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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1905)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOUKIUU ronTtAND. SUNDAY, KOnini.'C. C;ZZZZ X "i::3..'V 13 BEGIN OF ANNUAL HARVEST FESTIVAL t , TOMORROW HORNING WE BEGIN THE FOURTH WEEK OF GELEBRATION Cod of Evil Will Be Dethroned ; and Cast Into Giant Bonfire . ; "i Tuesday Night ' ; ; v HIGH PRIESTS COME TO LEAD CEREMONIES ;s ! Rejoicing Mingled With Prayera and Weird Proceaeiona With Strang Street Lights and Fire A Time of .Plenty for the Devout. They ere routing pica la Chinatown. Celestial chefs. . deft In their art. are preparing- rooster combe and pickling ducks' feet In preparation for the great tee st that la to come. . It was- the celebration of the annl jrersrxqf the. hamLUYlJtbaX..b. gen la Chinatown yesterday morning. Fishermen from Alaaka, from tba sound and points along tha ooast hare come , ta Portland to attend tha rites, and Sec ond street la aglow with beaming yel low faces. V: : ' "'-'' , Prom 14.00 cenaera In Second street aandal punk Incense is burnfng. From flicker perpetually from Pine , to Alder street. Prom a multitude of pious celestial hearts arise prayers and deep thanksgiving to the mighty deities who preside over Held - and - erop for the f abundance that has com to them dur- - Ing tha year.-. . r. . ; . ; U..'- (ML f Srett e Die. . ' t High above the Jabbering prayer and wrd Incantations of priest and peni tent sUnd the great San Dl Law and mighty Ben . JM . Gin. between these . statolr . onaa crouches Gum JU . the wicked god of evil, who must die an Ignominious death for hla evil works, waiting the fata to which Lew and Oln have condemned him. - In a balcony above 4 Second street " the1 deltltes of good and evil are perched. I Below are gorgeous decorations, holly wreaths and myrtle '. boughs. , In a room to tha rear of the gods stand two paper steeds, fantastically wrought, on which the mighty ones ahall ride way during the night when the feativt tlea have ceased and the evil on Is de- stroyed. ' , ' The two giganti figures rapreaenl two of China's greatest heroes and bene factors. In life, many thousand year go, they were as large aa the giant - many-colored - flgurea.. - whose - painted grins and polished anna afford a gro tesque and oriental air to Second street The festivities began yeaterday morn ing and will continue' until the burnini of Gum J and the departure of the goda on Tuesday night.' Priests whose ' live .have been consecrated to the work : were -brought from San Franclsoo for , the occasion. " Accompanying them wer . cores of surpl'ced Chinese youth,, i carrying pipes and tom-tom. -j, ' , Queer Pro lot i Kov. " Queer processions 7 began to move ' through Second street yesterday; raorn Ing. Prom th abiding place of the mlvhtv haraaa wha.ara Darchsd.ln .the haloonv at 4 Second street weird I be placed In each of the smaller fires procession started at daybreak, ana oon-ioeiore nuriea inio am iarr v, tlnued at intervals during the day. Xaat night the procession waa Illuminated by long lines of candles on both sides of the atreet from Pins to Alder. A youthful Chinese, clad in flowing purple robes, led the procession. In hi hand he waved an evergreen bough. : Close on hie heels cam a scora. of aur- plioed eholr boys, chanting a solemn. ' mournful dirge. At one aid of the ; musicians marched sd celestial,. blowing a shrill, discordant blast upon long ancient horn. He was clothed in golden raiment, representing a man darin. . : - .... -. ' '- The high ' priest carried In out stretched arms a braaen urn In which ' burned perfumed Are. Following th high priest were other Chinese, bearing various musical Instruments and creat ing hideous noises. The devotee marched through Second street to the Masonic hall, two black away, where they ' proceeded to the apartments of tha, joss and held service. " ' Tonight candles will be set at Intervals rt fir. '"nr Mh slfln nf Bornnd treet from Pine to Alder. They will burn all night. Tomorrow evening great -wood Area will burn along the 1 street Instead of - candles, in front of tha balcony where the great deities of '. good and evil are stationed a great fir will b built. In