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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1905)
t::2 Lcnzcorr cuiiday joueiial, xfcrnrtAinv lj::d.V i.:sr.::i::3.-ocT0zrri.' I0W BEMERAL lEV:VALLACE:rT7: ; ?: .: rcCAr.IETT0 1VRITE DEH IIUR" A- t k I ' ! i , y J I . - AIphonM . Bthier . f 1 tHK recent death of General "Lew I Wallace and the booking of the - I i play at the Marquam this month , recall the clrcumetancea of hla firt visit to Franklin Square-with 'the manuscript of "Ben Hut" under tola arm. He waa personally unknown, td -the Harpers at that time, and after Intro dusln himself he explained to J. Henry Harper that he had written toook which, dealt with the life of Christ Mr. Harper asked him if Christ actually appeared In he story, and General -Wallace replied that he did. Mr. Harper remarked. that thla sfibject was a delicate one to treat in a novel, and General Wallace an swered that If there waa anything- In the toty that would offend a fellow; Chris-, ttan he would rather cut off his right hand than publish 1C . ; He then explained to Mr. Harper that the book had resulted from a spirited controversy he hM held wlth-RqWt-O, Ingersoll on the subject of religion; In which Intersoirad" defeated', him ' In argument, General Wallace went .away from the "discussion with a troubled mind. -For some time he contemplated writing- a theological work whloh'Weuld strengthen rellgtaua faith at the point of Ingersoll's briUtanf attack. . But he de cided that theologians could do ,- that work' much better, than he, and, besides, his . desire- was - to- reach and,, help, the masses. He lay awake at night ponder. Ing tn flueettoa-which had Uken pos session of his mind, and eventually de cided to. writ a religious hovel which would embody his - understanding of re ligious truth "Ben Hur" waa the result. When General Wallace had told these Wliat Does tKc ' PuUic Want? (Contlnnued from Page Sixteen.) 'meet Alice, when he notices Claudia almost' In tears. Quickly he cornea back te her. "What is Itr he asks. "You love the Princess Alice better than you do me," half sobs the little glrL ' He catches her In his arms and tells .her there Is no one on earth that he . loves as much aa he loves her. ' Then he rushes jut. i Princess Alice comes while he Is gone and Is met by Claudia, who tries to be affectionate to her, but who la repelled by her. Back hastens Peyton now. In a few minutes It Is evident that Alice Is either no longer in love with Peyton or that something ha , happened... A soon as they are alone. It all cornea out. ' She doubts the story he hss written her about . Claudia and demands . proof -that he Is not Claudia" father." Peyton say that he WU1 give them gladly, "any proofs she wishes. . "Very well," she says, "send Claudia away." For scarce ly a second does he hesitate; then he says quietlyr"NvT.,-H hae ehosen - between- the two and she leaves; him with his choice. . - " By act three ' Claudia Is II.' Peyton has at last been sncoessful and Is now affluent. Claudia .has many . suitors. They are' all rejected. ' Meanwhile her love for Peyton has grown,' a love whtch she has not even dared to confess to 'herself.. Alice returns. She ha mar rled several year before and Is now a' widow.; Her return la met with sppre henslon by Claudia, and It la only when she la gone again that Claudia breathes freely once more. 1 The end Is. patent Peyton finally marries Claudia.