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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1905)
o J- a ' -a-. -.. e--. -v '-- --.----- - !-- . - WW..'.. ..fAllW, . W W A O . At . 1J V SucctMful Cpectacle on lake It ', Nlht Crowd. '' SHIPS BLOW UP AND ; v v; FORT CRUMBLES" AWAY - vi- !? V y i . - V V ' Din . la Terrific, But Battle Is Far Lat Dangeroua Than the Hood' lutns Who Forced Way Through ; . s Multitude Football Fashion. The ahem battle at the fair Wt night was the spectacular feature of the exeat ' celebration of Portland day. It waa .-'preceded by the brat display' of fire, works yet given on the grounds aad waa la ltself.JgreatBuccese, but aome- what handicapped by the amok, which ' waa blown toward tha epectatora and . partially obstructed the flaw. Fully 35,000 people witnessed the ex hlbltlon. . They crammed and' Jammed - tha Bridge of Nation, tha government lcntasula, the apace between tha Bla- marcx ana . me American inn. in race every Inch of apace in which the leaat r prospect of an occasional glimpse of the fight appeared. The Jostling led to many flahts and an Incipient riot, which waa eulckly quailed. Disappointment . waa ezpreseed that the apectaole waa not givea on tha eaat aide of the Bridae of - National- .where- more people eould have obtained a view on the sloping hills which adjoin Lekevlew terrace. The battla differed very little from Its predecessors, azoept aa to title. It was called a reproduction of Dewey's , historic achievement In Manila bay. At a algnal which waa preaumebly meant far "When you are ready. Grldley.- you may fire, a Una of American warahlpa ' approached, all of them firing on a ' squadron of Spanish tuba. - A. fort In tha distance offered 'the latter protee . tlon, but was within a few momenta re duced to ashes. One by one the Span ish vessels caught fire and one of them r waa blown up. - Tha noise was terrific, bnt less dangeroua by a wide margin than the hoodlums who mingled with the crowd and . literally fought their way through. -' -. ... .. - A satisfying1 feature of tha final dam anatratlon on Guild's laka waa tba flight when tha amoka waa not In the way of the men who manned tha mlmlo bat tleehtpe. There were several hundred en gaged in the battle. GUARDS USEL:E6APH0."EST0 PRESERVE ODDER Carnival Spirit Runt High and Cowbell Add -to - the Din. ,, f - - Bo" dense; waa the crowd- atruggllng for seats In street cars at the cloaa of the sham battla last night that nearly half1 of. Portland's police force and a large percentage of the Centennial guards were called out Ouarda with megaphones were pleading for better order for upwards of aa hour. The Trail waa a solid mass of people until nearly midnight and the carnival spirit was still alive and growing when tha guards rushed through sailing on the people to go heme. To add to tha din. hundreds of young BeODla armed themselves wttK .n.h.lli by means of which they assumed the ngni 01 way over more .dignified ceie bra tore. . Cases of exhaustion ware numerous throughout tha day. Two old men were overcome while vlatting tha Trail, two others, were taken In for Inebriation and occasionally a woman fainted. The emergency hospital received all euoh cases, none of which proved serious. Considering tha. crush, tha number of ambulance calls waa email. GLORIOUS WEATHER ; (Continued from Page Ona ) is to be complimented for Its work In all parte of tha ground, But the main thing, after all. waa tha conduct of the crowd, rather than its "conducting." ' Everybody wore a amlle, from the smallest of the children, 'who, up to the age of ll years, ware ad mltted free, to the moat rugged of Ore gon's pioneers. Hospitality waa eu- MAOAKE AZA KCLKES-CSSECM Only Neldtn Graduate oa Pacific Coast A LAkOX sAatrua or - Complexion Cream Free TO XTXXT OALUta. Wttea s tre-Ms's fare Is covered - with frecklM. dlaesnree with bttrkheade, seaseat. Ing plBPtos niHia It. h) wHnkUa