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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1905)
CZZZll DAILV JCUTJJAIX "TOSTLAKD. TIIUIt'DAY 1 EVZIHIJO" CZPTEI.ITIl '3. "IV-DJD FOS hlmitolf to William Llnd, th street con tractor -who Is - supervising som Im provements In St John. "When I was lavlnr6hro.""salr"ths stranger, "I mw la .The artUnd. Jour nal - that there - was bot . fight - going on in th council. - As I was coming out to the fair I thought I would call on Edwards, because 1 Ilk a etayer." Th stranger did not get an oppor tunity to se Mr. Edwards, but he said he would call again, ' He had hardly left when his place was tilled by another man, who said he had ono been mayor, of some town In Florida. - He also wanted to see Mr. Edwards first, but he was anxious also to see Mayor King. C. R. Organ, ex-city marshal of Ht. Conns, tells several stories of about th ime character. Mr. Organ has Just "re turned from the -coast While down there he met a number of eastern tour ists, and as all were strangers to one another It was not unusual to hear this question? "Where ar you frotnT" When Mr. Organ answered that he was' from 8t Johns, the rejoinder Invariably- was: ''Let's see. Isn't that where Edwards O'J FLOW GOLD nESToaEojiis uAin Cc:!d Hurncr Cured by Cuticura :'. Soap d Ointment r AFTER ALl7iLSE FAILED TO THE OB IS ill : mmmmimKZiv: Grand Army Camp at'Sellwood New Process Will Gather Clack "I was troubled with a severe scalp humor and lee of hair that rave me a ereat deal of annoyance and inconven ience. After unsuccessful effort with many remedies .and so-called hair tonics, a friend induced me to try Cnticura Soap and Ointment. The humor was cured in a short time, my hair was restored. as healthy as ever, and I can gladly say I have since been entirely free from any further, annoy ance. -1 shall always nse Cnticura Soap, and X keep the Ointment on hand to use aa a dressing for the hair and scalp, (signed) Fred'k Busche, SI3 Bt 57th St., New York City." V I Soon to B Disbanded Sand and Gold at Thirty Cents a Yard. ;" ' ;r" E WILL STATE THAT THE BIG SALE OF THE HOLLAND BROS.' STOCK AT 40 PER CENT OF VALUE will be open aU day Saturday, and to This End. that a triple force of salesmen will be employed to see that customers are served with . reasonable" haste, as closing this store would keep thousands of people from coming to Portland next Saturday, as they intend buying their Fall goods at' this sale, thereby saving more than the expense of the trip to the Fair, so the big sale will be wide open and ablaze with the greatest bargains ever offered to the people of the North:. west. . ' , ''''.'. ' " . . : MILLSITE ALSO MAY . SAVING IS CLOSE TO : ' BE INCLUDED IN PARK THE ASSAY VALUES - - T : Large Grove Near. Retort Belong E. J, Garvin Describes Work Done Above Lewiaton and Says That a Larger Plant Will Go, Into Com- i " to O. W. P. Ay Ry. Co. and , the .. Stretch Between Will Be Vacate! la having his nghtr 1 If New Location for Mill la Found. MANY USE FERRY. v ; mission in a rew Days. tf I 1 1 - I - V Tke t sloe efflca ef The Tooraal to U ,h star of Mr. . W. McKlnnrr, SM Eat Marrleos ilnM. ytfpnoas lui I'a. . '3 Th encampment ct th Grand Army at Sellwood baa practically broken up, 1 and -th campara have ben ordered by -tha Oregon - Water - Power Railway company, ,, the owners, to Vacate the arounda on October 15, on which day th, camping season ends- Many of tho campers had. rixed up tneir tents ana 'had prepared to remain during toe win. tar, bat the order of. the company caused - them to look for new quarters. It Is understood that the company wants possession of the grounds at the ""earliest possible day, because It Intends to establish a new park, which will form la part ot th Oaks summer resort. The 'la-rounds are onlr a short distance south ' of the Oaks, but between the two places His the mill of th East Side Lumber .company. report la current at Sell l wood that th railway company has mad an offer to purchase the mill site 'and make it a part of the park. The ''milt owners. It Is said, will be amply ! paid ... for the .alt-and will be allowed 'to move their plant to any place-they choose. The mill Is one of th. largest In Portland, and the cost of removal 'would