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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1905)
Tins OREboM1 DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY CVI v - JMEOJilDUD ROUTER DIES Jasper Fuller , Stricken - Sud- denly In Wayside T Camp --, I v Near Stockton, Cal.,v i WAS MAN WHO STOOD v t niiiDn nvPD WARWICK Cegt Known Her lor Hia Lonf ' Witch Over the Doors of the Pool. j ; Room, but He Also Had Enviable f ' War Record.'. ''.--'.. f t Jiqitr Fuller, scout Indian fighter, western pioneer end recently spsolal & deputy under Sheriff Word.rdlM. eud 1 denly last night while encamped along : the county road south of 8tockton, Call- t tnri- - Oil hla son Ibm WU DreS- 1 The news of the old man's death rttchM for f surprli I lleved him I J (0-odd year V reached Portlsnd today and will come prlae to bla friends, who he- hale and hearty ror au nis fVV-VUtt yr, MVa ..,... - disposed owing', to confinement while acting aa guard for th-sheritf at the kMaak m pui rariiv in saloon or me warwica i.uromiiuu I company, on Fourth, near Alder street Old Jasper will be rememoerea aa a unique and Interesting character - In Portland. '- When the Warwick saloon waa closed by Sheriff Word . he was placed on duty there as guard and held a commission- as- special - deputy for months. He grew to be a familiar per sonage to those -whose vocation took them constantly past the spot where be was -on duty. The1 sight of an Old. armr-haired -man. with ' .long-Tine. I standing guard in the heart of a large ; city, waa a sight so unusual that per l eons unacquainted with the ctrcura I stanose which placed . hlmlheratire- quently made inqulrlea f business men in the vicinity. . . ' When the supreme court af Armed the j decision of the lower court and Manager ! Neaae agreed not to use the place longer . in violation of the' law. Jasper's serv- 1 ires were dispensed with and in com ; pany with his son he left here with a wagon and team for King's county, uu lfornta. to visit bts slater. Mrs. M. Mo ' Carthy. Long confinement bad tpld on ' v,m and he traveled in the wagon so as to secure an outing a a well as to mini' mlse expense. ' .v '..':'.' :".yr Fuller acted as scout during the In dian wars and was noted for his reck- los bravery. . He was an unerring shot . U long rifle be called "Big Betsy," la honor of the huge Krupp gun on the promontory at : the ' Golden - gate." He would never talk about hla feats . in dealing-with the. Indians.",, w. V , .- "It's bad enough to have to shed hu man ' blood." he- would -aay,- :without . biowia' about it" . .... ' x::::3ST03m ki::::eys is SERiG J5LY HURT .- U Caught Between Care on Wil ' Kama Avenue and for Fifteen ;. Minutee le Pinioned There. .1, ' W. A. Kinney, conductor on' the trailer of a St Johns Consolidated electric .train, was badly hurt this morning at ,t:lt o'clock -Ja Williams avenue be- iwns aonrus ana jsorria iinvw. - - nm was pinned between tha motor car of his train . and Williams avenue "U" car, and for It mlnutea was held in that position before ths cars could be canted . over to release him. , A'- -' The accident waa caused by the 'spUtting" of the switch as the St Johns train waa backing on tha track opposite to the one on which it was run ;titng into the city- Kinney waa taken to ths of rice of Dr. O. W. Tamleale, at .the corner of William and Russell ave L uea,.and attended by - him until the , ambulance rame to take . him to the ' Good Samaritan hospital. -, ll I could discover ao fractures." said Dr. Tsmlesle, "although the. X-ray at the hospital may reveal Injuries which were not discernible in the bssty exam ination I mads. ' - ' The St. Johns train had reached the aarltcb on Williams - arenue, beyond . which the streetcar company was laying , new ralla. It waa neceasary to cross . to the other track and Kinney . turned . the switch and stood beside the train as It backed. The , trailer crossed the witch, but as the motor car wa over the switch . It Upllt" and threw the. motor against, the -.17" car. f crushing Kinney between the two cars and hold ing him helpless for a quarter of an hour. Many men were working near by and , number of them hastened to the re ' lief of the unfortunate conductor, the other trainmen rendering all assistance possible. Kinney lives at 147 Killings worth avenue. , , ; . ! ALASKA MINES CLOSED- 4 BY AN EARLY WINTER . ' ' ' v ' . . I . ' ''"1 Jearsal gpsrtsl Sfrrtm.) . Juneau, Sept. X. Advices from Nome fail to confirm the. reported food, shortage If the late steamers are un able to handle the freight on the dock from Seattle, it is probable that the re sult jt th failure to get the. shipments will raise the' price of everything but fuel. This Is the. only real shortage. Bummer properties at Fairbanks are closing