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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1905)
1 tiki Oregon daily . .journAlv Portland. msAY. .r.vz::::::3. cz?TZ-rz?. cx";:: J "II ' : 0 . " . 1 1 j 1 1 1 - 4 1 - Entered at tk nestefflcs f PartUsA Owl, fw traseaortaOo tMvuak tlx naUa a a hd far single fopies: Per sa 8, 18 'J e paper, 1 eeut; AS to 60 pages, I seats; W w e veea, ssam.. . - plltarUI Rneaae . ..JfJm 38 , mans Orrioe. .......Mala sua poreis adyxbtisibs BKnanrTATrri. YreeUes-Beulsmtn Special Adverttolag ' 1M Kaaaaa street. Maw lack; Tribune BulU- UV Chicago.,.. ' nMOSITTIOV KATTS. ' (mi by Carrier. u rwn I Mrfth nmAa 1 nnth . . .85 Vse Dili, par week, delivered, Sunday to-. etodrd Ike Iilj. per weak, envred, Sunday ex- ' ' ' Tnrme bp Kail.'. .- V Tks Dsilp Journal, wltk Sandey. 1 JW.,.TOe The Dally Journal. I year . 22 The Dolly Joanal, with Huaday. f month. 8 T The Dally Journal. month. ..V... ...... fj$ "ha Dolly Journal, with Sunday. amuth. IM I 2 THt laaraal. I BKMitha. -? : aa Dally JaaraaL with Kooda. t awoth.. M ' Pall looraal. I awath .-JO ,2 "awlar Joaraat. I 1-9J Ska .toaday Journal. sneethe. ia tai.... ........ .v Waaklr JaanaL Seaxl-Weekly Th Ranl-Waakly Joaraal, I la 11 pagaa aa torn, Uluatratcd. tall Bttrkat ra port. 1 iw....,,.,...!, 41 W . ktallttaama ahaaM ha awda hr dratta. aoatal otaa. aipnaa ardara aad aaall aDMaata art awraptahu u'l u4 I aaat paataaa auapa. . ... - TBI OWJIAli."..v,. 'T. tt MIO,' PoHlaad. Oraaak. . nu ni joninx hat x rows. ' Ha loornal caa ha fan 'aa aak) at tha f " wlaa plaxrat - k.--nK. IDAHO H. aallar Co.) W. B.: Ha 1 trra. , . ...... 1 . . C .CAQO Taatafflea Haw roaipaar; IT Daar . "a a treat. . .. : t - VKR. ror-OBADO-J. lUck. Ilztaaath aad C "U atrwau 1 . r ,- .4S CITY aa Hoy Hawe aaaiaaa. TOSt CITT Broataao'a. raloa aqaara. . Wiilard Hotrl aawa ataad: Mctaatk 1 auacrr compaar. Ikna raraaa atraat. f f I.Ajra.OITY Kanyoa Hotal aawa ataad; it hum., 4S Waat ikn atrart. aaatk. r IwCt -fhllla Hoadar, Laeaat atraat; t. T. JrH. and Ollra atrart. FRA NTISCO W. R. Ardlnc, Palaaa BaM i i-wa.aBd..and lona Markat atraat: Oold laoidi kraa.0 .2S0 Battar atraat aad Bitot -. arla. raahaa Oaaaar rarry boll- t: N. aaatlcT. laaaabla arwa ataad, aor- r-T Vikrt- aod Kaaraar atraata. I TTid RalnW Oraad aawa ataaa: If, Ik . 1 . Hotol fUattla nawa ataad. t AB.. WASdUiGION Joaa W. Orakaai Co. ...... -fX)KA- WABHrKOTOW Caatral Xawa aoafr- r: Ratal Tarara aawa atand. -. T 10BIA. RMTI3B COLThlBIA TletarU 1 ook tt StaUaoatT eastpaaF. . J WEATHER REPORT. Tia waatcra dtatarbaaea kaa adraacad aaat ward and hi aow central rar- waatara Cala rado. Tk (alt dmarbaaea M aarrlnc alewlr aortboaatward. ....... ., . 0nral ralaa har'a atunad , la tha aortk atataa. I'tak. aoathara Nanda and t -anna aad haarr ralaa kara aararrad la tka k.a-xr kllaalaalppl aaUay . aad tka aaat (aU - It li amrk eaolcr .ttila axsrnlnc la tka Intar rxtwaula raaina aad ahara frosts ara rapartad 1 1 wun Oraaoa. aaatara WaiblDftoa aad fee :kBal IlSalsMa ' . to Iwlloatloaa ara dor kaarr traat ta al(bt t-i trra Oraaoa. aaatara waahlactoa and o and lor U(bt fraat la aoathara Oraaoa. la ta WlUaaaatta valley aad tka aoaad euaa 1 T It will aaatlaaa aartl . ekady aad aaaa y t uwari. - ' - . . "AvsaaBBTTaaHaaaaaBasaSBaEaavMMaaaB ' - IIARRIAOE LICENSES. "V - r hmot, M; Haaaah Bhraaaar, SB. -, 1. Starla, Tacoma. WaahlaBtaa. ttj Latta saa. S. ".; , V. X. Boyrr. M; Ylrrlnla t. Wlnaoa. SI. r -imwtn Q. McDoaaid. 23; Balea U Canpball, Aarnt W. B hi hard. SI: Bnaa Srhala, IB. 4 od Laaa, .MIat, Orapav ; Oaratby Bllea I Id. . :. imrl W. Hartord, Kawbard, Orcaa, Tt; rlnr B. DnrMa. la. ...... , ... . iv. W. HaatUar, Binatnra, Onftm. S4; Clara . aaoaraon. zi. B. Tattla. XI; Raaaaoad rkraaatar. SI. , I. Aadrada. : Mary J. Borgaa. SI. . Ilbar B. Moora. U; Mary ,A. Bothlaakarta, WUnar O. B. fTamaa. BO: Dlrta Barton. SR. C. J. Whyta. B: Mantarat i. Sallrraa, SB. WaddlBi In Carda., W. o. Bailrh di Co.. Waak. bld.. car. Baarth aad Waahlnataa ata. 'tt, 'BIRTHS.' BEI.IGCR Brptnnbar SO. ta Mr. and Mra. io arah aIIT. aM Eaat Brarrtt atraat. a aoa. XNDKEB tVptaaabar SM. ta Mr. aad Mra. How ard H. Badncr, 4 liatoa araaaa. N... a aaa. Xr.U10 Baptamaar SO, ta Mr. and Mra. Thomaa H. KaadUr, fl North Tklrtaaatk atraat. BtOnBA. Hrptamhar S4. ta Mr.' and Mra. J. B. Rodda. 4'fl Rodnay aaanaa. a danabtar. 'CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. I.INDHOLM Baptarabar 38. Carl Uadhotnt, Mt Brnn. trphoM farar. . , ROBERTHOK Brptanbar SS. BaaUk Bobrrtaoa tf Twn. typbntd taaar. BF.RRB Brptaaihar 3D. Harry Baara. mii . F.lamith and Taaiblll atraata. tTphold raaar. DEATHS. ri.lEnMEB ta tbla city. Krptrathar Si, llintl. -at bar raaldanaa, KT Baat Aah atraat. Dalay hoaran nbdnar. wlfa at William r. FUadner. ' Pnaaral aettca latar. mzYzam-w- exxxrur. Btaaia traM BIO. Family tnta tTO ta tl.OOO. Tha only camatary la Portland wbih prr aataally BUlaUlna aad earaa (or Iota. Far (all Infnraiarlna apply ta W. B. Macbaaata. Wor aatar Mark. eity. W. M. Laid, praaldaat. rvBatnc Caaiptoa, tmdrrtakara aad embalm ara. Modara In aaary datall. nVreu tk aad Plaa. r-baao Mala 480. Lady asatatant. - ' Tha Cdward Rolmia tBdartaklac romp wr, fnnaral. dlrartara aad ambalmar. 220 Tbtrd atraat. Pbona BOT. ' - J. P. Fin lay 4k. Bna, fannril dtraatora and axhalarra, anrasr Third aad Madlsoa atraata. t(flca of coaaty egroaar. Talapbaaa Mala S. Fwnaral "wraafba and cut flawara a apartalty 't Roar CTty Oraaabnaaa. Twaaty aacoad aad 1 at Moniaoa.' app. aaatatary. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Ida jAhnana and haaband to K. U. Iindatrnm wrat H iota T aad It. lOnrk 14. Caalral Alhlna a rertland TrWat mapany tn W. 1. Whlta. lot 14. blork X, JMrtaaiaatk Villa trnaloa ... ,v ......... ...,.., . . . M . . J . . . . 4T5 ITS . a, tjmw amr w a, vnafari, mil , ft, . T.aad , la aorlkH kkjok TS, t'aan-h'a addltloa U.OuO Tt". WaartMT aad wlfa to Maud O. Tan tTatara. lata , S, bkx-k 215, Coork'a adillttna B.BOO B. M. Laanbard aad wlfa to H. Wlttan- .. Wr. .raat 48 Vi . (aat tnta d and 1. bla-k 4. Cewu'a, .ddltloa (band (or. iWii i...... 