be great. It Is said that the ' railway company would assist the mill men In finding a site equally as good as the on they now have. : """'t Th camping ground which the com ; pany Intends to transform Into a park ; are beautifully situated on th banks - of the Willamette. They . are covered -' with tall pines, and also with a growth of scrubby pines, which will be cut down. There are many knolls on the grounds, and where the cannot be lev eled they will be beautified with floral beds. Th mill site. .If purchased, will. It is said, be converted Into grounds . for tennis and other games... MANY NEW PUPILS. Portsmouth School is Crowded 'With Va ' v ezpested Ineretse ; tm tadeats. .', The attendance at th Portsmouth school on Monday, the opening day, was (7, or 67 more pupils than were reg istered at the end of the first month ot the las fall term. Yesterday the. at tendance was 114, and Principal Hugh son expects to havs ISO pupils In th school within th next few weeks. Sev . eral of th rooms are crowded, but pro vision, will be mad for any overflow. a . WORLD KNOWS ST; JOHNS, 4 " j - Trom Stalae to Tlorlda Com Curious Who Wish to Xeet Warriors. Through the'quarrel In th council. St. Johns Is rapidly acquiring a national reputation. . This was apparent yester day afternoon. when two strangers dropped Into th city and, after looking around, asked where C D. Edwards, whom Mayor King Is trying to oust from th council, could be found. The person Vho mad th first Inquiry addressed Mr. Cleveland Undeterred By the ' T..- V.. . i-r i '. .... . 1 ' .. : To which his article on "Woman s Glubs" subjected hini, has written a vigorous, direct-from-the-shoulder article 6 n " Wo Ladies': Home Journal i . ... ' IT THE CURTIS PUBLISHING COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA o at veuwood veaerousiy rauoausd . by Tanners aa 4tlsta.' Travel over the Sellwood ferry has been unusually heavy -for this season of the year, ' Farmers In the southern part of the -county bringing their prod-' ucta to market have been coming to tha west side over the terry instead of over th .Madison street bridge, as formerly, and a gradual increase in the traffic la noticeable. Sine th rains, began com paratively few pleasure vehicles crose over the ferry.' During the fin weather preceding the rains as many as 40 auto mobiles a ; day , were - carried over the ferry. nd this number was often ex ceeded on a Sunday. Last month nearly 4.000' teams and between t.OOO and 0.004 foot passengers were carried, but there will b a decrease in th numbers this month. - ' v-- C 1 .,', ; - '..; ? , ROADWAY-WELL ALONG. -4- Blerated traeror a Bast TamhUl Zs Beady for the VlahJclng. -'AH - the piles' hav been . driven -and croasbeams laid on the new elevatsd roadway on East TamhUl street, con necting Union avenu with East .Water street and swaybracea ar sow ' being placed in position. -If there Is no de lay In obtaining lumber from the mills th roadway will be opened for, traftlo In, about a month or so. ' Property-owners and; occupants r-f buildings adjoining the roadway would have preferred a fill of the street rather than th Improvement now being completed, but the flit would hare been very expenslv,. A fill Is considered by them to be better from every point of view, but it is not probable that any thing will be done in that way until Mayor Lane's proposal to fill all tho east side sloughs is passed upom(- V; BIG PORTUNDDAY.; stave Tea meads Oom September SO . ' " Tory Low mates. Tell your friends about the very low rates made by the O. "R. A N. for Port land day at the fair, Saturday, Septem ber SO. Make it th biggeat day of the fair. Verjr low 10-day tickets on sale September 21 and SO. ARGUMENTS BEGIN IN 7 - FAMOUS WATER SUIT ? ' NPeUi WpUli e lb Jearaal. ' Pendleton, Or., Sept. SS. The argu ments on the motion to vacate th re cent ruling' of the circuit court ordering th state engineer to make a survey ot th lands Involved in the famous water suit that has been brought in the north end of the county will be made here to day. Will R. King of Ontario will ap pear as the attorney for th plaintiff company, while the defendanta will be represented by Judge Lowell, A. D. Still man. Judge J. A. Fee and - Attorney Sharpsteln of Wall Walla. Wide Griticism ma ii S u ffr aeev for . ... . . ; . ... 