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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1905)
TI-.Y . n . ..I..3, - c .. XT- .3, 1 "J. 1 c It having come.te Qur noticejthat rcrtain interested parties are cfo to close thisstore tdrhorro an this s?11 c open jdaybbxyr Sale will be on, arid a hearty' welcome extended to all; whether shopper of sightseer. MMxerdes-s Promptly arid Accurately Filled;; !Ct&&$isQ n::b,' Ctaa ;Pc6"!?" Circs??; CST3!. - CjpvH3 O A. "000g nCCT OP "OI1IOAOO LATEST BY TmKLESS" FRIDAY. SEPT. 29tb cJOP.D. Phone Private Exchange 12 ,4. All "Merchandise Bought on Credit Accounts Today or Tomorrow Will Be Charged on October Statements SbuvenirTickets Given 4. . . . Away Absolutely (WITH;EVERY5 PURCHASE MADE AT THE STORE . : THIS WEEK BEFORE 6 P. M. ON SATURDAY. . ,,i ... i. We Have Doubled OurQngihal Purchase ?of Souvenir Tickets to the Exposition jroruciiiu iay FRIDAY." SEPTEMBER 22, WE SUBSCRIBED t 1,000.00; TAKING 2,000 TICKETS. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 28. WE SUBSCRIBED $500.00, TAKING 1,000 TICKETS. TODAY. SEPTEMBER 29. V WE SUBSCRIBED I . $500.00, TAKING 1,000 TICKETS. ALTOGETHER WE SUBSCRIBED 82,000.00. K -, v TAKING 4,000 TICKETS. Olds, Wortman CS 5 King ' have Bought and Pai4 for ;4,000 Souver nir Tickets to the Exposition to Date and every Ticket will be used THE THREE . LARGEST AMOUNTS SUB : SCRIBED TO THE FAIR FOR "PORTLAND DAY," ADDED, REPRESENT THE SUM OF s $3000. Of this amount OLDS, WORTMAN C& KINO SUBSCRIBED $2000 or two-thirds (2-3) the ENTIRE AMOUNT. THE PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. being second with $500, or ONE-FOURTH (1-4) OLDS, WORT MAN CBk KING'S SUBSCRIPTION. BOOST ; ? . "PORTLAND DAY" ; y ;- SUPPOSE 24 OTHER ' PORTLAND " BUSINESS ' HOUSES SHOULD EQUAL- EACH THE SUBSCRIP TION TOWARD THE SUCCESS . OF "PORTLAND -DAY" THAT OLDS, WORTMAN A KING HAVE OIVEN. IT WOULD REACH THE COVETED 100. 000 MARK AT THE EXPOSITION GATES TOMOR ROW. WHY NOT? THERE'S TIME I DO IT NOW!" 1' 1 . ;.- Don't, Forget : to Yote Names of Leading Ten Contestant! in American Manual Training School Voting Contest With Standing of Each at v , r 10 A. M. Today. 7 ..-:., - Ceoree Slater, Ladd...r....,..V... ........... 16,506 Wright Brown", Clinton Kelly..;.......;.....,. 15,783 Robert Holmes, Harrison. 14.756 ; Roland Malnr, Sunnyside .-; 11,150 Truman Cook, Harrison..!....-................' . 10.278 'James Winston, Harrisop... .......'.......,.. : 9,544 Sidney Crumm. North Central.... 0.49O Tohn Wilhelm, Couch. ...... .... .... 8,504 Marlon Ogden, uckeiey ureen....,.,,. 7,880 Scattering . ; . "; . Vi 'Ji S. ; .7; . .I....... 24,658 Total ...... , . . L . . ; . . .136,848 .7. !' 7''''' ' ' ''' . ' L ' ' ' ' ' ! '-L'-Lil! ! "f1 J , Grand "Complimentary Sale" to Portland's Visitors and a Great Boon to Our Home Folk " t and One Only THIS JUBILEE OF ' ''I- SALES pr vilv:; Will bring thousands to Portland to do their fall shopping y and prove a more powerful magnet than all else combined to increase the exposition attendance on;:..::;;' , V Portland's Lareest and Olds, Wortman King's Foe- most jore,onPacilic.Slope of This Great Economy Event Absolutely -: Every Article in the House Mercilessly Reduced TOMORROW . (A few contract goods, upon which makers regulate prices, alone excepted.) ' . ":.V;';-A ' : v'v " ';;;.'':., .t;' '. "' BOTH. VISITORS AND HOME FOLK MAY BUY ALL NEEDED MERCHAN DISE FOR FALL AND WINTER USE DURING THIS SALE AT THE USUAL JANUARYLEARANCEALERICESANDJtAVEJBENEFIT-OF-AFULL SEASON'S WEAR. . ABSOLUTELY EVERY . ARTICLE IN EVERY DEPART MENT OF THE STORE; IS DRASTICALY REDUCED BEYOND "PRECEDENT. ..JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE: PRICES RULE.: TOMORROW ONLY -OPENMiE MMrrow PORTLAND -jm::m'AY::::yM For the Entertainment of the City's Visitors Extra attractions will be offered, vast and magnificent mer- ; ; chandise displays arranged, stupendous style - expositions "planned, AND THE MOST UNPARALLELED BAR GAIN CARNIVAL CONDUCTED EVER KNOWN IN. WESTERN . STORE HISTORY. We shall offer unpre cedented opportunities for people to save all th expenses of their irip by ' thesavingswesfiall : make pVssTble"to all who participate in the monster sile.. Matchless special values', will be made that will smash all previous records in Portland store history. Out-of-town folk may rest assured of finding f , Portland's foremost and be$t store wide open all day. Its free phones, information bureaus, lavatories, writing desks, water founts from, which spring. the cold'and sparkling wa-, tera of "Bull Run." ret room and every convenience that a bigVmodern store affords. This will be Liberty Hall. -AVELCOM ErMvhether-you-wislr-t 1shopnr not. I f -yc-j - come prepared to do the fall buying we shall be prepared tr ave you your expense money for the day--or more. C 's yourself. WELCOME ANY WAY, YOU C0!: ' -