The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 01, 1905, Image 9

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atW-srw -,t.tTjr.
v 4
ctill n ccrrrtbT
Executive ' of Golden State, Expoel
- tlon Of flcUU and Commissioners
Angry on Accounf of False Story
' tn Afternoon Paper.: ".A".
Governor George C. Pardee of Califor
nia, .lit' a dlapakrb to Tbe Journal kfst
evening, mad aViore explicit atatamcnt
regarding the allegation that ha had
charged "craft" against tbe ' Lewis and
dark evnnattlnn mvwtm tit twaMl fnr
atata oxhlblts. A Portland evening pa par
Friday printed what purport ad to be an
interview with Governor Pardee tn which
the California chief executive was made
to say that .the jury of awarda at. the
Portland fair waa conduoted.pureljr upon
the baala of era ft, and that Calif ornla'a
commissioners had withdrawn from the
- Immediate)? upon the appearance of
the statement the offlclala of the cx
' position and the California eommlaalon
era, J. A. ' Flicker and Frank Wiggins,
chartered -the telegraph wire between
thla city and Sacramento, and a aetiea
of communlcatlona ware carried en which
brought out clearly that Governor Pardee
had not made any such statement, but
merely had expressed an opinion as to
what California should do tn a hypo
thetical 'case, . . .
Commlaalonera Filcher and, Wiggins
wired their chief executive that they had
not withdrawn from the competition for
awarder but had retained California'!
tTTBiaeni uooae also wired Governor
Pardee, asking that ha make his denial
public and give It as widespread circula
tion as was possioie. 1 - v I
I'uovernor rardea waa telegraphed by
from him waa recetred this final expres
sion aa to hla position:
"Sacramento, Cel., Sept. SO. To Tba
Journal: My dispatches to Commission
era VffobA lit Wlfdna MwtA DJ -
.dnt Ooode set forth my connection with
reports of graft at the exposition. I
said In those dispatches that I never said
there waa graft. - It waa reported to me
that a California official had amid there
waa gran ia ine iwtrai. in reply 1
said if there waa graft California
hlblta mia-ht han haan IIMiax t
a. 1 11 .,! l tin i .
not withdrawn. -This convinces me that
they are- satisfied and that they see no
the situation since I left Portland, have
.not pretended to. and have nevar said t
had. George C. Pardee, Oovernor." ;
Butte. Mont. Bept 30. The arrival of
Sheriff Qutnn with an injunction at the
Alice mine lata tonight prevented a clash
of. arms, between .about M men. The
. Montana Zlno comtanr attemoted to
onatruct a pipe line across the ground
ef tha Alice company, despite the pro
test -of the latter, and bad assembled a
force of about M men with tha avowed
i purpose of doing the work. The Alloa
.nmr.MW V. .i BMn.kll 1 . ,
force of men and In the meantime attor
nays bad been scurrying In hot haste
through tho , town for Judge Michael
Donlan. who at once Issued a temporary
restraining order. Sheriff Qulnn arrived
on the ecene when tha exoltament waa
at Ita kaltrht anil .h.M vtr. - -.1
Imminent The matter will ba settled la
the. courts.
t!r, said Ura. Caorf , Arthur Clarke.
, Miss Cells Floy Pa)m and Oeorga
Arthur Clarke were married Wednesday
evening at tha residence of Mrs. K..R.
Adams, tha' bride's- alataiv. at Kodnoy
CQ8 Ii;3 v ILLS BY - A
John i D; Rockefeller's Aed Ad-
vissr, S. T. Dodd, Wins Health
. on Mountain Link. '
(Special Mspetak by Leased Wire to The JoareeU
New York. Sept . By following the
advice of John D. Roefcafeller to "go and
play golf." T. Dodd. for -many years
general solicitor of the Standard - Oil
company, has virtually cured himself of
a bad ease of neurasthenia. --- . -V
Mr. Dodd la fl years old and one Of
the most Important figure In the Stand
ard OH company. Mr. Rockefeller never
undertook any step of Importance with
out first consulting Mr. Dodd.. and auch
was Mr. Rockefeller's faith In the value
of .Mr. Dodd'a opinion that be paid Mr.
Dodd double tha salary ,of 1111,000 that be
received himself as president of tlte com
pany. , ' 1 'V 1'.
