The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 01, 1905, SECTION TWO, Image 14

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2, ccTcnzn i. ...
HB close of the sxposltlon, while
It la not bringing en many Dig
octal funeUooa la monopoli
in a much of tha attention of
: society folk who are spending moat of
' their days aut thara Bo xaaoy oi nm
have been out of tow almoat eonstent
fy toe the fair opened od now -that
- ithev kav rested p from thalr. vacations
itbey ara able to etaxt In serlouely to
i atudy tha fair. Every day tha art mu
seum, which la perhapa. the favorite
haunt, sees many visitors who so again
and again to tax advantage or tma ex-
; , caption! opportunity. U'ha government
bulldlns la another favorite resort ana
. tha other buildings gat their aharo of
attention. Naturally thara la lltUa in
.Mlnatlon for entertaining after a day
pant at tha fair.
- Tha prescnoe of tha German -battle-
; this laat week was tha oeoaaion or mucn
i entertaining and tt la said that no mora
' ; beautiful dinner haa been given in port
Ian thaa tha ona by tha German eon
! Sulate laat Sunday night
A number of Jheetre parties were oo-
"taalonrd by tba appcaranoa of Hay If
win, Tha concert five a by ' Mr. Peaa
-Tor Mies Dltchburn bofora bar return
' wast waa wall attandad and waa quit a
.; ""dressy" affair. ,
; Tba Jewish new year waa celebrated
by family- ahrta-s t dinner at moat
' of tha prominent Jewish homea in tha
- jetty.
.( Carda have been sent out .for a mu-
sucaue nm nuuinRiva duuuiui w
morrow afternoon. Mr Gilbert Hart
of Wall Wall U hostess fa the week.
iwitb li assistanta -
- w1 '".'".
TTIa -dlnaor- dm President and
Mra. doodo In behalf of tha exposition
Wedneaday night- at tha New Tork
building, in honor of Governor Mead
of Washington, waa a repetition of tha
-. ceiirniiui axrairs- grreo xor uw ouier
. Koveraora.' About gnaau were In at-
tendaaoa. . Tha table waa exceptionally
'pretty, a the rosea hava arala reached
- the zullnaaa of thalr ' bloom. tAra
vaaea of oholoa rosea war Intaraparaad
with email onea all ovw tha Uble and
mall potted tarn lined tha outer edre
of tho1 table.- v -
Mrs. uoooa wore a nanoaomo unpvrtea
; knvn of white lace. Her alater-ln-law.
lira, Fsiroiourn. wore , wmie upenj
afln wh varnituraa of . handsome
daobesae point Mra. JUlen Xewla' was
In white lace; Mra. K. A. J. Maokansla
In Whlu'aatln; Mra." Ned Ayor In White
bet over plnJc ' Mlaa Dolph wa un
' bsoally eharminf In white net 1 ;
Mlaa Oreea of Orani-evllla, who . waa
turned home-last week. She mad many
friends during her ahort atay, but her
duties ar poetmistreee caiiea ner ami,
.of the atate. Mra. i.. MoGllncheyr of
Payette, who arrived the nrat or Bep
' terober.' fwlll ' remain till tha .close , of
- ine xair, eaa .xne ouier nomm biw
, that piece of luok, for she la the fun-"
maker of tha family."' They call her
""Grandma.' and Mra. Scott the ehlet
hoateas. M rMa." v Friends from her
part of tha atato art alwaya oaUtnc 'or
"Grandma" and aha haa proved a moat
efficient hostaaa as well as at bar noma,
where aha is a leader in social, ciuo ana
ehuToh-work. ,Mra. W. 8. Chaney of
Pocatello la another of the hostessea re-
inalninr through the aaason, Sho la a
well-read woman and a eonnolaaeOr In
art She la the only hostess of all the
lOUC-B'nroniii civwu iwi Mrs. dcou
knew- before thalr sojourn hare, and It
Is not a small matter that all tha
. hostesses have agreed perfectly and the
pleasant relations of a family have been
. kept up. '-m..- .'. -'"'. , '
Colonel Allan Miller of Idaho entar-
alnad tha atata hostesses, with a theatre
party at tha Marquam Wedneaday area
ma. lytfiuuai minor m vu (.a l miuu
: jrration commlaaioner who has been hav
" Ing bis headquarters -at tho Idaho build
. Ing. . Judge I. N. Sullivan of tho su
'i preme court haa had hie headquarters
'there, too, and Sol Hasbroukv clerk of
the court. The Judge has been an the
" bench sines 1810. Mr. Haabrouk, peo
ple say. Is part of Idahe'a history, for
; he wna mad olerk la till, during the
territorial dara.
i Invitations have been sent out for tha
, Oramatio reading of The Conquest" at
"Idaho" Tueaday evening. October t.
Thle win bo one of the prominent af
fairs of tha closing season and-all who
have beard Mtas Hammell read ara ex
peettnc a delightful evening. She Is to
be assisted by Claire Montelth, the bari
tone wbo has recently torn from Lewis
ton. Idaho, to reside hero. Cards have
been sent to 409 friends, s.
. -'
' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bal of Wallace,
Idaho.' -tntertalned Miss Maud Hammell
at dlaaeo at-the - New Tork - building
Thursday OTOnlng; . .."
Mra. I. M.-Wh!toomb entertained with
a pleasant evening at the home of her
mother. Mra. George fcgbert 10 Mac
atdara .etraat. Monday, in honor , of tba
Misses Edna and Inea Fenn of Seattle,
'who ara house guests. Tha home waa
made very attractive with boats of flow
ers, asters In varying colors adorning
the reception rooms and roeea the living-room.
