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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1905)
it - -1 . y w -L event! of economy importance to every therper. After sirht-sednx at the fair comes the shopping tour. - We extend a 'cordial iaviution to you all to our big retail Department store. With ui every day la' "Market Day. No matter vhzt piaxhase you make,. depend upon it you will save money. ;." t " ' ' : ; ". ' Vi '.';,:"': V"'.-'". k . ;t' :-'.. -:, ,.- L t ) 'JS.T " ' Li i ''Jl f - V.vr . ....... v, ' TV"- ' Ccn:p:?qtnt have teen showered on us thij fell es never before. -VeJud their depth-pf tneinlnx by the increase of sa!e$.T Housekeepers realize rthevalue brewnoray We v)zzt tf;ii to rellzs the full possibilities cf eccnomy. We stand ready to. save you money oh the regular value of almost every class of goods you use'la dally lite. .iNYe're not catlirisd to sell merely for the sake cf selling. VvWe want continually to add to the store's reputation for style and quality, which means that you can rely perfectly on anythlns V beln sTjoiight heip. Any Avans In the line of n?w merchandise still unsupplled canbe satisfied here at money-savlnsr prices all next jweek. . ..r 7We"have arranged following . .extra 53c 50b special lots of Table Linen for Monday and Tuesday's sellwg; They are fine, depend able qualities and the prices are exceedingly low? '-' - " - Tabla ' linen -' worth 75o at 62-mch unbleached strictly all linen Table .Damask;' handsome patterns; weir, '. ' worth 75c pecial-at. . ....... v-v. . .ooff Tabls Linen j;1 QAf" r worth 45o at 5 -V : 'i v : fi8-inch unbleached Table Damask, in a large assortment of patterns ; always 6old at ', i6c77SpeciaI t .7777.77.7". . . . .777:.34 -Table linen v worth 05d at 66-inch unbleached Table ' Damask, ; good heavy quality,warranted to wear ; best 65c quality. ;. pecial at . . . .t . . . V 50 Table Xinen Q ;" worth, 01 a oOUr v 72-inch all liheft full bleached Table Dam ask, handsome tew patterns to select from ; best $1 quality. i Special at.,.......85 v- PortieresVery Special : PORTIERES $5.50 VALUES AT $4.50 Extra heary Repp . Portieres, handsome, brocaded designs, in -plain colors," mercer ized finish, 54 inches wide and 3 yards long;; regular $5.50 grades.? On sale Mon-' ' r dav- at .. ;:-;'r.vttrVrrrn84 PORTIERES $460 VALUES AT $3.75 HeaTjrJRepp. Portieres, beautiful mercer-, ized finish, pretty brocaded effects in plain colors ', splendid values at $4.50.-'On' ' said Mouday-ativ.'r..' r4-v . f . 3.75 40c ROMAN i STRIPE TAPESTRY AT 0d--Good quality; Romart Stripe Tttpestry, 80 inches wide, in a full range of colorings, 15 different patterns Jo select from; best . 40c quality. On special sale at..; ..r.2Q . Two Blanket Specials:' Bright,-Vann,L comfortable ;- two -of--the grades that sold the fastest. , You will like them when; you see them,- and the prices are 'temptingly moderate! 'f -...t. a AT $4.10 A PAIR-Haridsome Gray Blan kets that are a full five dollars': worth ; pure wool filling, 7 lbs. in weight; finished with pretty fast colored borders. Special . at'v. : . ; z. . C;t,f4'.10 AT ! $3.80 ' A 'PAIR The everyday $4.50 quality, 6-lb." Gray Wool Blankets, " in pretty fast colored border designs, pure wool tilling," cotton warp. Special at. 3.60 ifr!PrieeA unary - x: nomflcy'a Saliierj in the .Suitr Ssotion-T -Will, be simply enormous, as the values offered below are sure to crowd this most popular section V - ; from early morning ' until closing time. - - ' Vomen VNew Fall and "Winter i . :'i Ileady-to-T7ear (xarments ; ; Are shown here in wondrous assortments, and our prices are beyond a doubt cheaper . than ele ':('. where read jon and judge for yourself; , . ? I7o7, Toll Quits; CctStTZaistis, VmI' ; audi Oldrte'-iriyi: .V ; At noney-Oarinr ; "fllost Extraord WOMEN'S TAILOR MADE SUITS New models, heavy all wool chevipts and Venetian cloths, in hip and 42-inch length, tight fitting, styles, collarlest, with tailor ."stitched, Jstrapped,7seamJ front - and back satin lined, new plaited skirt., Specially "O 'ftLO priced 'Monday and Tuesday. .... .t JL 5 O vr; NEW iNOycbAT SUIT made of fine broadcloths, cheviots, worsteds and fancy Scotch mix tures,' in .the new "greens, plum; claret, blues, black and gray shades,' handsomely tailored.- Specially priced 'Monday .and Tuesday at 57.50; Slp.50 Up to 019.50 WOMEs'TOURisT CO ATS50 'inches long Tourist Coats, in gray; mixtures,' all wool coverts,' made full box style, satin lined 3'oke ; also '58 inches Jong Cravenette coats, in'oliye, tan and Ox J : ford. ' Specially priced Monday and Tuesday at ; ; ; 4 08.50, C10.6iO.Up to C10.60 WOMEN'S WAISTSNew arrivals in Taffeta SilkVaists.' Colors are bUck'.rue.'greefr, brown, Nile and plaicy "All afe newest ideas, Avith plain full tucked fronts, tucked backs and leg-o'-mutton sleeves, with long cuffs. VAH sizes, ; Perfect fitting garments On sale, to morrow .tvf450y f 5 ; i-A;- ; '4 rv ;A S: gQ CHILDREN'S COATS Children's Long Coats, for winter wear ; made of newest materials,' in all.' colors and sizes.; Every garment strictly man-tailored, and fashicmed after.tJie most charming and dainty patterns. , Special prices for tomorrow, ; t . r , C 1 f Cfi WALKING' SKIRTS A new, lot, of ' tailor made' Skirts. Very latest ideas.' Materials are Panama, cheviot, broadcloth and covert. Correct pleated effects, with a style and finish that no home tailor ing can produce. Prices for tomorrow, $6.50 - $7 50 CRAVENETTE CO ATS,' made in the latest " fall styles, strictly man tailored throughout, guaranteed all wool worsteds, 'in, Ox fords, tans and olives: ? ;-- ' v'; . 1 ' ;. '-.-"0A CA Unusual values at................ . ..... ......... . 4) 1 U0 1 ' t ' Women's and Chndreii'sV I ; ' Fallr&ndf Winter SWeisht AN OPENING SALE OF WINTER WEIGHTS TOMORROW. 5: at; THESE PRICES YOU shouldpur- ; 'r ..CHASE A SEASON'S SUPPLY..; V '. !: - Hardly necessary" to go' into details regarding the merits and. excellencies of the lines of Hosiery we carry. Most Portland peo ple regard us as the m6st reliable stocking merchants in town. Sat isfactory wear isdemanded of every stocking' we sell, otherwise we take pleasure in making it right- "r ; 'f- ..Thousands of Dozens of Stockings, the Product of the World's Best -: . r; ; 4 MUls, at 'Way Down Prices." - . : ! ; 7- ; ; WOMEN'S "ALL, WOOL CASHMERE ? STOCKINGS Plain black: or black with natural gray merino soles, best German manu-! facture r'the'Sc quality, in extra large sizes. JTo-r" " morrow at, the pair.........'..';.. .'. .. . ; r. .'. . . .50 WOMEN'S ALL W06l RIBBED STOCKINGS-IOO dozen in fine lxl or 2x1 ribs; splendid quality wool; fast colors and ' . ' splendid wearers i,best 50c, grade. Tomorrow. . . . .'