-,.' , "TR stnrw ttaB-twim- tolit . tnltultelV In arc, how alight the so-called "love-In-terest"-Is. ..Yet as was said bef oTe ' It hold and moves - simply because It is In many. way so true and convincing. Of the characters in thla play nearly very on ring' true, l the artist and the ' -girl being ' especially . well draws -- To ' ;play the part of, Claudia, by the way. - three . actresses ' are required, one for 'each act two children for the first two acts and an ingenue for th . last . act. ' Throughout tha part waa exceptionally well acted, as Indeed was almost every character In the piece, -There can be .little doubt of the success or thla, play. aa ;"BenHurA " V- ri'b. facta to Mr. Harper he left tha - manu script, expressing the' hope' that hi own estimate of the work would be Indorsed bV the houses The story was 'read In the -usual way by the . readers of the nrm ana was promptly accepceo. uen erai Wallace told Mr., Harper later on that., he' . had written ' tha book In ' all ortaDf out-of-the-way place, -on boats, railway. In-.carriages; whenever, ho had an opportunity, afterward correcting and revising It with the utmost patience and-'car.- It seems astoniahlng that he had never been to the Holy Lauid-wnen he . wrote ."Ben Hur," but worked out the minute topography of me country. a It 1 represented .In tha-story, en tlrely from maps and readlng-He once said- to Mr. Harper that when he -event ually did visit Palestine be was himself surprised at tha absolute .accuracy of his descriptions, whtch tallied exactly with the facts; and he was fond of tell ing, how- he found - the. .very stoae -which be had Imagined as a resting place for Ben Hur at a certain point of the story. The book was published Noyember 11, 1880. and for the first year the sales hung Are; It showed ho- sign of general popularity. Then it began to grow, year by year. Translations were made In language after language. The sales still Increased and everybody read It' Two million copies of It have been sold and the demand shows no sign of abate ment. 'Its yearly Bales are-greater now 21 year after It first appearance---than they have ever been. Another dis tinguishing feature of Its success I the fact that it ha never been Issued in an edition cheaper than th form In which It waa originally published. On the other hand, 14 editions do luxe have been Issued, and it career conclusively shows .that the public baa accepted th book as decisively a th .publishers did, and has set the stamp of Its-approval upon Its manifest sincerity and worth. ' - . tow Bate Slde-Trla Tickets. -Holder of Lewis and Clark tickets old east of Pocatelle or Butte and th 'western boundary of Arisona are entt- tied - to ' f If ten-day one-far, tickets to certain DOlnts on the O. R. at N. Par ticulars by asking afTThlrd and-Wbr I ; Ingtoa streets, Portland. , . ' ' Disturb the quiet of our days: ' i ' . But so I renfc and fulsome prslse. WtEW-COOXS FOH THE- v.