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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1905)
i ::;m visit ... io t v J cl -1 n a r Great Northern 'i; President , Re fuses to Talk of Projected North Bank Line. iiiiL- FINANCIERS TO VISIT t vi PORTLAND EXPOSITION . . v. 1 . ..V':'t.- Magnate Turn Down Spokane' Re- , . Gawtnv Thai QUCSX I or uuiod - 'Pment 'Sution li FuUy Used by till Own Railroad. i. .... . . . i .... I " (Special Wepetea Te oenil. . 1 :: BpoSTwaTw Sept. 2 "' jWM J. HIU of the Qrt Northern v.v nf rnuti. travellns to the r.clficTcoast on special train, errlved 1 to w . lfha fat-ianx T DC aboard In. tr .. unHc'fW.UM coast.-, They wUl M" turn Tuesday a'tamoon and ot the chamber f oommeroe Wednes . , -i h. noaalbllity for union detot In Spokane, Mr. HUi -aid: r Would you havs ma abandon ; tnw deoott I would not. -If thar.w.r- enou -room for a union , JhTroom we, have, at present "; rabJeet 'of ; Wcolumb'R rlveV road was hr -Don't talk to rn about railroad. Tal time about the .rowth of the city and tb northwest." - , Aoompaayta-raldantmrJkra Howard EUlott, president of the North JrW pacific; F- D. Underwood Pf0n ' "f theKrleY Samuel HIU of Beattle and . -..r... of Nar TOrK xmancran. . riinertT-arrive .in - - . .. .. nntn Hundav. wan ihey leave for Portland. . UJ.VeUd the -special train wlU - reach- that city Sunday nleht. and Monday will be i f voted t. slahtseelns; m ins town. A vlalt to the Lewis and Clara exposition la probable. ? - ' ' ' .While In Portland the party Is ex pected to mo over the terminal (rounds recently acquired there In the name ol hTNortherli Pacific for the Hill Inter ests. These terminal grounds will per mit of a bl extension of traduce and will aive around enough for the erection - - a...... . thsAiie-h wh IfTi OX eft inWI wewaF w- - Srelaht rains will be run. ,iacuiiime unloading. . It U probable the new terminals acquired at Vancouver wlU be Investlcated,' too, - '" A i -i i nn.ratMiAlnar was thai the party would come west over the Oreat nonnern t mm iv- -: (Hrtl Dtapeteh The Jenrnal. - i rCTii rw Bnt. it X araneral rain has been faUln and the SfO"" has been thorouniy soaaeu. wu w.u insure a good arowth of early sown fall rain throuanou i btowvu. - ... .-. , Blnce the rain 10 days ao a ireet dea . m . MHk. Kjm .dona.. -:" ' Reports from some sections say that on wheat ts comln up and looklnf fine. - s rJOVElTIESIN rm.' I V4 Vvs E ARE showing many . novelties in ladies rcadv - to - Wear -: Suits, Coats, Waists, Hats and .. Underwear for fall. Particular attention is invited to the exceptionally strong display of'suits in all popular autumn shades. We give,, you the opportunity and' give It freely of paying a small portion at time of purchase and the balance at (PA AlVEEK NO CHAROK FOR CREDIT 7otm the taroaa of loyal i IPevtlaaders la saakiaf Ver. tend Jay saesaorftkl, This tore elosed frosa rrWay evenUuf mmta atomday atom CllTiTTiiriG CO n. Str wlMVVaf CMdH b Seei ' " ) t?JtSIZi"GTC!1 , STCEET s - C0ME iN TOMORROW IF YOU WOULD TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS WONDERFUL - ryC, w7 laps- ---bb. a . m WW '-aw aT f I i . M Where men buV clothes at 10 to W per cent of their true worth, and men and women shoes at the astounding prices we name be- low GENTLEMEN, THIS HAS BEEN THE GREATEST SALE PORTLAND HAS EVER KNOWN, v The moment we received our $23,517.35 from the insurance company to cpver our loss by water and smoke, there being but very little damage by'actual contact with the fire,' we decided to f,' " .' ;.' fJnse Oiit Our S50.000 Stock Bv 0ns AT PRICES NEVER BEFORE HEARD OF HERE. ' 'And the store bis been crowded with our former friends and thousands f afraneers'ever since. iBt $50,C covers a whole, lot of merphandwe, and there U not a line in the store that is not yet full i;:ftr.Sh;t OUR STORE WILL BE CLOSED; ON SATURDAY. PORTLAND DAY. UNTIL 5:30 P. M, D-M;.mwr .'trlireforV.' that OUR STORE WILL when its doors will be' opened to give Portland's thousands of visitors an evening opportunity to take advanUge of .the MOST , vy 4 ... ' . ,,n'tTnn ntp w WvfTrTT TWTT.V P4UF. TCVP.W HICAPn.