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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1905)
ComrJ: !:n Hew C!:t:it:i Per and Day r.r:j r.:?:ri:J frc-a Any C:urc3. : .3 FARS ONE TIII5D TIIAT C? COUPETINQJ.T2Ai:SOAT3-tl.C3 FC7 ZZZ..J. . ;.v. t-.-t-- "TRIP THO RACY, SAUCY, SCAUPERINO lOLIOES HIGHER AID SCARCE Receipts . Not So liberal a.nd Price Are Firm at the Top 5 -Season Closfn jf 'ONIONS ARE WEAKER ON OUTSIDE RECEIPTS poultry: Arrivals Plentiful Consider. inf That Today la a Holiday Es Are Firm With a Small Increase to Local Stocks. : ; ,: front Street Sept. 80, The prlnclpai feature pt tbe Portland wholesale meraeta today are: linMrq u l c pwit. Tematoae high with ecarelty. ... ; Unkia market rather wak. . .' Potato . ar dull bat unchanged. .... Street celebrate Portland dey. 1 - -nlrrr racelnta liberal toder. -' ICfga ara ttm; etecke atlll email. ' ll dreaeed netti are active. Temeto Sigh Witk Soaraity. a, tomato market la la Terr goad Ae lata raloa have earlouely . demenea ha lata of the product, great portion of tba arivala being, somewhat charted. JTbt aaaaoa i fact eoiniug to aa and aad dealer do aot iiari-t touch conceealon la tha price from ttaU taw-lovta. Tba past aeaiaa? baa baa a awarkable oo ta tome toe Tba proapacta arl la tba aaaaoa ware that taa crop would w kMir. bat bear ihlirmeute did Dot nrlaltae aatll rather Uta In tba aaaaoa, and m thee ra toe onl-JTlef..lnierala. All trough tba year, fritb tba poaelble exception f ana or twa weaka, prteea bare ranged vary ill, at moat Umee values ' being abora tba nolle' Idea. To make the attnatloa bare seen ere Srm tba California and ether aoaat to eeto crops were considerably amaUer tbaa sail and area tba cannrrs Buffered. Canned nnatoe hare ( lata barn eaoted rather Bra. ; TlniTii 0U b Tear OenU levwer. . I Local dealer bare aaaeanced a deettae of 4 Mr gallon In llnaeed all, tba change to Uke irfeet iaot evealug. The following ara tba wew nil re: . Para raw In barrel. SSc; 5-barrel Iota, He; raaaa, 90c; boiled, barrel. BTc; ( barrel I . We; ceeee, - 82e. .-' , - '. ... : , Oniea Market lather .Weak. " " lb onion market ta rather weak on ecetant at the lata arrival from WalU Walla. Three eacti ara emng.uo low that, local- producer 'trill not clare their gooda npon tba market. TU potato market la doll with no tndiratloaa of liirthlng doing aa tba enUlde aa. accouat of jtka tow prlcaa. Tetdtry Seaelnts Liberal Today. Ireelnta of nooltrr along rtont atrrat were "niarr liberal, today, eonelderlng tba -tact .that I tMt la a holiday and tba laaf day or toe wera iiai month. No baring waa reported and tba wjxet bad aa Indifferent too. trtde better -bat tha aa-J 'ipta ara etlll aoaelderably ander tba normal aiand. Howerer, there waa bo abort age today. ; All Pre out Xeata Ara AotlTe. icttrtty- la" ahewa all 'through the freeh at market. Beeelpta of dreaeed eaal lete eterday aftarnaea were aolte liberal, bat a demand waa en f Sclent te keep the market awed ap at tba areealllag eatoee. Hoga fere ir la corrrtng, but tba market la erry good I ew "VJcer Bear 1m t tt arrowing aa ta autton to more tartly well, but poor otocka lnadlra with recatpta nominal.'. ' Colambia Balzaea , Seared ,-Xgata. - I frery-ether day therd ka a aoarelty la the; apnea at Celnmbla rlrer eehnon. . Today -the I nrrakt were i few and ' although ' there waa Hit rlrroaed eoaalderabla etocka. came In. ea tba eeeet atreama. aad 'romrtha aoand ntrxa. Prlraa ' laaetlea. ynd tba eaara. I V Mora aalaa af epa kUperta. V. '; I tnee In awhile eoma grower to-tbhvatata Womee fHghtaned arer tha future of aaarkat enu-e and aella a porttoa of hla holdlnga, bat rwrally incaklmt Ttha giuaeti ara Terr rm t their rlcwe aa lo prlcee aad, what tbey anonld k. Waiblngtoo grower ara not aeiung quite a iraele aa preitonaly, ea aaanuai or am anilara aent out from tola city. . Tba following quotation ara tboee paid along bant atreei - by the retail trade for flrat ea qaallty In round Iota. . Prodnoera prlcaa ai ao aped Bed: , Orats, Flour 'aag laed. . ' WHEATew rmb, TV: Bed Boaalaa, fjTot aieatem. 74er Ta,lley. Tl72o. , ABLET Feed. (21. )-:!.; rolled; 131. 5t ra.0: brewiag, 3.50e3.00. 1 CORN Whole, .W; cracked, $28.00 per toe. I kYH 11 an ner ewt. OATS Prortocere' price No. 1 white, fZLMr tjn not grer. gs.ooaxa.ra. , I rXOra New, eaetern Oregoa pa ten It, $4.90; Onlibta. $3.o)aS.S6; e J porta. $3.35; Taller, I5; rraham, , $3.60; rye. SOa. $4.00; .aba.