Musical numbers- by soma of
tha guestf were much enjoyed and danc
ing' filled the averring. Mrs. Whttoomb
served dellcloua Ires late In the evening.
Her guests besides tho Misses Fenn,
were Mr. and Mra R. K. McAlptne.
Miss Kate Haselgrove of Seattle, Mies
Mamie Jones, Mrs. Nettle Nixon. Dr.
Miles V. JUeser of ' Vancouver, W. Al
bert, . Anderson, Frank Howard and
Ir. J. W. Morrow. ' MM Haselgrove,
whar has also been entertained .by town
TV lends, leave October I to sail . for
Honolulu, where shs ' will spend the
winter. v '
' ' ' ' - ?
- The receptlo and dance given by the
Oregon Tacht club Wednesday evening
'marking tha formal opening of the new
'elubhouae at The Oaks was one of the
delightful affairs of the week. Some
100 ruests were In attendance and In
.. X Soelsty.
One must bo' correctly dressed, yet one
need not bo extravagant
It's ail a oaeatjoa of "Who la youf
tallorr. Critical examination of the
piece foods in our .stock-always please
ua and rarely fall a to please the other
wan. That graceful. easy, stylish all
which we give garment cannot bo sue
oeaafully Imitated In ready-made cloth
ing. We make tho kind thaj. In fit
Tbrh and fashion .will reflect credit
Oa both tho wearer and the maker.
- COOPKT BON, Tailors. "
:. .-. tlfc Third street, tipstairav -
spite of the stormy evening elaborate
gowning was the rule. ' The pretty re
ception rooms with their stub pennants
and yachting pictures, the billiard room
and the broad, surrounding verandsa
wars overrun with the company., The
reception committee at 'the foot Of the
talra received the.gueata and Intro
duced them. The huge fireplace la tha
recentlon room waa very attractive.
Punch was served In the billiard room
and unique souvenirs of hardtack bear
ing the emblem of the club and tha date
were given 4a way. v Dr. A. A. Morrison
(re a brief speech lauding tho club for
Us enterprise. Everest's orchestra
played throughout the , ' evening .and
there waa dancing on the upper and
lower verandas. . .
. The reception committee consisted of:
W. J. Clemens, W. A. Knight Frank
Toung, C A. Nelson. W, H. Chapln, H.
M.- Haskell. W. C Kelm, H. H. Hoyt
Arthur w. urton and Ralph Habn, '
- Tho dinner given by tho German
consulate Sunday evening at tha Port
land In honor of the officers of the
trauiesnip Faike was a beautiful affair.
The Uble waa laid In the whtte parlor
of tha hotel and tha walla' were draped
effectively with German and American
flags. The Uble waa beautiful with
choice roses and the eenteroleoa waa a
nuge mirror representing . an ocean
uerman colore, bearing tha nam
"Falke" and carrying three man. Ware
launched . on this sea, - and connected
with tho place cardh. The service was
beautiful In crystal and white. Covers
were laid for 1. the guesto being Com
mander Captain Behnka, Lieutenant
Bendemann; Lieutenant Aasman. Sur
geon Selaaa, Quartermaster Llppmann,
President and Mrs. H. W. Goods,' Mr.
and. Mra. Richard Koehler, British Con
sul and Mrs. James Laldlaw. Colonel
and - Mrs.-' Oantenbein, -German Consul
and Mrs. Oswald Lohan and Miss HUds
Hegale. 'Tha women were gowned very
elaborately- and-mostly In white. Mrs.
Goods worn a handsome whit spangled
net; Mrs. Koehler end Mrs. Laldlaw
wars in white lace; Mrs, Lohan also
wore white; Mrs. Oantenbein wore a
blue costume, and Miss Hegelo a pale
color gown. .
i-'.'v . . j .. s
Mr. , and . Mrs. F. . S. SUnler enter
tained at cards Friday avanln in honor
of Mrs. , Stanley's sister. Mrs. E. W.
West and Mr. West of New Fork. The
game waa five hundred and some beau-
tinu prises ; were given. Mra. J. P.
O'Brien and James Beckett secured the
first Mrs. Louis Vial and C. &. Jack
son the second and Mrs. J. O. Mack and
E. E. LytlO were riven consolation
prises. Tho rooms were pretty in au
tumn tints with oolored follae. rosea.
dahlias and asttrs sustaining them.
Dainty refreshments were served at the
eard.tablea, Tho guests of the .even
ing, besides the Wests, were: Mr. knd
Mrs. J. P. O'Brien, Mr. and Mrs.- J.' 8;
Graham, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Jackson,
Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Lytlo, Mr. and Mra.
Frank i Ransom. Mr. and j Mrs. H. M.
lias sett, Mr. and Mra. Jaraea Beckett
Mr. and Mr. J. 0. Mack, Mr. and Mrs.
P-r J. Flyna, Mr. and Mrs. Robert TCen
nedy, lira. E. N. Wilson, Mra Louise
Vial Miss O'Brien and Robert Smith.
The people of the Central Baptist
church gave a pleasant reception Wed'
neaday evening as a farewell -to Rev,
and Mra. W. B. Randall, who have gone
to Everett Washington, to live. The
church was prettily decorated with out
flowers and autumn . foliage. ' A large
number of the friends of the family
war in attendance. -Musical numbers
and speeches mad up a good program;
Dr.-'Wocddy. Rev. E. M. Bliss, Judge
Magers and Dr. Randall ' making re
marks. 1 Leans Wsrschkul presented the
Randalls with a handsome gift In be
half of the Sunday sohool. In the small
room fruit punch was aerved by Miss
Vera Magors and Miss Norm Tnrner.
