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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1905)
..' : , .;. .; ; . : - ..I ....... . ; : " . TUS bnZCC:: DAILY JOUnilAL, PORTLAND. FIJIDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 3, 1SCJ. - V ' ' Wl wANJrJifr's, ;t: . iih v VMI i I PERSONAL. , BURGLARS ar getting br! Don't tin the rlea or bains robbed; send dm your nam .k" and addreaa and I will ahouj yos a practical ""and reliable way to protect yoar home from .thieves. C - B. , Aadursoa SOS Nelaea at., Fertlaod, Or. Y1BHATI0N equalise etreulstlon. breaka dew and eject waet tissue, rebullda new aad health' ells; free demooetratlos. Ofnca and treatlng-roome. Vlbretorlum. aolte tS-t, Lewi - kldf. eor. Park and Morriaua. . X : KO DRUGS, no aperatlona: Prof. Dunn rtTM. " . .- osteopathy and magnetic treatment, reduce four flesh, relieve suppressed monthly Irres- uiaririe. tonsuiiaitua tree. ,. . utile, uu i bidf. , : W INOXA MILLS aeamleae hosiery for men, women and rblldren; any weight or materlni to order. - 811 Commercial bik. Phone Mala 4ha. See our exhibit, Ueauraetura blag., Mk. SI. . LOST Bower restored by the sreet Dr. , boreal Here Toole Tableta; ISe per bet, a boiea for 1.36. Writ or call at KyneU'a MANLY Tlyor restored by Or. Roberta Narr ' Global. i On sootk'a treetmeat, $; ' Bontka, ag, Mnt aecnrely aealed by aulL ' Acenta, wooaard. Clark A c.. PortlaaO, ur, : WANTED To meet nlc onn ladr. dark com pieimn. or about 20 years, of ago. with rpLt?' hj Patrlmoni no trlner d f VISIT PORTLANDS oc brinra Karbrlchtcn. German weekly, till Ian. nary 1. It. Rstabllabed 15 yrar. Ger -man Pnbr Xn.rva Second at.r Portland.-Or. BOOKS I Her tbey aret "Decameron." "nen- tamenn." "A Hot Tama!." "Panny W&T rTwenty Tara a Pakar." "PorWddcn Fmlt." . SO aacbj Ilata rre. A. Set male, xw pint at. -WAItTED To onrr with thoa emtemolat. Inf a baalneaa eonrae; to yonr paraooal and . flnaoclal Interest to IsrsaUgat.. Adores a, car jonrnai. 'srr PR. ATWOtlD. 1J Rnasct blda-., ItWW Poartb at. Female disease nd'eonnnementai opna Wedneaday'ttrd ; Saturday rrenliie. Con . miltatum Ire,- , I GROW, briy and aell ernsenc: H acre worth V $.V) 000; bt book that tella all abont It, poat- paid zn cents.' o. m, Atweii, avu uir, avajf aaa tiiy, no. MOORBPIEI.O Tnrktab aad steam bath, aalt glow, mineral hatha; rbeumatlam (leea aneclal . attention: tree uiai treatment. JWft Biiia, , racuie xtu. ''LADIES Tea appear SO years younger, re man all wrinkle, bar akin Ilk relvet ; by Ming Ortgoa Orapa Skis rood. Pboa MSN I WOMSNI Raymond'a pills poatttecly car nroanee and lack of vitality; 1, d noxea . rinmmr urug Co.. sou Tbiro. -i POUND At fa Plrat at. and 1M Grand ar. "-the plac to ret Tomllnaon' Dead Snot aad ' Quick ReUef OH; erery family should har it. BTT1TK nr. Mr It vtille Mi w.l, KAn T . Almm skirts pressed ttoe. Otlbert, lndt fttxth at.. nasi to Tee veeitec "OINHENa: H'a a money. maker Ptent now; prlcellat for aeed and plant as amlkatloa. f.ILUk! Wlr Amy at once when yon eipect . ro ict. or writ ana so, wiu urward; M, 1 1 II 1 1 1 IW Sure. TV IXdlMBt, CLE A BANCS Sale all klada at waleta. klmoaoa. . mnalla anderwear, etc., balow aaat. Sla( vaoac vaw, as mottoo bi. ULLIAN - R. CRAM Cblropodtat, maajrnrla ana aaampooing. rarior 4 ADtngtoa aug, i-oruaaa, ur. uiacr abob. MIttS BERTHA MARTIN Boom SIS. Allaky ' blrig. Stamping and fin needlework; lessuni giTn. fuel aampl corn, bunion aad wart eor, Kd- - DRr PUn-CHRR't cbliiwudf Br1r. l AHsky bldg., of flea practice. Bad lPOo. BXPIR1ENCED dreasmakrr will meats In fsmlllc. Colon 544. make engage- ATTORNEYS. OREGON LAW COLLECTION CO. dlT Pea. . ,. ton block. Collection mad throngboat the -' United Stataa; barkraptcy matters a apedaltyi had tenants ejected; rent collected and ga arai taw nnainsaa; noutrr .poouo. ' A. H. TANNER, attorney, 60S Commerrtll blk., - Seoaod and Waahlngtoa ata. Pboa Mala AO. B. T. T AGO ART. attorney and roiinaallrar at law. i Luamtwr of uommerc niog. .ART EMPORIUM. PROP. RICHARD MAX MITER Portrait aad MB-eJcape irun) loaunciioa in oil paianna, M . water color, ate..