The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 28, 1905, Image 9

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liOUNTANGELCOLLfeGE," tchool for young men, offers the opportunity of 1 thorough and'
liberal education in the classical branches" to all young men. An excellent business department for
those desiring only the commercial branches. . XX : Civ;; - X? . XX .v-
--f MOUNT ANGEL SEMINARY, a school for'the young womerw " ; ; -y--i
V . REV. F. FROWN EPPER, O. S. B, President, Mount Angel, Oregon. .
classical eoursea, u4 vii found sd In
St. Hlri, Ran hu b tn'axiateao
for nanr yaara nndar th ownarshtp of
th Protestant - Kptacopal - - 41ooa - of
Oreson. Ita alumna ara inont tha
prominent literary and aoctatjr woman
of th atata.
JHrtlaa4 aoadamy If wall equipped.
and la on pt ta beat preparatory
ehooia In the west.
Columbia, eoUece baa laid Use founda
tions for a broadly dareloped lnstltu
tlon and la aald -to be deettned to ex
pand is. tba near future Into a eollefe
or larae aoope. - :
L- Tba North PaclOe Dental collate arlTaa
a complete conra In dentlatry and ai-
- Tba Multnomah Inatikute Is one of tbe
eboola that rives an excellent eora
merclal tralnlnc under akllled Inatruo
The Allen Preparatory school located
In Hawthorne Park, fits Its pupils for
eastern - eofleres and - th navel and
military schools.
Of no small pretention la th Oil
leapt School of Kxpreaelon. . a com
modloua and refined . Inatitution at Sl
Morrison etreet. x..-.,t, ,.
- Hill Military academy is a school for
soys, under th eharr of lr. JW. H11L
and. It la leoated In th locality of
beautiful homea to to wst from th
Twenty-third street line of th Co.
solidated Railway company. .
Although not In Oregon. Whitman
eollace, Walla Walla. Waablngton.' Is
one of th Institutions In whjch th
people ef this state take pride. It la
one of th . stronawst soil weet ef
the Miaalaalppl Hver. and. besides havln
etiatnea- a men earee or scholarship,
baa an exhauatleas store of historic lore
as It Inspiration. It la named after
Marcos Whitman, who made th m.
asrrui Dors back rid across th onti
nent in th early daya. before tbe white
man bad made muoh .impress -In ti
part of th world, and saved Ore son to
tne union. it was astablUhed a
Cuahin Sals and ,haa honored the
pioneers who laid Ita , fonndatloa
atonaa. , . ,
, I . - . ,
; r r1
' 1
V r
jroJK oaMwa
Offers four courses leading to B. A, B. S.; B. L. and B. Mus. The work in these courses is thor
ough, modern and largely elective,-Requirements for admission fully equal to-those of Harvard
and Yale; . Library of 12,000 volumes, laboratories with excellent equipment, best gymnasium in the
nortnwest in nanas oi an experienced rnysicai uirector, , iwcntynvc acres m joucq grounas,
Dortnitones, Y. M. C A. and Conservatory of Music ; j r - s . ;. .
. The present departments comprise Philosophy, history, Economics, Greek, Latin, ; English,
French, German, Hebrew, Mathematics, Astronomy, Biology, Geology, Chemistry, Physics and
Biblical Literature. 1 k REV. STEPHEN B. L. PENROSE, A. B., B. D., President
(leeraal aaelal Barvlee.)
Zxmg- Beach. CaL. . Sept. IS. Several
hundred Prohibition workers from all
parts ef the United State met her thi
morning for a several days' eonferenee,
which has been arranged for th pur
pose of holding a oonfereno concerning
working- methods and other aubjeata
with a direct bearing upon th success
of th Prohibition movamant. Th pro.
ram la unusually lntereettnf and in
oludes many - vital nuestlona. like the
Venango plan of work, how to adver
tise public meetings, how to do personal
work, relations between local state and
national organisatkma, methods ef book
keeping for Umperaaoo committees,
methods of raising fanda, the Prohibi
tion alliance, , how . t haadl pubUa
apeakera, etc - -
!ag;;ificeiii t w;i.:EHT
, (Continued from Page Eight) .
and gardening, bacteriology, ' drawing,
military evotutlona,. physical . culture,
raining, literary oommerce and mualo.