Mrs. Jame Wilson of Sacramento
waa tho htlnor guest at luncheon Tues
day at tho home of Mrs, Walter Wilson
on tho oast slda The tsbleplece was
a bugs silver bowl filled with California
frulta, the Flaming Tokay grapes, or
anges and apple maxlng a pretty ef
feet California popples were used for
garniture of dlabeo and tho place carda
were water color aketohea of tho blos
som Covers were laid for sight the
Sacramento gueeU being Mra Wilbur
B. Morton, Mra Henry Marble and Mlas
Janice Wharton and the Portland guests
were Mra George Bolten. Mra 1L
Evans and Mra Charles xlyter. ,
' w
-Mount Hood circle. Women of Wood'
craft gave tho first of Its winter series
of whist parties on list Tuesday even
ing In the East Bide Woodman hall.
The committee on arrangements wss:
Mra J. M. Woodworth, Mra L. O, Hen
rys and Mra Harry Richmond. Mill'
tary whlat was played. The commit
tee on refreahmenta, Mra Frailer, Mra
Traub, Mra Hobaon and Mra Elliott
had arranged a spread In- tho banquet
hall. Dancing was enjoyed.
Mount Hood - circle's whist parties
will be conducted onoo each month dur
ing tho winter, '
A farewell . luncheon was given by
Misses Effis and Claire Houghton Tuea
day In hcmSr of Miss Helen Osborne of
Indiana, who ha spsnt ths summer
with her aunt Mrs. Morton Instey. The
luncheon was a pink and white one with
asters for decoration and pink , candles
lighting tho Ubla Tha guests besides
Miss Q borne were Mlas Margaret Mor
rison, Miss Leslie Knapp, Miss Lisa
Wood, Miss Carolina Burns snd Miss
Ella Fall of New England, who haa
been tho summer gueet of friends her
" Monday afternoon the Falke waa
thrown open to tho American society of
Portland by invitation . or Captain
Behnke Just as last week the German
society was received. The vessel bad
a feative appearance decked out in
flags of many natlona with the' German
and American predominating. -UA band
played en board and the vialtors ware
escorted through -tho ship. Ths . ship
left Wednesday morning after a week'a
atay, and - captain 'Behnka through
Consul Lohan, expressed himself highly
gratified with tho reception ho re
ceived hera - ' " ' '
The Melbourne club gave a farewell
evening Monday for one of Ita members,
Mlaa Gertrude Ferry, who left Tueadsy
evening to spend tho winter In the east
High five was played during the even
ing and tho prises were won by Mlaa
Jennie Riders snd Walter Helburn. Con
solation prises were given': Miss Ell
Rogers and Bert Trook. ' Tho club pre
sented Mis Ferry, with a handsome
chafing dish. Lata lit ths evening re-
f reehmenU were aerveilst . tete-a-tete
table ins ciuo is composed of sight
gtrla , but friends swelled ths number
to If Monday evening. ; ,
Mrs. Wilbur Cartwrlght, of Beattla
wss the honor guest of Mrs. James
Williamson at an afternoon of cards
last Tuesday. There were four tables
eg -"tOe"-. and prise, were won by. Mrs.
- N:--"."''KW.v,-
Mr. WDbor Chaney.
WUllara Miner and by Mra' Cartwrlght
A chafing-dish luncheon was served by
the hostess after cards, snd her girl
frlenda Mlae" Sally ."Carter and Mlas
Florence Wilson, asslated her. V Mra
Cartwrlght returned to her home Thurs
day aftar a visit of three week.
There was a novel-card party and tea
at tho Japanese tea garden at The
Oaks" on Saturday afternoon laat It
waa In tha nature of a progressive whlat
party given by Mra Sol Baum and Mra
B. H, Lauer In honor of thalr visiting
slater, Mrs.. Charles Melville Kaon of
Boise City, Idaha ' The party consist
ed of sbout 10 young women and tho
prise was won by Mra Barman. Tea,
rice . cakes. Ice oream .. and lemonade
were served during tho card' gamea
w w
Mr. and Mra Charles Dierko cave a
delightful musical - soiree at their
studio, 6SS Flanders street .Tuesday
evening for the officers of tho Falka
There were about II present Including
the German oonaul and! Mra Lohan.
Mr. and Mra! Dierko played and Mra
Ross B loch-Bauer sang and tha even
ing waa one of charming Informality.
- -':" W W
Misses Rosa Gay and Eva Bourne in
vited frlenda to an Informal musicals
Friday evening. Ths guests wars Mlsees
Psarl Sohiff, Flo Hardy, T Nan Hole
Claire Beat, Beulah McLean, May Starr,
Leone Starr and Jamas Condor, Louis
Bavin, Joaeph Holer, Robert Hill, Ivan
Swift,- Dean : Stone, Lon Evana - Bert
Mitchell and Guy Mead. ' ' t
J lira George W. McBrlde gavs a pretty
tea at tho Hobart Curtis In the drawing
room last Wednesday entertaining in
formally a number of her frlenda Au
tumn tints in foliags and rose berries
harmonised pleasingly with the dark
draperies of tho room." Mra DeLancey
M. Ellis of New Tork and Mra W. D.
Fenton poured tea
- ' W .--AW.'' .
Judge Wtlllara Hunt Of Helena Mon
tana, was entertained at dinner Sunday
by Captain and Mra Egbert of 100 Mac
adam street : Covers wsrs laid for six
and ths Misses Edna and Ines Fenn
were present Judge Hunt and Captain
Egbert hava been warm friends for It
yesrg and tho reunion was a happy ona
w w
- President Goods and othar exposition
officials gave a dinner at tho Arlington
elub Saturday evening a week ago for
tho Falke" e officer In addition to the
dinner there was splendid musical en
tertainment Mr. Dierko played, Mr,
Huber and Mr. Wesalnger ' sang,
Mr. and Mra W. A. Mears entertained
Major T. 8. Clarkson and Gilbert Mo-
Clurg Informally at dinner Thursday
night with a theatre party following.
