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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1905)
1 THE OREGON SUNDAY IOURNAL. PORTLAND, SUNDAY VoUHI:::. .CCTOSZH f. KIX' 13 a. : v JOURNAL -bv -bp otjv i 1 tt n b - rm :- i - f r r a cl i u r u im i net r s 7. WWS- -r.T-v I -An ff I ft-AT A 1.9. IB I M fsi 1 'I - fl f V AT " tf -f fJT 1 I (Iff a l Ml I '' Ilia I us" X 1 .. i, ' V: Stored iflM 'pseidlTUO ef PurlMed, Or't" nr traueportntiea uknii ism asae Postage Cor elagU copies: For sb S. 18 er 1 page paper. 1 east; UtoN peges. eeata, 83 U 44 pages, g eeata. . Kdlterlsl Rooms M!" EJ tmliM Offk..... ' mala roaMO ADYMTTBTM UnXflZXTATITS. VreeUnd-BesJsmls Srisetal Adrarttslng AsBey. atreet. Bew lock; Trtbeue BUd- xerma ay xmrnev. The rtaiiy imii wits Buedey. l year...$T.Bo too iianr jntui, l yasr 5'vs The rialle Iti. aniuiaV- BaOfithS, Dally ieaml, I rear i-"';' V Dallr Journal. ltb inU, iMatM. J " nallr Journal. month..... fj? The Tbe The Dally Journal. 3 month! The lialle Journal, with Road .......... 5: aadar, 1 mantk.. rand. . pto4 ... n. ........ j............ TO Tk nallr loaraal. wild Bnsdaj. V TW...IT . Th Ttatllv JooruL yt bri ! Th Dallf Jonnwl. with Bnntey. iM iwnr Journal, montna... -' ii i Tb Hall JowaiL Vila RnluUf. 1 Tb IallT JonraaX 1 bmIi .no 100 Tba Buadaf lianil axmth. t00 VU ftWB-Waklr Jooraal. la II M(M . . - . -11 Mtklt M Dort I aar Hrmittaaca ahotM to auto br oVafta. pMtai awtaa. aiiarra ardm an anull aaaoanta ara eeapUM It I ul I ent poatac ataaipfc mnniu. . . P. O. Bob m. Parttaa. Ocafom, , wxzu m yoTMix HAf as vovva. Tto IntmI caa to oa4 am Ml tto Mlowlnf jilaraa: BOIKB. IDAHO H. Ballar 0.: W. . M- IntvM. CHICAGO Paatofflc Nnra aampaayi IT Daar- Br .N VRB, CflMKADO J. BUek. HxtMatk aa Cnrtla atrerti.. ' KANSAS CITY T ot Krwa eompaiiT. MINNBAPOUS M. J. KATaaaofk. SO toatk Third atnwt. NEW YORK CTTT Itmrtaao. Vmtm airaara." OMAHA Millard Hotel wnra atawjj Mraaatk StatSoaarr comnaar. 190S Faraam atraat. ALT LAKK CITY Keayoa Hotl aam ataad; Barrow Broa.. 4S Waat Second itrart. aaatk. T. - LOUIS Philip RneoVr. 1 Lacoat atraat B. T. Jtt. mm Ollw atraat. ' AW FRANCISCO W. B. Aroint, Patoea HoM . awwa ataad ami lOrw) Markrt atrart: floM--,aailtk Bros.. SM Batter atraat aad 1nt Praorla htli roatar V Orear. rarrr tolld ' lac; M. WbaatleT. aaorabla srwa aUad, aoc- tr Market and AaroT atraeta. BRATTLE Ralnlf Oraad newe atasd: W. I Shaaka. Hotal attl anre ataad. ' . BPOKANB, WAgUINQTON-rJooa W. Orakaai Oo. . ' ' ' TAOOMA. WAKHTNOT0K Oarral Nawt eoa. paar; Hotel Taroiaa am atand. fOTOBIA. BRITISH COLritBU Victoria . Book BtatloaerT aonpaar. WEATHER REPORT. ' ToriB the last 14 toora Hgbt showara hare frnrrod la ajartbweatera Oivcoa. Washlnctaa. aortbera Idaho aad waatara Montana, and mod erately heary ralne hir. fallra In North Dakota. : It la sllrttly warner " la wentara Oreaoa. northera CaUiornia. nortbara Marada, aortbera l: la a and aoutbrra Idaho. The Indira tlona are for 'fair and. warmer Weather In thla district Bonday. Onaerrattons np to a p. aa. Maxlrana tern awaits. a3 dotreea;' aalalmunv tamparstara. U d'reeaj riser readlna at B a. m., 4. 4 feet; . ensnare la pa at 'M nonra. OS foot; total pre. elnttarloa.- p. m.' ta - a. Ba.,0.06. :nrh; total - arerlpltatlflw -aloea- Benteaaber 1. 1006, S IS Inrheo: normal nreelpltsttna since BVp trnher I. MI0S. Ii75 Inehea: ezeeea. 1.A4 Inehea; total annahlna. . aDtrmler ZR. isun. I -.Oil thla euneblBe. Beptemoer . 100ft. - 1: ; torataater I red seed ta aea 1ml), 90.14. Weddhnt Oarda. W. 0. Imlth aV Oa..' Wash. bide., ear. roartp aad waanlnf ton eta. J VnimW flJLMATUTj, .. ntatie arsTea 10. ; Psmtly Mi T0 to n.OOt. -The- only eeaaetery la- Paetlsad wblrh per. petnally malntaloa and rarrs tor lota Par tall Informs floa apply to W. R. Maekenale. War rntar bkaek. dty. W. M. Ladd, Dresldaat. - Dnantn. McBntea B fllPJaaaH, aaeeeasora to fHiantne A -Caaiploa, andertakera and eaabals naera in ararr swum, ineeeaa and flaa. Phoaa Mala as. X lady aaNataax. . . The Bdward Holnwa Padertaktaf eoapeap, . faajsrel dlreetora aad entolBMra. SO Third atreet. Phoaa ftOT. . . , . . . , J. P. Plalay A Bon, funeral , dlraetara aad em ha 1 naera. earner Third and Madison streets. Office of eeaaty aaroaar. Telephone Mala A. Paneral erraatbs and eat flowera a apeelalry at Boss City Oreaakeaai. Twenty asaaud aad Bant Morrtsoa. app. caatetery. Jnmt arrtred freta Lea Angeles with 1300,000 re . Ineeet la Portland baalaeea property; let a fcaow wbst yea bars; will deel with prise I sal eoljv Addreas i BO, rsre JoarasL Oet soar Inaaraaea aad abatraeta ta teal eetsU front the Title Oaaranteo A Treat eeae pssr. BM WesblB-toa atreet. earaer Beeoad. MEETING NOTICES TIRKOOlf CIRCLE. Bo, Itl. W. O. W., meets - Monday alkt la Lions' hall, earner Wl. Us su aea. aad Rnaiell at., at o'clock. sir RAnDALU, Clark. NOTICE. . B0TICB OB BAXB OF BOBS. Notice la hereby alren that the board of dlreetora of the Hood Hirer Irrlfatton District la , Wasco emiaty, Oregon, will erll the bootls of aald district ta the soot of fdo.OOO oa Taea. day, the 34th day of October, 190A, at the bvnr t 10 a'clork a. m., at the office of eeld board, et the residence of J. H. Bbeemaker la esld district, and that areled aropessls for aald hnada will to received by aald board at aeld piece for the pnrcbsae of said bonds ontll the day and hoar a bore mentioned, at which time the board shall onea the proposals and award pi 1 ansa or tee voaae la ue aicneot bld aponslble bidder, the board reeerrlnf the rlht to reject any and all bids, bids to to aeeonv pealed by a certified check for K) per eeat of tbe amoaot of the bonds tor which the Md la aubmltted. Bold bonde shell to payable In money of tbe rnlted Btstes, In 10 series, as follows, to-wtt: At the asplratloa of elerea years, firs per cent ft tbe whole namber of aald bonds; at tbe expiration of twelre rears, els per cent: at the espiretloa