and are unable to operate. The miners are 'getting oat before the-Ice forms in the Yukon rfver. It Is cold there nljhU and there Is fear of an early winter and a lower liver. Moot of .the big miners are -exuntng -up the river via Dawson and Skagway. . Gold duat la going over Canadian territory fas Beat- . tie and tha San Francisco mmt ' MT. TABOR HELD TO 3 BE PART OF PORTLAND ' City Attorney McNary.. Inva written opinion aubmltted to City A lid I tor Dev lin, holds that ths recent act of the legislature Incorporating the districts at Mount Tabor and St Johns within the elty limits ef Portland was legal. t The opinion was given on Inquiry of the elty auditor regarding the Improve- eet of Relmont street, from Eeet 1-hrrty-nIhtb etrrei te" the easterly 1 eundary line of the city, which waa In te Urrltory recently annexed and for hlch a number of the property-owners r tttioned, Aa' abjection wa raised to a proposed Improvement on ihe ground t the terrtiflry had not been property leied, and that the city authorities I no right t proceed with any. Inv .v mnu . , ... v '.:... I - u ..'jt'Vy-,-i..'H DIUORCEillECOilDS illlE-DROKEd: 4 -' 'VA-ir,. V1 essssanBSjsaaBBBPsaaasa . fc V . Forty-Nine Have Been Granted In Portland During Month of ':'tT;.7 September..-; " r ' ' NINE WERE GIVEN IN ' vi TWO HOURS TODAY Great Majority Secured by Women Who Alleged -That They Had Been Deserted' . by Thoa ? Who; Had Agreed to Care for Them. ' : ' Nine divorces were granted , in .two hours this morning by Circuit . Judge Bears, making the total or 4 ror tne 8 resent month end thus establishing a ew , divorce record for . Multnomah county. . , ' . . ' Elisabeth Babeock waa. divorced rrom Charles W. Babeock. They were mar ried la Crescent City. California, May, 181. and have three children. ' Mary N. was separated from' R. R. MorrllL They -were married at Canby. August IT. 1187. .- Married sf La Grande, Oregon. -In May, lis, and deserted five rears later, Al fred wss this morning granted a divorce from Julia Press. Jacob and Myrtle Weaver were mar ried In- Bird City, Kansas. December X, 118k. Jacob was today granted, a di vorce. . Mabel Williams secured a divorce from John C Williams. - They - were married at Oregon City, June 1118. F. B. Herrlngton was divorced from Margaret J. Harrington. The Herring tons were married In Tillamook, Oregon, July It, lt&. -' Kmma -waa divorced from H. Smith. They were married In hla elty Septem ber II. Ile. Belle Bosarth waa granted a divorce from Charlea B. Bosarth. They were married in Fremont. Nehraaka. Novem ber Hi 1(82. and have four children. ' : Mary A. waa divorced from Henry M. Meach after having been hia wife since May I, 187. Meach la a carpenter, and his former wife was allowed - 14 - a month altmony They have .four "chll dren. 't ... , . ' . ,.', , . bed u;;der the sky is TO Old Man Forced to Give" Up His - Street Lodging but May Be ; -Admitted to Poor Farm. ' -The beasts have the Humane ao ciety to look eat for them, but this old man seems to have- no one to look ojit for him. . He .ought to be. sent to the nooV farm..' 1-x ... V-V This is an.extract from a report rela tive to James ; McDonald.' ancteat bill collector, made by Patrolman Stu art this morirmg to Chief of. Police OrlUraacher. Yeare were spent' by the Id maai-lrr-colfectlng- bad bllla. Now, senile and broken In health, he is denied the right to occupy a spot In the open air"-"' -'- .. . ' ."It looks as if this . earth la - too crowded to -shelter me." alghed the old man, when told by the officer he muat "move- on. -a -v t ..." - McDonald -sleeps on an old mattress at union avenue. 'tis has for a cover ing a atrip of worn carpet Hsuses two or three, dilapidated window shadss and part of an old bedstead aa a wind break. i He ha a no means of cooking. and what little-furniture he possesses sets our in- tne rain. - Chief Orltsmacher will draw McDon ald's condition to the attention . of the county authorities and recommend that he be given shelter at the poor farm. - McDonald Is said to have wealthy relatives in Canada, but no offer of as sistance has corns from them, and it Is said that ha Is too proud to appeal to them.,. .. ' .