Tuesday- evening Mr. MoClurg enter
tained tho Mears at tho Marquam, with
a supper following at the grill. .
w. w
The auxiliary of the Illinois soelsty
met at the realdence of Mra C Baren-
stacker last Wednesday afternoon. Mrs.
J- A. Creswell read a paper on The
Prairie State" and Dr. L. O. Jobnaon
sang two . soloa Refreshments wsrs
served bx. tho hosteaa
w w
" Monday evening tho Wesley Ladds
gave a small dinner and theatre party
In compliment to Miss Osborne before
ber departura It waa a delightful fam
lly affair. Mlae Osborne left for her
Indiana home Wedneaday. . . 1 .
- w - '
Mra Frederick G. Wheeler entertained
Wedneaday evening with a bridge party
at her homa tit Kearney. There were
11 table - Mra Frederick Bykee won
tho flret prise and Mra Ernest Tucket
tho second. . ..
. . , . vr w ,'
Miss Wlnna Stevens ' entertained
few friends at dinner Wedneaday even
ing; The guests were -10 In number.
The decorations were earrleu out In red
and gold with bandies and autuma fo
liage. ... . , ' .. "'
' . -
Mrs. Charles E. Chenery entertained
very - Informally at cards Friday even
ing for Mlaa Sprague or Taooma, who
la the guest of Mra Chenery's slstsr,
B11SS pilllf BIDtU
.. ' - w w
Mrs. Jame Clayton of Pendleton
was ths guest of honor at an afternoon
of whist given by Mra K" S. Elmore
last Tueaday, . A . light luncheon
followed by a pleasant hour of musta
Mrs. L. It Parker of King's Heights
entertained at carda Friday afternoon
for Miss RennlS of San Francisco, who
Is bar guest ' , '
WW ': ' '
Mra Reed of Massachusstts enter
tained a few friends in her room at the
Oullllaume, Wednesday evening, playing
btidga ('.; i .
... ww.
Mrs. Helen Ladd Corbett entertained
a few . friends . at dinner wedneaday
evening. ..'''"" -
Mlaa Mary Delia Aumend and James
Edward Keegan were married Wednes
day morning at St Mary's oathedral by
Rev. Father H. J. McDevitt In the prea
ence of a large number of frlenda The
bridal party was met at the door, by
t w iltUe sanctuary boya who ushered
them to the altar. They were followed
by the mald-of-honor, Mlaa Mary Kee-
gan, the groom sister, me onae en
tered with her brother, Frank Aumend,
who gave her in marriage to the groom
when thay met at the altar. Robert
Horn attended' the groom.. Little Edna
C. Mohan, the bride niece, was flower
girt and looked dainty la whit aet Tho
" T'T r ftt ' - - -
Mrs. J. McGIinchew,
bride wore white organdie with lace
trimmings and carried Bride rosea Hal
attendant wore pale blue and carried
Brldeamald rosea .
After ths ceremony breakfast ' was
served to the guests at the home of the
bride's mother. Mra. Aumend, on Flan
ders street Mr. and Mra Keegan will
be at home to their friends after Oc
tober 1, at 411 Davis street v
Miss Matt! A. Toder. daughter Of
Mr. and Mrs. Mosaa Toder of Oregon
City, was married at borne Wednesdsy
evening by Rev. J. Henry Wood of the
Methodist Episcopal church to EUwood
L. Clarke of Portland. - The parlors
were pretty with Oregon grapa blos
soming clematla and autumn leavea
Mlaa NeUle Swaftord played ths bridal
hymn from "Lohengrin." Edward Jones
of this olty attended the groom and
Mlae Lennle Seely was . bridesmaid.
After ths wedding supper Mrs and: Mra
Clarke came to Portland to live, where
Mr. Clarke holde a poaitloa at the fair.
The brldo Is well known in Oregon City.
Miss Christine Hagemann and Wil
liam E. Benton, recently of St Paul,
were married before a small family
gathering laat Saturday ovenlns at the
homo of the bride's parenta Mr. and
Mra F. C Hagemann, 014 Raleigh
street Rev. John E. Simpson officiated.
Tha bride' sister. Miss Jessla ' was
bridesmaid and Ralph Wilson of Los
Angeles attended tho groom.- The bride
waa gowned In a blue traveling suit snd
har sister, too, was In. blua A light
supper followed the ceremony and Mr.
and Mra Benton left on the early even
ing train for Los Angelea where they
will make their new homa . .- .
Miss Amelia Hoffman and H. C. Toelle
of Hlllsboro- were married at noon Mon
day, at tha home-of tho brlde'e parenta
near Taggardavllle, Oregoa Rev. Wil
liam 8. Gilbert of Calvary Presbyterian
church officiated. Thirty guests ware
present Including a number of Port'
land frlenda H. W. Toelle attended his
brother and Miss Nettle Hoffman was
bridesmaid. After the ceremony a wed
ding breakfast was aerved to the guaata
Mr. and Mra Toelle will reside atHUl-
- - - ' w . "
' A quiet wedding took place Wednes
day evening at the resldenos of Pro
fessor and Mra Edwin A. Smith, when
their daughter, Mlaa Lulu A. Smith.
was married to Will S. Macrum. Dr.