'T.ToB I, V. Kaady ta K fttnat. lot S. blnrk, m. Retlmad Pbnpa adIHInn to Alhlna . , I I. WV Pariah at al. ta W'lUlaat Klumap, . part k.ta d and 7, bkark 3, Holladay ....... ..'......j'rrr. ......:' 4.300 ' r arra R. fWk and bnahand at al.. ta -ianaaa lirtamll and wlfa, Inta and T, Wi I&4, t'oark a addition ,........ 11.000 narla and wlfa to Kata A. Arm- . atront. aaat H lata S aad 4. blork a. -U.ian a aUdtlUai ......,.... ..n ... . i.000 rlth Land roaipany to L. K. Arftlar.1 , rar an far4 lot S and aaat Sll (aat of ' ' tb 2u (aat a 1 blnrfc 1, Bark ' ' "-Hr'8.r?ror(d.. ajdlt.lpa 4B0 emu a4 nira in fc. v PX an . t. M 4. tmwk Ikat. rmark addltWw.. MAO atrax-t and wlta to 1-twr atiatturk, . I to IT. btnafc 1 Nnrtbaaat Part-. A t and arbar pr.narty '. 1 ., a tll"r"nr ta p. H. -yawall. lot ' rWh t. t'tnaardala TraH "rlnr aad Ua ta William Bant- t, m 1, Mwt I, Laaralwnsd dt oaM oaBafaaU roe iwny Manii, will aniaojaj. a . - ?ne Dally JosrnaL 1 year ! J2 1 ka Dally Journal, wtlk Sunday. anoatbBr S.TB 1h Dally Journal aaonthe. ... ?? 1 Dally Journal, with Sunday, montks. J REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. J. A. Lyaaa to Kmraa Tboaiaoa. ata IB aad Id, block 42. BaUwwod ..- ) t W. t. Blmawrmaa and wlta ta W, Hll- . Baa, pareal land la aartloa SS, to wo- ' aklp I aortk, raaca 1 aaat ; BOO ,K. B. Maaafaa aad wlfa to B. I". Pad- . rlHt, lot 11. blork 1, Craaurldjra .... ' M t. Kpparly and wlfa to R. F. Padrlck, ' lot IS. blork 1. Oraanrldaa S00 0. lirrarar at aL to B. F. Padrtck, lot . IS. blork 1. Uraanrldra 1SS f. M. Wallaca aad wlfa to B. B. Kd warda, lot 81, -block 1. MoaatTabor -I'laea .-. S3 Tttla Uaaraatoa Traat eoaipaBy to B. . m. ABdaraoa, lot 11, BlocC 11. waat . Pladntrat .7....... A. Harold ta B F.'Dwh. lot IB. blork IX Harkna addition . . .TTT.. TT; ... . t. Ollrar aad wlfa to Bacorlty BaTlwta 3S0 "Ho . Traat company, lot I, block 81. . Wtllaaietta Hrlcnta addltloo ... .v.... ""1 1. A. Melton and wlfa to Title Gum ran- . - tea Traat roaapenj. lota IS aad Id, -. . , , bkx-k 4. AlMna ............ . . . 1 tt. Jaaobaoa and wlfa ta U Byorkhwd. , aoatb u (aat of fractional lot S. blork " 8. Nortk PortUnd 8.128 Oat roar Inaaraara aad abatracta (a aetata from tha Title Oneraatra A Traat pa nr. Bto Waahlnataa aaraat.-'aeraer BrooBd. 1 . v i,- .... , ' " . ... -j Money Is Accamulating la tha haada of (anaera, awrchaBta, backrra aad kailnoak ataa, aa aeroeat at tba . HARVEST TlfltE Wblrh la -now bera.' aad tka "Oldeot Traat Cotapaay la Oragoa''.' woald ba (lad to arud you tta abok af- ....... ... nxvsTmATiova iv ,'.?:'.,.!'. Ia order that yoa amy learn "how to arm re a (air rata of Internet apoa cartlBratafc a( dapoalta, which yoa ran draw by klln a abort notice, aad tbaa aaold kenplna your fanda Id la antll yoa ara ready, to make a par ma aent laeeetaaent. -r-t- We will ba pleaeed to newer lattara of l aalry and klra fall partlculara of oar aratboda PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON Resource Orer $i,w,otMjr- " 108 Third 8 treat. v Pbona Mala 4SV: BENJFt I. COHBN. .'....'..... ... .. . .Praaldaat H. L. PITTOt'K. i..i.,j.Tloa-PTaaldrBt B. LER PAGET Knrretary I. a. GOLTBA.. .....,.. AaalaUnt Becreury NOTICE. - voncn or balx or oitib Notice la hereby alren that tba board of direr tora af tha Hood Blrer Irrlcatloa Watrltrt la Waaeo coaaty, Oreaxm. will aell tha boode of aald dlatrlct la tba earn af 800,000 oa Tneo day. tha 84th day of October. 1UO&, -at tba boor of 10 o'clock a. at., at tba office ef aald board, al tha naldaaca of 1. H. Bookmaker la aald dlatrlct, and that aaa led propoaala (or aald boe4s will ba repaired by aald board at aald 5 lane for the parch aaa of aald bonds antll tha ay and Door a bore mentioned, a t which tftne tha board shall opaa tba pro pas a la and award the parrheae of tba bonds to tba hhjbnet bld apoaelhlo bidder, tad board raaerelng tba rl(ht to reject any and all hlda. bids ta ba accom panied by a certified check for 10 par cant of tha amount of tbr bonds for which tka bid la aunmltted. Bald bonds shall ba parable la money of tba FBltrd; Btatea, la 10 earl as, aa follnwa. to-wtt: At tha eiplratloo of ahrraa years, (Ira par cant of tha whole number of said bonds; at tba explrattoa of twelve years, six per cant; at the expirettoa of tklrteea years, aarea per cent; at tba eiplratloo at fourteen years, elcbt par cent; at tba expiration o( fifteen years, nine par aaat; at the expiration of ilxtaea years, tea par cent; ai toe expiration of eoToateea years, eleven par cant; at tba expiration of elan. teen years, thirteen per cant; at tka expira tion of nineteen Tears, fifteen par cent: at tba explrattoa of twenty year, sixteen Bar cant; and shall bear latoraat at tba rate of Mx par aaat per aanem. payable aeml-sna nelly, oa tba first day of January aad July of oacb year. Tba principal aad Interest shell ba payable at tha Place deelttnsted la tba boade and bidden ara firen tha optloa of hselrej. aald bonds paya ble at roruaati. ia too atata oc urogea. or ia tbo city of New York, la tka atata of New York, and aald bonds wtU ba leaned In accord aar with tka elect tea of the eacceeaful bidders. Bald bonds shall ba each af tba denomination of not leea tbaa 8100 aad not more tbaa ana ana 11 oa nerotiiDie ia form aad eon pone, (or tbo Internet shall ba attached ta each bond alaned by tha eeeretary. Dated at Hood Hirer. Oreaoa, this 18tb day of September. 1P0O. - I. H. 8H0KMAKBR, ' 1 Secretary. SEALED propoaala sddraeaed to tha Lewis and . CUrk -CenteaBlal Expoaltloa Cammleelon will be received at the office of tbo commissi oa In tbo Oreaxm bolldlnc antll IS o'clock boob, Monday. October 10. 