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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1905)
" ' ' '"' . , - '' , W PORTLAND, OREGON., SUNDAY HORNING. OCTOBER 1. ., 1905. r-i,t .... .. . Have you read the score? W ere you one of 'em? Olds, Wortman C, King boosted it 25,000 and sent 5,00,0 S& as its guests. Supposing 20 other same? Monday Bargains Women's Belts y. tl Special Monday and Tuesday First Floor - ; - ; 90c TO $1.25 BELTS FOR 50c.. ; . : Ladles' Elegant 811k Belts, some in fine tailored affects, orae tucked.. some with embroidered dote, have good substantial buckle and' were' . -made tor the beat belt manufacturer. They are 71c SOo and 11.16 ', value. Tour choice of any of them Monday and Tueaday at, each . . 500 BEB MONDAY PAPERS FOR ADDITIONAL MONDAY AND V;-" : TUESDAY BARGAINS... - ' V; '' ;. ;TtD C:::crci Ctis-o," .FIIX V-Obit! cd :eSM25 Ctrccii TSI3 FCnZZIOOT DZPAtTTEZr-T HOUQg WBOT OP OI1IOAQO MONDAYf BAR Q AIISS -OCTOBER 12 , CiZTO C.SS90 GobdBu in Women's Kerchiefs V Special Monday and Tuesday-rFirst Floor r ? ' : 20c HANDKERCHIEFS FOR 12c, ' ' -Very. Fine Linen Handkerchief a. with Initial, also some Fancy Linen Embroidered Mandkcrcblefa and another Una of Fancy Lace-Trimmed r Handkerchiefs; our 10c and' 26o values. Special for two days at, , '' each .... . .............. 124 SEE MONDAY PAPERS FOR OVERFLOW BARGAINS OF V '".MONDAY AND TUESDAY.' , . , . - Opens; Tomorrow at 7 ains Olds, Wortman King's The Store of the Hour ! Attractive Iridupements in Popular, '.' j ' ; ').':. Fint Floor. - ': . : ' i' . WINPBOft tXEa.WORTH Mc TO Bo FOR Mo. ' Windsor Ties. " yards lonrr tn plain black with embroidered ends, . . plain Tale blue, navy blue with a white deaim; some in fancy Persian A deetna. with assorted (round -work and lao some in a swell new red, . 60c, 6o and 7&o' values, ppeoiu xor iwo with bUck polka dots;, out day at.' each J . 350 p, A Thousand Mies of x ffi Ribbpns - Values to 65c; at the Yard, 25 Cents s ' ANOTHER. BIO . TRIUMPH- FOR THE . "RIBBONER8." V- - eacues upon leagues of best AU-811k Ribbons, consisting of satin taffeta ' rtboons Hnd' S Incites' wide, worth 40c;. black and whit effecta, i 'finches wide, worth S0e: elegant ' !' tripa ribbons. 6 Inches wide, worth. iOct- plain taffetas", 4 H "and inches wide,-worth IUo and J5o some swell dotted effecta worth So; new print' warp and Dresden patterns4 worth 10c a perfect .wealth of - ribbons in every wanted, - color, and design, suitable for airdlea, ties, cushion ruffles and decora t tlve purpoaea. Special for two days only at, th yard -i . r ot.850 ; First Floor' Shops. Coin sa vara, that prove powerful magnets to attract thrifty shoppers who believe in "Bave the pennlee" maxim ' . . .ENGLISH PINS, 100 pins In package; our la value. Special at. - , th paper '., ......... .t. S4 LAROE SIZE KID HAIR-CURLERS, 1 dosen In package; our lOo value. ; SptCUal &tt th g)ftCk&(w ''aaeeee ' 0 LIGHT WEIGHT WHITI SILK DRESS SHIELDS, sises S and 4. WHITE PEARL SHIRT BUTTONS, t of 4 holes, all sises our o value. Special at. the card ...f.'......K. ............ 64 SEWINGT MACHINE OIL In large else 4-os. patent cn our 15e value. Special at, the can -. , .....90 STICKY FLT PAPER. Special for S double sheets................ 100 CARBOLATED PETROLEUM JELLY, for Cuts, burns and skin dlseasea: our lOo value... Special at. the bottle ....'........ ' ....0 PURE WITCH HAZEL, tn S-os. bottles. SpecUl at. the bottle...... 