El win L. House performed the 'cere
mony. Mr. and Mra Maorua left Im
mediately after tho ceremony to spend
their honeymoon -on the sound. They
will be st home after October IS at
their resldenoa ids Bast Couch street
no card.
. ' - w
Miss Lorn Pearl Lendeas and Austin
Sims were married with a very atmple
ceremony - Wednesday evening st ths
nome or the bride s uncis and aunt. Mr.
and Mrs. A. C Spencer, t(0 North
Twenty-second street. Rev. William 8.
Gilbert officiated and only about II
relatives wltnesaed ths ceremony. Miss
La Vern Fenton was bridesmaid and
Arthur N. Derby attended the groom,
w w
Rev. Clarence True Wilson, pastor of
Grace Methodist church, united In
rlage Wedneaday, at the parsenaga 441
Taylor street Ernest Wslnss and Miss
Laurlns Johnson, both of Portland. On
the same day he married M. C. Mor
rlaaey and Miss Mary B. Marcka re
cently from California They will reside
m tns state or Washington.
'? ww
A quiet 'home wedding took place at
the residence of II B. McEwen. corner of
Eaat Balmon - and. East Forty-third
atresia Tueaday evening, when Claronee
Lister and Addle Allen were united In
matrimony by Rev. J. J. Staub of the
sunnyside congregational church,
w w
Miss Mamie Leobaid and C Lee Ladd
were married laat Sunday at Bt Marys
church In Alblna Mrs. Klrbyr the
bride's sister, and Mr. Klrby attended
tnem. only a Tew frlenda attended. Mr.
and Mra Ladd have gone on a trip and
wiu return aoout the middle or Ootober.
At Vancouvev Waahlngton. at the res
idence or itev. j. js. Bnyder. Thursday
afternoon, September 14, Charles W.
Trudgen and Miss Mas Connor ware
united In marrlaga They will bo at
home to their friends in - Aberdeen,
wasiungton, after "November 1. . . .
Miss Frankle . Crowaon snd XI F.
Browne were married at the First Con
gregational manse by Dr. H. L Houae
last Monday. The asms day Miss Fern
Marony and Richard T. McMullen were
married by Dr. House. Both - couples
wiu reside in tho city.
Mlaa Maud Eden of thla olty was mar
ried to Michael Lenders or Cleveland.
unto, rriday. September II. . Mlaa Mln
nle Woltrlng and Walter Eden attended
the bride and groom respectively. Mr.
and Mrs. Landers have gona to Clove-
lane to resiaa
Mlas Martha Amanda Thompson and
Lloyd Mackensle were married hero laat
Saturday. After a wedding trip Mr. and
Mrs. Mackensle will be at homo after
November t at Inglehom oottaga West
eattia , - .
' i ' ww- '
Miss Jsas Dannals and William Pol.
lock, both of Albany, war married
Tueeday at the bride's homa They
csms to Portland to spend their honey-
nr Mh follocK - tr a prominent
business man of Albany.
Miss Augusta Sunger and John Ken-
plnger were married Tuesday, Septem
ber . ii. oy Rev. j. c. Huahes of St
Lawrence's cathedral.
.... s H ;
- Mlag Louie O. Spencer was married
a JBr-eV rowoU SeatUe Wi
I ;:r, S-Jl y ."'j,
; V'I4'' .'.':. .tfri
yXf. 4 V'' '
by Dr. B-'L. House at bis parsonage.
Miss Lett J. Seaman waa married to
Floyd T. Steele of Dawson City, Alaska.
.-.-.- '-...
Miss Bella Do Haven of this city was
marriea to U. if. Churchill of Salem
last Monday, at .411 Krby atreet by
aowereox, Mr. . and ,Mra
wnurcnm ,w;u uve In Salecn.
w w
'Mis mia Frost of Albany Wae mar-
nea to srneat Jr. KdmUtoa of this city
Wednesday ooon, at Alaaay. - They wUl
iivo in i-oruano.
Frederick W. Goodrich baa arranged
to give a serlea of alx organ recitals
this winter and ths opening one will
take place at St Davtd'e church, Wed
nesday evening, October 4. Miss Millie
Perkina sopfano, will assist and ths
musitf will be entirely by German com
poser ajutfio next ona on November
1. Mlas Loren 8alls will be the vo-
oallat and the muslo will be by French
oompoaera -Mr. Goodrich .ha , bees
elected director ef muslo at Willamette
university, Salem.
Tho program for Wednesday follows:
Fantasia sonata In A flat
.v . Josef. Rhelnberger
prelude and fugue in G major. J. b. Bach
"O Had I.Jubal'S Lyre",...... Handel
Mra Millie Perkina
Pastoral In F '. .O. Market
Sonata In B flat. . . . .. . .F. Mendelssohn
"Elisabeth's Prayer" ....... t . . . Wagner
- . Mra MlUle Perkina
Fantasia, "Sicilian Martnere"...F. Lux
Variation, "America" ............ Rlnck
. w.
", Frederick W. Goodrich haa arranged
the following program of organ muale
for today'-, services - at-- St- David's
church: .
Morning - ' ' ' . I ;' f ' '
Pralude--'Xarghetto,''. td Symphony -
..........v. Schumann
Offertory Solo by Mr, Claire Mon- '
tslth, "My Redeemer and My Lord." .
.n . Buck
Pootludo "Grand Cboeur m D"
f ,'iQullmant
Evening ' .
Prelude "Andantlno." in O minor. ,-.