a as wessastd as It batsed la ears ss4 treable, Hia aiM ramrsi 90 aox toVa sza . ae they would were she comely of eesntenesre and of glad o-praealoa. Wt CAN REMOVg TH r.nK HIJACK HBAIt8.riairL.Ea. WBlNkLXS, ritKCKLJca. irg., is very abort erder sed et trifling expanse. It is snel-as te se Is die traae ymiraelf aoa slee eiatraes year (rteee when, tor s small seal of Knmtr. o mr have II tha appaaraaces eC gUUieod Sad freahaeas ef happy youth. . - : aix ovai woax irar 'tHi vxipi aocna, r 14 this is the aalr t-rrfaet athd tha oMria . hae -r ksoxrs. Otowre eoase to Portland 'aad for a time oei-e the treeulnee. hat -wa i.'ia inir nan in. nrau fne Slf7. hiTe ke-s kert for uore thaa half a. de- ran ana our Doaiaaes . grews grastet aae greater, erery yeer. .... ,, , - ; MADAME AZA I.OLK!ES-RISECKE l . ., oaitxTAt sxAVTr raatoaa. ; " VA r-- . r r r k lUaat. " i 1 . - - ; Scene' bi the Vicinity of Centennial preme. Everybody waa welcome to ev erything. . If Inconvenience showed ta face at -any time .throughout the day It waa during meal' hours. The throngs literally overwhelmed the restaurants and thousands who wanted to remain for the' entertaining features of the night started for the crowded cars be cause It waa impossible to obtain places In the eating-houses without long wait tag. . . .. '"' .7 ' '.'." There was never aueh a vast crowd brought together In the northwest, nor waa there erer a crowd better-natured and more cosmopolitan, . Portland day has entered history and will lire Ions In memory, , ,. Airship acakeg Twa rugate. The first event of exceptional Inter-. est, though they were almost Innumer able; waa Lincoln Boaehey's flight la' tha airship City of Portland at 11 o'clock, which waa witnessed by fully 11.000 people inside and outside the aeronautio concourse. The young wlsard of aerial -navigation did -not -leave -the exposition area, as tha weather waa threatening, but he succeeded In an circling the Government building, pass ing over the Trail aeveral times snd landing In the epot from which he started. Tha flight lasted IT minutes and waa repeated two hours later, al though the weather made Impracticable the proposed long-distance flight to Vancouver. -The amusement program of the day' waa not, aa a matter of fact, the great success that had been hoped for. There were many tine features, but some fail ure. .. , Never, perhaps, waa there a more brilliant military parade In this section r s- -s View of tha Crowd Imlde tha Ground. Witneaaing the Drill by Federal Troopa Photo by Klaer Photo- - '. (raphie Company. ' ' ' 1 s MOTHER SLAYS (Continued From Page One.) Almost coincident with the last breath of the insane woman the foroe of the flames began to abate, and aa the amok cleared, the crowd, peering Into the still simmering mass, could faintly discern the forma of the six viciima of tho par ent's murderous hand. Tha form of the aeventh could not be eeen and it la un likely that It will be discovered, the soft body of the Infant probably; having been destroyed by the fire. -.:s The Incoherent explanationa - of the mother aa aha lay at the point of death, failed to establish any - reason for the deed. It la thoeght however, that long continued worry .had , unhinged her praln. ' Dlea ar eements with her husband seme time ago culminated In tha woman hav ing him arrested for asaault and it le known that tha Mfe of the couple waa not happy. . . . ' ; It la conaldered probable that the re mains of the woman and her babies wilt be Interred in the same tomb when the ashes 'Of the little onee have been col lected. . : '' , JEROME TO CALL (Continued from Page One.) euro hae been brought to bear to pre vent thla contemplated criminal action, and there -haa beea-aoine delay, but it will not be stopped. The grand Jury will be celled and It wlU be for them to say whether the prosecutions shall take place ' "The superintendent ef Insurance and Governor Hlgglns saw fit to