1906. for tbo porchaee , of any of tbo following bolldlnaa bow ob tha Lewis and Clark expoaltloa (rounds be Ion a1 nf l. ta tha atata of Oregoat Administration prove. Inrradtnd (Ira atatloa, police department. Ad ministration balldln( proper, CO lona de and aBtranco; foreign Exhlblta bnlldlng. Agrtcnl rural building. Oriental aad Macatlonal bnlld lng. Macklaery. Blartrlclty and TraaaporUtloa balldlng. Auditorium. Mining bnlUUng aad Oraaoa State building. BpecKlcatloaa and Information . for proa r pocttao bidders, alao blank (oraoe (or bide. - cob ba obtained apoa appllcatloa at tka a acre. . tary'a office la tba Oragoa btrUdlas aa aad after Saturday, tka SM Instant. EDMOND C GILTNER. Secretary. TO TRB TAZPATERB OF MULTNOMAH LlCOVNTT, 0B.: Notice la kerahy lvea that oa monaey, vnooer a, ivvo. xoo oonraj or oqaallaatlon af Multnomah county arlll attend at tba office of tka county clerk of aald coaaty aod publicly examine tba eanseeeeent rolls for tba year 1808. aad correct all errors t valuation, deerrlpttoa or qaalltlaa of lead, ta or other property, aad It te tka dnty of all persona Intereeted to appear at tha time aad place appointed, and If It shall appear te each board ef eauallantloa that there ara any leads, lota or otker property a sat mad- twice or la tka Bams of a peraoa or persona not tka owner o( the as ma. or esse aid aadar or beyond Its valoe. or ear laada, lota or otker property not aaoeeard. aald board e( eualiaatloa . snail Bake tka Brooer eorraetlona. B. D. BIOLBR. Oonnty Portland. Or.. September 8. 10(18. MEETING NOTICES, MTLTNOMAH CAMP. No, TT. W. O. W.. meats tonight la Its . kali. East Sixth, near East 'Alder. All visiting neighbors . cordially welcomed. ' . M. 0. WILKINH. C..C. J J. W. WOODWORTH.' Clark. KREMMN BAKtT. I. O.- M. Work aneetlng Haturday evening, neptemner no, at a ocmra. Odd Fellows' temple; baaqnat at 10:80; band petltlone to recorder early; meet lag at T p. ax, to art oa same. By order the Cser. R. E. SHARON Recorder. LOST AND FOUND. LOST A paper-carrleT'r routebooa:. - No. ITT, rontainlBg Hat or jnuraat aanacnoera; wsi between Arleta aad Laarelwood. on the Kern Park mad. ftetnrn to' clrculatloa depart ment. Journal ef f Ice, and receive reward. LOST A pair af gold glaaeee. bet, Jefferarm and Mret ata.. rrlday morning. , Retora to 185 Clay at. .and receive reward. LOT A browa water apanM. - For fnforma- tina regarding oog call ap Bust oovrj. Re ward. (. . LOHT Wedoeaday, small hatchers' scale, near Lenta, c. I. turtle. Central Market, Arleta.' Reward. LOtrr- Hlarh and arbrle eollle. mm tka oM. . 4SM Da via. I 'none Mala lRnB. Reward. FOrND Sack of wet engar. oa Fonrtb St. Inonlra los North Fourth at. . t HELP WANTED MALE. ' IX . ma wanted Immedlateia to- prepare for clerks In Portland P. t). I'-elsae must he 8lled by October If year baat chance to get J perms aent poattloa la bow. Hea ' B. O. (eynen. 13 Breedea bldg., 1MI4 Washington at., Saturday. 8 to 8; avenlaea. T to 8. I yH SO oiaffTajirweaB SO and h. who ran tavern) I in aao airicriy legltlmata bajeraeea! I ran guarantee 120 weekly: a rare opportunity f" (or right party, ( all st once, m( foortk at. W!'!iTrIt.9"7 l! .,h o( 14 for Tbaral Saeety'i food pmntoltPm for hnri with voleea and tajest. Call at Drew hall. M7ra7 iYa.- T 1 HELP WANTEDMALE.' ( : THERE Is a fine eraming for a good akoemaka and aarneaa repairer in ina xoww. 01 wane Sainton, Waak.: none bat a reliable maa Bead apply. Addraaa J. C Maclnnea, White BaJ - Boa, Waak. MEN sad boys wanted to earn' 89 day. after two toon tha' I Detraction; position guaranteed. Coyne- Bros. Co. Plumbing Bcaooia, new xeca. ClnclBnal, 0.; St. Loursr Mo. (Free eats eogua. ...'-,. "i ' -' - - STATION MB N. rock work t good prloaa, new work, lota af It, aide rata, all winter, .earners OtMmmi rrae fmrm Partlculara at flineOB S Kmployaaant Offloe, So North WANTED Wear of good appearance and aMHty lor s aouae-to-Bouae canvaaa; aamry wyi call nwrnlnga t:80 at 88 Baoand St., ask for W. H. Matkeay. - r TWO men of aaat appearance ta take orders lor Da ah light pnotngraroa; awnetuina tlrely pew. . Andersen. 828 Chamber of Cpnv WANTED Clerks and wlndow-drosaera ta study ahow-rArd writing at x. aigni sckool; peraeoal lnatractloa. Apply for par ticulars. . ' 78 PERMANENT salary aad eapenaes paid la . liable men, outalde of the city; pleasant work. H Henker. room S, 27 7th at.. PortUnd. WASTED ;Brlght active yoong aa 1 ia wn ..1,1 fi drv eoodn buell IS to living aa oaat side. Addreaa J 44. Journal. MINER wasted to work (or stork la Bold aatae. equipped wltk machinery, good values, la southern Oregon. 301 McKay kldg. WANTED Strong boys to work lathmlll: no others aeed apply; 81. 10 a day. pay, weekly. KffS Macadam at... Sooth Portland. - WANTED Boy about 14 (or errands and to learn buainras; only a stayer wanted. 838 ' Btark at. , INTELLIGENT office hoy: one willing to work and leara. Addreaa to own handwriting, P. O. ' Box 138. FIRST-CLASS broiler aaa! lunch ma a. M. umpneu. aw aarea Waak. at. Seattle, WANTED flood strong Boy .about SO years oM to kelp shipping clerk. Apply BOB Front at. SOLICITOR and shopman; stage age and reference Addreaa 1 44. rare Journal. ADVERTISING aollcltora, 88 to 810 dally. Allen anoralaga. 10T Bharlock bldg. - BOT wanted to deliver packages; aaay 4SS Washlngtoa. HELPWANTED-i-FEMALl HOP-PICKERS ta pick 634 acres hope: aU de sired sccommodaUoBS. grocery, bakery, res- tauraat. butrher-ahop. neautirul eamp dance ball, pore mountain water. et ma grounda. . ate. Rooks 441 Sherlock bldg.. Third enArOak- " " WANTED ISO glrla to Bake ' tveralla and ahlrta; tnetrartmss given to Inexperienced. Apply Neuatadter Bros., Standard Factory No. X. corner Eaat Taylor and Oraad ava. C1BL wanted tor buoeowwh ta amsH family. Call forenooa No. S Eaat Fifteenth at-, aoatk. Aakeay or Plaa at. ear. HANSEN'S UL1IES AGENCT.-S4SH Washlng toa st.. ear. Seventk, Bpatalrs. Pboae Mara tan. Female help wanted. . WANTED Reapectahle woman under 40 as bouaekerper. widower's family oa ranch. 380 VamhlU. Pbona Manx 8418. WANTRD-23ood ateooarrspher: nice office, tow . ealary; give full particulars sad rafereaea. J 81. care of Journal.