of thirteen Tears, aerea per eeat: at tto aspiration if fourteen rears, debt per cent; at tbe expiration of flfteea Jeers, alue per eeat; et the expiration of sixteen yeere, tea par eeat; at. the explratlea of eeeenteen yeere, elerea per cent; et the expiration of elsrateea Tears, tatrteea ner cent; at tbe expira tion of nlaeteea years, flfteea per eeat: at tbe expiration of twenty years, elxteea per cent: and shall beer Interest at ths rate of six per rent per annas, paysble eeml -annually, on the first day of January aad Jnlr of each rear. The principal and Interest shall be payable at the piece flee I a" na ted la the bun da and bidders are artrea the option nf harlnf aald Bonds pays. ble at Portland. In the atsts of Oretroa, or la the etty af New York. In the state of New York, and aald toode will to leaned la accord a nee with tbe election of the aneceeernl bidders. Bold aonda atoll be each of the denomlnSrlon- r not leea inaa si'"' aaa box more than fMO, aad shall to neaotlabls In form end ceo pons, for tbe Internet shall to attached to each bond Ifned by tbe secretary. ; Dated at Hood Riser. Oregon, this Itth day af Beptamtor, IBOA, , 1. tt. 8H0IMAKKR. .'1 .... . Berrstsry. IK the coanty ronrt ef the state of Oregon- rnr rns eoanry p Mnnnoman. in tee matter af the astete of Alexander D. Msrkenile. de ceased. Notice of appointment pf admlala- trator and ta rasimanta. - Mot ice fct hereby sreee) -that the el reed baa been dnly appointed br tbe abere . ee tiled eonrt adnilnlstrstse of tto aetata of Alessitder D. Msrseasie, deceaaed. All aoaes nsTlnsT claime asarnet the ealate af aald dsraassd era nei 1 til wtth proper Ttwsctora, wltbla six reootbs from the dste of this notice ta the snderelirned. ad- nfnlatiatnr aforesaid, at ble of rice at the Be t rarity Karl see Trnet ('., la tto elty of ' pest wad, eeaaty af Maltaomah, stata e( Ore- " Tsted that tad dsy ef ieotitnher. Ipftn.--C. P. AftAMB, AAmlnlerratar ear tto Batata af , Alesaader t. Ms'Senste, neceeaeq. riret pohlieatloa Septa 01 see XL lBfla, 1 . Uat pahUosttea Orbaksr an, IPOS, v 4- ' : " i.i , ' " ; ' .wsv . I I - iiATTrr I trrr-v t tuiuTvn tt-ttw T c I WANTirn Hl KI.I.AN KUUS I f , Jt W J Aw". - I AebXrfJT riV A l,iC ' UlUHliUi I ' " - ,777, .7 .7.7-v "" -iTnT'J, T.r- SEALED proposals addreesed'to tto Lewis and ' Clsrk Ceatennlsl Kxposltloa Commission will ; to recelred at the office or tbe eommiaaiua . In the Ore eon huildluc until 13 o'clock noon, ' Monday. October Id. UK, for tbe starch aea of any af the followlne halldtnns bow aa the twis and Clsrs exposiuoa sronnns Demising - to tbe stste of Oregon I Administration groan, inriudlnar fire station, nollce department. Ad ministration building proper, colonsde and entrance: forela-a Exhibits bnlldlna. Arrlcul tural building. Oriental end Educational bulld " Ing. Machinery. Electricity and Tranaportatloa building. Auditorium. Mining building - sod .Oregon mate baUdlng,- -r - - . Bpeclrlratione aad Information for pros . peetlra bidders, alas : blank forma for bios, csa be ebtslned npua application at tto sacra. tarya office la tbe Oregon building oa and anet srurosy, tbe zoo instant. , ajiitioND a 4HLTMKB,. Beeretsry, TO THE " TAXPAYERS OP MULTNOMAH CTiIfNTT. OB.i Norloa la berebr siren the! ea Monday. October S. IPOS, the hoard of equalisation ofMijltnomsb county will attend at the office of the coanty clerl of said coBOy nna -pnoiiciy esemine toe eaaaeeiniux rolla for the year 1906. aad correct all errors la ealnatloa. deeerlptloa er qualities ef land. Iota or other property, aad It-Is ths duty of all persona interested to appear at the -lime, gad . pUcasppolatcd, and I f ftjball appear to sucb busrd of eouanmHoa that there ara any laads, lots or otner property aaaeaaed twice or la the asms of a person or persona not the owner of tbe same, or saseaaad under er beyond Its value, or any leads, tots or ether property not assess ad. aald board of equnllaatloa shall mass tto proper eorreetioae. B. D. BICILER. Coanty Portland. Or.. September . 1908. FUNERAL NOTICES. JACKSON Friends aad acquaintances ara re spectfully invited to attend toe runersi eerr Icea of WUUsm B. Jachsoa, which will St held at Plnley'a chapel at 1 :0 a. m. today, Interment, Oreeawood cemetery, LOST AND FOUND. LOST A brewn' water rnsnlsL . Per Informa tloa rrrardlng dog call np vast eovo. no ward. fo. trST A eaiaabla eensan hatnta on street rrl dsy. Liberal reward U retaraea sa joorau WOre. LOKT Black and white aollle. t moatba old. 4a Darla. Pboaa Main ibmb. ttawara. HELP WANTED HALE." IX men wanted Immedlataly ' ta prepare for clerks la rortiana r. u. s ciass must oe Blled by October T: your beat chaws to get a a permanent position la now. Bee B. O. tureen. 1 woeaau-Plug., waanu-uexoa at.. M on oar, a to a. THERB la a fine opening for a goad shoemaker ana asraeea repairer in uae town ox tt nue Balsa en. Wash.; none hat a reliable maa area mon, Wssh. ... MEN aad boya wanted ta earn $8 day, after two months' Instruction; position guaranteed. Coyne Broa. Co. Plumbing Bcbooai, new J era. Clncinns'l, ., St. Louis, Mo. - (Pros cats logue.) - SALESMAN can eeelly make 110 a day aeUlng ear gold window letters, noreiiy signs ana chsDgesble signs; catalogue free. Bulllraa Co., son West Van Vuren at., Chicago. UL BTATION MEN. rack work: good work, lota ef It, stos cats, an winter, aassern Oregoa: free faro. Particulars at Haaeee's Employment Of (lea. SB North Saooad St. THE WllltontrOsa Light " company require the eel tit ae of raw mora eapsnie men to csu on the retail trader- ep lend id Inducements. Ml Waahingtoa at.. -city. WANTED Men ef good appearanea and ability tor a Boase-to-nouae caDrsae; ssuiry. ooiy; cell awrnlogs f :M at 33 Second si, ask for W. H. Matheuy. , WANTED Aa of See mas; $.100 aad aerrlces required; aalsry 170 per nvontn; moat no a bnatler and bare references. gl7 Com msrctal bldg. ' SALESMEN to aell faaksaa Trinidad asphslt roof and irea- paint: good commission. Pacinc Dlatrlbutlng Co., 81B Baerameoto at., Saa I raacleoe. . , : WANTED Clerks aad window-dressers ss atudy abow-card writing at . M. u. a. Bigot school : personal lnstrnctloa. Apply for par ticulars. TWO Ben of neat appearance to take orders tor Bash light paotosranns; aometoina en tirely aew. ; Anderson. B23 Chamber of Conv Berce. - ' $TB PERMANENT aalsry and expeneee paid te- IISPIS Ben, ontmoe OX toe eiiy, yewni wvra. H U enter, room 5. 