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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1905)
' " I TOVrl TOPICS 1 VOViaHT'l AaTOI raxvT ..."Oa'tae Quiet" Jtaa.r. ..... .w, Sea Detert's Oaaipanr (.lawre .."OB Uw Brides at Mldiilsat" r.rrle.,.. ....."Dr. JskjU uxt Mr. Hid" inzn::::::::.:: A ....Vasd.Wlla . . . . . .... ......... VB4Ulll - The semi-annual meeting of the First Blbl- Bplrltual . eocletr was held last Friday evening at ' 4tl East Seventh treat j Ira, Taylor presided. ; It waa d. elded, that tn the future there 'should be tp chsrg for admission to the Sun day services: of the society, which will ha hM mt Rlnarlar'a hill Ut Alitor street. .Services will be held1 today at 11 a. ra. and T:4I p. art., the speaker (or the svenlng exercises to be J. C. PerrelL The following officers were. elected at laat Friday's . . meeting: ; Mrs. R. W. Colson, president; Mrs. Laura F7 Share, loe-president; Ira Taylor, second vice president; R. W. Colson. treasurer: Mrs. L. P. Qusckenbush. financial secretsry : T. T. Bells, aecretary. In Taylor, P. T. Balls and Mrs. Campbell compoee the tnuaio committee. , , , :,y V Walter A. Bols -will resist extradition' against him by Esters at Co., ' grocers. of New Tork City. Detective Sergeant 'Deevy is here to take him back to the 'scene of his alleged crime but Attorney : Charles J. Bchnabel has secured a prom lee from Governor Chamberlain to. have the case argued before him, ' The lawyer : declare that the charge - ahould -be a elvll one. as', no crime .has ' been com mitted, and that the New Tork author!- ' ties sre trying to use the criminal courts as a collection agency. , - 7 . ' ,r - i Four persona were reported tA the v police as .missing tn the pest two days. ; W, O, Wells, aged yeara. and Msr rtle Thomas, aged IS. were reported miss- Ing by an aapreaaman named Wilkin. .Mrs. Jam Cullen of S2t ' North if Eighteenth atreet. haa asked the police Lite -find her husband, missing since noon l, Friday. He is an expreaaman and has a, stand at Fifth and Morrison street. 'J. Btortenbert of Bcappoose la a Ceo miss- lng. the request to locate bim . coming ' from hia wife, j , . ..- ' ' V. Judge Cameron will recommend that the law govern In the appeal of clti cases to. the circuit court be changed so a to make 1100 the minimum fine on whlch-an appear van be based -Instead of $20, . "Tba majority of appeala taken are in' the caeee af transients." aald .Judge Cameron. "They -place up ball -and then are not to be found when the cases come up In the circuit court. The Jaw la defective and should be changed." 7. . " v- Probably the biggest catfish ever eeught in the Willamette waa. taken. In the channel- just aouth of the foot of Jefferson street by Hsrry Jones, a pro .fesslona flsliermsn. yesterdsy afternoon. -Jones, who waa yeara. ago a fisherman on the Thamea, was trolling for blsck bass when he tended the. eatftsh. - The .catfish waa about It Inches In length and weighed when dressed a little more .'than one pound. . - In order that a. few belated hunters .and bridegrooms might be able to as , cure licenses County Clerk Fields kept .bis courthouse office open two houii yesterday morning. -When the. books . r dosed- tor September, 1.I1S hunters' -licenses, had been Issued to Multnomah tcounty aportsmen since laat May.. 120 of ; lhanvba.ving. iem, secured. Friday., , ... invesugauon.,py me ponce nas con vlnced them that Captain Chrlatopher , Nelson of 120 Bennett atreet was not held up at 2 o'clock .yesterday morning ' by two 'masked men on the steel bridge and robbed, or 23, as. he reported. uergeant Taylor and Patrolmen John 'eon, Ehmson, O'Brien and Glttlngs . In I veatlgated the alleged 'robbery. ; ,' . 