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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAU PORTLAND. TIIUr.3DAY EVZIIIIZO, SEPTEIiEEIt tX IZZ1 ..r7 i if. , J) 1 , a.- 1 T a o m i hi HU I . IS Til 9 a 1 1 ft 1 i bund at tha postofflea af Parties. Om. lor trsneportatloa through U Will aa aeoaad Passage for single copies: Fdr-ka B, 10 ar 11 page HMt, 1 cat; 18 to W peg. ovate; U m a Peg-as. Fdltrrlal' Rooma.... ,,,,.., ......Mala JS0 Bulls HI Of floe.. ....Mala tuO forxisb ioniTitiM ufxmxvtatxvk. Vreeland-Beajemta Special Adverflalng Agency, lao Nesssu untti Nw Xerk; Tribune Build- . tat rh. I inwumoi rates. ;..'ie T I feornal. urlth ntoBdar, t yearvi.fT BO i?" "any Journal, 1 year e " Tn Dally Journal, with Sunday. months. J . The DallT Journal. eaoatka .- 8.00 The Dally Journal, with Sunday, tooathe. 1-8 .. To Dally Journal. month! l-JO in Daily Journal, with Saadar, 1 mooin.. , . Th. nflw n. . .a-ll.. .1 Innillf 1b. eladed ............ ...... Ik Dally, per week, deltrered, Saaday ax . coptrd : ' ., . w w.J1. . . i . Jhe Dally Journal, wltk Sunday, 1 yar...lT-08 e Dally loo rail. 1 yesr... S J i The Dally ion ml, with Sunday. aaoatba. S.JS . The Dally Joarnal. a montbe t-JS !? P" Journal, wltk Bauds. BMatba. J : The Dally Journal 8 aiaatka -? - Tbe OaDr jfoaraal. wltk ftnaday. 1 awaU.. M : Th Dall JwraaL 1 atoatk , M , Tha Banday JoaraaU 1 yaay. f-Jj; , mi auaoay journal, a noama...... .. a.w . i Tka Baatl-Waakly faaraal. ' . Saa Baail-Wawkly Joareal. I w It pafM -' aark laaaa, lllaatratad, taU aoarkat ra- . Boat: 1 av ...II . kamlttaacM akcmld ba awAa by drafta. paaul aspraaa ardara tad avail aaaoaata an . la 1 aaaV-S aaat aaftat aiaaiiM. . , w-, IHlOIUaI. F. O. Bas m. ParOaaC Orajtoa. , ' Tka Jowraal caa ba toan4 aa aala at tba fnlloarlaa plarcai BOIHg. IDAHO H. Bitlar W W, . afa- lotyra. . CHICAGO rNiaiofflea Kawa aoapaayt ITS Daar. - - DENVER, COLORADO-. Stack. Wztaaatk aa y iinti arrata. KANSAS CITYTaa Maa WaaraMaaaay. JaINNAPOI.IB M.,, Kaaaaaack, M-taaa jbw YORK CTTT Brrataaa'a, TJaloa aqaara. , OafABAMlllard Hotel aawa taadl Mafaatfe . Stationery eooinaay. 1BDB Varaam atraat. ALT LAKB CITY Krnyoa Hotel awa ataaB; -. narrow Braa.. w Waal BacoDd acra. aoaia. . ST. LOUIS Philip Roadar. BIB Loceat atraat; . 1 T. Jut. B Otlra atraat. AW FRANCISCO W. E. Ardlna. Fa la Fa Botal '. aawa ataod and inna Markat atraat: Oold- ; amltk Braa.. tmt Bnttar atraat and Balnt Fraarfa bntat: raatar Oraar. Barry balld ' lor; N. Wkaatlay. awrabla aawa ataad. car "araaraet and Kaaraar atraata. --"RATTLE Ralalar Graai aawa ataad; W. I " Rhanka. Botel Baattla aawa ataad. ; SPOKANE, WAgHlNOTON Joea W. Orahaai dt Oa. ' TACOMA, WAHHIJtOTOrt Oanrral Mawf nanrt Ratal T.wiwi atand. VICTORIA. BRITISH COLUMBIA Victoria ' Book at Btatiooary eaaapaay. v - - WEATHER REPORT. troock of . law Braaaura ' axtaada from trra Narada aortbaaatward ta tka Dakotaa aoataara ' and aaotbar diatnrbaara la approaeklac tka vlf raaat aaa Garraatoa. ' IXirina tka la at tt koara taaaral raloa a. farrad la Oracaa, Waaklnftaa, aortbara Idabt aitrraaa - waatrra aloataaa, aortbara Narada and Bortaara CaMrornla. Eaat at tba Rocky ataaatalna tba waatker ta fair exeapt aloaf -tba want. alf eaaat, wkara rata aaa fa lira. It la mack caviar la aortkara California. . aortkara N era da aad aootbara Idaba aad aaa. ' raapondlnly warawr la Utah, Wyoming, wrat ara Nakraaka.- tb atitera aarMoa at tka Da kotaa, aortbara bUBaaaota. Raw K OA-land aad . tb ailddla AtUatla aMtaa. - . Tka ladlratloaa ara for abowara Friday - lar aartbwratara OraaaV -waatara Waabtaftoa and aaatbaaatara Idaba aad ' for fair waatkar ' wltk Mrtt fraata taaiabt la aaatbera aad aaat- . ara Orecoa, aaatcra Waaoloctoa aad aortkara Idaho.- , r . . MARRIAGE LICENSES. C. T. WIIsob, Wltteaoa, Waabltirsiia, SB; .Jfsry E. Mark, 81. , . ; O. M. Wklte. 85; Bnby Parts. SB. - n. A. CUrka, St; Oelia FVny Palmaa, SS. , ' Peter Brown. S4: Mary McOlnals. 28. U B. Alspsch. SB: Oertrada Tenfel. 28. E. D. Powell. Baattla, Washington, SO; Lonlae O. Bpeacer.' 22. . ' .Aastla 81 ma! 94 r Loraa Faart Landess. -SI. . Jobs M. Edwards, North TaklaM, Waahlng- 'ttm. 48; Mary R. Batlar. 88. Inla fVderaon. fiS: Raaabtld Sllrtard. SI. " J. W. Reed. Phoenix, Britlsk Oolambta, ST ' , Bllacke Corert. 21. . . Heery Oil more. BUUs. Waaklsgtoa, SB; Mrs, Mara- B. Black. 41 t Oay Matlock. Beppaar. Oregoa. SB; Thar aaa Ucbtaatkai. SB. v HTrt PFBhU. 28; Bella Moors. SO. ' . WeddTng Cards. W. O. Smith A Co., Wsak. lagten bldg.. cor. Foortk aad Warning: ton eta. BIRTHS." M0RA8T eVptember IB, re Mr. aad Mrs. Mirtln Merast. 710 Mlaasanti areaae. LnJBNrrOLME September 38, to Mr. aad f a! re, Rpbralca IAlieabolBia of Myrtla Button, a dangbter. ' FEEBLRaV September 36V ta Mr. aad Mrs. Genre Peebles. 200 Monroe street. 8 aaa. . . BAT8TROM September ft, to Mr., aad Mrs. F. HsTstrom. 411 Ererotf etreet. a aoa. - MAS WELL September IB. to Mr. aad Mrs. 1 HarrtaHM H. Maxwell, 410 Mlaaar atraat, a daughter. " " '' ' - BAILtY lUpteBihee- 18. to MV. and Mrs. . Ckarlaa W. Bailey, 420 Gol3saaltk atraat, a ' C1.AC SON September 28. to Mr. aad ' Mrs. - Clana L. Claoeoa. 888 Hood itreet. a da tighter. ' TEO Beptembar 18. to Mr. aad Mrs. William ', V Tea of Fnltoa, a daughter. . - ROLS Sept ember 12, to Mr. and Mrs. William e. Ko4b of Portland, a bob. , HAOERTT Aagnat S. to Mr: aad Mra. C. J. , Hagerty. 873 MiaskMlppt arsnBa. a aoa. - : rtJTZENRERCe-Beptember 23. ta Mr. aad Mra. . W. Roy Lltsenberg, 004 Hancock atreat, ' ,-' ' dangbter. tlfAZURESKI September 24. ta Mr. sad Mra. ' Morria Maasraaki, 08 BereaU atraat, aorta, - t dangbter. - - - THOMAS September SB. to Mr. and Mra. Barry 1. Thomas. 