put the facta In the bande of the proeeeeutlng officiate of New York City at the time the Hendricks report-on the Equitable Investigation waa made, and from that data not a move haa been madev not a fact hae developed concerning the ae tiona ef the managers of the Insurance oompantee that has not bee watched and conaldered with the Idea of forcing them to face criminal charges should anything develop that 'would warrant aucb aotion." r , ' Jsiwsae aaa arllum t Tha district attoraera office le now In possession of the necessary material. atr. Jerome haa beea Informed privately Park at the . Fair Yea terdajr Photo of tha ' country although there have been larger than that furnished by the troops from Vancouver barracks, which began at 1 o'clock and waa witnessed by at least 15,000 visitors. As the sol diers lined up on the Lewis and Clark boulevard. In their full dress uniforms. In double column. . they extended from the Forestry building to the Transporta tion building. , . ' The sight was Inspiring. - Besides Ibe fourteenth Infantry, which never made a more Imposing appearance, the Seven teenth 'and Eighteenth field"- artillery participated. , Colonel Irons waa the commanding officer and as he shouted from the proud charger he rode the order "foura right, march," and tha In fantry band struck up a patrlotio melody every man, woman and child In tha vast throng aaemed to Join . In a cheer. The long - column . counter marched down the boulevard from the big log cabin and awung around the gardens In front of the Oregon' building In review. The colonel was the review ing officer," but President Goods and a party of friends, aeated In the windows of the . Administration building, ap plauded, until their glovee buret aa the parade went by. An Australian gave an exhibition of boomerang-throwing In front of the Government building at I o'clook." It waa of more than passing Interest to hundrede to witness" the method by which the primltltve' weapon la used. Without exception the Australian struck hla object aad the boomerang returned to hla feet ,;; ... Other T set-urea of Day. j While thouaande of strangers rambled through, the exhibit palaces. other . - V ' . that there le more much more of the most serious and sensational nature af fecting men ' In high financial circles, that will be developed at tha Investiga tion that la being conducted bv th Arm strong legislative committee. The in quiry that will be held by the grand Jury will be attended by Mr.. Jerome and he will personally conduct the examination of witnesses and other Individuals who may appear before that body. There le not a detail that haa been brought out thua far by the investi gators that haa not been studied, and carefully, by Mr. Jerome. Hie asso ciate, Mr. Bchurman. who la attached to the office of Chief Inquisitor Charlea B. Hughes, hss daily the benefit of the advice of, Mr. Hughes, and any. of the minute Inqulrlea that are made by Mr. Hughee are made, not for tha purpose of ascertaining facta to aid the commit tee In the preparation of lawe that will put, end to present conditions In life insurance management, but to bring out evidence of criminality that may bs used by1 the prosecuting officer of this city In his grand Jury Inquiries and the prosecutions thst will result, If Indict menta are found. ' " Confident ef Xadlotmeate. ' . That Indictments will be ' found, it may be eald, . tha .Mlietrlct attorney's office Is confident. Sufficient evidence affecting seven men, it was aald today, haa already been submitted, upon which, it . Is believed, criminal action will be brought. Each of these men is said to be possessed ef et leest 11,000,000. There la also at least one influential politician who baa thus fsr beea Implicated to such a de gree as to assure the attempt to Indict him. and It wae eald today as a result of revelations that are yet to be made such facta affecting the Republican or ganisation