150 EXTRA QUALITY ALL PURE BRISTLE HAIR BRUBHES, Una solid back; our II. value. Special at. each ....850 TRANSPARENT GLYCERINE. TOILET SOAP, large slse bars; our lOo .value. Special at, the bar ,., 60 LADIES SCI8SOR8, full nickel plated. I and 7-lnoh stie, guaranteed; our I0o value. Special at, the pair ....290 LB PAGE'S LIQUID FISH QLUE is 4-os. also cans. Special art. .the can ....j..;.. 120 FINE HIGH 'GRADE CLOTH FINISH BOX WRITING PAPER In white, gray and blue tints; our Ha value. Special at, the box....2O0 EXTRA FINE JAPANESE LINEN WRITING 'TABLETS, letter slse. plain or ruled, whit paper; our ISo value. " , i . Special at, each v..................;....... ......250 RULED WRITING PAPER, smooth finish, In -1-pound packages, 110 sheets of paper tn package; our lie value. 8pecial at, package.... 150 Another Remarkable Sale of Dainty Some at Half Price and Less First Floor. - A two-day carnival of Values opens tomorrow In the Laoe Store. ' 'Enthuaiaam among those who know -laces Intimately will run riot: Here's lace values that are unprecedented. - A look will prove VALENCIENNES' LACES. POINT VENI8B. ' LACES. ENGLISH TALENCIENNES LACES. COTTON TORCHON LACES and a GREAT VARIETY OF ALLOVER LACES, all at sharply reduced prloee. . , :r LotNa l Consists of Fin Valenciennes Laces and Insertions, not one little box of them; but a .great variety to select from. ' they are Krth frorak(o? "to 11.11 the dosen yards.' Special for Monday and Tuesday at, the.. , dosen yards ., .........250 j V--'-' : 1 ' Lot' No 2 --t: Consists of Point Venlee AUovers tn cream or white,' Lare Lace Allovera ', In creem, elegant fine Cluny Allovera In white, and. also a few pieces of swell English Allovar Valenciennes , - . . Our I0o' value, : Special at, the yard. ......250 Our 11. IB value. Special at. the yard ......750 Our ILT8 value, t Special at. the yard , 880 Our 11.00 value.' Special at. the yard .................... .....980 Our 11.00 value. Speolal at, the yard ....81.48 Our $10.00 value. Special at, the yard $S.OO '.r-v-:. .' Lot No. 3 y:' .". Consists of New Point Venlse Bands.' from on to threo Inches wide. - In cream, white or ecru. These bands are suitable for trimming dresses, cuffs, eollars and children's Jackets and capes . , Our 15a value.' Special at, the yard.;..........k'...,. ............ .110 Our tie value. ' Special at, the yard ..I.,... '..100 Our too value. . Special at the yard ...250 Our $1.00 value. Special at., the yerd .................. .....690 Lot No. 4; Consists of an elegsnt line of New Persian Trlmminga, all -new this season.' Some are In straight effecti, some tn flqral dealgns and some' in medallion or featoon effects, embroidered in all the latest shades. Some ' handsome' things In Alice blue and fine ' shadings in greens. . riwwhs ..sms,i: Our 11.00 value. SpecUl at, the yard ....fl.OO Our 11.10 value. Special at, the yard - VT50 Our 11.11 value. , Sveolal at, the yard ."4t3e . Our t. 00 value. Bpeclal at. the yard ..................... ..... BOO" Our Too value. .. Hperiai at, the yard ....3TH0, Our lOo value. Special at, the yard w .250 . Startling: and sensational values for, Monday, and Tuesday complimentary to Portland's ; visitors-now within theclty'sgatesrand-th Tendered In thankful appreciation to that mlffhty following: who have loyally befriended this store for nigh onto 30 years of an honorable and honest business ca reer; and that overwhelming: host that, have poured, thro the store's broad avenues In such tremendous volume the past week, sharing: In the feast of matchless values offerede We're prepared generously for - this -event