- $5.T. " . .. . I MILLCTTIFrS Bran, $1.09 par toei nM- lttraw $25.00t aliorta, aoantry, $30.00; elty, mho; crop. $18.00. t RAT Prod ore re' w n e - Ttmothe. Willamette tlVr, fancy, gll.OOat3.00: ordinary, $7.0041 l0: eaatera Oregon, fit Ooy 15.00; mlie-l, 3O09.OO; cVTer. $.00ai0.00 grain, $3. 50 CI il; cheat. W 00.0. ' Batter, Cgga and PeaMry, lUTTEft FAT Sweet Slat eour, tBe. kUTTKR City creamery, beet. 3nQ32t4s; atend grade, 2THe; oat aide fancy, i7Htl30c: letlnery, 3oei27Hc; atore. I2l7e. S(;(;g Ho. 1 freeb Ore iron, readied, S7Ho alt atnraira and eaatera, MQHSe. CHKE8B New Full eraam, twin, ISHQJoe; 'are America. leHQlbe: cbedder, lee. . I.POILTBY Cblckena. 14lV,e per tb; 'wey bene, MHiJflSc per lb; rooetrra. old. H " per lb; fryer. 14 per lhl broiler. 10 per : dock. lefitlAc per lb; gecae, ptSlOe per ; tiirkrra. 18b23e per Ih; dreaeed, 22020c l lb; aqnaba, $2.50ei.00 per doa. t. I Hope, Wool and Rida. 1 ROPS laOS Oregon. USlliHci Waahlngton, tllci 1B04 crop. IXo for cootrn. JlQi2c prUnra and aaedluma . . ' WOOL IIMJS rliu, ealleV. eoeree ta asedlaah S425iei SnJT -HaJJiai eaatera tvtaoa, 622c, . . . . I aloiiAIR Nominal, S0J31e. 1 InEErSKINS Sbrartng, IDAS abort amoL He; medlnm wool, SOCjeoat keng . wool, -utl 00 rich. , . 1 t ALLOW Prime, per tb) 5e: Mo, amf a2Uc. CHITTIM BAJtK-SMQto par Ik. HIDES Dr, bldea. ha, 1. IS ma aad a. Nl,e per lb; ary kip. Ne. a, U IS Iba. dry calf. Ma. 1, aaaer ha. isejiset dry JM htdaaveteere. aoand. SO Tne 0 -- SH to ta SO Iba. S8Ha aeeae- get Iba aad OSMer 'tare and balK actia7ct IS to SO the. e: eoand. 10 to 14 lb. 6l eelf. eoand. under 10 lb SHUj, greea Jilted), la per lb tree; esl. le Pf lb leeal rjrtildea. aW raeh. $l.I"-TSr-dry. 2. (I.ool.ao7; aolt bldea, each, SSOaoat M aklna. eonmea. eee. lOf lael Angara, " wool aa. each, J5ce$ , . Pralta aad Vaaatablea, , a0TATOBS Beat Oregon; S5e7Bei ea lota, 7 racks ordinary, notfeOes eweet, 3a aaeka, Crete. , OHION8New OrefflB yellow DaBmra,- S9c; nt. 0e; yerllc, J10c ner lb. rkE8H FRUITS Applea, Oregon. Sl.OOOI WJ T, 51.7542-00; erabapplea, $l.tO; orange. SATURDAY PRICES IN .THE WHEAT MARKET d d da ' ' ' ' T)oc. Uny. Chicago ..,...$ .HB I -.88 14 now .S8HA Mlnneapolla .7$ utiluth Milwaukee Bt. fula . . . . . .7B HaB .1H .lBd New Vnrlr". ... . 88 anlp. I IJ-I.lrerpool ..... SaSHd aHd a 8n Krsnclsco. .1.8814 l.H ' - . " BApUmbor. March. Do- Cpmbt'r-bsslr.': :".,"'.? I . .'i ., ..JC,...e,(..;!-'.'1.....A---- ,- ', --.c'V JOURNAL'S DAILY " r TIPS TO SHIPPERS Portland day- at tha exposition W . o ' w: today csused early cloning In all noleaale atabllahments. The wholesale groceries were rlosed all day while the commission houses. In order to secure their shippers against loaaes, remained open In the morning juat long enough to take -care of the ln coming shipments of perishable goods. Practically no business of . any kind was shown along eoTuralsalorf row." " lata Valenctaa, $4.7515.23; banana te per lb: Wroeoe, choice, g5.bOU3.Tik per baa; fearr, id.00 .bul" ". Weak-a. li P 00; plueapplea, 14.00 per dya; peacboa. tvtef, ortllnarr. (iluoia. T5cl.i0 per crate: caatakmpea, Te per rraUl water meloaa, 00c per ewt; im, ttregeo, oOexIie OMicorda, 5a, 4JOc; lOeVtUe baakat; CallfurnU, T5cji.S0 . boa: pr a. Bert ten. 1.2 tr boa; Winter Nellla !. per box; blackber rlea. i6c1.0O; orsabea, $2.U01.5 due; freeb prunee t I per lb; pootegraaatea, f 1.25 par bos. VKOKTABLKH TaroliM. aw, $l.u C-r udl carrou, 1.08 per kack; beeta. L0Otl I.Z5 per eatefcj On-gno raOlabeo. Sba per 4oe; eabbege. Oregoa. (l.onoi.Ka per ewti greea peppere, Ae pur lb! local tomatoea, nOt5Uc; fmraalpe f l.Wnal.SS; ' at ring beana, U'1 cauliflower, locfl.00 doa: rbnharb. per Ih; becaoradleb, 10a lb artlcnokta, 0M joe per doa; bead ; ' tettoee. We per doa: nrren - ealona. I ' 1 ner doa: antnarb. lo per lb I green nora. TSa per eaek; peaa, Vim n IK. MiMntuk. eiL m Uei ff If T Colorado, 65c; local, ' TB'&HHe per ; eggplaat. 13.00 per cratet pumnklaa, lHe. DRIED 'RUIT Aenlea, arauoratad. TOSe aer lb: anrleota. SHerl.'tc per lb; earka. W ear Ih Waa: oeacbea. ) IKe per lb: nee re. -per lb; prnaea. Italian. M4 nar ' N: rrench. "AQ4We per lb: lire. California black. ttH per Ibl California white. per lb: vlama. pitted, per lb: dateat goldev, M ear Ibl tarda, tl.60 nae 15-!b bea. . rraarlaa71lota; tta. flCOAR Sack be ell Cube. ta.SOf powdered. 15.35; frolt granulated, fb.2S; dry greanleted, to.ib; Couf. A,. 