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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1905)
t::c csrccir cunday jou-iial, tchtlaiid. cuiiday, uohcio. ocTOrn i, FOR OAUC DY !.'.r.E!.:.',tTi:::..-:;i r1: j , ; - - 1 i ' "Bulldfns ths line Into Forties, for Liht Northern Paclflo and too Great . Northern will-enhance tha value Of property. especially that which ta or mar b osed tor business w(tbla tha next flva yes rs, 00 to 149 par oont" This declsratlon vat mads yesterday by ana at tha moat prominent realty dealers r of tha city. Ha waa free to lva faota becking hi" statement, but deollned ta ba quoted personally. - Ad vances already mada and tha - almost certain prospect of still further In- . . creese were' proved by evidence that . could not be challenged. "Tha affect of tha northern railway systems entering here la, of course, tha first Impulse.' Bualneaa man feel that they have .not bean riven In tha paat full opportunity for traffic but believe that tha new - work balnf undertaken ' will result differently at an early data In tha future. We will cat ocean Hners ; here, and will ba advertised es osa of - the leading porta of tha Paclno. "Should tha work of tha railway oom panlea be carried out on tha lines tndt- , . ' oaten, xrom is.uuv.vuu to tio,vvu,uo0 wiu ,' tie anent In Portland aad Immadtata die i I, twiert If net nt hle mnntv vrlll'flrA f n I -labor and materials that are mada lo--. N rally. Tha man given employment will cither live here or gain thslr tubals tence Indirectly through thla city, and tha '.'.. aurplua of their earnings, which they lHtASllAhailM)a A -.,.. -air " " (: f ,. as.., VI1KI1UVIB W a ...., WW '.:- crua to tha business Interests tf thla . . cur. i - r .n'hiM 1 a n mi Af -im.m-4fa, ffpAn , other conditions which la lifting prop ' arty value. Our city baa received thla ' ' year' an enormous sum of money from - outside sources. If wa take tha eon ervatlv flmir of f.000 atrana-ar ar 'j""- .riving and departing dally. It la resaon- for tha summer wa have had In tha city about 20,000 visitors. They surely have , apant an average of II a day while Bare, and I beltava tha avers re. would" ba . .. closer to It. At $$ a day wa would . ba receiving about $00,000 dally for aix UVUWJV. .avu. TUUHII. A UW . from tha country district . or Oregon , and Washington have been buying quite heavily during tha period of their atay, many of tham taking homo with them a winter supply of clothing. The to- ' - xat ot inim upvoaimis givw w rwfv land aeveral million dollars, all . of - which has gone into channela (hat bene fit tha city moat. "TnvMttfiK j.anll tm Iimh Mmilnv ." " W VWM " In much heavier ouantltr'-than the nub .Ho ia aware of. ''Several heavy pur chases have been made, relieving local .capital which ..baa as a rule bean In : '. vested Immediately again. No capital ". Tuaa gone out, and an immense quaatity at I. a. m the city for building operation and 'm bualneaa enterprises. a MiM v.r nt !. 1 Ya a i a nnivA tha f thai to Portland have bean sown, .Tha ef fecials just being realised, and will "i ' aend uronertv nn ranldlv for tha neat . year,' until wa have a city with a aense of self-appreciation." - V lail vuk m the tmaleat of . the year in realty circle. Many big deals were finished, only a portion of which ''were' mada of recbrd. Tha record of ( 7 going above a half million dollaxa, while - there 1 promise for the early daya of t the. present week to be enlivened with several heavy tranaaetlona. Tha exact . figure - for realty transfers for tha week are IS01.TM. which la on of tha beat showing mada thla year. There waa not a dealer In the city : a, but that aald buslnaa was lively. Prac- i-uwM jvvi7ii.xcaj ma pome nnporuni : transaction on. BJverybody waa'lBr- ' . atate of confidence, and expecting still ' ' greater things to follow. Instead of an effort to arouse interest, tha sentiment . begin to incline toward an effort to prevent a boom. Nona of tha substan '. tial bualneaa alament want to see an Inflating boom which will send property far above Ita real or prospective worth, ' thereby preventing capital from