- aad drawtna: art nailery connected with atodloi picture for aal aad rraming c rer. bb Aioer at. roooe loau. THS LATEST PAD" SO bay a pea aad Ink ; sketch nt yourself from photo or lit. Pay King. S2l Balelgk at., near Sotb. M. car. - BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. BtTWE. DAVIS KILHAM, 109111 Second at. Blank book manufacturers; agent for Jones Improved Loos Leaf ledger; . see tb arw Eureka leaf, tb beat n the market. BATHSMASSAGE. THE Palac Maasag Parbm I tb only plac . to. get a nlo larlgoratlng balk or. maaaagat , young lady, W yrera old, with aaalstant, recently from New York. Stark at., betweea Third aad k'oaftb. The Taeoma, rooBM tl-SS. THE BNOWDKX BATHS lfly attmdanta, ; SWTH Alder at., tnb and eapor hatha, maaaag , snrl electricity. Phon Main (. MARSAGR. tnb and rapor hatha by two yoang , ladle at lint, roarth at., cor. Waahlnvton. ' ,1 1 - BICYCLE DEALERS. . COLUMBIA, TRIBUNE AND CMESCPNT. SPORTING GOODS. EXPERT REPAIRING. P. P. KKBN'AN, SOS THIRD ST. " 1 J3IRDS. - MRS. S. U. FRITS. SO Grand are., beautiful Imported canary blrda. reasonable! all good . singers, and aatlafactloa guaranteed. BOTTLING WORKS. 0. M. BOTTLING CO., bottler f fine car. bunated bereragea; family wine and liquor - eperlalty. IS I'nlo as. Phone Kaat ISb. CARPETXLEANINQ. STANDARD Carpet Cleaning Co., largmt pis at . on the coast, Lorlng and Harding at., tfla ' phone Eaat X0 Carpeta cleaned; refitted, 'sewed and laid: both stean) and latest com. Sreseed air process ; raaeratlng mattreaaa and aatber a aprclalty, - . HAVRi yoar wall ejeaned: w rleee papered and .'painted walla; aatlafactloa .gnranteed; price reaaonable; references. Bed 30S3. SANITARY carpet eleaalng, sect loa aad . preened air rotnMoeds carets cleaned on flee wlthaot rBMral. Mala S6S4. Kaat 1M4. CARPETS clraned on the flonri ff'a n " dual. Phono Clay SSr; "rrea" dessoajatialloa, J. ni'NTER Steam carpet and tnattraaa drhner. (M Jeffercon. Phon Main 814. CARPENTERS "AND BUILDERS. AUTHORS WOOD, carpenter, bolldera: re pairing and JohMnr- etnr and office flitarag 7 fcuUL Shop i t . f'-U i:zu 4 CAFZ3. THS orric Waahlngtoa st. rtm Mala 171. UOMI V1MUI. CEMENT CONTRACTORS. CHAS. H. CARTS B CO., cement contractor. 44 Kaat Twentieth at. i'hou JUH IMA. All WKB lUiriMNO. CHIROPODISTS. lr roar feet are out ef order, fa to Or, . Warley Benjamin. Seventh aod Stark. Ik foot ap. "Hit. nirn, BHIC-a W104 COMMISSION MERCHANTS. DAVBNPOKT BROS. General eommlaaloa chants; trait and produce: eooala'uinent a. uciteu; pro Dtps returue. too rrout at. IP yoa waat to gat food return for roar - produce, ship t na: pay hlhet price fur eft i. o. a. r. miliar m vo. ETBRDINO A PA KB ELL, produce and oommla. loa merchants. jo rront at., Portland, Or. roii main liw. - - CIGARS AND TOBACCO. ESHKRU-OUNST CO. IMaUIIMtar of PI KB CIOAHS. Portland. Ore roa CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST MIIXIB LICE Qlfted child from, birth, wow ra Portland aad will (Ire teat readlnsa tor SSc; " fonr manner of reading; locatea raining and aiuueu treasure.' noon V. -KfH iiraw OTPST KKNOBIA . TU peat, -present and futu-H aiatter waai roar iron o tee ar aoe win oeip yon. Boom S2S Allaky bid-.. Uorrlaoa and Third. MADAMS JOHNSTON Clairvoyant, pa Ira let, card reader I I glee facta reliable and Impor tant a all affairs of real Ufa. Jleadlage So oo oerenia ac, aw mi, MRS. PALMER, clalreoyaat and tranc m. ainm, continue to gir feer atarraioua read ' ' mga. xno aiornaon. . ' COAL AND WOOD. CHt'RCHLEY BROS, bar rcmored from toot , Paris at. to 42 Kearney at., near 11th: la now tna urrgeat woonyara la a city, carry ing an Biaaa or wooa aaa coat, main V31 GREGOBX MORRIS, aucceaaora to Cain A McKan. dealera In wood and oal at loweat price; aatlafactloa guaranteed. - Cor. Tewtk ana ireing. rnon Main bto. WESTERN Faed A Fuel Co oa Front, bat . G I lean and Hoyt., dealers la all kind of . bone coal and blacksmith eoaat. Phone Main loin. - ALBINA FUEL OO Dealera la eor n wood, anal . and graea and dry alabwood. R. B. and Al oiaa av., a ntoca oaac oi lerry. uji oi. 8TEEI, BBIDOB FCEI. CO. Deamr la coal. cordwood ana dry sisowooo. rnone Kai u. OREGON FUEL CO. All kind of coal, and - wood, sos Alder st. raone main no. KIRK HOOVER. SIS Water at. wood and coaL FOVmrn AVBallU ajUVv. CLEANING AND DYEING. PORTLAND STEAM CLEANING A DYEING Works ; practical batter la cwnertlon: feather bona and plume cleaned aad curled by as el - pert. Ill foarta. rnon Clay 70r L'PTO-NOW CLEANING A PRESSING COM pany Snlt prases d. 50c; panta, lie. Pbona racinc an. ad amy ax. CLOTHES cleaned and preened 11 per month. ; unique Tailoring Co.. BIT waaningto at. H. W, TI'RNER. profeaslonal dyar and cleaner. nuo rrreron at, rnon Main znis. - COLLECTION AGENCY. DOES anybody 'ow "too "nnr moaer T Wt col lect bad debt or all ktnda rrom ft ap. .1X1 Grand are., room IX Cut tut out. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WHOLESALE crockery and claaaware. Praal, li err is at to., luu to tun rum. eor. atara at. DETECTIVES. DETECTIVE or secret -aerrtc work; itrlctly coanaeatiai; oirricuit caata solicit. . boob 14. Washington bldg - DOG AND ; HORSE HOSPITAL. DR C.E BROWN. D.V.S .D.C.M Dog. Horse boa pltal. SNT Bnrnald. Pbonea: MalMUna;KaatXbSS DRESSMAKING. LET yoar daughter leero to make their own drrnaaa at Bolster a Tailoring iireasmaking college, BIS Allsky bldg.. Third and Murrlaon. Little glrla' aewlng clan Saturday after- SHIRTWAISTS. wool or wash allk. madr for fl.ZS; shtrtwalat suits. Sa.00. H Kaat Mar ket. Phon Eaat S2S1. DRESSMAKING Strictly ap to data; tateat igna. w kmj it. ELECTRICAL WORKS. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL BNGINBERING Company, stark at., rortiaad. u. r.. lor cierytbfng la tb electrical Una. Phon Mala ISNS. FACiriO ELECTRIC CO. Engineers, contra c- tora, repalrera. electric wiring, euppiiea. ea rirat, cor. Stark. Mala 600. B. H. Tate. mgr. FURNACES. A. SANDSTROM Bake a specialty of preeeed nrica aunteia; anytning wrong wnn iwir fireplace, Sandatrom will fix It; bolide th only relatorced Datoh bka orea. wM 11 llama ar., Portland, Or. Pbone Scott 64TT BOYNTON warm-air fnmacea ear fnel. J. C Bayer ram see gp BecoeQsg PURNITURE FACTORIES. OREGON Fnrnltar Mannfscturtng Company Manuraerarera oi furaitor tor u mo. Portland, Or. FTRNITCRB manufacturing and special order. U KurenshT a furnltar factory. to front afc . DENTISTS. KEY CHURCHMAN,, dentkrt, SM Maraoam bldg.. Sixth and Morrlaoa. Phon Mam nm. ' GROCERS. WADHAMS A CO. wboleeal grocera, lecturer and eommlaaloa marchaata. aad Oak ata. Fourth ALLEN A LEWIS, eommlaaloa and produce mer chants, rront and Dane at., Portland, ur. HAIR AND SCALP SPECIAliST. J. J. BORO. manufacturer ( human hair roll. etc. 42M Eaat Nleth. Phon Eaat Till. HARDWARE. Portland Hardware Co. aollclta opportunity t quote prices. 139 let at., eor. Alder. Mala ism. HOTELS. HOTEL Pendleton, Pendleton. W.A. Brown, mgr. HOTEL PortUad, Amerloaa plaal IS, to per day. HOTEL St. George, Pa ad It ton; leading boteL BELVEDERE; European pleat dth aad Aider ata. Dehorn Hotel, tl Grand .. A0r to II day. INSURANCE. ISA AO L. WHITI. fir Ipaaranca, WO Dekum LAMBERT. WHITHER A CO. Fir Inearanc ana reel eeiaiei oince lm-loa Kbarloca aing. Mala long; dept. 404 East Alder. Eaat 4U1. JAS. Mel. WOOD, mplnyars' liability and la- airionai accinant surety bead el U iaa. Phon T. aVil McKay bldg. B. P. BARTEIS COMPANY Fir tnanraaee. M SAtkMS nag ortgoa rton city sas. , LAWYES3. H. P. Rf'RLKIUH, East Portland, lawyer, 123 Uraad JIT. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. P. B. BKACH A CO. Tna- Pioneer , Paint Co. window. glsa and gUalug. 1S4, . Pnoos ISM. . - . BASMVSSEN A CO Jobbera. palnta. oil, flaee, "XOCKSMITH." J. H. RICHABDSON, expert lock and keramlth; general repairing: eaat Iron braalng: all work guaranteed. 300 Fourth t. Pbon Hood 1182. BROWNB'S IN TOWN Expert locksmith aad bicycle repairing. Z8o Stark. Day-pnooe, i-iay mxx; nignt pnon. main aarw. MONEY TO LOAN. . MONEY TO LOAN On Improved city . property or for building purpoeee. . Any amount on rrom a 10 j yeara' time. . wltb prtrllege to repay all o - ari or wan atter on year. ush ap- - prored from plan and mony advanced aa .building nrogrssais) mortgagee taken up aad FRED B. STRONG, Financial Agent, S42 Stark Stmt. THS STAB LOAN CO. Any salaried employ. wagarmav eaa gat on nia note, wiuout niortgaga - Month. 44 Month. Week. 50 0O Repay to a A18.3S or Sd.B or S3. AO I2S.0U Repay to u I ( So or tl AS or II. M $16.0lr-Keuay to w I 4.U0 or 12.00 or (1.00 210 McKay bldg. MONEY to toaa. aalaiied peosle, teametara. etc. A business In 4 principal rltlaa. Tolmaa, 22S Aoingron niag. rnone mein oeoi. MONBY to loan oa real, personal and collateral aecurlty; aneclal atteattoa- to cnattel mort gageai note bought. C W. Pallet, Su4- Fenton niag... nix in u HIGHLY rea pec table place where ladle and gent can borrow money on ?oiamonda and jewen-y. collateral looi uu, aw vt aaa ingioa n. rnon swoi 1 1. CHATTEL loan In- amounts ranging from (25 to SS.0O0; roomlng-houaea a apeelalty. Now ' Era Loa a A Trust Co., 200 Ablngtoa bldg. WE make all kind of loan oa good aecurlty - at lowest 'rates; 'apodal attention glrea to coattei wens, iva Morrison . MONEY to loan ' la ' suma vf from '$3,000 to go, 000; trm to ault th borrower. Booms axw-io, commercial bik. MONEY to loan In large or email amount ea good Tkectlrltyr: lowest TjAtrvr;:TririlaBi r O. Beck, SOT ralUng bldg. THE CRESCENT LOAN COMPANY Salary loan from three to all moo the; confidential. 217 vregoaiaa. MONBY to loan en Claekamaa count landa. . m.