 , 1.40 l .80 , .07 .73 I3'4 . 8.12 , .6.1 , .80A . . . .04 Silver .... 18 13 . Mohawk fMile Kendall ... .18 .18 .78 . . .22 .20 .Nd .11 .24 - .28 .W .17 .14 .18 .04 Colnmhla Mt.... Jumbo ; , Silver Pick' .... Jumbo Kxten..,. Black Butte .... floluen Anchor,. Hay O'Brien ... O. Bull Fm.i.i Diamond field ... laiine Star Denver Atlanta ....... National Bank.. Ore at Bend ...t .. .42-, .. .17 Caah Boy Wellmaa .. 1.021 SAB YEABCISCO LOCAL 8T0CXS. Baa Fraociaco, Oct. S. Official- cinxei J mora. Ing aeealoas ' , Bid. Aak-. Contra Coat Water ..... .. Spring Vxlley Water 4H ' .40T4 Mutual Electric in- Saa PranclaceOaa A Klectrle i ...I . . . Illant Pwder u, 78 ' Hawaiian. Commorctal. 844 Honokea Sugar 15 Hetebinao Sugar a,...u.a. ....... 16 Makawell Sugar .......... .1...... 334 Onomee Sugar , 84 Paanhad Sugar 22 A leak Packers' 62 "a, Oceanic Steamship -. 4 Pacific State Telepnoae Callforala Win , 84 - I8H S44 108 i Paolfl Coaat btll IMlt Sterling Bat.. Mew ' Tork. tv-t. 8. sterlldg; rateer -Da- aiaad, 486.20tJ488.80; 80 dtys, 482.800483.80, POBTLABP BABH STATllf MTT. r- rWarlnr. ',, iUl88ce. a. ......... ...... I. ...... II. 4M. 638 84 ROCi The place where all go who are looking for .bargains in provis ion. You try it -r - Condensed Crea Having made a -very large chase of "Star" Condensed Cr we will put it on the markejt at the extremely low price of oe er can. This is. a great bargain, 4s our regular price has been 85c per dozen cans. . -v ' Sugar Cheaper 20 Pounds Dry Granulated fo - ' 'TV'. 20f ,; Can Baker' 8 or Ohlrardelll's Cocoa. Twe l-lb, pkgu. Gold Dust I. IS bars Good Laundry Soap. - ' 25a . - f ' I pkfs. Fores or sfalUt-Vlta. - . Pound Hoffman Houee' Jara and Mocha corieei. . Cor. West Park and Washington . . Streets. Husdrcds Treated Hcatii!j ZstaWaked 1878. 001 MuflDS 01 BtSI HDVOaitS Toon aand la Portland and all over the narthweet aa teeUfy te ear treat aad nn--exsmplsd aaceaae. - GONORRHCEA May be attended' with the graveat eomptt ca tion! if aaglwrted or Improparly treated. We bare a epeeloe treatment which ean quickly, aafely aad palnlaaaly. - SYPHILIS I another acquired die, the rxvagaa of which when fully dev. loped aa . pea caa describe." When It ebow by akin rustle sr br eore la mouth or throat It horror are elnadr begun. We and thor onghly cure yoa and na mineral pinnae are employed. - VARICOCELE AND HYDROCELE , ' Ws treat and (are, ant by-the eld eartrleel procedure, hat br e patnles amthod eoletr our own. 1 We likewise Will rare yon aad aae yea) the suffering eesoelated with Nerve Debility, Loot sUnhee. Impetency Sparmstorrheaa, Veetursal Kmlaaien. Pre. mature Dealine, Lose of Momarr, Baergy aad AmbitisA la the br la feat rim ft caa be daae aad wa insure yoa a eafa aad poalUva cure. Oonaaltatloa and axamlnatloa free. Write for aymptom bleak aad bona If yea eaaao "office Boorei . S a. Sk. 8 S a. afcl Baa. ia. 10 to 12. . ::v-ST.LOUI3i Mfdlcal and Surgical DISPENSARY Oar. St aad TaatUU attu. TerUaad. Or. BOSTOB COPPIB BTOCXS. Bo ton, Oct. 2 Official copper clo: BIO. Adrentnre ...I 6.00 Atlantic 28.60 Bid. Maaa .. (areola' .......$ 10.26 108.60 Allouea ...... 8P.76 Parrot' ., Phoenix . Qulncy Shannon , Tamarack .... 26.76 00 ....107.00 . .... 8.1214 ...184.00 Hlnahi 81.78 ' 100.1214 866.00 71.26 28.18 14.00 . 8.28 T.75 28.00 27.60 60.00 j 1428 83.00 I Cal. A AriaXf V. Calumet Copper Bangs. Centennial ... Paly Weat ... Kim Granny '. llreene Old Dominion. Mohawk ..... Michigan .... Tana. Copper. Trinity e.zn . 84.00 l ulled Victoria Winona Wolverine ... I'tah 11. B. Mining. 67H 11.00 117.00 47.00 . 87.76 ... Royal .... 