with unbounded enthuslasrn nurtured by "gratl- tude., Ve shall endeavor to excel, not alone In the mul titude of of ferlngs, but In the excellence and exceptional value of each. Special values advertised are for Monday 1 arid Tuesday.' See Monday papers' for supplementary list croWded out vtoclay .1 vs...;.vi .v -r f Underw'r Bargains That Womert Want-r -A- Timely-Gronp of Specials in the Knit-J ' vth. -jit' wear Shops-rFirst Floor. , Tim to change weights in undergarments. Don't trifle -with your health don't procrastinate or you'll pay more Xor these garmenta and perhaps add . something for the doctor Special fortwo daya., - V WOMEN'S $1.10 VESTS AND PANTS Me. Very Fine Ribbed Soft White Cashmere Vests and Pnta, vests with long sleeves very neatly trimmed, pants French . bands, ankle length; our best $1.50 value. ' Special, each .... .". 980- (' WOMEN'S 7lo VESTS 41a . White Swiss Ribbed Long Sleeve Vests, knit to lit. neatly ' trimmed; beet Tie value. Special, each 490 WOMEN'S $1.10 UNION SUITS He, Bleached White Fine Ribbed Lightly Fleeced Cotton Union Suits, half open front, silk crochet and tape trimming; regular value 11.60. . Special, the suit....,.,.. 950 ' ' . WOMEN'S 11.60 UNION SUITS $1.41. Swiss Ribbed Silk and Wool Union Suits,, In white, pink and blue, long aleevea, ankle length; regular value 11.10. . SpecUl, the auit ............... ..f 2.49 misses union suits. ' . Misses White Wool Plaited Union Suits, long sleeves, ankle length ' Regular S value, stxe 1. Special, th suit........... .450 , Regular ?0o value, else 1. Special, the suit 5O0 Regular Ylo value, slse 4. Special, the-suit. .... ........ 550 Regular lOo value, else I. Special, the auit 6O0 ' Regular ISo value, else I. Special, the auit. .......... .650 Regular $1.00 value, slse I. Spcotal, the auit TOO Regular $1.00 value, atie 0. Special, the suit TOO ' Regular HJ0 value, else 10. , Special, the suit TOO CHILDREN'S COTTON VESTS' AND PANTS lie and 15c , Children's. White Winter Weight "Morale" Cotton Veats . and Pants' ' Regular 40o value. : Special at, each........'..,, .290 ..Regular BOo value.. Special at, each. ......... .350 Half Price on "Royal" Wor ; " cester Corsets Corsets ' Worth $2.75 for $1.39 Royal Worcester Corsets of white or drab ooutille and black sateen. This is a pop ular and down-to-date cor set, with princess hips and velvets grip hose supporters . attache Sizes from 18 to. 30, excluding; sizes 21 and 23; our . regular .75 value. Special sale price, -the pair ..................1.39 Bringthe Men Along To the Annex Haberdasherfe First Floor Sixth 8tret. . There's much of interest to them tn the expos of smart and correct styles In Autumn Dress. , And tomorrow th ' menfolk share In th bargains. From a long list w se lect thee to print.;- ..'',, : . MEN'S $1.0$ UNDERWEAR llo. X line of Men' Fall-Weight Merino Underwear.. In camels ..'hair, extra, well made and flnlahed. our beat $1.00 gar ment. Special, th garment, 630 or th suit.. ..91.25 MEN'S $1.10 KID GLOVES lie. A line of Men's Kid Glove In tan and brown, full plju finish; regular value $1.10. Special, th pair. ..... .990 ' MEN'S I BO H08B 14c ' "',''.' -A. lot of Men' Seamlea Fanr-y Cotton Hoee, our best J5o- vaiue. special, in pair ... . MEN'S 10 SILK NECK SCARFS lc ' A line of Men' Fancy and Plain Colored Silk Four-in- Handa, tecka and hieid tecks; value, up to jOA. $10 Silk Petticoats to ell av S $5.78 -'- -j . In Portland Largest : and - Foremost , Ap parel Salon for Wo men Second ; Floor. These- Handaom Taffeta 8 Ilk Pattt . coats cam to - ua ' from famoua New York maker, who be came preased for 1m - mediate o a s b a n d i old-Jiathouaand oi in neautiea ai about half their worth, aa manufac turer! figure value In quantity lota. Th good fortune la shared with our patrons tomorrow In ' the big Suit and Wrap Salons. Rich, rustling Taffetas, In black and all wanted colors, embracing blurs, steels, royal navy, red, gray, purple, green, pink, hello, garnet, etc., made with wide plaits, deep flounces, kilted, etc. Th best $10.00 value In Portland, for Monday and Tuesday special at .., s)6.T8 CVrW"w,Sl ITieK H .USUI Smart Millinery POPULAR PRICES -j . "Bijou" Salons Second Floor Annex. '..' Although our expert millinery artistes have4een taxed to their utmost capacity the past week in creating and conjuring dainty creations for those who had special ideas of hats they wanted, they have, by working some overtime, been enabled "to supply us with some very handsome hats that . embody every new style feature, smart coloring and fetching combination known to the world of correct millinery fashion. These we shall offer tomorrow at very special values, starting at $15 for the choicest confections, and ranging down to . 9S0 for hats worth at least a half more. SAVE BY BUYING THE CHILD'S JACKET TOMORROW. , , Children's Wool Jackets " v-. " . Second Floor. " ' ; 'V made of fine materials in navy, red, green, cardinal, tan and brown, and trimmed in plain or fancy braids, gilt buttons, fancy stitching and shields; sizes from 2 to 6 years. For rapid selling we have reduced the prices as follows. Special for Monday and Tuesday only: Our $1.40 lo$4.50 values. Special at, each..., T90 Our $5.00 to $10.00 values. Special at, each...... 92.39 Bedding Buyers Benefit A Sale of the Seasonable in Bed Apparel at Extra Comfortable Prices. 1 Fourth Floor Home-Flttlngs Shops... ii" ' . . IJ.OO BLANKETS ' $4.15. ' . Fin All-Wool Vicuna Blanketa; regular value $(.00. Spe cial, th pair .u. 94.85 k.oO COMFORTERS '$3.95. Australian Lambawool Comforters; regular . valu l 0. Special, each ........... , .t ... .93.95 $4.71 COUCH COVERS $S.SS, Heavy Oriental Couch Covers, in Cashgar weave, (OxlOt inches; regular valu $4.71. Special, each .93.85. A Bargain in Women's Win 1 I ter Night Robes A Timely Special Worth "Snuggling" To Annex Second ' Floori LADIES' 12S OUTING FLANN'EL GOWNS ynp 77c. ' Ladies' Outing Flannel Night Gowns, in plain colors . or in dainty pink or blue and wfiite stripes, snd trimmed with lace, braid or ribbon; li ailterent atyies to select from: our regular $1.25 value., Special Sale Dainty Fabric Gloves : At Less Than Import Cost , V. : First Floor. ' :' -; .', "''. t ' , : iJijmv bilk' AND LI8LB GLOVES FOR. $. ' ) Ladles' Fin Silk Meah'Olov, with lisle palms. Keyser's make, known all oyer, the world aa second to none manufactured, perfect fitting and vert durable; also our Two-Claap Lisle Qloves, mad by th beet ' manufacturers and Imported direct by Olda. Wortman King. Will be sold thee two daya for lesa than It costs to Import them. Com Ire black and color; our SSo. $1.00 and $1.11 values. Special aV the pair , .v ...480 12'Ac Outing Flannel 9c - Just th splendid material o much In demand now when th warmer garment for underwear are wanted and cooler-night demand more 'comfy night-robe.: Many other uses suggests themselves for this oft and warm cotton fabiio with th wool feel, but not th wool shrink when it resehea.thA tub. ;.. . ". s ' ains in Tablecloths Domestic Aisle and Linen Stor First Floor. ' ,1 81 eases of fin "Outing -Flannel fat plaint colors, also In faneyVpiaids, cheek snd stripes in light and dark eolortnga; our regular It Ho valu, Speolal for Monday and Tuesday at, th yard.... ...... 