-' - - - SEAMTRny4aVl-er thoroughly experienced: none other need apply ; wanted at once. Olds, Wortman B King. 40 MORE glrla, packet sad chocolate dippers. A loon Candy Co., Tenth aad Ollaaa ata. Pkooe Main I8T8. . , A COOK for logging camp: elderly lady pre ferred r 830 a month. Addreaa N. BS, Dona hue. Orient. Or. SO GIRLS IS yean snd over wanted st one. Apply to eoperlatendent'a office. Olds, Wort Baa King. WANTED IB girls or women to work at Still wall's reetaeraat oa the Trail oa Portland day. WANTtTD Olrl or worn a for general bouse work... 844 Oregon St.. or Phone Eaat 3307, WANTED lady pianist for out of town; salary 880 weekly. Room 13, 861.H Morrtaoa. WANTED A girl (or - general - honeework ta private family. Apply 674 Ess Pine st, WANTED Talloreea for pants sad making . general help. 332H Washington, loom 4. . EWINO girl wanted at PortUnd Dreeemaklng .School, cor. Fourth. S71V. Morrlaon. WANTED A young fin to take ears ot child; call after IX 383 First at. COMPETENT gh-l for general hoasework. Ap ply 188 Eaat S(xteentk at.. GIRL for general honeework ta family ot two. 804 North Twenty-fourth at. 7" , ' WANTED Millinery apprentices. ' Tk Crews Hat Co.. 887 Morrlaon, OIBL Cor general house work teat. Phone Eaat 4158. WANTED Glrla to sew battens oa Plts-WsO shirts at 78 First at. . ... a WANTED-iWaltreas st (air froands. Apply at 186 Fourth at. DINING-ROOM girl wanted In small restaurant. SftS Raet Morrison at. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. THE demand tor competent book keepers aad stenographers la greater thaa the eupply. Pram August 1. 1004. to August 1, 1006, we placed SOT la good posit tons; Bad calls (or more thaa 800; onr "graduates are ALL employed: we will Seal at yoa to a poaltloa whea competrat; enroll aow; day or nlaht. Beknke-Walker " Bualneea College.- Stearns blk.. klxtk and Morrlaoa ata. WANTED At once, a bright, eoergeTlc, pre sentable Baa or. woman, a good talker, to take np an attractive proposition. Inquire T88 Chamber of Commerce. 8 a. xa. HELP furnished free to employers,' Portland Employment Co., SOBta Morrlaoa. Boon 1, Pacine 3. WANTED Immedlstely, 8 men or wotnea to de ranvaaalng. Call up Eaat 837 good propoaltioa. SALESPEOPLE wanted to sell profitable goods; large commlaaloa. R. M. Plnmmer, 800 Third. IELP wanted and supplied, Bala or female. R. O. DRAKE. 30v, Washlngtoa at Clay 448. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. AN expert bottler' artsts S 'poaftlon. Addreaa H An, rare Journal. , SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE YOf'NO woman - with -gh-l 4 aa bouse keeper, widower or amall family. 230 Vk XamhlU. Phone Main 6418. YOI NO woman with child would Ilka place re work bi a amall family. Address I. 40, cars pf Jonriihs. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Agents: salary and enajmlasloa. New York Outfitting Co., 8 Pint st EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. , HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. FOB MEN. ; 84 I. Second st. -Pboae Mam IBS. PIONEER EMPLOYMENT COyLahor contra tore; kelp free to employ era. 318 Morrlaoa. WANTED-FINANCIAL. WANTED 830,000 to 8828,000 st tow Tat af tntereet, for bnlldlng 00 deeiraMa Ina Ida real - eetata. 'Address H 41, csre Joumst, .- . WANTED 83.000 te place ta amall anovT timri- aecanty eatMieciery. M Tk8 WANTED TO RENT. WANTED By young maa of aaauaattoaabla oauits. room ana baara la awe, quiet family; write ata ting roll particulars and price must . ba eloea la and reeaoaahle; parmaneat If euiiea. x .. cars oc, journax. GENTLEMAN wants room, with break fa at and aupper, oa eaat aide wlrhla (aw blocka of Burnalda or Morrleua at. brldgea; If bath la aauoy to tba room, eo -muca tna better. Ap ' drees J SO, ear Journal. : .. . WANTED rarm to teat; aa shares preferred; oave wagoa, team, Baraaaa. u. w. rryxnit, 844 Ellla St.; BeUarood ear. - WANTED FORWENT Honee and barn oa tba eaat aide, aortk. C Tapfer, 113 first and 878 taloa ava. "i" WANTED REAL' ESTATE. IP YOU waat qalrk raanlta. Hat your properly , or nueineao rnanca. Tree, in onr weeaiy xiee ord; over 100.000 nailed sad dletrtbuteu week ly to nroepectlve buyers. UNIVERSAL EZCHANGB. .. V, V. S.- HotaL cor. Slxtk and Ankeny SI. ' FARMS WANTED A U kinds stock, poultry. inrn, grain ana bop (anna; moat oa good and reaaonable la price; give foil asacrlptiua. price sad terms. - 308 Allaky bldg. . ' WANTED Tw lota with or without S or S- ranm modern nooae. near street car Una; ' part cash, bale ace monthly. Addreaa, giving full deacrlpUoa. location aad tarns, 0 43, JoarnaL 1 WANTED House sad lot, either on east at wanx maa ox river j win pay caaa ix price Is right; sgaata seed not answer. " Addreaa D 84, care JouraaL ,-" I. LANDIOAN win pay eaak (or cheap cottage an rural tar, t-nona uooa las. WANTED 4 to 8-roota house; party wltkoal caiMiren. inquire 144 Arthur. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS EE tba Lewie aad Clark fair at home; Band eoe in stamps Tor . handsome pooto nooa, nearly 300 riotoa of (air. TVaxAVs Inches. Western View Book Oo,, Portland. . PAINTlNO.-spTaytnr and whitewashing" treea, baaementa. barns, docks, etc.; largeet gsaollne apraying outni oa iaa coaax. at. 11. morgan Co., PT0 Mllwaokle at. Pkooe Kaat MIT. ORCHESTRA. S pleees, wants aagageaneats eveulaga, Banaaya; muale (or all eccaeione very reaaonabla. en LacratU st. TaL Mala 8508. WANTED Second-band set of carpenter tools; Bust be In arat-elaaa conditio a. Addreaa J. M. Ilnrtenahaw. general delivery-. Portland. HIGHEST 'Cask price paid tor .bottles and yank of every description, rartuna Bottle Bappur Co., 81 Nortk Elgbtasatb. Pkoaa Mala tUA. TICKETS to go- eaat or to Milwaukee. Chi eago or St. rank Address sr call sea.Tsyior at,, Bsnaay, 1 p.. m. WANTED Roll-top desk, good ousllty.