The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 29, 1905, Image 10

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Ti:s cnrcon - daily jour.!iAt. 'rorTLAi.D. r;
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. :'iSllOJ
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i. I. 1 1 , i . , . i . i .iii' i
- ixxtlcn cf ML Tabor School!
O City V;i;i Be Settled at
. Dsction Next June.
Chief Argument Is That Pupils
- Would Not Have ,.to Pay. High
School Tuition and That Section la
Already Part of Portland. '.
T,t east side ef flee ef The IhihI I U
' ef Ibl r. W. Mc Klanrr. W gaol
i Telepaos Saw Silk
When til noHtl achool election I
held a' Jun tha question of uniting
tn Portland and Mount Tabor dl
t ricu' will be eubmltted to tha voter
cf tha two diatrlct. ' It - waa tha in
tention of tha Mount Tabor taxpayer
o hare tha natter settled thla falU.but
p. Dabney, chairman of tha diatrlct
i of education, eald -thle morning
at attorney had decided that .under
law It could ba brought be for, tha
era -only at tha annual election. '
.Union with Portland la aaid to. b
vored by all the teacher and a mar
ity of tha taxpayer of tha Mount
aoor diatrlct. One of the benefit to
derived will be. free tuition at tha
aad"hlch' eohoola - At preeent a
of t a rear must ba paid for tha
'on of children from out of town.
all' Intent , and purpoaea .Mount
. rbor la. a part of the eKy. diatrlct. Tha
y course f atudy1 If not" followed
or, but tha achoola are working Into
it thla term and will ba prepared to en
' r the larger district, if consolidation
1 carry. .-tt - r r '
A result of consolidation and ona
t would causa regret .at Mount Tabor
1 ba tha resignation of Professor
..i aa principal ' of the, schools.
"da of Professor ; Adams say that
' t districts -were-united he would
charge of only one achool Instead
' f a at. present, and tha remuner-
a o. 1 not be a suf flcteat lnduee-
t for Lira to-remain; , V"
r: i JoUiag wltt gwabaerlaaa.
t t' meeting of tha Oregon synod
-' Cumberland 'Presbyterian church
r tt was recommended that tha
nd, church court be kept In
t t A the details' of tha' proposed
1 iU tha Presbyterian church are
' out. 'Both "general assemblies
a elared Themselves in favor of
i a union, and soma of tha Cumber
I' have already joined th
e church. ' Such action wa depre
1 ' t tha synod, and tha presbyteries
red to -maintain ' a complete, or
m ' until tha Cumberland gn
- vembly meets - at Decatur," 1111'
,. a UOI, when the plana 'or union
1 . formulated. - The preebyterlee
tced to e tnat ' where local
of congregation- ar contem-
uch union shall be only tent'
a only In - thla way .could . tha
of title and endless litigation
-ry : aa) Xortaaionth .Uui
f T rxteaalv BnUdMng Operattoaa.
I T new dwellmga are la course of
on at University 'park and. Port
,. j. B. Dunbar of 'the Revere Rub-,
er company of San Francisco Is build-
.:'t a two-story bouse and will have a
' aanf for' it - when it Is completed,
rancis I.' McKenna, Otto Shruko and
ahn H. . Lareen . are alao . building fln
weillng". J. Temple and A. O. Temple
iava just finished, a nine-room house
ind have rented It. A two-story dwell-
-v for FV M. Cox haa Jut been com
i.eted.' i- :' '. .'4. ',
- T University1 Land company -haa
1 t a' piece, of land 109 feet square at
v aod orlce- to 'parties from , out of th
k..y.- r. -.v. . i .: . '
turket Tateve , wmaAtinc Oolaabla
. gOeugha af On lias. -If
means cannot be found te prevent
fishermen from using.:' seines - in ' the
Columbia the black bass In that atream
will be exterminated In a abort time.
People living near. the. slough say tnat
as much a 100 ' pounds of baa have
been , taken '. out in a - single morning,
and whereas school at - thla time last
year, were large -and numerous they
re now email and few. Flsherme. real
' ' e a good suns from their big catches.