'The nrlses foe' t Inate In tia Aa.Hi.ii1. lurnl day'a parade Friday evening were awarded yesterday, the first prise go In r to the float containing the goddess r ior ama ner court, me eecona prlxe going to the Clsckamaa county float, and the third prise to the float con 1 talnlng the Sharplea Separator exhibit. . , Trolley Trips Today on O.' W. P. To """' v iiriii.u rtra ana ures " hem. 9fi Mnll' nirln ITn .1. r.-.i. m Rstacada. iO cents round trip. Cars leave First and Alder afreets for Oregon' City on ine oaa nour ana every 40 mrnutee; for Estacsda, 7:10. :J0, 11:10, 1:80. 1:40. :4. 7:11. Mof fnung lodge,. No. t. O. D. H. a. will give a grand ball In Steuben hall. Wil llama avenue and Ivy atreet. on Saturday Tening. uciooen 7. Admlaslon It cents. uooa muaio and refreshments'. . , fin Oi f W la . - t. ...... . and Clarkamaa counties, 100-mlle trolley trip for tl. Train leaves Firat and Alder streets- daily, except Sunday, at- -40 ' a m. and returns 4 p. ra. The Bible Spiritual aoclety removed 10 sus Aiaer etreec Dedication serv ices Sunday, 11 a.' m. and 1p.m. Leo ture by J. C. Ferrell, and apiritual teata by Mrs. Ladd-Flnnloan. - . xne vioiei uancmg academy opens Its aeries of dances with a a-rand ball at . Burxnams nail next Thuraday even ; Ing, October t, at 8.1S o'clock. Gentle- 1 men, zacj laaies tree.' . , Dr. H. A. Stndevant, formerly of The Dalles, Is now with Wise Bros, at rooms . 211-12, The Falling. Third and Washing ton etreets. Phone Main 2021. ' Profeaaor Blngler'a phyalcal culture acbool and dancing academy, 10 Alder atreet Claas and private Instruction. Fat people reduced. . Any watches cleaned, 11. b: main spring, 11.00; all work guaranteed one yesr. -Metiger eV Co.,-Ill Sixth atreet On account of repelrlhg ''and reno vatory-work at the , police building, Police' Judge Cameron will hold 'court tomorrow and until further notice tn Falr Announcement ADADMSTRATION RESTAURANT Oc DINNER Served continuously from 1 lam. to8p.rn. Every rlattendanT should not fail- to visit ' this ' restaurant Prices will convince you that it is not necessary to ' , ' carry lunches. ' ,; . OREGON-SAVINGS BANK t - r,32t , Morrison Street. OFFICERS. ; ' W.-H. lfoort. Prcaident. E. B. Lytle, Vlcg-Prctldgitt. W. Cooper Morria, Cashier.' ' ' 3. Logan Hays, Au't, Cashier. J. J DIRECTORS. y W. H. Moore. W. H. CopeUnd, S. S. Lytst, Leo Friede, ' ' W. Cooper Morris.' , . , -.VWEPATT''; ' Ti'-r ''"gj O"7 7.1..... 7. H . 0 INTEREST ' GENERAL BANKING ' 'business. l Phone Main 16 PLANS 12-STORY J. B. Yeon Will Seek in Other Cities Idea for Big Office ; " Structure) Here. WILt"BETALLE3T . IN ALL PORTLAND Purchaser of Comer of 1 Fifth' and 'Alder Streets Expects to Com mence Work Early Next Year on the Brick and Mortar Giant. ; Portland's . talleat akyacraper, which will exceed In height the Well a-Fargo building by at least one and . perhapa two stories, is to be erected on a tract having 100 feet frontage on Alder and 7S feet frontage on Fifth atreet. J. B. Yeon, the wealthy Umbernian, who pur chased this corner the past week. Is ar ranging for the plans and work la ex pected to coram encet early next year, Thla edifice will be one of the finest of the northwest, and will be made to con form to the plans of the big buildings of the east. , . - - , I. Ooldsralth. of the Arm of Goldsmith A Co.. Bherlock building, who waa