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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1905)
riia onsGorr!' daily jouRiJAU POTtAra, rriDAY r:vr- :orr?Tz: :r "r.. i ,v . KSEilTED iii- if,-. A-td V.m'am Gaslinghouss) of Monro Leaves Corvallis for . ".OlOW Ohio Homo. 'V; r.v- H CJUD TO HAVE LEFT FIRST - WIFE THIRTY YEARS AGO . Married Oregon Woman With Whom He Lived a Stormy Lift and Upon Her Death She Left Property to . . ,.., . Daughter. ,v V-.,-,,". (Special fhanetch Te WaaLt Corvallla, Or, Sept. . With 11.000 ' cash In lila pockets. WUllam Oarlinr- - houae left Corvallla laet ' Friday for . Ohio, to . aeek out Ms children whom, ! : together with their .mother, ho la aald to - have' deserted mora than SO year age. . If hla offspring receives Mm after thee ' many years- Mr. Garllngtiou will re : main In Ohio, otharwlaa ha may return to Oregon. .- r- - "v Mr. Oarllnghoua lived for If year near Monro with a, woman named Mary CoyU. ATter ihat Ienth of time the - - couple married, and a few, week ago Mra. Oarllnghoua , died at the home , near Monroe. .Whan the will waa read It waa found that ah had left to the widower of Tl year a life lea of tf acre of the poorest land on her ' rant . aetata. That waa all. The remainder . went to her only child, Mra. Fannie Starr: During a atormy period In their married Ufa Mra. Qarllnghous had of ; Tared her apouse $21 a month alimony if '.'.he would leave the premise, but the ; tiffieulty waa made up and he remained. ;.Ttils contract waa known to the . man .'2whad- the. will ndthy thenpra poaed that the daughter. Mra. Starr, aire ""t Garllnghen It a month. Aa thle waa , not eatlafaetory, the ' daughter finally - paid the old man the 11.000 caah end he at once departed for Ohio to aeek eat hie first wife's children, with wham he bopee to epend hla lent day. . ; , ) HIGH FIKAKCE ; .(Continued From page One.) - ; 'aonal knowledge waa concerned It waa hearsay. .' ' ' . Bchlf f produced a list of eeeurltlea ' that the Equitable Life had bought from hla firm and aald that In no case had , he ever passed upon a Joint transaction. He described the syndicate operation, ' saying that they were very profitable end that he had no reaaon to queation T1W STORE tVHL BE : ;r' ;C?EPJ SATURDAY Business and pleasure can be combiaed with bene fit to you. We welcome you to our store and shall ' be pleased to show you . "' ; -you -into some of the latest and most seasonable clothing. , Your taste, requirements and purse all satisfied. ciZ. : v--;;-'-.U,.f 'cl . i 'J1 SPECIALS FOR SATUIIDAY MEN'S SUITS. OVER- ' yfv COATS nnd RAINCOATS vjv Your selection from this season's newest , ljr garments; $12 to $15 values.'... ......i.'.iV Men's Woolen Underwear, natural and camelshair r "fp colors; in the usual $1 values i Oli lien's Seamless Wool Hose, natural, camelshair, Oxford and blacks. Two pairs for.. ......... .......aCOw Portland Fair Souvenir Ties, all colors; usual 25c kind. ETA a Three for. ... . U . . . ..... . . ...... r .. i .. .... )UC Boys' $3 and $3.50 Knee Pants Suits. ' Special at. ..;.f24S5 , Boys' $4.50 and $5 Knee Pants Suits. . Special at. . . .f 3.85 Boys' $8 and $9 Long Trouser Suits. ; Special at..;.,. 80.85 Boys' $10 and $12 Long Trouser Suits. ' Special at... .$8.65 Boys' Corduroy Knee Pants. Special at. .'. . . . .39 Boys' Ironclad Fast Black Hose. Special at. .... . . . . . . . 19 Boys' Serviceable All Wool Caps. Special at......;... .25 . Boys Quilted Sole Shoes. Special at. .............. . 