' estauranta and hotel pay. It cant
i pound for , the bass, and Columbia
. . ugh people aay that few of the flan-
men come to town with leaa than
. It
r n ra 1
i. r ;
' - Mushroom Itava made ' their , appear
noo out of doors and soma supplies are
now shown . In. tha retail markets. A
Fourth street concern, haa . some vary
nice samples of the. .They ara called
th MoOill'a and ar of tha large white
variety. At retail today they ara quoted
at S cent a pound and even at thla fig.
ur they find a. good demand. .During
the'next 'few days a heavy Increase la
expected in the supplies and prices are
expected to show considerable decline.
Very few housewives know . how to
tell grapes that have been, freshly gath
ered. - Ore pea that are carefully handled
and have been off the vlnea for lea
than a week will show a bloom that la,
they will have a sort of a velvety look.
This la somewhat of a scale and can
be brushed off. Q rapes are now seen at
their beat In tha local market. . Good
euppllea ar now ahowa In tha famoua
Concord, tha Niagara . and th Dela-
They are of tb same family
but are different mostly In color. Tha
Muscats, now being received, from up
the Columbia are of quality that can be
recommended as sweet. Some very nice
Tokays are shewn frora-V southern Ore
gon but most of the good stocks of this
grade com fronj the south, especially
Sacramento county. . , ,'
The peach season la on the wane. Al
though the. markets atiU ahow fair aup
pliea there. 1a a remarkable falling off
In quality as compared with .the arrivals
of a few weeks ago. Salwaya ar moat
in evidence but the marketa have lib
eral itocka of cling. , On account of
the declining season and the better de
mand price have been ; boosted since
last week.
Lobsters ' .from southern - California
waters are again-, becoming quite plen
tiful. For theae there la always a
heavy demand ;andNprice' range around.
20 centa a pound.' .
Good craba are -scarce on account of
an unusual . storm now 'ruling -off -the
coast. Supplies pow In market joma
from Taquina bay. but the they are
cooked there the lap of time between
the cooking and the arrival her doea
not admit of the beat : quality being
10 pounds la - their, basketa Many
Carp. and catfish are also being caught
bring In more than SO pounds at a time.
In aelnea In the slough. These are aold
meetly Chinaman.-'
- 1 -
SAY3 tii qycr :
Hille Should Have1 B?9h Ter
raced Instead of Chopped
Up VVith Ugly Cute.
' Mayor
Lane . criticised tha manner
pursued In th city of platting property
n eloping ground." especially on Pott-
land and Willamette height a, before the
street committee of the executive board
yesterday. He stated that . the . great
cute made In the landscape for streets
destroyed the beauty of the property.
"If Portland and Willamette hele-hta
bad been terraced with the streets run
ning around the aidea of the hille in
stead of " having them plaoed in deep
euta or high 811a, theae district would
be the nroat beautiful ' and attractive
borne propertlea in tba city and of twice
the value that, they are- at the present
time," said he.