- wins Bed prererrea. Adareas . a. winaloar, ioo 170 rirta at. HBNRT B. BGLBB. aaboTataring and renatrrna ruraitare pacxeo ror ahtptnent. rnons raclilf HIGHEST prlcea paid. Mra's old etotklng. shoes. uneie 400, 00 xoira st. fnooe raeine ea. WANTED To buy two earroada of fumlrure; muat no eoeap xor caaa. auus 00 no. GOOD driving rig wanted, karse. ksrnssa. and buggy- Apply 70S Oregonlan bldg. BOOKS bought. . sold and exchanged at tba Old book atora, za xamaiu at. P. J. BTDER, printer.' Second and rV ashing toa ata. t-Boae staia onan. WHO IB M. O. MORGAN CO. t FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ' POR BENT Furnished honeeheeplng rooaae ta neat anca Dioex oa eaat aide; gas raages, bath, etc 1 no transients; prlcea seoderate. Logaa blk., 10SH Union ava.. . earner Bast Alder. Pkoaa Union 8288. HOUSEKEEPING apartments, quiet location: 4-room eulte. 810 month: 3-rnom, 88 month) phono, water free. Ulckaou, University Park. 'Scott ISM. , HOUSEKEEPING apartments. aotet location: - 4-room suite, 810 mofath; 3-room. 88 month; poone, water tree, xiicsaoa. university rara. Scott 1208. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI TURE FOR 8 ALE. FOR beet results oa ' "FCRNrTTJBB." Whether to buy or sell, ring np Main 6068. PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS, 311 First St. MODERN honee for rent, furniture for sale; rent 830 per month. Inquire 301 Second st. FOR SALE CHEAP Tnrnltlire of S-roon bouse: reat 88 80. ISO Beat . Eighth at PIANO and furniture of cottage: rent $30. , 814 Minieon at. rnone main soeo. FOR RENT FLATS. B-ROOM fiat Including baaasjent, aaa af bath aad water paid; no children; 818. 628 Mill st. POR RENT New S-mem tower Sat; electric and gaa; 43S Eleventh at Inquire 14T Front. FUBNI8UED upper fist (or rant. Inquire after 3 p. m.. V Tenth St. FOR RENT OFFICE ROOMS.' SPECIALIST oa dtoeaeee of hair and aralp win aell half latereat of eetabllabed office to a reliable person; patronage too Back for eon. . Addreaa P. O. box 07, city. LA RGB top floor for lease, Morrison at., near postofflce: elevstor; eultabU tor offloas,. Ad dreaa M 41, care Journal. FOR BENT Centrally located office wltk phone. R. L. Cate, 113 Second at. ' OFFICB-KOOM for reat. aoagk bldg. Apply elevator. OFFICE-RCKIMS Ooodnough elevator. bldg. . Appty ROOMS AND BOARD. THE HESPERIAN ASS Morrlaoa at., aa ex crllent moderate-price family bosrdlng-hrmse, ' under new management, thoroughly reno- . rated, steam heat, electric lights, hot and cold water. Phone Main 1888. FIRST-CLASS rooms snd board for permanent rple, 822.80 and $28 per month: table board per weak. Aatnr boass, 7th aad Medians ata. Tel. Mala 8281. , . THB I R VINO Elegant aecoBOMduttons, bo exorbitant cbargaa;. dinlng-ronn In connec- tloa; prices right. Corner lath and- Irvine. ROOMS wltk board for permanent tenants. reaenoeoie, lirex-cjaas noma evosina, Slxtk at, . - SSI Everybody -: . 'r iir. . : ': Portland v;;:Rcadst--: Journal's Want Ads TheyBrlng Results I ? FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THB - KINO New building. - handeomely fur ' n la had, equipped with every modern eoavea- n-nce; oa direct car uae to expoaiooni au outal lalde rooma: kaat. gaa. electric Ughte, por aln bathe: rataa. 60a. Toe and 81: take el Fifth at. aar from union deoot to 80S Jetfar- Boa st. aaar city kaU. Phone Black 1811. THB RAMANN, 188 N. lata., cor. Hoy t Newly . (urnlehed reona, 1.88 up; convenient Ineatloa, IB auiaatea' walk to (air grousde; Morrlaoa ear at union depot dlaaet to house. Phone 8470. JUST the place for (air visitors; alee, large rooma; apeclat rates to partlra ot 4. 8 or people; housekeeping rooms. . BOSW Alder, MABQCAM UOCBB. 14TH4 Stb Rooma an salts or aingie; aouaeseaping rooma; gaa aieiea, bath, alec trie Ughte; traaaleata soUclted. WILLAMETTB HEIGHTS Nicely furnished room for two, with or witnoot noara; new ' Blotters real dance. Pboae Mala 8703. s FRONT parlor tor gentleman ot refinement whs wianaa rosea- aaa tna center ex city. an Kvsrett et. THB O LADS TONS Sim Baelar St.. fnralsnad rooma; aadar new management; prices rea -aoaable. - - CHEAPEST aad best loeated rooms ta Portland. 81 week aad up. Gllmant Beret aad Alder ata. THBGRAVD. 46H Tf.-TWrd at, I men, gi.ou per waaa aaa ap. THB CASTLE 873 Washington at I furnished rooma. t-nooa sua 107a. FOR RENT HOUSES., A SWELL., new,, modern, bona of T- rooma; will reel to a . good tenant 810 a month; will give lease if desired; between S car tinea. Call 438 Beat Thirty-fourth at., Sooth. POR RENT 8 rooma oa Sret noor, without a mau children ; price reason a Die. ' aa r.aat Kleveath and Waahlngtoa ata. Phone Kaat SduS. v rooma, outbuildings, axoder,;' parties Wltnoat eniiaren; rurniiure ror eaie. vau xae meaia vua, Foortk aad Balmoa. 8-ROOM modern booae oa east alda, tn good location, f 18 per month. Ilartman, loompsuu g TjusniBBrT $16 SEVEN-ROOM kooae, SttO Eaat Twaaty- seven tk at., n.eniiworta carve. Bear dm ion Kelly KkooL Phone Main 4838. . .. TO RENT la Tremout. 4-room bauaa, almoet new. 87 a awatb. Inquire 848 Eaat Fourteenth at. city. FOR RENT 18-room bouse for 114 are $80 per an boose. month, Tffl- wast-A-arK. st Inquire at $8 n YE ROOM cottage; large base meat '. Key O'NeU'a grocery. Hood aad Great. GOOD, mortem, nearly aew 8-roora bouse, IB' quire afsl Sacramento at. - FOR ' RENT MISCELLANEOUS. TO LB ASK HOTEL Furnished. SB rooms. $28 per month. CH. Plggott, Uwyar, owaM, 4 Mitlkey bldg. ' BUSINESS CHANCES. STRANGERS desiring to locate to Oregon will do well to call apoa me before deciding, as I . SB seanslnted with la ode and values In each county, and nave a urge uax 01 Bargains to eeleet from, ana aura all sums ot business onenlnas for a a la at tempting nricea. Having traveled the state ever fosthe peat SO year I am preparvas w Bervv roe. xx. vf, mill 308 Goodnough bldg. PortUnd. Or. Wit "nv DBS Bf tn oeat rjaytng retail giucel J and meet msrketa la tba city that wa will affar for a few days: tbla will sold atand Inveetlgntloa, aad to geln etna to be tbla week. If you are Intereeted call at our efftre ssd learn the reason why. norths Land Co., SOB Morrlaoa at, room 311, .. BnOWiain HOURS BARGAIN " B-room bouee, etoaa to. near Washington St., rnrnaro heat ass. Urgs baseinent. attic. etc., cheap rent, toeee, furniture good: will - SO evince ; owner lenvrng city, etowi lerme. OREGON AHSOClATEDEZCHAKGB. . . - lHSJi Foartk at Koom 88. - P1NB exmfeetlonesy, cigar and poolroom: Boat sell en account of etckneee. Inquire Mra. - H. L. Provost, end of Bunnyaldo and Mount 1-snor rerllne. Would exchang acreage i-r bouae ssd lot. rnone aaat aia. call eveolnga or Sunday. - - - FREE LANDS IN OREGON. - FBRTTLB aoll. pare water, delightful climate: land of alfalfa, apples and clover Par dull Inter me uon aoarvaa toe lauusijiB oouioern Irrigation Co.. bo noraaaxer 01a., roriiaa, . . . , K W M,...a mmJI el. I lue Imel. , neeal macblnery run by electric power; low . rent Thle la a good chance for any one wltk nam Snoney who wiu give an attention nam. Apply awner. 