127 H Tth at., PortUad. WANTED Bright settee young man. Ig ta ta years old, for ary gooa nnainessi one ring oa eaet aide. Addreas J 44. Journal. A COLLECTOR aad office man wanted, cash bnslnees: f2no rsqaired: hair interest; aw per month aalsry. BIT Commercial bldg. WANTED Mea. easy, healthful work, IS or more dally; write rnr particulars. ixwit aental Distributing Berries, Chicago. WANTED Advertising entlettore for Tto Bat. nrday Review, cell tomorrow Between a and 4 p. as. at I4T front at MEN to distribute our aasjplea, $.1 dally; steady; no canvassing.. "Oliver," ion Thirty-sixth at., Chicago. WANTED Stenographer aad bookkeeper, shoe a: ara aa for positions aeeirea. iiu St. WANTED Boy about 14 for errands and to learn business; only a stayer wanted. 230 Btsrk st, . INTELLIGENT office boy: one willing to work and learn. Addreas In own handwriting, r. O. Boa 13B. PIRST-CLARS broiler snd lunchmsa. O. M. Campbell. 82U Js es at., Seattle, Wash. ADVEBT1BINO solicitors. $ to 110 dally. Alice pjorninga. iut n Her loci Ding. - WANTED All round meateutter and esssa go- maker, t. HudrlnuB. 340 tlrat st. WANTED Onod delivery boy. with reference. Apply i. Nudelmsa,. B40 rirsf st. WANTED A hoy - for a drug ah are, with a Apply iai - Tnira WANTED Two -bright solicitors. Call 130 Marquam bldg. BOT wasted to deliver packages; easy work. 431 Washington. . . , WANTED Bell boy. llotort-Cortla, fourteenth and jerreraoa. CARPENTER wanted at IBS Pmrrth at. HELP WANTED FEMALE. BRICiHT, active glrla for wrapping counters snd keep stocks In order: also two strong errand hoys: mnat live wltk psrente. Apply to McAllea A McDonnell early Monday morn ing. WANTED ISO ' glrla to make vveralls aad ahirra; instructions givsa to Inesperieaced. Apply Neastsdter Bros., Standard factory no. a, aorner Baet Taylor aaa ursna are. SIRI, wasted for hoaaewor la emell fas illy, fsll ftsrsnooa No. a . faat FlfteaaU aooth. Anksny er Plan at. cam, . . HANSEN'S ,A.IEB' AOENCT. S48H Washing- toa St.. cor. Beteath, opetalra. Phoaa Mala nmn. remeM help waated. 40 MORE glrla, packers and 'chocolate dippers, aioon tanay 1 o., J sots and UHsaa SIS. raeae Mela IPTa. WANTED llrl or wnmaa for geaerel tonet- "or a. see uregoa at., or Pbooe East 238T. WANTED tady ptsnlat for out of WANTED A girl for private family. Apply 174 East Fine at. PORTLAND Bewtng Bcbenl. glrto do awn aewma while learning. 371 H Morrlsoa, room C. , young gin ta take, rare af a rm 1. r trst st. 1 COMPETENT girl for genera' housswork. . An. A plf 1M Ust BUtaaath St. 1 mmmw "L-ZT eppreaUcaa, Tag ' Crown Hat Co., ati7 Morrlaon. OIRL for geaerel tooeeworkt must ha isu. raoao cast aioo. - WANTED Glrla to sew buttons aa rita-Wel ablrta at TA Plrat at. - - - MALE AND FEMALE HELP. THB demand for competent Bookkeepers aad . stenographers la greater tbaa tbe eapply. from August 1. 1004. to August 1, 1B0S, ws pieced BOT la good positions; had calls for more tbaa 11 BOO; our gredoatee are ALL employed: we . will assist yoa lo a position when competent: enroll now: day or alsht Behnke-walker Ruslnese College,- Btaaras blk.. sixth aad Morrlsoa ate. WANTED At aaoa, a bright, eaergerle. pre aenUblo maa or womaa, a good talker, to take np aa attractive proposition. Inquire TM Chamber of Commerco. B s. m. , WANTBD Tslloaees to help an ladles' costs: also girl to I ears to aew. sen- vtaanrngum St., between West Park and Tenth. WANTED Lady eoltcltoro for The Bsrurrlsj;J R"le. Airplyst IT FroBt etT tomorrow to- twees B aad 11 o clock. WANTEDe-A competent Burse maid for emell rnuoren; gooa wages- appv ""vii,. uswtnorne ave. . HELP furnished free to employers.'. Portland EmDlorment Co.. BOStb Morrlsoa- stoom s. Psclac 33B. ' WANTED Immediate It. S men or women to do , csavsselBg. Call np East P3T; gooa propositwa. BALEBPEOPLB waated to aell prod table goods; Urss commlaalos. M. M. riummsr. sou iniru. HELP wanted and eupplled, mals or female. R. O. DKAKB. K)7i wsSDington sa. isi eso. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. l NO-1 cxllnder and platen preee feeder of fnor seere' exnerienca wlshea permanent P sltroa at wsges net leas tbaa 13 par day to begin with: work mast to ateedy. K 48, care Journal. TOCNO maa af J wests a position with noma grocer rtrtn: I have neen a yeere in u nsaa la Mlnnee nolle. Minn.: accept a roaaoaa bU aalarv: can furnish boat of reference. L 49. care Journal. eastern office maa deelrea permanent post tloa la Kortaweet; eipenracea ooosseeprx and atenogrenber; references, saareee a. 1. link, B4B Washington at.. Port Is sd, Oregon. IF yoa have aaa for a eteedy, reliable young maa, experiencea in Bnsnagruivui, ship snd working, who would Invest small amoaat, address b 40, eara JooxssL CARPENTER jobbing. honee-bulldlng aad wrecking ; astistaciwai gusrsmieeoi. m a. Journal. PHARMACIST wsnu position, city or coun try; best references. Leek box ura, rvrtiana, Oregon. - AN expert bottler wants s position. tt as, rare journal. - CARPENTER wants job; repair or work by the dsy. Msla bw. - 1 SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE EXPERIENCED woman wants work by tto dsy. Addreas IB7 Montgomery, raoao Mill saio. WANTED Posltloa ss housekeeper for elderly man of means. Addreas" I er, care joarnsi. WANTED AGENTS. THB AGENT "hls paper") la devoted entirely to the canvasser; tbe isrgeet newe, nets sno suggestions ara toned la this "go-between" of the egent snd manufacturer; trial 8 months for a dime. The P. Agent Pub. Ca Bslem. O. AGENTS make big ssooey. eelllng our "Mend- arlp" to farmsrs; yon nave toe ouu oy ine boms"; It sewn. It rivets. 