-r. Bad r. B. Blley, SOS Chamber of Com- PORTLAND REAL ESTATB LOANS. and S per cent. Wo. Deunolm, 226 railing bldg. LOWEST rate an furnltur and planoa. East' ra ijoan Jo.t et. noeriocB niag. uisy nzn. TO LOAN Rome to colt on chattel security. n. at. r rami, oi jne maruuam.' 11,000 TO loan on city property. 404 East Mor rison, rnon Kaat 02a. MAGNETIC HEALING. MRS. L. H. HABT treat at! dlaaasea. stoaaae. . trouble, aerrousaese and functional weakneeev CooanlUtloa rree. BS04 Park. ear. ferferaoa. MILL FINISHINGS. BOXWOOD and planer trimming always hand at th Standard Wood Co. Phon K 231B. Foot of East Pins at. MUSICAL. COT'RTNEY'S MCSIC STORE. B0 Fifth St. uooa una or anrer muaio luc; guitar, manoo 11 na 1-3 les than usual price; Columbia record xne. ... . LESSONS 60c. guitar, banjo, mandolin. TtoUn. aire. . martin, zeik rirat, cor. main. PIANO tuning, ,S2; perfect work guaranteed. V. w. jnnnaon. rnon Mala lll. OVERALLS. V BOSS OP THE B0AD OVERALLS and roe- cnanica ciotnmg; num maae. neueuaier Brae., maaufacturera, f ortland, or. OSTEOPATHS. DBS. ADIX A NORTH RI P. 418-ld IT Deku bldg.. Third and Washington ata. Pboa Main sew. Examination rree. . DR8. OTIS A MABEL AKIN, 403 Macleay bldg. i lay 7TB. atee. M. iiai. uoaeuitauea rree. PLUMBERS. DONNKRBERO A BADEMACHEB. aanltary piumner. a roarta at. wn p nonce. FOX A CO., aanltary plumber. 231 Second, bet. Mam ana Baimoa. Oregon rnone Main aoni 'LATINO. THE OREGON PLATING WORKS. 401 Wasb- . log toe at. Pboa 20TS, ; Pousblag, plating na lacquering. PRINTING. ANDERSON A DCNIWAY COMPANY, prtbtlng. . iitbograpbing. blank books. Pbon Main IT. Alder at. ROOFING. TIN ROOFING, guttering, "repairing and general joDoing. j. Loatll, zis jerrereoa si. RUBBER STAMPS. P. B. STAMP WORKS, 249 Alder, pbona Mala JJT10; rubber atamiM, aeaU. a tend la, baggage. ROPE. " PORTLAND CORD AOS CO.- aad Nerthrap ate.. Portlead. Or. SPIRITUALISTS. LOETTA Spiritualist, medium and healer. Tb acknowledged leader. Marveloas cure. Bp clslty rheumatic and stubborn dlaeaaea. Your drantag to consult me. Boom 10. 224 Mj lat MRS. STANLEY, spiritual medium, returned rrom neeaia. Hoom xf iisr vk rourta. rnon Clay W7. s -SAFES. DIEBOLD Vaagaaae safsa; fire aad burglar. procf work; )all and prwna work: lockouts opened: repairs. I. B. Dael. 03 Third at. -SECOND-HAND. GOODE'S Furnltnr' House Hlgbeat price paid ror aaconn-nana larnitnr. jiia aecona at. Phone Pacific 402. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of erery deecrlptloai baak, bat and ateee Setneee anarte to erdae. . The Latk Manafacturing Co.. Portlead. ;- SIGN-PAINTERS. BOLD SIGNS, window lettering, cloth taaaers. , eenaomlcal electric sign aad eigne of ell klada made ewlrkly, roster A Kleleac, IUU ad Brerett, Pboa Bxehaag 6. STREET-PAVING. WABRBN Cena traction Co., atreet partag. atdd waika sad aresawaika. Tl urageniaa THE Trinidad Aepbalt Parlag 0. e Parties. vrnc ano wercestee aia. TALKINO MACHINES. GIBSON CO., B4A Waahlngtoa at. Complete stock of Columbia graphophonea ana record. TOWEL SUPPLY, CLBAN T0WBLA DAILY Cmah, hrash. asae. Bi per bmomb. Lawrence Bros.- new asaaaif Cav, lewtk sad Coach. Pbeae . TRANSFER AND HAULING. ' SAFES, nlaaoa sad furnltar Baared, peeked reewx or aaippiug ana eaipoeui lu wor ' guaranteed: Ursa, k-elory. brick. Bocee Warebouae for storsge. Omee US Sirs a. - O. aa. Olaea. Phone Mala CT. a O. PICK. ofSce SS Plrat at., betweea Stark aad Oak eta., pbon fcd plane aad taralrare aaoeea ana peeaea sac ei.ipuief v i rick warehoaae, Freot I and cy OBEOON TRANSFRR CO., ltd North Sixth. Phone Mala a. Haary healing aad atoraa. SEE Boaa M. Plummaa abont atoraga; fireproof, cut rates. 983 Third at. Phone Mala SOX ' POST SPECIAL DBLfVBRY . S00 Waaa lagroa ex. rnone Mala bbb. VIOLINS. I. A. WE SCO, Ttolla-maker and reelreri work Bret class. 25 Bueaell bldg.. dth sad Morrlaoa, WALLPAPER. MORGAN WALLPAPER CO.. . Ud-ISd St.. bet. Yamhill and Taylor. Portland FINANCIAL. PORTLAND TJatfST COMPART OF OBEOON. The Oldeet Trust Company In Oregoav ., 1.0BK8OUBCKS OVKtf 11.000,000. General banking business conducted. Barings depoalta reeelTed. Time cert 1 Oca tee laawad. 3 to i pec cent; aneclal certiflcatee not seder fouui, l4 to 4 per cent on snort cell. Call for book of 'ILLUSTRATIONS.' Pbene Main 4S3. 100 Third St. It EN J. I. COHEN. Presldeat H. L. PITTOCK Yloe-Preeldent B. LEE PAGET Secretary I. O. " OOLTRA... Aaalatant Secretary u SITED STATES NATIONAL BANK, OP PORTTAITD. OREGON. N0BTRWBST COB. THIRD AND OAK BTB. Trasaeata a Oeaerai Banking Buainaae. DRAFTS 1HSUKD Aratlabl ta AU Cities ef the United Stats aad Europe, Hongkong .and Manila. COLLECTIONS KADI 0 FAVORABLE TXBMS Presldeat ...J. C AINBWORTH flee-President..