44 Vj Blxtk street, a aoa. - sr t I,, i i i '--r i i iijim ; CONTAGIOUS DISEASES.' . CIt AST September ST, Alts Oast. BSVi Mertk Third street, dlnbtheria. MATHEW September 27. F. O. Mathew, 401 . Serentb street, taeasles. BAP.rH September 27. M. Barak, BOB Urrejoy afreet, typhoid ferer. DEATHS. ' BansBwPaBaaBa " M'DONALD Beptember SB Bvford 0. Mc ,, Done Id. eared -4 month a, S88 North Twenty . . Brst street; canae, Biarsanraa. Barul at Iona Fir cemetery. , - FRVE. BrpWaiber 28. ' Mary W. Fry, aged 28 fesra, TOO Be rice etreet: rsass, pnlmoaary a Keren tool a. Borlel at Bylran cemetery. , riVCH September 27. Aabra H. Finch, aged . S8 yeare. at Oned SamarlUa kospltal: causa, appeodldtls. Bartal at Condoa, Oregoa. BTHIVgN Bepteoee S2, Alary R. Brrlren. aged , 4s) yean. B"8 Spencer atraat; canae, apoplexy. Barlel at Brslnerd'a cemetery. " A LRCR September SB, Jalla A. Walker, aged , Tl rears. nt Booth Moant Tabor; caaae, septic feeee. Barlsl at RlTorrlew cemetery. ' ,. SHATTTTK Iteptember IS, Will M. Sbattark, area a yeare, la near York; cause, heart anai at lob nr cemetery, . ,..V BXTRRTTtrW ciahtrbt. :. ' T" Magw (tares SIB. Family Iota' BT0 ta Sl.aOS. Tne only eemetary ta - fort land which per. 1 fereally BMlatalna aad earea for lots. For fnO lBfarsaatloai apply o W. R. Maekensla, Wee . eaaxar aieca. city, w. ai. L-aea. Brasidaat. tanaing, MrRntea At Ollbsnrk. aa, Paaaing A CamptseV aridertakera and embalm. era. aaeoeen fa every detail. Bersatfc gad Flar. Fhaaa Mala 450. Lady aaatount. - ' The Raward Holme a t'hM.kU. T ' fkBeral directors aad ealBMra. flao 4vd ' aieaet. SOT. J. P. e-biVee A y.mLV' Madlaoa atraata. t.i nee of. , onroaer. Teliphiae Mala B. ry?'r!!?"! fteweea a epeclalty IJ nZJJH rnTwiTwtI Bewira. M Marriaes street. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. 4 Barak C. Woalary and koabaad ta H. ' Erllah. andlahlad U. ml lal at lot -B. btock 114, city ..I,...'.,.. f T,tO O. T.- itrowa to J. B. U. ukwaaa, out Fartlaad V . ,' R. C. Prlnea and will to Emma O. . PrJaca, lot B. ktoek 1A, Alhlaa 0. i. Naak and wlta to kUlaabatk R. . Smltk, lot S. Mark I, Walt a (JloTardala Annas A. ' N. Kawooaib and wlfa to U.j U Wklta, d acraa la aaotlaa 1 town abla l aoath. ranca S aaat SB aOO F. Htrabal bb4 wlfa ta R. 0. JoraaaaaB. . iota t IM A. block. -lav WF w Ura. Loclodl Frank tu C. F. Ftakar, lota 4. t, B aad T. block M, Caraoa : Halcbta addltlaa ' TO Srrurrty Bavlnca ' Traat aoajpany ta w. joompaou at ai.. Jul a. aiocs J". anbdlrUkia Rlrarrlaw addltloa ta Ah blna , " SS T. at. Andrraoa and wlfa to 0. Klkamaa ' aad wlfat part t lota a and a, tiaaaral Andaraon'a addltloa . ........ I. Mallear and wlfa t W. Grant, lot 1. block 3, UBDtoa A. Kuln and wlfa ta BV-P. McCoraacik. lot R. block M. oltr 1B.M0 B. c u. BlmiBona and wira a r. J. Hntchln.J . Mat 9JI tmmt Int. and 9. block OX Albloa l.TOB J. U. rarmar at al ta K. R. L. Btmmona, , . aaat fact lota 1 aad X block 63. ". Albiaa , Victor Land compaay to A. It. Maaay, ' ', iotb a ana a. bkocK'na. urarar a ao . dltloa ........ ... 86a B.. Bareraon aad wlfa ta J. R. Hooper, lot 1. block . ta. Jamas Joha'a Bacoad addltloa .... -v 2S Bkarlff ta Unltrd 8ttaa laraatmrat can. . paay, parcal land barlnnlna at Inlrr- ' aoctloa, of aaat .Twaaty aaeoad and Ererrtt ..... 10.1M ma . ... . U r. Headcraaa and wlfa to- Eaama a. Roblnaoa. lot I. black 121 cita fl.T50 W. T. Hurt aad wife to A. Wetaert, aaat S3 feat of aaat U lota 1 and 2. block 10. Raat Portland k.... S.O0B 8. J. Randall and wlfa to J. Delano at aL. lata and a. block 1. North Villa. BM klrrnaa and wlfa to Baeortty Sailnra , at iraat eompaaj, weat uck W. Wataoe'a addltluB...w. .......,.... Rlcraaa and wlfa to Sacnrlty Barluaa ' it A Trust comnaar lota X. S. R. a. block '. Y. Coack's addltloa t 80.000 U atarka and wlfa to J. Htark. Iota lOd , and 108, Arlcta Park , .. .J Pkochll Land compaay to J. Btark. Iota , 111 aad 130, Arlota Park , i L. Baward and wlfa to Marr L. Farrar. lot 4. block R-LIbodIb Park Aanex... 1.000 OrrgOB Water Power Townelte compaay tn . H . M Rnllh Int B hlnfk 1ML Eatacada .... ..... fl W. B. Byara at aL ta Oak Lomber com. paay. lota l. 8, B aad JO, block 28. PortatDoatk : Title Oaarantea A Traat company to I. Entire and wlfa. lota 4 and a. black X, anbdlTtaloa of Iota 1. S, T. 8, 8, 10. lOru BL-JIBH Ftnloeular Real Estate eempeay ta L. ta. araer. an a, a, a, aioca u, r irev Eleetrla addlttoa .....J ISO 1.000 Aroaa B.. Todd at al. to B. O. Aahlry. lot f, block 880. Balrbaa addition . o. mm to roint viow Krai Estate compaay. lot 80. black SO. Feint View. Bridget klltckall ta L. . klltcbrll, lota IS . . and 18,- block S. Crater addltloa; Iota 1 aad S, black X, Oardner Park aodl- 1 Gat yoor rnanranca aad aha tracts ta eatata from tba Title Oaarantea A Traat pany, 840 Waahlngtoa atreat. corner Second. NOTICE. ' ' RTOTIfJR OF BALE OF R0RD8. Notice la hereby aires that tba board ef d tree tore ef tka Hood Hirer Irrlcatloa Dlatrlct la Weeea esantr. Orecoa. will sell tka bond. of laid dlatrlct la tke asm at $00,008 oa Tuee. day. (be 34 tk day of October, 11MB, at tba boar ef 10 o'clock a. ., at tka of floe of aald beard, ai tae reelWBce ef J. U. Shoemaker la Bam district, aad that sealed propose la for Mid Bonoa win he reeaiTed by aald board at said ilaoe tor tka purchase af aa4dboada antil tke laF-aav boar a bore aneatloBad. at which time tbe board shall open tke proposals and award tba Purchase of the bonda ta tba h la-heat bld- epoaalble bidder, tbe board reaerrlng tba rlbt to reject any and all bids, bids ta ba accoav. Salad by a certified check f or K) per cant of a a meant af tba honda foe which tba- hid la eubaittted.