- Sabln "of the street' committee
heartily agreed with-him. The .dlsous
lon waa caused by the proposition of
making some deep cuts and . fills for
street on the east side.- ' -
- The following bids were recommended
for acceptance: Improvement of East
Water street by filling to the established
grade with a macadam dressing and by
placing gutters, - crosswalks and aide
walks from East Morrison to East Oak
streets. O. L Brown. $; the aame
sort of Improvement on Eaat Water
street from East , Morrison street-- to
Hawthorne avenue, tl.tS4.0t; Borthwlck
street from Morris street to the steel
bridge with gravel and aldewalka, croaa
walka and gutters, Bochlll Bro1., 11,
S04.S: Eaat Tenth street from Ells
worth atreet to Dent'a addition with
grading and graveling, JStevene Bros,
tS,6l.0t. .-.'.-.,
The petition of property owners on
Second from Morrison atreet south for
the executive board to order the Port
land Consolidated railway to remove
Its track from the atreet because cars
have not been run over them for more
than a .year waa referred to the, city
attorney, ; -.;' -. , 4 , n - ,
ef Mm
ioertal Disnetrfe to The loarnsl.) '
'"' Eugene, Or.. Sept. St. The funeral of
John Benson, an aged resident of Eu
gene, who died Wednesday of cancer of
the stomach, waa held today, with Inter
ment In L O. O. r. cemetery. He was
TS years old and had resided here a
number of years, coming to Oregon from
North Dakota. - He leave a number - of
son and daughter. - ' V
T TNIFORMLY. good taste is
weu-orewea Deer i : : ;''-.'.. -.. v-
demonstrates the use of the very best Barley-:
highest grade Bohemian. Hops, special culture
' and": thoroughly filtered Water. , The best
beer , is
''' olnruro foetc tVtm
Anheuser-liusch Brewing Ass'n
fr:r: .St.-Ldwsru.-srAr'TTT;
i'.t ."'; i : Orders Promptly Filled by ';; .-. .
TChnann A Dendel, Distributors Portland Ore&fon.
delivered.', Dealera- are 'now anxiously
awaiting tha arrival of October 1, whea
th - Washington . season opens. Then
Shoalwatar bay will become the banter
of auppllea and moat of the ateeka will
be cooked here. ...
Orators are now la good condition.
Suppllea at -both Sbealwatar- and Olym
pla ara not nearly enough to supply tb
trad and prices are expected to show
till a further advance from tha praa
cnt exorbitant rata.. . '..
Columbia river teelheaa and allvar
id salmon are again la market after
aa absence of about It day a Low
water In the Columbia" la' entirely re
sponsible. Prices, however, remain tb
in,; . r-r: -v v. i
'...'' -y- ' . ' - " " '
Tula la tha time that people begin to
think and talk of turkeys. During the
paat few daya quite a number of Ui
holiday birds were received, but thus
far tha demand far exoeeda tne aupply.
In the retail markets turkey are quot
ed at SO cent a pound for the dressed
article. . but this high price-doea not
deter lover of turkey meat from buy
ing. .:., rr-"..' 1 -
At it rente ' a . pound chickens are
considered quite a -luxury.. This Is the
general prioe ruling In the retail mar
ket today for first class quality. , Of
course; the demand for chicken. la not
o great aa when price . are several
centa -lower, but the Jewish holidays
the latter part of the week will cause
large, number of the fowla to dlaap-
pear. .'. w- , ' . .,. . ;
Borne very nice ducks and fee are
now shown In the retail marketa, but
for these the demand la not heavy.
Squabs ar -coming more and more In
to prominence and public taste. Many
people are now going into the buelneaa
of raising tb young pigeon, aa th
prioe thst rule, are 'very profitable.
Tweaty-flv centa' each la the general
price. ' :
The- markets -are. flooded now '.With
eastern egg, both cold atorage and
those a -few weeks -old. Local - ranch
ia somewhat short of th demand and
1IH and 11 eenta a dosen are. the gen
eral range of walue. wLooal egga are
of muoh better quality Than a week ago.
out of umir
Mrs. Pareone Says Educational
Plan of Government in Phil- .
' ipplnes le Working Well. f-".
Knowledge , of English Gained in
Iiland Schools Unifies tha Tribes
. and Makes Thm -Into One 'Great
" Profressive Race.- :j?y:..;rr?T
- . - . ' " was ' ' v -
V. ' - -.: - : , 'f "' '
Mra, William Parsons, wha haa been
In the Pbllipplnea for three yeara, haa
returned to this country for a yeara
visit with her daughter, Mra. William
House and -Via Ethel Parsons, of Mount
Tabor. Mr. House la th wife of Dr,
William House, a specialist at the Mount
Tabor Nervous sanitarium. .,
Mra. Persons upon : her' departure
again for the Pbllipplnea a year hence
will be accompanied by Miss Parsons,
who waa there for two yeara and came
back to the United Statea several months
ago. - v.- .. . .- ' : -
"The natlvee of the "Philippine archi
pelago,'' aald Mrs. Parsons, "appear now
to be satisfied with the administration
of the government by the United Statea.
