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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1905)
0 "-1. !.rr a : tonanrt AMuixMxrrt. o'aoeQ ,.."Oa the QuUr" MOOT HUlOl BWIWS" 'Dr.'iiiU end Mr. Hreo' kaplro.. ."BWOOI VUTX Bur . vanoovilM . Grand VaedevlUe EVENING PAPER vs. -.! t:--" MODimiG PAPED m fcesdnd aad faarteee , largeet towloml etoree ttarafkout . tbe UnlUd IUIm wore aakod which V papoe wu th uoat sreStebla for riw . tiring thd nMroliK or the area'ac; 104 ' ' nlimT tbe alaa paper, 10. pre-;. tarred th mralnc. -.. - Tb )oMl will pablkfe t letU eacs evealag (rea one, of U0 1M. , , i ";,. . ' :-' '...' "Prefer the evening paper, : it gives time for readers-to bet ter absorblthejtpre hew." v -.yW. GEO. S. BAILEY, .. Adv. Mgr., Brown, Thompson & Co.. Hartford .Conn, ' ; - In Portland and in Oregon nmartj mvmrybodg rad TA j0umaL----':-T-- t ''" Centenary ; Methodist' Sunday school rl::-rin observe next Sunday a. 1U Annual . ' rally day, At :4S a. m. there will be a ; : rally service of the officer and teach ' ' era of the school, led by the pastor. Dr. i . W. , H. Heppe. .At 10:S the regular - preaching services will be "held, followed by the Sunday school and-aily day pro gram from 1 to p. m. Monday evening at I:" o'clock In the lower " ' room of the church will be held a rally ''social. ;;;; . ; "-"i; Colonel C. tf. Oantenbeln Inspected the - Third regiment, Oregon National Guard, at the Armory last night. There was a : .large attendance and the commanding officer 'complimented the troops highly. 'Although President Goods had extended . the regiment an Invitation to .take part in the Portland day parade it was de elded to forego this pleasure and every : one attend the exposition tomorrow as he , liked. J The battery will be Inspected to . night, : - ' r ; ... -. r . . ' Colonel Trank J- Parker of Walla Walla was the vlotlm of a Joke yesterday ' . when some one made !hlm. believe that ; he was the , recipient of a prise from the exposition for a mineral display ; ",: which he has collected. He was showing ... the exhibit' to Governor Mead of his - rv state at the Washington building when "' some' , one. approached with a . banner jjton which was printed "Gold. .Medal.". ; " The will of the late Gustaf .WUsoh was filed yesterday. The bulk of bis - property la lefMo his adopted daughter. y Allot) 'Elisabeth ' W!lso.v but 100 ts -v. given jaooo wuson or Axn. wiku M-Hoyt has been appointed' administrator. The property left by Mr. Wilson is said to be worth f 11.000, the chief Item being a qaartor block in Couch's addition. 'i Cheap Rates Canceled.. Commencing October 1 the excursion rate of IS for : the round trip from Portland to Astoria "" arid Seaside and return via the A. AY C. ' ' R. R. will be withdrawn and the regular r winter rates go into effect. Only three days left to see the ocean at reduced rates. Train- leave- Union depot" at-a a.m, daily.' ,? , '. i .. . mmmm ' - f On Roycrof t day. October (. at the exposition, Elbert Hubbard, the noted - editor, will have .0-eoplee - of -the V October number of the Philistine dls trtbuted 'to patrons of the fair. This Is ..tone pf Mr. Hubbard's eccentric methods of advertising and , he has " selected " the v October Issue because it has a lot to ' ; aav about the Equitable. . -. .;- : ' This ' evening a . reception will be tendered Rev. Clarence True- Wilson, who has neen returned as pastor of Grace ; Methodist Episcopal church. The re----eeptloil will be held In the church parlors ; "under the auaplces of the Brotherhood of v; St. Paul. Miss Eula Bennett and Mrs. , Reno Hutchinson will sing. Refresh 'f ,inenta will be served. , . , , : Mabel Williams has decided that mar- Hsge is a failure and has-brought' suit for a divorce in the circuit court against : John C. Williams. - She alleges that her husband has been associating with an other woman. - They were married in Oregon City In 18M. . .; W." Smiley, a carpenter, was cut on . the head by a falling scantling while '. working on a building at Second and' , Stark streets yesterday. He was taken ' to St Vincent's hospital. He sustained . a scalp wound which required several Stitches to close. .' r- .