-,- OBNEBAL WOBKt. Bolloca,' J. M. Art of axtre lUattraaea, v . , .. BMJOJOH. - CkaauMrleUv 0. I latreoeetloa to the Bersard.' Hwr Klsaeff artta aa CkUd CoV ton fapara. r ,"" ' ' ; wuieoa. seraiae sury er Kapia -mani. Wyekeff, - W. A. Day With e TraaiB sad Otkar.Osra . - - ' .. Harvard. . W. B. Botaalst's feeketbeekl lasT. - - ': J J -.'. . Jafrrlea. ; I.' B Aa Kacuaa. TIUaa: a wrm edltluk tt wild life la a euotbera eaaaty; IM4, ' .' ( '-'USErtTti ABTB. -.: Bow A How to Make Ctoaam Tataf. Raaeock, H. I, Pk'atcal Cnlter Lite: ISO. Hnnhitt. T. g.-Maaaal . af - TrpewTtUn. Ditdnai Lettar-Wrltlaa aod Enretaes tor lfeAllatar, H. U.-WIW rawer a aw amw nam Bivar; 1004. . . ihkM. H. O. strl Mtaoal for Btenog raphera. tuporters aad uarreapoadaata. PewaU, a. r-orebara aoaj inui uan , . .... v.-,..: :'; FISB ABTB. . . Berritt Laos How te Draw. Daolfls, F. T. TTaabaM lttaru. . , V nseher, O. A Baethovee. i .: ,,Jf . .- . . tITXBATtmS. ' ' ' .''-- Baldwia. . Jaatas. Coetp.BarBer's BAool OorOoa. .Jaaa, Be. ranrwfwai m rm mum and Barriere Bast - a ef the Aadraw Baa rally af foaitlae rhrsMS. Lorn, w. - S. Heat , Boon mens maateeaa Ceatory. - TBATEb AND tEsCBIPTI0. Black. A da at aad Caarlae Worn te IreUad.. Fai, . Joha Jr. Tallowing the Boa glas. -Job Baton, H. W. PrlraU Ufa ef the Botoana. -'- Kjk. Ataiaadrr- Oloaaary of - Oengraphleal Marray, lohm, MB. Hannnooa mr .i-raaeans to India., BuraMk and Ojloa, ' TerfUi's QampaaloB,. Pub. eraatr Aasanca; the tataat Acqolrad Insular , rnaaaaalnaa, ,, , ... i t. . HISTOBV. . .- Lyall. Blr A. O-Blae ef the Brines Don take la India. . - , - ' - - . . FICTIOW. ' .. .''--: rraaawa. OoaUr Joka Ukl traaalated by F. B. Palmer . . I ' Hewlett Bf. H. Fond Adntnrae. llarrlBiaa. H. B-Tonaao's Fertane and Other gtarUe. . -r -. :- . Poceckr Bag' Carly., .; ', - Wallar,' M. Banna, i - i BOOKS FOB-CHILDBBN. Bergen, Mrs. F. D. OUmnsas St the Plant World. Champlla A I.arm Toang -Folks' Oyeloeedta of Natural History.- - - ,-j Janxa, Tndor Captain John Hmlth. U.wn. W V Knvllah BnUlna Ink. fflna. tSratad by Kate Oraaaeway. - JcJklna, M. . Xoong tocratU and Otlnr 4 f.hts, Octcbsr 2 arid 3. '05 -TUBBJIAT. tu All-ararpss1sr Modem Qpsreate Qoaaadw : lis Girl From Kays" i.u 'V''C-"' Witt Abmbdsb TatesaoH IMaleo Oomedtaa l'T Bobby North : M-ZaVoMoallahad ArtUt 60 . l Given here in all It magnificent entirety. The - richest, display of modera. gown ever seen in Portland. , , '. :. ' . '., Entire lower floor SI. 50 '' Balcony first . row . '. ... $1.00 .: , .t. Balcony.- rirst or last rows ...................... Tef Balcony, laat I of last 4 rowa 50 ' ' ' ' - Gallery- .v.... ...... ...... 25e 854 1 , ' Duxes and" luges ' yrr.-nrrrr SIO.OO : tviidat uTxraa rmzossi. Entire lower floor ,,.'.,....,............,.... $1.00 Balcony, first s rows ........................... M ..7ar . ' : Balcony, , laat $ row ,.. . . , .,..., SOw . j - Gallery . . .