90 ' ' ' ' DAMASK TBljB"CXiOTHS.V .T" A lot of Rlchardion'a Fin Satin Damask Tabl Cloths, with border art around' -.'. u . ' v . . .-. - Bis txtU yards. Special at eacli. 93.05 and9S5 Sis Izt yard. Speolal at,,"1 ' ' .' '" ' - '"' . aaeh... ,M. ...... -93.60 94.0O 94.95 95.0O and 96.00 . (e IMPORTED DAMASKS $. :l . ?-:; Imported Damasks, in -Turkey red, red and white, blu and whit, green and whit; regular value So. Special, yard. 480 Look to Jewelry Needs Run through th Jewel box and see what ' you're abort on easy to break eaay to loa and eaey to buy tomorrow these . pretty . jewelry pieces First Floor Bixth Street Annex. ; ' lo FOR LINK CUFF BUTTONS WORTH TO $. . A large assortment of Man.' Link Cuff-rrttn In fin rolled gold plat. In , great variety of good design;, value up to tic Special at, ; th pair .......190' e FOR AUTO HAT FINS WORTH TO $L0O. r Ladle Auto Hat Pin la many fanoy design; values to $1.10. Special at, each , 4 . 10 AND So SHIRT STUDS FOR $. . ' - J" Men's Oold Filled and Solid Gold Top Shirt Studs In plain poHaned or Roman gold. In sets of three; our SOo and (o value. r Special at. th set .'.. .l&Dj BEAUTT PINS FOR JOe. -'".'..'?'" '. This ts th best valu In Beauty Pin that w have ever offered, 'these pins are gold plsted and extra good quality. Tou can't afford tfli mia thla. , Extra special at, the pair ..-1O0 THE MANT NEW DESIGNS In th famous W. L. at Ca's Rings which w are showing are attracting considerable attention. They ar genu- ' ; Ine gold shell rings, plain and stone set and ar guaranteed wear 5 years. Prices range from , ..250 to 91.50 A Great 2-Day Sale of . Smart Footwear , ' .'.:' -' ' -.''" ; . . . V. , STIRRINO BARGAINS IN STTLISH SHOES. r Wonderful value scheduled for Monday "and Tueaday seinnc In Te ! W I r. . 1 -. ai.w n. . . . . 1 I i-.ii'ii.j Diwit onupira outtn oinei Aonei f lnt loon JLSep th feet wsrm and dry. at the same time smartly dreased. It'a easy if you'r a patron of this Shoe Store especially eaay tomorrow' when th prlc pinch I lessened. ' . , ' - WOMEN'S $3.10 AND $1.00 SHOES $1.$T. '' . Women' Patent Kid Lac and Blucher-Cut Shoe,' straight last and opera toe, mad by the leading shoemakers, C H. Aborna Co. Lynn. Mass.; new arrivals In "exclusive and tip-to-date designs, also vtel kid in f styles,-very stylish, vlcl kid laces, patent tip. Military o heel; reguUr values $3.S0 and $J.00. Special, th pair. . , ,, hIV7 MISSES' $1.00 AND $2.15 SHOES $1.14. - Misses' Lac Shoe. In box calf and vclour calf, stout soles, low. flat and spring heels, slse 11 1-J to I; regulsr value , . , a $1.00 and $2.1k Special, the pair Splt64 "1D",ILDREN'S $1-S0 AND $1.71 SHOES III AND $T. Sam Shoes, children's slse. $ J-J to 11; regular -value $1.80 and $1.71. Special, th , g- SI lea f to SpecUl. at Pair y5 I . Pair rt...... OVC BOTS SCHOOL ' SHOE8. ' ; Little Gent's Box Calf and Vlcl Kid Lac Shoes, alse- nt vr to II; regular valu $1.10. Special, the pair , .. . .. ........ lelv Touth's'"Stsel Shod" Veel Calf Sheea, atout stolea; old ' verywher for $1.00. Our apeclal. th p,lr - - . Boy slse of th earn with quilted sole; regular value r $2.10. .Special, th pair ...v. ...!... Boys' Box Calf Blucher Lac Shoe, solid and guaranteed I- , new Una mad to eell for 1 i. Our apecUl, at th pair in t: A Special, each 19 "Price, each . 1 4 i . . . . .TT0 i . .., .....