. . . ... . r. . .39 WOMEN'S SILK FLEECED STOCKINGS We will place on sale tomorrow 80 dozen of a full, 'regular made,rsilk fleece lined'. Stocking, for Women; the price regularly is 40c a pair. ' A big one day s offering at, the pair.7. , . . . , , . . , iV.iT.i . . .25 WOMEN'S COTTON FLEECED STOCKINGS i00 dozen plain or ribbed tops, heavy weight, fleece lined. Stockings, fast colors splendid for warmth and wear; all sizes of the 25c. grade : ' ftt ' , '4 XtSv. The Princess Stooldnsji,.Vf6r Girls : PLAIN COTTON OR FLEECE LINED. V f"rs-r;i:- best 25c GRADE' 15c H::-:': c We have sold thousands of dozen of "Princess" Stockings this sea son and have yet to hear a single complaint. You save 10c a pair. We have them in plain lisle or Jleece lined .cotton; regular 25c -quality ,..:.:... ....... 15 C!iildrcnQ All- Wool Cashxncro Ctooliinc '; ;X BEST 40c GRADE, 25c PAIR. ; ; f- JUl.-slies- iiv.Boya'-or GirUtFastJBlacic Wbql" -HoscV a great, stock ing for wear; made with gray heels and toes; best value made at 40c. On sale, tomorrow only, at;.',..'; ,.'...:...... ....3 XIUSLIN TJWDERWEAB : , :DEP A RTT.TFNT ' The price of our Muslin Underwear ought to attract attention, but .the goods them selves will fix it and make it impossible for you 'not to buy one or more of these dainty garments. t ; ..v. - : 50c, 65c GOWNS S5c. ' : ;' - ; Women's Muslin Gowns, made with double square yokes, high . necks, , trimmed ' tucks and edging ; i also V necks, trimmed with narrow ruffles and embroidery insertion." Many. styles- to choose from. , A' clean-up sale. of all our 60c and 65c values." Jomorrdw 4 .............. . ; .... ; .V. . . 35 . ' ' A' ' 75c, 85c DRAWERS 54c;" f -Made of fine cambric and muslin, deep lawn flounces, with'several rows of hemstitched tucking; also finished with cluster fine tucks 'and . hemstitched hem and dainty lace or embroidery vedge ; regular 75c, 85c val- ' ues.' ' On sale tomorrow , -. : . ; t . . . . . 54t ' -. V 50c CORSETS 38c. - 'S;'-h Odd lot of Summer Corsets,' in fine batiste, corset 'netting; and coutille; colors, drab, white, pink and . blue ; sell everywhere ' at 60c; and are well ;worth every, cent. 1, ? t '85c, 45c CORSET COVERS 29c: " A lot of fine Cambric and Nainsook Corset Covers, round,' low and V necks, trimmed in lace and embroidery r insertion, back and front,'. fagoting and hemstitching; also edg ing at neck and arms; full line of ,85c, 45c values.. ; Tomorrow, .i . . , ..... .20 - --v 85c SKIRTS 68c. .: . ''.'. Women's Long Cambric Skirts, deep flounce of extra fullness, trimmed with wide torchon lace insertion, tucks and lace at bottom dust ,ruf fles ; regular 85c values. To- ' morrow ........... . ,", i . . . ... . ... . . ,684 65cr 75c FLANNELETTE GOWNS 53c. Good, heavy Flannelette Gowns,.in all sizes ; made extra fullrwitb squawyokes and trini med in finishing braid. Excellent 1 values for tomorrow ............... 53fJ TJomen'o s CMldpen'o -Einit-Undepweaj?: " An immense assortment of everydesirable make jft of Fall aijd (Winter 'Underwear for Women and Children carried; here. ANc Fancy Prices Prevail! .Every, garment that leaves this department is' sold with the assurance that quality considered, you' are getting .better value than can be procured at any other, store in town. ' v - Tomorrow we announce a , sale of Exceptional Values.- -We menti6n but a few. . -t. - ., A SPECIAL OFFERING OF . T7oaen,sVZ)PPlJD'nioaJ3 . ALL STYLES IN WHITE OR GRAY $2 VALUES $1 f ; 1 . V 'A, purchase of over 100 dozen high grade Woolen Union Suits, 'secured from a prominent manufacturer at Half Pric...i ..v All lirb class goods, no seconds; heavy or medium weights,' Oneta style qr button dowiy front; bleached white, cream er gray color; one of the best offerings of the season; all sizes on sale at v' the .tnit :v..,..v;..i;v.;,';fl.oo Women's Winter Weiffnt M VeGra-CilkM Vestii :-v;r;-- i ;and Tits Q1.0Qr - . -x White, pink; blue or black; high neck and long aleeve Vests, ankle length Tights to match ; a handsome assortment of colors ' ? perfectly fast; our $1.50 grade. ' On sale tomorrow, each..'