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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1905)
i - . . . a ) e . i . " m - ' - v - j . e . -4 ..' , I tea. l,...,-. t J. r ' PertSand . Cont'nnt": VVm . Un- ttla to Loc&ts Charity Hair '( V , Dsceptlvs Curvss. l:J Gins Is Ail in and Will Never Ca Be One of the 100,000 tomorrow and let nothing keep you away : Able to l'ik9 Required : :Wethtv T'xT:r WEIGHT MAY ALSO KEEP i ; Tcrlknl Greet, PcrlkrJ Ft; Five N(TW n?4TTTxA"'" WINNING RUN CROSSED IN . GARDNER FAR AWAY , ; LAST HALF OF NINTH "-'-. " : J- .. i. ...i .... Few Good Mn on tho Market Who ; Art Capablo of Oiving ths Dan s . Fair Co Lewis, CKecfe end Han Ion Outaldo of Liat . Garvin Pitches Good .Ball, but His uiiEKE9s wn WAY:;(D)ir poin it. j-eammaics vtnnn oea um xau k' .' .;.: . Art Portland's Only Hitters. WE .YtiiLlL? (Sneelal Dhnateh ta The Journal. t i - Seattle, Sept. 2. The 81 washes batted better' than the OlanU yesterday and . won wit In the ninth Inning, to 3. Charley Kali was very stingy with bit. : allowing- the vlaltora but three, of which .. Van Buren and McHale made : doubles . and McLean a . single. The visitor batted In two runs Jn the sixth Inning. tleing the score. In the. ninth, with two aown. waiters drove out-a single ape 'Scored C Hall, ending the contest. The Giants batted as though they were strik ing at egg of the fifty-eighth, variety. posse were chasing them. The acorn: .' !' ' SEATTLE, iC 4 . All. k. - m. a. is. , Bennett. by ...... o. s 1 f Vina, r "Walters, irf. ".......'.. 4 0 1 ..' ' 0 ,4 0' 0 1 0 ' 0 10 0 , 0 7" Blsnksnshlp, c ..... I 0 0 -Hart. If. i.. .. ... . . I 0 0 Strelb, If. ir-. . rwt I --0 - 0 (.Hurley, lb. .......... 4 0 1 Lauterborn, lb. ....... I ' 1 r7hm. ss. , 4 0 0 HU.. p. .......... I I 1 1 1 1 to O f 0 4 .TotaJs vr';;,r...-..IO- - IT II t t ' - Portland. , -.. - AB.H.H. PO.A.E. 'Ats,'s. a. a i i i McCredle. rf. . 0 0 0 I 0 o . 0 It 1 0 f I Ven- Buren. If, ...... 1 ,- MItcheH, lb. ........ t Clr.hl.flv l " ." McLean, o. .....r... t 1 ' 10 . MrHaie.-cr. ......... s 1-0 -o - o-i Garvin, p. ........... to 0 0 t 0 ?,.rTouu .;..t.rj rjjfM it ".' 'Two men out when winning ruit,was v - - SCORE -BTTNOTNO. Seattle'.. . .......0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 11 . - Hlli i . 0 10 1111 10 ' Portland ...0 0 00 0 t 0 0 0 2 ' Hits . ..........0 0 0 1 0 t 0 0 01 ' Earned ruh Seattle, 1. Two-base , hits C' Hall. Van Buren, McHale. Dou- ney to Mitchell.. Sacrifice hits Bennett Z, nana I. MJicnen i, ncniany. uarrin. . out By -C. Hall, 4) by Oarvln. 4. Bases on balls Off C. Hall. T; off Oarvln, S. Hit bv nitched ball Schlaflv. , Left .on game One hour and 40 minutes. . Una- pire Mowieiis. .- v- i . -I PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE I. . Mt v --"-n.-,r-i .ent .401) .400 .471 Periusd ............ Xa Antla Sut rraschwe ....... Taeoma ............. Sfewle .............. Mi 4 .4Tt 41 4. 1B ' - (Bperlal Otapsteh ta Tm tataat) , . Spokane, WaalK. Sept. tl Emerson Had the vrfimmyters faded yesterday and shut them out. t to 0. The score: - R. H.B. Oakland . : .. . .00000000 0-0 .11 . Tacoma .100001000 t 01 ' Batteries Orakara and . Brnes; - sT""" "i saufai a uga ea u - t -f f- "fA'., tJearaal aeUl Servke. i"...:'- Ban rrancisco, sept. . uaum was v -lea Angeles . .0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 01 4 1 Sen Francisco ..000 000000 0. T I r... Batteries Baum and Eager; HI It and Wilson. NATIONAL LEAGUE. . . '.' . Won. , tost IS ,10. . P.