- . ' HAVE YOU SEEN-THAT - HANDSOME CECILIAN7 If you have been thinking about that handsoms Cecllisn don't wait another momsnt Come down', town, this aft ernoon or at the first opportunity. In spect the Cecllisn carefully. Tou will find It at the Manufacturers' - - Piano company's, lie Alder street - When yeu look it over and see what a real beauty It is and that for a little effort you can get It free you will wonder that you did not go after It long ago. . Of course, there are others working, but that need not dampen your ardor. Remember the good old Bible state ment that the laat shall be first etc So' now get Jouiy.. Tou can win If you go st it right ' - Tou have over two weeks. ' The game Is yet young. You ranuot possibly lose and you may win a 1260 prise. It's, a liberal offer. We give 'you the opportunity and we want you to get the benefit of It - If there ia anything voir do not understand re member It Is always a pleasure for The Journal to answer questions. Read the ad on another. page, - ' COUNTY CLERKS OF ' . OREGON IN SESSION In the courthouse this morning there was a brief session of the Association of County Clerks. Recorders snd Audi tors of Oregon.. It was an annual meet ing and the session will be resumed at o'clock tomorrow morning. . County Clerk T. S. Fields of Mult nomah, president of the association, presided at this morning's session and J.-' C. Belgmund,' recorder of Marlon county,, was secretary. A paper 'was submitted by Attorney R. C Wright of this city on the Torrens system of reg istering land. There waa a general die cuaslon after the reading of the paper. The session wss attended by the fol lowing: A B. Combs of Baker county. James Wstson of Coos. H. S. McDanlel of Sherman, E. J. V3oodman of Wash ington, j. c. Belgmund of Marion. W. W. Francis of Lynn, If. Henderson of Columbia, J. w. Roland af Marlon, C. A. Brandes.' auditor, and F. S. Fields, clerk of Multnomah county. . . y CRUSHED TO DEATH ; : r UNDER ROLLINGhLOG " ."!.,rt, WfP1 Te JseraaLI -V Tillamook, Or. Sept. :. Lester Myer, aged II, was crashed to death while at work for the Tillamook log ging company.- A huge log on which be wasUndlng turned, over, throwing him. directly .la. Ha path aa It rolled ever hint He was kilted almost instantly. RUMOR THAT CONFESSIONS -; OF (LAND FRAUD ARE C07.3ING ! 1 Panic had seised many of the defend ants in the land fraud eases, slnoe the conviction of Congressman WUllameon. Rumors are current that several per sons Implicated In the frauds re eager to escape punishment by turning state's evidence, especially the minor offenders who might with reason,, hope -for.' lea. lencyii . - . . ' . " On of the latest rumors is that when Claude Thayer., .the Tillamook banker, Is placed on trial several of the entry- men whom he Is alleged to have hired to take up claims j will take the stand against him. -The Tillamook land frauds CONVICT SUPPLIES PASSES TO PRISM OFFICIALS Federal Prisoner' Paya for Favors Shown Him by Issuing Rail- ; V road Transportation. - . (Jearaal Special gerrica.) ' ' Jefferson City, Mo- Sept t. Thomas Barrett' a federal prisoner la the peni tentiary at St Louis, ftori-rtcted o nat uralisation' frauds, has been supplied with .a book of passes wbloh enables him to furnish rallrosdtrahaportatlon to offlcerfe of the station who show him special favors. Governor Folk haa or dered Warden Half to -make an Investi gation, and to summarily dlamlaa any offleer of the- institution who aooepted such favors.- r Barrett la ex-marshal of the St. Louis court of appeals. : He was sentenced December I, 1 90S, to Ave rears In the penitentiary and to .pay a fine of tl.eOu. He With John P. Dolan, chairman of tha St . Louis democratic central commit tee. and John Garrett a politician, were convicted of having aided and abetted othlo fraudulently obtatulng nat urallzatlon papers. OFFICERS AKD PASSEKGERS On LEYTE ARE LOST Typhoon at Manila Caused More .1 Damage and Deaths Than l ii Was' Supposed. - t ' ' ' : .... . . .......'.'. i (Joorasl gnedal Berviee.i- . . , Waahlngton, Sept. . General COr bln cablea that all. officers and six pas sengers aboard ths coast guard 'boat Leyte. that was wrecked in the typhoon. were lost. Temporary shelter posts at six pisces were ' destroyed., . The prop erty t dsmsge in -Manila la - f IftO.000. Telegraph lines are demoralised and the loaa of life on the Islands is larger than supposed.. . .. r . . The loaa to hemp plantations Is 110.. 000. - The transport Rodrigues is sshore near Legalpt , One thousand are -home-Ices' and many are dead In the Interior of flamar ,. ........... ...... DEAD BABE'S BODYTCEPT ' .WEEK IN BUREAU DRAWER ' i ' i Jaarnal Boeclal BWTlrs.k Mason City. 111., Sept. Wrapped In the only pitiful dress it ever pos sessed, neighbors snd officers found the emaciated body of the baby of J. F. Cantralt lyihgnn a bureau drawer, where it bad been since its death a week ago. The pa rente were too poor to pay for a funeral and were skimping and saving every penny to get enough funds for burial. They "had hoped to have a total of 111 by Sunday, and then bury the baby, -r--- r r t Neighbors who knew the baby died saw no preparations for a funeral and notified -the-, authorities, an invesuta tlon following. . When the facts wane made known the city ordered the burial to proceed. The bill will be sent to ths council. ' . ALBANY CHURCH WILL