1 1 1 CratsafXll News-Stands E. J. Garvin, the Portland man who has completed .? th . experiments for saving flour gold of , the Snake river bars, has returned from th scene of his work above Lewiaton. He confirms the report published earlier regarding sue cessfol saving of th finest gold in the gravels of that river, and says that the work was done with a rather crude plant at a cost not to exceed 16 cents a cubic yard of sand, which would bs about a ton and a half. A larger plant is be ing completed and will go. Into commis sion at once, after which it is believed that the gravel may bo handled at a suit lower cost "The Hy-Bar company, of which- the three Nebrbood brothers are the princi pal owners, has been working for three years on new methods of saving flour gold." said Mr. Garvin this morning, "Their experiments were -on exposed bars, as they felt confident that after they had mastered a method or process they could use it in a dredge that would handl gravel from beneath 'the river surra. . They had tried coarse concen tration andk cyanide percolating tanks. but th process was so slow that they were not making money,nlne days being required for a charge, and the saving was not satisfactory. They asked me to put in one of my machines to prove whether I could handl a charge of the sand in eight hours. I did so, and where th gold was not rusty I was abls to put a charge through In that time, but In some instances where the rust was heavy on th metal two hour longer were required. . A majority of the Snake river bars have bright gold, I under stand, so that eight hours will probably be an average time for the charge. .. "Our first work for the Hy-Bar com pany was near Lewiaton. Th company owns many bars far up th Snake, but as river transportation is impossible now the management concluded to con duct the experiment near th city. We craped the gravel up with a road scoop. dumping it Into a hopper which fed onto a shaking screen of Z0 mesh sis. We never bothered with anything that went above 20 mesh in sise, and found that we were losing nothing In these rejects. as the gold Is very fin and is absolutely free, hot being in any gangue material. As a rule SO to 00 per cent of the total gravel was rejected by a SO-mesh screen, leaving ua only 10 to 20 per cent to put over th concentrating table. In this simple manner we made a concentration of fiv and ten into one. . The concen trator which consisted of th heavy iron sand, gold and a. small quantity of siliceous sands, was elevated to a bin put over a bumping concentration table, the-duty of- this table being maintained at about IS tons a dsy. No effort wss mad to separate the gold and. black sand, which were of about the same specific gravity, and we found that the Iron helped gather th flour gold in th riffle while the light sands flowed over In, the tailings row. The concentrate product from the table was about one hundredth of the total amount of gravel originally dug up by th scraper, giving a limited quantity or the leacning ma chine. "My leaching machine had a vat of J The LATE SHOE PEI8Ui , patent colt dreat shoe with welt aolea The aolea are Tiscolued, rendering -themneaxly water proof -a feature worthy of consider ation in tbia : clim ate Thla is only one of the many StvlAS we'afiow In sboea for ... WE show a complete line of Laird, Scho bert & Company's shoes in shiny leathers. For quality workmanship and smart styles this lme stands without a peer FULL AH 383-85 MORRISON ST two and a half tons capacity, which was abls to handle-two charaealn 14 hours. or five tons of concentrates a day. This is ample for the separating plant that Is being- erected by th company 10 mnes't above Lewiston. as a leachlne machine -handling; fiv ton of concen trates would . require ' th entire plant to handle' COO tons of gravel in a day. Our saving- in the vat was remarkably successful... and .1 used only a one twentieth of one per cent cyanide solu tion. I found that about half of the values saved were taken up on the amalgamating- plant at the top , of the machine, the rest going into the solu tion and being precipitated by th elec tric process. - .. The Hy-Bar company is building .a plant 10 