Especially was this true after the return
to the islands of the educated Filipino
who cam hare and traveled extensively
over the country. They were impressed
with the Institutions of tha United
Statea. which they think ia the great eat
nation on , earth." ' , . .
Colonel -AVllllam Parsons, who went
with his wife to the' Islands three years
ago, ia engaged In educational work for
the government with headquarter at
Matt. Mindanao province. The schools
ar making wonderful progress and are
rapidly training tha children of th na
tives. . '. , - ,rr
"It waa the policy 'of the Spaniards.
aaid Mrs. parsons, "te educate the chil
dren In their own languages "and dia
lects; thla nurtured their original nar
row tribal prejudices and prevented the
development of anything that resembled
a national apirlt. -. .
The federal ' government haa In
augurated the policy of teaching Eng
lish In the schools, and thla la fast
creating a community of Interest and
will In time enable the people there te
act together In the ultimate form of In
dependent self-government that will be
given to them. No phase of federal
... 1 i. , , ft
the infallible sign of
?A - ':-t -
fitrsm ' ' ' ''.
psiccs on aooo vzd p:.j;j
All Accumulated Oood Oaes T'.ut Qo
Post Haste. Casy Psyt--s te
Out-oT-Tawa Buyers ks aa to
Those) In the City. Ellers Plsso
1 House auaraotee Ooes Wish Ca;
One..- ;'..--' ;
If you have been booking for a' really
liable used, piano, you'll be able to
nnd eomathiug thoroughly to your liking
In this list. These piano com from
th best homes, most of them having
been received by us In part payment for
new Baby ' Grands, .and new . pianola
Pianos durlna the aoeclal exhibition and.
aale now going on at Eilere Piano Kouae.
wnue mese cut price at wnicn the
ueed pianos are now offered ar te be
cash, we can arrange with any citv or
out-of-town buyer to pay for a piano or
organ on the moat convenient terma of
payment for the mere elmple Interest,
not on the whole amount, but on . the
unnald balance
Thla la a oartlal list:
First of sol a beautiful, rich mahog
any, genuine Weber, retail worth !0u;
case a little old style, but fine tone, 1847.
. a jnacnar. medium - sise, manogaay.
1I5. - - - : '
A Wing. St 8ov fancy walnut (new),
An Ester, fancy mahogany, cannot be
told rront new, aoo.
A "Meyer." aold last week and "ex
changed" for another make , of , piano,
uaua, largeat ana, tancy oax case,
200. . .. . . - ' , v
cmerson, in exceuen conaiuon, oaa
aa. tltt. ' -' . ' - .-
J. at C Fischer, very handsome ebony
tease,- t0-.- .. . .. . .
Wang son, walnut case, fit.
Draper Bros., oak caae, tltS.
Weaer ' Orchestral Grand, mahogany
, nve peoais, szis. , . .
P. Hale, rosewood case, tilt.
Ludwlg, largest site, oak case, .fill
tr. u. teicni.
mahogany case,
like new. $114. .
jacoo -lkii, manogany case-
pedals. $ltl. ; .
Biarr piano.- very . tancy wunui
new. IJ1&. . . - .. -i. .
vose piano, like new, rancy manog
iv, 2I6; another Vose, dark caae, 1142.
I vers A Pond.fancy walnut largest
ise. $li. -
. Fancy, nearly new Haekley. upright
piano, left on sale, 11S&.
riewaon upngni. in gwu vruer, . .