Leat spring- Mr. ' Rockefeller ' himself
ordered Mr. Dodd to take a rest Get
Into tha mountain air and play golf,"
bo said, "and you will be a new . man
When the fall comea.'" . "U
Mr. Dodd took the advice and will be
back at hla desk next week for tha. first
time In five months. . ,
(Special Mspatea fcj Leased Wire to Tat learaal)
London, Sept.- 10. Andrew Carnegie
wll have In , course ot time in JBkibo
castle one of tho most remarkable groves
In existence.. Every tree la 'it will have
been planted by a' man of worldwide
fame. Ha has start of four trees, the
lateat of which has just been planted by
tha Arebnlakon of canterbury.- The
other three were planted by United States
Ambassadors Cheat. Raid andrrAndrew
D. Whit. Mr. Carnegie hopes soon to
have Xing' Edward add a- tree to bis
unique grove. -. v " --r:
' Mead Oomlng- Baok. . ..
Walla' Walla, Wash Sept It Oov
ernor Mead will be a member ' of a
party of excursionists which will leave
hero ' Monday morning on a special
train for Portland.. ..
"- r '
i TL
B t ,
The Hat to Wear With . Taflor-Madc tlothea. v
The Fzhlcs&ble QsK'Jcxn cf Society or Dusi-'
ness Accepts no Substitute. . Cy ;',T:TT
' FaU and Winter Stylesi905-O6 Now on Cse. y:
Hijh Grade Men's Furnishing axe found
. . at the Dunlap Agency. ;i ' -. ' .; .'.
; ' 289 Washington Street . A
LLiirbTit L pii rkins wldinq
avenue and Belmont street Dr. Ray
Palmer, tha bride's father, . officiated.
Only a few relatives .wars present,
Mr. and Mrs. Clarke wfll ' make their
home in Alblna.
Henry Bader, WhIU on Trip With
- Mazamts, Accussd of Cutting
Government Property.
' Ipedal Dispatch to Ibe JearaaL) " ''
Taooma, Bept Iff. On little branch
of a tree in tha Mt Rainier forest ra
sefva .may .yet result tn . much trouble
and annoyance for Henry Bader, well
known up and down tba coast Bader la
an advertising man with headauarters In
Portland and waa one of tho moat en
thusiastic members of . the) mountain
climbing expedition.
Aa was stated at tha time, Bader was
placed under arrest fey Deputy Forest
Ranger MeCullough last July, when the
Maaamaa were exploring tha beauties of
Mt Rainier. MeCullough swore out a
complaint against Bader for euttlng tim
ber on tha forest reserve and Bader waa
releaaed on bla own reeognlsanoe. ; At
present ba la In California. - "
Local officials communicated tha facta
to tho bureau of forestry at Waahlng
ton. D. G and word has Just been re
ceived that tha government win prose
cute tne eaaa. .
The first day tha Masamas were la
tha government reserve Bader la as id to
have stepped on a email ahoot from a
tree and accidentally broke It - That
night some of tha members of tha party
started a fire, and, desiring wood, Bader
went to the aame trea with an aa and
chopped off tba broken limb. Tba den-
wty ranger came, along; brought Bader
to T acorn a. reported tho facta to United
States Commissioner M. I Clifford, who
teamed he warrant i 1 '
la the opinion of local. officials, the
matter will develop Into n fare. How
ever, (ha facts will ba presented to tha
federal' grand jury when U convenes In
rearusry. . . ; - .:."
S.'.!l fRCTCO
Mrs. Croker'e Niece, Miss Bea
v atrice Wright, Weds John
Macy Callagaway.
(psetol fMsaetch by leased Wire to The Joaraal)
Mew York. Sept . St. Bartholo
mew's ehurch wsa the acene today at
noon of tha marriage of Mlaa Beatrtoe
Wright a niece of tba lata Mrs. oeorga
Crocker, to John Maoy Oallagaway.' .
Tha brtda was extremely pretty and
wore a gown bf white satin very almply
made, with a Watteao back, tha broad
box plaits- or which formed the trala.
Tha square-cut neck waa trimmed with
heavy , out silk embroidery, and the
"decolletage' waa filled In with beautiful
point lace. Orange blossoms fsstened
her tulle veil and aha carried a bquauet
of iniea of tho valley. '
There wore - two bridesmaids, Mlaa
Harriet Anderson and Miss Alice Run
nels, and two little flower girls, tha
bride's cousins, Alice and Lucy Han'
chett" Tha brldeamaide wore frocks of
pink liberty silk, .trimmed with ecru lace,
and pink chip hats with long algreta.
They : carried bunches of maidenhair
ferns. The children were dressed alike
tn white muslin and lace and wore pink
and white bonnets with pink ribbons.