miles above Lewiston on the property of the Royal Mining company, which ' will have three concentrating tables and a larger screen surface. The leaching machine I "tried for them will suffice for this concentrating plant, and for' a time horse scrapers will be used to gather in th gravel. With this equipment it Is regarded probable that the plant will handle' th gravel tor 21 to SO cents a cubio yard. - "The black iron sand gathered with th gold is leached, but no effort is made to separate the magnetite from the chromlte. aa there Is no market for -a magnetle product and there ar no furnaces to reduce it Into ' pig. The operators will dump th Iron sand in a great heap, and If th time should come when magnetite has . a market in the northwest it mar be gathered un and sola?" ' I MINING NOTES. Manager H. ' H. Nicholson, - of ths Standard mine. In eastern Oregon, and Superintendent N. T. Heath have been in the city for a short time. Mr. Nichol son departing yesterday and Mr. Heath this morning. Both gentlemen state that th work of installing a reduction plant is progressing- rapidly, while the extensive- swfac Improvements for o commodatlon of th men ar about fin ished. Mr. Nicholson Is directing the construction of th plant in Denver, and will have It shipped within a short time for erection. B. C. Eastwick of this elty, who rep resents Bailey, Banks A Cohen, pro moters of Philadelphia, recently grub staked Captain It W. Brantvest for prospecting work In Alberta, Canada. Th latter has reported that hs dis covered most promising! copper deposits on Fraser river about 11 miles from Lytton station. He said that' consider able chunks of natlva copper were found at th surface, while th veins whence they came carried much -of J th asm natal la free state. The deposit la said to b in an amygdaloid. Ilk on or two of the big systems of th Superior dis trict in Michigan. , A. J. Trimble, owner of the Annalulu mine, near Sumpter, passed through the city yesterday en rout to eastern Ore gon. i : -.. . .. Jos Mikel. well known in th easterri Oregon country. Is In th city visiting th fair and says that there la ar large mount of important mining in progress throughout th Blus mountain belt. WHEAT MARKET MAKES ADVANCE AT PENDLETON (Special Pupate to The Joonat) Pendloton. Or Sept. J8. Another ad vance of l . cent . occurred in - the local wheat - market yesterday, thus bringing the price of club wheat up to 1 cents.' This Is th fourth time within th past two week that wheat has advanced here, the change being I cent each time. About T10.000 bushels is still In th growers' hand. Jim ml Hyde ha lost three more vice- prealdencies in trust companies, and his annual Income 1 thereby reduoed J7.- 000. . Jlmml -may yet nave" to go .to MoaKXac. Jlvlnv,, . . MS) a at j m $3.50 , V an. o oee. WJ-I5 FRANKLIN ST. . 11 J enua I BILLS PAYABLE IN NEW Y0K OR CHICAGO "CXCHANGC V TERMS NET CASH etum.or dtductwi lh9(f eceptJy special agreement: , . fl ITVTTN flV TTV -ITV -eri s a lid Boys' F ingfHatSeShoes,Fij liWWWVIJ- at Sacrifice Bank 40 Per Men's and:Bd3Siiits veilettes, Mackintosh ( Rubber Boots, Shoes, Slippers, Storm Rubbs,Hats, or Wool Underwear, Sox, Gloves, Shirts Kinili Wool Blankets Com The Largest aothing.etc., seww'a THERE Body, yet it boldly makes the boast that IT CAN RUN AWAY FROM ANY STEAMBOAT THAT EVER PLOUGHED THE WATERS OF OUR RIVERS. . , . . - It can "akin'' from moat of them so easily there la no fun in the transaction. It la like giant . ' ' ;' -T troundnf, a crippled boy. , :" FIFTY CENTS SAVED ON EVERY TRIP .. M Dock Foot V dT lt ROUND TRIP TICKETS ONLY $1X0. Capacity YOU UAH RAILROAD Frca Portland to Astoria . ssd Ce Cost Is Osly . . THIS IS CERTAINLY CUT RATE TRAVELIITr? , . DOCK FCDT O? A?. ROUND TRIP-EVERY DA Returning leaves Astoria at C 207-200 EAST V1AOISON STRCCT lOOS-IOOT waSNiHOTON AVt rtuawoat ' -auTO Sale Now Going Men's arid Boys' Fine Cloth Ccett Mleiial Mez amf best stock of Seasonable - and Stylish ever offered at Bona Fide Sacrifice in Oregon IS NOT A COWARDLY RIB of Oak Street Zj&z&zi TIME AT STEAUEOAT PRICES WEE! YCC UZl C1TCZ rt'J Vets cti ! 1 eru - 0 On ' ' r .' --. 4 Furnishing Bankrupt Sale. - Clothinjj, IN THE one s but Fit Sua.. of steamer. 690 peacencerm, G&zl ceJ TO Cdzttr !) T