66B WlllUmo ava. ' SEIXINO OUT AT COST. - O. A. Wllaoa Co., SOT Third St., between Taylor and Balmoa. their entire etoctr.' con, elating 01 wan paper, pamta, varaianao, aus. bruanee, picture morning, xramaa, etc. . FOB sals ' or rent Sickness comoela ma to sell my flock of thoroughbred Plymouth Rock 'pigeons, alao sobmf commoa onea, with or wltnoat bnlldhxga, etc.; a snap. M., Gllmpa A SNAP Stock and flxtnrss of cigar, tobacco. . confectloaery and fruit store, . doing good baalBeaa; muat be sold before October 1; beat or reaaona ror Bailing; pries gauo. Ad. drees I 41, JoarnaL WELL. EQUIPPED restaurant doing oad beat- aeaa: reason for Belling, booha apea for In- ' spectlna; reat no per mourn; price ar,300: eaay terms. Inquire B. B. Cook A Co., 251 Alder at , FOB BALE Oa account of alcknias, alee, clean, money-making buatnee ea eaat aide) aales from $18 te $38 per day: price $1,400, or will Invoice; aa agents wanted. O 80. The JoarnaL SS-CHAIR rrataursnt In heart of rity. everage eaie aio pea oay. rent only era' per mouth, price $1,600; this Is a money-maker. Baa It 6. B. Copk Co.. 381 Alder st TWO modem 8-roma koaaes, enrner Ross snd airnniea ate.; oomer aouae, ga.znti; inside, 82.760: tertna to eult. J. F. Wllaoa, 337 Chamber of Commerce. , ..... . POR SALE Reatanrant and hmchmom a vera g- mg aoo per any oueinees; price gi.xxjo. rail on Taft A Co., dty, or writs A, Master, Hoseborg, Or. ...... GROCERY Wltk trsda running as high ss , 8100 per day; choice enraer location; $900. For ssls by The Hons Land Co.. 146 Flrat at- .VJ ' PARTNER, also general agent, $300 to $.100 capital required, fully aecured: light mfg; enormoue proflta. Room 10. 22.1 Vt Flrat st. -- FOR SALE Stock of general merchannise la good location; sales from $800 to $1,000 par month. Addreaa Lock Box 8. Taagent Or. POR BAIJT - Batabllabed photngrapb atndle; Splendid sonlpmant good tmilniee, j addisee P. O. Box 407, Oregon City, Or. WHEN looking for a location, either city ee country, call oa tba Northwest Lead Co- SOB Morrlaoa at., room til. . ONE of tha beet mtntng punier lies oa the coast; toa. K ST. care -of journal, NEWSPAPER plant (or ssls la a growing town: weU established bualneea. Inquire T. L. B., care JonmaL - PURNITURB factory, located SRS Water St., ror aaie, cneap; rreaou, aicsnaaa; most leave Portland, - FOB SALB Brick hotel, as roorha, good fam. 1 tare, aplendld lean a; ia Portland. Y 48. JoaraaL FINB erioortanlty ta established bnelneea: need help aad capltaL Address U 84. ear JoaraaL WANTED A partner la a goad paying boslneea. aaayor geuxarmen. my morraauB at, room k. POR SALE Good reataurant, wltk lease I (tn I location, 413 Morrlaon st NAP Half Interest tn salaoa $100. Adareea A cure aournai. , . WHO IS M. O. MORGAN A OO. T ; FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. 7- YERT ctrotc totj SorlOO,, Hclladars sdd; tlpe a home at Mt. Tabor. 100x100, oa) rar line; Pall Bun water, T mo ma, batk.'baraV ail - Alada fralt. r- Owaer, 128 Third at, i - , '. ':::..: :," FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ; ACBBTRACTSI , ' OO SPECIALTY IB ACRE IBACTSI Polllsad atraata, water -to sack aera, ' TERMS $10 PEB ACBB CASH 7 $10 PER ACBB PER MONTH. . ' Toa go to these a area oa the same , ear, Ky the asrae Be (are the lot maa pays. Tka I maa la year neighbor, bat he Is re rtrirted la majority of (ea tares that tanks a true subarbaa home. t . t A, & CHURCHILL A 00 XX .' . . v.. UO Basond at.,, NEW modern 8 room cottage, . Eaat Twelfth near Murrlaon, easy walking distance; nice r large lot : gas, porcelain bath, eeueot base ment rooms. Urgs, pantry, .eloea ts. sto.l a "bargain at $3,0u0 terms.. . f , . ; ., j, New modern cottage. Hawthorne kve.i B large rooma, besides pautry, ckwats, bathroom. Urge porch: only $1,800, $3C0 down baUaca monthly paymaota. . ,. . , , , New modern 8-roon bouee, bath.' Urge ball, cloacta, cement baeameot, piped (or gas; large -kt 6010 41.300, lerme. -OREGON ' ASSOCIATED EXCHANGE. JJ: ' 103 Fourth St., room 88. - SO ACRES, all ta berrlea and fruit: modem j bouse. Urge bars; close ta car line; $8,000. ' 10 acres, berry and fruit ranch; clue to, good hulkltnrs;-for aaU cheap, with terms.' B-room cottage, . modern, close In, $1,100, kalf caahahalanca 818 nor month. - 6-room modern rottaa on Grand are, clone . to ia j ex.; pries view; aaay terms. Also sabarnan cottages snd bouass oa amall payment; XV to 8100 down. . . 404 Eaat Morrlaoa St. Pbona Eaat B2S. - POR SALE " ' ' ' " ' Cottage. - - 77 - riNB MODERN COTTAGB 1 Z Five Urge rooms,.- complete; hatk, lsrgs near aiant; atreet graaea; rents pis par Booth; low caah price; terms considered. Address - J u, journal. . " A PULL bVork oa Grand aes., old buildings bringing $280 par. month: an excellent loeatloe . for hotel, tenement house or atora buildings; nothing better la Eaat PortUad; price $3B.O0ot " 816.000, balance long time at low rate ai lotereet. Addreaa 0 4a, care Journal. $300 DOWN and $18 monthly bays aew modern B-room jaonee, cement basement bath, choice -location, fine .jjliCe-r good - selghhorhood. aplendld $0x100 lot Mealy fenced, beautlfnl . lawn: an exceptional IMrxujln; pries $1,8B0. xioxoe uh . ta, jao- rini st. DO yoa waat 8 booae and lot ea Eaat 8th at. Bear Osk St., at price of kit? If so, I have It Lot ouxitm, svroon Donee, anca basement, Beta bbq - toilet, nne coerry uaea; f3,aWA part oaah, Addreaa O 48, ears Journal, ll.BOO.i a room cottage, 1 acre, Improved. 