It Qum Jl, the evil one, will b thrown when the festivities are com pleted and the battle with the evil spirits la over. Two stalwart priests will take htm from his seat and drag him through th Area. - Hi nose will ' 7 k :.;;v:S - ' - -.rcl 'JT" v 1 111 ' l"-'::'::-"',:'r':'- k ! v ip! ' Ctun Ji, Who Must Die for Hie Evil. Deeds. for -final, destruction.. In tha house where th god of good and svll have been placed there are curious pictures of great Chlneae heroes. Thar are also pantomime performances of cats and doga and rat, roosters and other fowls. There are many peculiar animal form that are worked Into life like repreeentatlons by secret" wires. AJ1 through the house there are Incense (Ires that will urn until thefeatlyltla are concluded. Strlot orders have been Issued, by th chief of police sgelnst Interference with the Chines during their religiou rites. GUMST BLOCK TO BE A MODEL STRUCTURE M. A. Ounst. th California capitalist will arrive here tomorrow to complete arrangement for th commencement of work on five or su-story brick on th quarter block he recently purchased at glsventh and Washington streets. It has been known locally for some time that Mr. Ounst had decided to build her,' but details of hi plana could not be 'announced. Tha building he is to erect will be one of tha beat business blocks Of th city, and It is understood locally that tenants have been secured already. Th tract on which the brick Is to be erected 1 100 .by 100 feet, fac ing Washington . and - Eleventh streets. When finished, this block will be the highest yet built far out on Washington street :'..' FRUIT AT THE BREAKFAST TABLE Nature Provides Its Own Remedies Which, Used Judiciously, Insure Perfect ' ' Health at All Times If Aside from th pleasure of eating eaaonable fruits before beginning the , Sret meal of the day, thle custom hss undoubtedly arisen from the well-known isci mat nearly all rruit and more par- PRUNES contain act t Ucularly plume and . natural laxative principles, which directly on the stomach and howtli Constipation, that dread and trouble - some complaint which la undoubtedly . the basla cause of nine tenths of the dyspepsia. Indigestion, biliousness, etc.. so prevalent among our people today, and which, If neglacted, surely leads to ' more complicated and serious organic dlneaeea. can surely be prevented, and . when not too far advanced cen he ab solutely cured by the Judicious use of "the modern lsxatlve and cathartic Cali fornia Prune Wafers. . , They are not a patent medicine In the , ardtnery senee of the word, being com . pounded from California Prunes, which , - verr Intelligent person knows is truly nature's laxative. . A dainty little ' wafer, ' always ' the same, compounded In highly concen- trated -form from freah California Prunes, they are a natural dissolvent acting on tha contents of the stomach and bowels and not on th organs them- seivss, They regulate the Liver and Stomach, uieanee me oystem ana rumy the Blood, Cure all Bowel Troublea, Bilious ness, Bad Breath, Bad Blood, Wind on the Stomach. Bloated Bowels. Foul Mouth. Headache, Indigestion, Pimples ana uissinaso. - Every household should have Its fam lly package of CALIFORNIA PRUNE WAFERS, and at the first signs of ap proaching illness, or when under the weamer, taae a coupie or warers, and th doctor' bill will soon' be much smaller than tbey are now.. Tou can eat what .you please If yon toiiow eacn meat witn a tAUTOKMA PRUNE WAFER, which quickly die- solves th most Indigestible food, and helpa to carry It through and out of me aystem in a genu and healthful manner, without the slightest pain, griping or nausea. 