, And Ooo4 Organs
fleara-Ttoehuck. mihonnr. Diana rsse
$4t. 7
Moline, lovely cabinet ; top, fancy
carved walnut, caae, ISO. '
i One. or the popular pacinc uueena.
made with apeolai. reference to Paclflo
coast climate, quarter-sawed oak caae,
with large mirror, only $46. -
Bears-Roebuck (new). 141: , Kimball.
lovely oak case, the 186 style, now $57;
Great Western, caae ehowa wear, but
good tone, $41; Kimball, very neat as tin
walnut caae, the $80 etyle, now $60;
Earhuft, very fancy cabinet style, wal
nut case, ttti Newman, cabinet style,
fancy walnat caae, nearly new, $46; Chi
cago Cottage, walnut case, a flne looker,
$28; Eatey parlor cabinet, walnut case,
regular 1104 atyle, now $46; Mason at
Hamlin, walnut caae, ss; ixeeanam,
walnut case, $ It; Prince, walnut caae,
$40; Epworth, good caae. In good order.
tlf. Western Cottage, $1; Schults or
gan, fancy., walnut new, $40; Schults,
.. --k. lit' BU.k,il. nl.(n.r
ease, w, $a 8. &;-Schults, plainer case.
walnut Sis. i ne apove iour are resi
due of : tha Wbale-onbert . bankrupt
ftOCk. - . .---' ; , 1-
Chicago Cottage, walnut-case, eutt
fully carveo, largest sise, lii.ou.
Another tuicago cottage, not a. year
old. fanciest eak caae, with large mir
ror. ' t
A tMautlfiil KimbalL In walnut .case.
panela of satin walnut; absoluUly good
i new, f j. . -
Another flne KimbalL largest aise.
aatln walnut case, $70. r : y.
Bears-Roebuck, quarter-aawed , oak,
fanciest atyle. $1$. ' (
Eatey, solid walnut caea, $20.
Great Western, cannot, 7e told from
nMaaon St Hsmlsa, tat perfect condition.
Another Inducement .'
Anv at these ' Instruments will
taken back by tie toward payment of
any new blgh-grade piano,-and we will
allow the full amount paid to data of re
turn at any time within two yeara from
data of purchase. Every instrument
guaranteed by ua Juat aa eepresented.
Pay $ to $1 -down, and $t, $t or $6 a
month, according to price of instrument
See them or write ue at once. Eller
piano House, 16 1 - Washington, corner
Park Elghth) etreec .
control promises more salutary results
than thla educational policy; hence, the
schools are probably the moat important
Institution in the archipelago.'' .
' William a Parsons, son of Mra.
Parsons, who enlisted In the Thirty-fifth
regiment of the United States . volun
teers and sailed with It from Vancouver
barracka, ia now a captain In tha regu
lar army, and la stationed at Ban Istdro,
provlnoe -of Neuva Ecljl, where he . la
senior inspector ef tha constabulary of
the province.',;.,... ' - . .i;;,.;
V .V- i '
Thla evening begin tb first day of
tb ($th year of the Jewish era and In
all the Hebrew places of worship the
coming of the hew year will be observed
with fitting solemnity. Special aervlce
will be held at the synagogue thl
evening and tomorrow morning, and at
th orthodox aynagogu they will be
held tbe following day as well, AH Jew
Ish placea of business will be closed to
morrow.. . ; ' : j " . ! '
At Temple Betn Israel, Twelfth and
Main atreet, the services will begin
this evening at ?:$ and Dr. Stephen B.
Wise -will preach on "The - Light of
Truth." Tomorrow morning at the t:$0
meeting, hi ubject will be "A Glance
at Jewish History In the Making."
At Congregation Ahaval Sholom, Park
and Clay street. Dr. Winner will preach
thla evening at T o'clock on "A Familiar
Text" Tomorrow morning hla subject
will be "Permanence Amongst the Van.
Jahlng." and on the following day he
win apeak on tne ram s norn and ex
plain Ita significance.
congregation in even aMoeca Taimuo
Thora, of which Rev. Dr. J. Shapo la
rabbi, will alao have special ' services
this evening at lta synagogue. Sixth and
Hall streeta. The new choir, which has
been under the training of Dr; Shapo
alnce his arrival last-April, will aing
for th first time. Special muaical aerv
Ire ar siren by all' the aynagogu.