enter tng and erecting tmprovementa, but every-one la Jubilant over tha prospect of Portland valuea taking a higher per manent place, in proportion to what property la held at in other great clUaa or tne coast. Vacant residence property la In da ' mand, and tha struggle to secure good locations for flats reasonably close In - grows keener. - Lots In tha auburn are going rapidly. Several dealer who han dla auch property exclusively state that they are aelllng altea for cottagea faster than aver before. Prices are being held down to rair f Igurea, ranging all tha way from 110 to 1109. Further out than tha city boundary even aheaper lota are to d naa, ana tneee ar being Secured by both the speculator and th horn Duuaar. Tha rush to gat desirable flat loca tions promises to continue through tha winter. . rseverai investors who desire - to erect new buildings of this charaoter have been unabl to secure suitable prop erty at what they thought was a fair figure and are continuing tbtir auut " Some of these were waiting for a de cline, but find a rise instead, and yet nope mat a mora favorable turn for the purchaser will develop, v . . aa- waa , There is mors money open to real es tate purchases at tha present time than Portland aver knew before. .Instructions have been received by a number of deal era to buy for outside clients, and wher ever a man with a good proposition makes himself known a aal la quickly effected. -A few months ago tha aelllng ' sentiment was rouoh stronger than now, . while buyers - were comparatively few. At lsat tha buyers have tha property owners on tha run, and some of tha let- ter, rather than ba compelled to make - an offer, seek absolute alienee and say that they will not sail at any price. . Since tha publio and tha country at large were assured that tha Northern Pacific and Greet Northern meant bust- ntss. local vaults have been -opened and Investors from distant parts of ' tha - country have hastened to get In early before tha great advance expected la all lines of Portland property. There Is unlimited capital ready for a 'good busi ness buy In Portland. An advance of at leaat 14 per eent .- var the' paat year, or even two year, baa been mada In three months every where near tha terminal grounds. Prop . erty that wa hunting a buyer there re cently is not courting th Investor now, with an additional 10 per cent added t tha markat quotation. Wholesale, and other heavy bualneaa Is entering that district, with tha purpose of keeping as close to terminal faculties as poeelble. Slater of Mercy plan to renovate their horn at Sixteenth and Couch streets, which was formerly tha old Read real- dence. Th order Just purchaaed tha - property, and, alnoa title haa vested In them, hop to mike tha Institution much more commodious and comfortable to . the charges who seek Ita protection and . guidance. : For th paat nine years tha Sisters of Mercy have occupied this place, dar-1 Ins whloh time they bavs gtven comfort and aid to 100 persona. Aa tha estab llshment in Its present aondltlon will accommodate but 40 1 persons at one time, th growing need of auch work and tha favor with which th home la viewed necessitate enlargement. The first work to be undertaken will be providing a larg. aubatantlal basement, . In - whloh the dining-room and kitchen may ha plaoed, thus giving all of th upper floor for living apartments. To- ao eompllah this tha order haa appealed to the publio for assistanoe. Two or three substantial contributions war mada re cently, which helped greatly, but to carry out the plan of Improvement fur ther aid muat be extended by th publio. There was an unconfirmed report In circulation yesterday afternoon to tha effect that John Kiernan had sold tha entire block' bounded by Fifth, OUaaa, Fourth and Hoyt streets, on which the Cook at Kiernan Transportation company Office is eltuated. The consideration reported waa tiat,000. Mr. Kiernan waa out of the city all afternoon, and no authoritative confirmation of the, aal could be a ecu red, aa th purchaser waa not. known. Mr. Kiernan acquired this property at the tlm of taking the Inter eeta of