They carried pink rosea. Merrill W. Oal
lagaway waa his brother's -best man,
and the ushers were J. Craig Hava
meyer, Alexander Rutherford, the bride'a
cousin; E. M. Ward and Philip Kearney.
(Osayrlgkt Hearst Revs erviea, by tasssd
Wire to The Joarnat.1
Geneva, - Bept 10. Falling ;- over - a
precipice, eecaplng unhurt but accident
ally shooting bis friend while falling, is
the unparalleled accident that has Just
occurred .on the Parry mountain In the
canton of Vaud. . ' . '-
A party of Swlaa chamois hunters
were out for a day'a sport and had
nearly ' reached tha - eummtt tf the
mountain, where one ef their number.
Adrala Bangy, slipped and fell over tho
precipice. While falling, Sangy invol
untartly pressed the trigger of hla rifle
and the bullet paed through tha heart
f a comrade named, Haellen, killing him
Instantly. f ,
- Sangy fell In de snow and waa un
hurt but waa wttb difficulty prevented
from committing suicide whan ba bearl
that ha had killed hla friend.
. fcasn Soya Tnnlabed. "
When lending physlclnna aald that
W. M. Smlthart of Pekln. Is., had In
curable -consumption. Ms last .hone
vanished; but Dr. Klns's New Discovery
for Consumption, Coughs and Colda kept
him out of hla grave. It says: "This
great specific completely cured me, and
saved my life, hmne then I have used
It for over ! years, and consider it a
marvelous throat and lung cure."
Strictly sc ientific cure foa Coughs. Bore
Throate or folds; sure'preventlve of
Pneumonia. Otiaranteed. 0o and II. 0
bottles, at Fkldmnre Dm Co. Ill Third
street Trial bottle free.
f.':zrly Tv.3 I-rr.itnd i-y
a:;d Turnz ahs still
"T'."."l. L :s
Catinuttd That Money Taken in at
tha Gate Will Total Smtn Hundred
and 'Fifty Thousand Dollars
Fanners Are Coming Now.
"Portland has broken tha exposition
attendance record an tha basis of the
sisa of tha city of Portland-aad tha den
sity of population in tha surrounding
country compared with other exposition
cities and their environs, ; aald Chief
Clerk Sherwood of tha department of
admlastona, last night -It Is safe to
predict that tne total ror-me-enure
exposition-will b J.100.800; ws are
near . enough to 1 that figure to. make
such a predlctloh" .
Tbe toul attendanoa. up to and In
cluding last nlghf -at tha" exposition,
waa l,t0,TI8. --. . .'
The total attendance for BaptemDar
waa' ltt.MI. - ,.:
Tha original , estimates of total at
tendance paid and fre for tha entire
exposition wars from 1,100,000 to 1.100,-
000. " It was aald that If they reaeban
l,000.000,the fair would ba.nsuoosss. -
nta sawn sin i.swiBw. -"Mr
nnderstandlng Is that the tnalda
guaaa on total of paid admlsalona by
tha management la 4,100.000," aald one
of tha beet informed fair offlclala laat
night "Ws know j that they will ap
proximate that figure, and regard the
record aa flattering to Oregon ano tne
Pactno northwest.
"It must ba remembered that Portland
la In a district that is comparatively
sparsely settled and that tha local
population drawn upon la small." -
, A MUllo Pre. :
Tha semiofficial gnsss of 1600.000 paid
admissions given The Journal waa the
first intimation that had been received
aa to bow many pa seas bad' been Issued
during the exposition. Taking 1.600,000
as ths figures tor tha paid admissions. It
would indicate that 1.000,001 pasaea will
be the total Tor tba 130 days of tha ax
position, . or. 1J& a day. .,.. - :
.: Xsvrt Week a ig Oa.
Tha attendance for the last week la
September up to tba cloaa of the gates
Friday night was 14.174; with ths at
tendanee of Portland day - added, tha
total for tho week waa J0J.407. By daya
the record waa; September .14, 17,171;
September B, 17,961; September M, XI, 638;
September ' XI, U, M; September 18,
H0&; September . t,7; Septenjber 10,
win. 5. - .
Tba weather was rainy far tba most M
last week, and yet tha attendance av
eraged to.TVL exolustve of Portland day.
If ' tbe attandanc for tha remainder of
tba exposition be an average ot about
1C000. tba total Tor -tba entire life -of
tha fair wUl a 1 600,000. If the average
of tha aaet weak without Portland day
ba maintained. tba grand total will ba
considerably la asanas of I.HO.O00. : .