. :f1.00 -Women's Wool Bibbed Vests and Pants 50o 8Q dozen Silver Gray Jersey Ribbed Wool Vests and Pants, winter weight garments; non-shrinking and perfect fitting; all sizes of the TScquality pn' sale at . . . . . , , ... i . . . . . . . . . 50f 7 Women's" Wldte Wool Oleereless Vests 50o ! 0 dozen White Wool Sleeveless Vests, winterweight; silk . . v i trimmed ; best 75c quality at."."..'. , . r.7.i'."r, . .V 1 . .V. . 50 $1.50 KID GLOVES FOR $1.00-This is , the best glove in the market every pair fitted and guaranteed. Comes ; in all the new shades, browns, tans, modes, black, gray, -green, navy, red, black and white, pair. ..i... $1.00 ( OPERA-LENGTH , SILK GLOVES With ; double tip jfingers, black, white, mode, light bluepink, tan, gray, nile, red, navy, and green," pair... ....... ......85e and $1.00 18-Inch Allover. Point de Glaze Lace, yard. ....,....i;.....50f Black Silk Chantilly Lace, 10 inches wide, yard. .25e Oriental Laces, in all widths, yard.i.V.....,......,.;.i..;..il9 New Round-Thread Valenciennes and Mechlin Laces, yard. ;. 7. 6 Chiffon Allover Laces, white and black and all colors, ' .v yard. . . .... . . . . i . I . . . : . . . . : i . , , . .$2.00 to $4.50 English Wash Torchon' Laces, 3 inches wide, yard.....,.'.. . . .4V Colored H;B2?cc'tf HoodoiiillS BROADCLOTH 50-Inch Chamois i Fin ished Broadcloth, in all the latest shades of blues, tans, greens,.' slate, and red J sold alt over the ; city at $1.25 and $1.60. Our price, Monday -and 'Tuesday. .$l.CO GERMAN BROADCLOTH SOin. Sa tin finished Twilled-Back : Broadcloth.- your; choice - of - colors champagnes, '" navy,- tan,' ?ray, green, brown, castor and red; regular 2.00 ; quality. '- Special for Monday and Tuesday at . . ...f-. .. . . . ..$10 AEOLIAN : CREPE One . half , silk,: the, most beautiful fabric made for stylish street costumes; regular $1.50 and $2.00 grades.' Ou r-price- Mond ay and Tu csday ; ; , . 1 .CO : - : Silta ond Velvets $1.25 BLACK PEAU. DE SOIE 21-tnch Black Peau de Soie, guaranteed value. Spe cial for Monday and Tuesday at. , . .l.CO $1.00 BLACK TAFFETAS 22 to 27 inches, wide, fast dyes; guaranteed values, Swiss' or chamois finish. , Special Monday and -Tuesday,;.V.U;t.;f..t..7 VELVETEEN--bver a hundred Shades in Silk-Finished '.Velveteens,' heavy,- close weave,' suitable for-4all and; winter wear. Special Monday and Tuesday 50. : Block Drccs Goods $2S .PRIESTLEY'S CRAVENETTES Priestley's ; Fine .Black:. Cravenettes, will not spot or ruff up; just the material for this rainy weather, 50 inches wide; Special for Monday and Tuesday at.f.........Ql.0 $1X0 OCEAN SERGE 52 Inch Extra Heavy., Fine Black Ocean. Serge, a "dressy and - serviceable- weave Sot fall and winter ', wear, t , Special Monday and - Tuesday, 1 at . . . . . . . : . .S3 $U5 CREAM" WHITE SERGE 52-Inch Cream White Serge, made of selected, wool' very suitable for capes, jackets;' waists, skirts,, etc.; regular price.; $1.25. ; Special Monday and Tuesday at......... ,., .85 AT PRICES THAT WILL SURPRISE YOU 4-Inch Silk Ribbon, . Scotch; plaid effects ; 25c graded - Special, yard . ... .'