- Especially do th agricultural colUge's
sponsors speak of th advantages of
f ered to glrla for receiving the training
that will make them efricient wive and
transform .tba. too often . dreary farm
Item Into an abode of cualure and readi
ness for aU the aetlvUle of Ufa, social
and practical and literary.
v Th Monmouth Normal school has a
' corps of 14 Instructors and tit students,
the Ashland Normal 'school 1 instruc
tors and til atudenta, th Drain Normal
school Instructors and IT students and
th Weston Normal school 11 Instructors
and 147 students.
- The poller of the normal7 schools hat
been In the past In a measure to broaden
th curriculum to include many branches
not essentially called for In an Inatitu
tion for th sxclualv training of teach
ers; that la; eooordtna; to th general
conception th country over. The Ore
gon, Normal school essays to be more
nearly a college than a distinct normal.
"for th reason that . these institution
bay been founded In town that. must
largely yield tba efficiency of their pub
lic school la order to th maintenance
f th normals. Hence, th normals
hav -been compelled by adjustment to
th environment to add to their courses
of study branches that properly would
not be included In a normal school
curriculum. s - - - .
Thar are sight denominational
schools offering preparatory and ool
leg work. Happily, President Camp
bell has taken a broad view of these
institutions,' and sought to articulat
them so far aa possible onto th gen
eral system of th etate.- There are no
Jalouala among their adherent for
th state's university; on th contrary,
they work ta harmony and are rapidly
making th mducatlonal advantages of
this stat rival thoe of older common
wealths of the east. ...
. Willamette anl varsity, at th need of
whtah Is Rev. John Hamlin Coleman,
IX D., Is located at Salem, the stat cap
ital; it has la th past struggled against
th adversities of aa ominous debt, but
President Colemsa has recently induced
th member of th Methodist Episcopal
church, which owns th school, to dis
charge th indebtedness, and h - has
iatiy announced tnat th prospects are
good to secure f 260,001 as a permanent
endowment It la charmingly situated
In the capital city, and numbers among
: y- ,
ircr.TTijr c".ic DENTAL
its alumni aoro ot th leading men
and women of Oregon.
Paclflo university, at Forest Orov. Is
under th control.of th Congregational
church, and has lately acquired William
Nelson Perrin. LI IX. aa prealdent; hta
coming- has stimulated the Institution
and th ft-tur Is bright with hop of
even greater success than that which
has been attained In th past. ' There
are it instructors and 221 atudenta?
McMlnnvlll college, patronised by
th Baptist denomination, has II In
structors and 104 student.
-Albany college, which we founded
by th Presbyterian church. onrolls a
faculty of 11 and 111 atudenta
Philomath college, under th charge
Of tho United Brethren church, pro
vides seven teachers for Its tl stu
dents. 1 . ' . ' ' 1 '
, Paclflo college, at Newberg, a Quaker
Institution ta Its inception, has eev
instructors and lit atudenta
Dalle college, with nine Instructors
and 111 stadents. Is controlled by the
United Evangelical denomination.
Columbia college, which utilises what
waa ' formerly th Methodist peruana
university, is wnd by th Roman Cath-
olio church, and has 11 instructors and
ill atudenta
- This Is but a partial list of th Inde
pendent educational Institutions of tho
state. There ar tn louowins; in aaat-
tlon: .:....-.
Academy of Our Lady ef Perpetual Help,
Catholic Albany: Academy of tbe Sacred
naart. Catholic, Salami Bt. Helen a hiu,
Protestant Episcopal. Portland; Capital
Sualneea colles. Salem: Holmes Busi
ness college, Portland; Christian Divin
ity school, Eugene: Portland Bsalness
college, Portland; Pandletoa academy,
Presbyterian, Pendleton: Mount Angel
academy. Catholic Mount Anirel; Mount
Angel college. Catholic, Mount Angel;
Sacred ; Heart academy. Catholic La
Grand; Slaters of St Charles, Catholic
Pendleton; St. Franc!' college, Catholic
Raker city: St. . aul'a academy. Cath
olic Portland; Behnko-Walker Business
college. Portland r St. Mary school and
utevdam- - Catholic Portland.