Mr. Y eon's agent inv the realty deal, said laat evening of the purchaser's, planes - "Mr. Yeon will depart for San Fran cisco In a very ahort time to examine the large buildings there, and will ex tend thla trip until he haa found the type of a structure he desires to erect In". Portlsnd. He wanta on of tha best modern office buildings, sightly, convenient and atable." . ELLERY'S BAND RENDERS RANQPEffOIONDAY Kllerya band will play the following program at the exposition on Mondsy: Afternoon March. "Phillpovlch" (8chmld); overture, "Oalathea," Von Suppe); Polish dance (Scharwenka), "Cupld'a Garden" (Eugene), scenes from act Iv of . -Rigoletto" (Verdi), march, "Buffaloes," . .(Engelmann) j aelectlon from "Martha" (Flotow), "L Palms" (Yradler). grand fantasia from "Manon" (Massenet). . Evening, at ' American Inn March, "Paragraph 11." (Ferullo); overture '.'William Ten." (Roeslnl); trumpet nolo. "Serenade," . (Schubert), by Slgnor Palm a: "Voice of Love," with echo ef fecta, (Schumann); "Cavallerla Rustl-cana.'-' .tntermesso - and . finale. . (Mas cagnl); acenee from act 111 of "lav Bo heme" (Puccini), trombone solo, "An swer," Robyn )rr J,Love's Pream-Af Ur the Ball" (Csibulka). grand .- selection from "II Trova tore" (Verdi). . THRONGS CELEBRATE "JEWISH NEW YEAR Worshipers filled all the synagogues at the vaiioua services held Fridsy night and yesterday . In honor-of the Jewiah new year, wnicn la tics In their calendar. At Temple Beth Is rael yesterday morning Dr. Stephen -8. Wlae, spoke on "A Glance at Jewish History- In the Making." The musical program waa under the direction . ol Mra. Rose Bloch-Bauer. ' To Congre gation j- Ahaval Sholom Dr. Wlllnei apoke on the "Permanence Amongat the Vanishing." . Tha servicea at Temple Nevah Zedeck Talmud Torah were In Hebrew, Dr. Shapo chanting the prayers. At all three of tha temples large erowds gathered. '? the rooms formerly occupied by the county assessor at the courthouse. All comnlalnte will be prepared there by Deputy City Attorney Fltsgsraid. , WiwiviH'i TWnnfna sr.hAnl : a! tfiA Western Academy of Music Monday and Thura. . Leesons, lOo. Denolng, to 1L Your credit Is good. Wstches, ' II down, tin week. Metsger Co., Jewel er and opticians. Ill Sixth atreet. Launches ' for torpedo-boat destroyer at Merrill' boathouae, north aide Morri son bridge. - .'- ( ., , Awnings. Noon Bag Co., lat aV Couch. Frltfa tamalee are the best. " ' Foiatera fog Yomag Mas- When you-buy your sack'' suit yon must order a long ooat, or yon wont be m it. ...... How long? you ask. It ahould meas ure at loaat J Inches from th collaf earn down the bacbv That's CoupT or -mchew-mngar-tiian th top coat you've been wearing, Re member thai. " The new .. oovert ton coats . are . tl Inches long . . i . ' Tho plsce toirder themT. - . - ARMSTRONG THE TAILOR. ! (It Washington Streets Popular" prices. ' . BUILDING HELPLESS CHILD CRUELLY USED Ctrl of Thirteen Wanders Streets Alon Until Lights In Wain 7 ' hard Home Attract Her. POLICE SEEK ONE WHO TQ0K HER TO SALOON Serious - and - Cowardly - QfUns - Is Char(a by Officers and Thorough Search Is Being Made for the Miss ing Offender. s ' 7 7 - W , ',. . 11,1 : 1 t It was almost S o'clock , yesterday morning when Attorney Henry Wagner waa a soused from his slumber at the Weinhard residence, II North " Thir teenth atreet. by a ring at the door. Throwing on a dressing gown be hur ned to the door' and vu opening It waa aurprlsed to see a pretty little glrL Telling th lawyer that-ah waa loot. th child waa taken Into the house. where Mrs. Weinhard got her some thing to eat and made her comfortable for th night,' . ... . The affair was renorted to the nollce yesterday and Detective Hawley of the Boys' and Girls' Aid . society waa de tailed 1 to. 