8145 Boys' All Wool Sweaters. , Special at.....:.......,:..85 Ejiife or ; Sctcol Supplies mm &UsJuhri-Prob T.: OUTFITTERS TQ' MEti AND BOYS !25 and 16 Third Street f S. NEAR MORRISON ; " V the honesty ftf any on connected ' with the transactions. : Ftaraa Kade ne Schtff aald that ha" did not know until the preacDt dlaclosures that Hyde had participated '-In the profit of the Jams H, iHyde and aaeoelatea ayndl eat. ' -. A dramatic turn occurred when Bchlf f waa questioned about the Union Paoiflo preferred atock syndicate, In which charges have been frequent that Bcblff a firm aold a vmendous amount to the equitable to tee great personal prone of Hyde and aaeoelatea. Bchlf f apok at length and declared that Kuhn. Loeb ft Co. never aold any kind ef atock to the Equitable. He explained how in the particular . transaction .. mentioned m nrm acted' aa a clearing house, - abso lutely without- profit. . He had never apoken a word to Hyde about hi Inter est. The first Indication that he hed of Hyde'a Interest waa laat July, after Preaident Morton learned of It. The witness thought' that he ought not to anawer the queatlon aa to what waa the purpoae of the ayndloate and wnetner it did not intend , to j control the Union Peolfle. , Bchlf f In closing mad a. statement scoring Insurance . Superintendent Hen dricka.. He also took a elap at Morgan, declaring, that the bond deal of the Equitable with which Kuhn-Iob war connected had risen while Morgan' rail road securities fell. He declared' that Hendrtck publiahed untrue report. He aald: -.- 1 aee the auperlntendent made the statement that the Equitable bought Jasanea bond from Kuhn. Loeb at Co. and aold them back to Kuhn toeb A Co. at lean than S per cent. Th tU. mony- before him ehowed to the con trary, but t auppoa th atatement was made because he did not, aaderatand th rat ox xcnange." Lt yesterday afternoon ,Vle-Prea- Ident. Thomaa A.-Buckner of the Haw York 'Life' Ineuranee company, de- were carried in th report aa "comput ing renewal premiums." Jt waa devel oped - that these advanoee . were loan. but were not earned aa aueh.' Advances were made ta .agent la th employ of other companies to Indue tnem to leave and Join the New York life. fin the con. fllct ,. between . the Equitable and the lew York-Life in Buffalo in 1. these aavance loiaieo j,vos, .in amount really eerrtied by theae agenta From the testimony of Hk R. Wlnthrop, financial 'manager f th -Equitable, It appear that large airma of Eaultable funde are mlaalng.. Theae were sup- poaea to prenta. ; mo record found on r the hooka of the cheok for 2S,lt. mad payable to th Equltabl for profit in th St Loul and San Francisco deal. --The ame was true of check drawn In favor of the Equitable by th Mercantile Troet company for yzi.ree ana 7i,7t t, aatd in J7. Th Bouuern raeine eompany planed en aale at ita Portland affloM round trip ticket to Shasta Spring at a rate or via. '.Beautiful, illustrated pamphlet desorlpUv ef this raeort eaa - secured from any Southern Faelfl agent. ? r ,: .; : f our stock of carefully se- D8io?e You Take a atHrday to the Fair- Come in whether TjroU are ; "a stranger within our gates' or one of our friends. Come and let us .srsirxff show you what we can do to help 10 Wilh Boys' Wear THOUGHT : HUSBAND , WAS BIQAWIS e (Continued Jtom Page.One.) - - Carson and prior to heV marriage aha was employee; a companion ny an, Anderson of 7 H Sixth atreet, tbla city. Bh waa married to Day, who run planing mill at Unnton. September A week ago her mother went east Tues day morning Mrs. Oar cam to Portland, oatenalbly. to see a dentist, leaving Gey 'i 1 -year-old son by a former marriage In care of .a sister of Special .- Policeman Phillip at Arleta. She did not return home and bar disappearance waa re ported to the police. It waa believed at flrat that she might have followed her mother east. i-, Teatarday afternoon Gay received letter from hie wife, written on paper ueed In bualne correspondence by local mercantile firm. "I am going to Roaeburg and Intend earning ' my own" living," wrot th woman. "I have learned from a woman that yen have deceived me. She aara he la your wife and convinced me that an i teiiing th trutn. i want you to know where I am all the time, be oaua when our child ia born -1 do not expect to live and you must look out for the baby.