1. Foots Co., Lea Angalee, CaL WANTED Ajrenta: salary and roramlesloa. New York Outfitting to., az nrat et. EMPLOYMENT-AGENCIES t HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. FOB MEN. M N. Second St. Pbooe Mala 1838. PIONEER EMPLOYMENT CO. Labor contrao- tors; help free to employers. m axomoon. WANTED FINANCIAL. WANT several thousand dollars for building, psysbls In 80 monthly installments; lots oa East Twenty-Bret et. Address K 44, Journal. WANTED 820.000 ta 8825,000 at low rate at Interest, for banding on desirable inalde real satate. Addreas H 41. cars Journal. WANTED 82.000 to place la small short time; security satisfactory. 014 Ths Manraam bldg. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED To rant by October IB. email boons or 8 aarurnlahd housekeeping-rooms with is oaay walking dlatanee of poatofflce; stata rent and location; ao children. Bos S4T, Portland, Or. WANT ts rent a good ranch with stock and machinery furnished by owner; references If required. Geo. W. Klmber, Beat Mala eU, Portland, Or. - WANTED TO RENT 4 or 8 -room bones, saet aide; steady tenant: no children; must aa cheap. M., 838 East Taylor St. WANTED Farm to rent on shares preferred; hers wsgon, team, harness. 1 TV. rrymire, 844 Ellis St.) Sellwood car. WANTED Modern 6 room cot tare close In, east side.- Add rose 400 Kaet Ash st. WANTED REAL ESTATE. IF TOU waat quick reenlte. Hat year property or business chases, free. In our weekly ttec ord; over 100.000 mailed and dlatnbutea week hr to prospective buyers. UNIVERSAL EXCHANGE. , UrS. Hotel, cor. Sixth and Anheny Sta. DESIRB to pnrehsss a modern home on west-side; will pay from g-t.000 to 88.800 cosh: Bend deeerlptloa of what yon 1 beret a rents will not to oouslilered. - Address J 40, care Jourasl. 1 WANTED Two lots with or without B er room modern hoaee, - near atreet car line: ?art cash, ha lanes monthly. Addrses, giving nil description, loeaUoa and tsrana, C 43, JournaL Tt s r, 1 sir uoiraa ana ium . - - Mt sins or river 1 win ner essn lr once Is right; sgents need not answer. Address D 84, cars JournaL . wixTr.n to BCY Good lot wits smsu nouos, cioss in; snnsx bs bsrgsm. Adarees Box bib. city. WILL exchange a Pnrtlaad Belghta lot where view la magnificent, aa pari payment ea a b 70, journal., t. LANDIOAN will psy rash for cheap cottage and furniture, -.roose nooa iss. e- WANTED-4 ta B-room house; party wltbotif children, inquire iss artnur, - WANTED MISCELLANEOUS gEB the Lewie aad -Clark fair at home; send 400 la etampe xor Uinnemn pinna Dooa, nesrly 100 ehotos ef fair, THxft Inches. Waiters View Book Co., Portland. TOO lose money If yoa have hmiaehold fnrnV tnre for sale ana oon 1 eoi oisam cash prlcea psld. Fbon Mala B180 snd Main 504. Addreas W.jIuhB0ke.80. Onllds eiixntn anrarlns and whitewashing trees, basements, earns, oocss, ";' S," spraying outfit on the coast. M. O. Morgaa ax Co.. W1Q atllwBsais si. ra " eon. ORCHESTRA, S pleeee. engagements evenings, bob". j , ewn reeeosable. 4B Lucretls at. Tel. Mela 8608. F. i. BTtiER, fHister,-Beeoad sad WssBlsgtss) ata t'heaa axAia boob. WANTED MI1II aery HIGHEST rash pries paid for aottloa aad jaak or every aeeetumoa. roruua pane di.ii - ue., awl Worth Slgbteentn. roone main WANTED To buy . household farnttara and restaurant good a; cash ready: send postal or call Hard Cash raroltare Btero, aw siret au WANTED Three men be tore to rent, B30 eanae. it. Address S. N. Peebles. Bearertoa, ,Ora- HIQHEST prlsea paid. Men's old clothing, a hoes. Uncle Jee. BO Third et. . Phone Pselflfl 44. BOOKS bought, sold tad exchanged Old Book a tore, Zo YsmhiU ex. . . WHO IB M. O. MORGAN A CO.! FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING FOR BENT furnished housekeeping rooeee la Beet brick block oa eaet aide; gaa ranees. Data, ate.) no transients; prleee moderate. ixgaa pib iuns t-nion ave., oaraes at Aider. Phoaa llama ISSS. HOt'BEKEEPINO aoertmente. - on 1st leea t ion e-room eutte, gio avonta; J-room, go nsoatn; plwrns, wal SoottTiaog, water free. Plekeoa, L'nlrsrsity rsrk 4 FURNIMHED housekeeping rooms: largo front room with alcove; bath aad phone; . gooa nrignnornooa. close in. mw t-isy. , FOR BBNT Two fornlehed rooma. Mount Tabor, cheap. - 18.13. - hroea keeping BCOtt HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI . TURE FOR SALE. . FOB beat results oa . FUBNITCRB."' Whether to buy or sell, ring np Msla MSI. PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS, e 311 First St. - 5-ROOM boose for rent, furniture for sale. ' Call at. Oak Grove atop oa Oregoa City car line. MODERN boose for .peat, furniture for Bale; . rent 820 Per month. Inquire 301 Second at. FURNITURE or T-room axMmeV Including piano; rent f20. -SltJuTadlsoa. Phone Mala 8648. FOR BATK CHEAP Paral tore of B-rooax house; rent so do. iuu caat Eighth st. FURNITURE of 10-room aonsa for sals) rant a-w. sisin sago. HOUSEHOLD furniture for sale.. 84 H North Fifteenth at. FOR RENT FLATS.' FOB BBNT Elegant large 3-room' new and modern Bat, 818. cor. East Twenty-fifth and Balmoa sts; aew, range for aala. 8-ROOM flat. Including basement, nee of bath ana water paia; no enuarsn; Bio. ozs Mill sr. FOR RENT OFFICE ROOMS. SPECIALIST on dlssssee of hah aad scalp will sen naix snierest or estaousaea orrice to a reliable peraoe; patronage too mack for one. Addrees P. O. box 7. city. . . LARGE top floor for leans. Morrlsoa at.. Bear poa lorries; elerator ; soitaoie xor oirioes. , Ad drees H 41, care Jourasl. . OFFICE- ROOMS Good nough bldg. - Apply elevator. - - -- FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THE KINO New building, assdsomely fur- issN, eqnippea wita every- anoaara conven ience: on direct car 11 os to ezposltloa; all outside rooms; heat, gaa, electrle lights, por-ceUla-totha-. ratsa, 60a, Tfis aaA Bit take Fifth at. car from anion depot to SOB leftac son at.. Bear city hall. Phoaa Black 1811. -a . . THB HAMANN 138 N. 18th., cor. Hoyt Newly fumlebrd rooms, f J. 80 np; convenient location, 19 mlnutea' walk to fair aroands; Morrison ear at union depot direct to houee. phoaa 84TO. FOR BENT S housekeeping-rooms ea Boor, furnished or unfurnished) free water snd phone: no children; terms reesofiable. BOB Eaet Seventh st. Phono Bast 3BTS. FURNISHED or an furnished boneekeeptng rooma, reaarmable; take Wsverly car six teenth and Clinton. 