thVoVTTCa : Laura Bresk has purchased, througn Wakefield, Fries at Co..' 0 by. 10 feet fronting on North Park, near Stark street, tha consideration expressed being IL There are two cottages on th tract, which 1 regarded of considerable value, as It Ik produclnsT good revenue. , . . ' First street was aroused "yesterday when It became known that tha north west corner of First and Pine streets NEW ROAD TO TAP RICH 'UNDEVELOPED COUNTRY (Special Dispatch to Tee JoaraaL) Helena, Mont, Sept. 10. Marcua I Hewett, a mining man who la promoting th Montana Northern railroad, planned to be constructed between Basin and Kalis pell, opening a. rich and hitherto undeveloped country, has Just returned from th east and is In tha city. ' He Is accompanied by Francis M. Holden of Philadelphia and George C Coatee, who are understood to be Identified, with the ranroaa proposition. - . Mr. Hewett is very sanguine of his sntarprla being carried out and claims th backing necessary to ' construct tha road will be forthcoming. J. P. Morxan and London capital lata ar Interested in the road, which will cross th stats from north to south. i. "Will Goods Maks Goodr Is tha lead ing article in thla week's Saturday Re view. Ton can't afford to miss it. For sale at all news stands. . Auction Sales Auctioneer, Monday, Tomorrow, at Sales rooms, 180 First Street, at 10 - a m. - - - ' ' - PARLOR. DINING-ROOM, BEDROOM AND KITCHEN FURNISHINGS, com prising oak Buffet, fine Upright Folding Bed, oak and walnut Bedroom Seta, Mantel and Metal Beds; Extension Ta bles, Chairs. - Rockers. Couches: Lace Curtains; Oak Hall Tree; Pillows, Bed ding, Portieres; Rattan Chair, Wardrobe, Oak and Aah Dressers; Platform, Wick er and Cobble Rockere; Pictures, Glass ware. Dlahea, Kitchen Cabinet, Cook and Heating Stoves; quantltiea of Bed Springs, Iron Beds and other, houee- rurnisbinga; uarpets. Rugs and Mat tinge, etc Wednesday Sale At Salesroom, 180. First Street, - ' at 10 a. m. - Publio auction of th following chat tels: All the elegant furnishings of large parior; Lnning-room nuite, side board. Extension Table, Chairs. Dishes, eta; I complete bedroom outfits; Car pet a. Ruga, etc.; full and complete kitchen requisites. Stoves, Rangea, Heat- era ana otner vaiuame xurnismngs, etc. Thursday Sale Flats 31 and 83 Seventeenth Street, . One Block North of Washington, Sale at 10 a. m, Modern House Furnishings. RECENTLY PURCHASED for thes two large NOB HILL FLATS. 'On ac count of departure and by order of the owner, wo win sen an tne mahuuany furniture. BIRDS EYE MAPLE PRIN CESS Dressers, golden oak DRK58ERB, bedroom furniture en suite; RATTAN and -WILLOW ROCKERS: oak Dlnlnevroom Suite. Couches and Rockers, throughout the house; LACE CURTAINS, DRAPERIES and HANO- 1MUH, natures, jarainier and stands; CHIFFONIERS: Metal Beds. In orettv tinting-.; Springs and Mattresses; extra nne down fiIjLAJW . Bed Linen, com fortables and Wool Blankets; AXMIN 8TER and MOQUET CARPETS. Ruga; fringe decorated Toilet Seta: Bedroom Chairs, Rockers and' Tables; OAK HALL 'T' R tT TT An. Dm tf?ntfti ftf1 JiA rt,f.H Wardrobe: large Mirror; LADIES' BI CYCLE; Spring Cot and Mattress. In the kitchen. 1 JEWEL OAS RANGES. QUICK-MEAL STEEL RANGE, Gas HEATERS; Linoleum. Step Ladder, eta NOTE -Intending purchasers can In' spect the furnishings the morning of sal from I to It a. m. In addition t above list you win nna nn appoint menta throughout the (lata. We wlU commence the sale with tha finer fur nishings at 10 a. m. . . . J. T. WILSON, Auctioneer. Friday Sale At Our Salesrooms, 180 First Street, at 10 - a. m Miscel laneous Merchandise Sale. COMPRISING LADIES AND CHIL- DREN'S SHOES, YOUTHS CLOTHING, REMNANT CALICO AND CURTAIN GOODS AND A VARIED ASSORTMENT OF OTHER WARES. FURNITURE. Carpets, bedding, stoves and housekeeping outfits. ptc. NOTB--W buy you out or sell your goooa on commission, itesiaeno kales solicited. Phone Main Ills. y t. T. wiuiun. Auctioneer. PARR1SH.WATKINS&C0. Bstabllahe4 ltfl REAL ESTATE aJTO XOAJI AamaTTS 250 Alder Street i rv had been bought by T. Scott Brook for a consideration understood to be about lUAa. The vendors were tha