100 Wafers for 15c. FOUR OTHERS ARE INDICTED All Four : Live In Prlnevflle ; and Took Claims Near William v hi ton Sheep Ranch;' GRAND JURY PRAISES I 'DISTRICT ATTORNEY C A.' Dennehex, s Prominent Eastern Lumberman, la Witness in Case and May Be Involved in further Frauds. ,. : FRUIT NATURE'S LAXATIVE : , California Prune Watered A Natural Dissolvent; and Cure for Biliousness, Constipation, Dyspepsia and All Bowel Troubles t-ar Better I nan Pill or Purge l v v- f p'OWA P E R S 2 5 C E IV T S Si a; Skldmore & C6, Druggists 1 57 jThlrd-street, 7 I I "Sole Agents for Portland, Oregon Close on th heel of th conviction of Congressman Williamson, Dr. Van Clea ner and Marlon R. Biggs. came yester day th indictment of four of th men alleged to have been Implicated with them in th conspiracy to rob the gov ernment of publlo lands through fraud ulent limner entries. -. cnariea A. Graves, county surveyor of . Crook county; E. N. Wakefield, Williamson' former partner; Ora I Parker and Rob ert B. Foster were Indicted for com plicity In th conspiracy, and a bench warrant waa Issued for their arrest. All four of the new defendant live In Prlnevllle or In that vicinity.. All of them took up timber claims in the neighborhood of th Williamson sheep ranch In th summer of 1002, and they are cnargea with having procured Borah F. Parker, Monia Graves. Lsmra . A. Foater and Laura P. Biggs to take up ciaim ana to nie fraudulent affidavits. This Indictment concluded tha labors of th grand Jury, and It waa discharged by. Judge Hunt. Before appearing In court to render their report, the grand juror sent th following communica tion to the district attorney: "Francis J. Heney We, tha under signed members of th federal grand Jury, district of Oregon, beg. to express to you our thanks for your uniform courtesy and consideration during the week that this Jury, has been in ses ion. ' . v. . -we also wish to congratulate you upon your successful efforts to purge Oregon of the corruption in high places. under which th state has been suffer in gv for years, and to assure -you that yoir have,our hearty sympathy In your struggle to pnng aoout oeiisr oonai tlons throughout th .United States. "Hoping that your satisfaction in s duty well performed will be augmented by further Honors at th hands of th people, we are, ery sincerely yours, . , T "A. fJ. ALEXANDER. " "J. W. PARTI-OW. ; "WILLIAM HCHMEER, ' "JOHN BHANNON. ' "M. H. WILDS. ' v "".' "J. R. PEARL. : "JACK BON A. BILTEtf. , ' W. A. JOLLT. , "OEOROB W. BRIEDWELL, .,. "C. K. 8TANARD. "JOHN MURRAY. - "W. J. FULLERTON. ) , . "WALTER K. TAYLOR. ..,, ' "Albert P. Vail, ' "UEOROB b. -MAriaREAxanrr ; , . "CHARLES A. MORDEN. , -"FRANK W. DURBIN. "T. H. FEARKY. "r " "J.-W. BAILEY. ' H. RUSSELL ALBEE. FO'"""'! " s . rh, wltnahaajia umfnan4 'tui. for th grand Jury yesterday morning rTTTTf' p H 1 iiliJj Uxr t i Of Clothing; Hats, : Caps, Men's Furnishing Goods" and Men's, and Women's Shoes; the" success of 'which has nor bean approached before In th history, of Portland merchandising. We have a Urge fore of salesmen employed to wait upon our customer and. many a night, these gentlemen have retired to their homes weary with the toil of th day and wondering to themselves where It is going to end. , mill 21 People Believed Us When We Annoiiriced the Sacrificing Figures At Which We Purpotseti lo uose Out Our Stock . ; : And thousands have saved considerably more than half their year's clothing and shoo bills by accepting our-Invitation to participate m t .feast of bargains the like of which was never known here before. . It actually waa the chance of lifetime, and armies of men and women have embraced that chance, i : .- ,m , ....... ' : - i;,-; . - Here Are the Prices VhIch Have Miced the Hul Elegantly tailored all wool $35 Suits ; for men. . Monday at.....'..,.......f 10.BO Nobby alt wool Men's $30 Suits... i....f S.T5 Stylish, fashionable all wool $25-Suits ' i Ib? men .fT.50 Dandy $15 Suits, all wool, at the unbe- . ' ' lievable ar alnlpfjjeach . . , , m ?6.00 $1250 Suits, good enough for business purposes -.. . . . . . . , ........... .4 . . . . f S.IO Men's $10 Working Suits, st half the cost of sewing them. ............. .......93.08 Men's $8 strong, substantial every-day '' ' ' Suits, down to the Fire Sale Price of. 92.95 TOE The $35 kind, 910.BO; the $30 kind, 9-T5; the $25 kind, 9T.50; the $15 kind. the $1250 kind, 9&.tO; the $10 kind, 93.08; .' '-. the $8 kind..93.M. . ; ; ' J,': 'i'il Hlen's and Women's Some $250 welts snd. turns . . . : . ...... SOf . Regular $2 and $2.50 values, heels just . ' " ' dampened by water ... ............ . Of $2 snd $250 values, not discernibly dam- ' aged 900 Regular $250 tnd $3 values, only shoe 'boxes soiled by water and smoke.. 9 Misses',1 slightly damaged, 'regular $2 ... values'... .. -. . .