508 East Sixteenth, eeo ond honee north frota corner. .- ELEGANT front rooms aewly furnished, new boose, modern; transients or permanent; tska M car to door. 87B Gllsaa, car. Tweaty-fJrst. Phone Msla 104T. I178T tbe piece for fair visitors; , ales,- large room; special rates to partlee 01 4. s or g people; housekeeping rooma. 803H Alder. MARQUAM HOIBB. IdBVs 8th Rooma en aalta or single; noueeseeping rooeae; gaa s terse, bath, electrle lights; transients solicited. WILLAMETTM HEIGHTS Nicely fumlahed room for two, with or without hoard; aew modern residence. . Phoaa Mala 8703. FURNISHED room for rent for ST per month shi nee or kitcaen, parlor gad Data. . oaa Eaet Morrison at. Phone Eaat 4684. TWO nicely- furnished rooma with board, pri vate family. IJ1B Moore at., near ear. Pearl; 1H block north KllUngaworta, ave, - FURNISHED nom for rent with aaa of kitchen. parlor and bath; si per month. 003 seat Morrison. Phone Bast 4884. , 112.00 THREB apstslra rooms furnlened for nooseseeping; s Deoe, eepermio aauaara, ave North Twelfth. FRONT parlor tat gentlemas of re fine meat whs wisbee room sear toe osniss ex mty. , oei Everett at. . , TO RENT On East Tenth, bet. Coach and nsvis. smsu single ironx room; Beta, moae East 1888. THB GLADSTONE 811H Be Tier et., furnlsbed rooms; aaaer new msnsgtmsnt; pncee rea aonabla. - CHEAPEST snd tost located rooms la Portland, gl week ana ap. unman, nrnt ana Aider sta, NBWLX furnlsbed rooma wtth break fait If de sired ; reaaonaDie. 7i tsst Bsimoa st. A NICB fumlahed front room In privets fam ily. Call Monday. Bars West fart, St.. . FOR BBNT One furnished room; bath aad phono; 87. west 44. 410 fourth St. THB GRAND, 48H N. Third St. Rossaa roes, gl.TPJ per week and ap. THB CASTLB 813 Waahingtoa at.; furnlsasd rooms, r-none sisin ivrn. ROOMS AND BOARD. THB HEAPERIAN 088 Morrlsoa St.. aa ex cedent moderate-price family boardlng-honss, 1 nAer new msnssenYerit.' thoroughly reno vated, stasia best, electric lights, hot and cold water, rnone Msia lava. FIR8T-CLABS rooms and board for permanent rple, 322. SO and 328 per month; table board per- week. Astor toase, Tth, and Msdlsoa sts. Tex. Maia auai. FRONT room and board for two, and bath, X'JO: IB mlnrrtea' wslk to First sad Washington st.t reference. 48 Eaat Flrft at. north. Coach and . Davis. THB IRVING Blegsat accommodations, ao ' exorbitant charges; dining-room la ooenee- tlou; prlcea right. Corner 18th aad Irving. ROOMS ' with board for permanent tsaaara, reasonable; flrst-f less home cooking. 331 Sixth at- FOR RENT HOUSES. . .t IB-mom furnished boerdlng-hoose. rent $40, price 8800; 8R00 caeh will handle this, tolsace $30 per month, mis is a paying noose una win be better after tbe fair la ever than It Is bow. H. R. Edwards' rental dept., 188 1st st. NEW 4 room hoass with sttle, basement and wondehed, cement foondalloa, gas. bath snd rotret: arlos-$1.400;v good, terms. Inquire of owner. 1118 Eaet Morrlaon St., bet. Thirty ssvsstb aad Thirty-eighth sts. . A SWELL, new, modern boaas of T rooma; will rent ta a. good will give lrsee If d lines. Call 428 East ' tenant 818 a most hi desired; between 3 -ear Thirty-four ts St., Bomb. WANTED Tenept for Betnry brick tot. Co lumbla and f lay, front at.; not 00 1 will bsild to. suit tenant; rent reiaensbls. Ad- , dress Boom 3, 24ftai Morrlsoa SU r , TtJR-ENT--HOUSESv OWNERS AND AGENTS win flaw tt as their sdvsatsgs to Ust thsir vacant houses aad flam with our Free Rental department. Oar scant house directory baa become a recog nised Institution - la Portland, hundreds of , teaanta Being weeaiy placed ' la ealtable quarters. We maks as rhsrge whatever aad owners should take advsatage of this Berries by calling et our rental aepartmsot ' aad filling la aa "Information Blank." If yoa have a vscsnt house, phone the Par. ' tlcnburs sad leave the root to as. We Wea't allow it to remaia long late. H. B. EDWARDS. H0USKF URN7SHIB, jr. -- Free Kental . Depsrtment. -T-r- 188 to 11 s lrst Bt. ' FOR BENT 100x100 northeast rornar ef Third and Medians sis. for prsssnt occunanes' (llv. ery subls) or otherwise. Apply to Batata ef O. P. Tbompooe, ciu.- T sirst St. STUART ststlon. Meant Scott rooms, eatbelidlngs. moderat partlee arltboat children) furniture for sale. Call the Belie ves, Fourth sad Salmon. FOR RENT $13.00. neat cottage ef 4 targe - rooma; alee grounds, full basement, ea ft rook -" Baatr2211"" W xsh at. Phoae NEW up-to-date Modern T-room honee. ass. elertelolty gtssi large light baaement. large yera. inquire m uucoia. hear Third. SIX-BOOM boose, aewly famished, plane, mod- ern improvemeaiB, etc. inquire Uottel Vrog Co., aortheaet eur. first and Grant sts. ' B-ROOM modem boose oa eaat aide, hi good location, yis par month. Hartmaa, Thorn peue A Powers, 8 Chamber ef Cansmeroa. g-BOOhf . dwelling, bathroom, flxed tube in basement electric light; key at 814; SIB. WUUsm DeBholm, - Falling bldg.' . . FOB RENT 11-roorn boaas for 1 yeere $80 per aaiaia. svw nose I-srn si. laqtiiro at bouse. $ IB T-ROOM boose, 880 Beat Tweaty-ee Tenth v., BTiuTwia carve, -rnooe Msin.eoSB.- FOR RENT Modern Broom bones, laoalre 681 East Oak. - Phone Bast 1048. ' $8 FIVB-BOOM cottage; Urge bees meet. Key u neu s grocery. Hood snd Great. SEVEN-ROOM house. 