5 80: beet grennlated, S6.16; extra C, e.T5; golden C.; yaltow. f4,66t bel, lOci bble. S6e; boxae Oa-adraa en aack Ha lie. Icm ilfic'ver ewt fuc.eaaa, 15 dara: maple, leiftlnr nar lb. , ... . HONEY 13 per crata, " , COFFER Package braada, $15. TS. . - SALT Floe Balea. (a. be. 10e. $l.f: table, dairy. 50a. 511.00: 100a. 10.T: Im ported Mrerpool. bOa. $W.Oii 100a. tlO-Ml K3ti. $l.O0: extra fine. nolo. - 10a. (4.S0ffnJW: balk. 320 Iba. acka, KXi. wame. . ( ' , SALT Coaraa Half eroeed. 10"., aer tea, $7.00: 50a. or ton. T.BO: Mreraooi lieme rack. I1P.50 per toot 60-lb rock. $T.oui.lfia. ?. . - (A bore prlcaa apply lo' ealre t J"" ear lota. Car lota at asocial -Mlcaa evbleet ta rinctnatkme). . OBAIN BAOIt CalcatU. TtA. 1 . . BieK Imperial Japan. No. t. :" IVc: New Orleoaa bead. SUcl AUx. e; Ore- 'BEaVs (iman white. ritUe: lerra wMte IHc: olnk. xuaSUei bayoa. 4W1 Umaa. S;: Vletlcen rede. . NCm-Peanata. Y tamboa. Stto Par : mm. an 10c per lb: maated. t coc.Bet. Wejooe per do: walnate. Hdlw 9trJbt naf. 1rl3ua per lb: Ittrkorr ante. I0e per Hit l.eetnnte. eeatem. 1Klc per. b' Breifl nate. 15e par lb; nibaria, l01Se par Ibt fancy aarana. IIV: al-TMnda. Irllte par lb. -Palata. Orel OUa. Xta. R0PB Pmra Manila. 14e: ateadard. UWat ileal. 10e: Hale brand alaaL - ntr water rclilte. troa bbta." iba - aaa raAb Ollc reari ae Aairai. u in. " wooden. 18a la par salt baadlUbt. 170-doa. an. OAPOLIN Wrdea. eaaea. $3 ner gal: Iron bbl. 2te per call atore. aaaaa, MM Par gall Iron bhle. lSe per cel. BENKINB nsler. caaaa. SSe per gait Iroa W,. nue r cel. ' - . . ' . TUBPENTINB la eaaer. Pit per gal? wood bbl. due per rl. WHITE LEAD Ton lot. TUO per BJ B08-lb Iota. 8c per lb: wea lota. BH par lb. . WIliB NAtt.S Preernt beee at Slid. . I.INBEETt OlL-MTtre raw, In S-bbl Iota, ; 1-bbl lot. O.V; reeea. 0e per gal; geanln kettle boiled, caeea. ie per gel) 6 bbl Iota, IMtc: -bbl lot, 67c per gel: ground cake, car lots. $20.00 par toa; lean than ear lota, $30.00 per ton. Meat, rixh aad Praeiatana. . ' FTtEKH MBAT Front etreet Heer ataer. SMtlc per lb; pork, block. S'.ISi," par lb; paek ere. nc per lb; ball. par lb; eewa, SHfldc per lb; eeal. extra, 8 per lb ordinary, 7c per lb; poor, Se per lb; mutton, fancy, 70744c per lb. HA AIM, BACON. ETC Portland neck floeall batut l6 to 14 lb,. 14c per lb; 11 to IS iba, 134fi per lb: 18 teS Iba. ISc par IbeMUge, ge per lb; Weak rait bacon. 5IH par lb; picnic, a. oar in; recnier enon cieere, nn- evoked. 11a par lb; emoked. lie Dei , I0e lb emueaaV-ttnic Ih; Union butt. 10 to IS Iba. anamoked, M per lb: emokea w per m. ciear oetiiaa, aa rooked. lie per lbt amoked. Ue par )bi abool- OCAXi LARD Battle leaf. 10. II per rb; 5. 11 per lb; RO-lb ina, UV par lb; aMmrandlra4ri0a. 10 par lb 6a, 10jf per lb. CANNED PAUION Colninbla rtrer, 1-lb telle. $i:oTS-lb talk.. $2.70: fancy. 1-lb flat, f 1 00, U-lb fancy tlata. $1.15; fancy 1-lb oral, $2,761 Alaaka title. Pink. boalSOa: tad. $1M; aomlaa ta. tell. 82A10.. - . FISH Rock red. Te ear lb: floe rider. Se per lb: ballbnt. 5V4e per lb; crab. 81.50 per dux; etrlped beaa. I2eja per lb; catflah. Se per lb; aalmom ellreral, Se per lb; bluehacka, da per lb; herring. 5c per lb; eolea. Sc per B; anrlmpa, 10c per lb; perch. 5 per lb; black rod. 7 per lb ellrer amelt. Te par lb; lobater. 15c; fnah mackerel. Se par lb erawfuh, 85 per doa. . . . OYSTERS fthoalwatat bay. par gal. SLtti per aack. $3.75. . , . CLAWS Herd boO, pat box. $2-0CH rnaet tlama. 82.00 par Sw. ' . NO LIVESTOCK ARRIVED IN PAST 24 Yard Officials Take a Day Off and.Try to Make It Hun--'T,', dred Thousand, Portland Colon Stockyards, Sept. 80. Ure took receipt: . . . 1 ' : Hoga Cattle Sheep Today ... ... Week ago .-vie 88 Prarhwa week ... Month ago 435 "405 - lfl Tble waa a holiday Hi the local atockyard and ao arrlrala were abown rinrlng the peat 24 hour. ' Hoc week, cattle dull, aheep atrong aad reel ealree firm. ' Official prlcaa for Hreetock: Hone Beat eeatern , Oregon.' Sd.00ftS.I3: bbtrkera and China fata, $5.O05.2J; atockere and feeder. $4.50. Cattle Beet eaetern Oregon ateera, f.VOOft S.2A; lacbt and medium eteere, 82 50t ll-b eowa, Il.60e2.00; atockere and feeder, $2.2582.50; bulla. $1.50. . , Kheep Wether. 8iS3He; mixed abeen. 8'4l ttralxht ewe. SetftHr; eprltir lamhe. 44744c. , Calree-e-Uood real. 150 to 200 pounda, 5aSC; rough bearx, 8tc . ( , y IA8TIBir"xT00S STKABT. - " Chicago,' Sept.. SO-T-Mrratock receipt: Hog. Cattle Sheep. Chicago .'