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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1905)
GOOD-1.2 OEUTiuG 4. VOL.. IL NO. 10. PORTLAND. Cr.ZCON. SUNDAY MOril?G, OC7C2ZH 1. 1::3 FOUR : SECTIONSFORTY PAGIT. 0Mr THE' GREATEST, 1 -HISTORY 11 .4 ! . i ,- E13 PORTLAND ninn Ul Iff 'I 1111 1 I t 1 1 I I 1 r r F I f r T I Ml IIUUIIIil II Mill. U , 11.11 UVIWUUU U M ! I I I IIUI1 Llllll mi 0 inrrnT rn . - - OUT THE MULTITUDE .Jmaha, Which Boasted 61,000 Attend I ance on Its Dig Day, Made to Look L'Lz Like the Discredited 30 Cents; .GrcatrHappyrLoyal Crowd EnjoysIiIany:SpedaI ' Features; zni Even, the Igorrote Head Hunters Admission Tickets . c reeMeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeMee J . Just 85.133 timet the turnstiles at the exposition clicked yesterday. AH day long the grounds were crowded with people and many went in after 9 o clock at night' The crowds'"' Were, handled perfectly" and the car service wasas good as it could be made. -Portland day is the red letter event of the Lewi and Clark exposition. . ''..-.. - - '. .To the Editor of The Journal It did not quite reach" 100,000, but 'it was a fine demonstration of Portland's loyalty, to the fair, arid as .high a figure as we could possibly have expected in view of weather 1conditions-that is, the rain df the day; before anl the' threatening ,. i weather of Saturday. The attendance , far exceeded' the figure I had . "formed in iny minT at noon."nTara "grateful to each and every person 'T 14wh9.Jjada. Jun4 in the magnificent uccett-of-the-day. 1 't l ' .. y ', i ttMM4MM HMMMMMM WelL we beat Omaha! : They will no-', longer- Mint . to the Nebraska metropolis as a' criterion In the matter of attendance on an exposi tion city's name da jr. Hereafter it will be 4 Portland this same , Portland that points the -way!" , - :.- : T When the off total at t:tO o'clock yes. -terday made a second -reading- of the turnstiles and discovered . - that SlioOh people had passed through (he jratee of the Lewi and Clark expoeitioa, a whoop went np and new estimates were-made of the 'total admissions for Portland day.. At the Trans-MlesisslPPt. exposl- tlon, in the heart of a thickly populated I llstriet, the attepdanc for Omaha day, Ul told.' barely exceeded 1.000. Port- ud had 1,000 more than that before he day wad half over. , i Nature smiled on Portland. There waa not more than five minute of rain all day Ions' and while nobody went to the emergency Hospital ror neat prostration, Old Bol showing himself only at Inter vals, it was not too cold to parade. And the people oame by- thousands, then by tens of .thousands, which gave to the average mind a disposition , to believe tint about a million people had heard the melodious dick at the entrances in wsbmrbyrAThrufh was ""-until' after 1:10 O'clock W the afternoon, Ty which time people who had visited the fair before were ready to go home for dinner. v. '.'' . v. - ..''' No . greater .or happier shock ; could ! nd hav. tee aoaterned by the admlntstra. tlon than that which accompanied the news that between noon and t:S0 o'clock p. m. twe and a., half hoara. more than tS.500 people had turned the stiles and nearly all of them were wearing the lit tle white badge that proved prosperity The percentage of passes was smaller or coarse tnan on any other, day The result is that the cash receipts of terday will swell the big dividend to stockholders yredleted . by President Ooode. . Nor can an adequate - Idea of the cash received be. taken from the record of attendance. It . should be borne In mind that hundreds, and per haps thousands.. of th tickets purchased In wholesale, lots during the past few weeks were not used. It will be days, the probabilities are. before the aUdltot makes an official