' SMea dmlsdatratov. -': '
(Speclsl Otspsteh to Tbe Josrasl.) . '
Huaene. Or.. Sent. ft.--Henrv Lander.
th administrator of the estate of Lena
Becker, alia Eva Davenport, a woman
of the half .world, who 414 at Cottage
arove last apring and who left property
valued at ' more than $1,000, ' haa been
sued by Lee Mlnard, a Cottage. Orove
saloon keeper; to recover $4t.6, which
he allegee he loaned to the woman about
three years ago, - Lander refused to el
low the claim' when presented and mad
appMcattoW-for-ltnat -settlement of-Th
estate, whereupon -Mlnard , began hla
eult. v . - -1 -"- - --- ,.
. Vaya OfSelal Vlalt, .'.
-'" (Speelst trtspsfeh te Tbe lmgil.1 ' "."
Rugen, Or., Sept.- $. Orand Chan
cellor L. M. Curl of t the Knight of
Pythlha paid the lcl lodge- an -official
visit last night." A large attendance of
.. ... . , ' ' - ' -T - .
. !. ' ... ','..'-
.' ... , j t '
Ccmer Wsshlron and West
' Park Streets.- '" V
Market Daytrr;
r Our Store.
Come to our store Saturday and
20 lbs. Dry Granulated
For 95 Cento
No orders for sugar taken by
telephone. . ..- -
i i-
Another illustration of the progre
ivenea of the PALACE MARKET I
tht new feature. THE ONLY ONB IN
PORTLAND. It enable a Urge display
and at the fame time assures the con
sumer of meat' that tha article bought la
alwaya fresh and aweet.
Full Line Eastern Hams
. and Bacon : . '
Home-made lard, fresh daily. Choice
cornbeef, eteaka, chopa and roasts .of
all description. . t ...
Everything In -the Una of Hah
dally, i -. .t , . : --ri' - .
Of alLklnde, jfreeh Allied and . drl
aaiiy. ..... ., . , . . j
wosTSaUk o nra vA-enrxo . ,
;.;"v'.. . , oOAjrx. . '.-'''i' v."
260 Yamhill: St.
Bet, Sd and eth sta. ' rhene igais ISOT
The Empire Market
Will be open Saturday to attend
to the 'wants oLourcustomers,
We would like to dose, but feel
our patrons should have our at
tention first l I' .-j :, -r? '(
881vFirst St, Cor. ' Madison -i'i
: V Phone Main 494 . ; y "
' '. ";- Near, Union ' Ave. t V
Tha best the market can afford
can be found here Roasts, Fish,
Oysters, Poultry, etc. Phone us
your order early. East 147. ;
", :.' : Try dur Fancy Blend ",: -
, : ' s rotrsrss rom subo. . .'
' Call up Main tl$S.' prompt 1
f ; delivery. .... ' .-;
r." How much do you pay for
Your Butter?
We sell you the best OREGON
BUTTER made for
50b Per Roll -f
It will pay you to try it. ,
Enterprise Creamery Co.
127 FIRST STREET -Between
Wash, arid Alder
See C. B. Col weH's Adver
tisement on Page 6
Successor. to A. J. Farmer
member wa present at th meeting to
listen to an address by Mr. Curl. - After
th reacting a banquet wa served.
One of nature's, remedies: eannet harm
the weakest constitution: never fade to
cure summer complaints of young or
old... Dr. - Fowler , Extract . of Wild
Strawberry. ' " , : ,.
Palace Market
117 '.
173 TlinD ST. lzzT "rYcr.: "X
Successor' to M'KIMMCM GHOCZY CO.
4, ..mi iiiui uwi
: , ) : OUR STORE -bppN; AtlXY ;;.
i " ' -' I ,. ," '- . . ''. -.-i: ( ; ..-i,.- ,'. m' '. .