INSTALL MEMORIAL ORGAN . t aDeUI Mssatch te The JonrasLI Albany, Or Sept . The United Presbyterian churcji, one. of the strong est organisations in this city, has de cided to purchase and have erected in their church a pipe organ to coat !M00, and a committee has been named to se cure the subscriptions and purchase the instrument - The organ will be placed In the church as a memorial to the late Rev. Dr. 8. O. Irvine,- for nearly ; 40 years paator of the church, and one of lta founders.' Dr. Irvine was a big man In ths organisation,' served the general assembly of the church as moderator at one time and frequently served on soms of the most important committees, Among his duties waa that of assisting In the revision of ths - psslter a few years ago. - He did a great ' deal for music In the valley and the memorial organ will fitly, commemorate his. lifeJ and work. . v HEAD-HUNTER HANGED ' f i: FOR KILLING CHINESE ' ' (Journal special srvtc.) - San Rafael, Cal., Sept. 2. Miguel Antony, a Porto Rican, atoned for the murder of Lee Gar, a Chinaman, at Needles, California, December 10, 1(03, on the scaffold at San Quentln at 10:36 o clock thla morning. .Antony spent an uneasy night Thla morning the prleat heard his confession and accompanied him to the scaffold. Before the drop Jell he whispered -a few -words to his confessor. His neck was broken, v Antonyberongs- toa caste- of heed hunters, v The murder was ons of the most brutal in ths' history of ths state. Antony went Insane after the murder, but recovered hia mind Vand wss . re sentenced. , -.' , . - , . ! Thought X Was Man's Mead. (fffm-l.l pupate te'Tke Joornsl.) : ' Vancouver. Wash., Sept. Z. It waa thought for a few mlnates last evening that the body , of Ralph GlUIham. the boy that Was. drowned in the Columbia river here . some three weeks ago, 1 had been found. - Two mn and a boy were rowing, down tha river near the mouth of the Willamette when the boy spied what he thought waa a man's head In lh. .waterJTbt'oMextwaarQui)d iobe newel poet, ror a staircase with' one end in the form of a. sphere. , . Xoagasiaa Oay Tawkes. 1 (Journal flperltl Srvlre.) Budapest, Sept. 2. A bo believed to be an Infernal machine waa, discovered under the stairs f the hotel where the coalition leaders are- meeting at- Buda pest .todajf. . were among the most glaring that have been perpetrated "in this state, and sev eral of the entrymen were indicted with Thayer. . . l; Thayef ia accused of having procured 10 persona to take up timber claims. and by means of filing spurious contests escaped paying anything on the claims when. they were filed In tha land i. 'Soe, Many of the entrymen had never seen the land on which they. Sled. ' Thayer's "contests" relieved him of the necessity Of paying any money to the govern. ment and he held the claims until ha found a purchaser, when tha contests were withdrawn. -.. PREACHER HIRES .'THEATRE . TO EMAM SCO.'.t Minister Thinks Publio Takes an Improper 'interest In His ' 7 v. Domestic Affairs. ""- (JooraaTSielat Sarrtaal Clyrla, O., -Sept 3. Because the pub- lie has taken what he" considers an im proper Interests In his domestic -affairs snd because his nams haa been linked, over' teacups, with that- of a woman member of his congregation. Rev. Henry B. Wanamaker, paator of the Second Congregational church, says . he - will satisfy publio curiosity by renting the opera house Sunday and explaining the troubls with bis wlfs. ' , Wanamaker created sensation Sunday-night by, calling a meeting of bis congregation and. with his wife present Explaining that he 'and ' hia life' com panion could not agree, and had decided to separate. The wlfe'pext day filed suit for divorce. - - Since then the scandal has been com mon talk and the. name of Mrs. Fulton,, a young widow. , has been brought into the dlsCusslOB4n..such.a msnner as to make a statement from Wanamaker Im perative. ii '.- ; ; FOUR ARRESTED FORKIUG I.1AII AT Hoboes Accused by ' Sheriff of Murder of Man Found on , Railroad. : ? ' (Special Dispatch te Tea losraal) -. Castle Rock Wash.. Sept Four men were arreated here today by Sheriff H.' W. Urquhart pf Lewis county on the charge of murder of the unknown man found dead at Chehalla. Waahlng- -eon, Monday night , It- was -at first- supposed that ..train had killed him. The man's hat was found 200 feet from the track near a barn where some, hoboes bed slspt The hat showed cuts' ths . same aa on the man's bead. The coroner's Inquest was held and three of the Jury said that the man had been killed by the train and three said that hav had -sea- murdered. Tha .men -arrested denied, knowledge of the man until City Marshal Shields of Centralis recognised all as a gang who previously operated at Central la. The men were taken to the Chehalla JalL . ' . The unknown's nam was supposed to be F. Connelly, but In his-arm were found tattooed the initials "T. McD," CHICAGO UNION LABORS- ESTABLISHES HEW BANK (Joorssl SpeaUl gervics.) ' Chicago, Sept St. -Chicago union labor Is planning to have a bank. , Ths Commonwealth Trust St Savings bank has been chartered by the state and the directors will be elected next week. The Institution is . ths result of assistance given the Chicago Employers' associa tion by some Chicago banks during ths teamsters' strike. At thst time labor leadsrs determined to establish a finan cial institution to handle union funds and the savings of union member a The bank proposed Is the beginning of a chain of union banks with which leaders hope to cover the country. The par vslus of shares will be It each. Capitalisation will be 12,000.000. t Ex pert bankers will be hired to run the lnstltutlona under the supervision of the Chlcsga Federation of Labor. , MISS ROOSEVELT AND- PARTY LEAVE FOR FUSAN (Joeraal BDepisl trr1 1 - Si Seoul, Sept II. Miss Roosevelt and party left this city today for Fusan by special train. The roads are dam aged by rains and it will take two days to reach Fusan. Thay stop tonight at the Presbyterian, mission at . Talku. From Fuaan they will go to Shlmln osekl, Yokohama. , The- visit to Japan is entirely private and she will decline publio recognition or hospitality. The emperor , received Mlsa Roosevalt ' in a farewell ' audience and presented her with an autograph photograph. During tha stay of the party in Seoul a banquet waa given in honor of Senator New lands of Nevada, including General Min. The emperor gave presents. . SALEM CHIEF OF POLICE! WILL ENFORCE LAWS l (BpecUt tMtpetch te The Joernal.) ' . Salem,1 Or., Sept It. Eugsne Ecker len. a prominent saloon and restaurant man. was arrested this morning on two complaints charging htm with - selling liquor on Sundsy. The complslnts were aworn to by Chief of Police Cornelius. The first charge is the result of allow ing bis license, to run out before asking for renewal. THIs is thought to be the first of a series of arrests. Ths proprietor of a local gambling house Is expected to be srrested before night ' Cornelius says hs Intends to find out. if the laws csn be enforced. Erkerlen was given antll tomorrow, to plead. .; , :. - 1 ' ' 1 1 - ' PENDLETON MAN FINDS NEW PAVING MATERIAL -: . - , .1 ' ' (ftperlit Dtspatrfe to The Jlmrasl.) ' Pendleton. Or.. Sept . Pavement of a superior quality te any made by dif ferent flrma which operate In the weat and et-half the price... eaa-be menu-1 factured hers In Pendleton, declares C J. BUIadeau, the road expert who has had charge of the Inatallatlon " 6f the city rock crusher here, . j Mr. BUIadeau has been experimenting with 'the rock to-be found here and says thst It properly crushed snd mlxsd with California bituminous pltchvit will mtfce a fine street- pavement as any In we woriu. -. ...... .... -i M t - -f Leak Is Discovered - Between United States Treasury and 'V"' National City Bank. BOUGHT SECURITIES ON ADVANCE INFORMATION Funding Transaction of Oovrnmnt Nats Round Sura to Rockefeller Financial Inadtutionfiankers Are Indignant": '"''..''-..::'': -''" (Jearaal Speetol Servlee.1V New Tork, Sept In the announce ment that Secretary Shaw will resums on October t refunding tha short-tsrm 4 per cent bonds snd 1 per cent bonds. Wall street has discovered'-tha under ground rout between tha United States treasury and the National City bank. which enjoyed profitable privileges dur ing tthe administration of Lyman . 1, Gage, and afterward made Gaga preai dent OX the united States Trust com pany, and hla assistant, w W. Vander- lip, vloe president of - the , City Na iionai Dana iiseix. . According - to officials of national banks, the National City bank two weeks sgo began buying short-term i per oents from the national banks, offering slight premium above the market price. which enabled, them to accumulate mil- 11 one in bonds, unsuspecting holders st the same time selling I per cents at the market price. - About 10 daya ago I per cents sold at-iettt, but when Secretary Shaw's circular reached Wall street. tbey had dropped to ltl 1-4 asked, 101 bid, and there waa a corresponding rlae In per cents, to that tha ' National City bank . haa made a. round profit. ai ready on ita speculation and will still fur ther profit by the funding transactlonr The discovery caused great Indigna tion among officials of national banks, who aay there Is a leak in the office of tha secretary of the treasury direct to the National "City bank. CITY'S BUSINESS MEN WILL WELCOME HILL Arrangements for entertainment of James J. Hill and a score of his rail road associates, who arrive in Portland Sunday evening, are being made by the Lewis and Clark exposition - manage ment Invitations to several hundred business men are being sent out for a banquet to be - given in honor of Mr. 