-. -. W. B. AYBB Vlce-Pnaldeat ,,.R. LBA BAHNES Ca abler... ; W. SCHMEEB Aaalatant Caabler , A. M. WRIGHT Aaalstant Cashier W. A. HOLT FIRST NATIONAL BANK .- OF ASXGOV. UMlgaated Depository and Financial. Agent et tb Lulled Stataa. " Prealdent.... .. , .A., LTVtUB cashier... ta... ...... ..J. W. HIWKU1 AmUtant Caabler. ...,W. 0. ALVOR0 Second Aaalatant Cashier. ......3. P. BTBVBNI Letter ef Credit Issned Arallable ta aad tbav Kaatern State. Sight Eicbsng and Telegraph! Tranefer sold oa new York, Boatoa, Chicago, at. lawna, at, rani, omaha. Baa rrandaoe i nrlndDal nolnta In the Nortbsraat. Sight aad time blUa drawn la ana- e aalt ea London. Paris, Berlin, Frank fort-la-the. Mala. Hongkong. Yokohama. Cum shags a. canatianla. Btockkolm, sr. ratereourg, w, Enrich, Honolulu. Collectlooa Made ea Paeorabl Tera LADS A" TTXTON, ANBTKBB, (Established ta IMS.t Tranaacta a General Baahnw Basin na. Collectlone aaade at all aolata ea faeerahle tar ma. Letter of credit Issued available la Europe and all aolata la tb . United State. Bight Exchange and Telegraphic afer sold ea New York, Washington. Chicago, St. Loula. Dearer. Omaha. Ssa Fraa:laea - aad Montana aad Brltlah Columbia. Exchange Bold ea London, Parte, Berlin. Frankfort, Hongkong, Yokohama, Manila aad Honolulu. - , ivr YBCKAVTS1 NATION AZ BABTC , PORTLANn. OREGON. 1. FBANK WATSON., President bl. u. in.iifnam.................eice-a7eaineni R. W. HOYT ....Caabler J0KORGB W. HOYT..., Aesietant Cables Traaaaeta a flaaaral Baakiaa Buamaea. lee aniaieaea.. DratU aad Lettera of Credit laaued Aratlabl to All Pert of the World. Collection a Specialty. SECtnUTT SAVINGS A TBTJST CO MP ANT. SM Msrrisea St.. Portland. Or. ; Tranaacta a Oeaaral Banking Buslaose. S A VINOS DEPARTMENT. I Iqteceat A 1 leered oa Tim end Barings Deposits. .( ae iTneiae ror aauiss. Drafts aad Letter of Credit .Arallabla ta AO Parte at the World. C, B. ADAMS.. Presldeat U A. LEWIS... First Vlee-Prealdeat A. U MILLS.. .....Second V Ice-Preel deal B. a. llPirt. Seereury GEO. r. BUSSKIX. AssUtent Sfsrotery M 0RBIS BROS. ;. Its First St.. Portland. Or. Offer Gllt-Edg Inreatments In Municipal sad auiiroea noeos.. write or tail. MORTOAOE L.OAINS 0a Portlead Beal latato at Lowest Re tea. Title laaured. Abstract Puraiahad TITLE GUARANTEE A TRUST 00. . S40 . Waahlngtoa St.. Car.. Seoortd. . AMERICANS-PROFIT-BY- LESSONS OF JAP WAR (Joarnal Special Berrlce.) Washington, Sept. 19. The announce ment has Just been made that the new manual for the eabre and bayonet drills for th array, on which th officers of th general staff have been working for some weeks, will soon be given out Hitherto these manual a have called for much skill orf th part of th enlisted men. so much.' indeed, that few of them were ever able to aoqulr th art of wielding either weapon In a satisfactory manner. It la proposed to omit from th new manuals everything of a fancy fencing character, such ss la taught In th private drlllrooma. It Is Intended that there ehall be a return to tb almnleat methods, and that avervthlna shall be on t no moat practical and uac- ful basis. Both weapons ar Intended for use In time of war, especially th bayonet.' , . The officers who hav been on duty In Manchuria with the Russian and Japan ea armies hv furnished speclaH reporta on th subject to the general staff and auch experts as Captain Her man 3. Koehler, the master of the sword st th military academy, and Civil Engi neer Cunningham of th -navy, who Is an expert , swordsman and who had charge of the naval academy fencing last year, hav also given valuable ad vice along the line indicated. Th war department recently adopted a "new type of sabre, which will be kept with sharpened edge and carried in a wooden scabbard. 