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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1905)
c: PORTLAND'S LARGEST AND BZST CTOnZ- " y - Okh,' .Wortmsn & Kingfr Store Foremost Store on Pccis Ccps y Presaptly and -Accurately' filled -1 If you can't come "to the store Phone Private Exchange 12. C" d Z3 'Villi lrCmZZip37 ,.CZ?.ZTZIZ.. 7 ; C"To'C"-cc3 ci'o r-'c. ' t:ooc3 one? c? onioaoo 0 P; c L -J THURSDAY, CQPTQM8QR 38 1QOS I I all day For the Entertainment of the City's Visitors AH Goods Bought on Credit Accounts v TODAY, TOMORROW OR SATURDAY v"WiLI BE 'CHARGED 'ON OCTOBER ACCOUNTS : , OLDS, ' WORTMAN G. KING THE CITY'S BEST STORES WILL-ALL-BE OPEN " PORTLAND DAY -; ' Extra attractions will be offered, vast and magnificent merchandise displays arranged, stu pendous style expositions planned, AND THE MOST UNPARALLELED BARGAIN CARNI VAL CONDUCTED EVER KNOWN IN WESTERN. STORE .HISTORY. We shall offer unprecedented opportunities for people to save all the expenses of their trip by the savings we shal make. possible to all who participate In the monster sale.: Matchless special values will be made that will smash all previous records in Portland store-history. Out-of-town folk may rest assured 6f finding Portland's foremost and best store wide open all day. . Its free phones, informa tion bureaus, lavatories, writing desks, water founts from which .spring the. cold , and sparkling waters of "Bull Run," restroom and every convenience that a big modern store affords... This will be Liberty Hall, WELCOME, whether you wish to shop , or not. If you come prepared to do the Fair buying, we shall be prepared to save you your expense money, for' the -day or more. Suit yourself. .WELCOME ANY. WAY YOU COME. . ' -' . THURSDAY'S STORE SIDELIGHT 'if BOBBY'; BURNS-TO A RJOUSE: , Tha M FtM jilini of mica aa'.msn t - ,' Gang aft a-tisy;-.. . . ' - - i v...- --' - An u naught but grief and pain ' ' "THERE WAS A METHOD IN HIS MADNE8S. MT MASTER." ; . A hsratofors stated, this stora SrlU loin' with AM- OF PORT- 1 XANDS BEST-STORE JJUKMPINO-OPBM-HOUSH FOB-THH RE- CEPTION--OF-TIUB CITT' -VISITORS ANa THEIR ENTERTAINMEKT WHIM DOWN TOWN ON TO RTUUfD . DAT." . ','-'' . Notwithstanding tha atranuoua and despsrata afforta of a amall eota- . .- rla 'ef local merchants who hart an interest to guard of an absolutely selfish natura In refusing to kaap thalr torea opan and acting aa a - downtown commute to receive and care for tha eltya guests upon thetr .'arrival In town on Saturdays 'Tortland Day" Till SWOBS WOPb MM warn or roost a. k. to s r. sl, ajts oub ajsjct or lotax - VIM ACT A 1- ' , 1A COMMITTEE OF 600 . . .- ...... -. .. . to receive andttend upon tha want of the multitudes who come to (ha -' city on that day for attendance u pon tha Ezpoettlon. Aa a great publto utility our duty to pointed out to ua and wa ahould bo false Indeed . to every principle of hospitality as euch did we eloaa our doors and go away " to help darken tha city. To thousands of the vlsltora a visit to Port land would be tncomplata without a tour of the "Big Stores" and a .peep at the wondera they, contain. Really a part of. the great Br position. . We do. not propose to deny anyone that privilege. Indeed, the alghta hare on Saturday will be unusual, grand L magnificent! 'Tha fuU season ..atyla ahowa will be on, and the-leesona to be gleaned from the stupen dous and matchless displays of merchandise wijl-be Invaluable. 