.......... w ................ r rancs
Offertory "Zwel Wlegenlieden".BotUng
Poatluda March, from "Tho Mela tor-
singers of Nuremberg", . ...R. Wsgnet
-.- w
, A delightful muslcale of borne talent
waa the farewell recital of Mtas Annie
Dltchburn, Tuesday night at tho White
Templa The recital was reviewed ear
lier In the week with favorable com
ments on Miss Dttchburn's , vole hei
surprising improvement and her diver
sity of talent Thoee assisting on the
program all -did their work creditably,
and -each . met with much favor. The
program was welt arranged and not toe
long for thorough enjoyment a merit
pitiably lacking In a -number of recent
concert Mr. Pease deserves congratu
lations oa his successful management
and arrangement of the evening" a pro-
w w
"Mlee Hilda Hsgele sang a number of
songs last Sunday evening after the din
ner given at the Portland hotel to the
offloere of the German warship Falke.
Miss Hegele wen much praise from the
guests present for her finished rendition
or the following numbers: "im Herbst
(Fran), "Made! Wis Blunt" -TNevIn)
"An Old World Serenade" (Helmund)
- w "
E. M. Conrtlenne baa Juat completed
his latest work, a eonoerto for piano and
orchestra In three movements moder-
sto assat andante eon varlaslona presto.
Mr. CourUeane will play It the first
time at bis next recital In case be should
secure all the orchestral Instruments
necessary. '.
MM -
The pupils of Mlee Grace' Wilton will
give a piano recital next Saturday aft
ernoon. This win do tne rirst or
series of fortnightly . recital Invita
tions may be obtained from the pupils
or at the school. 714 East Main street
The Portland Philharmonic eoclety
will commence reheareals for the season
ef 1004-4 tomorrow evening at St Da
vid's pariah bouse on Bast Morrison and
Twelfth etreeta, under the direction of
F. W. Goodrich. . .
. w w " . -'
The music at St Mary's cathedra! was
especially good last Sunday, KaUiwoda's
beautiful maas being well rendered by
the chorua choir under the direction of
Arthur L, Alexander.
ww - -
Mies Rene Ferguson, a popular young
contralto of Pendleton, Is in ths olty tot
the winter Intending to further her etud-
ies la vocal muslo with Mra Walter
Frlenda of Miss Henrietta B. Moore
are congratulating ber upon ber recent
appointment to the chair or Englieh
language and literature in tho Unlver
slty of Idaha Miss Moore, who Is a
slstsr of Mlas Mary Bertha Moore of the
Portland High school, has been study
ing for the past four yeare In Columbia
university. New Tork. where ana wae
lately swarded the degree of doctor of
philosophy. She . spent the summer st
ths home of her mother. Mra M. O.
Moore, in this, city, but left a few days
ago for Moscow to taka up her new du
ties in the university or idaha
W w
Mra W. A. Mears vlaltod In Hood
River for a few daya returning Monday.
She was delightfully entertained there
by prominent people of the plaea - Col
onel B. L, Smith, whose name is well
known In . Portland, and Mra William
Stewart were among Aer entertainer
The flatter gave a delightful drive
through the rvalley, taking out a party
of ten, which Included Dr. and Mra T. JU
Eliot of thla city. -
- w
Mr. and Mra William H. Falrclough.
Jr., of Chicago arrived laat week to vis
it Mr. and Mra H. W. Good Mr. Falr
clough Is Mra Ooode'e brother and he
and hie bride are here on their wedding
trip. Mrs. Falrclough la a very pretty
woman and makes friends easily. They
arrived last Saturday night snd expect
to remain till Thursday. Mra. Goods
hopes to sntertaln for them before they
leeva , .. ' .. ,
"' w; - '
Mra Herman Borlea - formerly of
Portland: Mra. 8. Frauentbal and Mlas
Frauenthal of Seattle received Inform
ally laat Saturday afternoon In thai!
apartments at Hotel Oregon. They have.
been spending soms tlms hers . visiting
the exposition.
Miss Hemetrest of Washington, Dr C.
will be the guest of Mr. snd Mra W; A.
Mears this wsek. Shs haa been attend
ing the Dominion fair at New Weet-
minstar.- . .. ' . j
Mr. and Mra W. A. Blrk. Mr. and Mra
a. W. Wtlllsma Mr. snd Mrs. -Bishop,
UIm Blrk, Miss BArder a4 W Q, .Waa
mansdorff were members of a Chicago
party visiting here the mat ef the week.
They were In Seattle for several day
where they were entertained by Mr. and
Mra Andrew Weber of Capitol Mill. Mr.
and Mra B. P. Sderer gave a evening
in tneir bonor. . , v. . $ , .
Astra Orel LWomenJ"e Woodcraft,
announce a aeries of winter parties for
tha coming eaon,,oommenalng , with a
grand autumn ball at eaat side Wood
men's halt -on" Thursday,- October It,
These affaire will be given at -the east
side hall until - the Women of - Wood
craft building la completed; whett' the
socials will bo held thera - The -first
Thursday of each month la devoted to
a social evening with carda , Invitations
oan be had from any of the members.
I ... ': ' WW- : - :
) Van vllle Camp. No. 1. United Spanish
War Veteran has sent out Invitations
tina annuunuewsuts fur its series ot
dancea at tho eaat aide Woodmen bail
The dates for" their dances are Octobei
4, November I, December J. January 4,
February 1. March 1. April and Mays
Ths committee on ' arrangements con
sists of N. Becker. F. H. Bursa C. H.