Saving A Loan society of Ban Francisco, the aala belna mada throuch Wakefield; Frtea Co. This property Is on of tha familiar landmarks of First street, being known for years as tha Seed Bank building. Thar ia a three-story brick on the corner, which 1 In good condition, and can ba used for general bualneaa. - Ia w. Whiting at Co. have sold the property at th northeast corner or Twenty-aecond and Overton streets' to C H. Barnell, a prosperous millman. for about 111,000., There ar an eight- room house and two flats on th tract. U new and modern. , ' James Drlacoll haa purchased the southeast comer ' of Seventeenth and Hoyt streets of Samuel Rosenblatt for 111.000. tha sal being mad by Louis Salomon. . Washington street will have several new buildings by th early part of next year. Tha Fliedner block, at the oor ner of Tenth. I ready for tha founda tion. nd when thla 1 completed th aunaratnirtiira.wm.aa nn rapidly There la reliable authority for the statement that M. A. Ounst will in all probability erect at leaat a five-story brick at the corner of Eleventh, on which work will probably commence thla year. Captain D. B. Buchanan Intenda to commence work on at leae a flve-atory brick be tween Fourth and Fifth early next year, which will be ready for occupancy by midsummer. Edxar ' M. - Laaarus will have work under way soon on his re cently acquired lot. where he will erect at leaat a three-story structure. . A. Schpbach, Proprietor. . Auction Sales Purnlture Tomorrow at 2 p m, at 211 First "; ' Street. . : , Auction Sale at Oregon City Near Postoffice, Furniture Stock, Tuesday next, at 1 p. m. Auction Sale' Furniture, Carpets, Etcw Wed nesday at 2 p. at 211 First Street. Auction Sale Dry - Goods - and Furnishings, Thursday Next at 2 p. rrLi 211 .rirst street. Auction Sale Furniture. Etc.. Fridav .Next at at 2 p. m., at 211 First Street. C. L. FORD, Auctioneer. Battfabllaihod In 1B&& V For Inside-Property See ith & Company Real Estate Brokers ALWAYS SUCCESSFUL 442 Sherlock Building Eastabllashod In 1888 v For $9,500 We can tell you a fine Income property now. leased for $128 -' a month. Hcaly Investment, Co. 218-214 Abington, 106 Third St ACREAGE We are selling infii u ih. 0. W. P. elertrio line. Just eaat o Sell wood, .or IIJO tr acre, on monthly Installment jCalJhat our offloe for lata. MMATW ft aaOaOrSV.;-.'- L- S, Caaaaka mt PoitlandAuClicnItc3nis -: ROOMa C.pPC C4.700 New modetli 7-room house, on Waeoo street. Holladar Srk. eeautiruUy onlshsd through- out, fine lawns. , J 04.500 lOOxlOQ on the south west corner of lth and Eaat Stark atreeta. with i-room house; easy walking distance to oenter Ol CUT. 84,500--eOxlOO ft lot on . the northeast corner of East Seventh ... . and Davis, with three t-room cot tages, bringing in a rent of III per monin. . - 63.500 S-room house on Clay street, bet 14th and lTth. west smi rented zor par' moncn. 83,40050x100 ft lot on the southeast corner of Eaat loth and Schuyler atreeta, with new, rood em t-room house; streets fully improved and cement sidewalk. 82,750 For a modern 6-room 'dwelling, on lot 1 1-1 x T feet. . . near tha corner of 21 at and . .-. Vaughn atreeta i terms 16 caati ana Yi per. monin. fa, ,700 New 7-room house 60sl0n-foot lot. with alley, within two piocKS-or Tnompaon acnooi, Tn Central AlMna," 82,700 6-room modern , house with' gas fixtures and all modern convenlencee, on the corner of Eaat list and Couch atreeta. tn Hawthorne'a First Addition; terms fteo caah and , $21 per month.' . ( , 83,650 S-room house," almost new, with lot tl 1-1 x T, on th southeast corner of list and Wll- ' son streets; terms 1(00 and f.o . per month. 82,350 6-room house, 60x100 root lot, near comer itn ana s. Salmon atreeta: small payment down and monthly , Installments. 82,000 8-room house, 25x67 loo i iov, on west aiae, on ni street, near 11th. within eaay walking distance to center of city; house now renting for ISO per month, . . 81 ,500 8-room house, ' with Basement, not ana cota water, bath and all modern conveniences, tOxlOO-fopt lot, on Eaat t tin, near - Clinton Kelly school. 