-'"Reart thla nrlce Hat and aee far. niGANTlU tLUlnlWU onuu'Bnui' ,tw - - : - w .... !..,-. ;- . . ; -m : . .".i "... .-,.' . , v - yourselves wnat unspeaKaoie oarguna we ar oiicnns iwm , -y ' ; ; Read these Priyei foffi EleaanUy talloreajl-wool' S Suits for man. at . ; , . ... . . f 10.50 Nobby" alf wool -Men's BuUSrr. . ... . . . Ti.iV; . 9,.TI ... Stylish, faahlonable alii wool - SIS. , Suits for men' .S)T.60 1 Dandy 1 1 Sultd. 'all woot7 at Hhs unbelievable barsaln of. each.fe.OO " llt.SO Suits. ood "enough for buel-, '". ness purposes f. ....... '...5.10 ' Men's 110 Worklna 8ults at half the v coat of sewing them. .... .v .3.98 Men's ft stronc. subrtantUt every day Suits,' down to the? Fire Bale -Price of ...... '.;, J.K Overcoats , The $11 kind. flO.50: the kind. f8.T5; the 2 klnd.'fT.SO: the $16 kind. B6.O0: the 111. SO ' kind. 95.10: the $10 kind, 93.98: ' the $$ kind. $2.95. ; . tl.tO kind 'St: ... .-Toe The $140 ! kind for i worklngmen, how777n;T.T7!7.; .U.60 . ..n . . t a ... . . . . The $$.(0! values, not' damaa-ed ex- 'oept by mok Wrrr.....j.. 1 81.38 An ou'r $.;$4.I0. $1 and $ . Men'a Trouseri FlrS Sale , price, : only .A.fl.VS 1 Odds and Ends :' ." - n ..! Cravenettea,. worth $11. now f 3.99 too to $1.00 Straw Hats, 29: M to' $1.(0 Hats.-T9: lio Sox, 4; 18o Hanflkerchlefs. 4f. President 8uapendera,M9;; 18c Ties. 4f., It to ll.iO Shirts,' 74f' 100 .0,.f Shirts, 29eV Lien's and Women's Shoes XU 1110 welts add turns. .....20 Reamlar $1 and $1.50 valuea. ' heels - Just dampeped by water. . . . . . 90 $1 and $1.10 values, not dlscernlbiy 'damaged ............ Regular $1.10 and II shoe boxes soiled by water and -fl.OO values. Only smoke fl.10 Misses', -slightly, damaged, regular $1 values $1.14 Children's regular $1.10 .values,, damaged by smoke only. .....60 Women's spring heels, regular $1.10 values ..45 Infants Shoes, regular 7So , val ues .40 ' Boys' Shoes, "regular $! values, boxes only damaged by fire ...98 Mlases' Sandals and Leather, regu Ur $1.10 values Fire Sale prlce.69 . Black and Tan Boys' Shoes, values ' up to $$... ............i...tiia :CJilldrea's all leather Sandals, reg ular $1.15 values ...... ......50 Misses, and ChUdren's Whits Can vas Oxfords, Regular ; $1.K0 . vai- -ues ........89 Men's Shoes, damaged by, water, regular $100 and It values Firs Sale pries ... ...... .79 Men's Box Calf, Vlc. Blucher. and Bala, $1.10 and 41 taluea,' now Men's Box Calf and Vic!, Blucher ' and 'Bala,.. $1 and $4 values; not ; aottceably damagedVnow,,.. 81.56 207 BIRST-ST; BBTtVEEN TAYLOR AND SALMON A w-HB lines we carry are backed by reputa - I tions extending from Atlantic to Pacific, as witness "Alfred Benjamin Correct - Clothes," "Knox" and -Warburton" hats, Dr. Delmel" and "Dr. Jeeger". underwear etand- , Ing for absolute leadership. : , . .. , . ?:'."-.-r-"---V' '-'i..