- . Gey took- the letter to th police and stated that the woman causing th trouble waa Mr. Wilkinson, - who. waa formerly In hi amploy as housekeeper. She answered an advertisement In the dally papers and came here from Hose- burg, -i ,. "I had troubl with -this woman' and discharged her aald Gay. '"and ah ha taken thle method of wreaking her vengeance, on ma" .. s . . PEVEL0PMENT LEAGUE . (Continued from Page' Ona) V naturally more richly endowed than any ether, linger In th rear. . Over her rest th pal ef three shadow th Mectlonal clanniahneaa of her people, alien owner-ahlp-of her landa and foreign control of her raiiroada. - . 'Socially, commerelallv and Dolltlcallr one city dominate! the elate not always to Ita uplifting. (The welfare of the state la too often overlooked In th log. rollln? for local Interests. Few citlsen eera to grasp th matchless posalbtllMee of that portion of - th commonwealth lying beyond the purview of their per sonal operations, ana .most are ap parently disinclined to make th1 sacri fice of time and money to atudy them. Land madness I rampant .. Anxious, ts cur larger holdings . for themselves. Immigration I discouraged by many who ought to be of broader vision, and w are in an ra ef bonanza farming, al way a blight and bane. "Our people are induatrlou. intelli gent, law abiding and God fearing, but they aeem at time ' forgetful that Tlghtouanea- ezalteth a. nation, and oountenanc on - th part of political laedera and publio officials practices which at least are of Questionable ethics. if not of questionable morality. - Offleiale Bid am Vaaeea. . 'It I currently relieved, ana pre- aumably true, that th great majority of stat official, legialatlve, executive and Judicial, have for year been th recipient of fre railway transportation. The off tear have not been intention ally delinquent in official ethic. They hav accepted these favor as a courts do their position, following a ouatoro well nigh universal, and yet every think ing man knows that the free-pas sys tem Is but a mean of polit bribery on in part .or. rauroaa management. Th state we early marked for e ploUation. In-ltiith . leglalatur a tamped . with : expr approval that which baa never failed to cure every nation- and- every race touched by ita lthering nana alien ownership of lands. . - ' . . ... "A aqnare deal for Oregon will never some nntu the people rise to aueh lgl. lation aa win eliminate or minimise this paralysing .burden. ' . ... Duty of BaJjyoada. It la the duty of th potent sratem which dominate thla stat t6 promptly end It line to th isolated harbors of our coast and through th vast Interior region auraoled with promise. Thla work haa been already, too Jong delayed, :. Had the Oregon Paclfla been' constructed from Albany to the Snake river when It paaaed from the control of ita builder. Oregon today could boast a population of an added Had a friendly rail- way Bought our southwest coast a de cade ago a city of material proportion would now ret on tn finest harbor be tween th Columbia and th Golden "Promleea kept In th present wlll veil deceptive pest, but the time of talk haa ended and the eeaaon of action 1 be ing uahered In. Th people have learned that rail ' will not rest on ' broken promisee. . reople Are the 'A qunr dear for Oregon rnnlres that railway magnate, east and west. hall be made to realise and perform tneir duty to. thla atata which for generation haa .halted beneath the curb of their neglect - i "The