-ja9V4 Children's regular $1.50 values, damaged amokftonly. .60 Women's spring heels, reg. $1.50 vly....4B Infants Shoes, regular 75c values...... :.40f Boys' Shoes, regular $2 values, boxes only , damaged by fire.... ............ ,.j....08f Misses' Sandals and Leather, regular $1.50 'values. Fire Sale Price........... Black and Tan Boys' Shoes, values up to $3 ..t ;...9"a Children's all leather Sandals, regular $1.25 values BO Misses' and Children's White Canvas Ox- ' fords, regular $1.50 values..... .80 Men's Shoes, damaged by fire and water, reg. $2.50 and $3 val Fire Sale Price... T9 MenTs Box Calf, Vici, Blucher and Bale., -. " en mi a ei .i.. - St. IK ifft.V .U Y ti.v, .v yw ............. -"w . Men's Box Calf and Vici, Blucher and Bals.4 o ana vaiue; noi noiiceaoiy asm - - aged, now .......... ..9194 Bdrcto to $250 jtind t ; .. . . . . I ;r; . -..7, . . . ts The". $1.50 "kind, of wbrkirigmen,' now.. '.'.90 The $3.50 values, not damaged except ' ' ' by smoke .............. 938 All our t$4, $4.50. $5 and $6 Men's ' .'v -.Trousers.. Fire Sale Pjjce only. . , .1.95 Odds and Ends Cravenettes, worth $15, now 93-90J 50c to $1.50 Straw Hsts, 29a. ; $2 to $450 Hata. T9; 15c Sox, 4l 15c Handkerchiefs, s President Suspenders, 10; 15c Ties, 4; $1 to $10 Shirts, 74; 50c Golf Shirts, 29 Umbrellas The $1.50 kind, 28 the $450 -kind, S9r the $5 to $7 kind, 9 and 910. ll. VJ I I JVl) JI ' BBT.:TAYLOR:AND-SALMON AUCTION OF A LARGE AND CAREFULLY SELECTED SURPLUS STOCK OF NIAL GOOD raaBBBW BYTHE .r. T TTTn MM ATI TVT TH Tnn rTTTT : fS VWlinmponoL Consisting in part of hand-carved furniture in teakwood and kizanold, porceUini, rare aatsumaa, cloisonne, silk embroiderieg, .bronze and ivories, harnmered and carved brass,' etc, intended to be exhibited at the fair, but arrived too late to secure space to ; profitably show them.' There has never been a more complete assortment of Oriental merchandise exhibited in North Amer ica, and there will never be a more favorable opportunity to secure, the choicest treasures that have ever been shown in this country.'. .. .' - ;; :" :' '' " It..-'' :.''-. V- :x,' '; SALE WITHOUT RESERVE AT 10:30 A. M.; 2:30, 7:30 P. M -DAILY" CHAS. B. YOUNG, President. - :: : DONALD ROSS, Mgr. of Auction. JAMES M KAN, General Manager. : C H. O'CONNOR, Art Auctioneer. . A I ' V. JL AUTUMN, 1905 . . , . ' . FTER months of careful prep aration, t .take pleasure in an- ' nouncing ; the showing of , an exceptionally varied assortment of fabrics from which patrons may select suitable patterns for Fall and Winter Suits and Overcoats. ' o4 V H : G R I S W O LD (Successor to Griswold & Phegley.) , 131 SIXTH ST, PORTLAND, OREGON. For Household Goods, Pianos, AirtValuabtes Only warehouse in Portland offering Enclosed Locked Iron Rooms Jot storage of furniture. - . '. - '- ' 1 '' i '-,., FURNITURE ! AND . PIANO MOVINO In enclosed, psdded vans. 'All work done under guarantee. WE PACK FOR SHIP. MENT Furniture, Pianos and Ornaments and CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. ON FREIGHT RATES in shipping to snd from the east and California.' Have our agfent call and explain .benefits of out . Through Car Service; 'i :- Portland Van & . Storage Company Office and Warehouse 29-31 N. Fifth St. Phone Main 1520.,., ' was C. A. Daonehar, ku eastern lumber man, who ha been associated with W. A. Blodgett of Grand Rapids, Michigan. Blodgett was one of the purchasers, of a controlling interest In . the Booth. Kelly" Lumber company In th bis; deal which wa put through last winter. Is 1101 Dennehar, then In partnership with Btodgett, mad a deal with Claud Thay er of Tillamook for some 2t timber claim which, according to th govern ment Officials, had been secured by Thayer by th grossest fraud. Thayer 1 now under Indictment for the ai- leged frauds. Br th term of this deal Thayer wa to have tha entrymen on these claims relinquish and Dannehar then acrlppad thm.. . . . , Nothing ha yet transpired to show that Dannehar overstepped th law, but If facta should corn to light warrant log uch action he undoubtedly would ' be held to account f6r th transaction. , . Th government olflclals ar Understood to be Investigating th matter In the hop of eecurlng further Information. 4 -;lf?