- Bald knada ekan ba payable la ktoney af tba Catted Btatea, U 10 series, as follows, to-wl(: At tba axplrstloa of clerea years, fire par cent of tbe wbole anmber of aald bonds; at tba eiplrattoa of twalra years, all per cent; at tbe eiplrattoa af thirteen years, seven per aaat; at tbe expkratloa of fourteen year, eight -per eaat; at tba axplrstloa of flftees years. Bins par cent; ax in a expiration or sixteen years, tea par cent; at tbe expiration of eerenteea fears, -Blares per eeat; at tba expiration af elfkteea years, thirteen per cent; at tba expira tion af nineteen years, fifteen par eaat; at tba axplrstloa af tweity years, sixteen per , cent) aad ehall bear latereat at tbe rata of six per cent par annum, parable oeml-annually, oa tba first day of January and July of eaek year, Tbe principal and Interest shall ba payable at tbe place designated la tba bonda and bidder! pre siren tke option ef karlag aald bonds paya ble at Portland, la tbe state af, Oregoa. or la tba dty af New York, la tbe state of New Tork. aad aald beads will ba leaned tn acrord snra with tbe electloa of tba snwcaasfnl bidders. Bald- bends aball be each of tba denomination of not leas tha a $100 aad aet mora than BROO) and aball ba aagotlsble la form and eoapoaa. for tba Interest shall ba attacked to each boad algned by tbe secretary. Dated at Hood Rlrtr, Oregoa, tab) lfrtk day of September, IPOS. 1, - ' J. H. SHOEMAKER. ' - ' '" Secretary. R0T1CS TO CONTRACTORS Notice la hereby gtrea that the board of directors of tba Hood Rlrer Irrigation district, la Wsaco ooaaty, Oregoa, will cecal re bids for tbe construction ' of the necessary canals and works (or aald district ta ba constructed In accordance wltk ' tbe ptaaa and epeel flea t Ions thereof. Sealed - bide fay euek work will ba recelred at tba office ef tba board at the residence of J. H. - Shoemaker.- secretary of tbe hoard 1b aald district, tin Saturday,' tba 2tb day of Oc tober. IBfB, at tba boor of S o'clock p. m. Bide (junat be accompanied by a certified check for B per cent of tba amrmst of the ' bid. The board rearrrea the right to reject any aad all bide. Plana aad specifications auy no pracareo by appucatloa to tba as era . tary .of at board. , - J. H. SHOEMAKER. Secretary, - Dated at Bond Riser, Or, tala JBtk day at September, lvuo. - SEALED prnpossla sddraaaid to tka Lewis and . Clara ueateaniai Expositioa vommiasiaa wiu ba recelred at tne ef flee of tba commission . la tbe Oregon bulldloa Bnttl IS 'o'clock boob. ' Moaday. October 14. 1Bu6. for the porckeat oft any of the fnHowlag buildings mow oa the t Lewie and Clark exposition groanda belonging to tbe state of Oregoa; Administration group, : including firs station, aollcs department. Ad- - ministration building proper, coloeade and entrance : forelga Exhibits building. Agricul tural building. Oriental nod Educational bulld Ing, Machinery. Electricity aad Tranaportatlea building. Auditorium. Mining building aad Oregoa State building. Speciflcstlona aad Information for pros pective bidders, alee blank forma for Mda, . can be obtained upon application at tba eeere . tary'a office la tba Oregon ntilldlng aarnad aftar Saturday, tbe 2M Inatant. . - -EDMOND CT OILTNER. ieeretary. TO THR TAXPAYERS OF " MULTNOMAH PWNTT. OB.: Notice Is hereby glean tkst oa Mondsy. October X. isoo, tba board of equalisation of Multnomah county will attend at tba office of the ooaaty clerk of aald county aad publicly examine tbe aasassmeat rolls for tba yesr 1006, and correct all errors la valuation, deeerlpttoa or ouslltlaa of -land, lota or other property, and It la the duty of alt persona Intereated ta appear at the time lad. place appointed, and If It aball appear to aucb hoard of equalleatloa tkat there era any leads. Iota or otber property aeseaaed twice or la tba Berne of a peraoa or persons not tba owner of tbe aama, or eaeeesed under er beyond Its value, er any Isnda, lots or other property But aeaeeaed, aald board of equalisation aball make tba proper curl ai'iWiye. B. D. 8I0LRR. Connty Aaneaar. , Portland. Or.. September B. 1008. ' MEETING NOTICES. TTfE-snnasI meeting of the stock holdore of tbe Homeballdere' aaaodatlofi will be held ' at tha rampany'a office, room 10.' Odd Fe. Iowa' bldg., Portland. Or.. October 3. 1008, at 1 p. m.. tar tha purpose of electing a bor4 af Alrsctora to -serve daslag tbs som Ing year aad nntll tbetr aatn aaora ara elected and aosllned. . Aleo the transaction ft eaek other knslaesa aa amy came regularly . Wfora them. ' W. ROSEA WOOD, Secretary. ! 1RFMT4N BAKr, 10. M Work Bereft n Sairtrday evening. September 80, et 8 o'clock. . Odll Fellows' temple; he onset at -tftrSo- hand - pelitreaa to recorder earl rr meeting at T p. -BV- act OR asnio,-fry-order tba Calf. ' ', - -'r K tOtSfiOH BeMgrnag, MEETING NOTICES.' wramAT CAMP. No. - Woodmea of the World Meets! every Rrlday Bight .at W. O. W. I hall, -leois . aud Washing (ua atra . . R-trMhlMinf. Will aereed. Allrtsltlng Belgh - B-elenms. U T. WOOUWARD. C. C A. U- BABBCR. Clerk. 201 tklrd Street COLUMBIA' lodgs. No. 114. A. F. A A. afr Mnaclal reaniniinlratlon tarn i inuriuaji iw Ins. a o'clock. . Masonic temple. - Work la E. A. degree. All E. A. Masona lorlted. By -order of W.-M. --B. R. PAOVR. Boo LOST AND FOUND. I AST A nanar-earrlra roatebook. No. ITT, containing ' nat or jonrnai suoacriovrei m between Arleta and Laurelwood. oa tbe Kara Park road. Return to elroalstloB depart- meat," Journal office, and recoira reward. IxwrT A heowB water ananlel. ' For Informs- tloa regarding dug cau ap Eaat aw, . sie- ward. IS. LOfiT Wednesday , small botchers' arala, near Lenta. C. I. Curtis, central Market, Arieia. Reward. .,,,. ... .. 