& .(II .144 .ot .10 .107 .111 .124 .111 vowTorg ; Pittsburg'.-. 4 Philadelphia . , ...... 10 Chicago . II Cincinnati ........ Tl St. Louis II Boston . . ............ 4T Brooklyn . . .......... 41 J . , At Ohloafo. ' , ' " f - ; . B. H.B. . Chicago . . T 0,1 : Boston-. . 4 I t ttatterles Brown and Kling; Wll . helm. Need ham and Moran,-. Umpire -Q;Pay. .,. , : , .. , ... ' .. ', ' ", At OlacUaatL' ' : " ' - ' ' R. H.E. , Cincinnati . . ................. .1 . 0 t Philadelphia . . . . . . . . . ........ .1 I ' 0 Batteries Overall and Schlel; Nichols ' .sutd Dooin. Umpire Klem. ft. Lonls ,.........., .1 I 0 V7. -, . .... . .. . a a t Batteries Brown and Oradyi MeQln . slty .and Breanahan. Umpires , Pears : and Johnstone. . . v . ' '?" ..... , , R. KiB. txrfahiira . ...10 11 S ' Brooklyn . i . . .... f Batte -son: St Em si Is. Rattariea Ptillllnnl. Lvnoh and Olh Mi and O ain; Strlcklett and Berfen. t'mplre FIRST PAPER CHASE WILL BE HELD NEXT WEEK The Portland Hunt club will resume Its riding on week from tomorrow. , opening the fall jsesson with a paper ' chase. The Huntlclub riders hare done considerable riding since the Held meet -an. June 17, and both rldsrs and horses ars In fins condition for the fail sport. About 10 riders will so through ths first chsse and an exciting chaea Ja looked .for. .. ' ' " - academy members of the Hunt club will give a ring exhibition of riding under the supervision of James Nlcol. , ' ' . Tho-BOMasw Toaraay. ' '-C B. Hansen defeated W. B. Cody Isat night In the billiard tournament at Roddick's hall. Tbs gsma waa a hsndl cap affair. 110 to tlo points, and was won by sfx points. The teurnant Is ' gating 'lrtereatlm. Tf ' I A. C.ark w;i play J. I"" ' ' p". - t 'raj. - - The question: "Who Is to fight Bat tling Nelson nextr.' has. been debated and threshed over by every , boxing de votee since the last affray at Col ma. Everybody wanta to sea ths Dane kept busy and everybody thinks he knows a nttlng foa for ths Viking. Tet when every name suggested has been looked Over and discussed tha man from Hege wlaoh Is left without a foe and the stock of actually available adversaries dwindles down to almost nothing. Nelson and Biitt between, them have cleaned . up almost everybody. Hence a large number of ' fairly good light weights are at once thrown out of the running, as ths . publio would not pay either to -see Bat lick somebody twlos or to ass him pummel some fellow whom Brltt hsd previously trimmed. Ths men whose names naturally cross the mind Of every fight an ars Jimmy Gardner and Jos Oans, and there are obstacles Of almost stupendous proportions hinder ing a contest . with, either of them. , Oans can, when pressed, do a remark able low weight If Herford Is around to Jolly tha scales. He . mads 134 for Brttt, and either faked or couldn't fight a lick at tha weight Nelson would probably Insist on the. dangerous coon's making in ringside, and Oane, on an honest seals, could do that weight about ths time cows begin to fly, ' . Ha would also be about aa strong as thai flying cow after falling from an elevation of-44.000 feet and Bat would imply walk Into him and belt htm Into obscurity. A Oans-Nelsoa contest would means simply this: At a low weight Nelson would be victor. : If Nelaon were foolish enough to let Oans come in at any weight over 134 pounds ringside, the negro would' be too much for him. - Fights with Oans as a participant arc always looked on with vast disfavor, and a victory over the black' would