1 A new bayonet -was adopted several weeks ago, based on th resulta ofth observatlona of our military At taches with th troops tri Manchuria,, FEDERATION OF LABOR ORGANIZING FARMERS (Journal pedal Berries.) Chicago, Sept. 29. A determined ef fort will be made on th part of th American Federation of Labor to bring gbout th unionisation of the Tarmer of thla country and thelr.afflllatlon with the American Federation of Labor for mutual benefit and protection. In Wis consin and Minnesota a number of farmers' unions have been formed al ready and according to th 'Statement of th official of th federation, th affiliation of these farmers' unions with tha American Federation of Labor - la merely a question of time. Th leaders of th federation ar highly enthusi astic over th prospect of an alllanc between th city , wageworkers, th farmhands and th farmers. It Is- ex pected" that - th western farmers will b well represented at th next meeting of th American Federation of "Labor, which will be held In Pittsburg In Nov ember. It is not expected that th plan of affiliation will meek with sny oppo sition from the federation. TELL YOUR FRIENDS' Abowt Tery Irow But tee Yla ratkra FaclB for Fortlaacl xtf?. , Saturday. September 10. la Portland day st ths falr,'Tell your . friends to meet you at th exposition. Very low rat 10-day tickets vis Southern Psolfld B sal September II sad !, -' iOOD ra COOP OF i'PPLES SOLD EASILY ii RECORD PRICE " ' i ' , .. j , Markets lof, World Recognize the .Fruit to Bethe.Bett," anfl Erjr ' "tire Supply Is Eagerly Taken at Top Quotations' ; , v . . : . ; by Home and :..-d..V r Reaulta wlU ' not be announced for several days, bnt negotiations for th Hood River apple crop ar practically eloped. Th price will, be higher than ver before received by Hood River grower. There were four foreign bid ders In th field for th 76 carloada of apples that will be shipped and the bid ranged from 1 1.76 to tl s box on board car at Hood River. ' The apple crop Is valued at 9160,000. The Hood River atrgwberry crop this year ,was 176.140 crates, valued at $176,000. - The lowest bid on Newtowns was tl a boS, and th bids ranged op to 11.60. Tha bulk of th Newtowns will go. at the latter figure. : Th Bpltsenburgs will bring tt. .; These two varieties will go, east snd a large part of them will be shipped to foreign countries. The- average price of all kinds 6t apples in th valley is estimated at $1.76 a box. ' The Mammoth .Black Twigs. Hyde Kings. Arkanaaw Blacka and Northern .Spies to to New Tork at higher prices than srer before. The Oravenatelne go to Alaska. They are found to possess-. especial qualities for shipment and preservation in that lati tude. ' , Hood Rivey men are Jubilant over the success of their fruit season, an th advertising Hood River has . se cured aa a horticultural aectlon through th exposition. They have been liberal In expenditure of money and ac tive in all 'projects to bring their dis trict to th attention of tb country and stimulate ths demand - for Oregon SppleS. : : : : 1 1 " CUSTER'S; BATTLEFIELD TO BECOME A FARM ' ' ' ' Survey of Crow Indian Reserva tion" Finished To Be-" Opened for Settlement. (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) Helena, Mont., Sept. IS. J. Scott Harriaon, government inspector of sur veys, after having been in th Crow In dian reservation field for nearly four months, has completed his task and re turned to, Helena. His report la being prepared and will be forwarded to th general land office, after which th plats will be filed In th eastern Montana land Offices, to be followed by th presi dent's proclamation announcing; that th landa ar open to settlement. . Th lnnds, which were acquired from th Indians, constitute no small por tion of southeastern Montana, and ar on th whole of a rich agricultural claaa with plenty of water for irrigation pur aosss Th IrfdlanS have jjready built several ditches and hav the land tn a .high . state of . cultivation. . Just when and where th drawings for th lands will take plac lav course,- not known a yett-BUllnga and Forsyth being th contestants for the latter, inciuoea in the reserve Is th Custer battlefield. ENORMOUS INCREASE IN COFFEE DRINKING (Journal Special Sertlre.) Washington. Sept, 1. Th depart ment of commerce and labor has Just given out a monograph on the coffee trad of th, world, which will be orlnted in th forthcoming lasu of th Monthly Summary-of -Com iiierce, pub- llshed by that department. Th report shows an enormoua Increase in th eul tlvation snd consumption of this atlmu lant, whloh la on of th moat striking featurea of th laat quarter of a cen tury. According to th report th center of production of corree, which is an indigenous plant of Africa, may be said to hav been transferred to South and Central America, about three fourths of th world's supply being furnished at present by Braall. The -terma Mocha and Java, which in oioen times indicated th source of origin, hav now become mere characteristics of , quality and blend. It is an Interesting fact that th rate of consumption whsrever coffe has become part of th popular diet, tends to increase continually. Tha consumption In th United States '' haa Increased enormously and at present th Ameri cans consum between two fifths and one half of all th coffee produced. " Th statistics show that tb per capita con sumption of coffe In seme of th prin cipal countrtea for 1601 waa aa follows: United States. 