810 fourth st-l 1 furnace, gss. modem. Ksy BOB. GOOD, modem, nearly new 8-rooea house. quire BOB SaeramsottLSv. MODERN T-room bonee, furslshed,. tor rent. o biws ass, aorin. 1 - FOR RENT Two B-room booses. BBS South First st. FOR RENT FARMS. 830 ACBE8. 12S la ealtivatloa, Willamette val ley. Apply ais Bast Taylor St., Portland. Or. FOR r RENT - MISCELLANEOUS. TO LB ABB HOTSX furnlahed, 28 rooms, $28 per mouth, c. it. Plggott, lawyer, owner, 4 Mulksy bldg. - BUSINESS CHANCES. PATENT covering several counties ea aa article that is wan tea by . each . atore aaa te a ready seller, must be sold ea account . ef ether baalaeea;- here to a chases te get rate DuaiDeca ea bbmii capital, wners you caa make big money la a abort time) will aell county rights cheep and will take acre age or kta In- eaehaage; -Inveetlgsts thai If yoa are looking for a. business opening. . H. W. MILLBB, lOBVs BUth at. STRANGERS desiring to locate la Oregoa will 00 wen to ecu upoa ass asrore aocraing, sa 1 am acquainted with lands snd vslues la each coanty. and have a large Hot of bargalaa to select from, and alao all kinds ef business opealnga for sale et "tempting prlcea. Having traveled tbe state over far the pest 20 years 1 am prepared to serve yoa. It. W. Miller, SOS Ooednougb bldg., Portland, Or WANTED Psrty with $8,000 to $&000 to esv tabllsh maaaractnnag plant here in Port land: will net 00 per cent: beet patented article of the kind; la big demand; have 100.000 of them eold; If yoa are looking for eo roe thing good, Invcatlgate tola. Cell or address the inventor, George W. Oliver, 1110 Eaat Taylor st. .... WR have ens of the beat paying retail grocery and neat asarkssa la the city mat we win offer for a few daya; thla baalaeea .will stand Investl gallon, aad la going to to gold thla week. If yoa are Interested call at ear office and learn the reason why. Northwest Lead Co.. 2BB Morrlsoa St.. room 211. BOOMING HOUSE BARGAIN B-room boaae. clnee in, near weening-usa ex., furnace heat. gss. Urge basement, attic, etc.. cheap rent, toaae, furniture good; will sscriflcs: owner leaving elty; $480: terms. OREGON ASSOCIATED EXCHANGE, 188 Vs fourth St.. Rones 38. FINE confectionery, cigar aad poolroom; moat aell ea account of el ranees. inquire sirs. H. L. Provost, end of Suonyslde and Mount Tabor ctrllue. Would exchange acreage boose aad tot. - Phone -, Eaet -AlaaL CaU evenings er Bundsy. , . ' - S-RS-B I.AWTHS. IK OREGON. FIR TILE soil, pare wster, dellgbtfsl ctlssstei land or slfslis. sppies aeo oover. ear sou Informatloa addreee the Colombia Sou there Irrigation Co., 83 Werosator buu. PerUaaa. MATT BBSS manatactorlng end renovating bnsl nees; machinery run by electric power iow rent. Thla ta a good chance for any oae with some money who will sirs ell attention te same. Apply owner, 068 Willie bm ave. WANTED Aa active maa or womaa, wh baa ability and adaptability, aa partner 10 realty business: BO days trial given: then. If eatls factory to both partlee, $000 wtU buy one half in teres t. Address K 80, JournaL FOR sals or rent Sickness compels me to eell my flock of tjioroughbrea - riynronia noes plgeone, slso some common ones, with or without hnlldmgs, etc.; a snap. M., GUasaa hotel, first and Alder sta. A SNAP Stork and flxtnraa of cigar, tobacco. confectionery and rrnit atore, ooing gjooa business; mast to eold be tors October I; best of reasons for selling; price $200. - Ad dress I 41, Journal. . . - PARTIES wishing to keep posted regarding tto opening or the mains reserrBiions in moo tana, either the Crow er Flathead, caa do ae by calling or writing te 80S Ooednoagb bldg., PortUad, Or. FOR SALE OB LEABB Blsrksmltk loratloa, lot 80x180, BSnse. enop una ions,, pnir V-"', waxes $ vesta st $20 per month, wtth privilege of baying during life of Usee. A. Torker, Yecolt, Washington. " WELL EQUIPPED reetsnrant doing "Sod bnel- aeaa; reaaoo xor seiung, enai open iw in epectloa; rent $80 per uwnui: price $1,200: eeey terma. Inquire Bt S. Cook Co., 251 Alder at, .. :'... WANTED Middle-aged, elngls lsdy with $S08 aa partner In auetloa -and furniture business ta good country town: no.rlek; caa hsndls ' own money; eeatldeatlaL Addreee L 41, JoumsL ' ' FOB SALRJ-Oa sceotrst ef elekueea, alee, glean, money-making business oa east Bids; sales from $18 toiaS per dsy: pries $1,400, er win Invoice; ao sgents wanted, a 80, Tbe Journal. 3B-CHAIR reetsarsnt la heart of city, average sales $76 per day. rent only $80 per month, Elea $1,800; this Is a money-maker. Bee It B, Cook Co.. 2S1 Alder at.. . IF TOU have use for' a steady, rellsble young mas, experienced- la manegement, foreman. ship and working, who would Invest small amount, addreee L 40, JournaL LIFE'S golden opportunity, ateck bnalm -1 mar- climate ene- wttn essa: oast grsss. watsr. and market la the world. Addreee Pioneer, Journal office. FOR SALE RestsorlBt and lunchroom averag ing $68 per dsy business; price $1,200, Csll on Tsft A Co.,-city, or writs A. Moslar, . Hose burg. Or. FOR B ALB Fine Tine of millinery tad ladlee1 furnlebing gooos in iits wwa pi i.evu; ex cellent opportnaity; . ne competitlOB. K 42, CENTRAL brick hotel of SB rooma I cheap at . 88 400, bat the partners are having trouble snd will accept bast offer. Particulars 348n Btsrk at. J . -. . FINB aenotftnvrlty In eetsbllabed to el sees; seed kelp aad capltak- Addrses 0 84, eara Joarnsi. WANTED A partner In a good paying buslnssa. - lady at geatltaaf. 206 H Morrison St., room I. ' , BUSINESS CHANCES. PARTNER wanted tor a saloon: experience mv n nam ary, but moat to honest; 8878 required; Kiy yoa 1M a month! full parUculara S4BM lark at. - 1 - . FOB S ALB Stock et gesersl merchandlas la good location; sales from $800 to $1,000 par month.' ' Address Lock Boa 8, Tangest, Or. - PARTNER.