'make an Inveatlgatton by Chief Grltsmacher. The officer became acquainted with a condition of affairs which horrified him and he hastened to polio headquarters with the glrL Chief Grltsmachsr authorised th state ment that the treatment accorded the child before she waa succored at the Weinhard home . constitutes a crime which may cause a young man to spend many years In the penitentiary. Four detectives,' Including Hawler. worked until an -early hour this morning trying to locate th man wanted, and the search will be resumed, today. The name of the girl Is Errllla Smith and her age la IS yeara. She waa aent to the detention horn of th Boys' arid Girls' Aid society some time ago from Washington county and waa placed with th family of a clgarmaker on North Twenty-second street. Claiming that th wife of this man maltreated ner, tne child ran away Friday- afternoon and took some Sowers to a alck friend at th Good Samaritan hoapltaL .On leaving th hoapltaL ah says, ah met a young man, who spoke pres ently to her and offered to ahow her around th fair grounds. He took her through the grounds and that night in duced her to accompany blm to the De troit Inn. near th entrance to th fair. .Leaving the fain at. I o'clock yeater- day morning, the man took th child to th corner of Fourteenth and weaning ton streets and left her alone, walking rapidly away after telling bar good bye. Th child walked to Thirteenth street and along that thoroughfare until aha ww a light In th Weinhard realdence, where aha andled for a bad -In which to- eleep, 8 he took Detective Hawley to the Detroit Inn. where It was learned that th man had no room. It was not vsn known by th proprietor, so ha as-. sorted. ' that th room bad Men oeen nled. . Th condition of th child laat night was such that th services of a phy sician were found necessary. MANY BAND CONCERTS AT THE FAIR MONDAY "Following la tn order of th day for Monday at th exposition: t " a.m. Exhibit and Oorernraent buildings open. Trail open. a. ra. to 11 m. DeCaprlo'a Admin Istrathm band. Forestry building. is to 11 a. tti. band. Government terrace. t to p. m. Administration band; Transportation bandstand. ' I p m. Weaving blankets Dy-cnuxat Indians.. Alaska building. t:S0 p. m. United States liressving exhibition and drill. GullO lake. I:J0 p. m. Timber-testing. Govern ment forestry exhibit. 1:10 p. m. Grand concert by the El' lery Royal Italian band; Gray's boule vard bandstand. f it to 4:S0 p. m. Concert by th United State Artillery band. Govern ment terrace. I p. m. Concert by Klralfy's "Carnl val of Venice" company. Centennial tar- race. 1 p. m. Exhibit buildings cloee. p. m. Grand electrical illumination 11 p. m. Gates "close. 11:10 p. m. Trail closes. . ' '. Where to -Dine. "Watch th Omaha Grow." Clean, modern restaurant. French dinner, with wine, - too. New management The Omaha. S Sixth. ' H. C Brandes new grill, lot Sixth street, will serve a fine table d'hote din ner for SO cents from 11 m. to I p. m. French coo win aerre you with a genuine French dinner, with wine, lie Manhattan Buffet, tl Sixth. Z Manual Training. "" Monday and Wednesday after school manual training classes are eonduoted for boys at the T. M. C A. in "the best equipped shops tn the city' Wm. J. Standley, instructor, fe tS.SO for three months' term:- These