'Hill and Howard Elliott at the Ameri can inn, Monday evening at To'clock. The list of speakera will be aa follows President H. W. Goods of ths exposition company: George E. Chamberlain, gov ernor- of Oregon; James J. Hill, prest dent Great Northern; W D. Wheel wright president Portland Chamber of commerce; - Howard) Elliott president Northern Pacific; TJ B. Wilcox, presi dent Portland Flouring Mills company; G..V B. .WOAi, ...... .....-ifc. SINGS 1.T.0VE ' DITTY fT0 POLICE CAPTAIN .Isabella Gordon Baxter paid a com blned - social and business call on Cap tain Quinlan at police headquarters to day. She - made a complaint against Claud Chandler, whom she accused of borrowing a diamond scarfpln'and then leaving the city. Afterward ahe sang a love ditty for the edification of the cap tain. . . ' Tm a thief myself, and rm proud of It" she asserted. "I don't blame this man particularly for' getting my pin. but It's a business proposition with me to get It back if I can do It "Do you people think that after being In London, New Torn and other cities I'm aolng to come to a vlllaare like Port. land and let somebody do me upT Well, I guesa not. - I'm going to capture that man.' . V ' r . '. FIREBREAKS OUT IN - HOLD OF, ROANOKE Seelal Dlspstch to The JearniL) San Francisco, .Sept . 2a. Fire was discovered in the hold of the steamer Roanoke by Captain pun ham at 1:10 o'clock yeaterday afternoon While she was lying - at - Jackson street wharf. shortly before her departure for Los Angeles. - The department responded. but Captain Dunham and the crew ex tinguished the blase. The damage waa confined to the destruction of a little saltpetre, but it Is throught the water, which was used freely to extinguish the blase,' did considerable damage to the cargo.'- The extent of the damage will not be ' known antll the cargo Is dis charged. The vessel was -not damaged and left last evening for the south. FREE FRUIT DRAWS BIG CROWD TO FAIR ' The second Of the. two days devoted to agriculture at the -Lewis and Clark exposition attracted a large throng- of men and women today eager to obtain the One" samplea of Oregon fruit which the Agriculture club distributed in ca load lots. There was a small army of men and women passing put the good things all day. ,. At I o'clock the Administration band played,- Miss Ethel M. Ly tie. Miss Crayne, E. L. Park and the Hawaiian Glee club sang and Mrs, McOuire gave a reading. - . The celebration will eonehtds tonight with a grand: ban of "ye comhuakera" In ths Pavilion annex. :. BIG FRENCH SUGAR , HOUSE HAS FAILED , , t (Journal Bpeelsl ftrrles.) Paris, Sept 31. The failure 6'f ons of the blggeet sugar houses In jhls city Is announced. It Is believed the firm Is ons of ths creditors of Jules Jaluxof, who reoently failed . for , . 1,000,000 francs. ..... . , ... ( .. ; Bastera Sta. ia Sessloa. : . (Jearaal Spertal SrTlce.) Peterson, N. J- Sept It. The Grand Chapter of the Order ef the Eastern Star Is holding Its annusl stste conven tion here. Every lodge in the state la represented. The j preeent session of the Grand Chapter Is considsred of spe cial importance aa many matter of vital Importance to the order will come up for consideration. : tVorS Mayor .of boadoa, " ' ' (Jeersal apeelal ariHs.t - -London, Bept M. Alderman Walter Vanghn.'a- bscheW sertuarrwrtan and taa l ISA iaat i'-t-t t rilisi. STCC.t SHOW WILL CE; c?cN all OFTo:.:or.r.O".7 e ' ' Itwaa agreed.: SyTexhlbltOr of the livestock show thla mora- ing to keep open every depart 4 meat of the great exhibition to e morrow, in order that ths vast crowds of Portland - day may e have the oportunity or wimeas- e Ing this, marvslous featur of the , exposition. The original e plan was to close ths stock show this evening. , . - '':' " '. '.' FKEACH AT FAI3 Because Trail la Open on Sun day Dr. W. J. Dawson Will Not Be Heard at Expoeition. . . Because the Trail remains open on Sunday Dr. William J. Dawson, Lon don divine, has declined to preach at the Lewis and Clark txpoaltlon grounda. The services Sunday wre to have been the last preaching services at the ex position grounds under tha direction of the committee on congresses. Dr. Daw son startled the Christian world several years ago by leading his large and fash ionable congregation at Brighton Into the slum dlstrlots of the city.