-...:.'; 'i.r; : r , ,-.y:r,. N The "Cluettf shirt, 'Sur,M -Manhattan- these names convey a feeling of safety and re--liance to the careful dresser. '- . ft,- kniDifiir nf h9 aViirfa in efltnnoted of .' a great variety of new designs and patterns in r : stiff and semi-stiff pleated styles. , d) An materials, all sleeve lengths, all slses," Prices ?1.00 to $3.50. ; 4 'i . " Bufnim B Pciidhton Furnlthmn Hatttrw ; ClothUn .31 1 Mcrrhon Street OppttUm Potiofflom PORTLAN AY VVE CLOSE BANK AND OFFICE RAILING Barbed Wire, Wire and Lawn Fencing, Poultry Netting, Etc i PORTLAND WIRE & IRON VORitS Phone Mala aoj FLANDERS ST Near Third . ..... , - . - -- 7.- ' . r JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY BEST - - -J- '-'. ' fI I' u " ' To Our Out-qt-Town Patrons: lWe extend a cordial invitation to yoa and your friends to make this store your headquarters while in the city.. Come in and !make use of our restroom, telephone, writing-desk, stationery and drinking fountain.', Leave your packages with us while you are at the Fair roundsyou're welcome, you know as welcome as the flowers in May. Visit our wholesale departmentwe have a holiday line that .will just suit your trade, ; ' German, Spanish, rFrenchtltatlanr Portuguese tan-; guagesS poHcn, Saturday, September ' 3mi&05 ing of a leaf in the history and OREGON, the Empi Marks the turning of a leaf in the history of PORTLAND, the Rose City, i v Empire. . of ; the ; .Vvest i. x, v fit . ;:(; 1 THIS STORE WILL BE OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY to welcome our out-of-town friends and strangers to Port land. We'd be sorry to have 20,000 visitors go away with the impression that we were unhospiuble-r-or worse, to have them .say: "Well, Portland's a dead one seemed like a Sunday in Philadelphia." ! No siree well be "at home" all day. ; tmiBUSNE Can he combined with benefit to yoa Therell be something you need in one of these departments Our Store is just brimfull of money-saving items SATURDAY: : ; Surgical Dept. 1 We manufacture an our Elastic Hosiery Belts Support ers and Anklets -Knit to fir The most complete, ' , .(". line of Surgical Instru- s ments ' 1 ' Surgical T Furniture end Hospital Supplies in the Northwest. Everything the , Dentist, needs. "College and Laboratory Outfits Microscopes,'1 Slides, Etc v Agent lor Johnson & Johnson Bauer & Black . "..' and . J. Elwood Lee's Surgical . Dressings Photo Dept. ANsco ' CAMERAS . " and -r-.. '.'?' 7- ' ANSCO NON-CURLINQ FILMS - Tr DI NUNZIO Platinum Paper SENECA V CAMERAS and the: : . Ultra VIOLET v; ELECTRIC LAMP Developing , and printing done. Our experts make every negative a study. ; Prices moderate. Prescrip tion Dept. You get the advan tage of half a cen tury's experience in buying the right . drugs at the right . . t prices. 1:1- iru.- Highest standard of excellence our. . motto. Registered Phaiiacists only employed in this . work.' V. Leather ware Beautiful line - of LADJES' : V HANDBAGS ) PURSES . . CARD CASES TRAVELING? 'BAGS SUIT CASES . BILL BOOKS -ROLLUPS -TRAVELERS' V TOILET SETS ETC " ! Newest fancies from Europe and .the East. ; -.'.V Some special prices prevail . this - week. Perfumes Choose from '. H AUBIGANTS ' PIVERS :-;V'--.'-' Rogers ft . Gallet PINAUD ' - LE GRANDE v ' :? Imported 'Extracts . .. and.';;, 7- Toilet Waters; " or MARCELLE'S v VALLANTS V WRIGHTS ' PALUIER'S 1 RIEKSECKER'S COLGATE'S ; Domestic Odors Colognes from .all the world. Popular Prices. Or Then It may . be some ; V tiding In RUBBER GOODS LIQUORS HOMEOPATHIC SPECIALTIES BATTERIES STATIONERY. Hair, Bath or '. Tooth Brushes ; CUT GLASS ; I FINE POTTERY. BRASSES PICTURES or C ;. Patent Medicines . ' You need We have them all. t . . . " . .... : ,. ...... 1 . . .' .)..' WQOBARBA 4v. V-J '7 ' r7r:r's- r. '3 CLARKE & r - ,, ... ' FOURTH AND WAOHINQTON OTa Modern Druggists tf 1 ... :7-7m- 4.jJ..I.r. : ...:r.. ..-4. '..;. v'v iv.".; rV,;, 7.7.r-,,:77-7'. ; I