In tha stste of New Tork will be brought out that tha downfall of the political machine must follow. Mr. Jerome will not give the ellghteet hln.t ef hie Intentions. It Is known, thongh. that he hae frequent conferences with Paul Morton, president, of. the Equitable - Life Assurance society, and there le h doubt but thafMr: Morton haa furnished tha district attorney's of fice with a great mass of malarial that will figure prominently In the grand Jury Inquiry. - --rMertett Aids faa-ma. ' There la ao doubt In Insurance circles that It wae et the express command af Mr. ALortoa that A, W. Maine, the as by Klaer Photographic' Company. thousands to whom the exposition Itself Is mora familiar -sought- out tha novel ties of the . day. - Usually there were plenty to be found. ' The band concerts drew their full share of listeners and suoh-xhlblttone as- that of-the- life saving station aa tha like , ware eagerly watched.;. i .......,.. . - The Inconspicuous feature of the day waa tha vehicle parade. For soma rea son less than a half dosen floata were In line. Tacoma made tha moat promi nent showing; with a lumber wagon full- of children crowing 'and ahoutlng, "Watoh Tacoma Growl" The Adminis tration band and a platoon of Cen tennial guards completed the exhibition. The Japanese day fireworks excited a good deal of Interest, aa did the big display last night. Tha . feature which ' held the crowd lata waa the sham battla representing the battle of Manila bay, preceding the distribution of 1 1,000 In cash prises. At t. o'clock yesterday morning the Igorrotes left their village la a body, marching to the Administration en trance, where each native handed up a paid ticket, their contribution to the attendance on Portland day. Headed by a stalwart native bearing aloft a hand some American flag, and with two banners bearing the device "Igorrotea. Wa paid our . way r to swell Portland day," the men attired in their gaudleat "gee-atrlnga" and ornaments, . the women wearing anlto striped shawls, their hair resplendent with barbarle beada In atringe and ropes, fully armed warriors following tha three chief a, and two small boys leading two pet doge, the pageant waa aa Imposing one aad altogether unique. ReJfejejjMfc (f,'.y841 "e? - H , ' a , - ... v. ! ; -ifif. " - ' . .i w ill-' :A'L' r sociate auditor of the Equitable, at the hearing Friday, gave the sensational testimony which revealed tha payment of vast sums by the three btg companies to "Judge" Andrew Hamilton and other lawyers for use In Influencing legisla tion that affected tha Insurance com panies. The men who are to be accused of criminal aote In connection with the management of the Insurance companies are not Ignorant of the fact that an at tempt la to be made to prosecute them. Their legal representatives have had conferences with the members of the staff of the district attorney and they have sought to ascertain the exact nature of -the evidence Mr. Jerome baa In hla poeaession. It la doubtful If they have learned anything to the advantage of their clients, aa the district attorney's office le guarding what evidence haa been eubmltted with the greatest care and sources of Information are also be Ihg closely protected In order that la dlvtduala who will be used aa witnesses may not be Interfered with. RHEUMATISM NOW CURABLE Xaqnld Suasains, the Vew Sllxl of Life, Oeree sWabborm Case ef . Btgheeeai Tsars' Btaading--xavallda Axe Flocking to Portland. ' "' 8L Paul, Minn Sept 10 Darlaa F. Slmma, a cripple for II yeara past, suf faring from ehronlo rheumatlam, who left here nine weeke since to vtalt tho Portland fair,, accompanied by a nurse and crutches, returned here last evenltuc with the nurse but minus crutches. He la full of enthusiasm at hla remarkable recovery. Eighteen yeara ago he was taken down with Inflammatory rheuma tism which left htm a cripple, his condi tion getting worse each year. On hie arrival at Portland