10.71; United Kingdom, .71: Germany, 6.80; Franc, 6.27; Hol land. 14.19. HUMAN FIEND MURDERS ENTIRE TEXAS FAMILY (Journal Special BereV.) Edna. Tex., Sept. . Th entlr pop ulation of this city is making a deter mined search for a human fiend, who lat yesterday afternoon murdered Mrs. A. J. Condit, her 11-year-old .daughter and three sons, aged 6, 6 and 10 yeara. at their home in th -outskirts .of this rlty. Only a 2-year-old child waa found aliv whan neighbors reached th horn W triai sueeassfully sir private sr voua and chronlo diseases of mens also blood, stomach, heart, liver, kidney and throat troubles, Ws sur STPHIL.IS (without mercury) t stay eur4 for-., ver. W remove STRICTURE, with out operation or pain. In 16 days. W atop drains,- night - losses and spermatorrhea by a new method in a week. We can restore th sexual vigor of any man under 60 by means of local , treatment peculiar to ourselves. W Cure Gonorrhoea . iri a Week aa. Th doctors ef this instltut sre all regular graduates, hav had many year experieooe, have been known in Portland for 16 yeara, hav a reputation unless certain, aura can be) effected. W Guarantee a ear In every Saa w ndertak or charge no fee. - Consulta tion free. Letters confldentlaL Inatrse tlv BOOK FOR BURN mailed fre U plain wraDoer. W cure th worst ease f pnj la I w rthra treatwaota. wiUseat aiaarae tlon. Cur guaranteed. - witaww spawae afulT Mnnct ' sAMa trrtt eawstrtlea Manh, t Hasa trataBal Mas Offlo hoars. t sndJT to s. Sunday and holidays. 16 t it, DR. W. NORTON DAVIS c": CO. , Offlosa la yaa Hot Hotal, III T - Foreign Bidders. , R. M. Hall, advertising ' agent for th Harrlman lines la Oregon, ha re turned from a trip through Hood River valley accompanied by a photographer for tb advertising department snd a writer f or ' th Sunaet Magaslne. -He took 15 photographs among th orchards for us In th Harrlman railroad litera ture to b issued In 1(06. Th Sunset representative will writ an article on Hood River valley for th next Issue of th magasln, and It will be Illustrated with a- number of phptographs taken for that publication '"Steady progress is being mad by th fruit men In Hood River valley toward th attainment of Ideal" conditions, and th highest results. In th horticultural induatry In Oregon,1 aald - Mr. Hall. "Th crops- ar becoming more valuable in quality and th oroharda ar Increas ing in frultfulneaa. The farm of Oscar Vatiderbllt, a former railroad man now turned orchardlat. is an example. , Ha paid $16,000, leaa than two years ago, for a farm of 116 acree, and laat week refused an Offer of $40,000 for th prop erty. Hia net profit this' year was $6,000. On Baldwin tree In his .orchard yielded 11 boxea of applea that Bold at $1.76 per box. there ar usually 76 trees to th acre. Had every tree been brought up to this degree of pro ductivity th land would have yielded $1,887 per acre. Th prise Baldwin, tree was' 10 years old." Mr. Vanderbllt has ,C seres . under cultivation, of which six acres la lit al falfa. : : r-s T'" in response to an alarm given by a negro boy that ha had heard. Mra.Con dlt scream aa h was near her bom and saw her running, with -a man In pur suit . Th mother snd daughter had been assaulted and all were killed by blows on th head with an axe. - BIG PORTLAND DAY. avYoar Jrlmd Com BUptmbss SO . . Tery Xew 26at). Tell your friends about the very low ratea mad by th O. R. at N. for Port land day at th fair, Saturday, Septem ber 10. Make tt th biggest day of th fair. Vary low 10-day tickets on sal September II and If. Weriusuua ZxTOwa.- - (Special Dlapatca to The Journal.) ' Eugene, Or., Sept. 26. Henry . K. Kautha, a laborer, suffered a severe ac cident while hlplng-to build a house at Springfield. A scaffold on which h was Standing broke, precipitating him to the ground 10 feet - below.- His right leg was badly crushed below th kne and it will be several months before he will b abl to work again. - - - .' Takes th burn out: heala th wound: curea the.pala tv Thomas', Bclaatrt Oil, th household remedy. TRANSPORTATION. COLUMBIA RIVER TRIP -JHkUy- aVovad Trip to Oaaoad XrOoka STEAMER BAILEY GATZERT Leaves week days 6:16 a. tn. Sundays. its. m.