11,900 . 8 room house, fin tot, close to, ' 11,000 B2-room traneleat; a snap. . -- . Room 302. ComsarrrUI Bloek FOB SALE t scree, rtesn. with modara : 10-room nous a, along golf Unk car Una; ana bearing fruit treea; Boot ba ad. Inquire - oa premiaae, vie muwauaio as.-- TWO nice bnlldlng lota, 60x100 each, a corner jranrovea, reeny ror nuiiaing; nice ennae treee. Inquire or owner, 110 Wilbur st, Willauv ette Btatton. , .' . THINK IT OYER I will sell a modern cot tage, between two cnrllnee, gss. sewer, etc.. . monthly payments asms as rent. I 45, ears journal. . -v , MODERN 8 to S room booses, lerae Iota, no Marguerite eve., Montevllla car Una; your own terms; sail and examine, w. J. Burden, HAYS yoa $4,800 to lnveett I owe a nronertv . which I can show will be worth $20,000 In a xew year. Aaar see h 03. ease JoaraaL m H llt.rM.TVA a aanwa nttmmmm mm a, am ... $M down, $18 per aoatb: other $1,100. $100 down, $18 per month. Pkoaa Eaat 878. POR SALE at a bargain, modara 7 -room bouae an Eaat Taylor, class ln tar ma to salt porcnaaar. apply r as. care joaraaL- PORTLAND HEIGHTS T-room house, modern. 4 block; most aightly locatloa oa heights. Real Estate, room 10, I. O, 0. P. bldg. . FOR SALB Modern eabarben cottage, eloea to ear Una. Sua location, ground 100x100. 0. W. P. -Townalte Co., 184 First st FOR SALB -st s bargain Neat suburtisa cot tage. 8 rooms, 4 lota, good location; see before bnjlng. Address Owner, care ournL, 300 FARMS, email tracts aad lota: bargains ma -O. W. P. electric line. O. R. Addltoa, Lenta, Oregon. Take Mt. Scott ear. Be. $1,050 New S-rooBi cottage sad S Urgs lots on comer urana eve. ana aoaver at Bee st- - . WE build houses: easy monthly payments; lota furnished if . desired. - 813 Commercial bldg. Main 1840. . ., SELLWOOD tots. 88 down and from $78 to $300, Sail wood ' Phone Eaat 4704. S a month; iwaalto Oa. POR BALE Lots U, IS. IS, bloc 3, Arleta Park, $12B sack. Addreaa Kate Webster. Barton, Oragoa. . . - POR SALE S-roon boass on car tins with ..sere fruit treea, ate. Inquire 8817 Bast Slxtk st NBW , ntodern 8-room house, cheap; leaving city. 00T Union ara., aortk. Pbona East 3641....'. . t,- . B-ROOM house, cheap for cash. Inquire L. B. Remington, Rose moot ava., M on ta villa car. POR BALE T-room house. Sixth snd Alberta eta.. HlghUnd. Call up Union 8388. FOR SALE FARMS. ONLY $5.000 Sarrlf Ice aala of ' claoa No. 1, Willamette valley farms, 420 scree,. 120 seres plow land, balance grating and timber, all fenced nnd water In every field; 8 be me, good bouae, shade for machinery, sheep, boga and wood, smokehouse and granartea) 5-acre orchard, choice vsrtettewr-all Bsceasary ma . chlnery. mower, rake, plows, harrows, wsgoa with racks, daw plow, - hayforks with ropes , snd pulleys, garden tonta, axes, aawa and all ' kinds ef fsrmlng tools, workhorses. 3 aala , harnene. ' chh-kena and turkeys. 40 tons bar. 300 buahele eata, 100 huehesi wheat. - B. B. UUOK tX. , . -.? SSI Alder st. . . ', h BIG BARGAIN .- - 120 scree of rick apple, grain snd timothy Jsnd la the fertile White Salmon Taller; 40 acres In cultivation, balance brush, eaatlv cleared; all f. rat-class soli; 4 springe snd S wells, orchard of 800 bearing fruit treee. fine timothy and vegetable meadow, a T-room honee, barn, large rblcken-honea snd park. , blarksmtth-ehop, other - bulldinre, close to school, 4 miles from town of White Salmon ; s lovely home: only 82.1O0; - $1,000 cash, . balance on or before 8 yeare: the biggest bargain offered tbla year. Address f, 0, Maclnnea, Whits Salmon, Waahlngtoa. S3 ACRES on car line, partly cultivated. $ 800 .4 acres, all fenced sad cleared, at TrontiUU 300 T scree, S acres cleared, at Gate's croaalng , BSO 13 aeree, houas snd hers, near G rea ham 1.3V) .13 acrae at-Oregnn City; S-y-onm honee. . S.00O 30 , acre, near Hea vert on; ail cultivated 8,000 100 ' acres, near 811 vert on, Oregon.,.:.., 8S0 . HOBAN A TAGGART, 108 Sixth St. A HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENT of ISO seres of flrat-claaa anil In tha Wbftt Balmoa valley, 3A acres meadow and adapted for clover snd timothy, balance rich fruit ' snd grain land; one acre cleared and fenced, small cabin, close to school, store sad post office; only 810. i, , . , . , , . WHITE SALMON LAND CO., White Balmoa, W ash. S8 ACRES. 10 miles from Portland. Stt miles rin neiminn, . ia - acree ciearea, Minnca paatnra, running water, lo-mota hnnoa ' with fnrnsce, frame bare, ISO-foot chicken' house, ' Incubator, 8 rows, I f ana team, SnO ' chickens, 3 wagons and sit farm tools snd machinery; price IS.rxiO; will take a l.5.i0 -2! JIiKJV P""nnUif Wilson, 327 Clianibef of Commerce, : 81.TIV0 BUYS 8 84,800 (ana of 188 teres. S- room Bouse, nam, good water. I1 miles from wire boose, 114 ml lea to school; $1,008 cash, balance $ years' time. P. J. Maboney, Take. Weak. , nC''v a ' - CHEAPEST farma, small and larga, heat bv rstion, muee north rton Cortlaod; good tranapnftatlnn. Call or writs to (srmsf. Jossnh Parksr, Bolbtoot, Or, " , ' I '' - ; for sale FREB "government farm "Isnds ' or-ed 1' . settle iuent: level valley land; Da luae or timber; water end eml (irat-ciass. Boodi 08 Labba bldg., cor. Second and WaaungtoB. PRBB LAND- IN OBEGON- under the "Carey -. Irrigation Act. Deed - direct from atata. Write today,. Booklet and map tree. B. a. Cooke Co.. 341 Alder st. PurtUad. Or. 23 ACRES, j mile to railroad station, H burned and ready to seed, 8 seres (In creek r bottom, partly cleared; price 816. Wot,' M. Hlfa, Sherwood, Or. B. P. D. route 8. POR aoatbera Oregon real estate. Urge or amall tracts. Dillsrd A Clayton. Roaebnrg. Or. f. HORSES AND CARRIAGES. ' A FINB top boggy, bares aad harness, anat tSSS, (or aala cheap, or trade tat lot, A. M. lacker. S4S Washlngtoa sa .. . . s. GOOD horse and baggy lady aa handle. -Call , I0 Stable, 12,Xnlon ava., and aik tor i Welck's ig. s : - - . .-' FOB SALE One coal wagon,. Pbona Mala 1018. FOR SALE-r-TIMBER. TIMRER LAND 4a- Washington. 