-25d( 35gt BtATB MOW OXAXaTA. ' OTTBTAIW AT BUS rilatquatriGrhrM JhQcti j i - 0 ' FOR THB FIRST TIME HERB " MERELY! LIBBLBRA CO 1 Managar aNataral bl lirael lwwli As Playad ky Xiaa ftehoaa. " rOB TBJLXX M0BTH1 W LOBDOV, EBtAJrB. AJTS BXX' XOXTBS XV BTfW . ' - . - V TOBX C1TT. f "Wlaa Elranor Robana te the to at famale' Joe Jeftaraes." Alt Edward Bo. an, CeMmtad London critic. X V- ' WIOIAI, MATnrU FBXDAT, OCTOBXB . AT O'CLOCK. - ' MISS ROBSUN as CONSTANCE la Robert Browning'-Flay,. fIN A BALCONYM Tba Flrat . Browning Perforaianee'To'' JU' Ult H.Fwtniad. , . . Hon Ws Oa BeaM After the BJse ef the OaHaia at FrUny's lUtlaee, PBICEg. BOTH MATINEB ANI KIonT Farqnatte, IS; nranette Circle, tl.BO. r 7 Balennr, I rat art rowa. tl grnt thm ktat els raws, tool laet three wwa, r . lor. Entire Oa liar 7.1 Dttc. , Boxaa and Locan, 1X.I0. ..... I ADTANCB 8ALB OF BBATf WILL OPB.f TOMOBBOW (MOBDATl AT , A. ht Finest Roadhouag in the West : ' Funoos for Maryland Chicken SPECIAL ' Northern Pacific Puget Sound. Limited leaving. Portland- daily at 4 JO p. m. Btopi at Claremont. "v 1 Returning (game, train) sleavea Claremont at 10:45 p. m. LYRIC THEATRE 'XaatUag need, USM .O xovm or mrooawnA." Week Starting Monday, Oct 2 "Virginia of 99 viryuua A Romance of th Civil War In Four Act. ifll ADMISSION Ap 1UC Reserved Seat.20elUL PHONE MAIM " 311 (Formerly Columbia Theatre) Balaeco & Mayer. Propai ' MATINEB TODAY AT 2:15 : TONIGHT AT 8:13 LAST TIMES "ON THK QUIET fIS? OCTOBER 2 Matineea Strjr day and Sunday Nineteenth oUhe iTrrwifr The Succeaaful Comedy Drama S (COD ADD W StocK Company Presenting iMJL By David Belaaco andH.CDeMille Frtoeai ' .-Tlgli--ao, SSo.'SOe, TBe. KsMnses g6o, BSo, 800. Bale af seat at theatre aosoffloe ealy. issiiattoaai two weeks ia advaaoe. NRXT .,UiTr l.tUITPTl PCPV W M THE rORTUNCS WEEK Hill I C H 111 I 1 LLJL I Of. THE KING' KBKnPtajg Exclusive Vaudeville PkWh anWennPaenl AV fsBnT1. BBnnnhnW '1 ATnW I nV Week of Oct. 2nd SUNDAY CONTINUOUS 2:30 TO 10:45 F. M. The Qetttoss , Boflia4 Caaiaey Bfeetcs. - -.s Fred Hilton; Aerial Udoar Aet ' Franklin Confer .; -' 'tit ow. ,:, rECIAL BX0A0EKXXT . urarrs OJCAT00 temcus- Lottie West Symonds Oasaaaiaaaa, he Royal Trio ' Singer ana ttenreie. -rThe Staroscope" "The Inpoaalbla Teyage." Gencrd Admission 10c 'SlirS- ffSSS?' Cants. Matlnaaa. ania, an GEAIJD THEATIIE - U. V W1TI1 SPECIAL! MATINBBS WIDINBSDAVAIND SATURDAY mm THolKlaMr.; EL Erlanrjer Co. (Inc.) Stupendous Production ojGeneJVUacc's I ' bt wIuiam ronre ' I 1 ' " ..... . ..,-v U xboaub imuui nun. DDirTC First 12 rowa s aiviiti TSOnXbUM OaXAVBZOV BAOa XM ACT ."'." 1 A MIGHtY PL-AYTHEr MOST IMPRESSIVE OF ALL STAGE PAGEANTS y 3QOPERSqNS IN THE PRODUCTIONOQ H .-y-r lower floor. 'tl.iO I .'First-1 rowa Balcony . . i .11.00 I Remainder Balcony . II 00 I Gallery, reeerved .". 7Jo I Katlaee Fjrleea Remainder lower floor ...$3.00, Second . row Balcony.. $1.60 Box Seat a r.;..-. .0f OalUry admission .......too Bams as anga EXCVRStOKRJt7t ON 'JM'BAlLXOJIDS.'jBXT SALE START SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 14th, AT JO O'CLOCK Out-of-town orders for seats through1 the mall or expreaa office will be promptly attended to. In the order of their receipt after the reirular sale opann when aeoompanled hy .remittance and a aelf-aodressed stamped envelope for reply In order to avoid all mistake Bute when ordering priced tickets desired and