- alao general agent.. $308 to $800 . capital required, ally .secured; light mfg.; profits. Hooav 1W. laayt sirei. SALOON, finest toes t ton ta elty, eleaa trade. lirsi-cwss in orery rvspwci, otu . tf today- or take part trade. , b 88, Journal. . . FOR - BALE Established photograph studio; splendid equipment, goad business. .Address , f K) O. Boa 407. Oregoa City. Or. BIBTAUBANT FOB 8ALB $1,850; Urge, aew. Binders s-room house, cost $1,800; easy terms. 831 Msrgsrstta sL. MonUvllla. $100 WITH er without services eeeuree half interest la eaah business; will pay ib per week. BIT t)omnierclsl bldg..-. ONB of the toot mining sropertlee on tbe eoastt 7 Claims, tree milling, sassys fa ea aouu .per tea. - K ST, care ef Jourmsl. BSTABUSHXD reetsarsnt, en Fifth at.. Bear Washington, clearing $18 to $28 per day .the year areundT" BT BT,' Juoi ual. 1 WHEN looking for a location, either etty et country, call aa the Northwest Lead Ce 388 Morrlaon et.. room 311.-; .., 1. $1TS Bellabta partner waated; s $20 to $38 weekly.. Experience will psy 70a van atoe atara si. WHOLB or half Interest la shoot1 ting galtaryi a h, BIT Conv money maker; cheep for -eaah. xnerciai aiag. HALF tntereet ta eetabllshed tsuormg bnslnees: 810D required; sp is auua laveexmenu , en uwx merctal hldgi , - , - NEWSPAPER plant for sale la a growtsg town; wsil estshiiBusa nusinim. laaaire a, la, aa lare JournaL COMPLETE wegon maker's stock aad testa ta - lively towa for ssM. inquire eg y, aiiaavy, Dayton, or. . PARTNER $180 Lusch conn tar at once; moat 1 nnderetena the Dualnees. tt. n. tnurcu, jut Russell St.. WANTED Young maa er lsdy with about $100 ae partner la gooa paying proposuioa. u sa Joarnsi. . PAYING bosmsSB for sensible womas, $00. Call 883 Wlliuma are. aaa Kueeeu. room to. U car.. . - . . CIGAR and confectionery for seta oa ; suits his tor may or gent, as mi nr; -Brick hotel. BS rooms, good tare, kpwadld uaee; ta i-ortiaso. iu. t setev WILL yea rnveet now ta stock at 10 cents that will he Bailing at a 1 uciooer 11 a. st, awau. BOWLING' alley for ssIeToheaprall ta good 1 oil Ion. BBS umatuia avenae. ewuwauu. FOB BALE Good "rrstssrsnt, with Uess; fins location. 411 Morrison st. SNAP Half rntereet la aslooa $100. Address K 28.- care Jooraal. ' ' WHO IS hf. . MORGAN A 00.1 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ' , "0Wlf TOUR OWN BOMB. -3,lW!ry- Bmlt yourself 'to1 sa ordtnary-elsed building lot I Yon can purchase lota any where aad everywhere, bat when yoa deelre sa sere tract yoa sre tt once oa tbe huntt they are hard to Snd, and when, compared to lota are aa one lo a thousand. A greet assay people wsBfat meat aa acre; we know tney do; thafe why we ore la the buslaess. Tbst U oar specialty, to aell yen aa acre -tract (equal te B or S lota) oa terma that yoa practically meet ea the parchaae of oae ordinary lot. ' ' ' We plat these tracts with full-slsed htreets ."with water piped to each acre; w plat . them so that la future if yoa dcalre to cut them Into lota yoa caa ' do so. w Sell them at prlcea from to Vk what ths Sams . amoaat of Und coata yea when bought Jp lota. - We aell them oa terma ef $10 eaah. If yea Ilka, aad $18 per month per acre. ' This givee yoa a chance to aaa year ready money to build end atari a heme. As sa Investment or as a starter for a home Ister . oa, your judgment Is good If yoa psreeaae. Yoa go to these acres on the earns car aad -pay tbe same he firs the lot mas .pays. - The lot maa U your neighbor, ant he U reetrleted la possibilities. Yoa are a whole eeler; tbe lot maa ta a retailer. Tska Mount -Scott ear. get off at Kara Park ate tloa. Agents oa the ground today, rain or shine. , A. C. CHURCHILL A CO.. v ' . ' 110 Second St. - FINB 80 acres. IB mllea from Portland aad S miles from B. B. statics: 28 la eultlvstlon, S good wells, running wster, good orchard, good house sad ban. some good timber. $3,000; V cash, tol. d or B yeara. S per eeat. 100 acres, 10 miles west et Forest Grove: SO clesred. good orchard, running water, good bonne snd' torn, about 80 seres fine timber; this place ta well toechrd and In a Sua . neighborhood. $1,S80 $300 eaah, balance to Bait parens see. . - ' TB eeree, BVs- miles from 0 W. P. rarllns; la onltlvatloB, 40 fenced, house, torn and other outbuildings. Ins stream through place. In good neighborhood, school near by. $1,380; , $260 cosh. 8 eeree Bear Baaa Use road, Ilea well, for aste er trade for vacant Iota. $800; $100 eaeh.-baUBCe to suit. 10 acres Bear Lents; ne gravel, weed - enough to pay for place. . $1,000; 2O0 eaah, to la nee 1, 3. 8, or 4 years, S per rent. Fine qserter block. East Twentieth . Bt 1 lota of One fruit. $1,400; $200 cash. . fins property oa west Bids, bringing $220 per month, te trade for a Aae farm close ta. 880.000. ' ' CHARLEBON A NEI IX, SIS Allsky bldg., cor. Third aad Korrtosa. Phoaa West 881. 13,860 New modem 8 -room boaae, ' cement - basement. -Urge front porch, full corner lot, beautiful . Uwn. efaolcs rosea, high . -end-vsry sightly, west side. $1,200 T-room hoaee. fractional lot, 100 feet ' from eurllne, Boath Portland, west side) a ' torgalo. . Sl.eon Store - building la fair - condition, groands 28x78. on flrat st., In very good .. - - Easiness location, adapted to masy lines ef ' bunt sees. $1,000 T-room honee, plestered. full lot bat , below grade, Flrat atreet. weet aide; terms spot cssb; Is well worth tbe price. ' COMPTON A GIBBON. 100 Ablngtoa bldg. Phoaa Red 2888. , ' , ACBB TRACTS! 0UB SPECIALTY IB ACBB TBAOTSI ' Fall-slmd itreets, water ta each sera, , TERMS $10 FEB ACBB CASH J , ..." -.$10 FEB ACRE FEB MONTH. . Too go to these scree on ths asms , car, Ciy the game Be fare ths lot mas pays. Tto t msa ta your neighbor, bat be Is re ' strict ed ta majority ef feataraa that makt -a true euborbsa home.- . -.-7.' -5-.