. ..'.lS.ooO 1 don . 8,000 City ""0 , S.0m Omaba . 8,200 400 .... Hoga Opened etedy with 4.1no left rer: receipt! a year ago were 8.000. tTlce: Mixed And butcher. 83.iafr5.SU; rood. $V40tj6.u; rough. $3.10Q50; light. $J.155.70. . CattIe-Strong. , r. . : Sheep Strops r. COHON FUTURES TWO TO FOUR POINTS OFF ' New Vnrk, Sept. 80. Cotton fulUree- cloaed 9 to 4 point borer. . Official quotallona by . Orerbeck, . Starr A Cboka vo.i Open. Pllgb.-fyvw. One. ...... J'Kt 1073 103 lOtutftM I073l(t74 jo81070y71 n7.7noex1oT low io7h'ij , Ifrwi 107 loxi iimiffeU ...... 1"01 KHld OX(l lONTcSfSH January . febniry March ... April .... May ..... October . Koeemher December ...... 1033 104.1 lost ' ...... lOwl KMT ir4J4l ...... lonfl loxd 10$7 1058 tlrerpeol Oct tea tower.. Mrorpaol. Sept, SOve-Cottos future closed 1 aalnti - 4amw -V V M10IIIE11 SETB.1KI FOR PRICES Chicago Wheat Markst Suffsrs Another Break In Value With j Close Near Bottom. ATTITUDE OF BULLS"- " IS VERY MYSTIFYING December Show Net , Lost of .Two and an Eighth, While September 'and May Each Loss Ons and an Eighth Cents . - -' SATCBDAn WHEAT MARKET. Owe u.t Cloee Ioas Ckwa Krl. Sat. Tr. ago. September December . May ...... .4 ."3 $ .S4 Mil. $ I B .8AHA MtZ 1.1JA Wa ' m Lu . .i ... JU Cbkago. elept. 80. Logaa A Bryan aay: The wheat . market today auffered another eevere break, leering tb trade much myatlfled as ta tba attitude of the principal bull telenet. He la ft Ten credit for aupportlng tit market and bringing about tbf rally from tb low point bat tb cloee ta atck and nereoue, Aalde front a continued eaalng up In tke caah damned and tba free movement of coring wheat, aothlng dereloped In today's market to caue the tree aelllng of wheat to which tha aiarket war oub)eeted during the -day'A-aeaaton, Waaary receipt for tba ft ret tlaie were at mnch larger Tulume tbaa a year ago and contributed to tl beerUh feeling, which at time threatened te weep erery thing before It. Tbe rally would Indicated one or two thing flret that the bull Interact . bad aneccedad In marketing a falt nmount of wheat and waa buying rt back on tla) decline or that It switched to etere the tble temporarily and bring about a rally through abort covering,. The trade geaarally apeak ing la bi a aerroua etate, tbe bull eanee baa even badly shattered, with the bulk of trade bearlab and abort of wheat. - Aggraeala buying by tba bull forcee -could eaally bring a boat e sharp rally. Small Cora Decline. -- Oocwlrlerlng the stats of tb wheat market tba future optkma la corn held remarkably are 1 1, the act deeUn for the- day being mty- He. That market erldently reralTed better eupport notwlthotandtng the. aggraaalra aelllng by e nromtnent e leva for concern. la oats tba loeo 1a today market waa bat a email fraction, prlcee holding remarkably atrong In tha face of tbe weakness In etbet pit., Ommlaeto firm were tbe beet buyara. ProTtelons cloaed Irregaler ha tone. October ctnff being abort on rarer Ing with pi secure In evidence m Jannary. It eontlnoas te be s typi cal peckere' market. Oflclal ouotatlone by Orerbeck, . Starr A Cooke Co.! -WHEAT.. Opes. High. Sept.... .St Iec... .8414 .Mi May..... .88)4 -86 COR!,. New See, .SI - . '- Jl 4 -r-Obt Hep.-iM -rH T New Ilea. .434 .44 . Old bee. ,...44 U AH .. i May .43 H .43H twv ' Cloee. .02 W I . .Kite .8314 HB .!4 .48 .43S '34 A 4b" .43 .48i4A OATS. Sept.... .2T .27 Oct.....: .374 - . .171 Dec .asij . ,V May...i. JV4 ""'.SOU ,-- ' MBSS POBX. , Sept.... 14 .89 5 . - 1S.TS , IBM . 13.TS Oct..... 14.88 '.e-.14.W - ,,. 14.70 14.78. Jia...,. 12.40 18.43 . , M.3T - LARD. Sept...,- Oct ) Ja T JO " - TJ " T.1T T.1T If. 3d TJO T.1T - T.1T 8.80 80 S.TT 8.7T ii. . SHORT BIBS. Sept.... S80 8.80 3.80 . 880 . Oct..... 8 M 8.50 . S.80 S.BO itu k 3.50 B S.80 8.4T S.4T rinuiT OBAnr KorxxzaT.' ' - . Chiracs. Sent. 80 Primary recelnta' , , Today Tr.-ago tluas. , Buan Wheat '....1.T0O 000 l,o3.u00 Corn 484.000 833.000 J Shipment I Wheat S93.O0O ' 608.000 Corn ...7 818.000 847.000 Clearance: ' Wheat, 62.000 puehele; flour, 40.000 barrel: . com, 347,000 buabakt; eat, 33S.0OO buebcla. . , - - v' CHICAOO CASH WHEAT. !'. ' Chicago, Sept. SO. Caah wheat: ' -.