perforauioea. Applications for seat should bo. made to OAX.TXBT B. UOia, aCaaager ataraaaa OraaA Theatre, Vortlaaa, Oregoa. , 10 Empire Theatre . ' , OKTLAJTD'g yOrOXAB FLAT ILA0aV ' . Twelfth and Morrison Sis. - - Milton Seaman, KesidentJtIanaer fi fbOM HalB 117 ONE SOLID WEEK STARTING MATINEE TODAY 15 P. M. .' UOVIAB KATtni ATirBOAT V - ICLJMT & CAZZOLO'S TABfOTS iwstzai. avooass OM THE BIUIDGE OBt ' . ' , BBAT BTOBT OV CXTT UTSt . .won aotb ruarsrox.T mani AT A OmO MAM' The Celebrated Jack Knife Bridge Scene Twa Bla? Ooaaedy Ohaneeea' Xtts aatg a emarfcahls Oaat, llayed hjr a BtroT atstoopoUwJt Company. ' Pa a g-J a ' - Brrjro ....,,,'..15," 25, 35 sad 504. RIvCO aCATxna - lO, 15 aad 25. nzTATTBAonof .............. ynwta fon rnnumre." OREOOlf TBEATBI COMPAHT, 1 MMMI X 1PH0ME Unln I9OT.I BAKER T H EAT R. E : HOME OF HIGH CLAM MUU- CAX BUKXESOOB. THOU AJTS TAMHILL BTX.XXTA OEOBQE. BAKEB, Minagar. The BARNUU of Then All ONE SOLID WEEK Starting Matinee Today BtAToraM vtriroAT, wasaasBAT abt batobiat. ' . Z NOTE-Barjaln HaUnee Wednesday. 2.15 p. p. 23c TO, ANY SEAT SAM DEVHIFS Own Company A Chorus of ar icMtiril L SIRLS A CONSTELLATION OF VAUDEVILLE AND COMEDY STABS Andy Xwia Sj Oo. The Sarodes . , The aijoa Comedy roar Th KeweU Bisters ' BUM BClanl wraavlUe BUa Ifaad SalVial The Oreat Keaae . .. klr. foha BCarray PmcBtht z Now Cmb4i ; "THE DEALTII RESORT" kU New M trial . ' Igrksit "TIIE MIFFIFFIF" ! nniHM aveniag .............. 25, 35, 50 PlrifrN aaday aaA Baearday BCatamw.....,15, SS. 35. riUlvSAj WedaesAay atataaa 25 T5t. 50. . .... .v.t The Orlgtaal MAT SOW ABB IstirafHM Co. Z WE WANT 100,000 PEOPLE : To Com Out .Todiy and Set What Is Offered tt T "TIE OK , No visitor should fail to visit this beautiful resort. More amose ment features offered for a dime than any other similar resort In America. A ride, beautiful and unexcelled, for S cents. "Take the O. W. P. & Ry. Co..'s cars from First and Alder streets. ALL THE CHILDREN ADMITTED FREE TODAY t I A Cyclonic Evnt Tonvorrow ; "Ladies' Grand Gala Day and Night" Free to all ladies of Portland and vicinity. Prlges costly and beau tiful, to be awarded to the two handsomest ladies who will attend. A committee of ten gentlemen selected from among; the audience at the dancing pavilion. Many surprises promised for the ladies. They will only be made known during the evening. t . , -The Oaks" open from 9 A. M. to la MIDNIGHT, daily. ' Everything that is palatable and delicious served 'at "THE OAKS TAVERN" AT POPULAR PRICES, INCLUDING LIQUOR AND CIGARS Notice First time in Portland. Lotta and her Trick Horse," "BABE BREWER", the two-year-old colt who adds, subtracts, tells time of day, and "numerous , other remarkable f et. " '-r --r- v- D'Urbano'a Royal Italian Band every afternoon at 2. Evenings at 7. HEADLINE , ATTRACTIONS GRAND 1 Week of; V : OctQber 2nd SUNDAY CONTINUOUS. 3:30 TO 10:45 P. M. Eunice Drake & Co. "Wlaatng ta Bettean." : Teed & Lazelle Oar man OasMdy Siattk. Fred Purbtoa "Way Dews Taeeet ai tke CwreSwA." TheTtrce Gcrc!:rj . rust Ar-"' Hertert , It Mtaerrat Maa. Tie .::- T - -.. t4 . RnlMaya. ! , KaUnaM. 10 Ca m Irsuis- Post-Dispatch, -I -, -r: . . . ..... . J .,