20 Lb.; Dry Granulated Sugar.', .v. i ..' . . . . j . .pi.C j
;2 3-Lp. Packages Gold pust.:.. .V.V. :i..Z"p
3 Cans Carnation Crean.,. . .;'.,C;Vrr...
1-Lb. Packaee Corn Starchr: ;.rA;-. ;V. .".... i ... 1 X5
1 Lb. Best Gloss Starch ..
-1-Gal. Can Mable Syrup.r.
i Can Eagie Miik..'.v.
1 Can Good Condensed Crtiarn . . .
We will be CLOSED SATURDAY on account of swelling
the attendance PORTLAND DAY at the Exposition. .? Open
Sunday until 10 a. m. ta attend to the wants of our customers.
: r : 1 ; V J- UNDELMAN.-P :
Groceries -20
6 Cans Deviled Ham 1 . . . . .25
Fancy Creamery Butter, roll 55s)
Raisins, ' per package. .. . . . . .5?
3 Cans -Cream.. ."I.C ;25a
12 Bars Soap , i.. ....25e
10-lb: Box - Macaroni, : Spaghetti
' or Vermicelli ...... .. . . .354
3 Cans Oysters 25
Free Delivery to
Open AH Day Saturday
Oregon Creamery Butter
Ouc. oOc and OCc -
On sack good Hard Wheat Hear. .Sl-00
poanaa seeaies naisins,....
Best cleaned Currant, lb,
Tomatoes, standards. I. can
1 can Baaed uean.,..t,...., . ...
Two t-lb. can Hominy.;.'. .......
a cane corn. Pea or string Bean.
1 pkg. Foatum or rig Prune cereal.. soo
uooa naimon, j cans
Tomatoes, Solid Pack
oki inuii, s rut
M 1
coea. eoiia rics. ..... ..
i wo s-io paga. uoia irasx. . ......
One S-lb.' pkg. Armoura Washing .
Powder . . . . . ... 4Se
Fels-Naptha Soap .............. ...Sa
It bars Boysl Savon Soap .....See
bar Baby Elephant Soap.........SSe
Nice datea lOe lb.: S Iba. .SS
1 lb. WhIU Honey. .lae
10-lb. pan pur Lard ,io
8-lb. pall pur Lard SO
I can Primrose Cream ........IS
1 lb. English Breakfaat Tea ie
1 lb. Ounnowder Tea. ............ ....SAC
Miller Nsptba Soap Sa
Pull line Flaccu Br.' MuaUrd, . Cat
sup, Chill sauce, Mangoea, etc .
Town send & Van
Nw Store. 1T Plrt t. bet, Morrison
- and Alder. Phone Main lilt -
Ba side Delivery Taeeaay aa rttday.
' V '' ' ' " ; . ,'.
Even if 70a don't beUrvs that; "Ha
that blowoth not- his own horn, . the
samt tha? not be blown," w belitve
that we have the largest' stock of
Dressed Chickens, more Beef, Pork,
Mutton, Veal and Lamb, more Corned
Beef. ' Pickled . Pork, Bacon, ' Ham
and Lard, more everything; in the
meat line than any one in town, .If
you aont Deiiev - tt, come in and
prove it to'us."'-'".'1-1.';-':-
43K N. Sixth Street'
Phone Main 1954. ,
Where all economical houaewivee go tor
their choice cut of Meat. nh. Vege
tabte and Poultry.- Strictly Fteah Egga.
It' bandy. All eaat aid car paaa door.
kihdorf Bros.
130 Grand Aye.-. -. Phone East' 412.
Is where all good and economical
housewives go .for the fine
Roestsr Poultrydressed- fresh
every day. ' Fish and Oysters
fresh. every day. See us early
Saturday morning. . ,; ' J;.
Charles Hcckcr
W Crtr.J Ave. ; . Phoaa Ei:t C3
tr rr
a v-jr .
. . . i-..U.-...... -; C f
. . ...iplXO
phone main ie:t
Phone-Main 2102.
lbs. Sugar $1
I Sack Good Flour.,, , ..91.00
Prime 'Roasts . ; ; . , . . ;v. ; . ,
Boiling Beef ..... ...4 '
Pot Roast ". . .. . , . . i-.OeJ
2 lbs. . Hamburger; Steak . . .15e
2 lbs. .Loose Sausage, .... ,.15 ,
Mutton Legs : . VV.;;".9?