0NB bancb of keys. Retnra ta lSl'Thb-d at. Addreee I 43. JoaraaL aad receive reward. HELP WANTED- MALE. WANTED Boys under - tba age of 14 for "Chora! Society ;" good proposition ror ao Wltk voices aao) talent, call at inrew nau. 103 Second at, cor. of Morrison Sunday, betwaaa lO aad IS a. m. THERB la a fine opening for a good shoemaker and karaeaa repairer in tne town oi nnita Salmon. Weak.; aoae but a reliable maa need apply. Address J. C- Maclaaes, White BaV asua, Wask. MEN Md bora wanted to sam 88 day, after two months' Instruct tout poaltloe guaranteea Corns Broe. Co. Plumbing Schools. New York, Cincinnati, 0., St.. Louia, Mo. (Fro tsta- logue.). STATION MEN. rock work! I work, lots of It, side) cots, ail vratar. eaaxera Oregoa; free fare. Particulars at Haneea't Bmploymeat Office. SB North THREE mora men wasted at once a We para for letter-carriers In Portland: exam. Nor, 18. Sea B. 0. Herns n, 13 Breedsa bldg., Friday, 8 a. m. to 0 p. m. - WANTED Maa of good appearance and ability lor a Bouae-to-nooee canvass, sssiry eniy, call mornings 7:80 at M Bacoad at., ask for H . u. Matbany. WANTED Clerks aad wtnUowrsssers ta study snow -card writing at Y. M. c. A. aigbt school ; personal lne traction. Apply for par- ttcolara. - - - ' WANTED Saras waiters, I 'boa boys, S dteb- wssbers: good wages, tree pass to rair. ailalstratloa raauaraat. e Answer . by phone. Fair 8. 7S PERMANENT salary and expenses paid la- lianie atea, oataioe w xno ciiy, pieBanoi wars. H Hanker, room 6, 127 H Ttk at.. Portland. WANTED Office boy - about --18 yeare eld. Apply In own hand writ tag to wills mot la iron A Steel Works. Fourth and Gllaan. WANTED Toung man to arork on expoattloa grouods aatu close: easy. Apply raruaaa Concesaion Co.. St. Heleoa gate. WANTED Boy about 14 for ' errands and to learn business; only a stayer wan tea. xaa Btark at. INTELLIGENT office boy: one willing to work aad learn. Address ta owa Bane, writing, r. u. Box 13S. ; - FIRST-CLASS broflar and laacbman. Address O. M. Campbell. . 130 Ja-ea . at, Baattla, Waak. . SOLICITOR and abopman; ataga ago and Addresa I 44, cars Joaraal. referaaca. ADVEBTI8INO solicitors, $8 to 810 dally. Allen mornings, lor awerlocK Bldg. - WANTED S (nod boys wltk wheels. Apply immeoiaieiy. aon aiara si. BOT wanted with bicycle; work an days steady Job. Knight Bboe uo. - BOT wanted to drllrsr packlgaa) eaay work. ass waanington. HELP WANTED FEMALE. BOP-PICKERS to pick 824 a aired aecom mode bona, arocery. bakery, res taurant, butcber-ebop. beaotlfnl camp grouaoja. oanee Bait, pure moantaia water, etc. 441 Sherlock bldg.. Third aad Oak. EXPERIENCED as lee women for la dire nraalla knit aaderwaar, koalary, nbbona and Botloa departmenta. Apply personally or by letter, giving refers ace, to Mr A lien A McDonnell. WANTED 180 fir la to make vrerelle Bad ablrta; tnatructlons -glrea to Inexpeiieaced. Apply - Neuatadter 'Broe., ' Standard Factory No. 3. corner Eaat Taylor aad Grand ara. GIRL wasted tor boaee-work ta email faaxtty. Cau foreaooa No. - IB East rvxteaata at, aouth. Ankeay er Pine at. cafa. LADT ranrssaar wba Blaye piano to tntroduce beginnere' instruction, cau uerweem a aaa a p. m.. 8SS Eaat Ankeny at. HANSEN'S LADIES' AOENCT. SUH Washing. ton at., cor. Seventh, apetalra. Phone Mala ' 2803. Female help wasted. . SEAMSTRESSES 20 thoroughly expert enred"; otber Bead apply; wan tea at ones. ' Olds, Wortmaa A King. 40 MORS girls, packers and chocolate dippers. Aldoa Candy Co., TenU and UUaaa ata. Pboae Mala 1878. A COOK- for logging camp: elderlr lady pre ferred; 830 a month.. Address N. E. Dona hue. Orient. Or. SO OIRLS IB years and over wanted at once. Apply to eaperlntendent's office. Olds, Wort mas A King. ... WANTED Girl or middle-aged for boosework. 80S Grand are., north. East 1700. Phone WANTED Cllrl for general house work. Apply . at 84dMt Eighteenth, north. Phone East . 2CS3. '. WANTED18 girla or women to work at Still. wall'a restsarant on tka Trail aa Portland day. WANTED Olrl or woman for general boose. . work. 844 Oregon St., er Phone Eaat SHOT. WANTED A girt for genersl housework private family. Apply 674 East Pine et. WANTED Tallorees for pants and , making general help. 822 tt Washington, room 4. .T 8EWINQ airl wanted at Portland Dreaamaklng School, oar. Fourth. F71H Morrbmn. WANTED Olrl for general hoosework In family of two. Sot North Twenty -fourth at. COMPETENT girl for general housework. - Ap ply 1M Eaat Sixteenth at. r WANTED rMlliinery spprentlcee. Tha Crowa . Hat Co.. MI GIRL for general housework; must ba aompa tent. Pboae East 41 B0. WANTED Olrls to w buttons on Ftta-Wel) shirts at 78 First St. DINIKO ROOM gh-l wanted Is small reetaursat SM Baet Morrison at. WANTED Waitress at fair ground. Apply at 188 Fourth st- MALE AND FEMALE HELP. THB demsnd toy competent bookkeepers and stenograph era u (raster thaa tbe supply. From August 1. 1004. to August l.vlO". we placed 207 la good pneltlnee; sad calls for mors thaa BOO; oar graduates are ALL employed; we will sea tat yon to a Boat Hon when enmneteet. enroll now i day er alaht Rebuke Walker Bueineee tallage, Bieaxne aik bixth aad Morrison ata. WANTED At once, a bright, e tier ge tie, pro. . srntsbie maa or wemaa, a good talker, to take ap sa attractive proposition. Inonlra I VH8 CbstDber of Commerce. B a. aa. ... WANTED Immediately. B men or' wemaa to da rsnvsssiac. Aaiiap-ajaac ost; good nrnpositloa. HELP wanted and surrlied. mala or female. , wi UaVAAB, syom JYaamagWn IV cu 44a, SITUATIONS '" WANTEDMALE. VOl' NO German ekemiat. Dr. Phil., wants - one u leal aiuiauoa. Aaarsaa w a, aooraaL good axperieacea mas waaoj position at janitor. . A an, care journal. ; AN expert bottler wanta k post tloa. - H 80, ears Joaraal. -' ' Addrea SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE KOl'NO womaa with child would Ilka place to work hi a small family. Andreas I. 40, car or journal. WANTED AGENTS. AGENT for excellent baslness proposition. A: ply Blumeathai, 200 Columbia . bldg.. V ashing lua. West Park. WANTED Agents: aalary end cooxmlaaloa. New . Turk Outfitting Co., BWVk First St.. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. ; HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. . ... FOB MEN. 20N8ecoadat . Pboae Mala 1838. PIONEER EMPLOYMENT CO. Labor eontrae tore; kelp free to employers, mo Morrison. WANTED TO RENT. OWNERS AND AGENTS will find tt to thetr aavaotage to list their vacant bowses and flats with our Free Rental departaesot. Oar recant boass dlmterg has become a rot alaed Institution .in Portland, haadreda of taoanta being weekly placed ' la sultsble quartara. we make no charge whstsver aad owners should take - advantage of this service by calling at our rental department aad filling la aa "Information Blank." If you have a vacant kouse. pboae tha -nari ueniare aaa leave tne rem pa as. ws won't allow it to remain long idle. H. B. EDWARDS. B0US KFTJRNlBHtR, Free RenUI DepartmeBt. 188 to 181 rirat St. " WANTED To raat by October IB, amaU.boaaa or s unrurniabed koasekeentng-rooma within eaay walklug diatance of poatofOcer stata toot and Iocs tloa; no ehUdrea. Bos SiT, awtisan, ur. , . WANTED Farm to rest; on eharee prafarrad; nave wagon, iram, asrneas. , i w. aryBUra, aaa sins ax.; neuweoa ear. WANTED Ta secure office and share office eipeoaea; small buslnaaa. Address m on. journal. BAIBY farm, TO Bores, 4 mllea front dty aaa roao, ao monio. aua Ausay oiog. WANTED FINANCIAL. - WANTED 820.000 to S82B.0O0 at low rata of satste. Aaoress u 41. care journal. WANTED REAL ESTATE. IF TOD want oulck results, list your property or ouainsaa cnaoco, rree, in oar weekly alee ord: over 100,000 mailed sad dietrltmted woak. y ao proepocTTvo Dayars. UNIVERSAL EXCHANGE, , J tT. R Hotel, car. Sixth and Ankeny Sta. . " --- bun. nm, rviiT7 iroit, graw ana bob rarma; mnac aa good aa rwaaoaaoia ia price; give gnu aescripuoa, price aad tarma. - . bob A; laky vug. . ' I WANTED Two lota wltk or without B or 0- room modsra boaee. near street car Una t rart eaab. balance monthly. Address, giving ull doacrlptloa. loostion aad tarma. 0 42, WANTED Hooaa and. lot. either am aa wsai woe or near; win pay aaa lr price la right: agent need not answer. Addrsse D 84, care JoaraaL LANDIOAN win pay cash Bar cheat cottage ana iwaiuua. none axooa Asa. WANTED 4 to S-room honae; party wltboal cbildreB. Imratra 144 Arthur. r WANTED MISCELLANEOUS FAINTING, a praying aad whitewashing trees. Bane maa ta. baras, docka, etc. largast gasoHne raying outfit oa tka coast. M. O. Morgaa Co., 870 MUwaakla at. Fhona Eaat Ml 7. ORCHESTRA. S -plecee, wanta engage meats evenings, aundara igu, nuauays; mania rot abia. 48 Lucretla at. for all oocsslooa very m slain asoa. HIGHEST eaak price paid for bottles and Junk description. Portland Bottle Supply North Eighteenth. Phone Mala Z288. of every Co., 881 North BBNBY B. BGLER, upholstering and repalrtngi ignuiw pacaoa rar anipaeeai. rnooe racing 478. - - BI0HE8T prices paid. Men's old elothlnn. vacie sew, ev. inirn su rsooe fad no 4a. WANTED Ta boy two carloads of furniture; wiw. w vum mv eaaaii jBBin oouo. GOOD driving rig wanted, horse. Boggy. Apply 703 oregoalaa bldg, BOOKS 1 bought, sold and exchanged at tba vn soon uxora, xa xamaui at. F. J. BYDER, printer. Second aad Washington ana k BFVtjwar asReaiU ejpOOaB WHO IB M. O. MORGAN CO.t FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING FOR BENT Farnlsbed housekeeping rooms Is ovics ii ob bbsi siae: gas rsagee, bath, etc.! ao transients; pness moderate. uona cis., im union are.. Alder. Phone Union 8808. - HOUSEKEEPING apartments, oulet - location; -vrwia vuiie, ev nnuin; -room, B BDOntbl obona.water free. Dickson, L'nlrersity Park. UNFURNISHED beneek raping noma at TOO Eaet Yamhill at. Pboae Eeet 1400. HOUSES FOR - RENT FURNL FOR beat results oa "FTRtfTTDRE." Whether to boy er eall. ring ap Mala Met, iveijjatin ai'iiimn AWlaa. n, . vi i . ,1 gfU m si, IMMEDIATELY ' ... 8-room bonaa near fair grounds for rent 820: furniture for sslo cheap; small cash payment! Phone Mala 830. . FOB SALS CHEAP Furniture of S-room hooaa i rent goto. 1U0 Bast Eighth at PIANO and furniture af cottage; rant $30, S14 eiuiv"n vi. rmov main soeq, - - FOR RENT FLATS. B-ROOM fist. Including bssemeot, nse of bath ei " -w vuimrvii, sio, DB Mill at. FURNISHED upper flat for rent. Inquire after 1 p. a. may lentn at. v HEW modem 4-room fist,- rent reasonahla. Phone East 14S0. Journal ? Want Ads ' Supply the t Needs gf ManA Thotisands ' , - Every Week FOR RENT OFFICE ROOMS. SPECI ALrHT on dlaaaaea of hair an scalp will aeu bbu lUieraBC ox SBiaoiiauoa orxice lO a - rellablo person; patronage too mock for one. Anarssa u. ooc oi, ciry. l LA ROR top floor for lea as. Morrison St.. aaat - Boeaoxncei sHrvaxor; suiiaoay tog ailioea. , Aa oress st si, care jouxaal. FOR RENT Cratrally located offloa phone, R. L. (ata, US Socoad at. arttb OFFICR-ROOht . for - raat. a aiag. , Apply eievater OFFICES and rooms, Lewis bldg. . Whits. SOS Dekum bldg. Inquire ROOMS AND BOARD. FIRST-CLASS rooms and board for permanent psopie, asi.oo and Via per mouth; table board . 4 per wask. Astor beuas, 7th aad Madlaoa THB IRVING Elegant accomaiodatlaoa, aa exoroitaai caargaa; dining-room la oonneo tlon; prices right. Corner 18tk aad Irvlug. BOOMS with board for -oeraunrnt toaaats. reaeonsblei rmt-claaa home cuoklng. S81 BlItB st, e . FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THB KINO New hollaing, hsndaosMly for. nwaeo, equipped wltk every aaodera aonron lance; on direct car line to expusitloni all outalda roome; beat, gaa, electric lights, por celsia hathsi rates, 50c. Too and tl; take i natnai rates, ooc. Too and XI; take at. car from anion depot to SOB Jetfer. u, near city kalL Pboae Black 1811. rittn ai aoa at, THB BAMANN. 180 N. IStk.. cor. Hoyt Newly xurnianea rooma, gi.ov upl convenient local loo, 18 minutes' walk to fair grounds; Morrison oar at anloa depot, direct to hoaae. Phone S470. JV8T tha Place for fair rial tors: nice, large rooms; special re tea to parttee of 4, or S paopw; axMBMkasping rooma. eosvs Alder. MARQUAM HorSE. 14BH Ota Rooms an suits or sugia; ooueexeeping rooms; gaa stores. bbui, ejeexne uguis; xraaaieaxa eoiiciieu. FRONT parlor for geatlemaa of refinement wha wianea room near tba eeotar ox arty, aai Rrarett at. . , . . , . : THB O LADS TONE Blltt Sarler at., farnlsbed rooma; unoar nsw nuaagamaat; prices rea- aoaaoia. . CHEAPEST and bast located rooms la Portlaad, 1 vroek aad ap. Gllmaa. First and Aider ata. THB GRAND, 48 H N. Third St. men, si. do por week and an. THB CASTLE 878 Washington st-t foralsked rooms, raona aaaia loin. TO RENT Furniahed cottage. Sid Msrgnerlte ara.; tsae o. w. e. ear. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. LADY ant all day would like to rent two un furnished rooms, reaped able locality, reason able rent- Address l ao, cars journal. FOR RENT HOUSES. ( 18-room furnished boardlng-howae. rant 140, price bsoo;,BjOO cash will handle mis. Balance aov per month. This la a paying bouse aad will ba better after tba fair Is over than It la bow. U. B. Edwards' reatal dept.. lad 1st St. SWELL, hew. ndcrBr--houso of T will rent to a good tenant (18 a month: will give laase If desired; between S car tlaae. Call 428 Eaat Thirty-fourth aL, Sooth. STUART station, Moant Scott car 4 large rooms, onioBiiuingn, wwun , buimv viuevi children; furniture tor aala.. Call tba Belle ne. Fourth and Salman. , s-ROOM axodarn honas en oast aida. In ai location, (is par mean. Mart ma a. TBompaoa at Powers, s Chamber or uoxnmeros. $18 SEVEN-BOOM bonaa, 880 Eaat Twenty- seven tn sx.l BienuworTB wvw. aw viiuuw Kelly achool. Pbona MaU 463. MODERN aVrootn honas: alaa B-room Sat st Iniveralty Park. A. w. Bag lay, rartsmoatA station.- Phone seott o?s. TO RENT In Tramont, 4 -room bouse, almost now, 87 a aaoatk. Inaulra oas Eaat roartoenu at-, elty. . FOR RENT lg-room honas tor 2tt years S80 par BWBla. , sa neat ran ax. . inquire at honas. ' 80 rlVR-ROOM cottage; large basement. Key VMii i grocery, nooa aaa urant. GOOD, modern, naarty sew ,8 room hooaa. - lav quire boo pa era men to at. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. TO LEASE H0TT5L Furnished. 38 rooma, 828 per month, u. u. riggotx, lawyer, owner, Mulkay bldg. - BUSINESS CHANCES. STRANGERS desiring to locate ta Oregoa will do well to cau upon mo oernre oeciaing, aa i am acquainted with lands and values In each eooaty, aad hare a large Hat at bargains to select . from, and alee all kinds of business openings tor tola at tempting prices. Baring traveled tba auto over for the past SO years I am prepared to aarva yon. M. w. Millar, BOS fjooanoogu oug.. rorxiaaa, xrr. WB bare ana of tba bast paying retail grocery and aaeat auaraeta la ins city inai ws wiu affer for a few daye; thU huBlaaaa will stand Investigation, and Is going to ba Bold this week. If yon are Intereated call at oar office and learn the reason why. Northwest Land CO., 308 MorrlBOB St., room 111. nnnwivtl.HOUSB BARGAIN B-roera Bouae. cioee in, anu- waaninguni ex., enrnaca beat. ass. large basement, attic. ete.. cheap rent, leaaa, furniture good; will sacrifice, owner tearing city, S4B0: term ORBOON ASSOCIATED EXCHANGE. , lOStt Fourth St. Boom as. FINB confectionery, cigar and poolroom; mast Bell On account- oa sicbbvm. iBqairs ears. H L. Provost, and of Sunnyslds and Mount Tabor cerllae. - Would axebangs acreage rr honae aad lot- Phone Bast 410S. cau araalnga or Sunday. .. , . FREE LANDS IN OREGON. FERTTLB soil, pore water, delightful rllmatet lend of alfalfa, applea aad clover. For call Information address tba Columbia Southern Irrtf atloa Co.. 838 Worceetar but., Portlaad. MATTRESS manufscturing and renovating basl. . nose; machinery run by electric power; low : This la s rood c bancs for any one wltk some money wfio will give all attention ta aama. Apply owner, dob wuiiama sva. SELLING OUT AT COST. ' O. A. Wllsns A Co., 20T Third at., Betwaea Taylor and Salmon, their entire atock, con slating of wall psper. paints, varniahee, oila, brusbea, picture molding, framee, etc. . FOR tale or rent Sickness compels ma to sell " my flock of tborongbhred Plymouth Bock pigeons, also soma common onee, with or ' without buildings, ate.; a snap. M., Oilman hotel. First and Alder sta ; BALF Interest In general mercantile bnelacee, doing 80,000 yearly cash) bank next to stortl eauas for selling, eyesight falling, cannot sea to do business) 88.000 buys hslf Interest. Ad dress F 48, ' care Journal. A SNAP Stork aad futures af cigar, tobacco, confectlonory aad fruit store, doing good . business; moat be sold before October 1; beet of reasons for selling; pries $300.. Ad dress I 41, Journal. , WELL EQUIPPED restaurant doing "nod bast Bees; reason for selling, books open for In- . apeetlon: raat SAO per mnaut; price Sl.Snn; easy terms, Inqulrs B. S. Cook A Co., SBl Aider at. FOR SALtVMn account of sickness, nice, clean, -moaey-meklng baslneea on- aaat aide; sales from 18 to MS per day; price I1.4U0. or will mroloe; no egeuta wanted. .. O 00, Tba JoaraaL tS-CHAIR reetsursst la heart of city, ararsga sales 878 per day, rent only (00 per month, price 81,oi i0 1 this I a money-maker. See it. B. S. Cook Co., SBl Aioor at. . TWO modern 8-aoom kooaes. aorner Rant end M-MII'.eo ete. corner bonaa, M.SOl Inside. ' 83. 7M: terms to suit, J. F. Wilson, 227 Chamber of Commerce. " FOR SALE Reaiaimnt and Tmichrnom averag ing iS per day business i price 1.00 Call "en Taft A Co., tity, of write A. aaosjar, . oasbatR,' tM, ' . 1 -( v BUSINESS CHANCES. GROCERY With trade running aa high aa aiuv per day; rnwico coraert locaiioB, ewv, For aala by Tha Home Land Co., 148 Vs Ftrat st. PARTNER, a lao general agent. 