-.4.- ; ' - Tourists, as wen as city people, finan cially, embarraaaed, will And the Port - land Loan Offloe. T4 Third street, the :' - safest end most reliable place to trans- . aot their business. Rates .reasonable. , Tou save a walk of a mils' In Visiting , .the stock show by riding on the Pavor . : He Boating company's launches from the upper (right-hand) side of, Morrison treat bridge. -Tel. Main 0401. , rr "Tour credit la good. 'Watches, IS ' down, tl a week. Metsger Co., Jewel' era, and opticians. 111 Sixth' street , . ' Albera Bros, submitted the only bid 'for 47 tons of white oats for the city bant at per ton. The bid was FalfWeight I Men's Derby Ribbed r Merino Underwear Special Value ' s- Hivtott, Cntilay O Co. . XajzuDAixua. ; . . ........ . - , 948 Wmhlngfon Stmt- k. C. VXAk XAJTS TXkATM. T ' Oi,r,'.iJ,vi.i.triay"b'jf the "streeKleiii'In department -com mttteet--h-Ai -Cogswell stated that other contractors were com plaining because they had inot seen the advertisement for .bids. Springtime and winter appeared lurid In hand before County Clerk Prank- S. Fields this morning and wished a per mit to wed. This was denied. Carl Lobseln, aged. 47 years, ' and - Bessie Crum, aged 14 years. Journeyed all the way from Coallts county. Washington, yesterday lu order that -iney might cur a marriage -lloenss the first thing tola morning, be wedded and then spend a delightful honeymoon on the Trail. Bessie's-papa came along to give his consent, but It waa useless. "Mr. Fields stated that as the bride waa no a res ident of thla county ha would pot grant the license. ' J. K. Dolph, who has ben assistant to the secretary- of the Lewis and Clark exposition sines its' opening, has severed his connection with the fair, to take effect October 1'. Mr. Dolph has trsv eled extensively- In the intereet of the fslr and has successfully supervised the program of some of the' leading events. Lele Loulalg yesterdsy was given the custody of her child which' had been held from her by Mrs. Green, who claimed .that there waa owing to her a bill, for the child's nurstng. Habeas corpus proceedings were instituted and the circuit court ordered that aha : be given her child. I .. The Oregon Transfer -company .has decided to observe Portland day by de claring a holiday and presenting every employe ' of u teompany with a ticket to the exposition. .. - . .ij. ' Ws are- boosting the fair Just the same, but -In order 4o accommodat our patrons we will 'keep open sir day Sat urday. Townsend tk Van Schoonoven, 147 First street, between Morrison and Alder. . .. . : : , . ' Banks Members ,' of thePortland Clearing; House association will close on Saturday, September, SO, Portland day, Lewis and Clark sx position. W. H. Punckleyx secretary. .1,.. ' " Dr. H. A. Studevant formerly of The Dalles, is now with Wise Bros, at rooms 211-1Z, Tha Failing. Third and Washing ton streets. Phono Main SOI. - Professor ; Rlngler'a -physical culture school and dancing academy, 100 Aider street Class , an- private Instruction. Fat peopla reduced. .j.irrj jnw. Notice On account of Portland day at the fair steamer Bailey Gatsert' will not make her customary trip to Cascade Locks on Saturday. - ; ; - Wa clean and press your clothes and ahln your shoes for 11.00 per month. Unique Tailoring Co 147 Washington. Main r: , ---7-- .c " Any watches cleaned, $1.00; main spring, tl.00; all work guaranteed one