- -'! Bid. Aak; No. 9 red ......... .84 .854 NO. t rMl A e a a e a a oCatt 94 No. 1 hard i... .03 J7 , No. Shard .814 .SS . No, 1 northern .83 ' .80 No. 1 northern '. .80 JH1 No. S eprmg , M ' " M CHICAOO BaUa CAB LOTS. Chicago, Sept. SO. Qnla ear lota: ' , v care. , Grade. , Bat. 1904. Wheat 30 4 SO 01 Cora 30 118 ' .300 140 Oat 837 89 ' 338 130 Wheat Cera today: Minneapolis 7 no. Do tal h 847, Winnipeg J7. Tear ago: Mlnaeap olb 810, Dolutli 408, Winnipeg UO. , BAH rBAHCISCO OBAJ JUHHXT. - Ban rrinctoeo. Sept. 30 -Official ctoeo: WHBAT. j Open High. Lew. Cloee. December ....1.86H S1S14 li4 BABI. kAKI.GT December '. 1.08H IMH 1.08 .1.08 LmHPOOL SBATH MABXXT. LtTerponl, Sept. 80. Cloae: Wheat De ember.r8a ti, d town; March, Sa 8d, ud lowar. Corn December, 4a 8d, d lower t Jana ary, da.Td, Td lower j March, Hd lower. , : HBW TOSH POTTO MABHXT. Mew - York, Sept.- SO. Oaf fee futur elcecd 8 to 10 point! lower; !.-. Official quotations: ... i- ' Bid. Aak. I . ' Bid. Aek. January -,..7.1 7.20Jnly -...M,.$7.0 7.B3 r-ebrnlry '.. T.tO T.IW Aaguat T.68 T OO Mach a..'... 7 30 f.85 October ..... 8.80 8.08 April !!.. T.88 T.40 Noeerober .. TOO T.t May 10 T.trilDeeambcr.... t.10 T.18 June.. 7.45 T.OOl , -rTotal sale, 88,350 bags. , . :-, - ' farclga Coffee Markete, ' Marr;' Sept. 80.c-loffe futnraa declined U, Hamburg declined Jl receipt. 10,000 haf market ateady, prices 75 dowai Saatoe, 88,000 Up, market steady. L . 1 Haw Tark Oaak Coffee. ,i New Tork. ' Septt 80. teak coffee: He. 1 Bio, gci Ne. d Santo. c. ; TOBOPAH nTTHniO iTOCHa, - San TanrticorBpt.- Sclni cke; ' ' Bid. - Montana ...-.! Midway I MVi McNemara -SO Belmont ...i...l-40 North Star Beacae , .T ... (told Mountain.. .10 Jim Butler....,, .78 Hed Top ....... . Too. eada ... .13 Ton. P.xtea ... 8.00 OoklScId ...... ; Mandator"1 ...... ' .jOA Sanrlatarm Bx. . Ad. me ..oj KVIIpec eta Caah Boy ...... .' Wellmaa ...... 1.03 30. Tonopah stocks, of- Bid. .14 flllrer Mohawk ....... Dixie Kendall ...... Columbia Mt... Jnmbe Mllrer Pick ... ' .13 .13 .303, .TT .re .30 . .30 .( .. , . .OA .17 .14 .18 , .04 Jnmbe Extea... Black Bntte ... riolden Anchor. Hay O ' Br lea .. ft. Ball Prog... DlaawndSeld Ixne Star Denver ....... Atlanta Nattoaal Bank. Ureal Bead ... l O0KST0CX ntXHTJIO tTOCBa San Traactaco, . Sept. SU OfSctal cioa Bid. Bnlllo Bnlllo I . Helcher ton. Cal-Va.... ftphlr . . , .,tti . 3d 23 35 28 Saveg Pntoal . Be .i -.4H .13 - (ton. ftnhl t'nlon Con ...... Yellow .Jacket. J7t4 .. .J7i .3T4 - JT jr m : ,29 . . : JO Caledonia ' . Mexlrea S, 1.00 roe. Mercer .. .o Scorpba OS Kictlcquer 40 Hale A Kcrrreea. 1 1 ......... .S3 IIIER RISE III ST E New York Market Unusually Ac tive for Saturday, and List, :'. Gets 'a Boost. - READING FJRST GOES THREE POINTS HIGHER Bank . Sutement MucrtTJetter Than ' Expected Action of Market Seems More Healthy Future ' Depends Largely on London Advices. " ADVANCES. ,, AOnt. A Welter Car Feeadry Aicnwea Sugar Smelter Smelter, pfd ..... People' Oal racinc Mall. ...... Heading .......... Heading, let pfd .. I Koch laland, pfd... 1 Baltimore Baltimore, Brooklyn , pfd I H. P., 3d pfd ..... 44 SV P., 4et- pfd..... 1 Texaa A Padne ... 1 Tnn. Coal ........ V. S. Hubbar .... i U. 8. Bubbar, pfd. . Norfolk Penna jlvanla ...... Premed Steel Oar.. Preaied Steel Car, f : Bep. Steel Hep. Steer, pfd TTV 1 noutbera By St. L. A 8. W Cunadlaa . Alton. .... Alton, pfd ::::: ... Ureal Weatera St. Paul .......v o. an. w;.;...X Colo, ruel ........ Colo. Sooth., let p Delaware Brie) aeaeawe ff - Brie, lat pfd Ulnot Central .... LonleTllle St. L. A B. W.. p. . Metropolitan Itan ...... Ualoa Partflc ... Central .. 4 1 Leather, pfd ..... PeclOc... VilU. S. Steetjm Hexlcaa Mueuurl K.-Y.-Central iiWab.ah Kartbara Peclko ,. Car Fouadry, p. North American ., Boatbera Carta ., Vj'Wabaah, pfd : IcOSRKS. 1 IKaty. pfd ........ Reading, d pfd .". , Hi Union PaciSc. pfd. Wall Street Mew York, Sept SO Logan A Bryan aay: Tha atork market eloeed atrong In all department. In some case eharply higher, due to a better bank etatement tbaa expected; in fact tbe etatement we rarprbv Ingly good and accmcd-to ehang tbe temper of tha trade. Poole were aggreealrely active, bidding up their apeclaltlee, aad abort eoeer lug made up n goodly portion of the day's bualneea. , Pur a Saturday tba trade waa high. Tba action of tbe market aeeeaa more becltby, but much wlU depend on tb attitude of Lea den aa to -the eentlmeut on Monday. Official quota tlone by Over beck, Starr A uopxo company: f I - DESCBI PTIOH. Aaaeoada Mining Ca. .. AmaL Copper Co. Ateniaoa, commoi do preferred .., Am. Car A Pound., com. - o preferred Am. Sugar, ec 130 180 8 melt, c 137 137 do ore f erred .... 