120 aarea oa river near eawmlll; reliable croleer eetl ' metre 8,0uo,000 (est- cedar, hemlock and ' apt-ace: pries 8080. Hobs Land Co., 1464 Flrat st . . - DO yoa want timber 7 I est 180, worth" 80,600, wblcb I will aell tar $4,600; an nbeo- 7 . ' ttrtely ante Inveatment D 68. care Jonrnal. POR BALE Tw boensstoad rellnqulahxaeat cUlme: second growth; will sell cheap, . M. P. Malsoe, Hotel BkelapfaU. - - ' CERTIFIED scrip, any. stss ptoeesi kiwaat prices. W. O. Howsll, $8$ Ckamber al Caaa . .. .. , 80 ACRES timber-land, Yamhill eon sty, $300. . Apply $30 Mleetealppt sva. Pkoas , Vatoa !i 8403, ...... , , 1 POR HOMESTEADS, timber elalraa aad sertp ; - spply to 308 Commercial blk.. TO EXCHANGE. : ."77 POR KK CHANGE A Bna sons In Rogue River Valley, aoatbera Oregon, near city: price Alao 300 acres coal snd timber land, ; $1,000. Alao property In Willamette valley. ; AU sr sny part of above (or farming land , , In eaataro Oregon. W. 0. Pur din, Box 870, Grants Psea, Oregon. WASHINGTON-ST. rooming boass of SB rooma to exchange for 6 to 10 acrae Improved suburban tract Hons Lead Co., . 146)4 lirat at - a '-- t. . . . . POR sale or trade, 7 -room bona, full basement; -alao reomlng-uouae (or farm, pries $3,600. , ISO East 34tk St.. dty. Phone Eaat 378. TO EXCHANGE A aew modern T-room bona . xor aa oux eetaouaneo coorectmnery Address H 48. care Journal. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK. - FOR SALE 84 tame cows, sll young; is calvee; . 18 steers; T self ere, yearlings: one 8-year bull; una 3 year atsg; are not breachy, and i are la good condition. Bd Cluff, lona. Morrow county, Oregon. FOR .SALE MISCELLANEOUS. MRS.'' HOWE'S BULLETIN Good - cleaa and dry, ready to cord, at $3.80 pa ' cord: osk snd fir at- cat rate; brick to Bale "cheap: express (or : hire; houses tor reat. Phone TJnloa, 178 or 1308 Eaat Dlvtoloa at " BILLIARD AND POOL table tar teat or tag sals oa saay payments. " THB BRUNSWICK-BALKS COLLENDBB CO. 48 Third st. Portland. . .. .. WANTED At sacs, to Import to aoaad city a large quantity of oeeo ad-hand fnrnltara, for which hlgbeat caah price will be paid. A. M. Seattle, nooa 323, Falling bldg. ....... - . ' BEW aelf-fed ripsaw machine for ripping mold. Ing stork; one of the newest on. market - alao- emery grinder, for tw wheels, , P. Ba 400 Esst Failing. PortUnd. Oregon. . DUCK hunters and fishermen notice: Per aala, nailing sloop with SxIS-foot eubtn; furnished .for 8; In good order. . Inquire Orphean theatre for Cook. . FOB- SALE One- complete set ef scenery, 14 . foot; 1 baas drum, 1 snare drum; alao 1 6 buraer blue-flame olUtove. , Call Gay Paras, 1 ths TrsIL YIENNA ckalra, matting, booth, glass parti- lions, etc., for eaie mean, inquire or B. Campbell, at Natural Pood Booth, Agricultural bldg. - .rfT ..1 . BOO DOEEN Maaeu'a frultjara, all stosa, aaad - once, good aa new, etieap. PortUnd Bottle Supply Co, 881 Nortk Eighteenth, Mats SSda. WB print your name aa 80 calling earns, arnpeg else sad style, sfic: 850 bualneea earde. $U ' Brows A Schnale, 320 First PertUnd. Or. - WOVBN-WIRB snd Bpbolatered eota. sans . stovea, bamnocke sod camp furslture. Pa - etna Teat A Awning Co.. ST Kertb First. LARGEST stork af bottles ta northwest: orders filled promptly. PortUad Bottle supply Uo 801 Nortk Elgkteeath st. Mala 3288. -. ,' LAUNCH for ssls, length 88 feet, 10-H, f. ea. gins, large carrying capacity; price very " cheap,' Addraaa H ea, care JoarnaL - GENUINE band-made India blankets sold el half price ( a (ew da ye at No. SOS Stark st, bet First sad Freni POR SALB Store fixture scales, showcases. counters, refrlgerarore and e barring. AA drees J 41, cars JoaraaL - POR SALE On incubator snd brooder, ana bnnecutter ssd soe clover-catter, -.. Apply 888 Kaat Tenth at., north, . . PORTABLE, locomotive boiler and. engine, 4- onraepower. v. a. nggotrs mw oioce. Mulkey bldg. . - $400 UPRIGHT piano $00. seed 8 moat he organ am;, muat ecu. saiva rirsc npstalra. iADY'S Columbia wheel, $8: gent's Colombia, tandem tires. $10, worth doubis. ' 440 Flftb. HORSE, harness snd wagon. $0(1. Call Wis- ' cons in hotel, Beveatecntn and ltrtrove ata, . CEDAR posts st Oswego; Urge or amall lots. Apply u. 1. m. Co.. nw nnerlork bldg.. TWO kitchen tressnree, S mantel beds, 3 ataad ing lamp, au new, ajar inira at. POR SALB 1 small air compressor, ebeap, Ms v. saorseai m ta. vio aaiiwauai SX. , t. A GOOD baby bug pry for axis cheap. , Call sfter Wedneedsy, 310 Carry at. 13,000 BOXES of fancy winter appUs tot aaht by Horns bruit tV, Cove. Or. EDISON movlng-plctnra shew for gala cheap. impure vt am Blxtn at.' 1 - ' i PERSONAL. DR. ALFRED L. ANDERSON, Neuropath, earaa an comoio ana nervous aieeaeee, anca aa rheumatism, catarth. paralyaka, Uver and kidney troubles; sll head sod stomach) troubles, such ss constipation snd dyapepala, are cured In the shortest possible time: all nervous snd female weekoreeoa are perms. Bently cared. Dr. Andereon In his treat men re doea not nee any drags, bat applies the) celebrated neuropath in treatment, which goes ' direct to the cause of the aliment. Hla office, ara dally crowded by those who have failed to get relief by the nss of drugs or sorrerv. tr yoa are one of these, sail an Dr. Anderson (or free consultation - aad advtc. . Lewm building, corner Morrison and Park. Pbona Pacific 408. Office hours from $ a. art P- . . '. Y. p. fYltal-Powar) (ablets win restore ia jreu) are lacking la tha power af vitality, Ira Inoe resulting from Indiscretions gad excaeeea. vevu iot mi ok tuese xaniers snd bs eeo Tinned of their merit, Ftv aull im ni-i, - 11. TbO . Armstrong Tablet rw Stn M Dnlams blk., Detroit Mich, - DBTECTIYBsgenetos Crmfldenttal Inveatlgs. un-t in-w ew, va -UJ lUOIViauai BUBrheS er property: booke exnerted;' beet city refer ence; chat res reaaonable; soirsanondeaee so licit. d. Oregon Detective Service, offices ' 814-118 OoliiDirna bldg., Washington at Portland. Phone Mala BSlBv GTrST EENOBIA'S her, roots snd brk , uiaiaaas) - allsuiB a-S UlSAy Oid, n 1 1 ,19,