be considered -a rank fake and lay down, even If honestly won. -. It would be Just as well .for Nelson to let Osns slide, snd be Insists that this Is what he In tends to do. A defeat, by ths black would spoil Bat's career, and a victory would be thought of as a fake why bother with hlmt ' " v , Gardner is a fighter of flna record' and elegant quality. The weight question Is likely to keep him and Nelson apart as he Is naturally a much - bigger man than the Dans. He says he can do US ringside. He, Is ' talking through his sweater; About IX at 1 o'clock for Jimmy i and JBat will never meet tolm at any such - figure. .If Gardner wouta agree to do a low weight he would be an- sasy; victim. ' . - " . He wouM be extremely dangerous at a higher figure, but Nelson has Just the goods.-and tha -only goods, "with which to whip Gardner. - Jlnrmy will squeal and flee when' punched In the dinner, and Bat has alne line of samples for delivery In the table d'hote. ... 1 - -There is no one else on tne marari. Pltsgerald Is good, but lost to Brttt and recently' mixed up In a queer:ITlr with Hanlon. . Hanlon and, Corbett have been put away by Nelson. O'Keete sot his from .Willis Lewis the other day. and Lewis is not only a bit blgrer than Nelson, but ' In spite of his win from O'Keefe. Is not ranked with the Pane as a. fighter or a drawing card. ,, , AMERICAN LEAGUE. " - '' '.. Won. Lost Phllsdelnhla . IS SI PC. .114 .107 .144 -.107 .411 .491 .444 .150 Chicago . i .. ....v.v-IS PS . Clevelsnd 71 41 Detroit ., ,.....,....71 - s- It 7 71 New Tor . ...... t 71 II i. ' Wsshlngton . .x- IS St Lours . ........... 11 R. H. B. I J I natrolt . - 4 1 1 Batteries loung ana Armorustsr: Kllllan, Donovan and Warner. . : 'At ow Tork. ' 1 ': '" First same . . R. H.B. Cleveland ... ................. .4 12 1 New York ........a l 4 Batteries Hees, Donahue, Clark and Wakefield: Cheabro and Jacklltsch. Second same - R. H. E. Cleveland , 11 ' 0 New York . 1 li o Batteries Joss and Buelow; , Orth and Connor. . At PaUadelphia. " R. H. E. Chicago, i . ................... .t I 1 rnuaaeipnia ............ ,.....e i Batunes Patterson and Sullivan; Plank and Schreck.' . ,. . ' ,'. At Washington.' - . R. H. B. Washington", . ...... It i Sf Louis . , , t , 1 Batteries Wolf and Heydon; Olade, Morgan and Spencer, y.--' - Say's maainc Besnlts. : . ' (Jeuraal Ipeclal Serrtee.1 . Cincinnati. O., Sept St. Oaklsy grand circuit race results: ' - 1:11 claas. pacing, three In rive, purse $1.000 Kruger won. second, third and fourth heats In 1:01, 1:07. 1:0!; Boli var won first heat In 1:01. . Outcome anil Cashwood also started,-. : ' - . 1:11 class, trotting, three in five. purse 11,000 Malnahaet won three straight heats In 1:0H. J:0H. 1:01. Free-for-all trot two In three, purse I1.S00 Snyder McGregor won two straight heats In 1:04, 1:47. - 1:01 class, psclng, three In five, purse 11.000 Texae Hooker won three straight heats In f:0SH, t.00. 1:07, ; At' Brlghtoa Beaea. ' ."'' New fork. Sept 21. Brighton Beach race reaulta: Flv and on half furlongs St Eate- phe won, .Optician second. Water Dos third; time, 1:07 1-1. ' . .. Six furlongs Kiamesha won. Chrys olite second, Zeala third; time. 1:11 4-5. One mile and one sixteenth Embar. rassment won. Hippocrates second. Lord Badge third; time, 1:44 1-1. . .. The Triumph stakes, one mile Lotus Eater won. Anodyne second. Ham Hear .1111 V i v, . . One mile and one furlong Knight Er rant won, Israelite second. Uncle Urlgh third; time. 1:S1. ' One mile and one . sixteenth Tyron won. Samuel H. Harris second, Baron Esher third; time. 1:47. . . Y . , II ana 4 - , i . . " OToeda. With every Boy'3 By getting , the: needed winter t any expense; Our store will be all day to give, visitors a chance ing lilC expense , you ft welcome . Be on Hand Tomorrow and BOOST PORTLAND DAY! - i a SUBURBAN QUEEN WINS . j WALLA WALLA DERBY ..r (Special Dlspatrb to The jearaal.) ' ' Walla , Walla, Waah.. Sept 1 1. yesterday-waa Derby-day : at the icounty fair, and a Urge crowd turned out to see the sport The resurtswere:,. 1:10 trot bat three in Ave Sam Bowers won. Kltlte Clover second. Pack Line third. H. M. fourth: time. 1:11. Four and one half tprlongs, running Qolden Buck (B. Powell), won; Au rora B. .Kent), second:- Chief Aloha (Herbert), third; time. 0:8814. Five and one half furlongs, Miss Raphael (Rettlg), won; Mosketo (Loagua), second; Sir Christopher (Her bert), third: time, 1:01. . Walla Walla Derby, one and ons elghth mllss Suburban Queen (H. Smith)," won ; Mlndanad (Kent), second; Silver Heels (League), third; time, 1:61. . ' ''.-''."-," " - " ",' ' ' Five furlongs Sunrise (C Wright), won; Caroburn , (Kent), second; Dixie (Herbert), third; time not given. One mileHarbor - J.-Clark) won; lone (Herbert), second; Ripper (Ca tron), third; time. 1:48.. , :-V V SPORTING GOSSIP. A bets B thst one ball team would make twice -aa many runs as 1U op ponent The score la ,to 0. who wine the . wager t . '' y If a team cannot bat It la pretty hard for a pitcher to win his own game. Oarvln did, good work ysstsrday. but light hitting post the game. . ,-, e. . e. v. , . ' Roderick L. Maoleay Of this' city fin ished fourth In the Nassau county golf tournament yesterday with a score of 114. Walter 3. Travis won. the 'gold medal for the lowest score. . . . '. e e " Mike Lynch, the big center fielder for tha Tscoma Tigers, has been boostsd In the 'Frisco papers as an aspirant for ku....l.hf kAHAH The field IS SO open for the champlonahlp In that event that every goon ana ciever touted as having a chance and Lynch is said to be an exceptionally clever man. ' '. ' e- e , ;" Jm 'Morley, manager of the Los An geles tesm, has signed a ' new short stop The man halls from the same league that has already Slven ' this league Richards and Hackett of Tak i t . ui. m m la MMdleton He haa H.IIU. ' M..W. " - - played with the Fort Dodge and Mar- ahalltown teams or ma iowa nwe league. Up to date his averages are 77 i kaitinr and tAA In fleldlns. and it ha can field hls position fast enough to suit Money ana mi -el he' will be a valuable man to the Angel team. Mlddleton has been sent his transportation and. Captain Dillon: ex pects htm to arrive here before the week Is out . -.... - ... e ' a ' Al Kauffman celebrated hla debut In the professional ranks laat night at San Franclsea by knocking out Harry Foley In the flrat round by a terrific welt on the jaw. Foley fell like a rock and dldn t move ror several minuiea. : Piano - Making' Piano - Playing . and Piano-swimcr : . Hava been my occupations from. child hood up. Don't you think-! ought to know a little more 'about pianos than ths average ' dealer , ana salesman r von think kfinarlerfM of nlanoa can ba. of soma benefit to you In case you wlah to buy t- 1 have a fine line to e lect from; Just look them over. My ..i.l mm mrm Ma.-ilmMul 4. W. Merer. 