report on the receipt for Portland day, but when - It does come It will be an eye-opener, -'. : , Order Well Presesrved. : -i - And the -remarkable order preserved by the multitude was one of the great eat of all advertisements. There wasn't a single hitch in the-handling of the people... The streetcar company de serves an Immense amount of credit for keeping its Iron-wheeled vehicles on th go, less than a half-minute apart' Credit is due "the department-of -admissions- for th rapid and competent work of-Its employes, both' In the ticket offices and on th gates: and the exposition guard (Continued on Pag Beva) nnirifinh r - ; ' ' llnnhriirnhivni'l- JttiM-' -' - : ' .- -'-9.fs& .',: ; : - : SI ffii. .V "i 'feW li&S it9 ( IHinof. Woman WHvT J &WPW V , With an Ax, St Houe on C!. . ; ... . . xi fytylh r Her Own Throat. r : i ' I ' W n'l'jS, Jl.' IVt No Reason Known for - Deed, fit Same iJ t . V n y JH' ' 4 Mind Probably Uhlied--A tie I " ' - sZ iiT'V 'J.w "V tTV-tX Flames Abate, Charred Bodiea of the r yrM?$ft . VVT" r OttSTOneT- 6len-pildTT.RoW TpriZ; . fff'&jffiW - - - . ,'. Among th. Burning Embers.- ' In XT. . .S1 '"iri. (HIPUp.tcbhrWlr.WTl-'lewaaiy Portia, , ,. ... . .. .. ... ft- ryv'vv.'v,"?v.f:.i- a -A; A",iF.J.' -,wf . -y.Wt.X lW.VVV- . - i I Aloha. I1L. BeDt. so. Seven children Lewis a ir 3 tfl$V" '?-ir.v--VA 'vt'X 'i i.n'vWV" , of Mr- Clarence Markham. living near and tomo. - Jf-J? TTwtVt,''l'..N ju J"r-y-'S. , -VA the vUlage of Andover. near here, were party of r, : : frA AVjfcVrfLV.V.! V4 killed today by an x in the hand of bled In o v 1 ii K TOrr?i1,e-rC :'" ?c, Jj U'-?Jtv fli . X their mother, and their bodies burned lniwest. aft t I f WJT 6 Vi -V? il V S W A V!- X ll W - th ns the home to which the mad- body of s yes-i- - ift? vv u "C'vi jrc.'.vfc.. - w vr n i 1 1 wen ' - 1 . ' ' Ai-' V?s. I-. i. .... . "' ' ' '- " " JAMES HUL. , I side Quickly and when Sheriff Btlree of Cambridge arrived On the eeene ahort- ly. after the commission or tne crime, he found the woman breathing her last from a jagged wound In the Jhroat. v . In her Insane freaiy she had at tempted death. ,. First the woman elalme .that a tall man with a dark mustache had killed her children, but on being assured that her own end was but a question of a few minutes, confessed ' that she, had com mitted the deed. 5 ' During the time of the sheriffs In quisition. Mrs. Markham lay gasping feebly In the yard of her borne, whllo beside her the husband and father, who had been called from his labor moaned piteously, his ' attention t being - divided between the woman and the flames. In the fiery heart of which reposed the fast dissolving bodies of his lltue ones. (Continued on Page Seven.) , . and 1 c great f"" and t" t I lor. - ft t son it Co, eqi ' t arrive la U o'ciocX t& a i . . it.' r t "' is t r'ii r- i 1.. tive bs - i th t ' 1. V SCu . mr r ! mtlp c t tlnental Etatee r JEROME TO TO AVENGE CALL GRAND JURY INSURANCE CRIMES TOSSED BY STORM, HUmGRY - in ah npni nnn: .;- in nil jjiLii-uuni J r. ; . ' Five Days of Suffering Endured t . y' by Sailor Seeking Refief v VI 'for Wrecked Crew :V iahl TMaMtKh to The JnamaLI Seattle, Bept JO. 8torm-toeed In an ion rowboat, without sufficient provi (i' ina to aatisfy their hunger. Chief En- ,eer R. A. Oaertner and Harry' YacK ' ; 5 the schooner Hermter, - wrecked by l iklng a rock c-ff the Siberian coast -'t It last, sailed for xlvs daya, 301 Hies, from Siberia to Norn to summon - '. ',) to th distressed crew and pasaen- 'ITjen the Vessel struck, the crew ' Jned.the boats and landed everybody ' k t on the .barren shore. Enough pro i, ions re taken Off to . supply the '' yrty several- weeks. t ? . , . '.. .