8800 4-room house, 50x100 ft., corner lot, wun nn inm irem, streets graded and aldewalka, on Eaat Sixth and Mason eta. within two blocks of Union-avenue car line; easy terma. SOUTH SUNNYSIDB 7 in J AOaT 80 CASK AWO S10 SA Zll na MOBTTSt Will buy one of Y"" these beautiful lota between vrt sia ana stin, on aoum siae 01 .rill Hawthorne ave.; each lot la V 10x100 feet and S feet above "7CA srada, with building reetrlo Jtr)l) tlon of 11.000; best streetcar " " " v service on east aide of the river. Only a few of these lota left. If you want a homo in a choice location, with -good- surroundings, call at -once and secur one of these lots. We have a few lota in Holladay Ad dition and Irvlngton, on which w can build vou a house after vour own nlan. Terma IS per cant caah and 1 per cent or coat or nouaa ana lot per monin. - New.Adf&ions Dlniihnm's On the Fulton car 11ns and Mount Adama road, and directly opposite the Oregon Furniture Manufacturing Co.'s - plant All lots (0x100 feet. Prtoes ttO t 1 400. Madras , : ' - On the O. VT. ' P. Co.'s Una, near Stewart's Station.. Lots $100 to $1J. Overtoil .Park Acres We have aub-dlvided Tract "C" into acre lots and can aell them away down. Take th O. W. P. Co.'s car to Anabeil or Stewart' Prices $4(0 to isoo. Terma to suit. Wakefield, Fries , Co. 121 SUrk Street. Phone Main 14. Serene Park Eaat ltth and Alberta sta, Vernon oar. 1 Ann New, flne, modern home i? ATIVon eaay paymenta. Appl owners, room 101 Sherlock bldg. t sold y to Phone Main 1177. , Income Property ne block from Washington street rloe reasonable. Apply to Tyson Kinsell OS Oommarolal aiook. Sd aaa Wash, DSRIOlfSR AND BUILDgg. 30S -4th St BOVBKS BOILT ON IXSTALLMCNTt. - OIT PRICES. 1 Va2T FARMS liaely improved farm of 111 acres, I mllea from Camas, Wash., on Columbia j river, and neer new railroad $60 per acrei half cash SSO aeree, it mllea eaat of Vancouver; $8$ plowed; well Improved $81.80 par acre: a decided neraraln. ad acres oa Willamette and near station, ' knUlln.. rlxh anil It CAS -vlth Xiu.lT -.a,-. ... -'" t .... ailWX VIVU, SI aoree, well Improved farm, adjoining Beaver ton; flne buildings, rich soil . $0,800, $8,800. - l . . Also a large number of other farms, some of the beet' in the atate. Bead for a list, . ACREAGE - W havenlcely located suburban aoreage, rich soil, at' $$B and above per acre, for homes or Investment. .Thee tracts can be purchased by atngl acre or more as desired and on easy payments, with on fourth or more down. . CITY PROPERTIES MlXtt tnnT-JTYin finely located tracts, all Income-bearing, at $60,000. $0.000 and $76,000, respectively. These w wish to show only to actual In- WAaHOuaa toop'sbtebi thone dostrlng such. -We ' have IM IIIYKin rSOrSBTLBS To those producing a substantial return on the BUXXaDnra mrrmiVW hT Tacavnt uv m i$$vnsiui vrtvmm LOA1NS W have money to lend on substantial securities at current rates. Uor. gag securities furnished investor O;- - .-.RENTALS''. We ar making a apeclalty of ibis Oepartment and eoliolt th car of buab neas and residence properties. . Our oltv business is tn oharga of Mr. S. at. Barr, who from long residence fa thoroughly conversant with values. - - - - THE SHAW - FEAR COriPATJYr 245 "StIl Strc.t SURB iNa ;. We Are the Leadenior Bargains fSSOQWA grand country horn. '10$ acroa, ail -feneed; nearly all la - - cultivation; fine t-room -reat-dence; good barns and other buildings; water piped t the house; choice fruit, rich soli; -. etock, feed and implements ln ; eluded; nicely situated, IV miles electrlo car. f 8S0O- strictly modern, np-to-data, fash , lonable l-room residence, walk . ing diatanca Chamber of Com . merce; would rent for $10 per month. S4OOO--100g00 feet of ground, with two beautiful oottaaea, - modern con venlencee, tine - lawn, garden - -cnoioe rruit, rose ana snruD ' bery; to minutes' walk from business center, eaat side. $3000 Handsome-- 8-room realdenee. modern conveniences: a grand . place, eaat front, on B. Xtta at. ita au ngnt. yon oat. magnificent l-room realdenee, lar-e lot, near Hawthorne ave.; nicety situatea on east siae. Very nice 10-acr country place. an zenoea into neios; nice s roorn house, rich garden soil