All' Parts of the City;
CASH GROCrJtf Phone East 2S3
Th S Stpre, )SS SAirn ATSV, S doors frost '
afaartsna. Issdsrs la klgb grtde T Corf, Tea,
Xxtraet d Spies. rt ; 'v j-. -f , ,.
" have opuoco roit BUSNESS
Fancy Creamery Butter.. ..55e
par iaajrtrtATgD sAar.....'.....f.t
IS BMsds Best Sugsr - I .....JlM.
-pens pan Best Lard, Kc; 10
1 poead Bersl Basins Powder 0
1 eeaad SckllllBg's Ssfelsf Powaor. K
I saefc good hard srheet floor .l.O0
Solia peeked Tjonstees, per 4ossa ...... SM
t-osaeo bottle Vsallla Kisrsct ............. lua
trance kettle Lsm fcttnrt ............ 10-
Taaale-root rirpapor, S sbeots for ...... ' Se
Oood Jsts Cefe. lOe per poaad, S penes. -15
Oood Baalish Breskfsst Tm. la
1 poaad Osnpowder Tea .................. ta ,
Bass Brae.' Ctmp. S kottles .............. BS
1 pecks Car Stsrcb .1 t
Scotch Oat -.-. .,, loe
Best sts sed Mae Oorfee, per pesad .. tA
1-poend esa Baked bosns , M '
jsoend caa Baked Bess ................
roatast ............j... ........ ,...... S '
Oood Baeoa ..................a.... ..... .1
rtf .Prose Ceres! ' an
Bot Hama, pr poood ................ It
Wkit sd Tollew Cora kUal. 1-D sack..
Best Sae sad Taelora. 10 poenas- KVe
1 poaad best Cocoa sat IS
Bottle Blaelng 5.
S ess Orrsjva Orepe Ooast .............. SM
S ess Primrose Croass 1
riser Tsble amp. per gallea. ........... Sie
oiito nil. euart bottle - ...........
Mrs eos Mararosl
plats -cream
- iikit sBwej
11S first Strest, sat. Stark sad Waaklagtae. ;
Pheee Mala SU0. ...TT ...
Rolled Reset Beef .............;..,.........
P.1.,, ............ ....... .....lHa
ilrWs Steaks t.,.lH
TrndarMs -Stesks ............. ,..i,.USI
Pertorkoose Steaks 5
BnuBd Steak i .;..,,.'.. .1 Jba. Vvn
rials Steak, Ris tot ...... ..........., .S
Log Mottoa.
Lee La sib ..
. lu..
Mottoa Cboos.
S lbs for IS;
pa 10 ba taua
ShoaMar ef ktuttoa 5s
Mattoa Stew 4m
I Pork Roasts loa to ISVi
rors loops ...................... .tea te izse
Teal Roasts IQe to MI
SVosI Cbona .,..10 to 13v ,
aaaete Meat. tba for
sBoburfer, S use for ......................Sfte -
SocsrOnrod Breakfaat ' Baeoa le
Boot rrssarr Bntter......,....,..,..,.,k..oe
Trrtb Raorb KfJ..-... ..'...,. .SOa
Bred, S loaves Mr ....e.....iSv.,,,,..Ae
Sossrared Hast r. i,. .15
Bsl Beef .... ..... . i . M .Se' to I
. Veaetables f all kind. ... . , . ,
Picnic -Hams,- each r.: .-.5.
Bacon. '. .'. .V. .10$ and 12
Gorned Beef, lb... ...4
One Special Article Every Satur
; - ,, day at Reduced Price.
221 First St., Cor; Sc!n::n
Piioher.aln 5G00
j. '' '- and corraa.', ; .
Vi.J. LOVE, Grcccr
; ios st. aozT.TrrT3 n .::
-. rmSCtttf Csrrtce,