.18 5- Inch Messaline Taffeta Ribbon This is a soft' finished ribbon, all silk; colors white; pink, light blue, black, red and green. Special, yard ...15 6- Inch Paisley Silk' Ribbon," with plain satin edge, newest 4 effects . in ' ribbons. .: Special, yard ...........J .....4........SOe - Ilbnday Eztra Special Shoe Priceo j ; ' Out of the tens of thousands .that are In Portland but a small percentage were able to do their trading ; Friday and Saturday. Our Shoe Department was crowded to the gunwales all day Saturday; we made' extra low prices on all Shoes solely for the benefit of the out-of-town visitors. Our inability to care for the crowds has prompted us in con tinuing the wonderful Shoe Bargains one, 'more day, with added new lines and lower prices. ' These prices only prevail for, one' day, MONDAY : ,'.,.y-,. , :,: ' Women's New $4 Shoes ; Monday 03.00; ; In patent leather, box - calf, gunmetal calf and fine vici kid, every pair strictly hand made. With all the style of $5.00 Shoes. Special Monday. .... . . .. . . . . . "4 .. .$3.00 Women's 02.50,03,03.50 . Shoes Ilonday 0150 In patent colt,' box calf and vici . kid, light and heavy soles. . Special Monday". ,. $1.50 MISSES' EXTRA FINE AND GOOD SCHOOL SHOES; our regular $2.50 lines. Special Monday;, . . . . . . , .'. . . . ; . .$1.40 MISSES AND BOYS', ALL v SOLID SHOES, in a choice selection of leathers. Special Monday;::.;-. , ;.'. ; . . , . .'. .v. . .99t INFANTS' SHOES . .49 and 69f Embroiderieo AT LESS .THAN MANUFACTURERS' COST A beautiful lot of Fine Embroider ies, with Insertions to match, widths from ,3 to 8 inches. ' Special Monday and Tues day, yard ....'.',...0 CORSET . COVER EMBRODERIES -J SOc" gTalriir beautif ul "patter nsTfutly "TO" inches wide. , Special Monday and Tuesday, yard , .1 ....... 24 HEN'S i FURHISHn-IGG A' handy store for men to supply their J wants. ' Prompt attention V always; . no . waits or delays, and then the price araf on the same low basis that distinguishes this store above all others.: If you have 1 been in the habit of doing your shopping' elsewhere, tomorrow will be a good time to become .acquainted with the merits of this 'men's -department jOf burs. ' ':, l'j Four Interesting Items for Men at Great .Reductions. -',. ' ' .A Sale of Men's White" Golf Shirts. THE BEST $1 VALUE IN THE CITY :":.-'. . - j FOR 69c. ; r Fine styles and particular shirt-making, such as we could readily sell at $2 were it not for the fact that we want to continue to sell Men's Shirts . at the lowest,, consistent prices in Portland. : . V. ; '; These Shirts are 'made of fine white madras, some plain and some with a dainty white mercerized stripe. .V-W. ; -V " t ; In addition to the above; we will off cr in the same lot about 20 'dozen light colored shirts,-mostly inlack and white effects, with .detached cuffs; :;VV :V' V ,;". .'-,y, V: ." "s,- v All of theseShi'rts are hand laundered and of the best workmanship ; not one but',would be considered excellent .value at $1., On - sale, tomorrow only, at...";.. ;.'.;..;, ...;,.. ...,.CC -v,;v," v-i Hen's' Fancy "Vests ; V : U-, A Sample Line of Men's White and Light Colored Fancy ' ' i ' Vests-Valucs up to $3.50. On sale tomorrow at...,....V.Cl.C ( Over. 200 Vests in the lota commercial traveler's'entire sam ple line; hardly any two alike, sp,me:very desirable patterns. Com; early for best choice-yon Sale tomorrow only. ' 1 v. '.; ''';'.' y' ' ..-;;v-AN EXTRAORDINARY SALE OF : , r i' :; ; v 100 DOZEN 3c QUALITY AT 14 PAIH. A rousing Sock Sale tomorrow -the result of a fhic - " -l0-ttozenfine-W06T Cashmere Sockrf6irTMe;i, fast t' winter weight, made ' with gray heels and tots. 'I : , sale tomorrow at less than regular wholesale cost.