Meussdorffer, Jr.. W. W. Wldmere and
w w i " '
Members of the GeoXe Ran club have
completed arrangements and announce
that they-wlll give the nrat dance ot a
serlea on Friday evening. October 4, at
Rlngler halt eorber or Blxth ana Aider
atreet Mualo will be furnished by Par-
son's orcheetra
w w.
i Tho -Congregatlonaliots are -preparing
lor the 7tlr annual meeting or minis
ters and -church -delegates at First Con
gregational church of Forest-GrevYOe-
tober 1T-10,
. Many win aiwao tirom
The Forestry club announces Its open'
lb cartv for - Friday. - October 4. at'
Yolker'a. bU. .71 Mississippi evsnu
Mlsa tf.eel A. Ander' ITurafi and
OeorgeT. LewisV both of California, are
to be married this evening in the Bpis-
oopal church. The wedding Is of consid
erable lntereat to tho public ae Mr.
Lswls Is the only singls relative of
Meriwether Lewis bearing the old fam
lly . nama Mlaa Ander Furen camo up
a few day a ago and thay will apend
their honeymoon at the fair. .
- .. , ....'. ! '
The engagement is ' announced of
flss Florence E. Hayes of San Fran
cisco to cnariss k. wiuiams or port'
land. Miss HaySa U ths daughter of
Daniel E. Hayea vice-presldeat Of ths
Fulton Iron work ' i , .
Mr. and Mra Hampton D. BUI an
nounce the ens-aa-ement of their dauch
tor. Elisabeth tioreta, to Horace Hart
sell Fisher. Th marriage will .take
place November 1. .
Mr. nd Mra Thomas FlUgerald of
Pendleton are the gusw of Mra Fits-
gerald s sister. Mra J. N. Button. -
- Mr. and Mra Ambrose Cronla are at
the beach.
, Mr. and Mra A. E.. Wheeler of Eu
gene are guests la ths city.
Mrs. Wilson Bowsn of Seattle Is vis
iting relatives hera
Mr. and- Mra B. W. West ot Glens
Falla New Tork,-have been the guests
the paat week of Mr. and Mr T. B,
Stanley of 11 North Twenty-third atreet
They win leave ror home tomorrow.
Mrs. West and Mra. Stanley are alatara
. Mra John Ef fenger left Wednesday for
ber home In Honolulu after a aummer
spent with her family at the Flanders
homa 1 ' j
Rev.' and Mra - A. A' Luce and little
son of Tho Dalles spent the week visit
ing the fair.
Mra H. Logan and Mlee Minnie Lay
were visitors from The Dalles laat week.
Mra Preston W. Search and har son
Frederick of Pendleton are visiting the
fair. ,
MlsS Bessie' Merrill of Albany Is the
guest of relatives in ths city.
Professor and Mrs. E. A. McAllister
of. the University of Oregon returned to
Eugene early In the week after a week's
stay in Portland. '
Mr David Link snd her small aon of
Eugene are gneats hera
. Prominent Aatorla people entertained
laat week were Mr. and Mrs. L Bergman,
who came to Portland for a 10 days'
visit v I
Lawrsnes Selling, who ha been visit
lng her " parents for tho past three)
months, left Tuesday afternoon for Bal
timore to continue his studies at Johns
Hopkins university.
Misses Alice Bretherton and . Ella
Dobie went to Eugene Tuesday,' where
they are thla year seniors In- the state
university. , . .
Mr. and Mrs. C Johnson of Salem
were gueata here laat week.
Mlaa Leila Goddard. daughtsr of H.
W. Goddard, visited friends In Albany
early In the weak,' and thenoe proceeded
to Eugene to enter th Junior . year In
the university or Oregon.
Mr. and Mra I N. Roney of Eugene
are In the city. Mrs. Roney is one of
the most beautiful and prominent society
matrons or net town.
B. B. C. Wright of New Tork. who
haa been visiting Dr. and Mra E. De
Witt Connell - at . their pretty King's
Heights noma left last, week for Los
Angeles to spend ths winterr
Mr. and Mra F. T. MoCullougV of
Spokane ars in the city, guests Of Mra
Allan w right
Mr. and Mra Louis R. Bteslhammer
Of Salem-vlaited in Portland on 't hell
wedding trip. The bride was Miss Grace
Lulu Martin., Mr. and Mra. T. L.
Poujada were another wedding couple
from Salem and. the bride .wae Mlaa
Ruby Donaldson.
Mr. and Mra. James Flaher of Salem
and their daughter, Mre. Ida B. Terger.
of Michigan City, spent last week at the
fair. - - -r -
Miss Pearl Lucksy left Monday even
ing to spend'.the winter In Pendleton.
Miss Roach and Mlas Box of the Al
bany college department of mualo ware
In town to attend the Carl organ recital
and the Madame Norellt concert s .
Mra vr. r.neuiiu ana iiiue son- OI
Sylvan, 'Washington, are tn the city.
Mrs. R. C Halley or. Salem Is with
Mr. end Mrs. W. W. Hals and their
daughter. Miss Eva. of Salem, t vlaited
the expoaltion laat week.
Mr c 4V Locxwooa ana her mother.
Mrs. Adair, of Salem, were visitors last
week. .
Wllmer McCOUey of Joseph Is la the
olty visiting frlenda .... , . :
Mra. C. W. .Lowe, a prominent Eugene
matron, be been spending ths week
with friends.
Mra B. - Schaller of Ban Frcnoisco.
fonnorty, t PerUaad, arrived east week
;' PERSONAL. - ; i; j
to visit the exposition. She Is at hoil
to bar frlsads at 14T Blaventh etreet f
Mra Richards and her two daughtet
Mansanlta and Alu. have returned fro
their summer t Ijiii. Tmu fr-w .
at home again at the Sterling. -, - .