and a cracker-lack for the money, n BOO Beautiful a . room cottage ground $0x160 dose in, east side. S10SO Beautiful l-room cottage, large - io. cnoice Kruii ana enruuDery; walking distance to bualneaa oa eaat siae. . S SO 1 full lota, l-room houaa, III - now street, woooiawn. f S00 Nice 8 -acre place. In Clackamas. Don't forget our river-front acreage tracts at uac urove. ins grandest piaoes you ever saw ror the money, Toull never find tha bargain until you THE DUNN- LAWRENCE CO. lH A DAY Buys a Choice Lot in EVELYN Tske tft Seett vsr, First aad AMar streets, and ride eat to EVELYN (a pleasant rise ei as auantaek. aad lta stiiin. . fi. iwf mrm mampm. - This takers Is fVowlns rapldlr sad the rest asts eajor ell the eonvraltBese ot e rttr. fare tc S. ALTORDSON. ' erica:- trvai.v a) Wsshington county; II plowed: good 1l.r.. . ' ' V ' well-located warehouse properties for -looklna- for nronertlea that are now asking prlo and located where mate- buslns$i and midiic lota, well MM.tJ npRNCEVQ 3U1 lOo It las mamy for the oapltalUit to Invest Lhl:rnonX .'theat; ltv rnoy melce more. Zt li more difficult for the wage earner to make his little monthly savins; or surplus ears something besides- i f: 4jr.'f.vL-..: But a lot In Vernon ;!a a money maklnff investment for the per-., son of amalt means ; ' Vernon is right where Portland MUST grow. It is high and slght- ly and will be free from expensive city improvements. Zt is an ideal home site and a sure investment. LOTS are from 800 to 8400 and are sold on easy payments. ' '.. ' ' - f " - ! -- ' - . .' Come out today and see. this beautiful site. After the great Port land Day there can be no doubt of the future of this live, enthusiastic city. ; '; .r'.v'. ... :;vV-;'v.:-V-:s,':;. Take a Vernon ; Car Today Mcore Investment Co. SZXTH At the Sign of the Big "V. Invest in ST. JO THE COMING MANUFACTURING AND SHIPPZNQ CENTER OP THE PACZFZC COAST. ; ' The coming of the Northern Pacific and Great Northern rmilroadswith their -roundhouses ejxd machine shops, with the industries that must congregate around this great ship-', ping point, St Johns in five years will have a population of 20,000 peoplethink what realty, values will be then. ' We have a few lots left that we will sell for a short time only at : $150 get a lot before these are all gone. - - Ixts, blocks and acreage on easy terms. ... .... ... - : Shepard & Ttifts Office with the Peninsula MRIEY Down jj! WASTED PAYING RENT WILL BUY YOU A HOME IN v Bars yea a lot la the fsst-st growlat saberb ta the esater ef the fastest growlag eeetlna la tke Northweit That's FIBLAND. Yes, sad roa ess save a boats Built piM a salt aad par for It la awethlf Installments bslow rent rstcs. . It weald se a alee, a and aoral plaa to pay rest te- yeonelf. wealda't It? W-ll. we hav the srstoa ssd roa should Uvastlgate It. ltaay staera have aad. aave arofltad. PerhsM roe ksow aoaie ef thasL ausets ot KIRL-lND (raded; boat watari bMt eletrle ears (fare Bs); best tseatlea (JO SkutDtts from eltjr); beat sad ehoapest prapoaltloa ever effertd. . Tske Moaat Scett car at first sad Alder streets today aad ride ta riSLairo aad QBO. W. too rAonrs sldo. BOBT. (orar xvnrarot.) a tatlob, onun rixrjuro statios. JameslJ.HUI Means i Business So Do We We Can Suit Yon in Business Residence -Warehouse) Acreage Property OlDSCBHIDT'S AGENCY a.a!ty UvMtnrBDts . S3J4 'WASH INOTON, Cor. Third Real Estate Sellers West 8id owners-desirous of Bcllin can tnako prompt by tctinz R. M. WILBUR 39 UcKAY EUILDINO. - JT ADS ; . :' ir v- Bank. St Johns, Oregon. mum BROWN rSTjl-8 afADf SUa. J. W. Ogilbse moOK 11, 14BH $1600 $200 Two lota. 100x100 feat, with goed 8-rom house, near Powell and East 17th sta good terms. . Cnoic lots, 60x10 feat, la Cloverdale Extension. f $ 350 And on Oood buUdfns; lots. feet. In Tibbetta' meatead." $5,c:o m nm t blocks from car. line and onlr $0 mln tiles', rids from Third and Waahlngto sta. Apply to owner, $10 Chamber c Commerce. ' U rjir.2y Fcrr.!;h:i V::: Clearing $280 per month. WKl cheap If taken at once. Isrma. 2,0007 In Dou-'-e eoun'v: v l - acre. is ae r"- . r-WBlRTflM1 th n 3URBA NS 4 i ... v