-' -- A. C. CHITICIIILL A CO., I ?. ' " 110 Second at, NEW modern B-room cottage, Eaat , Twelfth Bear Morrlsoa. assy walking distance: alee .Urge lot; gsa pores lain hath, cement base ' ment rooms, large psntry, closets, . etc ; a ' bargsla at 82.B0U; terma. . ' "New mod era cottage, HiwtSeme ave. t $ ' large rooms, besides Pantry, smsets. bath room. Urge Porch: only $1,800; $200 down, . balance monthly Hfments. v- ', , New modem B-room booss. totb. Urge hall, closets, cement bsssmept, piped for gas; Urge tat 80x106; $1.2801 terms. ... OREGON ASSOCIATED EXCHANGE, . 188Vt fourth Bt., Boom SB. ' OPPORTUNITIES THAT WON'T COMB AGAIN We bare a Bice' 80 -a ere plscs nese Mnlslls, riarkamaa county. , Waat te eell for $1,500, m m-lll trade fof ' deelrahle dty reelrience. Can par $l.W)0to $2,000 caa dlffervucs. If there Is any one who wests a rustle Sacra garden and poultry ranch close te city, good water, plenty of It. eeey to get, rich soil, about one acre cleared, cabin, hern snd poultry Boeaee. $700; most bars $800 rash. , , x r- ; For further pertlentirg spply to , , ' , THB Dl'NN-LAWRElCB CO.,',. ' . : leBH) First 8b "Want Ad" Rates UNDER ANT CLASSIFICATION rFirr feats ycr lfaerr- Bs sd takes tar leas tbaa IBs per Bay. Bsvsu words, ga a rule, constitute a Uae, hot each Una ta charged regardless at the Bomber of words. Wt-XLT RATE T laaertleBs (maradmg eae Sunday issue) 80 CAaTS an Uae "JraLT" BATB ' atl Baenea) Si DO awe line ADVEBTIBEMEBtB moss h. I iees of toa by IS e'oleek sreeh dsra fas by 18 s' si oak Sntarday even lag fse the Bonday leess, Be seeare slsmllostlen Wsplay : aataa gtvea noa, apaUeatlaa Bt rr THE J0URNaL BRANCH OFFICES ABTOXTIaXJIZBTS Weelved st eeeutee BMlefSM win be Followlne ta a Uit o B.thBilaad ss-entn. who arlll forward year edverxtae msBt la time- for pabUoaUoa la the Best V0XTBT. BZDJL B-- Ai rsstua. dlsgglshj ! Still Bad Thnrrasa streets. Neb HIU Pharmacy, BBS OUssa Street, aorner Twenty-arst. A. W. Allen, phsrmsctat, SlgtesatA aad Marshsll streets. McOommoo'e Pharmsey, Blnetseath aad Waahingtoa atreeta. . . , , . ., . . . mutbT, tarn. v' B. F. Jones A Co., drsggUts, Fresrt gam Ctbhs streets. . Cottsl Drag eompsny. First aad Oraat atreeta, FabUa Byerley, doggUt. 400 JcftaoBoB Street, corner Tenth. Bettraaa's Pharmacy, tore at Sixth sad Bsrrlsoa streets. Phuaroer Drag eompsny, BOB Third atxwet, eornor Madlsoa. - - BAST tOSZ, W. B. tavee, dragglat. en rear Orsad aveasM Bad Bast Burnalde street. Nlchola A Thorn peon. US BaassH gtrist, enrnsr Alblna aveaoe, Jaacke Drag eompsny, as rear nanrhmat Bad Grand avenuae. W. a Cable, druggist, - corner HoUsdsy a ves no . aad AArrabaa street, aaag atael bridge. B. A. Wilson. 1IA. Orsnd a voaae. Bear Kaet M4lieon. B. W. Ball. BBS , Xsst Beveafh street, ears or fltasheoa, , TftOnTT.ABTj. 77 .. T. J., asxk..dragglst. 100S Borth TJaiaa avaaas. t .- SOXBTBIDK. . ; B. Worth, naarmsctst, BBS Bilmsat BBooxxTV. : 'i ahsrmace aomnsnv. Poaiatl auaB Mllwaukle atreeta. . ABLXTA 0BJEGOB, . Arleta Pharmacy. Mora aad foster etreeta. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. DON'T PAT RENT! 1 We bare 60 Baa aad cheap building lota on the east side, within 10 mlnutea of the center of the etty. Let ae build yoa a bonee oa a email payment and the balance divided Into monthly payaseate for Bse yeara. DO IT NOW. Put your monthly rent into a home. - Get the benefit of tbe rise. Portland property will doable la vslos lo IS amnios... See aa at oace. . M0ULT0M eV BCOBET, - - ColombU bldg., SoS Waahingtoa St. ' . t ' PORTLAND DAT lit- ' , 100.000 will bsse neen- beautiful Willamette Belghta reeldence district. Csll ea room STSI , Columbia building for bargains la both lots FOB SAI Find borne et Ne. TBS frrlng st. this location ia choice 1 hoaee hae B moms, full bssemeat, strlc. furnace end all modern - coavenieneea. . We caa give poseesstoa at ooce. PORTLAND TRUST TO, OF OREGON. - 100 Third at. - FOB BAXB $2,800 New room cottage ea Cook tve., I block from carllne. , .. POBTLAND TRf BT CO. OF OREGON. " . 108 Third et. ' FOB SALE $2000 B-room bouse oa East Thirteenth twees two esrllnea, close In. St., be- P0BTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON. . 108 Third st. FOB SALE AS.280-. A asw 8 -room boose aa Bast Yamhill at. thoroogbly modern, with Urge bathroom and closets ; the property U a corner lot. 80x100, with large fruit trace and garden: baa aewer . ennaectlon' end atreet and atdewslk Improve. menu made, price la $8,600. hut te make ' quick Bale we ran ofer- at 83.2A0. PORTLAND TRTBT CO. OF OREGON. - r. 108 Third st. . FOB i ALBCUB A P ' An exceptionally wsH baflt hoase, sear Ockley Green, on St. Jphne car. This ta a ' flna snbnrbsn home. - PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON. 108 Third St. - .'' FOR B ALB $1. TOO ' . Nsw 8 -room cottars, 2 blocks from Mount Tabor Reservoir csr; modern, corner lot BOxlOO; csa to bought on ressonshle terms, PORTLAND TRl'BT CO. OF OREGON. 100 Third St. .. FOB SALsV-$4.800 , ."' , ' ' " New boose with S Urge roams, modem In eery way. corner lot, ea Eaat Fifteenth at., "POBLANli'TBrBT CO. OF OREGON '. - 108 Third et. $1 100 TO $2,8004, B and B-room cottages - ea eaay payments. Below srs tome ef them: $1.180 New 8-ronm cottage, block to, cars; 810 cash,' 310 per month. $1.280 B-room house, S full lota, 180 feet ; te care: easy terms.' $1.800 Very Beat aew S-rnnnj hoass, 14 block to rare, cement hale ment, bath, gss, " fronts east-, not fsr out: eaay terms. . ' - RUNDY-MELRATH CO, . , ., . .. 246 Vi Morrison at. S ACRES,' 828, la LlttU Homee. B scree, $"". Bear Lenta Junction. TV! seres, 3780. near Lents Junction. 10 scree, $1,000, near Lenta Junction. AU ef above tracts sre oa or Bear car 11ns sod qnalltv of Isnd Is good: - W.- HfrHltA WOOD- 141 H first at. B. KRONER, architect and contractor. Homes built In all psrts ef the city end sold on monthly payments; plans and BpeclSrstlons; ' buildings superintended. Room B, Cambridge - bldg.. Third nest Morrison. . A SNAP fine reeldence lot 801100. Addreee L 48, Journal. ... , . ( 1 e-'fc'wd - rr--r r ; . i.d-ew'J. A. J. ... . A, JS'tVja ' V . : ?. . , -. ...