year. Metsger CoM 111 Sixth street - Antique -. mahogany ... furniture. . old brass, bninae and pewter: rare old colo nial ejves; to sell. 611 WaahlngtonJ The J..O. GUI -Co., Third and Alder atreet will -be closed mll day tomorrow for Portland day.: j -v - Class A billiard tournament tonight, Roddick's billiard hall. Clark vs. Mayer. We can - make the - sign you wih Fosts; aV Klelser, Fifth' and Everett ' Frltss tsmsles are th bsst, FOR THE GREATEST PAX Moot aad Xoateas ef Oregoa BnlMing r- Flaanlng tjrsaad Sntenalameat - Hospitality snd a thoroughly good time will fairly radiate from Oregon building from early morning until the last" minute of the 'proudest day of all the Fair triumphs, nsxt Saturday, ths 100.000" dsy. .vi Th mana grant has beenusTnlaJf Ing arrangementa for the "entertainment of guests in spproprlate and generous manner, and ' there is no doubt It will be done most lavishly." Testerday there was delivered at ths Oregon building by Ellers Piano House magnificent Chickerlng parlor grand piano, such as are' now to be found in Massachusetts building and American Inn. at. the Fair grounds. The piano will bemused Saturday for th concert to be given ' there. : Similar concerts , have been given at other state buildings dur ing . th season, and have proven ex ceedingly ,: attractive. . The program baS been arranged . with especial care, end by a. number of musicians who have seen It has been pronounced exception ally fine. Tha artists who will partici pate are Miss ' Beatrice Maltman of New York (first appearance In Port land), dramatic soprano;. Mr. S. 3. Story, violin, and Miss Bernlce Fleming Holland, piano. - Time, 11 o'clock, a. m. However delightful, this Is only on of th many entertaining features of. the day at Oregon building on Portland day. Milwauklo Country Club. wood and Oregon City cars at First and avioer . . . Whin in Seattle . Oo to th Rathskeller, a hlvh'-nlaa nlaee to at Sea fooda. aaatarn maata. large orchestra dally. - -.- . Orowdad. . Crowds throng ths Mellln's Food booth In the Agriculture building at tha Lewis and Clark exposition. Thousands of people have vialted thla exhibit and the booth la filled with interested peopla all day long, - Courteoua attendante - will tell you all about the pictures. -, - - Taks Advaatags of su Trips. Holders of certain Lewis and Clark tickets ar entitled to fifteen-day one far tickets on th B-uthern Pacific as far south aa Ashland. Particulars by asking at Third and Washington streets, Portland. : t : . : : Oae Oaa Pass 00." - " - ur iigiion on our gar ments; you add to yours by wearinw AM. .Our Mlbln .kli4. aire tnatohlaaa. ,n1 ,h. aM down. Coo pay Son, tailors,' up sUlrs. '" O Free Boat landing. The O. W: P. A Ry. Co. ha decided to open their dock landing entrance at the-f Oaks rree to all launches, yachts and craft generally. If Is'expected that thla wi-i bring many visitors to th Oaks wno prefer to go by water. oajufobmxa pxrm wimi (faade frota Tne IWh CnfornU frdll ind all evr the lane ts tool and rvrrMh the atnmark an4 IntMtlaM and U ke the kewtle rtlTt. Tbe Bint d'llcalt tnralM rt taka tkne Wafeie far CenaUpa tine. IaiHrxttoa ! all I.trar enS BowH troahlra. wlthonl fru o pilOnf e ptta. TW art rvntlr bet nrvlr. erlmoiatinc li-Mtton aad kutrn, th peue m akearptlee ef tott, nfmttluf Ui wkwle body. . . .. . . 