Oregon, he says, he placed himself In the care of the X-IU dlum Medical Institute physicians, and waa treated -Tor-eevea weeks with the new elixir ' of life. Liquid Sunshine, which haa effected a complete cure. The local physlctana who have treated Mr. Slmma for tha paet 11 years are them selves astonished at thla marvaleua eur. Other Invalids here are preparing to leave for tha Portland X-Radjum M edi ts! InaUtata, ' Ml Summer haa fcone and now come Fall and -Winter, the seasons of short .'day and long evenings, the seasons of "indoors"- the time of the year when we depend upon "the Home to make' ns happy and comfortaWe. The time of the year when a well furniahed born makes so greatly for that comfort and happiness that make life worth " 'living. ' ; - ' ' "'.';. ;, ' ': ; ''' ' " . .';;' Right now we want you to know that we have a great big store fufl of that very, same home-comfort! and "home-happlneaa.' , For years we've studied the needs of the - home-maker, and this Fall we're better prepared than ever to amply fill those needs. If you want Furniture of thoroughly 'modern design; just full of substantial worth and comfort, come to us. If you want soft, cozy Carpets of attractive patterns and rich colorings, we have hundreds of rolls to select from.: If you want economical - - floor coverings for the halls and kitchen, have a look at our Linoleums. If you want . Bedding, we have everything that goes to make night comfortable. If you want a 'Range or Cook Stove, we have the splendid Jewel Ranges and stoves to burn coal, " wood or gas. , And just remember they are economical of fuel and never fail the cook who understands them.' If you want China or Household Crockery, we have a lot of . new patterns thatTWill appeal to. you. .. If you want Kitchen things, we have everything J from Clothespins to Tables. In fact; we are complete house-furnishers, , ,;" As for Credit We want you fo understand that you can open an account with us 4onrrtw4uritialiiyQur low and 'our terms are so ments. .'In fact, we allow First and Tavlor rstrceir 1170 COMPANIES RUSHIiie TpVMRD IMOl'M' Both 0. R. A N. and Wallowa Valley Unas Hurrying Work .Near Elgin. . (Special PUpstch to The learsaL) Elgin, Or., Sept. M. Both nsw rati road lines are pushing their work as rapidly aa possible. The O. R. at N. haa men working In the cement rock on their right ef way within tha city limits and another camp nine miles down ths Grand Bonds be tween Elgin and Cabin creek. The sur veyors are In the Looking-Olaes country eome distance in advanoe of tha grading party. It was reported tne nrsi or tne wees that there are more 'than Z2S men at work.. The latest subcontract Is that given to 8. A. Gardiner and Hayes of Le Grande. The mile taken la eald to be the moat difficult between here and tha Wallowa river. - It is claimed that they will re ceive 120,000 for the grading alone. They are advancing work with all possible speed. The O. R. N. people state tnat iney will complete the first nine miles of their Une tble fall. The Wallowa Valley company haa two gangs at work just neyona ins city limits and haa made a large cui ana fill ef considerable length.' ' It la reported that the cltlsena of Walla Walla have raised a subsidy of f-00,000. and placed It In the bank to ae. trans ferred te the Wallowa Valley railroad or to the first railroad to connect Walla Walla with the Wallowa valley. - The surveying party of the wauowa Valley railroad Is at Vlctor'a place, seven miles from the heed of the Wallowa canyon, and expect to pitch their team at the head of tha eanyon the first of next week. ' - The O. R. N. company haa nisa eondemnalion suits ,agalnst P. H. Gray and others. Georae B. Clark and others. J. E. Wallace and others. Maggie Clark and others and John naner ana wire, over whose property the proposed right of way passed. v The property in Question wee ns. o k -ft.