- The. unique procession waa headed by - Dr. Daw son with two. Salvation Army band Thevantlre elum district was traversed and services were held In places where services had not been held before,:- . It haa. been arranged, however, for Dr. Dawson to preach In Portland Sun day morning and evening at .the First Presbyterian ' church. Services In ths First Congregational church have been abandoned In order that tne congrega tions, may. hear the - sermon v of - Dr. Dawson. .f -i . COUNTY-WILLrFIGHT- WORD'S EXPENSE SUIT Th- countv of . Multnomah, through District Attornsy John Manning, will fight Sheriff Tom Word's attempt to col lect ISIS ' which he alleges is due for expenses accrued during the gambling raids ths past year and a half. '- In arguing ths motion of ths murrer this morning. Manning stated that there waa no law that could com pel the county to pay claims of- this sort unless such claims were allowed by the county commissioners. Hs said that the law provided for the hiring of assistance by the sheriff, and that the present suit waa an outgrowth of dam ages incurred in such a manner that the county could not be forced to pay them, inasmuch as the commissioners would not allow the claim. - Henry E. McGinn, appearing for Sher iff WordV stated that the supreme court hsd held .that -conducting a garabUng houee was menace to the publio peace, and as the sheriff had . sworn to keep tne nubllo peace.- he waa - forced to In cur additional expenses In order to keep the gaming-houses closed. ' HANDLE SOUVENIR i - . : CARDS WITH CARE Postmaster John . Mlnto , hag given orders thst ths stamping clerks In the local postofflc be more careful In. the handling of souvenir postal cards re ceived through the malls delivered In this city. Collectors of . these - cards hav complained to Poetmaater Mlnto of the-receiving stamp-of -the- local -office being put on the picture part of. the postal card. - v Many ef the cards - ars " copies of famous paintings, others ars views of bits of -scenery, while pictures of build ings and ships form other souvenirs, snd If a big black stamp Is put ovsr ths fac of the picture the effect is ruined. Mr. .Mlnto states thst he had given orders several months a go. that these cards be sorted and run through ths stamping machine so tht the post mark would appear on the ajde for- ths sddress, but oftentimes soms get mixed with the letters and go through un- notloed.. FIFTEEN HUNDRED WOMEN SIGN PROMISSORY NOTES tassels! ntsDatrf to The JearaaL) Seattle. Sept. II Fifteen , hundred housewives .in Seattle, it le estimated. have been Induoed to sign promissory notes for 111.71. - believing they were hputtlng their names ' to a receipt for books thst they might show them te their ' husbands before determining whether or not they would buy. -.The scbsme. It la charged, has been worked by a Sen Francisco book house and waa reported to the police late thla after noon after one of the victims received letter f rem an attorney In Sin Fran cisco threatening ault if the note ia not paid. ; - -. , .-.' ' Crage Beleaeed en Soads. C C. Crego of Chehalls, Washington, who is accused by his wlfs with eloping with Miss Viola M. Beebe of Marcel lo, Michigan, waa released from custody on his own recognisance last night by Po lice Judgs Cameron,, on the edvlee of District Attorney 'Manning. - Mlas Beebe was also permitted her liberty for the night - Both appeared again at police headauarters tbts. mornlne- - and their bonds we're fixed at 1110 for Crego and 1160 for Miss Beebe. . . . ' . . , JtArrla Vleada eraUty. ' C W. Harris, who did not call In a regularly licensed physician until a young woman waa, paet medical . aid. when shs was sent to the North Paclflo sanatorium, and failed to send a death certificate to City Health Officer Mat- son, pleaded guilty to falling to making a report or the death In the police court thla morning. A fine of II was imposed. .. Itatiel O see Aaiore,:,-;- f -(Joeraal Spatial Service.) .. , Los Angeles, Sspt it. The schooner Muriel, from Raymond, .Washington, with 700.000 feet of lumber, ran on the seawall at San Pedro- last night In"" fog and stovs tin hsr bow. Uee hull wss damaged and eh was pulled off by tug and oncked at Ban Pedro' with her decks awash, . Tha damags la not estimated. . ... r. .V" -j ;, 4 Oailtys o sTSa Ooaass, - .'' .. (Joarpal.apedal Smlca.) Los Angeles, Sept.- 19. Orlsndo K. Fltsstmmons, 'organiser of the cumula tive credit company, waa found guilty on nine counts this morning In ths .federal! courts on a charge- of MiSing ths mall ta conduct a lottery. '"-. , . , ' Charged With W If cheating. .; (Bpecial DUpttrrto The JoeraaLT ' ' Baker City, Or., Sept . Frank Wal- ace wai arreeted here laat evening on a charge of wifebeatlng. He will have a hearing this . afternoon tin the ;-city LLl.J l...aijf.i) ii, lit, Addressee , Big Crowd at ' Fair Grounds In the After. V-' noon.: iv - SPEAKS CHIEFLY ON. Ill i MATTERS OF STATE Believed He May Investigate Cbix'sgg r I of Incompetency Preferred Af ainst . : ; Warden Keea of the "Washington; , 8tat Pcnitcntiar-r. vf", '-. "';.;' (Special Dispatch