- July II Onertner and Tack started r- relief.' ' During a storm most of faertner'a Stock was washed away. 1 The men endured severe hardship un II they reached Nome, almost exhausted. , bey told thtlr tory end relief Was Jent. oaertnerarriyed here tast night frynl Nome. .,' . . " " i ; Theodore, Jt m Slum Werlsr. iSpeeial Ottratek krlMMd Wirt te Ibe Joernal) . I Cambridge. . .MasB.,--Spt. 89 The j7r Boosevelt, Jr. while at Harvard Is 4ng to do philanthropic work nnder ectlon of Manager Orov of tke ,T. I C. A.--- r ' i ,Y "".-'.. !vl:'-'vf ' ' Criminal . Prosecution of - Equit v able.v Mutual and New ' .. .,r . . ' ' .' York Life Managers 1 ": Promised. - . " 8eerial Dlapatch kr Uuri Wire te The toamal) New ,Torkv Sept. SO. Crimes commit ted, by, officials of life insurance. com panies- againafpolicy-holders .of the state ot New York are to be atoned for. District Attorney Jerome ha been' fur nished with evidence of such a nature affecting the managers of the Equitable, the New York Life and the Mutual Life Insurance company that a special grand Jury la to be Impaneled at an early date and the wheels of Justice are to be set grinding In the hope that these "Then may no punished.. 1 District Attorney Jerome will have a conference with Attorney-General May or, Monday. He will at that-time lay before Mr. "Mayer evidence that has been submitted to him by Ave Individuals, and he will ask; the attorneys-general for the permission that is necessary under the Insurance lawa to proceed against the men who are eald to have been guilty of crime that would hav before thla placed men of lees power and In fluence before the bar of Juatloe A roan who Is acquainted with aome of the testimony that has been fur nished the office of the district attorney said todayr-r Must Pace Crraad Jury. -"It-one quarter of the ertmeo , that these men have committed had been charged against, men: in private, ..they would .already have been before th grand Jury. The greatestjposslble pres- DOME IS RECOVERING FROM PARALYTIC IMIV r- . . - - ' -v esaawawaeHsaawMwawHSwaM Eliiah the Restorer Likely -to - w Be Restored, to Health; 1-, Thanksgiving in. Zion. (Special tHnatek by teaae Wue te The Joaraal) Chicago, Sept. 10. -John Alexander Dowie, "Elijah 11," who aay that he saw th foreshadowing ef death when stricken with paralysis while adminis tering, the Lord's supper at Zion tauer nacle last Sunday, is Improving. A spe cial telegram from Dallas, Tex., through which place he passed on his Mexico-bound private car . todayj says that the paralysed prophet has recovered the use of hla stricken limbs. --" The news has led the members of the faithful at Zion City to prepare. for a special praise and prayer service at the tabernacle tomorrow. v Althouch the "'First' Apostle of the Christian Catholic Church In Zion" had secretly named hla successor and pre dicted that hla death was near. Over seer Bracefleld declares that the real- dente ef Zion City are not anxious. ' : Thouaauils pfhls, followers. were as tounded by the announcement contained In the Leaves -of Healing, Dowie' s of flQlal publication. Issued today. which practically contained bis farewell to his church. Overwork In th condurt of af fairs In Zion City And the plantation whloh he had planned to eetabllab in Mexico is believed to be responsible for his condition, ' l.,.. . STREET IS CLOSED FOR PRESIDENT - i '.., Traffic on Pennsylvania Avenue Stopped as Roosevelt Drives ; ; Through Roped Way.' (8pe-Ul Dlapatcb by Leamd Wire te Tb )oaral) Washington. Sept.