--.Hawa river. The owners nsa rive rtaht of way to ths Wallowa Val ley Railroad company oa'tbe side oppo-J site-that eaks---r-.-ine,t.rruMH--pany. - 1 ' . The bonda given for right of way by tha property owners to William 3. Cook severed their entire holdings. Thla pre ventait anv ether railroad company from securing right of way ever their pre ra ises so long ae a bona wss vsiia. . Aa soon aa Cook aeara uw u prop- '- mm m i 7. CATi DE r.lABE or in part, "just lenient thantfttTeroubleou - you to make your own terms of MON 12 HOUND After. Bebs Lost Seven Yeara Was Restored by AM ct , PROF. VAN CORTLAND Paar Sir: I feosd ib sweey Inst where yea told Sie to leos. It wae barted nnil-r the flour ef tha rahra.1 -There was w.wo iB .u. .,;srr-owitii'-'' atlet PwwaM died eat la s kmelr eaMs ee e raark la Mendoelae Ceeaty. CaU forsla. ever eaves ra- f- It , was kaoers taat he bad sev-ral thoosaaey eai lars s few says safare hie death. After be died se trace ef the owner eoald be fossa. Lest smith Mrs. - Powail apene4 te call a Profeae-r Tan Cortlaae. the eyehar. eeeceralBS a phralcal, sad u taM that aha would flad h-r SMsay eeear the Powell caMa Is af-fidoclDe Ceaety. gverr ward waa trae. Bbe haa ataee ham .tall- eared ef be ailment thr-anrh the suaest mlracnlona heeling C.arera ef the mrat-rtoaa Vaa Cortlasd. re. Powell la, tharafora, a happy weataa. BEAD TKXia TXeTHtOIALa PORTLAND, Or., April e, o6. Pre faeeor Tao Cortlasd: Deer sir I feel a groat cbaee tne the batter after two sostbs soder rear trestavtat. I la h VAN CORTLAND arty owners deelred to'eell right r way to tha O. R. N. company he Imme diately releae-1! e'l lands bonded by htm on tha'opoo'" ' ' ' tve river. When he took h. if way te I not know ' the r(" would aaa w i i ) , n as vou like. : Our prices are have credit. - First Taylcr Strcetri eraaaiinr la trelght every ear, sad wtrS store taaa ever before m say Ufa. s4 all this wltboat Bwdlcuws. I save fx.. a la yoor powers te heal; alee yeas savtee la saatseaa, aad fsel very gratefal te ?m for what yea have eoaa for aae. oars trsly. , H. I. a ARLINGTON- Or. rrofaoeor Vaa Oort Jsndi Dear air Is asswer te yoor letter, will say that I fooad the papna aa jty said I woylS, aad let me thaak yoa for the sower yoa have la holptag e sore amy dlaaaae. which yoa are surely eoisa. eel feel ao arach better; tat tact, I feel like a aew avaa. Blaearaly, , L H. B. Deaf Bin I am serfaetly aattefied wtth the work yea have esse for aae. a, w. t. . Piefaeoor Vaa Cortlaadi Tea are asi mas wondarroi, ana I ni yea to sir friaeds, aa I ksow are seaulse, as the work m for me aas suae ate a eufareat lean, loos frleaU. H. A W. Vaa Cortlaad has hnadreda ef sack tet ter ea tile et hla office. I DO HEREBY BOLZhtlTLT AC age AND eCAkANrca to suae yoa se charge if I fall te 'call yoa by eaaas la full, aasue ef yoor friends, eaeatloa ae rivals. I prosslae to tell yoa whether rear haabsad, wits or sweetheart a tree or fan, tall sea how to gala the k-o of the eee yoa saoat desire, even thoash ssllee sway; hew te sne-ead la baalaeaa, apeealatloa. lawaolu; how to -aarry tho OBO Of TOO Cholrot how mmmm MM.h ksalth sod. vttallir. . Paowvae ta- aiu-ncw, ram anna sahiij toeates area eeree all aerroae dlnaaaa. How can I have good lorht . llow eaa t eoereeU Is healseeat " How eeo I siake air hotee haepyt How eas I eoaqeer Bi ooenl-ar , How eaa I nwrry Ua 1 eaeesst ; llow eaa I saarry wall - How aooa eaa I BMrrjy How eaa I eonqaer say -trait ' ' How eaa I wake any eee to-e wet . How eooa will my lovor aropeeel -. How eaa I set A letter? 1 How eaa I get s teed aoaioaf llow yoa ees roeaove bed lu.iiteaeeet How eaa 1 eoetrol aav enet How siake dlatanl ones think of Satt now nose eiaiana enee mini How eaa I aattie By eaarr-l How eas I bold sir heahaad'i How eaa t heap ear wlf.'a V eaarr-lal I a lever tovet TA! CORTLAND StUa alL sad Sal atka ejoeatloBa. Offlce Hours a. ah te I p. t aaiiy ana nunaaya. Ksthtf--- T I 10-5, Wi bit e by the a "v; Tl r l-v mi