121 H 131 Vi Baltimore A Ohio,. 113 1U do nreferted .... Brooklyn Rapid Transit. f 71 T3 4 Ln. -racinc, common. .1173 175V. 174 ChL Alton. do preferred cm. t '. W.. eomraoa. 21V, tl 181 ChL. MM. A St. Paul. 183UI ri. A. xr w ...a , 210 Tt'hl. Terminal Railway.' rneaapeaK ft ubio. :4 Colo, fuel A Iran, t Celt a I Colo. Boot hern, comaaoa. A I do Sd preferred ao lex prererreu , . . . . . . .- -- 81 ftl teeiBwerw e, naaeoa..,. Del- Lack. A Weetera. O. A B. commoa... do preferred Brie, common do 2d preferred do lat ore f erred .... Illlnole Central -m Loulavllle A Kaahrllle. lWAtlW 15AHIlrft Metropolitan St. By... Manbattaa By ,., USValUMra MexCrotraBallwaa. Ulna.. St. P. A Sta. M do preferred . Mleaonrt Pacific lOliaillonH, M.. K. A T. oommaa.. 34 HI 84(4 105 84 lO Wv?3 vfTTaHl a e New York Central .... Northern Pacific 148 100 140 Tenneeaee Copper Norfolk A Weetera, com. 81 83 1 ao nrererree... North American N. Y., Ont. A Writ..., Ptnmylranla By P. O., Lit, Co Preeeed Steel Car, com,. riiiu' 143 103 . 43 do preferred .......... no 43 Pacific Mall Steam. Co.. Reading, com.......... 1S3I122 do 3d preferred do let preferred...... inoiim ST Ben. Iron A Steel, com. . 00 pre rerrca Bock laland. roes....... de preferred .......... Bnbber Good do preferred Soother Ry.. corn..... looS do preferred .......... Son then Pacific....... do preferred St. L. A S. P.. 14 pfd. S3 87 T8 do lat preferred T St. CAS. W com... do oreferred Texea A Teeifle. . . ... Tenneeaee Coal A Iron.. T-. St L. A W com.. no nrererred... IW T'nlon Pacific, com..... 132 do nreferred V. V tther. com..... do nreferred 104 104 M; TJ. B. Rnhher, com.... 031 dr ore f erred ....... . TJ. S. Steel Co., com... 87 8KI 8TT do nreferred ..... 104, 103 l 104 Wheel. A L. B., com... Wlacooala Central, com. 17 17H IT , -do nreferred..,.. Weetera Union Tele..... 3 2314 83 '13l 42 Wahaah. com...,. do preferred 42 Total aalaa for day. (28.800 shares. " hostoh uomi stocks. Bo toa.' Sept 80. Ofoclai eopp oaa Bid. Bid. Adrentare ...$ 7.50 Atlantic ...... 28.78 Alloaeas.... 83.75 Blnabam ....-31.23 Masa I 8.37 Oeceola ...... 107.00 Parrot , - 27.00- raoenix ....... .no Qulocy ....... 108.00 Cel. A Aria... 100.12 Calumet .... 800.00 Hbennon T.82 Copper Rang. 71.00 Centennial ... 27.80 ' Tamarack .... 128.00 Trinity 8.7B L'nlted 32 50 Victoria ..... 8.73 Winona ...... . 10.50 Wolverine ...,.11850 I'ta 417 Royal ........ 23.50 LVS.Minlng.r- S7.M Daly Waet ...14.00 Elm ........ ai2 Oraaby ...... 23 87 93.73 27.00. M.78 Oreene ........ Old Dominion. Mohawh ..... 14 88 Copper Mt.... 56.00 - SAB m AN CISCO LOOAX STOCKS. Baa rranclaco, Sept.. SO. Official rloac: Aak. ro 40 10 . 84 84 82 n 108 Contra (W Wafer 40 Spring Valley Water ,. Mntual Electric m Han rrenclacw Oaa A Electric ..... 83 lent Powder .1, ........ to l.wallan Ciimmcrctal ...... 84 Tlonoke Soger ...i........ 15 . Hirfchhtefln nugnr .i.- , in Makawell Sugar 33. Onomea SneaW.'... V, 34 aaihao Htwar ....... Pirkenf 824 w....ia n.tMhln a i.irie mate Teleohone California Wtne v .. 84 , ..132 Pacific Ooaat Borax .... Tfaw York." Sept 30, Bank statement: ' ?. (2 2l4.078 Reaer, 'tn tailed States 2 t4 130 imm -1It'9 Suorie wilcl Depnettn tL"Jl0j! Clreuletloa . 8,800 D Decreae. , Has people guessing at what will yet happen in steamboat building. The" boat is the fastest ever seen in this harbor, except the little red gasoline launch from San Francisco, which darts like a trout through the rippling waters. She makes the trip to the Cascade Locks and return, passing through the grandest scenery on earth, every day but Friday, charging ONLY $1.00 FOR ROUND TRIP TICKETS - '- - - . '- ' . ' v- Competitors-charge $1 JO. yet we have the newest, largest, fastest and best-furnished crsfv ; There it not only Joy and comfort, therefore, in becoming our guest, but . economy as wtlL Dock Foot, of Oak Street day at 9 a. m. ROUND TRIP TICKETS ONLY $1.00. Capacity of ateamer, 690 passengers Mil IttekUahml. 1878. 