71 Sixth street near vax..v:-.r-- Suit or Ovcrcoataud every purchase TOM (LArIID) " nrpnrnrn u. uiuu o OI Liicir ; irip. f u ?c uur ui ty uuct tui y uixu to anything we can The Lowest Prices-In Orpgon on Finest and Best Fall stocks of Men's and Boys ' Clothing and Woolen Goods BRUT FAINTS 1HEII BEFORE the r.;ovi::G pictures Nelson's Victim Declares -That the Dane Had No Right to ' " Defeat Him. ; v" , Mraal anedal Berriea.) San Francisco. Sept It. The first time 11mm r Brltt saw tha moving pic ture reproduction of his losing bat LI a against the Irreducible Dans he fainted. He fainted because ths gloom of de feat waa still upon his nerves. "Why did I let him beat meT "Why did I let him beat me?" This was ths song J. Edward sung and was singing when the men of tho apparatus at a pnvats demonstration showed him exactly what happened in the eighteenth round tho finishing round ' of ths great encounter or tne Ue-htwelahts at Colma on September t. A day later Brttt was quite reeonclled to hla fate, and he viewed the pictures for what they are and for what they cannot help but be. Said hs to ms: .. . - "1 sat through the picture show today and whllo I was sitting I waa studying deeply. I could see what a monkey I made of myself. I could see how I lost Just becauss I wanted the crowd on those benches to leave the arena and say: 'Jimmy Brttt Is tha greatest boy the ring has ever seen.' . - 'I banged and slammed' with this fellow as you and I would bang and slam In a bar-room brawl. Thers waan't anything Of sclencs to It It was just a couple of schoolboys tangiea up in a back lot I completely forgot all I learned at the Olympic club, and Just wind-milled away like a fool. " ' "All ot a eudden he gets me. Hs blindly strike! out trying to fight away from ma. and lands a series of unalmed swats upon my Jaw. "I go down and out Ha Is proclaimed ths winner. I'm the loser Jimmy Brltt Is the loser because he wsnted to con vince everybody that, with Nelson In the ring. Brltt could scrap any old way and win. - "I . made a miatake, ' I ahould have used some cleverness. What a bum I made of myself by fighting rough-house rules! . ' .-: . " "The best wsllop f 'have a rip to the belly and ribs I hardly used. . Study ths pictures and you will see that I met the Dane upon his own ground. -1 gave him Just tha kind of a fight hs lovss. . He seems to thrive on Jabs and punches and I wss fool enough to make htm happy by slapping all kinds to him. ..'. i . . - . "When t meet him again I will know very much better.- I will peg: and keep a pegging at his stomach, and I will not bs wsstlng my; hands upon 'a head a triphammer cannot hurt. Rip. rip. rip to his vest buttons will get him, and I wss crssy not to put him high" and dry per this routs on the ninth. -The more I think of it the more t cart realise' ths mark .1 msde of my self. , ' -' "Just let him give me the chance the nubile says I am entitled to.' and If 1 don't hand Nelson of Hegewlsch a beau- tiful beating t win eat ate- wa Shoes.".'' (..... ! I - .,.:" Steamer. Telegraph for Astoria. y. Round trip dally (except . Friday). Leavee Alder street dork T.:I0 a. as. Re turning leaves Astoria I p. m.' Arriving Portland 1:10 prm. Sundsys leaves Port land I a. au Arrives Portland I p. an, PAY SOIUVERlllK- JHCC1ET AND STREET CAR TICKET do to add to your wmfort and enjoyment : : as MSrail v FOOTBALL WAR BEGI1STOX80W 1 a : ", Pennsylvania, Harvard, Colunv , bia . and Cornell . Begin ,:: ' Season's Work. . (Jearsal Special Barries.) ... New Tork. Sept St. The ' football season Is at hand. Tomorrow Pennsyl vania locks horns with Lehigh on Frank lin field. Harvard