8X10 to 8000 capital raquireo, luiiy securevi; nam vial pronta. : swoa is. rirsx n. FOB 8ALh Stock af general morchandlae la ; good location; aalea from 8OO0 to $1,000 par mi. ' aourasB aae-B a e. ...imi, w FOR RALE Established photograph studio; aulehdld equipment, good business. Addresa r. O. Box 407, Oregoa city. Or. WHEN) looking for a location, either etty et country, sail aa tba Northwest Land Co, Sa . siornaoa at., room Bit. - NEWSPAPER plant for sale ta a growing town wen established business, inquire t, .i a. uura journal. , 'OR SALE Cheap, B-room roodern flat; all conveniences; near ear line. . 888 Chamber of commerce. FURNTTURR factory, located 888 Water sL, , for ssla, .cheap ;-rAsoa, alckaass; must- leave Portlaad. FOR SALE Rrlrk hotel. SB rooma. rood rnrnt tarn, splendid leaaa; la Portlaad. V 44. Joaraal. FINN opportunity la satsbMsbed baatnaaa; need aeip aaa capital. Anarssa u aa, ears aonraai. WANTED A partner In n good paying kaalneae. laoy or geatlemaa. woh atorruoa st., room 1 FOR BALE A U or half interest la good paying reaiauraac. . oua nasi Harrison St. , FOR BALE Good restaurant, with leaaa; flao location, six Morvisoa st. WHO IS M. O. MORGAN CO. I FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. , ACRE TRACTS! . 00B r SPECIALTY IS ACRB TBACTSt FaU-alaad ttreeta. "water to aach sera. ' TERM$10 PER-ACRa)-CASH-7-7 ' 10 PER ACRB PER MONTH. Ton go to these aersk on tha aama ear. RT the same Ba fare the lot maa pays. Tha : man la your neighbor, but ba at re .atrletad la majority of fsa tares tkat Btoka a aw aaoaraan bobw. t T A. 0. CHURCHILL CO X. 9, ' S U0 Second at. NEW modern S-room cottage, Beet Twelfth near Morrleoa, aaay walking distance ; nice large lot; gas. porcelain bath, aemont baea- ; menc rooms, urge pantry, closeta, etc. aargam ax ba,ouu; isrms. , , New modern cottage, Hawthorne are.T S large rooma, besides pantry, closets, bathroom, large porch; only $1,8U0, $200 down, balaaca atonthly New modern 8-room bonaa. ' hath. laroa halL cwseta, cement beeemant, phped for gaa; Urge an svxiw; finv, isrma. ' - OREGON ASSOCIATED RXCHAROB. 16Stt Fonrtk aU room 88. , m mti mm vmB. a . i,u,,, BA AOWVa .1, . - , J.. honse, large barn; close to car line; 86,000. 10 seres, berry aad fruit ranch i; close la, Bond buildings; for sale cheap, with tarma. o-rooea cottar, modern, close ln. 81.100, balf cask, balaaca 813 ear BKmth. 8-room modern cottage on Grand ara, ekaa so ciay ax.; price aa-auu; easy term a. Aleo anburbaa cottages and hiooaaa payment; $38 to $100 down. 404 Eaat Morrison St. Pbona East B28. SPECIAL BARGAIN 88 FOR SL - Tracts $3 frost foot. , SIS feet deep; caa have aa many front feet aa yea want from 80 feet np; all la col tl ration, all level aad sightly, S mloutaa to good 10-room school, B grade, near a tores, postofflce, church aad car eta tloa at Lenta: B-cant fare to ear Bart of Portlaad. This la 1-R price; tarma If wanted, o. R. Addltoa. Leata, Oregon, owner, isss mi. bcoix ear, e rents. - :,: . FOR BALB . .. '.'-'' Cottsge. FINE MODERN COTTA0I Firs large rooms, complete; beta, large basement street graded; rente $18 par month: kw caa a price; tarma oonmoerea, Aaaress J 48, JearaaL . FULL' block oa Oread ara., old buildings bringing $200 per month: aa excellent location tor ho lal, tenement aouee or store buildings; v. in i ii . ,iw in mmm twuhv, pric oau,wvi 818.000, balance long time at low rata at iniarest. aaaress u ss, esrs joarnat. WBAT ta yonr bldl I nrost sell at ones a eery Oeeiraois awaxo, wail lmprorea aaa loeacea. having all sobarbaa advsntagsai good bouae, woodehsd. well, fence and n very fine grove: Stt acres cleared, ltt aorfaea cleared, aa rock. Aaarsaa u oa. earn sjaruai. 300 DOWN aad 818 anontkly bays new aaodera s-ronm noose, cement oaaement, aeta. coo tee location, flna view, good neighborhood, eplendld SOxJOO lot nicely fenced, beautiful awa; an axeopuoaai pargaia; price f 1,000, MUSS lABd CO., 140H nrst su DO ran want a bonaa and lot oa Baet 8th at. , sear Oak at., at price of lot 1 If so, I have It. not aoxiou, a-room souse, orics Basement, bath aad toilet, fine cherry trees; $2,160. part cssn. aaarsaa u aa. ears jooraai. arm BALB. .1 , Nice balMlng'Vrts la upper Penmsuta, 8300 and np; siao Bouses, an irrerent nrirra aad atsea. Apply C A. Eygowskl, . Wlllsmetts station; take St. Johns- car. VERY choice lot. 80x100, Holladaye add; alas a noma a ait. isnor, luuxjuu, aa car uae: Boll Bub water, T rooms, beta, bars, all kinds fruit. , owner, 120 Third, st, . 81,800 0-room cottage. 1 acre. Improved. -room bouee. fine lot. close in. $1,000 83-room trsasleot; a snsp. , - Hoom aux. commercial niork. FOR SALE 4tt scree, ehsso. with I0-room boasa, along goir link ear Una; Sna bearing fruit trees; must be S-si. Inquire on prowl tie, viv aauwauaiB BX. ' TWO nice bnlldlng lata, 80x100 aach. a ltnnroTsO. reedy ror building: nice shade tree. Inquire of owner, 110 Wllbnr St., Willam ette ffuii. THINK IT OVER I will aell a modern cot tage. Between xwa canines, gas, sewer, ate, monthly payments aama aa rent. I 46, cart JournaL MODERN S to 8 room houses, lama lota, ee. fgowu. jaoniaviiiB ear uae; your owb iwBvi tan bbu eaamiae. w. J. Burden, ewner. - . HAVE yen $4,800 to Invest 1 .1 owa a property wnirn vm mww win u worta Bll.noo In a few eara. Addreee H 88, care Joarnal, Sl.sno NICE T-room S-atory honse; bath, patent rvnle rvmM... .. Sl. . . . , - ' ' ' .... in. 1 ..if 11 , SUIIHB11 terms. T. W. Plttengrr, t4tt Morrison at. FOR 8ALB at a bargain, modora T-room bouae on B.BBX aaymr. close la tarma to Bait parehaaer. Apply F 42, care JoaraaL PORTLAND HEIGHTS T-room bouse, nvxlern. H block) most sightly location on heights. Real EaUts. room 10, I. O. O. F. bldg. v FOR SALE Mod era aoburbaa to Car .uae, sna location, ground 100x1 (M a W. P. Townelte Co.,-184 First at FOR SALB at a bargain Neat snbarbaa cot tage, a rooma, a tots, gooa location; sea be fort buying. Addreaa Owner, care JoaraaL - . FOR SALB Neat suburban cottage, good honse. m roome, ... b vuJira purcusaer, ror CSSn. BS4 owner today. I'tay, care Journal. BIO SNAP Hslf Interest for aala, income prop. "'tir' pv twin masi nave Call 80 Knott at Owner. FOR BALE Corner lot, T-room bouse, com. pleteiy rurnianed; part rash, balance month fy. 031 Eaat Burnalde. FOR SALE 8-room bouee in Irvtngtoo: port eaak, helanea ia 8 jreara flna fruit and flow. I. W".". DCOIl HVHI,. ... v - - - 11,860 New B-ronm cottage and S large lots on corner Grand are. aad Sharer aC Sea Bwnev, ... Duaver ex. WB bttltd honees: easy monthly paymentsi lots furnisned If deaked. 