- ' 80. President Roosevelt entered the capital at 0:11 p, He waa met by Commissioners West and McFarland and dele-rations of the Business Men's . association and the Board of Trade. - I f Joseph Sylvester, the superintendent of police, with a squad of mounted po lice, acted as the escort, police forming a hollow square within which the pres ident ana party roae. , The carriage was flanked by the- ee cret service men, in command of Chief Wilkls. Outaldeijf them were blcycl police. Pennsylvania avenue had been roped off from euro, to curb. The. car lines were halted and all traffic on the rout to the White House suspended. Thousands lined the roped thoroughfare and gave their welcome tn cheera,. a flutter of bags and band-claps. SIGLER BOOSTS 1 AT FIT, P T . ! ' - -., i-t PROPERTY UP: TO HI (Continued on Page Two.) - PAUL JONES IS READY - , FOR VISITORS TODAY The ' torpedo boat detroyere Paiil Jdnea Is "anchored" betwn e Bs-jiilde street ,and the Steel brlAe-" Slie will receive visitors ' this afternoon from 1 to t A'clock and every ' afternoon thereafter during her" i weekse e stay. in port. ' -. ... PRESIDENT v SMITH IS SHY HIS TROUSERS ,- Robber Gives Mormon Hierarch a Chilly Half Hour In the' Bee Hive.' -,w (pedal Olapateh by Leased Wire te Tbe Joaraal) . Salt Lake, Utah, Sept. JO.f-There' waa consternation-'"to--thW-Bee ve, when President Joseph Smith awakened, la hUr official ' residence a yesterday and could not find his trousers., "President Smith believed that some one of hla many children In .the house had played a , prank - on him, but . they denied the offense. -:, - ' . v-'-,". V.f ' ' What bothered the hierarch more than the loss of the garment waa the knowl edge that , with them was , also af Ins gold watch valued at 1250, and a gold mounted fountain pen. A sum of money was also stolen. . After the leader of the faithful had searohed in the cold room for an hour and failed to find his clothes the police were notified. Mrs. Bmlth's daughter saw the burglar. -" Veek-areeJdas Oevtoe. ' -""' , , (Special Dtvpatcfry Leans Wire te-Tse Joeruri Loalsvllle, sept. 39. Dr. Oeorre M. McMahan la- the Inventor of a new de vice to make legal sxecutlone painless and Instantaneous. The - apparatus la In the form of ev yoke which fits around th neok and hold the head In a rts-td position while a Jerk upon aa extended lever breaks the neck. ... Assessor Now Has Lists Ready for. the Board Of Equallza- , , ton at Its Session . : ' Tomorrow. ( I - V-'v'.- . ' ;' .The assessed valuation 'Of persona) property In the city Is tJ8.32M net against approximately 118, 000.000 for last year acoordlng to County Assessor B. D. 8lgler.; He practically rinlshed the work of assessing- th property In Multnomah county yesterday but no footings were made last night of any except the personal property. , . Estimating that the , total valuation of property-In the city will be appro-,; innately f 150,000,009 according., to? tri" asseseor, the valuation of. real',- wt i: a hrr ton... -.t had b ,,en ' amount to approximately.. 1121.0,. jO00. " . Under the present sjertent the ee-J-SST. sessed VBluatlonse'.tH-fcperty will b 1 I . , i .ui. mi., w K. ...... .... , m . . v. . . Is causing .. considerable uneastnc.s among .heavy taxpayers.- ... . , ,-, In maklnr the aaaear n.n)-;-: - sessor has instructed his nit's all property at its actual value, acoo ru ing to law.' The Portland Consolidated Railway company's- property, of which the '-rolling stock was assessed , for I84I.T95 last - year, ' has a . valuatioa of ta.101.410 placed on It this year. Other large corporations h had their assessed valuations raised i rw.Bgly. - ' Tax Levy Kay X T Za. " On 'a valuatloaof tlZO.l . AJ .. or Slgler has estimated l xhir t.-' the', tax levy on city -pre ty for purposes would be appro. .ately l mills. If the footings are w-s or 1- the rate will Vary awOrdlK . - : The board of aamallsatlon i eets r Monday morning, at which tmi t.. . ( ran.-- le T, r " i - in a tr . th of 1 r;: .(CeaUnuel en , page I ), . .(Continued on Page Seven.). Jr, . .. , -T- i i. ..