'A full will allow of all anioylng tha alghta of tho Expo and of the atorea ... ' AU tha great publio utilities WIU bo running at full pressure. - : .' ; : COME' TO: PORTLAND; . ; . v RAIN, OR, SHINE! . rJ . While tha weather records a how that such a thing aa rain baa boanN " known on September 10,' we know thkt ovary poaalbla In.tuenoo has been averted upon tha weather nan to refuse Jupiter Pluviua admission ' ; thro1-tha city's rates on "PORTLAND DAT." If ha doea land It will ' be by means of an airship, and-Beaohey, the- Intrepid, will guard tho . osone"abovo us well that day. . We cannot quite agree with tha vary .. able editor of m leading city dally who "hoped for rain the.. Portland might ahow her extreme loyalty." We have no fear' for Portland loyalty ' - RAIN"TOK"BHINE but wa do alncerely hope for sunshine to bring ' In the vlsltora from abroad that may not possess that loyalty for our. ' city so much aa for their own. THE COMMON SENSE OF IT ALL IS We must provide all tha attractions that Portland possesses on Satur-'' day. AND PORTLAND'S BIO 8TORE8 ARB POWERFUL ATTRAC- . TION8. 1 Tho city must and will bo OPEN. ' Tha only "open" places not - open that wo know- of are cemeteries. They are "open, but hardly In viting, and 'the tombs tightly closed and locked, would afford little shel ter, even to thoae who might be driven to them for cover. Wa will not ' be party to sending thousands back to their homea nest Saturday night, "or later, with tha impression firmly wedged In thalr mind that "Port- land .la a Mead W Of a "deserted village."' Only tho Head 'una' will be closed, friends COME INTO TOWN ON PORTLAND DAT AND ..'WE'LL SHOW YOU ALL OF PORTLANDS BEST STORES WIDE . OPEN AND AT THEJR VERT. BEST FOR YOUR RECEPTION. Coma , ,. rain or shine; if it rains In- tha morning bo aura it will clear long before noon. It'a a' characteristic of Portland weather. There'e ahelter hero . for 10,000 people, oven if it doaa rain; tha store la in tha heart of tho city on tho direct Una, of streetcars to tho fair, running overy minute. . There'e ahelter and hospitality b era rain or shine. - PORTLAND'S LARGEST AND FOREMOST STORK OPEN FROM I A, M. TO 6 P. M. " PORTLAND DAY1 J i WAHINO-TON 6T. IN THE HEART ; OF "THE CITY Souvenir Tickets Given Away WITH EVERY- $5.00 PURCHASE MADE AT THE "STORE THIS WEEK BEFORE 6 P.M. ON SATURDAY .. . . A v t k . J 7 r Opened Here KSAtEOF loiiiing SmES This Continuing Friday and Saturday A SEASON ' OF "JANUARY CLEARANCE SALES AT THE CLOSE OF SEPTEMBER A GRAND "COMPLIMENTARY SALE" TO. PORTLAND'S VISITORS AND A GREAT BOON TO OUR HOME FOLK' TODAY FRIDAY SATURDAY CI earance- inree D Sales avs i JODAY FRIDAY " SATURDAY The dooirs swung opsn this-mbrnihg upon -the greatest-au-; tumn sale in the history of Portland and the Northwest ; Absolutely Every Article in This House' Drasti- cafly Reduced for Three Days , (A FEW MINOR ARTICLES "CONTRACT GOODS" UPON WHICH MANUFACTURERS REGULATE PRICES ALONE EXCEPTED) Thus we make it easy for both homef oik ,-and visitorsr to buy their Fall and Winter supplies now, and, get ths full benefit of long wear; at the January reduction priceso Lind you every article in the store in every department on every flooro is mercilessly reddced beyond precedent January Qearance Saie prices to rule A GRAND THREE-DAY CARNIVAL OF CLEAR ANCE SALES FOR SHOPPERS " Portland Points the Way" Oldi Wortman King Pays 'the Way BOOST PORTLAND DAY Souvenir Tickets of AtojMton to the Fair : : . Given Away Free SLr With every purchase of $5,00 or.xver made at the store this week jbfore 6 p. m. of Saturday, we will give "FREE one souveAir ticket of admission to the Exposition on Portland day, Who Hasn't Need of $5.00 Worthf New Merchandise at This Season? - Buy it this week at Portland's foremost store and receive FREE a souvenir ticket of admis sion to the Exposition on Saturday next, besides saving in a marked degree on merchandise selected and helping to BOOST TORTLAND DAJTfoe ; sayings are gfeat. : , A A This Jubilee of Clearance Sales Will bring thousands to Portland to dp their Fall shop ping and prove a more powerful magnet than all else combined to increase the Exposition attendance on 'j PORTLAND DAY Souvenir Tickets Given Avcy Absolutely Freo With every $.00 purchase 'made at the store t!..'i r .before .6 p. m, on- Saturday.- - A"- ., -A