etate, the people, must be su prerae. They will deal Justly, but mast Insist upon and receive from the cor. porattona, creature) of , th stat and recipient of it bounty In franchise and privileges Invaluable, that which In tnta age la juatly due.' . - we are the Moaea. l w alone, as cltlsens of Oregon, can separate the watere and pass through thle Red sea of retarding elementa to the promised land, an Oregon majestic, com unto her own.". . . : ! - KLAMATH FALLS HAS NEW STEAM LAUNDRY ' ' (Sateisl Dlmatch te The JooruLI Klamath Falla. Or.,' Sept 29. A new, thoroughly equipped, up-to-date steam laundry la In full operation here. . A few month ago Welter Neve,, from Califor nia, purchased property on Eaet Main street, 'and now haa a complete set of new buildings, conveniently arranged, and. five employes at work. Cltlsens hitherto have had to eend their laundry to. Ashland or points In the Wtllara. ette valley. J. A. Callnlne, formerly manager of the Potter hotel laundry at Santa Barbara, California, la in charge. Sanderson Bros., who recently came from Bandon. Coos county, are building two-story block onvicaat aialn ' street. 14 by 10 feet. - - - - ROOSEVELT AND FAMILY RETURN TO WASHINGTON ' l- (Joeraal Sped.! Servlee.) , Oystar Bay, Sept. 2. Th executive office were dismantled today and Preaident Rooaevelt hi family and clerical fore wUl return to Washington tomorrow.- The1 eapitol is prepared te give tbenr a greet reception. . v -. I " Shrrtak Bld en Bona, - '(Jooraal iDeeUl Serrle.) Indiana polla. . Sept. 1 . Depoaed Au. dltor Shernck was indicted, arreated and released en a bond of llo.OOa this mornlaaY ' . Blplay z Wltaeee. Chicago, Sept . President Ripley of th Santa t waa a witness In th tntrtat commerce commlston cases AUIOSTTiiLiV ON VEDkDAY eiurs puf,o i:aacs lixsa'A sms!::.o Kt:ccr.War,x v mens CU3Y. Prlcea- Placed mt- Lowest Notch With Object of Quick SeJUs? 1. Have Desired Eftcct. . OoedUsed Pianos and Organs and Whose Hones Tbey Went to. Larx Number Yet to Go. . , ; - As announced In Tstrdays paper. we print today ihe name of our wed nesday' piano purchaser. Thl 1 in th nature of a aurrnia to oureelvea. We war prepared for unusual aalea, but not In the almost overwhelming num ber In which they ware made by mall. and even by telegram, aa well a th large number of paraonal oolaetlone. Here le the nt; it Mil it own storv. These dependable, .everyday pi- anoa, th terras of aelllng. th warranty and th low price that other concern would despair or achieving, au oomoini to make this bualne possible. Her 1 Wednaadav' record: Mr. j. - A. xiergey sec urea an a-mey piano; Mr. J, W. w heeler a lovely inn lilnse; Ml Eva Noble, Peerleae Eleo trlc, an exact duplicate of on of those now aispiayea at in zair; sar. wn. Prlbble. a beautiful Hobart M. Cable; Mr. J. M. Palmer, on of th matohl Chickering pianos; another Hlna want to th horn or Mr, j. w. xwscnoaca; Mr. Myron Huatrd took Philadelphia best th lister; almoet Immediately after him-Mr. Arthur I- Davl singled out -. lnvelv Kimball. Ghlcaco a beat: two Marshall Wendelli were neat to go, lovely pianoa both of them, one waa purchased by Mr. Adolph Eck arid th other bv J. EX Mlllanaught a- vary On VmaraAn was selected bv , Mr. Mary Jones; th next pair to go were Hobart M. Cable, purchased ny aara. "osa ie and - Mra O. M. Grave; Mr. m. jb. Ollv Hall secured an Estey piano, and ThomDion i cnoic was m iwtwj ty v u. i , also Miss v. n. .i a. aao Donald, a Kimball: Mr. Fred H. Witt, a Weber: Ml Jeaal F. Dickinson. Had- dorff: a A. Barnea, a Chickering: nun- nvaMa. arhnnl. Waahounl. Wash.. Kimban: Ur. VrtX- Nlelson.