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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1905)
A- I Till 10:00 P. II, Saturday, September 30, 1905 31 vi v Y tTOifii Qkm Campus) twJ-145 FRANKLIN SI . - lc amu ';--,- rr louiS omcf. ,207-40 EAST MAOl40ir STtCT' v 00.-l007 WASHINGTON AVI -y l-. i -f!!: ' BILLS PAYABLE IN KW YORK O CHICAGO CXCHANG:: ttuewOM ' r tO erw r. Ifrsll aM Salmon Ste. I ; Suits and Overcoats if i r a. - ;:.vv EIj Doc.e Sxlesroocs hine stock of men's and bovs Clothing, Hats,' Shoes and Furnish I n gs on sale at 1 AO Per Cent of Value SATURDAY we will offer at retail fine Suits, Overcoats and Craven- regular values S 15.00 to $22.50 black, blue, gray, drab and fancy mix tures In slnele and double-breasted Sack Suits. Also Melton. Cheviot.! Beaver. Kersey. Frieze. Covert and Vicuna Overcoats and Cravenettes, in all styles and 9 : rwoua n iflRRif iv, unuutiiuns IH ALL :ViLASS8 MfiNS AND' U ; BOYS' SUITS, OVERCOATS; PANTS, HATS, SHOES UNDERWEAR, SHIRTS, ( ft W --BSANBJV . T T SWEATERS, SOX, SUSPENDERS, ETC. THESE REDUCTIONS IN PRICES ARE IN SOME CASES SO LOW THAT (THE PRESENT PRICES ONLY REPRESENT 1 ' ' MUM WJ TU Z9 jPEK.CENT, OF VALUE. ; " Me Dig Sacrifice Sale of Hofland Bros. Fine Stock l SAVING OPPORTUNITY FOR SATURDAY EVER SEEN ON THE COAST IN H1UH UKAUJS UOUU5. OUR STORE Will Be Closed; AU Day SATURDAY When Yew See It in Out Ad. It's So . . j. , -' . --t . ..' j . I I THIRD- CS, OAK 1 V 4 House Saturday ; , , , - To Welcome the City's Visitors, ; - 'I 10 peIr cent off ON ALL SUITS, OVERCOATS, CRAVENETTES and TOPCOATS All Day $ 10.00 Suits, Cravenettes and Overcoats . . $Q.OO , $12.50 .Suits,Xraveriettes arid Qve .f $15.00 Suits, Cravenettes :ahd Overcbats v; $13.50 f $20.00 Suits, Cravenettes: and Overcoats . $18.00 $25.00k Suits, Craverieites; arid 'Overcoats .$22.J50 g VVAlwntS2 fKtC Wlin UUY2' 5UI lb ; ' Umbrltilai:, . ...... .7.50 to f 2.50 j Mm.1 CV..a ' - ' a-t Kfk air aa ' l Men's HU . . . . . . .... . ?1.00 to 3.00 Men's Underwear, garment. ...50 to 91.50 Men'a Shoer,;... ....... fl.50 to ?5.00 Heckwear, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery. . IP NOT RIQHT .WELCH MAKES V IT RIQHT MORRISON COBflRSTST IP NOT RIQHT WELCH MAKES IT RIQHT Open Tomorrow After 5:30 p BetrTAYLOR AND SALMON .nt This Store is at 207 First St WE . WANT EVERYBODY TO . HAVE A CHANCE AX ; . SO OUR STORE WILL BE. OPENED FOR BUSINESS ON SATURDAY EVENINQAT 5:80, THUS ENABLING . EVERY VISITOR TO PORTLAND , , AT THE EXPOSITION TO BUY A SUIT OF CLOTHES OR A PAIR OF SHOES AT Id TO 25 PER CENT OF THEIR , ACTUAL WORTH. WE ARE SELLING Mm $35 Suits as low as . . $10.50 $25 Suits as low as . . 7.50 $6 Trousers down ta . $ 1.95 $35 Overcoats down to . $10.50 $25 Overcoats down to . $ 7.50 $2.50 Shoes at only . . . 90c And so on all the way down the line. It is the greatest bargain opportunity the Pacific Coast has ever known, and desiring - to be fair we will stretch a point and Open the Store at 5:30 p. m. and Not Close Its Doors Till Midnight Therefore COME TO PORTLAND TOMORROW, have a good time at the exposition, sec! its wonderful sights, and save tha cost of the trip and day by buying your winter clothing and shoes at this unprecedented sale. william ror IIIC.V I J I If I t BETWEEN TAYLOR. AND SALMON $2,000,000 TO SHORTEN Union Pacific to Build Short Cut Through High Hills and . Over Long Gulch. ' TnTf Ti?WTS TTTivr tircaall Kidney and Bladder Diocaoco Guarantee H . ' . www ww-. ww. V. w. .AAVHWIU. www . ,, 1 ''I . (JavsU ItwcUt wtrria.) ' Omaha. Spt St. In order to bat 10 mllci of trani-eontinantAl rout. tb Union PacIAc haa decided upon tha ex penditure of oyer $1,000,000 to build bee line from Bouth OmahA, if or a dta- tnce of H mile, to Klkhorn. Enrl neera who have Juet completed eur vera had Inatructlona to run. a etrajant line with minimum, rerardleea of hllla and ralleya. The eurvey ehowa a eut (0 feet deep. where the cutoff learea the preeent line at the OmatiA end, another cut a few miles further of. 0 feet deep. A abort dlatanca further there ta a nil one mile ion -o4-o- iwt- Ugii -4 . wiu be neceaaar jr to CArrx the . road over a creek. It will require 1400,00 to build fhla mile, exelualve of tha bride. The cutoff will be double-tracked the entire dlaUnee. Tha Jlna wlllba buUt aa boob , aa ponlble. . ... . " ' ('. : - . ' am mm -w(.S To Astoria and Ocean Beaches on The Day Boat Down the Columbia Leaves "daily from Taylor Street Dock at 7 AM. Call up MAIN 613 A,