100 warizi n vrnmrm. t. . r oe., r ut Tkud la. aeata l i .4. Orates, j4uddyjnj;l lliit 8TILL UNSAFE East Side : Residents Complain Because -Oerailert Have Not 5 , Been. Placed. CARS MIGHT- DASH v INTO THE RIVER 1 -', Law' Requires That Safety Devices , Be Placed on Al Bridges but the New . Structure Has Never Been So Guarded. - ' East aid residents ar concerned over the neglect of the officials in not pro viding derallers for the Morrison strset bridge, Th accident In Virginia, where a atreetcar ran Into tha water becauae there were no derallefaon the bridge. and the 'revival of th memory of the tragedy of a few years ago when a, ear plunged Into , th Willamette - river- in Portland off the Madison street bridge, have served to arouse the east aiders and relief la demanded. ""It makea one a trifle nervous.'' said a well-known eaat aider today, "to realise that the Morrison street bridge has no meana of preventing cars from plunging into th liver other than the car of the motorineik. This Is not a reflection on the motbrmen, either, for all the other bridges In ths city have, thee dersllers. and the Morrison street bridge should have them. ' "I brought It to th attention of the city officials last year, and did so sev ers! " times. I waa Informed that th atreetcar company had promised to put In the derallere. I waited after th first time and the derallers were nor placed. Then I apoko of it again, and there waa another jpromlse with no performance. "Mow something should be don at once. Every day thee derallers ar left off the Morrison street bridge the lives of all who cross that structure In street cars are. in Jeopardy." The . derallers are contrivances that Operate eutomaticallyr when th draws open they break tbe rail connection a short distance from the end of th draw, so thltt if th rails are allppery or the ear brake la out of Order, the car cannot run off the bridge, but Is derailed and stops from gravity. r . All drawbridges ar required by law to have these devices. - y IGORROTE VILLAGE peoial Program to. Soaet of Portland .-' ' . . Say. I a. m. Igorrotes will proceed In a body outside th exposition grounds and onter at Administration entrance on tickets bought by "themselves to help swell th paid attendance. S:I0 a. sn. Igorrotes return to village. assembling at the Pa-ba-fu-nan, where Chief Domingo will deliver an oration to hie followere oa "CI vie Pride, and the Advantages of Communities Pulling To gether for th Common Good. a. nv Tribal danoe, followed by singing or native song of thanksgiving. a m.. Native Industries Illustrated all day; weavers, pocket-hat and trinket makers at work. t:I0 a m. Spear throwing by bead hunters. ' . -. v 10 a. m. -Tribal dances. ... 10:10 a. . m. Boys gams, "Kag-kag- tin, on of th only two systematic native gamea for boys. ' ' 11 a. m. Tribal dance, with con torting head-ax dance In center. . . 11:20 a. m. American songs by na tive trio of bora, led by Antero. 11:10 a. m. Sham battle with turf. A line exhibition '.of native skill, and an amusing- IS m. Caneo, or dog feast , 1 p. m. Cooking and eating by na tives. ' " - . 3 to I p. m. Constant dancing, sing ing and native sports. S p. m. Illustrating horn eustoma dog feaat - -. t p. m. Cooking and eating by na- ttves. . - 7 to IS p. m. Continuous exhibition. consisting . of native dances, songs, games, te. - . A-au. A-su, ;,. s Bow, wow, wool " Ig-or-ro-te, Ig-or-ro-te, . 1 a Portland stew! GIRL SAYS SHE WAS .V v j GIVEN DRUGGED WINE C - ' - r. - Agnes Parson charges, a man named Gilbert, employed on the Trail at ths fair, with giving her drugged wine. She was taken Into custody at the Outside Inn near the fair. Though she said she Is It. years old. Investigation by the police convinces them that she Is a year or two younger. She lives with her sister at Vernon and has been In town for severs! days see ing tb fair. . A . complaint will be issued against Gilbert. . ' This Is the Day When all th ladles ar pussllng their brain about th' Sunday dinner. Save this worry and anxiety by reading the market and grocery page of The Jour nal. Surely you will find plenty of good things to sat there, and many bargains, too. . ; , . . , . " 1 ' - ' ''.)