2?.121, Lraa?ooL obajb mJitir. Liverpool. Oct. 2 i'Wwet - Wheat. December, 8a at4d. 14d lower; Mrcp, 6 Hd, Hd lower. Corn December, 4d p4d. unchanged: Janaarr, 4 ad. Hd tower; Much. 4a t4, 14 lower. . What teno4rrpherB Jfitu-L From the New Tork Times. John P- Martin, one of the aupreme courtatenographera. -preelded . yeetef day at the thirtieth i annual eonventloh of the stenographers' Of the state of New York, held' lit the county courthouse. Peter P. McLaughlin, a general eeaslone stenographer, delivered an addreaa of welcome and Henry I Beach of Bing ham ton responded. ... . Among 'the matters considered was a bill to be presented to the state legte of.llnture. which will be known aatheoffl I ciaL 8tenographeraT retirement or pen- inn hill, lit will provide for the pen sioning of stenographers who have beea In the atata's eervlce ,28 years. Henry C. Demmlng ,o Hafrleburg, Pennaylranla, who waa president of the World's Congress of Stenci-aphara, eld In 1814. read a paper. In which ha di vided atenographera Into alx claaaee. Plenty -of elxth-claas stenographers could be had at l( a week. Mr. Dee ming said; fifth-clase. I a week; fourth claaa, from If to 16, with now and then aneiceptlori of from 120 to $11. The others earit from 11.100 to 110,000 a year In fees and'lalarles. idr. Denr mlng declared that the - atenographer who earnod $5,006 a year turned out Ave times the amount of work dona by a $1,000 at year amanuenats. When tha seaeinn ended yeatnrday he delegatea were taken In automobiles to Tappen'a hotel, at Sheephead's Bay,- for a short! dinner. There will be a' eeanlon today and a visit to tha New Tork theatre roof garden In the evening. Keeplatr a ; Seerei. . A few years ago tha president decided to appoint Mrv Wynne, now consul-general at London, to be . first . assistant poatmaater-general. ' "How will we keep, this from tha newepapereT" was asked by some of the prenlde.ntsiaVlaei,8. " : "I think that the beat way would ba to take the newspaper correspondents Into our confidence," aald the prealdent Thle- waa dona, and the eacrat was carefully guarded for month,- although known all that time by 19 or mora Washington twrespondenta - ' bur- e cam Fellows 4 El 13 A SURE MAN IS HERE (who 111-make svey part of tha panlfisula double Itr ralue within iTtsr. -Alrooet 8very property owner there has already Increased Me prion. -Ixtav4a Tr0r'aractlTa Vtrnon. now" and reap tha profit, f 00 40t-OB eaay payments. securee a cootract "and makes money for jrpu. '" , ' - - - ' - - After the tood supper wa B-ve you mors about tha proaperlty Moore Investment Co. : ISIJJ S1XTM STREET AT VMM HOI NEWCASTLE NUT. NEWCASTLE LUMP - AUSTRALIAN, ROSLYN. PEACOCK. ROCK SPRINGS, FRANKLIN LOW PRICES ON OTHER COALS THE PACIFIC COAST CO. CHAS. H. 24$ Washington St ; t DR. e .... cancer. .Paralysis, tmmg. and will atott hemorrhagea in an ancrwuiDir nor . sr. e Swn medicine fm Chfneee. roots. berba, buda. t-rtnnd vegetable T teas, all of which ara entirety nannio, nu : ' """. y: V.V are unknawii to American doc tor a He ueea In hie practice over 100 dlf- T feTant prt27tai VatTediea. Hundreds of tesUmonUls from graUfja j,rT tlente. " ' . ..... DR WIINQ L.EB i 11 mobts TotrmTM imif. t h ' TWELVE MILUONK V VvMrtpB;u.soTJUE. comfatiy Q I PACKAGES IAST iTARtSOMl SYPACUStNtWYOBK Vq ONE WAS SATISFIED. MIN 2-PIE 10c PACKAGES. j $1.00 ALL F0R $1.00 Turkish Bath and tba alght, all for P. . King's Baths' Be venth and Waao t Ington Bta. finest! and largest ta tba ally. DOWsTTJIO, BOriOsTB CO, . (Saubllahed till.) . - A ABT9 ST00K B0 4, arreaaa rtooe. CaLAinSB OI1 QO JaUsXOB, . - ' Members Chicago Beard ef Trad.- ciAitr. normon, oottow, tree i - 101 Third Street UcsUy Building, I . -TT3 r a mm cczrr - i : Coatiau" ve Wire. CH f x ; " , i . ' - r ara yet tha aama as before.. Buy UtUa Mr. Hill tonight, we will taU . Js of the penlnaula. t OT IU MXO T. May ba sent by mail, telephone) op messenger, all -and ahy of which will receive prompt attention.. The Coals that we sell are of best grades, and prices are rery lOW. --..Apv'-r-;-r- -; V;'.; ..4..-. GLEIM, Agent : Telephones 229and 237 MM The Great Chinese Doctcr LOCATED IN SlftCS PORTLAND - He la called great because ba euree all dlsesaaes without resorting to the knife. Call and have a free examination. Ha wilt tell you the exact nature of your trouble. He treats-aweceaafully every form of. fe- a.lak mmnlalaL nil nrlYSta and blood die- VSi '.'uHni' ei!l! ronttAxn, wmmom. M MM.MM w n CPICES CC7F2E.T faaSWl Mt V r . lMlll. Gmtrl tTC'X Cr sv fl ' CLccr-Tocr. . i ) t rcrrru-ot -It-".---