05JR PAT1MTS OUll IBTlDYOaiTS n M - . .11 eehweat raa- teatlfr le ear greet and ear exampled sataaa. r-- TGONORRHCEA - Kay be attended wttk tb graeeet eeerpBc. tlona if neglected ae Improperly tree tad. We bare a epedn treat meat which ear gnlckly, asfsly aad salnlaaaly. SYPHILIS fa anotbar aequlrad dl aeeae. the reeagee at which when fully dereloped no Pa eea aeecrlbe. Wbea H abowa by akin arupclaaa ac by core la mouth or throat it horror ra already begun. Wa aafelr and thor. eaghly care you and ne mineral pan oaa are employed... , VaARICOCELE and HYDROCELE : . trmmt aad MM. BOt BT tbC Old eVgleal procadnra, but by apataleea method eolalr lav yofi tb nrrartna aaKetataA arlth Barrana Debility. Lost ataafc iced. Impeaaaey, Km lea ilona, Pre- mature Decline, Loaa af Mamary, Beany and Ambltloa la tna orieieei nm n and we Imwre ya a aafa aad poaltlra awe. - 'ConanlUtlow aad examination free. Writ for aymptem blank aad book U yea aaaaet call. . - Ofnce Roam - S a. a, te t s 8a. Baac tar. 10 to 11. ST.7 LOUIS ' Mtdteal and Surgical 1 , DISPENSARY ar. Sd an TaaxklU aa.. Jertiaad. Oa. JAPAN WOULD DISCOURAG Mikado Wants Unhed'Statet to Pass Moderate Exclusion gamst-HlrPeoplew- - lloasTrnl Snadal awtrlca.) Washington. Sefc, 0.- According to lnformaUon recelred by the department of . commerce,' Japan wants tha United States to onset legislation dlecouraglng Japanese immigration Into tha United tataa Thla Infnrmetlon rjomea from a department apecjal agent who recently had a conference witn irarnsm wnue Stevens, the diplomatic nd riser of the emperor-of Korea. . ' ' Tha aiuelal aernt MDArtl that jADAn Is eager to develop Korea and Manchuria and settle them witn surplus population I rt AMiae vm maintain 1 1 aominaunw in ei.iseioa an aha will not ohlect If the United States passes lews discouraging Jannnaaa from cominar'to this country. He added that Japan will protest ...1... m r. ar which wnuld-vlnnlr like discrimination or reflect upon Japan'a dignity... . , y. . CUSTER WAS KILLED BY CHIEF RAIN-IN-THE-FACE (Joornal Special Service.) Vankiik. Te. Bpnt. 10. A lOnaT dis pute aa to who fired the shot that killed General Custer, June 2B. 1176, has been solved br a signal eonfesslon made by Chief Raln-ln-the-Face, who died re cently at Little Eagle, South Dakota, In which ha aays: "I killed him. 1 was so close Z saw his powder-blackened face." He Dosltively denied killing Tom Cum that ha AM net aaa htm. TttA oonfension was made to Mary C. Collins, superintendent of missions at Standing Rock agency, who wrote a letter con taining tbe confession to relatives in Keokuk, whlcb was received here to- day,... - " 1 T7 BOY ACCIDENTALLY V v HURT. WHILl HUNTING - ' (SpeHal tManatek te The leemaL, Albany, Or Sept. 80. John McNeal, a t. . 1 1 mm nld. while ktueitlnw naar Halaey on Thursday evening, allowed his gun to slip out of his hand to the ground u 1 1 . .llmhlne.a fanfl and It waa Ala charged, the load shattering his left arm. physicians called m rouna tne ....,. . ha aavad. and fr W. W arm ejiue of this city waa celled -early yesterday moralner and amputated the arm. The lad will recover. , . . rails aad (Special Dispatch to Tke Jenmal.) Albany, Or., Sept 10. Charles Hale, years old. fell out of a tree oa his father's farm a few miles from this tv yesterday afternoon ana oroae nia left arm. The youth wit 88 reet above .... han ha allnned and f el 1. Major . at. 1C ElHa of thla elty was called and ha reduced the fracture. nsaaaaaaBSawaewwaaw 4 Xany mylna; Taxes. ' tSpeelal IHapatck aa The Jaarael., a Ik. mw Dr a,ni tt-Shtrlff R.- I. White has collected hearty 14,000 in the on account of Usee and Me f floe hr- vnwtantlr ffowded " with cltisens who appear to ay tAaeaV AMERICAN EOIGRATIO (CAPACITY 690 PASSENGERS.) t. ..... if r.( ' aanan - e,nn,e -afa. tumors, Infflink llv.. tn. nnava. ,t ' ' .. . . . 1 n W . . u 1 . I I . . . uuivviun wiivu ma rivua a. 11. la net net win stop aemornagee in n inorwaioiy anon ; wa modloines from Chinese roots, herbs, buds, barks ami wegstttrtd , tees, all of which are entirely harmlens, and whose medicinal propertlea mrm nnl:nn.. tr in.H divntnra. Ha UH1 In hi nraetle OTOT 800 fllf ! ferent Oriental remedies. Hundreds tlantL DR. WIINO i tt vnsn wnnmra rxair. " MwommxosJL. sun, arnrrnxus. aCAjraOOD, BsTiTmATIatlt, BOSSXA, gwyaraCA anil SlaTXW-VZSalMJEar. rr want every man afflicted - with - the above diseases to honestly Investigate our special system of treatment. We In vite in particular all whojiave treated elsewhere without auocess, all whose eaaea have been aoanaonea oy amur phyelctana and so-called "ejlTSCXAJt taaaa it whMa trnuhlaa ' have ' been aggravated and made worae by the use TMAVTlCBaTTS and ao-called WBOTT ZOa. ' We will ezplala to you why such treatment baa failed to cure you, and will demonstrate to your entire satis faction that we can ours you safely, quickly and permanently. Our counsel tll a nnthtnw. and wa will dO bv VOU as wo would wish you to do by ua if our cases were reversed.