Big Steve Stevens and Wife Es
cape and Notify Officers :
Berger Is Innocent.
(Speelsl Inseateh to The JeenaL)
New Westminster. B. C Sept 10. "I
am a stranger in n foreign land. George
Berger Is Innocent of tbe crime charged
by tha government In tha aiding; of my
self aad wife In amuggllng tba grip of
opium. Be bad no knowledge of Its con
tents. I am tha guilty party. Setb B.
Tha foreign telegram was received by
tha law firm of Morris V Shipley from
New Westminster, B. C, thla morning
from "Big Steve" Stevens, aald by the
authorities to b tha beat-known smug
gler on tba Paolfle coast It waa tha
first newa that "Big Steve" and his
wife, who, with Oeorga Berger, were to
ba given a preliminary hearing this aft
ernoon on the charge of amuggllng
opium, had left the United States.
Neither Stevens nor bis wife oaa ba ex
tradited, from British Columbia for vio
lation of tha cuatoma lawa. The 11.150
cash ball upon which they enjoyed their
liberty 'pending the preliminary bearing
has been declared forfeited, i
The Igorrote Village. .
The educational feature of tha Lewis
and Clark exposition and much credit ta
duo Mr. Rlohard ' Schnaldewlnd (who
aerved tha Philippine government In
many capacities) for securing tha at
traction for tha management of tha fair.
All can be seen In tbeir mode of living.
Dances, songs, workmanship, eta. There
can ba seen half hundred men and
women, some weaving, others making
pocket hate, baskets, rings, etc The
little people are found In tha mount sine
of northern Luson. They are barbarians
In culture, having escaped from sav
agery through tho necessity of cultivat
ing tha aou. There la not enough wild
food In tha animal and vegetable life of
thetr mountain bomea to au stain him,
and b baa been obliged to cultivate the
almost impoaalbla, mountain aides. For
thla purpose be has developed tha only
true Irrigation In tha Philippine Islanda.
Head hunting, which la practiced
among these people. Is not only a meana
af eelf-defenaat but In a measurs baa
become a paatime; that is, after a mem
ber of the pueblo baa taken and brought
homo a human head n month la given
to happy celebration. - . .
There are ritee and ceremonlea pa
culler to this event snd there are con
stant dances and feasts which brlna to
the otherwise hard-worked people relax
ation and social intercourse.
Tha Igorrotea are eurvly a very Inter-
eating people.. Rvery visitor to the ex
position should sea them. .
(Spstlsl Dlspstek by Lass Wire to Tee learaal)
Boaton. Sept . By tha arreet and
confession today of Raleigh IX Morrill
of Stratford, Vermont.! "Tech" student
and" nephew of Vnttedl mates- Senator
Justin 8. Morrill, New Haven railroad
detectives assert that a wholesale con
spiracy to eteal baggage has been ex-
rosed. ' During the summer the New
even rad haa been compelled to Settle
claims for lost baggage to tha amount
zzzzzCz? Try it.
Multiply the following in IS
' seconds: 71x79; 19x14; 53x
u 72. . ; - v. . i ;
To cuIJy &xs Caui
almost instantly, without
using pencil, or paper, is al-
. most second nature with a
. graduate -f the commercial
'-course in the Behnke-Walker
Business College. ' That's
the' kind of work that helps
7- make V young rnan or a
young.; woman raluabl in a
business bouse.; , It s being
s ; able to do such things Quick
ly and accurately that helps
v ,; get raises in salary.
Our methods of iastrco
tioa makes these things easy.
' You feel at home in an of-
" :' fice after graduating, for the
experience you get here is of
lthe same kind you would get
in actual businessyemry mora
'' Varied and interesting.,
Tton we ke ta touch
-with : you and see that you
Tare prqvided with 4 poaition.
. We placed 207 pupils in lu-'"fltlwftce-poaitioua-last
year; we will receive 500
V catla for- graduates this" year,
- judging front present inaica-
' tiona.
i ., '- . -.i.: '.'r -.
Next month ws move into
. hew quarters Elks' : Build
. ing; finest quarters; built to
our order: new fittings; busi
r J ness desks; fine light; cheery;
youll be proud to jstudy
, therer Write for catalog that
. contains a special- offer "of
' " how you may obtain a hand
: some souvenir by performing
,r -a slight service tor us.
Write direct to Dept.. 19.