-w-Weeer: piano and an Aeriola to play it; Mra L N. Plamandon, ilaseJton; Mr. John H. Becker. .Bailey; Mr. N. Robertson. Kimball organs Mr. Morte Paraona. a Peloubet organ; Mr. J. T. Kenoyer, Kim ball oraan. and Mr. H. N. Price, a Kim- While the low prices at wnioa w mrw now selling good used piano and or- ana have mucn to oo wun mm ou Hat. many buyer are. also taking ivantara f tha Drevalllna: cut on all our instrument. Including special Fair exhibit atyle in v;nicaenn. nor, Kimball and. many outer or our nneei main 1 ' . The stock -Waa never so great, so inor- oughly oomprehenelve and aitractiv. All demand hav been met, fromthoe who want th reliable Hlna or Claren don piano, or vn a Bailey or a Mar shall or Weaer orchestral, or a parlor or cabinet organ, up to those who re- iulr th marnincent wnicaenng,. at n isko tn .11.000: or a Weber, or w.har Plannla. Piano at 1900 and 11.000. not to mention that musical educator and entertainer, the Pianola. ; ' What an array tni ia: wnat cnanc for compariaon and selection! I It any wonder that th Eilers Piano Hous can publish sale list aueh aa th above T n,mmh.r' that we are keeping ODn I houee during th Fair, and that no mat- tar wnat your rrana, you are welcome to our store, and that w will be happy to aerve Fair visitor, aa well th popl of Portland, in any way posalblet - . EILERS PIAKO HOCSE, . til Waahlagton. oor. ara lataj ntreet. PROGRAM AT FAIR : Continued from Page One.) J 1:0 p. m Blanket weaving by Ala ka Indiana, - Alaska exhibic . Z:S0 n.- m. Special concert by the EUery Royal Italian band, under direc tion of Bignor reruuo. oanastana on Gray boulevard. 1:10 P. m. United State Ufeaavtng exhiblUon drill on the lake. 1:00 p. m. Parade of gaily-decorated float typifying principal cities or the PaclAe coast and th states participat ing In the exposition. Mil p, m. Ttmber-teating exhibit Forestry - building, government exhibit 4:00 P. m. Magnincent oiapiay oz unlqu Japan day fireworks. t:S0 to 4:30 p. m. Concert by United State Artillery band. Government ter raca - ,- ,- - - . - - s :00 p. nv Government exhibit build ing clo. .. :00 p. m- Exhibit buDdinga close, :00 p. m National aelute of tl guna. - 7:48 p. m. Concert by the salary Royal Italian bend at west central boat landing - en bridge, incidental to fire work and naval battle. 1:00 p.- m. Superb display of flre- worka. I:t0 p. rn. Mammoth reproduction of th historic naval battl of Manila bay. 0:00 p. nv Special concert by the mi w . j j, I 0' '"r FeruUo on Gray boulevard. i 10:10 p. m. Distribution of 11,000 In cash prise, at head of Trail. ' Sxenratom Bate ta Vewpert, Th' Sou thorn Paclflo' eompany t placed en eel at all - rortland office round trip tickets te Newport at rat of SO. limited to October 10, 1100. and for SI . Baturday to Monoay ticket. Ampl hotel accommodation at reason bl rata are pronaea at-tnia popular FATE IS KIND (Continued from Page One,) ltshlng a -little country paper . tn Sauaallto, but w hav not formed our un. fw tha viiinr " " - . .. I . . - I Fortune had arrack nara. it was un-1 expected, almost bewildering. Th story. 1 a fairy tal which ha th quiet lm-1 nortant element of truth. and hla wife had not kept In clo touch 1 absorbing requirements of country journalism and th cant allowanc had Tnr liiTiirlaa. 1 nev nad nt tn think I th shadow of fat over them waa aal VSZSZ tht?: MX businesa, wnare iner were raw ray of light that could be mistaken for pros perity. When th dispatch came, . it aeemed a Jok. but the 'eastern trip proved that for one at leaat th spirit of th vll one, which I supposed to be Incarnate In the printer's devil,, had re laxed the poverty vigil. It b no small Comfort' tO I h. Schilling B . aH par e., can t get everything such and .