tackles Williams on Soldiers' field and Columbia Joins Issus with Union college at New Tork. Tale'a first game jrlll ba played with Wes ley n at New Haven on October 4. The Indications at the majority of the larger Institutions point to good teams, the only exception to tne rule being Co lumbia. . The local collegians are apparently-Jn a bad way aa far aa material goea, and It does not look ss If they could possibly aspire for championship honors. There are only four of last year's veterans ss a - nucleus for ths coaches to begin work with, snd tha nsw material is not very bountiful. . . Tale.. Harvard, Pennsylvania and Princeton are all fairly fortunate In the number of old men they will have as a nucleus for their teams, but will have the same difficulties they had laat year In getting them Into physical oondltlon and playing form. Tnat Is one of the great obstacles under , which a team labors which relies upon weight and closa formation for Ita victories. Tsle haa been one of the heaviest losers by graduation, of all the big teams. Hogsn. " Bloomer. Nest. Rora back and Kinney will .be mlaalng In the line, while the places of Owsley. Leav enworth and. probably, Rockwell, will have to be filled In the back field. Tomorrow's games are: Pennsylvania vs. Lehigh. at Philadelphia, Syracuse va Rochester at Syracuse, Harvard vs. Williams al Cambridge. Dartmouth vs. Amherst at Hanover, Columbia . va Union at New Tork, Cornell vs. Colgate at Ithaca. :'. . . LADYSMITH PLAYERS VANQUISH PORTLAND The Ladyamlth, B. C. team defeated the Portland ., team in an association football match yssterdsy afternoon on Multnomah field by the score of I to 1. The visitors showed their superiority In every department of the game. The rain kept the attendance down to a dosen spectators. The final, game -will be played tomorrow afternoon. The lineup waa: Ladyamlth. Position. , . . Portland. Halatonea Ooel Dyment O'Connell . . F. T. B. ....... . Oowsn Freeburn ....... L. F.B....... Dickson Eno ..." ....... .L. H. B Mills Qilntour ...v.-.CH. B.w... Kennerly Morrison ...... .R. H. B Dickson Sanderson ,f L.O. ....... Matthew McMillan ........L. I........ Jameson Adsms ......... .C. F. ........ . .Vsmsl Graham ...R. O Kll Patrick Blundel ......... .R. I. ........ Rylanda Tims Two halves ef 41 minutes each. Referee Robert Adam,. ' Nanalmo, 0 . ..... , LI neaimen Municipal Judge- Cameron and R. McMillan. Ladyamlth Six goals, scored by Adams (4) snd. On ham (1). Portland One goaLaeored hy Vernal. It's folly to strfTer from thst 1 plague of the night, itrhlng pes nently. At any drug swtre. i) of $5.00 or ovd---:we arc GIVING u cc puuiic ua ;; ui ten uo y u u j,uu Stark & 2a li ii 11 mm AND Mm O AUQUST ERICKSON, Proprietor I ii a Premier of Entertainments Under one roof may be seen the largest hall of Its kind ca the coast and p mastodontie orchestrion, the biggest la . the world. . ,. ".' ' ; V- ; ' :. , ' - . . ... . - ; -I ...'. - Refreshments of All (inds Performances include features produced in best vaude ville houses. ProgTam changed daily. Special matinees Sunday. ;- - . . ." j ;''. '. . ''i:,. Lad iesv Bohetn ian Orchestra A beautiful balcony, elaborately furnished, for the com fort and convenience of ladies and their escorts ' Entrances at 21 North Third Second street, and 243, SIS v . i "SOLE AGENT FOR l''Cir!:-: The natural Wtt:r ti it c drrrJcxU cr drv-i t: ' i ; . to shop, thus cav u' s& TT TT SEC 1 MllL street, SI, S3 and 25 North and 847 Burnside street.