same shops ar uaed on Wedneaday and Saturday night for classes In carpentry, wood carving and wood turning. . , Milwaukie Country Club. : Baatern and Seattle raoea. Take Bell wood and Oregon City cars at First and Alder. - THE ESTACADA OsT LOT Of O, , I, tUOTBIO Vtn a txx rut or m rnrxs os TBI m,SOTslS SITU. ESTACADA, C2EG0N a FortriAs xxAtTif an txcasAnog . . susoax. ... asaentala ettaMng, west flahlaf. SS-eere .Btse fir Berk, large eaeelag savlUea, total revldtS with eity . wttar sad eleewte Ksbta. fine batbs, tola psoas slrwrt u Portland. TseeMads ef im of fir earsat eanoese the yeans etty ef. Eataraea. ss bttlss raoH MaTtajra. Rates f ear.......... I 1.80 Rata per weak , , .l&.oe Jpeelaf ci lacladlag-iaesailjris iara am ainaw .a LIS wtal tlrSM. laclxllne roead trie 'are, ese slkts todslag a ad tarae aaaeis ............. .........e asv Ticirt omci mn an albu tn. L, M. MARTINEZ. Manager BnacABa. omxeoaT. ', ' I IlA vti W .Prfrcf f -1 -v Ifcts - m .Ycsdcrfcl Glasses OREGON OPTICAL CO. IT feurta St., T. K. O. A SMg. Rr4"ars. the sreat ara rawed. , seat t say eddnss ea receipt ef SO eeetav - PAUL JONES HERE 'SIX WEEKS 1 BBBsseaaBsXessaBBBBeB .' - io, Destroyer Arrive From Sound and Will Remain 'in Port ' Into November. CRUISER CHICAGO IS ALSO TOrVISIT PORT Admiral Goodrich's Flag-ship Will Remain s Fortnight and . Two Ves sels Will Then Proceed to San t - Francisco for the Winter. ' For six weeks -the torpedo-boat de stroyer Paul Jonea, named In honor of th father ot the American jiavyc:wlll be In Portland harbor. Beginning today visitors will be received on board be tween 1 and t o'clock In th afternoon. In less than a month the cruiser Chi cago. Admiral Goodrlch'a flagship, will arrive at Portland from th Bremerton navy yarda to remain a fortnight. With the Paul Jonea ah will then aall for San Francisco, where th craft wjll be stationed thla winter. The, destroyer reached th harbor at !:! o'clock laat evening, making It knots, an hour on the run up the river from Astoria. Bht is in cum: Lieutenant J. F. Marshall, Jr. On the trip down, from th sound the destroyer encountered unusually- heavy weather. Off Cap Flattery it was necessary for her to alow down to a apeed of six knots. and at thla rate she ran -for four hours. When- th blow bad somewhat subsided she Increased ber speed to 12 knots, which sh maintained until aha reached th Columbia river yesterday morn Ing. Th trip up the river for Port land waa begun at noon. Captain Pt terson acting as pilot. 'Jt.le among tba swifteat passages that was ever made up the Columbia and Willamette rivers by seagoing craft, although It would have been possible for her to have oompleted th run In about three hours. JustTTloT to going to-th-Bremerton navy yards a week ago th Paul Jones was at Port Angeles, where sh partic ipated In the gun practice of th Paclfie coast squadron. AS n rem in ner 01 aneae annual gatherings th little dark de stroyer carries a number of handaome trochlea presented to th officers and men for fine marksmanship. On of these is a metal engraving representing a torpedoboat In action. The boat a armament consists or two 1-Inch rapid fir guns, five (-pound er eemi-automatle guna and two torpedo tubes. She has a complement of tt men In addition to Lieutenant Marshall the officers ar Enalgns W. T. Conn snd M. 8. Davis. Th Paul Jones Is a sister ship to the Perry, which waa here-In July.. She Is lying at th old battleship anchor age between th Bumsld and steel bridges Sh Is 24t feet long. 14 feet wide and t.t feet depth