... Generous and Patriotic. Ths really magnificent and educational Trail . production, "A Trip to Siberia. announces on Portland day. admission will be half price up tiv 1 p. m. only. Additional cars, eta, ar being provided. ' Piel erred Bttook Canned Goods. AUen Lewis' Bsst Brand. MUSICAL-PROGRAM FOR PORTLAND DAY Kllerv'e band will play tha following programs for Portland day at the fair- Afternoon March. "American jocaey." Moist; overture, "Poet , snd Peasant," Suppe; "Polnsettla." a California . rag, Ferullo; waits, "Blue Danube," Strauss; rand selection, "King Dodo," Luders; solo by Slgnort D Mttrls and Manclnl; march. "Southern Echoea,. Fauoette; Dance of the Demon," Hoist;' two-step Intermesso, "Vlnlta," Vargas: grand fan taste, . "Mefiatofele." Bolte; solos by Slgnort D Ml trie, Plantamura and -Lf-monte. Dial Land,? Haines; overture, "Zampa," Herold; "La Paloma," Tradler; Intermesso. "Moon light." Moret; 'Xa Bohemo," final Aot S, Puoclnl ; solos by Slgnort rsima. De Mltris. Ixmionte. Rlso and Manclnl; march. "Flag of Victory." ' Von Blon; 1m Oolondrina," Msxlcsn national air. Mexican: "Slavlo Dane.? Dvorak; American Fantael. -Hubert; -solos by 1 ry-s).-4.,i ..Lm- VVMM km ikv 4 it '' k (II3 ' Ikl asf AaU WaSTPwS F-rwTS --! BAX. Sal AThd "DirCjaAXS Will handle your dirt for S ams per- yard. AVBOBA AWD sroTOT 9-OatP WAOOal Most .'modern made; models of simplicity; no complications to bother; one chain and one arbor; doors In center lap. preventing 'leakage of load; ' epecial devices, obtained by years of experience end covered by patent a Investi gate. Moaoy-aCakln XTor- vl r. BUOKST1 AAOT01aT, TlLsL SaWaUV AJfO btXXijCafAXAAg. Western Dump Oars, . Book Orushers, Bead brad ere and Oon taaoeors' SappUsa ear SpeolalUes. CZALL & CO. tl Hawthorn Ave PortUaad, Or. r $25 Saits-for $15 $15.00 Suits lor.. ...... flO.OO I12J0 Suits for., ...'..f 7,50 ISM and 16.00 Pants for f 3.50 $4.50 and $4.00 Hats for., ...... fi.T5 and f8.50 Men's Good Wool Underwear. worth to $2.00; pur . price ; . . . .'? l.OO $400 and $3.00 Shoes .', for.f2.00 f3.00 and 3.50 We are 20 per cent less in price , on Trunks, Suit Cases, Blankets and Comforters. It is to pour own interest to visit either one of . our V; TWO STC2ES: Oae Ccrrlsl ted Tishfll snd Cse Ccr. Jrd xsd Davis JOHN DELL AR Prcsrletor SEWER CONTRACTS HAY BE HELD UP - Progerty-Owners Talk of fight- . ing the Decision of Ex- . -' . . al M - " J s. ecuuve eoara. -- Property-owners affected by tha ex tension or ths Fremont street sewer and the laying of a sewer on Bast Four teenth, - street are threatening -to bring alt- against - the dtjrto renjoln the executive board from awarding the con tracts to Bechlll Bros, and J. P. O'Neill, respectively, on the ground that the con tracts were not let to the lowest bidder: On ths first-named sewer -the hid of Fralney Keating, ef- H2.59T waa Ir regular and according to the rulea gov erning the board the bid bad to be thrown out. The next bidder was Bechlll Bros., for $li,W0. which was within JO per cent of the estimate -of the city engineer. It waa explained tha- It was, lata In the season and Ifthe board re advertised for additional -bids no con tractor would be willing to' take work at Such low figures as had been proposed. The mistake of Fralney A Keating was sllght-and the board offered the contract to them, providing the company would d'dhe-Wrltrt'TIlrrraJney-Btated that becauae nis ma was tniormai ana th city did not have to accept It he would withdraw from , tbe contract. Practically the same conditions existed In regard to the bids for ths East Four teenth street sewer. Bids of Bechlll Bros, and Fralney V Keating were In formal In - not having the price of 11 elbows included therein and the con tract was awarded to 3. P. O'Neill, which was $48 in excess of Bechlll Bros.' bid. Mayor Lane stated today that ths