On ef the important educational in
stitutions of thi city 1 tho T. M. v. a
which has now 7SI students in Its many
course of atody. It i claimed -that
nearlw ersrv Instructor of manual
training la th Portland public schools
was trained In ..tit I. as. c A., an inai
th present system of manual training
In tho' schools ; hero ss due largely, to
th inception of th work by th T. M.
C A. . ' - .
Th coming winter -will so many or
tho local schools and colleges in fine
new ouartera - Th Holmea Bualnoss
collar Is to" occupy a floor 'In th now
building ."at . Washington and Tenth
streets and the Bebnk-wauter busi
ness . collere will mov Into th aw
Elks' building at Stark and Seventh so
soon as It is cotnpietec . iwronum
Business college ' proapsrs la EUars i
bulldlns; on Washington street.
The "Portland schools ar flourishing
and offer , many advantage for youag
neor.1 wh dlrs training alone prao
tlca'l flhea ,.
Muoh schools as the Rivemew Mili
tary acadVmy, conductti by Arthur :
Newill. principal, afford opportunlUe
for tho young boy to receive hi educa
tion alone; with th dl set pi Ins that goes !
with training aa a soldier. j
St. MarVs academy and college is an
sa, the Supervision th Bisters of th
Holy Nam of Jean and Mary.' It pro-
Tjldap, jsoadejnjeJPlWtUa, JKlintWo . nai
Th classes of tho Holmes Busi
ness College are betas; held in the
Y. If. C A. Building, pending- con
struction of new quarters. .
By" special arrangement we ex
tend to our students all the privi
leges of gyinnasiura, : nautorium,
handball court, bath, reading-room,
etc, thatro with membership in
the Y. M. C. A. ; -r;.; - t
These L special privileges are
FREE no extra tuition charge
whatever. . .
Watch for announcement concern
ing our new location. Finest quar
ters In the city, being specially built
and equipped for our as.
Writ for Informs tlon about com
merclal course, or call.
ST-M T. K. O. A. Kdg- PerUaaa.
i c .
ai-nM-JSvis. XiUCal jLaJw && J " - ' - - - W. , aM, n r -ffl-w t m M ,
........ "THE SCHOOL OF QUAUTV , v
Offers full and complete courses in all the Commercial branchcX)pn iaUAthe
business taught in a practical way.' -Thorough instruction in all the modern methods of the office.
; J.;. y-v . . A.P- ARMSTRONG, 1. U-B . PrincipaL -
PORflleANO, ORB. -
?. , : ., ... , , ., -
1. . A boarding and day School f6r
boys and young men'. Boys of
any age. and degree of . advance
ment i received. ;vThorotigh prep
aration "for 'the-leading colleges
and for a business education.
Military mnd manual training;
1 , splendidly "! equipped' buildings;
very superior faculty; every per-
: feet facility for developing strong
.minds in : sound' bodies. Study,
! drill and play in ' proper propor-
" tions form the basis of curricu-
. -.v.. .
i ' -
DR; J, WT HILL Principal,
Portland, Oregon
tfilknette University
- Kin schools and colleges. Fortr-llv
professors and Instructor. New and
thoroughly modern laboratory equip
ment. ..v, i . Ih . .
Celled of Literal Arts
Increased Its attendance ' f 0 par oent
durlns thf past year.
- .-. onsr MMiaan ss.
For catalogue and particulars, address
Medical Department of the UniVjersi
Offers courts
covering four
years, granticj
the; degree U. P.
St.- Vineent
Good Samaritan
and Uultnomrh
county hospitxla
afford the- meet
enlarged . -; advan
tages for clinical -instruction.
ics every day cf
theweek. ,
. 1 .
a. 1T'A,V
; rr Th2
111 frllnrD?,
Ill lynnHluW
i - -Vy . 3 ' . Aa aiemeniary
jtV--A-' ' " a . wbloh fit for
and western s.
X boarding t :
' Office hos.i
ptinetpats C
summer, tr
to 11 r ..
a' j