or noia. one is of 7,000 horsepower and claaeed aa a zt-knot boat, although aha la capable of making more than to knots an hour The craft was built at San Francisco In 1100 by ths Union iron work. MUSIC DAY IS NEXT BIG OCCASION AT FAIR Soloists of City and Exposition Will Participate In Numer ous Concerts. "Music 1 day." Monday, October . la the next great day at the fair. Th ar rangements for the dsy har been placed by th exposition management in tne hands ot proreaaor rTeaencs v. uww rich, the organlat. In conjunction with Etlera piano house and other downtown stores,- arrangement hare oeen mane to hold muslcalea In nesny ail tne atate buildings at some hour during th dsy. In th afternoon at s ociock a grana matinee concert will be given in the audltorliraa. Th Administration hand will play selections by Verdi snd Wag ner. Th leader, Slgnor de Caprlo, will play on of bis own melodious composi tions as a trombone solo: Frankle Rich-. tar, th blind pianist, will play at this concart. At 7:10 In th evening exercises will be held, and It Is hoped to have present President IL W7 Goods, Governor Cham berlain, Mayor Lane and Mary T. Blu menberg, editor of th New Tork Musical Courier. At o'clock wlU be held an op ratio concert. Among the eololsta will be Mrs. Millie Perkins Mrs. Frank Eberle. Miss Elisabeth Harwaa, Allan Ooodwyn. formerly musical di rector of the Ben Greet company; Clair Montelth. Slgnor Declmo, eololat of El lery's band: William Wallace Oraham, vlollnlat. and th child planlate, Beatrtc Wilson. Frederick w. Qoodrlch will di rect and Miss Berenice Holland will play accompaniments. . Th members of th--Mnie4nsMaa4on ar planning to dis tribute badges In honor of ths day. All ths srt'ste tsktng part have yolunteered their servicea ..... "Will Good Make OoodT" la th land ing article In t hie -week's Saturday Re view. .You can't afford to miss It For sal at all news staada. . SPECIAL ON ARTI nOAL TEETH Regular $10.00 set of teeth on rubber plate for 155.00, Best teeth on best rubber plate, regular $15 for .....?8.00 . TtETl ' KTBACTEI FBEC Absolatsly without pain, try Monday morning, ' hora a. m. to 12:00 na DR. B. e: : . 342J WASHINOTOM STREET, CORNER OfficTHours: S s. m. to 5 p. m.; 7d0 p. m. to S:30 p. m.: Sundays, FOURTH AND 1 .WASHINQTON NOW DISPLAYING Ladles' and Misses9 Tailor Suits, Gowns andDresses: IN THE NEWEST FALL FABRICS AND COLORINGS, TAILOR-MADE , , SUITS OF BEST BROADCLOTHS, r PANNE CHEVIOTS AND MANNISH 7 - MIXTURES " "' ; ' BLACK, NAVY, PLUM AND RED $25.60 328.50 ' ' ' " S .-';( - LADIES' SI2ES.........i..32 to 44 -MISSES' SIZES ...14716,-18, Christian Science Lecture Miss Maiy Brcolitafl, C S. B. OF MINNEAPOUS Member of ths Christian Science Board of Lectureship of the First 7 Church of Christ,' Scientist, Boston, Msss. AT MARQUAM THEATRE Sunday ' Evenins;, October 1, 1905, O'clock. ' Admission free. Holders of reset-red seat checks must claim seats by 7:45, as seatinjgt will be mads public after that time. H00 H00 HIGH NINE COMPLIMENTS JOURNAL -tA Pan lA.Tn ihi Editor of 17 U I IIMIU, ewwmiw arva Th Journal Th xecutlv committee of nine, for the istn Hoo-nw snnuai . .. thalr thanks and an- preclatlon for very able and com. prehenslv manner m wmun n wur nal reported the annual meeting In this city, and at a recent meeting of th ex ecutive committee th secretary waa In structed to make . the above known to you. E. II. HABIGHORST, Secretary. A sign of good signs. Kletser, phone Ex. . Foster PEOPLE' Who commenced to . buy . real ettate iri this city ten years ago, and. "kept st it," sre among your "rich neighbors" today. 