Hill Military Academy
. 9. U
J a rMvats
Bearatos School fat
Bora. Maaeal Trala-
log, siuurr
allna. Oaileae PreD-
aratioa. Panst a4
a-eit .mMHm. af VMita aav
r eearased sad evtoee. Jboys
- ef ssy ags sdalttea at ear Mam
' , rail Term Opens Sayk, aa.
Bead far Uhatrstod estolege.
: eoBtaiolog .fall lafsraMtlea,
., tar dm. ste. aSdrsss ,
Hill MUUorf Acudmmt
Oregon .' -li::. PortUnd
SL Helens Hall
A Girls' School of the high
est class. : Corps of teachers,
location, building, equipment
-the best.' v;
Send. for catalogue. - '"
Opens Septectber 13, lyOS
$t. ruii rs Aoif ht : couxec
; : yosrxjuro, omsooar. ;,
Fortv-seventh " scholastic year begins
Tueaday, September a, II OS.
ri rat-class boarding and day school
for girls. t . . ,
Courses of elementary, aecondary aad
higher education. , , ,
Conaarvatoriea of muslo and art .
1 Per Week
ror IS weeka, with opportunity to aa-
enre jn ault at II to SI0. Meetlnge
svery Wednesday svening. Investigate
Johnston Suit Club
l Wt!ss!a Sirtel
w m - ... m .
the ISO ault in the J. H. Johnston Suit
club, SA4 Washington street, Wednes
day evening, neptemoer it.
The AllSkv. General practice. Pro
bate and mortgage business solicited.
Have to loan on easy terms.
of t:o,000. This baggage waa never
accounted for. Young Morrill waa ar
rested at tha South station when ha re
turned from a vacation, on a charge of
stealing a trunk and bag. , - - . .
(Special btapateh B7 Leased Wtr to Tbe Joeraal)
Albuquerque, N. it.. Sept. 10. Attor
ney for T. 8. Hubbell, aa-sherlff of Ber
nalillo oounty, who was yesterday ssnt
to Jail for contempt of court, went be
fore Chief Justice Mills of the terri
torial supreme court at Raton and ap
plied for a writ of habeaa eorpua. Tha
court taaued the writ returnable next
Tueaday. Hubbell Is -still confined In
jail. ' . J
-Thls morning the territorial grand
Jury returned anothW md let men against
E-Offlclo Treasurer and i-onecror or
Bernalllle County F. A. Hubbell, a
brother of T. S. Hobbell. charging em
besslenvnt Hubbell was arrested and
gave a bond of J.a. -., ,
A cleaaar.t poeion, svetti a. .ii- - i.
equally dsairatle era wl " la airy raath xJ C-a ,
secure s thorough business ttiL'rj at the ."-. .
;'- , iswwwaw-a.-a) ,-..4 Uaw.,--wal aBManw 'i .
M. A. ALBIN, Uanager. . ,
TeL Mala 4905... ,.
' ; es SIXTH STRZST. f r
O ' TT-TT.-
sac liiaiiii
Premier of Entertainments
; : ' Under one roof may be seen the largest hall of its kind on
the coast and s mastodontic orchestrion, the biggest in
;'the worid.':-- --..-.ii .-.:...4:-4!T:-.:' .r
Refreshments of All Kinds
' ii
1 1
' i
' ' i
Performances include features produced in best Taude
, Tille houses. Program changed dally.' Special matinees
; Sunday. f:;;. .' ,: .--J."...- '." t
i bf
Ladies' Bohemian
j ' A oeautiful balcony, elaborately furnished f or the com
..J ...!.,.' mAtmm .1.1 i 11 i
k : tun aiuu wuvuuv vi auv ui.u hwimi T
Entrances at tl North Third street, 21, SS snd IS North .' '
i;. Second street, snd 43, til and S47 Burnside street.
Fruitdale Mineral Vater
The 'natural water as it comes from, the springs no
chemicals or dgsbest remedy known for stomach
and kidney troubles. ? .;:.
t ""
W a. . ar a a w- , a a a V
; Brass Foiisn, ciectricai ana ucg x
x ' 0 all kinds. Electric wiring done en short notice. ' BousecU )
fixtures of vaooua descriptions- At the ;
134 Sixth Street. Phone, Main 1ZX .
. , 114 filrth SmeL Phon Ualn IM
ee eeeee e $
I I -wal
S. Biriccnva!d Cc.
1 ; The Pioneer Dutcher Supply Jlouca.
Telephone Main :i-SC3 Everett St. Porter.