board did what was. best regarding tha . bids. The board had been told by the city auditor that the bids were Informal and ss It was the rule to reject all informal bide the board bad to reject all ot let the contract to the next lowest bidder. As It wss growing late In the season and the property-owners desired the work done, and as the bids were all within 10 per oent of thh estimates. It wss thought advisable to let the contracts without readvertlsing. - - Pr-f sited Stook Oaaaed floods. Allen A Lewis' Best Brand. Were You Born I In Oregon? "'' ' '.' ' ' ' " t lf so, vou should certainly dc imeresicu in -, our nine book . ' -. 1 Lewis and Clark I S It tells - briefly and plainly z j the fascinating story, of I Lewis and Clark. : ; V ' : It i is a most, timely book. 3 x Handsbmely bound, in cloth f J 159 pagesmailed any- m wncrc tur WE i J. GILL CO. I , Booksellers and ' Stationers. : .1 I THIRD AND ALDER $ Crest TUnti at Little Prices 6Sc lVHrrrHH-HW -a. - . smm? FjM5 --" ALWAYS The Best $3 HAT In the World Is what we win to the ordinary $4 are worth, tbe BEN SELLING be induced to buy -their snoes at any .otner store, "thus we are the recipients of an always ."level" busJ , ness and content with the modest profits which have' 1 . v i always obtained with us. . 1 : . c. ' V VERY GEOTIillEJI - May desire ' the exceedingly -popular Nettleton $5 and tS spes, because they are "stylish to a dot.", but for all business and ordMary occasions our $3 JO footwear will please the fancy of even critical - - c .gentlemen.'-' . . elections jpfmcn'4 1 VANDUYN til moon r , m wAarjavaTOst st. -ABIV! rThcatrc ' tHreetlnB W. W. T. Asrit C Hlll. Pns. Kerrlaea Street -rTaeae Wmi Stk sa ftk. TONIOHT AT S:0 OTWM'K. Pntinlnr-Prlre Millm Tomnrraa. LAST PEHt-ORMAKCti TOMORROW RIOBT, Tbe Beaatifal Soataera Daisa. "UNDER SOUTHERN SKIES ts T liOTTIS BLAIR FABKB. Aothor ef "War Hew Eaat." jristst. FrteM Sfte, Ste. lee, Tie, tL -favular Mattaea Prioaa Ma. Ste. Kie. Seata New SeUmg.- Belasco . Theatre maim" iu 14th aaS Wm.' Belaaes Varer, Pro. ItrTH WKEK FEt.ASCO STOCK CO. SEATS TWO W SICKS IN ADVAMCI. TONIGHT S;1S MATt!KWI SATVBDAT AND . ran Tim nas nr tToex.'. . wCnthcQuicr W. U. Collier's Greet Ceaatd seeeM. Evga-. tBe te TV; Mate.. Sat., Sos., SJe to BOe. Stxt ales-la-'. "THS CHASITT BALL." I Oet S. Wklte Wtalttlre-r.' la MTb rertaace . ec ue in. Harquani Grand Theatre Ifondar ai4 Taraday Nlrhta. Oetolwr S aad S. BPSOIAL-PaiCa MATINIS TIESDAT, Tbe Loodea a4 New Xork Msalal Satteaa, "The Girl From Kays'' Prettv Olrla. Tatrhf Musle. ; ' Staaaiag Custaom. . " '' PBICFS Mttl, Xk-.'SV. 8(V,' T5e aed ft. Nlabt. Me. Bor. Tib. II and ll.M. . .". SSATS KOW SKIXINU. LOUISH. BO LI. PIANO STC0IO NdW OPEN FOB PUPILS. Parlors S Sad JO. S4t Withlof toe at. JOURNAL VANT ADS - i Cm'G QUICK RESULTS TOUE- LEAPED The Best $3IIAT la the World LEADING MATTER charge you for s pair of shoes equal.. kind end the ordinary 14 kind'! price thst s asked for tBemu - The Eeasca tVbylVe Oa Sell a M Shoe ti tlS9 Is patent to eO dealers whose business methods are , the same as ours. We order direct from the fac tories, and thereby save every atom of expense of the commercial traveler, the middleman and that of advertising. We sell men's shoes only, and the best ij quslities that can be had. 4 j Csrlraie Is ITIi ilea IVto Ar?redi! IlrsK :: Y;":. y class Fwtwe :l . And Is not spasmodlct It continues constant through out the year, hence there is .no "dull season with. Ds We have many, many customers who could not hosiery at attractive prices. ?k C WALTON in Ttwnvtm. AHvn-ani,' To Clarenioot Tavern Maryland Chloksn BeautifQl 14-Mile Ride Ami leaves Oregoa HoSal, "rtoppl-ag a rh rertlaaa. a, .4, S, S, IS p. as. eaily Round Trip, H00 FmnfrA TiSn--iTr4kTffifcii-fliisi seae Nets in HILTON W. SEAMAN, Ummmgm Mali- ;,: "roelgbt aed Td Borrow Nlgbta, .' -v ft. ' 'I at ATINB I SATtKDAT. -' - ; . ' ngac'meat. rt OTIS B. THATSB - end) OKRtBi nB BONOHIU Preetlii( a SperUI Soaale Production of the Beaetlrol Cased r. Drasia. ''..",'' t- - "SWEET CLOVER- ' All seal woek. -etartlns Raedav entliua 1 k. greet aanaetlo. "Os tke Bridge, at Mldalght.v BAIiEt : THEATIIE OBCOON THRATBR CO., LKS8IE& . : , OHO. U BAKER. MANAOBB. ' '.'