to The Joaraat) . Walla Walla, Wash., Sept il. Gov- ' ernor Mead. arrived thla morning from Portland and is the guest or the Walla Waila County Fair association. ' At the fair grounda this afjtarhoon he delivered , an addreas to big crowd. He wae In troduced by ex-Governor M. C Moore. ' and after paying Walla Walla a high tribute for the part she had taken in the upbuilding of the northwest spoke -on state tnattera. He said that a bill ' would, be introduced at the- next legle- ' " lature that If passed. Will enable the ; state to raise ita. entire revetliier front , excise snd license taxes, relieving the . county of lta burden. .He favored the manufacture ef products at 'the' state penitentiary and believed it could be done without coming Into competition ; ' with free labor. He. said he beHeved - -the state board of control should be-., come the purchasing agsnt for all de part menu of the state. .,' i . The governor took slap at his' ene - mlee, who are charging the admlnlktra- -' tlon with extravagance.- It is believed that the governor while here will make' a mftrough investigation of the charge of incompetency preferred against .War-. . den Keea by his politioal snemlea, al- ' though he refused to discuss -the mat- ' ter this morning. It is significant that he le a . guest at the Daores hotel in- ' stesd ef stopping at the. warden's, reel dence. ,: IYAHTS lYILLIAMSOn 10 BE SEIHEIICED TO Hull. ',.-. ': mgmm pSBSBSBaBaSSaBBBBBBBSl BBtt Secretary ' Hitchcock Declares Prosecutions of Land Thieves r ;. Has Juet Begun.- - : ' ' !' (joarnal Sperlsl Service.)" . li Washington. , Sept .!. Secretary ' Hitchcock says that he hopes Congress-" ' man Williamson will be sentenced to . ths limit He declares he haa only be-J'' gua j the .'prosecution of thla claaa of ' criminals. He ssys thst he Is extending - the Investigation to all offending and -will f oUOw ,lt . regardless who it will V strike.--- i - - VThaC wag the-, only verdict to be ex- t acted," said Seeretiry Hitchcock, "and I am not surprised, as it wss the only : verdict that, could be reached by a fair.. and impartial Jury."','' .," , ; ; ? "The Jury baa done lta duty by the people of Oregon and 'the people of the entire eduntry. It was a Juat verdict ; It is-a further vindication of the de partment, which has been endeavoring for so long to bring the guilty men te book." ; -j . ..,;..."". STANDARD OIlTBANKv r BITTEN BY SWINDLER (Jouraal npedsl Serviee.) ' -New Tork. Sept' 10. The . National City -bank proves te have been the vic tim of the 1300,000. -robbery reported yesterday. The securities were secured through the clever work of a forger. The securities had been pledged by Pearl ft Co. to the bank for a on day loan and consisted of something mora than' 4,000 shares .of stock. Including United States - Steel . company.' Rock Island, Metropolitan railway and other ' valuable paper. ' The . brokerage - Company negotiated a one day loan with ths ' bank ' for 1100,000 and the next day check for the amount of the loan, together with on day'a interest, wss presented to the bank, who accepted It and urneoT the securities ovsr to a stranger. The bank ' on which the check was drawn waa one ' in which Pearl Co. never had an ao- -count dnd the forgery waa not dis covered until -the check- had passed ' through the clearing-house. eBaBBBBBBBaaaasBasssBaasaaaBaaBBaaBSBaBaas. SOUTHERN OREGON STOCK GOING TO CALIFORNIA . '- (Special Dispateh te Tee fnarsslg ' ' --Klamath Falls, Or., Sept ll. Stock . ef a quality and in quantltlea that as tonish newcomers is moving te - the California - markets. It - is estimated that 21,000 head of fine beef cattle will reach the California market from Kla math and Lake counties each year. - J. Bloomlngcamp left here today with 1,400 . sheep for. the same markst . - The hottest and driest season within the recollection of the eldest Inhabi tants was terminated by a good rain ' last .night . v , - .. -. No dangerous drugs or alcohol con coctions are taken Into the stomach when Hyomel is used. Breathed through ' the' Inhaler, " the ' balsamic " healing of rHjrdmel penetrates to the most remote cells of the nose and throat, and' thus kills the catarrhal germs, heals' the Irritated mucous membrane, vend gives complete and permanent cure. Hyomel Is .the elm pi eat most pleas ant and the only guaranteed cure for -catarrh thst has been discovered. Com ' pleteoytf!t. ILOttl-axtra bottlel If you cannot obtaln'Hyomei of your dealer, ' It ' will be forwarded by mall. postage paid. On receipt of price. WrtCe today, for a free ssmpl bottle and con- ' sultatlon blank that will entitle you to services tit our medical - department '.". without eharge. - The RrT.' Booth' con-- panjr, Hjromei Building, Ithaca, N. T. " " -1 V ' . ' i :,' '' '