-Jr. . . SOi : ' ., " ' : ; ; v y 2-287 Washington Street The Answer Is' a Great Big -Opcsowide P takenthe;:eiV ' (0 patroTme pf 'y - come , hundreds ofiries "on V f r -thaTday to combine foU bu ' ing with pleasure, and we "wilL pC L L X be wide open till 12 p. m. with jf ? a general cut' in prices on all 4 SSStiitel f tell I . . and Pants :y pl 6"N SATURDAY, SEPT. 30 ) ij - E.B.COLWELL Successor to A. J. Farmer WIOL1UU AWO KBTATXi OmOOBB. S81, SS3 and S8S Third SI, Oo. gSnoa Price quoted below will ear yon at leaat 2 per cenu viat rrv rii-enulataA Cane linr wafilfbrV "GnuraVd Can u-r ...11.00 Beet Dry Granulated Sugar, sack.. 15.00 1-1D. can Koyai Baaing rowair, ,. . ..jye 1-lb. can Schilllnga' Baking Powder. .IS 1-lb. pki kc Arm and Hammer Soda... So Shredded Wheat Biscuit, par pkg...,10o T Iba clean white Rice ...I6o It bar Royal Savon Soap . ..26 Mini Wheat Flour. nr aack .11.00 Beat Eastern Hams, per pound.... .14 Picnic Ha me, per pound. ........ ...e Shredded Cocoanut, per pound. .....IS S-lb. pall beat Lard.,..,,.,...,.. .80 10-in pan neat ira "Xi-i:; tO-lb. pail beat Lard 11.10 naat floft Wheat Flour, ner sack.. 11.00 Java and Mocha Coffee traarular .ISC per pound . es a lha hrokan Java and Mocha (aaual to IOC) .,s t can Piiraros Cram... ...... ....ISe Engllh BMkfat Ta (rg. J5e).lb. 1S Fin Gunpowder Tea (special), lb... It Scotch Oat, pr pkg. J. ........... .100 -r.. b. 1 hara Be i:," T.:ii.. in.n M, h...' a p0atum Cereal, per pkg. ......., 0c Soda Crackera. lo-lb. box .....S0e The m Store Mr. PryorlLeelle Steiused Bait tenaxer top;, per packag ....... c and Friday. Woodlawn, North Alblna and Pdmont, W'rieaday. - - - C0NQUERER OF SAKHALIN GIVEN OVATION AT TOKIO (losraal apeelal Servlea.) Toklo, Sept. I . General Haragaahl, commander ef th force that conquered Sakhalin, has returned and received an ovation: The minister of .'war, officers ef the army and navy and civil official greeted him. He lunohed at army head quartera and proceeded to the, palaoe, where he expressed dissatisfaction' at h sjrnits taking only half of Lots iMlAnil. ' B.M1r.T MFZ PERCE-- - ' - "DEStr0YED BY FIRE 1 . (tpecUl Waaatek to The learaaL) Kei Fere. Idaho, Sept. !. .Th Flrt National bank end M. B- Bowman's , barn aa were destroyed by; fir at I wCBgflCaH-HiOntswOw Te Are Going to Help FOR THAT REASON TOMORROW, SATURDAY, WILL NOT BB OPEN TO THE PUBLIC' " Our aeveral hundred conceasionairea and employes are all goinf to attend the Lewis and Clark Fair.- - ON SUNDAY, however, THE OAKS" reopens bigger than iw, -That day FREE to all the children on earth. v , ; ., MONDAY, OCTOBER THE Grsnd, Gata Day" Free to All the ladles -- Magnificent prises that are costly will be distributed to the TWO " MOST BEAUTIFUL -LADIES who will attend. Prises to be awarded by s committee in the Pavilion, to be selected from among the audience on that occasion. . , . Take the O. W. P. ft Ry. cars from First and .Alder streets, fare & cents. All car lines transfer direct to the main entrance. "THE OAK9 The O. W. P, ft Ry. Co. have taken over "The; Oaks Tavern." ' .They have decided to create an innovation by furnishing their patrons with a fine FRENCH DINNER, including wine, for T5 CENTS. All of the prices at the Tavern have been reduced, nothwithstandinv the .fact that the management claim their service and cuisine, the equal of any In the country. Coupon Free Ha wallan ; Trip , . lioawlalit, rlswsllaa Islaads v-: f --" f VOta Or.... -... ...n r,t. v-p.rrv,,., r . Tbta coupon must be voted oo or before October,!,. 100. e'elock thla morning. The fir etart4 In th hemes shop and within a few minute both buildings were tn flam- Th lose ta the bank la estimated at 11,000. Bewmas's loss will 'amount, te Swell That IC),Q 2nd. DAY AND NIGHT .V- TAVERN" , ; , " ' J 'fOJwJ I M00. both losses were well covered by lneuxnc. . " : ' When doctore fall, try Bnrdock Blood r Witt ere. Cure dyspepela, conaUcatloni .. , Invlgoretee tha waeie eyetes. ' . '