Mr. and Mra Elmer White. Fred Bit
imnea eiege,- airs, enerman HeckmS
Mr and Mra. W. R. George. Mra. W.'i
Mott and har son Will, . Mr. and Mr'
Ed Glllinghsm, Mtas Nsan West- Mr
M, B. Hill, John P. Robertson and L. I
MsMabon-'wer lem people -arrlvlti
Wedneaday. ' ... .A.
of Dis T. B. Ford of the eaat slda ls
Tueaday to attend Willamette unlveralti
at Salem.-'. . . I
Mrs. Mathew P. Gevurts haa return'
from Dufur,. where she vtaltad frlendi,
She has been Very ill. ,
. Vf kn4 UM Willi.. ' V. . '' f
" "T nuilliu r I VUdi ILK! U"
lui -vwin spent ineir noneymoon it
is weex. , -j-ne bride wa
Mill Ina. Wm1i ' - - - -
' Mr. and Mrs. William Roeech of Pen
41a.. k. . . . . .... . 1
'""n " mrrirea to remain uu tn
"Mrs. B. Easton ana twa nartA" a roi
ana irving, or uurur, are in the city.
Mr. and Mrs. ' Fred Clarke of Th
Dallas wsrs In the city to sttend th
marrltge of Mlaa Pslmer and Arthu
Clarka Wednesday, , -
Mr. and Mr William Wilkinson a
daughter ot Joaeph, Oregon, are vlsltinJ
Jaa-r 1'WJi. , , , r ,
Mr. and Mra Sylvester Brooks, Mr"
and Mra R. G. Brooks and dauglrte,
were, prominent people here from Thl
Dallas Uat week. ' . . I
Mr. and Mra F. M. Olds are vlsltlnsf
relatives In Salem. . ' ' . ' ' ' 1 I
Mr. and Mra John Bwlnk and daughl
ter. Miss Swlnk. snd Miss Eva Bosnian.!
vlaited the exposition early In the week!
Mr. ana Mra r. M. RUey of JeffersonJ
Iowa Mra Emily Kaw of South Da 4
kota and Arthur Junk of Inwood. lowal
wh have been visiting In Salem, were!
visitors together st the exposition duit'
lng the week. ".
Mrs. C A. Curran and bar 4auhter.l
Miss Ina, of Albany, ars visiting tho!
a. ' . .i ,
Mlas Frances Patterson of Indenen
denca has returned to continue ber
etudlee In tho Portland schools. : ' :
Miss Nellie J. Reynolda and Miss Vlda
uavia or tnicsgo are here visiting Mtse
Cornel lua of Wayne street and othar
friends on th east slda . "
J. Ed Sullivan baa' left for his home
In Bangor. Maine, after visiting his cou
sin the Misses Dtnneen, at their homa
zei Twentieth atreet north.
J. Ed Sullivan and Gertrude Dlnneen
on Wedneeday and Thuraday vis fled
Mra A. Sullivan and Boa of Cedar Mill
Mra Philip Gevurts haa returned from
a two weeks' , stay at Carson mineral
eprlnga , ; .; ' '.
Orowaias DraMltlm VMfiiM wm mu.'
-. tlfy trtlaad Xoaaeo.
Portland cltlsens . are again fortune i
ravpred. The magniflosnt and costly
Japanese exhibit In the Ortsntal build
ing at ths exposition will remain to or
nament the homes of our -people." The
exhibitors prefer- to"serlfice thslr
wares and manufactures rather than re
ahlp .them acroas the ocean.' Their ex
hibit represents more -- than !4.0gu
worth or good the choicest,- most ar
tistic and beautiful of all Japan. The
exhibitors believe that' tha distribution
of their products here will prove a
splendid advertisement for their borne
market '.
In order that thla grand -collection
may be kept for the homes on the ps
eifie coast a Society of Japaoess Art
Admirers has been formed to take ad-
Vastava af thle - fnplnn.U .lln.tlnn
Only membera of .the society may-be- I
come oenericiariea but any one may be
oome a member by signing the society's
roster and paying- ths subscription pries
of II. .
It is guaranteed that eaoh and every
member will receive ' a big dollar1 a
worth of fine Japaneee artlclea of mar
ehandlae Or manufacture, and will Jiave
an opportunity to secure an. article or
articles actually worth from $1 to 1 1.400
of fine Japaneae gooda free of ether
eoet ' -;..-
Many of , the most prominent atata !J
county. cHy and exposition officials are
honorary membera of this association
and will share In Ita great benetna
Those wishing to Join this society
oan do so by applying to ths secretary
In the Oriental building. Lewis and
Clark fair, Portland hotel,. M. Furuya
Co., II North Fourth street and Fair Ja
pan on the Trail. ...
It Is a rars opportunity 'to seoure a
great bargain, worthy ot a king's pal-
Ellery's Royal Italian band will play
ths following programs at tha fair Sun
day: -,. - ' :- v
Afternoon March, "Nm 11" (Manclnl)i
overture, "Mlgnon"' (Thomas); "Polo
naise Mllitalre" (Chopin); Cavalleri
Rustlcana," intermesso, (Maacagni);
Bongs Without Words" MendeIssolin).
solos by Slgnorl Palm and Rlaot march.
"Coronation'1 (Meyerbeer); "Angelua,".
from "Soenea Picturesque". (Maaaenet);
Pilgrim's Chorua" from Tannhaussr"
(Wagner): "Gloconda" (Ponchlello):
prelude. "Dance of the Hours."galop.
Evening March, "Wedding" (Men
delssohn); prelude, "Lohengrin" (Wag-
OM9PN. ;
Ths high compliment hag
been '.paid Mr.' Ref fling
that he li one" of the moat .
critical snd dlacrtrnlnatlnf
buyers ' of cloth' in tha.
United State-Add t6 ihlji
his ildll as i cutter snd'
rely on his ability' to platte)
tha most ' careful dresser
.. Of -
K i