- wn ior our boms treatment If you cannot call. ' The DReLIEBIG STAFF aad T. Winchester Kdnse, Sd aaA Sttraslda attxeeta, rortlama. Or. BskakUaaed 1878. . - , " law modern dental work. World-re owned speciallsta Lowest prices eonslstent wlta Artt-elase work. ... Oa ta tha NEW, YORK DENTISTS rOVITI AVSTB KOaUUSO ITS. Open day and night,, from S:I8 a. as, until 18 p, at. . SUSECUHE F0.1- PILES j "HAIR BALSAM . ' nTl-W ICImm. IVtamtatSBf ana Bia.nnal wie aam A Basuviaol erewtn. Hrvee Valla to BeetoraOeey u..m l. ttm VMtihr.1 Oalov. Con eealp dlanaa a Wafr raiUaa aa,andixet DnitTW NEGRO ARRESTEDO:. CHARGE OF BLACKMAILING ; Accussd otttemptlngtoL Ex tort Monsy From Many ' Capitalists, i : (Joaraal Special Bervtcelt Aihuoueraue. N. M.. Sept. 10. After a chase extending across the continent, a special officer of the Santa Fe rall rv arraatad George W. Barrett last night at Thornton, on a charge of black- matitnw nromlnent railway magnatee and eanltallata In different paHS Of the country. It is enegea Barrett wrote threatening letters to raui won, president of the Equitable,. In which he demanded gs,ooe. un nia peraon were found letters from big trust companies In St. Louie, New Tork and Cnlcagor Barrett le a negro of apparently fine education. He put up a desperate fight, but was overpowered. ' He claims bis home la at Cleveland, and say a he la working for John P. Rockefeller. Indi cations are that ha ia demented and he will be examined as to his sanity. TEETH Praia toe, aa well aa Blind, Bleedlngee yi.jaradiaal I Pile ara eared bv Dr. oeanko'sile Semadr leiopa Itoblng exa bleedlag. Abeernetaaior. 6oel eraiaraggiewevaam ay saik 3-ratieerr,vrntei aba yoa aa. B A. ltOAAJI.0. Jhlladn. wZ OVERBECIC, STARR S COOIIQ C , Mem bora Chicago Board of Trade. ; rxwarnr, WalOTIXIOirS, OOTTOW. TCCX T?3 7 lit Third Street, MoKay Building. Portland, or. WB DO A STBIOTMr OOBOglXZIOBJ BlTIZrZ3. CeoUnuous karketa by Prrrate Wire, tjulek Service. RETT " IUWA kaakare, aad United Sta tea KaUoaal Kith of I onue .i.t PR.VINGLEE The Great Chinese Doctor '. .O . '. -. LOCATED IN PORTLAND SINCE ISSO V. tw MtlaA mil lueania ha eurel all dlaeaaaes without resorting; to the knife. 1 , ... 1 . Tm. .Inn U. W.I1I Din - tell you the exaot nature of your trouble. . He treats successfully every form of fo- ' ..1. mammI.Im ll MtMfa mt.A KlAAd Ala. rheumatism and nil diaordere of the nmai aaa rra auoiaii n ..(in. wit too r.ucn run gown dt inc oai . n. m. ,,,.V mtv ArKT KV I .w ...... . vw .. j - Li of testimonials from grateful pv X LEE VOSTXAJT9. OUOOV. on. guuh's IMPROVED - UVER PILLS ONLY ONS FOS A DOSS OUSS HBAOAOHS ' ' by removing tha causa , ours BiLiouantiaa by aiding digestton IEST PILL OX EARTH SOLS BT A IX jmcaoISTS.ORBTafAtliOar njacauyr o yuca. saa. yaa, aox BS. BOSANkO CO, PHIlADfcXPHIA, PA. U. S. A. Scott's Saatal-PcjsCsjsiiI-s A POSITIVE CUKE ' For Inflaraniatlon arOatarrk of 7 tbe Bladder aad DUiana ate- .ner. BO 8VSB BO FAY. Caraa Muicair aaa aeimaa wont caeea of Sea md CI lee, ae matter -of bow Bg lien 01 Dg. Aailieir wM at aa m mI - SalO, IliooTt biMtea. 81.7. TEESAITALPSaCl BettofeBTtaaavS, OM. - See Sale On, . Evory IVccn , aUslirnlil and iboald knew vi. at ks H KB1 MARVEL wUrtiat Spray - The new tetal Sjitaja. Jmfn. naaacrvma. Ileal aif eat MoatConvaaleat. . ... ItftjwsVTkjffMiWK, IT DA nstnnow mfiuj I mm A w sr i. sMtTAt m ear r but aaamal aia.fisa frs 1II4U9IW aPaSOm aalaA. Jfj A aaaaiaai rsu J If vatiuiag iAw va value hie in l4iee. Mtgt'gi, rev, ma h. aa a law . u yoa gdxx mx woooAaa, cxasss t IF YOU WISH TO ADVERTISE IN NEWSPAPERS AKTWMERB AT AJSYTUUI Call eai ear Writs MCVSm 1DYEBTISII3 ISEXlf 14 Stusomw A treat ' BAH FatANClSOO, 43AUK. f . . . w NL-6eMeT3 or ALL fWtCS I - - sowimrs, mowum m eav, (Established 18(A) " wsqsat ajtd stoox orr : Boom a. ferow-d Fbaev, OBABfJSBB Of Ul 7 IV 73 'if lr'sy-,. abbw 00. PviVwwwwVVnVe V(WllWiSSs pawa ertlCMtSTarVSl gNOl.iaet KOVU'l, t(4lea,at 0,-4 J(JA ciiiCHmm Kittta. i ayV - Ur.B e Md ewlalll, I.M. mm4 4 & V J Baaaaiaa SabealtaMaaa aad J ..e I" ff Ummm. hi at mi OnaM a a4e a b as faeltealaee. Taaoaeeaaal Inn) ' D mmt fcReHaf rW jarfiBra lm. av re. X P tara Mall. 10.00 tailaali. aeul g mm-r paonaca. htoheaaee4 wilaal C kaaleaMiaew. Maalaea apaaaa. ri - ig Wl4Vfi(aa WmT T CAY rrSAf. the I . .. .... . - .. . ''';.''.r'','.-'' -V ...