. Fbose Mala ISO.. -' TBI WOMB or MUSICAL BrDT.ranre Toelgbt sod Tomorrow Nlsbt. Berelar Matlaee j,. Toswrew J.J& . WHIIarrs' Ideal. ExtriTaiUBis Cs. AIT" Next Wook. Utarttne Sn.v tl... Pevore'e Owe Coaipaar A t'oo-rae ot si Bnatlrul Owle ood Ceewdlaaa. . PRICKS Broiling. . tfto, Bfle ag tj. Satarday auttaee. lee, 16e. We eed S0. THE STAR - THl WHTTB T0t , ' ' f aiCHABDeASO BIOBABM. WILBTB. ... , " ' . -TTtE K ELS ITS. . r '- ; - i ; - STETSON TBIO. '. ' . , J FBANKLIN Mirtl ' ' 5 . - the siAaosoora. ' dare end -Mtdare Baerrved eoata oa tow w , msiw, wa wmiw, OO TwBtt. I'll 111 -eatlaeea. to eeaia U say eeet eaetpt eoitoa.7 T H E Q Pi A lS D T ntinii fa clabx. ;,. . WAtaat . . , tra e a c ftarr. . !- t . . , . T- tli.. . , noaoral 14 i t e l .4 . . l . ,, i . k. , ... eBaeeaesrieeawiw',eii.Hjp iTHf A SCHOOL f OS EMPLOYED KEN Tke Tenag Jloa'e Oktrlatlaa Wight Sokec4 . Tkirtr Toaehoro - Olfforaat Bub)aoU Toufb faU Xm liagiaa ... Soptemeer . ' ', sohjoets --' -.-.f'-t :'; - sit, tomb. Alstbra ...... .-.v.... ... ....... Abmvms Oovoramont .w. ...... too . Arrbltortnral Drawing I OO Arithmrrlc t oo Boofckooplng ...... ....... S.UO Carpentrv CItII SorVIre Claaeaa (per sm.).. I Oo OoaiaiorHal Law .. ..' aoe EloetrieUr .'. I OO .' Knsinocrtng. Matbeatatlce ...... - Knfliob OrasiBar ...... r...... ton- -. Paroatrr ft OS , rrvokaad Drawing ............. t.OO. Oaofrapbr .............. I 0 Oooiaotrr ...................... BOS Ooras :. 4.0S '.. Interior Decorating t.0 ' Inaareaee See Macblno Deolsa 4.0 Mandolin. Oultar B00 . . Mannal Training 4 00 . M-rbanlal Drawing 1.00 Merbanlre 00 , Mlnoralocy 4 00 Mining Motaeda asd Machtnerv.. oe Poaaianablp . ................a.. S MI . Plnmbins , T.OO . PVblte Sprablng BO Badlng aad Spelltag I W ' BbotorU IO0 SIowritln 5 01) Sbnrthaad ..V..r.. ............. 4.0f Spaalab 4 00 Stroati Engineering I 00 - Trifoaomotrr .................. IUW . Trpowrlttng 4.00 Vol Mualo (eltSMatarr) S.5A . Woodearrlng i.OS Tbo Ananal Momlienblp Foe (or nlht-1 aottool otndanta baa booa T to IX Call at AaaoeiottoB BulMiojr. earaor Poartk and SasihlU sta., lor fl rimtraied Caulogoe. - - ro-arxjur-o, o-bubmbt.' -:. '.- . - - - V' . Forty-seventh - scholastic year begins Tueedar. BepUmbar . ISOti : '' First-class boarding and - day ' school ' tot l"lsV'.VV;' ;';'. r; ..-.:' Courses of slemsntary, secondary and higher education. ,, - .;.,. , , Conservatories of tnusle and art " " Of Chinese" and 'Japanese' ': CURIOS We purchased too heavy for the FAIR TRADE. -' We are ovt-tocked----oo-Js coming every day and more on the way, which compels us to sell at great sacrificeour full line of CLOISSONIE. -SATSUMA fJILVERWARS, BRONZE. NEW BRASS, SILK EMBROIDERIES aid DECORATED PORCELAIN. Andrew Kan & Co. - r-wtk aad nm. PLANE FACTS about hardware. W have a large aeeortmonL-of mechanics' tools and builders hard wn re st a low price for aupertor quality and manufacture, to be found In any house dealing la this line of goods In th state. Bulld ere and contractor will, aiilt their Interests by looking -at our . stock before nurchaalng eleewhera. ' es niK ats, B. ris sea asa. . u Pi; Eljhc-t Cuh Frl;t$ For all klnda of furniture. Also mt' goods on commission. Auction sales at private reeldence our specialty. . Pcrtk:JA:cl!:::::- Sll vrn a' rraoae itaia Bead. A. s-.imV r rrx wgxrc mtr: D.r'' WW PcruEcdAuct Slgnort-Coven and Bho,- ', .