'If you scquire the habit now, snd watch Journal real estate' ads. ss closely ss you do the news, "y oif rn iy b e "wt tl-t-i" '- few years. Read the real estate ads in today's Jourrul. J' " 7 Just . Quality considered, you purchase your stock at the lowest possible price. That is business. , Now then, why should you pay from 28 to 100 per 'cent more for . dental work for yourself and family than you can get . it done for at this office?! Sentimental reasons are the only ones you can offer, "possibly the dentist you "now patronize may do as good work as I can, but he can't do any better. Probably he doesn't possess either the skill or up-to-date appliances to b, found at this office. : " AWord-totheWise. ' i.. V x ' 1 '.' ' .' " ' '. ' " 1 L.'"; '. ' 7 "We guarantee you the highest grade of skill known to the profession at reasonable prices. This is a business' proposition. . ; . .1 - .7 ; . ,;-'V.:,7 :.".Jj -: WRIGHT FOURTH AND WASHINOTON $33.00 $43.00 A " n -r - a.-.fcT- BY THE E.B.COLWELL Successor to A. J. Parmer wiouuii Asm BTTan OBOoas. 88 1) ass an4 SSS Third St, Oor. Jeffersos The BigStore Prices quoted below will sav you at ' leaet 20 per cent: i Best Dry Granulatad Can Sugar.. ' 109-lb. aack 18.10 IS lbs Bat Dry. Oanulated Can Sugar $1 00 Beet Dry Granulated Bugar, aack., $5.09 1-lb. can Royal Baking Powder. .. u4o 1-lb. can Schillings' Raking Powder.. lie l-lB. psg. Arm nni titmnar boos... so Shredded Wheat Biscuit, per pkg.,..10e 1 lbs. clean whit Rice !Se IS bars Royal Savon Soap XBo Hard Wheat Flour, per aack, ...... $1,00 Beat Enetern Hama, per pound. .. .I4o Picnic Hama. per pound , So Shredded Cocoanut, per pound ISo (-lb. pall beet Lard...... lOo 10-lb pall best Lard .....II. JO-ib. pell best Lard II. Reet Soft Wheat Flour, per aack..$l. Java and Mocha Coffee (resular lac). per pound . '. SBo I Iba. broken Java and Mocha (equal . to 10c) ..tie I can Primrose Cream..,. ...lte Tiger Cream (reerular ISO. per can.. &c Kngllah Breakfast Tea Ireg. 6e). lb. IRc Fine Gunpowder Tea, (special), Ib...lSo Scotch Oats, per pkg. , .10e Tnr pnep, I bars Be Fefe Naphtna SnaP. tr ar. ;r.vjr.r c malum isreai, per pag. ........... "c Rods Crnrkers, "10-lb. box.., 60c Leslie fUlltd fealt (Shaker top), rr pe' -e So 1st t iverlae Tuesdays snd F'i v. n. North Albina and ..... -t, -.-,. 5 MSLE The Painless DENTIST SEVENTH.. 9 to L Phons Main 2119. Sale Of Chinese and Jspaness CURIOS . .-lt . 7' - : 1 W purchased too heavy for ths FAIR TRADE, r , 7 j-Wt sre overstocked goods coming every day and mora on the wsy, which compels us to sell, at great sacrifice our fall Hn of CLOISSONIE, SATSUMA, , SILVERWARE. BRONZE, - NEW BRASS. SILK EMBROIDERIES and DECORATED PORCELAIN. Andrew Kan&Co. . S-OSJft SSMt Vtftk, ip irs a S01VEWIR A novelty of any kind in ths Jewelry line we have it. Neat, natty nick-nacks just tha thine yon were looking for to please that friend. It's quality that counts and w have it. A full line of Jewelry snd optical gooda. ' 7'' "r A. N.Wright THE IOWA JEWELER 293 Morrison St. V STRAIGHT, inr n CONEST. V Jafdll THAT IS THE WAY JODN DELL All Transacts Business in His , , . Two Stores. Cse Cor. 1st tsd Y3 zzi Cse Ccr. 3rd tzi Cs .Is Big Stock of Newly Arrived y Fall Styles t ras aid YClITs, snr. CVIXCOATS. Hats, Pants, Shirts, She etc Good atsortmerit cf Trunks, Suit . Cases, v f - kets and Comforters. claim to save you 13 pc- ;7.t in comparison to hi;1 7:7 stores' frlzry 1 LCU ra.U aa . Overstocli 7 1 ai-i K