- Arrivaa . back 6 p. m. LROUND-TRIR-le50 Through steamer for Th Dalles and way point leave dally 7 a. ss.. Wharf root or Alder atreet. Phone Main ALASKA FAST AND POPtTLAB STXAUSHIPS tef geattl S a at. "Jaffa raoa." September T. IT. 87. "Xeelpaia,77 September t, IS. S3. CAXLINO AT KBTCBIKAIf. JUNEAU. DOTJOLAS. RAINES, SKAOWAT. Connects with W. P. X. route tot Atlla, Oawaea, Taaaaa. Mom, ate. fOB AIX SrJTJTWF A STERN ALASKA " PORTS. S. S. Tarallea,' September 4. SO. 'v S. g. "Dlris," BcpUmber IS, 29. Call or a4 tot "Trl to Wet4erfut Alaaha." "ladlaa BaAtry, "Totaal polm . m ALASKA S. S. 00. freak Wootsey Co., Agents, SSI Oak St. PortUad. Or. $1.00 ALL FOR $1.00 Turkish Bath and good bed for tb Bight; sit fat L King's Baths Sereoth aad Waaay. tagtoB Sta. risst aad Urgwat aaUaal l th 4ty. C ; . Tr ' iTralnsjto the Esst nmega PalhBa staaaar a4 ium r' sns-ear sally is oauaa, vaasaeu, a tearsst aleeplng-aar aauy Fwlisaan Snarls aleentaa amai ( lataa ally onducte4) weakly t Chirac. P east rears (aeats trea. to tb Seat a.... CHIOS DEPOT. . I Lea re. I Arrle- CHICAOO-PORTLAMV SPECIAL. t;ISl Daily. Srp. I Dsity- Swy'the Beat eta BB- ingtaa. SPOKANS rt.TBB. far kaatern Waaklng tou. Walla Walla. Lew- SrtSsv I Dully. tstoa. Cesar 4'Aarue Leawf. ann ureat Kartaara otnta. , ITU HTir STMM a 'in st i Tt a,ka. or the last vto Baat- Daily - OeluraVia - Steer Pis lataa. ro ASTORIA as way "lata, eoaasettas wits Sp. an, Pally. ae. Snneaie. AtMUt Juw. far nwas aad rnria Bwaea,stsac, : aalo, Aakt. eoek. SeaeB.stsac. asaaWSatvreay. 10:00 p. ss Tannin Steer Seuf. "t DATTOM. City aad Tamtam rlear Bolnta, star. Rath a ad TtSSp. Dally. av laaday. ran; axoone, Asa -St.. oeetu (Water pacaUttlng. I Snake Rleec Seats. SOB LBWISTOH, Ida. aaS way aolata tree aUnarl- WaeAw-etme Bpokane and Lewtaten. TICK. ST OrriCB. Third and WaaaUatSaa, lj. BeaM ar.i et 0. W. iTiyOSB. City Ticket U CBA1Q. General P EAST" SOUTH VSIOR PBPOV. 0T1RXA1IO EXPRBSS. Train, for Balsas, a, burs. Ashland, S BMnta. Oadea. Saa Si 6: p. as. fiS6l exes, Stockton. Lns Aa- Clea, Bl Paae, New Or in and ths Bast. Moraine train sects at ally except aadayi 6:60 . nx, wim arain ane ass. fMswta. kAaL S 1 1 a r t a rownavwe, 111111 ( I s 1 .' Wanflng aad Ratraa. Bngeae jusnagat ena-l sects at Wood bora with S .OOa. m. nso. m. M:M SJB, UU Ansel aad SUeeeH ton local Corral II pa Beans sr. Sheridan pangar. ynreat Orov angr. 1M M:00 as. lllOagp.BI. IllibO BJLa rniDaiiy"' except Sunday. s.w a. an. Retarnlng froia Oeweew, arrre Pwrtland f e:su n. aa-i a.oo. e .w im . . .. -11-1 n. aa. belle taxcewt aaaday). S:aaV 1 6:80. 10:10. 11:48 a. bi- Except Monday. L. B. st Sunday only, 1Q a. . . . Leaea from earn depot for Dallas aad tr BedUt points dally S.00 a. av Artie s atnd Idas a. aa. ' . Th lnderoer-Veetnoat atoww eeerat Sally to foomeutk aad AJelle, aectlns with Southeen Pacts eases- taw at Dalle aad ladepaadene. : Plrst-ela far from Purtlaad 16 Brs -- and San rraaetaee 6S0. berth 6: ' far 6IS. aeeond-cUse bertha St-BO. " Tlekti to Baaterw aetnt aad sia a I -sObv.-Janan. Oilna, Honolola aad Aeetralia. City "Ticket Ofaee wme Third and Wash. tngtea afreets. Mala JIB. ; a w, TTNOIB A. L. CmAja, City Ticket Ageat, Paaa. Araat, TIME CARD or TRAINS RortlancSj DAILT. TJXIOM DEPOT. Depart. I ArriT. WelUiealuai Parh-Kaa- saa City-St. Lewis SH cut tor Caeoaua, Cee-1 tralla, Olympla. Orayal 6:SSa. ax , n 1:00 . m. 6:S0 p. av i 4J0s.Sk HsrbaeT BcutB Beae, ia eaaaa. Seattle. Sookaae. Lewtaten. . Batta, BIU-4 Inc. Den, Omaha. Kansas Ctty. St, Lsals aad aoutheeat. North Coaet Umtted. electric lighted, for Ta eoma. Seattle, Spokane, Butt. Minneapolis. St. Paul aad th Kaat. ftSOaVas, Paget Son ad Limited, for Chshslls. Ceatratl, Taceaaa aad Haatu only. Twin City Ernreaa. far 10S6 p. ax, Teeoaaa, Seattle, gpJ - . - neasaa, anrtte. TellowvtoB Par, wi. ll:U s. av 6MS.SV seepolln, St. Paal aad unun. mr. tnaaiiivn, Asslatast general Paeeeoeer Asaat, SM Morrtoaa St. ear. 2air7 . . . Portland, Ceecwa. Astoria & Columbia ' River Railroad Co. r hi ION DBPOX. Arrle Ssa. av Pee Ma year. Batata, iiiStaf Daily, Dally. Clatahaal. West part, Cllftaa, Astseta. War. reatoe, rlaeel. Ham mond. Fort : Snreaa, uearaart rare, aeeaid, Aaterla aad Sesshsra. Kxprea Sally. ' S-sa,i Dally. IIDally. aAttarla JEs I. 0. litiA O. P. snd P. A Ashsr a. t v C A. STSAST, Com lal Ageet M A Ms Is Sue. rioket OSaew US Third rt, T ' . TranBoomin-r.. T ruin as Ui.f PAOT nr TO t pnvt'i, r a r-" f4 t Atrtrea. rstiaaowt-e sahuraaa Ssrvaa sag xaai. 1 Ocnet foot t Jeftereea etraet. Leave Portland dally fur Oewae-e l :M a. r- t llftO, SS, 4.00, t-jb, .00, S:M. Ti' 1 I I. a. Dally (eanpt Sunday). 640. 4 -i, 6 . 0:SS a. sa.t 6.-00. U p. m. Saadag aw a X 'f: