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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1905)
e :; jjtz viley t i:i ,. ' - , . . V : ' ' , , Quality Much Better Than Last Season With Acres; and , ; . Production Larger, r - t I :t?J r.x-rb A-a Now Arrivir. j Tji t t Crir.-'id V.'zrrir.ti P:t iow Hd- Foes.snojii mm Receipts Are Now Smaller Than Demand and Some Prices . ' . Are Rather HlghiVjj PRESSED MEATS CO . i , AT HIGHEST VALUES Tomatoes ' Higher With XitappUes ' Smaller and Demand Oood--Potato ikuUt Is.Dull. Likewise Onions- -Car of Latter in -Todays ; 'a"" Yrakt StreetT Bept.".--Ths bPaI !" t tbe rortlaad.wboloBsh? sanrheta tooay er. " Poultry utkit etoews firmness. . tvtjBfv eiv-'piiii i Car, Vail Walla mivsrskha oemee. -. uplery shacks an larger. 'ft flue Tnk.r arsae from JsckasavUle. Prima etsete in nn snaps. , ... ... , Crsbepplee alow la soaring. ' Apple demand Is very heavy. - ' " Qulaaea are coming rmtner over, t , .... ..m , Tangerines srs k better denised. , Tomatoes hlgberi aappJlee uglit. rrwwrm ....... ' v. .. t , i - Battar-aae-eaeeea are all. .. . , , . : ;-ealtey ' ar!awa i A ireaiaeal af flnaneea la now ebowa la tae . iPrt- ta the aeanad ee a f1"? I eaaaltleaa will be. the treae at a km te aey. poultry bow. arrWIac aold. "V"2 'tara eeaor. ana. book aalea of faaey bene . aalea a fraetloa blfber. There le aaw betn broaabt aboat by "JZ - beHdeye. Tarbeya are beta aaacbt aaferly wl roTtbeee very blab prteaa are today roltel. ' 'brcelptf are very aaull. '.f 1 rl ..v-lom TaweataUa af ealtrr .1 : To- FarreU baa uet beea tarae toeae fre-. tor, noa. bat baa again ruled almeelr wttb The poaltry awket baa f aoma time aeea very aoodfor all eooaa la tbla line. " good eprlagr are laraiad at tbla wrttlag. Swd geeee are eelllng agmm at lf. -.are ah. la deawtad at T,"22rUS 'bare beea, doing vary well, aboat an Ml wiu m ., wSTataad erawdhuj at ta. of the rja and any tbet are ao, www a- . - T- be kept aatll tbey are aca. We are ef Jtae ; oplnloa that the eemlag ' ""f 'ieeojaad or aU gradea el poultry . and that eblppera WIU baaafa.,'f v-.- '.. ,V: i ' tier" leielpla Saewa m Sgge. VaryaeU raeelpt are abowaatocal ranrt HP. Cbkai are not Uymg . . . . .. . w .BrutiMDy aa -blab . wic7 h, tbla elty. tbua dividing ap. the pradorv BaMera bteeba are ee notbiag aq iw w .Z. -'Mllilil gnaww - nil - There la a very rd aemaad raung au r ItaM nf ereeaed areata. ArrrrabJ ef feel along the, atrbet are aomlaal with' the drmiad very ' bilft at top pre rallng agmhu The eoolef breather e a behj. ta the awrkat. ealp ef i We ere not beery aaaagh, Bad ne. aiarhet to - ml .r,i fteeOaa'b 'eir abvyr ! ?IM4kead ortftrt-lee at' vy beart and mm aalea are teperteoVaiade aa alh aa 3 per DOS. vrwumrj pr" . " ylmUrU: ar not aa flrayM ret-rlaai aloeke. ':' . Crabepptee. eeem-te 1 crebaaolee eeea.vs have axepped altogether la .. coming ta aiaraet. laaiw awm. : si ' riB Tokay grapea. avow better. -thaa ' those 'trrom Oallferalar -were- ahlpped Ja by Jaekeon. ietlle growera tale awrntug. - Market good. ""rVNKorda are eon tog galte -freely, o deaund ' la rood add qoaltty ebme.' Wcea anebaaged. s ' Ttngertnee are agahi la market and ere qootwl tmUiJ firm. Qetncee ate njovlag t" tore are higher ea aecouet af amaller receipU .U a ade-aadi anna aalea -.MO-e v.reeee are la tela eapply er ttto period .af rtbe prasoa. bat prleaa are high. Peaebee In anly fmir npply, bat deaMad la not wrotaariosa a r rUat of poorer ; ejaallty.y. Wgb, . how "-''retarora are good aaly raaeywlth prVee 'Nhe- aaata aa yeeterday. another ear of Walla ; ! WalU aelons In. The ahtpmen eoastttad nnmt.i ' - ef eilrerektna. Ideals vary scarce ea eceoaqt of C?ZIm tooreaaa b aan to the late av , rleala at eelery rnria WUtoiestte valley polaja. "OaaHtyhetter and deawad good at TattWe per Batter to Seataafc . ..There la a good dan-ad now ruling ror '. ., try store batter and son aalea are re .ported as high aa ITe. , ' , . - TcreeT batter Is roaring elle rreely. bat c fhera bee hsea ea Jaersaas in thade-and. rPrfce. aa the street rsage rreaitTH babOe a pomd. aerardlng ta analtty and stoe of order. - - Cbeees recelpta are liberal, bat trade la saly tea. - ' .! i'': '. 'Bap Karkat Sen his ttslet. . t Tbsra bi Tory aatot aaa dun feeling at the Hop -erect. A few sales ef eheap stork as si ported as Che valley at lie with aa aceaaloaal report af a traneaetloB la choice s round 13c rower are hoMrag firm, bat It bow aseam . the Intention of the brewers to tire them oat .'by withholding their parrhaees. At-tha mar t bet bow ruling ta New York eholee-Psclfleo tat r tele state shoold be quoted around Ml a ...-.pound. 1 The folhraiBg anotatlona are belag paid sbaM 'Front street by tha , refill trade for eboo eullty la teaad lota, rrodacera! prices are as .specified:. , , . emla, near sad Vaaa. . -'- .." WHSAT New rlnb, TV; Bed BoseUa. Te . btaesteni. Tee: valley. Tie. -v ; J BARLkT Teed. Jt BofjOj rolled; ttt.M V fc.0: brewing,, . : CO BN Whole. Sn-oai eraeked. SM-W per tea. PTE II DO per ewt, 1 - OATS-Predaesra prlee Ner t white, ttt.90 ,! grey. $2t.0OOj0O. . rrtna Old. eeetera Oreaoa Pstenta. S4 10: etretghte. $S.60e)a.U eiporta, $S. veUey, I as; gransas i , ee.ovt ,iw,. wum, 10.00; MltuiTI'rT Brea, la.M per toai aiM elty. dllngs, 128.00; shorts. try,- sao-erfi aa. mm M iH A Tfrodaeera' pnee Tlo tiy. Wlllsmette velley, fsncy. JlI.OOtJlS.M: erdlnsry, T.oOi 00: esatera Oregon - 4U.00)15.00: ntlxe-L rl Ms.Oei elorer. tv.0J10. grain. M.Wd 00; cbeeWo.00ea.MK - . Butter, Egge and Vealtry. . ' - BUT I Bit yT Sweet, ale; sear. Bar. , - BUTTBB City areaaMry, boat. SOflttHei aerond grade. 271 ontalde fanry, STMUSOc; .ordinary. SBOttci etore. IteilTe. KCMia Te. 1 treab Orearm, candled, Ve; cold storage and eastera, MdJSSe. . niUAt-Nw Poll eream, twin, laHOlee; fTenng America. 1HOl5c; Cheddar. 14c POL'tTBT Tblrkene. UdH pr lh: fancy heoa. 14H16 perlbi roosters, old. t U ' lo per lb; fryers, 14c per lb; broilers, lc per K; docks. Mlle per lb; geeee. 9inc m ; turkeys. 1S322C per lb; dreaaed, 2&c .per lb; qatbs, f3.S0eS.ou pr- doa. , . Beat, Wast aad Bides, x HOPft 1900 Orywl. QHHt Waahlngton. FRIDAY PRICES IN - it,vTHE WHEAT: MARKET ' , . -.. . e d e e f e :.t .''i-V-V'- ' " i 'iept. t Chicago 4H I .HA, d I.werpool i ka .a. un..WAA t - Hew Tork..... d Mlnneapollg . e Puluth 4 Kansas City.,. ..... " e Ean Franclacel. aa .14 Ti ' e .10 A . .HA. e ....- . .11 d ,TiB d - lle e 1'i.rf'i. r t-r!-. j JOUnr.'AL'S DAILY r l TIPS TO SHIPPERS It now appears that the reason , e , why chickens -ere ee high at tha -e moment ia on account of the? aa- d e Vera' competition amonc - tha e d Front atreat trada for , consign. o d menta. - Tha demand, however, la e vary irood and . unless ahippara , e - flood tha market within tha next e few days present conditlona mar continue. Otherwlaa tha future O la ia doubt. - ' lOCJlle; 104 crop. IXe for choice, 11 HO 11c m primes esq nteaiuma. v. - WOOl ivud eUp, raller. nun ta Btedleav, 2bs( aae, Wilet aastara tVegea, W22e. : - - - ,. .. htOHAIB Itoarlnal. BOemtla. BUEKP8KIKS Shearlag, lestaB.. short weal. aotiJOe; -atedlam wool. 0ceei nm Waal, AA - TAIXOW Priam, 'per i sdjte; He. 8 a CHITT1M BABK SHQSe per . s BIDES Dry hides. h. 1. la ms aad aa, lflejlaV4e.Mr Ibi ara klB. b. a. , U II aie. 14c; dry calf. Mo. A aader aaw laejlaet dry salted hides, eteere. aeaod. aO las av aeea Vsei SO to ee Iba, S4tgw, nnee e lbs aad cowa, ScMHc; stage aad balm, aeand. eejTe; hip. II to to tosTm soaad. la ss 14 mo. PeJ Hat calf, aoasd, eader 10 Bm PHei: green iaasalted), e per- Ik kma: culm. le per to Weal bereeblde. salted, i each. l.l.Ts: dry, each. $1.00 0)1. SO; coll hides, each. SaOlauei goat aklna. oaaildos, each, lOfUaei Angora, with wool aa, each. lBcl.- ' ' . tratto aad Tegetabwa, ' . . POTATOES Beat 4regon, eoOTSe; ear Iota, Oe ear a j ordinary, ud0c; sweet. Sa aaeka, I4C era tee. - . 0N10.N8 New Oregoa yellow Daavera, 11.00; ear kta. POc; garlic. httlOe oer lh.. PRE8H PBCITS Apples, Oregon. H.00O1 SOl toacy, gl.ToQ2.O0; crabapples, 1.50: erasgrs, late talearlaa, P4.TBtrA.3s; bananas. e per lh; lemoaa, rticess. fo.00.T6 per bes; fancy, .00 ner . box: . ll u.iiru set 100; pineapples. M-00 "per doa; peachee. fanrr. eVOOc; ordinary. m?6ci. plume. T6e1.00 pni creie; caniawupaa. loo per craw, aieloas, AOe per ewt; grairaa, Oregoa. 60j7Sc; Concords. Sa, gOc; 10a, Ue baaket: California, T5cl.B0 boa; pears. Bartlstt l.i .pet boi: Winter Nellie, tl.SS per boa; bUckber. rlea. aoetja.00 cssabaa, t2.0aXM dos; (reek prunes ) per lb; pomegranates. 1 23 per box. VjMBTABLEaV-JTWalpe, aew, 10w aer aackl carrots gl.00 per .ask; beets, $1.00(1 l.ts per eeekt 0c(4Cadiabss. See par aeat cabbage, Oregon. JBl.xS per ewt; greea peppers. Be perSbT local tomatoes, e0r: paranips, fLOoQlJIfi; etring beans, 4g:; rsullflower. T3ct1.0O dos; rbaharb. per lb; korseradleb, lue lh; arilchokes. - eOQ 0a - per. doa; keed lettoco, 0e per doa; greea enleaa, ( ) per deal sptaaeb, ee per lb; greea care, Tile par sack; seen; ta per lb; cucambere.' T6e per sack; celery. Colorado, etc; local. TS8Be per One; tggplaat. $3 00 per eratrt pempklaa, Hee. DBIBD PBUITBABOlea, avaaoraaed. lte per lb: aorteote, PUnl3e per Ibr sacks, 4M aer to Issst anikia, aaiBs per lb: seen. -ser lb Brunoa. Itallae. H4H ' per to; Preach. IUA4 He per lb: TUa. CalltoraU bisck. triSHe nor Ibi California white, .aer Ibi aleem. pitted, nor Ibi .oatee. galeae, se aer lb; farda. tlM ear U!k kw. ' 'BraesriSB. Bate. Bav ' ' SCQAB Sack be ale Cube. S SO; powdered. IS SS; fruit aranuUted, in graaulated. $fi.b; Ceaf. -A, d.80; beet graouUted. 5.16 extra C, 4 TB; goldea C,. 4 ; D yenow. 4.K; bhls. 10c; H bbta. SS; boa as Ma advaace ea sack heels. Iree aoe per cwl for caea,lS aars: maple.v.l4ai8e ear .to. TVdNElOM pacerata. .. OOri'EB Parkaae braada, S1S.TS. ' SALT rine Baiea. Sa. te. . be. 10e. 11.00 i table, dairy. B0a (lDw: 100a. Sle.TSi ! parted LleerpsoL POs. HT.0..1 lOfra, SM-90; tMsT' tld.00; extra One, bble. ae.-se. 10a. M.OOiTt.M): balk. 320 lbs. 4jOC4BbilOi sacks. 0.- So at Me. - - ' HALT Coarae Hair rrebad. I0K aer tea. G.O0: Ma.-aer tea, gT.Mi- Uierseni aaene tack. S.B0 noa boat bO-lb reck. Iiu jooa, sa.Ts. lABere prices apply to aaw Of Vwa tbee car tota. ' Car Jsta at aaactoi pries aaliJsrt ta tWtnetleasl. . . -f OBAfM B AOS Calcutta. Tt4a- -'. -, ' BICE Imoerlal jaeaa. He. t- Bet Be. S. Vat New .Orleaae bead. SIAct AAag. 4c; Ora- BA8-naft white. tsifldUet iarre White, tie: auk. SliASIaei baron, dlaet lAmaa. Mextraa reds. - . v MOTS Pesmrta. TWet tuiabse. Ka aer tot raw. eaiOe tmrlh: reaated. I eoeuaaata. MdNe aer eoal walnats. Maifte Par Ibi pine nate. tOaaMtte nor lb: hickory sola 10 per Kit chestnuts, eastern. laie ner lb; Brjtfl nsta. 15a per to; filberts. ,1401Bc per lb;" faaey aecans. ltaitai aljaade. Uaihe aer ft. , Mr-BatatB. Oss Oils.: Baa, ; rj ' BOPB Pare Maatla. lee: standard. ISHet leallOVe: llale bread steal. Mle. ' COAL OIL Pearl er Astral. Cases. Stride aer calf water white, bran bole. - IBs Bat. eel: weedea. las per sal: heedught. 170-dea. esnre. tv4c per gal. ' -i . ALINB aa-dee. cease, tke eer gait troa bbla. Me aer eal: stovas. rasa a. 9414a aa ami: Iron able, las nor BL - - : BENEINB 40dee. .cases. SBe par Ball feraa bbl. Iie ner ask ' . TTJBPBNTIN B la easss. tlt per gall weedea bhls, e per gaK-. .iAara. WHITB LEAD Toe lota, fe per Bl A0f lota, be per to; tern Ma. SUc per lb. . WlhK NArLs Prearat haee at dlfti ' - UNSEED iilL Pare raw, la B-hpi tote, age; 1-hbl lot. Me; easee. 4e per gel; ganotne kettle boiled, eases. Me aer eal: e-bbl lota. 0e; 1-bhl tot. die. per gal; groand ease, car lore, par top; less thaa ear lata. geOjoo per toa. Ksata. Bmh aad Prevtaiens. - PBBP.H HEAT Proat street Beef steers. ttfde jer 1b; pork, block, sese par lb; pack ers, fa per lb; bulla.- ddae per lb; Cowa, uatAs nae lb: vtal. extra. Se ner lh: erdlaarr. Tc- per lb; .poor, ac per lb; Button, fancy, TtfTVie "per lb. rtAUS, BACON. ' BTO Portlsnd neck flocstl bams. 10 to 14 Iba, lee per lb; 14 to lg iba. Ue per to; M to M lbs, II c per Ibi eottage, e perlbi hreakfaat bacon, so is He pat ib; picnic, be.. oer to; readier short cmarn. na smoked. He per to; smoked, lis pec lb; clear backs, ensmoked. Me tot SJ-nked. ll. ner Ib; Dnlon nuttn. t e in ia, nnenoaea, ae m. anohad Be ner Ibi clear balllee. nn. looked, lie per lbs emoked. lie per tot sbeul- Ltt l2-Kele leaf. 10s. Ui aer to; Bs, llttr par Ib; BO-lb tins. 11 He per lb; steam readenaV 10a. Wt per lb; U. i0 par lb. rNNFD PAUfON Cnhimbla rtrsr. 1-to tells. tl.0 B-lb talla.wl.T0j fancy, Mb flats, fl.M; b-lb fsncy flats, fl.18; faaey l ib seals, gilt; Alaska talis, ptnb. 6O0cl red, !: . tall, ea.oo. PI8H Hock cod. Te ner to; noandera. tc per lb; halibut.. H per lb: craba. si. BO per d; striped baas, 12He per Ib; cetoab. Se per lb; sslmoa,. stlversldes, go per lh; hluebecks,' at pee Ib; herring. per lh; notes. Be per to; ebrlmns, 10c per lb) perch. So par to; bhwb rod. Tc per to; sliver smelt, Te per lb; lobsters. toe; rresa saacaerni, ac per to; crswnan, nee ovstbb bealwatsr bar. Bar geL U.B4: Bar eark. M.TB. - CLAalfl Hard shell, per boa. U.0O) raaa lama, UM aer baa. - COHON FUTURES ARE - : ELEVEN POINTS LOWER Near Terk. Kent pa. nothia fntniM aliwad IM paints lower. otneiai otmtatMna by Ovarberk. Burr a Cooke eamaenr : January ..........Kn'd loaj Wag lOOTf. Marts ....,n...,.joas ious IOTP iomaiht April' .llOX Hill lll I0R4HWI Mar i.,...,........lirH llft4 1iMM ' lOBd.I'll Oetnhrr ...j.. ...... .1040 ions !0:tT HCITeiM Nerember ..........Kma tmM lino tiMstriui December ......... .long lo; luao 1W1B. ,. 'V ' Uverpsal Oettsa Eigker. TJvrrnool. Bent. SQ. fnttaa fniaree Awl tot polnte higher with the BMrket steady. ':' tw toek corn luiair. . : New Tork. Bent. M.Vfr Vatnraa rtLA bsrly steedy. 1 points' lower.' Official auotaoona: - , - Bid. Aek.f Bid. Aek. January ..,17 aft ST.aolJuly fl (T art Pebruary .. T.M T.8&Angnat ..... TM Mareh .... T.W T.tolOrbiber .... g.M gM April t.40 T.50XTrmher ... T.M t.10 May ........ T.M T.noi Docamber ... T.1S T.M June so T.H . ' ' " rsrelga Osffse ltarbat. ' ' t New Terk, Bept. to. Oof fe rutnreai Ttsvre. Bnrbaaged; Bamharg. deellned H.' Ble re ceipts 14,0re bags, market weak prices an cnanged. Hantos, B4.000 begs, sMrket wsak sod unchanged. ... . . ' " " rw Tork Coffee.) ' - " r . f". r n coffee: Ka. T ., . a . 4 - in SEseion No' Indication Early That Chi ; cago Wheat Market Would ' Show Remarkable Drop. - BEARS SLIDE PRICE OF MAY OPTION OFF T For First Tims In" Several Days Did News Favor Lower Prices Snti . ment in Regard to Future Values Is Mixed. . '"; ,'''"'-';..;.' ' 'Close . ' Close "' liose " Cloaa . .. ' Prl. Tbur. Prl. Teer Age Sept.... 4 M ..Mli I . UM May ..-oi, .nA .01 IXli '-Chicago, Bept. M. Uwea Brraa say't ' Ia wheat tbe eoenlna did not air a anr vidonea of tha abarp setback tbet developed, daring l be day. Prices were clearly under ' pressure innmimi ino seeaioavtaa aaa riec Closing prac tlcally at tbe bottom. Condition statistically seem aachinaed. but aometlniea ovee nlabt titer change. The ever-alert beer baa beea patleatiy welting for some deye for aa opportunity te help the leading ball to unload hie wheat, aad uMuy s saaawa waa (be rite fee aims ttsae that In anr way favored tbe bene nilnent at the close wss mixed. - Boaas luaaii lot Irs trsoers felt tbat tbe saarket easily ta reeever lm edlately. BBsapsetsd Break to IB HITB tbs hmalr raaia anainai lajllr wlma w'"t wv iwvnav rvemanre witn toe ctoas practically at tbe bottom. raToxable factors were loot sight of. the trade be a whole giving wr wmoaa n tne retnaraanm w earner pre vaUlng through tbe eorn belt, nattlna be road ell danger tbe Splendid crop now promised. Tbe market bad s fair recotety aad a reeetloa waa la order, which waa helped materially by the weaanees in tne Wheat pit. Considering the weak seas 'ta other arkata. oats held very welL Teatardae'e setback ariin. aiatea tne eaaa oe and to suck aa extent as te aao new means ror tne mng side. In nroelstoue tbe list area ImmUe bat oen. orally lower. - Tbe packets continue te dominate tbe msrbet. li Official anotatl b Oeerbaek. Btare A Cooke company: -,. WHEAT. ;, ... ,.-.., Onea. 4Hek. Tejr. Clnae. ept...vS .SSH $ .sea. jhh Dee...... - JgS - .04. .St. .8BtA alsy.. V.8T)4 M . Mti.' COBN5 wr 2 New Bept. .51 Old Bept. .01 i Oct .600, New Dec, Old. Dee.. .44 -.4 .44 .4S B '..4 May...... OATH, Sept...... Dee...... May...... SI JT JSSa M JSHB .0i,.4 MBKB POBK. pt.7 Oct... JSB... "IS.SO 14 60 , 13.4T 18.00 , 14 60 . . ia.o i LARD, T.1T ...T.M -. idTS-M., . 14.40 ' 14.00 - 12.40 w 1X41 B v T.1T T IT . T.1H.. S.. ' T.1T ' a.0 S.SB s9aftaie K Jan f.lT Ta .M BttOBT BIBBV. rWt,....5 Is). J. SO IBt Sr 8 4T . M S.M " S. Oct......T .ho? jaa. ...... ' e.u -.CHIOawO CAEX WSXAT. Cbieage, Sept. Bt-Caah wheat: - t a.4 ' ' ' : ' . . ' B aa BM. A.k. " . . mm ...a. ...e.. . w w w No. S red......... .J'Sd ... No. t hard........... ..4 . No. S hard .fV4 .M No. . S Bfletherai ... ...Stt . No. S spring .SO ramABT eaai botimbbt. Chleaga, Sept. St. Prlaaarr receipts: xoosy Tear Age noan. Wheat . S,ssa.oM Cora dlP.OOS 1S.0O0 8h lessee ts: Wheat ...... .....u. dSO.OOr) 44S.A00 474.000 fltn . . aai noo t'kraraaces: Wheat and flour, 174.000 bushels; ea. 11.000 boaoele: nets. 1 01, SOB hush i la. H09ZBJT B3LLIB BKTOBT. St. fKila a f. pa. Tha bf h wriw an. The seednig ef winter wheat ts wall sdraared In tne principal graie-gmwmg eta tea. The soli in nnueuni good condition to receive tbe seed ew eron. In tha and start the growth of the i south, where ratus have fallen., the best prog, rem bea beea made, yet tn man loealtttee turn work hi stlU delayed by dry weather. There are ao Indtcatlona aa yet ef tocrseaed deltreriss ef wheat by farmers. - SAB PmABCISOO sbaib xabzxt. ' Baa Pniaclseo. Brot. . Official cloaa. stem lag eessloa: . WBBAT. . 1 . V Onea. . High. - Low. Close. December t M fl.B. 1.B . BABL.ET. December .... 1.08 1,0P 1.08 l.OS . CmOASO OBAIB CAB tOTS. , HH - I' Chleaga, Sept, ! . Orala -ear lots: . . Cars. Grade. Eat. M04. Wheat ................ M .11... 4T , 4A Cora ...S4 SI ' SOS . 1M Osts ...S04 B III) 138 Wheat , eara today t Mlaaeapolle, . Tt . Du luth, sen. Year sge: MlaneapaUa, set-; Da luth. 283. .... - . UTXaPOOl OBAIB KABKXT. p-Urerpool, Sept. zS Cleee: Wheat. Decem ber, as na, Ht wer; Mires, as STto. yQ Cora December, as SSid. Ud tower; Jaaaarr. 4a sd, lower; March, Hd lower. . AasrjrTrjn sbaxb SHrpvzaTS. , ; ' Chleaga, Sept. t9.--Argentrne era hi shlpsMats: This Week Tesr Ar - Boeb. Bneb. Wheat ............ r... Cora ,.,............. B44.oraJ PTS.OOO ,l,T7a,000 .!, 000 PACKERS HOLD OFF I'HILE - HOBS ARE DULLER Lack 'of Demand Stills' the Market but Prices Hold at I" ; Former List. ' Portlsnd Vnloa Stackyards Sent.', J. Lire. stock receipts: . , Hoea. Cattle. Sheen. Today VZ ,.. v. l.nos weex sge ............. 4 .m mm Prerloas week ....... 27 . . 1? '-'xj MonU sge 4 Sg lai . Packers were not ss ready buyers ef hogs tooey end tbe market wss somewhat weaker with prieee aacnseged. Cattle are fairly arm and sheep good.' Today P4 goats arrive a the yards. (irnrlal pricas wt ureeiorai Mnaa Beat eeatera Oreaoa. I hloi-kers ssd Cblss fata, gd.uoalZ; etoekers ssd reeoers, se.oo. . , rattle Beat eaatera Oreaoa steers, at 00 el S.BVt rlgbt-aad midlnm Staaim .; -rlibt mwn, 1IMJ00: stockers sad feeders, S3.MejS.uO; Bulai. l.sw. I . . Sheep wetbere. Basket mixeo a seep, iuu straight ewee, U3H: aprlng Ismba. 44Uc. (alree Good eeal. ISO ta 300 pounds, tQSStc; reagh heaTy, SSltc .. ' Bew Yerh-Leadea Sugar. New York. Sept. . BeSned sugst steadr; w uurhansed. Louden beet anlet 4rlth Bap, lam tr sacaaaaedi Oetspat Ss M, :" PBIDAT'S WHEAT MABKBT eat down, tea Osra. E U::CI!ECi(ED dy r.:o::EY rate ; . - 1 1 i .. ' Mpward Fluctuations Fail to Hold i Stocklrlarket In ICheck or i - L Stop Advance. C . ;;. READING SECOND IS v ,- , A FOUR AND QUARTER UP Almost Every Part of Financial List Closes at the To-Remarkabls Tone Shown Throughout the Trad, in Today. ; vi'r , ADVANCES. Anaconda ........ 14, Amalgamated ..... 1H Atcblaoa AtAlaea, pfd Sswltar ' U Car A Paaadry.... 1 Brooklyn I Norfolk . ...r M. V. Ceatral .... i Peaasylvanla ..... Preaeed Steel Car.. Beading : Beading. Idpfd.... Hep. Steel Hep.- Steel, pfd.. Southern laclne.., Tenn'coal Caloa PaclSe V. B. Steel ...... U. S. Steal, pfd .... Taxaa A Paclae ... V. A. Babber .... V. B. Blabber, pfd. Vohx Pnel ....... IS ?,' .p"' . m -. w....... g Caaadlaa i Colo. Boutk Colo. South., Sd p. i Bock laUag....;, : Brie ' lUloola Ceatral.... Loularllle ........ j aieieopoutBB VI " PmPBl kallMMIt EfifLiif Smeller pfd U Beltlmore Brie, Id pfd....... haty ............ JJlBrie, 1st pfd...... Ws Btreot. rTew-York.-Sept.-SS. Neve tin tore, bs recent Uama at leaat. baa a more re msrkable sessloa ef the stack sa change beea held thaa today. . Money rates weak seeming right Cress tbe start af the soeslou. the kaltial traBsaetJaa being at Vh par eeat. aa adaance ef m par rest ever the ctostng Sgura ef the prevloaa day. Prom per seat the saartat ranged sa high as T per eeat. tbe strsegth enalng off assnswhat at the came. Beading second pt storied waa very active to day and shewed aa eaey advance ef die polnte. while the common waa sctl rely strong at lib potnta advance, The wedere today beside Heading names ware: Colorado Pnel. i ap; New York Central. 114 ap; LoularlUe, J up; Brooklyn and Car Pnundre. 1 ur each; Aaa sonde, 1 up. and Asaalgsmated. 14 up. Ofoaial aastaUsea by Overbeck, Starr- voone coeapunyi Anaconda Whilng Co Amal. Copper CO... Atebkwm. oom....... da preferred ...... Am. Car A Poomdry, e. 8sl de preferred.... 100 Ass. Sugar, coca. 138W 100 1305 Am. Smelt., com... do preferred .... .", Baltimore A Oslo, i do preferred. .... . Brooklyn Bapld Transit.) TlHi ranedlan Pacific, com..lT3t4 TO lT2ih unicsgo a; aitoo, sora no nroiaiiea.. .,........... C. Aj O. W.. com....... I ilw Chln MU. A St. 181 C. A M. W, com?..4...bl8H twesam 'lermiaai ay.. .J..... Cboospenke A Ohio..... 8Sb lie. e-uai.m iiun, cam. Com. Boatbara. com.-.. . da neoud preferred.. do fbwt preferred .. Delaware A Hndaoa... Del.. Lack A Wss D. A B. O.. eeat...... eiM prVISJIIBBUlea -. a bSBaal. . a a . b e ' a e . eV f tTatt BTC fAriCal. , 114, Illtnoni Central Louisville A MsahvUe. . Met. m. Rr.......... 1SS 1AAU S4l lSSli Hsnnattaa sty........... Mesieaa csntrat By.... Mine... t. P. A Ste. M BO npTttfeBTTshfS ..aaaaa a a lfKI Missouri Pacific......... 104; M. K. A T.. com..,,.,. "Hi SBVa . w , m unuu,. I4SU, Z10 nortneni rsciric Norfolk A Western, eon do Brrf erred ......... iwH ax 8- S4t4 North American....... N. T.. Ont. A Westera PeansyTvnnla Ry...... 142'A 10854 r. o. u a o, ce , meed Steal Car, com lO BTlVftr"lTlta . aaaka.Bai Pacific Mall B. B. On.. Beading, eeat , do second preferred. ,. da first preferred. . . , Pdlallfr Ben. Iron A Steel, com, do preferred.......... Rack lelaad. earn...... Southern By., com sa ion. Southern Pacific. St. L. A S. P., Sd pfd. St. L. A S. W BTlT,T,s?Sfg , enaeaeaa Texas A Pacific....... Tenneasee Ooal A Iron. Toledo, St. L. A W e do preferred. ........ Cnton Pacific, oom.,.,. do. preferred V. S. Leather, com..., do preferred V. a Bnbber. coat.... de preferred........,, V, S. Steel Co.. cam... S3 1( lsstKiism 14la 14 1M 104 Sd4 110l4lllO;linulllOli B7SI S7T4I B714 gT do Preferred.......... 104141104141104 llOtv: Wheel, a Lata Brie. , VI 1 SO I Mt saui M i Mtv4l a t, ta PU. t SS14 4?. 41 H 4S MM,I u In Iiot 'leconaJn Central, com de preeerred . . . . . , '. V. . Teleeraab....., wsnssn. enea. do preferred Bobber Honda, cam.., de profcirod New Tork Central ev-dtTldead 11A per cent. Cell' BMney, per eeat. . . TotsI sales for day. .M0.S00 shares. . - 9100a . SAB ntABOISCO aOQAX STOCBS. Sea lYsaetsca. Seat. 38. Official cloaa. lag eessloa: - t--r j" - . .. Bid. . Aek. 60H oh X no aft & ts Contra Coats Water.............. AO ' aprlng velley water.. ...... ....... eon; : Mutual Electric.. Idle Saa franeloro Uaa A Electric.. 1.... ST.: Olant Powder..... TPS HswslUa Coeamwclal.. M Honokee Sugar 15 Hutcblneoa Sugar II - Mahawell Bngsr SS: Onesnaa Snaar. ........... ......... S4ti Pssnhaa Sagar tti Alasaa rare era. ......... S Oceenle Bteesmblp, ....... .... S ...aot,r seas ....IBS Parlnc States Teltphoae.. California Wine PaclSe .Coast Borax ...H... BOSTOB COPTia STOCKS. Boston, Sept. X Ofbclal sop per close . . au 1 . . .. - .. . e .Id Adventure Alleialto . ...I T.W Kasr ........ rnO Osceola ...... , I Imu. AM (bee Parrot ....... ST. 1 bluk.ra SI ZS IPboenlg ...... ytajj tau. CaL axis... i"o.ix r-. . ... 4M M Onlnry ........ log no rlhaanoa , T.STH Timereek!. . tea no Copper Bsaga. 71 IS . Centennial .... 11 10 Trinity STB Daly Weat i.. 14,tn t'nlted ....... Victoria (.so In'e T2 ATS Uranby ... winons ...... II so Wei rerlne .... JlS.ftn ' il'tab ......... 4a.St Old Dnmlnlea. PASO Mohawk ... lilehlgsa '. , nw"t . Z- I.I t. S. Mining, i ST. 00 14.11H POBTXABO BABX STATXB3BT. 111 ciearmg neuee enn win an cmean ra. nrew. Portlaad day at tbe fsB-.i Today s statement! . . . , t'leerbiaa '74T.4rt IT Balescee W.UT.ST Starting Bates. N.w Tork. Sent. SP.i.arHna ratea : fja. ataad. 4So.4uS49.Wi SO days, lt0483.0, . PCSCBIPT10B. T r ' . ' ; : : : : 8pedal Dlspatcb to Tbe Journal. ) Ceatle. Back. -Wash., Bept. S. At the Principal hopyarde ef the VourUts valley tbe general report la a good yield of a epemdld quality. There la gensrsl' complaint ef e shortage of ptrhere and a good assay tone IB be loot an- tbet account. Mr. Baal I h ef Oetrander tambed perking bis IS acres the ami at lest weeh sad bsa thee sB eared for la splendid condition. Ha has a few amre than Inat rear aad of much better euabty. B. It. Patterson of olaouu rial ma bs be tbe largest Individual grower ta tbe state ' of Washington. Ho baa this yssr TS scree ef hie owa and has control ef the crop raised by Mr. Bar trend ea his SO-acre rare. Mr. fat tenon ssys his bops are tbe bast aunHty ha baa ever known. Hs kss beea short of pickers all tbe season aad for this reason states tbat be will probably loss la the neighborhood of SO acres. He et tribe tee tbe - aa reliant quality of - tbe hops te the dry see sua. Tbe yards are equipped with all the modern aaeeealttea for handling the crop ba tha Beet adesntaga. Be sides bis residence and other- buildings about Iba home, which -are See, tbe drykttna, ware house., cabins for the pickers, stare, etc., ell together, give the appearnnca. af aulte a vth lege. There la a eystem af- waterworks even to bydraata la the Arid te supply drinking-water tor the plckera aad laborers. , Mr. Patterson Is very sanguine about the .saarket. He aaye he alwsys sells at' the top notch aad ha ta not aiarmed at all about tan proueet low Price. He bays be expects to got somswhsrt from SOc te 36c for what he holds. Mrs. Muore, another large grower et Oleqna. bsa a too bars abort nf pickers and will coo. sequently lean heavily aniens conditions prove unusually favorable .daring the next week er ten days. Her hope are. ef a euperlor euattty. Pickers were rather store plentiful In tbe ysrds about Toledo thaa at Oleqna. Mr. Walee. who Hvos a few miles shore Toledo, Seished picking IS acres last Saturday aad they era deeerlbed ss the Snout arer grown thee. . Mr. Betty la aboat through aad has his cared fur la Sua shape. Similar reporta eases from other smallsr glowers, la summing up the condition It would appear that the yield M a Uttle larger thaa last year sad at a much better duality. ,-. ; ... !. - .,, ... BATTY SnXS BOPS. (Special Ptepotrh ta The Journal. wner'4)r.i- Bent. SB. W." C. Ben ray y day sold SB bales af bops te K la her. Wolf hatter at lltJlbs per pound. , . .V:L TOB0AJ B3BTJie STOCXS. Sea rrsBetsee, Sept. xa. tonopeh stacks, ef. v- Bid. MosUna Tr:; mrrar .v......-..S .ld - Mldwny l.MI Mobawk ....... .IS Dlglo .a...;... '.IS Kendall ..' .Id MrNsmara .... vo Belmont 14H, North Star..... .St Beeme ........ .OT Gold MeunUla.. . -Id Jim Butler .... .To A I Bed Top . .SS Toa. Nevada A. -1H Toa. Rxtae, .... S.00 . Ooldheld .SS Sandstorm ..... .BOA Baadatorm Ex.. .OT Adamn .....'' .08 Eclipse ....... .4T r..h Sm ral Columbia Mt....-' .SUA Jumba ......... .TS Stiver Ptcb .... .OB Jamba Extern.,., .SB Black Bette .... .so .olden Aachsr.. ,SS Bay O'Brien ... . .. O. Ball Proa.... .! IHaaeoodacld ... .80 Leae Star .OS Denver ......... .IS Atlanta .11 National Bask.. .IT Greet Bead . ... .04 Wtllmaa i.03 OOMSTOCK BSBTBe STOCKS. Bid. . . " Bid. Seeage ' .. .00 t nlon foa ..... .4T Tellow Jacket , J-.1S tirbaeuer 4T Hale A Norcrees. 1.10 Bullkm ,....... .Sd. Belcher ........ .tl Con. CaL-n.,, T M Caledonia ...... . Mexlcen ...,., 100 Ooa. Msrrar ... 30 seorptoa .IS ......... M V-'-;: - BOOB STR0BOT0 B3SXXK. ' I Chleaga. Sept. SB. Tlri at mb reeetpty . Hogs. Cattle. Sheep. Chicago .1000 7.-. 1.000 U.000 Ksnaan city ' " ." '"V" j Omaha 4.000 1.000 S.000 Hogs Opened strong to Be higher with Aaoo left over: receipts e rear ego ware ll.OOO. Prices: Mixed sad butchers, tS ISCA-OOJ rough and heavy. SS.40; Alght. SS.lbdjB.TB. , . . I sties Bowny. a . ... . KNIGHTS. TEMPLAR ' CHOOSE OFFICERS tv. nrnlarhta Tamnlar. " srranrl COra- mandery of Oregon, ynaterday elected offlcera for tha coming year aa follows: D. C Agler of Q rente Pa aa, grand com mander; Oeorge H. . Burnett of Ralara, depute grand eommander; Frank . 1. utiles a aihaeiw. a rand arenaraJlaatmo: A. M. Knapp ot Portland, Brand captain general; W. A. cieiana or rvrusmi, i.u. ej,n' H n. Whltehouae . D.rtl.nd errand traaaurar: J. W. Rob inson of Eugene, crand secretary. Grand Commander Agier appointao the following: Henry R. Thlelaca of 0.1. nni nralata; SM Klddla of ta Grande, grand Btandard-bearer: T. K. Bolton of Asniana. gran a sworn Dearer; W. B. Oraca ot Baker City. Brand . ... w . t . Tm.II e. 4tranta - fkaaa. grand captain of the guard; D. O. Toroaalnl ot roruana, gruia. mnunu. Pendleton wag. aelaetsd aa the meet ing place a year from next month. ' MAY INCREASE LIQUOR LICENSES AT PENDLETON Pendleton, Or.,' Sept, !. The rcpori la current among the saloon man bar that tha city council Is planning to raise the city liquor . llcanee from f (SO to 100. .... ' ' ' - - -It was thought this move waa to bo put through at the aeaalon of the coun cil last night, but for soma reason It was withheld. There a dirrerenoe of ODlnion among tha aaloon men as to tha affect this move will have. . One faction allege that only the dive will bo able to make a living. wnue' Dinars claim that It will crowd tha divas out. Ho, for Astoria. arte alee wis. PnlaarrunH laavee Afdae street dock T:IS a. m. dally except Fri day. Returning loavea Astoria I S arriving Portlaad S:SS B. nv Sundays laavaa Portland t a. m.. Astoria :IS PA m. Arriving Portland t p. m. ' - ABlvaTaajry ITogram. ' - Tha program at the alxth annlveraary o'clock la as follows: of the Seamen's inetltote tonight at t . Prelude, popular airs, band of British steamahlp Imaum; chairman's opening sddreaa, -British Consul Jamsa Lald- law; beea aolo. "Pavy Jonee' Locker" (Petrle), Mr. Sidney Raamuaaen sd dreaa, "The Mayor." Dr. Harry Lane; song. "Tor All Eternity" (Maecheronl). Mrs. V. Ollbort-Ferneyhaugh; address. Mr. W. J. Burns; recitation, Mrs. O. F. Uvealey; addraaa. Judge O. 3. Cameron; sona. "Mr Heart Is Singing" (Sana- Soucl) Jilad' Nancy Beala; treasurer's report, Mr. R. W. Hastings; Spanish walls song. "Cornena" (Wllaon), Mlee Elisabeth Harwaa; chaplain's report. Rot. A,- E. Hem aye; addraaa, Mr. w. Fletcher -piano accompanist, Mrs. B. Alden Baal a. . Round Trip Dally to Astoria. Excursion steam er Telegraph makes found trips deUy eMpt Frtday).-Depart from Aider Btreot dock T:lt a. sa. From Astoria t p. sa. Arriving Portland !:! p. m. ' Sundays loavea Portland a. tn. Arrlvea Portland) S Bs. , - lararlee Beeme Onletne." the wor'd-w" (told Corn, remeeea tne eeese. Call II I fall eaae sad eeab far t-a a. nature ef u. V. firere, SBa, "T " " ftr 1 '. r, - - it --. " h 1 0 eweweyesaiiV-iew!! sate - s NEWCASTLE IIUT. iNEWCAtOT.1.; LUTIP AUSTRaU-IAII, ROSLYII, PEACOCK ROCK SPRINGS, FRATIIXi: I ;: i- LOW PRICES ON 249 Washington St t ; Trtw!:! c:ifiiinst:itBiisv3aiB Tboneasds la TMrttand and eB ever the innrtbwsst caa testify te ear greet aad aa sisswjlsd aaeesaa, . GONORRHOEA War ba sttoedeg wttb the gravest ee tlnaa If neglected or tmprepsrle tea We bare s speetne trnstsMat walah aniekly. ssfely and palalsaaly. SYPHILIS ta asataer aeejntred dleeaae. tha ravngos ef danrribe. Wbea U shewe by akla arepttsns er by soree an, snsntb er throat Its horrors ere alree dy begun. We eafalr.. and tbee eeghly cure yon aad ae mlsarai sibiaai era wsecw w " ... - - r emulated. VARICOCELE AND HYDROCELE We treat aad eare. not ay the eM surgteal preceddre, bat by a palnleea asethsd eeeely iw . -We llbewne wUl eara yea end asve pee) the suffering ssssslatud with Berveua PoMUty.joot haaewt, : jmpntsniey, Baeentatserbena, Bastarnal Imsmleas, Pre. mature Dssllaa, Lena ef atiaaaiy, Baaigp aad AmUthm la the brlefsot thaa It ean be dean. and we I aaata yen a safe aad positive eara. CeasBltstlea sad exsmlnerlon teas. 'Write far symptom bleak aad boob if yea caasot Ball. " OfSre Boaret S a. m. te , BV Saa aaya, IS sa IS, t - J DT.LOUI3 - - - Mmdieat and Smrgteml : DISPENSARsY Osp. St aad Tatahln guv. Iwlaas. Ot, I.:EI.M OF JOE T'EEK IS EULOGIZED Oregon Pioneers Gather at Fair to Honor Man Who Saved - . Northwest. 1 ' e t Tn attemianc fti ,n txpwi- A. sVleaam Aa W at em ta 1 1 1 A nVlamTBT aB earn eVIVH t"VB. lr v aaiwu "W d waa 1I.S47; yesterdays attend. . d en - anew waa k,iii. , -w The memory of Joa Meek. Oregon's most Illustrious pioneer, was honored at the IcBwla and Clark exposition today by hundreda of Oregonlans. ' Mack's part in tha history of the northwest was. never, more enthusl aatlcally praised than by the several speakera who stood before the large crowd In the Auditorium at 1 o'clock. Tha Administration band was in attend once. Colin H. Mctaaac and Governor Oeorge E. Chamberlain spoke. Oeorge H. Himes of tha Oregon Historical- so- feclety delivered the address on "Joe Meek pa a Factor in iNorxnwesi History, - ana Alrln Brown- of Poreat Orove gave an acoount of "tha trip with Joe Meek to the summit." Other Impromptu speeches war mad.' ' - GRESHAM FIRE MAY ' HAVE BEEN INCENDIARY -.'rV'Vv ..!;.- . v ..... : i , .. . : (Special Dlapatch'to The JooraaL) ' Oraaham, Or.. Sept !. The Central hotel building hero was damaged to tbe extant of $100 by flro laat night and the furniture of the hostelry Buffered to the extent of- $200. The building la tha property of John Thomas but ts leased, by Mrs. M. D. Crum. Metsger's saloon adlolnlng waa damaged to the extent : of ISO. - Clothe aaturated .with eoal oil ware found In one of the rooms. which leads to the ballet that too blase was ot Incendiary origin. WATSON WILL SERVE - SEVEN-YEARS AT SALEM i; tAha Watnnn waa thla mnml.. u. tanced ' by Prealdlng Judge Prasrr to ear ve trran years n ina penitentiary lor baving atoien m aieun-iua cnest, a sun of elothea and an alarm clock from the TeAses Sruii. aavarat Amwm . v. . j . atated that thla was the first time lie bag ever neon in trouoie. ,, , . , It of eg red Bbeak CaausaA Allen Lewie- Beat Brand. Members Cf f 101 Third I TT3 ri r fh - (rc .bUshai UTS. ' - liar b S-nt try te' t " ' mcsaenKcr, all and arr 1 ; will raceivB prompt a: . Tht ' Coals that wt sell a. . heir ' ereadca'' anf nrtrea are low. . . . :.. OTHER COALS Tephones 229.4ta237 C. OEE WC Thj Creel Ch!r.x:C:: Porsaerly leeab ' xa AJ bird. Ilea a. Ta fAa'tor-, Bwlidtng at S, . ef Inrat aad k-.. 14WJS r-rst tz : 1 We, tbe wront tFa..s y B. bscsass bin woadsrfnl sad nwi-ra- s aave aeea -bersMod bnedsast tare. axt length and breadth of tale nana try. j aay aad all dlaaasss with newer f f roota, herbs, bads, barbs and raw, v are entirely anknowa to medics! scmse ia esentry, end through tbe se. sf tnesa be remedies be gnaraatses to cure eater, e hxng troablas, rheaanatlsaa. am rose 11 a. aw - . hear, kldaay. lesante - tnuklss sad all sneii. dleeeaaa. Tbla fa muse doctor enrea wtthuut the e"! er tbe knife, without entag aiming ap e Bandredn af teattnumaibi ss Ban at aaa 1 Call and see aim. Cneraee midissta. , ooBsraTAxxoB rsBs, ' ! tStUeata eat ef the dtp wrtba f- b" a aad circular, lac lope 4c sump, t' '. a See We Chfakeaeludlctne be, Sw,eS a- L ... ear. btsiiissn. Portland. Or. , . neaaa man Una tbi tnAffTtr' ksa-ASt kd tt Wllw- butter i cun::.; , , -, Our O'hee Prtoea. Pti.- . Best creamery , ,.S8o-0o tJe-t . Dairy butter . . . 4ec-46o . Eggs . . ....... 1 dos.' 46c Ranch egga 100 Beat augar-cured bama,... .14e lev Breakfaat bacon ...... ,...16o J i Beat of tea. lb. ........... .I0o JOo-' j lrd, S-lb. pall ......... 4&c-5o bfto-t i OaOokaaa aaa 1. All goods retailed at wholesale prtd La Grande Crecir.::; 264 Yamhill CU For - modern - dental ujett Was' aowned epaelaliet leswoat prices eonststaat with Srtl- Nisw Vyork dhnt: bovbtb: Ajrxj .iscaxir-T r Open day and alwht, frees $ j , Batll Id : SOWeTTJrsr, X9Tr-- O ( t Catabllshoi J..i) wtiii ar-T" r w. & Be anil bnow 3Urb TEETI