818 Commercial bldg. . Main I (40.. . , SEIXWOOD V.ts, 9 down and 88 a month FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. IF yonr hotiae neeoa repair, or yon tutted to build, phone Eaat 8024. Fred A. Lege, archi tect aad builder. - FOR RALE Lata 11, j 18, IB, block B. Arista Park. $136 eaek. . 1 Addraaa Ram nvabstaa. ' arw, vr-JBVB, FOR SALB B-room nous oa car tine with, acre fruit Urea, ate. , Inquire . auk" Raat t LMnlra . 1 cask. Inq aula !', 8-ROOM hoaae, cheap for .quire L. - aMmingion, moat are., MontarUla oar. FOR BALB T-room kouse. Sixth and Alberta am.. Highland. Call up Colon 8388. . . S-BOOM boasa and full tots a bargain If takes at once. 8MB Orsnd ars., N. POR SALE FARMS. ONLY $8.000 Sacrifice sale of class Ma. 1. - Willamette valley farms. 420 acraa, 130 acres J low land, balance graslag and timber, all need - and water la every field; S bams, good house, aheda for machinery, sheep, hogs , and wood, amokebouaa aad graaarlsa; B-acra orchard, choice rariatleei all aocassary - ma chinery, mower, take, plowa, harrowa, wagon .- with racks, disc plow, bayforka wltk ropaa and pnlleya, garden took, axee. aawa and all kinds .of . farm Ing tools, workhorse, 3 seta harneaa. eblcksae and tarkeys, 40 tone key, 300 bnsbsls oats. 100 bnabebi wheat. , . B. S. COOK 4 CO. 861 Alder at. - - . SS ACRES oa car Una. partly cultivated. $ (08 ' .4 acraa, -all fenced and cleared, at - Troatdala SOB T acraa. acraa cleared, at Gate's ' ' - eroaatng -....... S98" I34 acre, house and barn. Boar Oraaham 1.230 13 acres at Oregon City; S-room bouae. . 8.000 SO acraa, sear Bee vert 00; all cultivated S.004 ' 100 acres., near Bllvartoa. Oregon ' 804 , HOB AN T AGO ART, 108 Sixth St. A HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENT "of 100 acres of first-class soli in the Whits Salmon valley, 2S aerea areadow aad adaptsd ' for clover and timothy, balaaca rich fruit and grain land; one ere--leared sad fenced, small cabin, close to school, atore sad post, efflce; only 8300. , WHITE SALMON LAND CO., ' , - White Salmon, Wash. SS ACRES.. 10 mllos from Portland. SM miles . aoBta Beartrtoa. 13 acres cleared, balaaca In pasture, gunning water, 10-room bonaa wltk furnace, frame barn, ISO-foot chicken house, -Incubator, S cows, 1 farm team, 300: ch tehees, 3 wagons and all farm tools aad machinery; prion $3,800; will take s $1,800 ' -batt " Pn Pmn- ' J. Wllsos S 22T Chamber af Cos-marc. . . 40 ACRES. 18 ia cultlvatioo. balance aaadedt , goon- boii, waxeroa. u. rr. r. - railway rune through It; car elation; on third mile Lenta postofflce; stores, etc.. Be fare to any part : of Portland; SO rods on a Sna graveled road; good tract to cat up; prlc only (180 aa sera, Tuet H arlcs. O. R. Addltoa, Lenta, Or. Tahe Moaat Scott car. Sc. $8,700 BUYS s 84.500 farm af IBS acraa. room Bouse, Barn, gooo. water, sh mile irons wnreaonao. ata miu-a so scnooi: Sl.ouw eesB, oeianc a years- 11 m. r. 4, Tekoa. Wash. FREE awvarnmeat farm laads Juot opaaad 8s aettiemeni; level vaney una; Be etano or tluibsr; water and anil first -class. Boom 08 Labbe bldg., cor. - Bar-aid aad Waahlngton. FBBR LAND IN ORROON aader the CaraF mgsuow nsx. - xesvn airocx xrom sraca. -Write today. Booklet aad map free. B. SL Cooks Co.. SSI Aider St.. Partkad, Or. . Sttt ACRES, A mils to railroad ststioa. - W 1 Dumeu ana renay to seeo, o aerea nno crash bottom, partly cleared; price $828. Wnw M. Rife. Sbarwoad. Or B. F. D. roata S. CHEAPEST farms, small aad large, beat In. eatkBB, 30 miles north from PortlaBdi good - transportation. Call or write to fsratsr. Joaepk Parker,. Holbrook, Or. . FOB ovutheru Orogon real eatata, large er amall tracta. Dlllard A Clayton. Hoeeourg. or. HORSES AND CARRIAGES. A' FINB ton barrr. horse aad asm, tor saie caosp, ar xraoe xor aaa. Hacker. SeS Waahlagtoa at,' - FOR SALB One coal wagon. Pboae Main 1018. FOR SALE TIMBER.' JUST tblnk af it. SO acraa of timber aad 138 acres af good aoll. 40 af which ta tillable, within BOO yards of rlrer; good creek ran alng through it, Price $400. . Addreaa D 83, car Journal. TIMBER LAND In Washington. ISO aa river near sawmills reliable oralaer sstl matea S.000,000 feat cedar, hemlock aad aprnce: price 8050. . Home Land Oa 146 W First at. DO Fes want timberf I own 100, worth as. 000. which I will sell for S4.B00: an abas. ' lately safe Investment. D SS, care JoaraaL FOR SALB Two hoomatoad rallaawlahmant claims; second growta; win ssu ekosp. H. P. Nielsen, Hot Rhelapfala. . CERTIFIED prtcea. w. a. US Chamber af Csaa- 40 ACRES tlmber-tand. YamhtU coaaty. $300. .' Aly 880 , Mississippi a vs. phoaa .Usloa FOR HOMESTEADS, timber 'dalms and aartp sppiy to aun commercial bib. ' T6' EXCHANGE.' ' : FOB 'EXCRAN0B T-room modern bonaa, barn. 4 large iota, en smoa or rrutt ana snrsnoery. plenty of shade tree, tn Mnataellla, for 4 or B-room cottage rallied at $1,500; ao ebjee tloas to location. Sea ewner, 888 Broad at Montavllla. -.. , .- WA8HI NGT0N-8T. rooming hoaae of SB rooms to exchange tor o to jo acraa Improred euhurbaa - tract. . Boms . Land . Co., 14814 Flret at- - ' .; . FOR aala or trade. 7 -room kouse, fall basementi aieo rooming-nonas ror, rarm, price so,bUQ. 180 Eaat 84th St., city, pboae Eaat S7A ' TO EXCHANGE A sew modern T-room hones for an old established eonfecUopsry Dial CITY property to axchtnga for farm Mad, Sea LF.K. sis Fenton bldg., 84 Sixth at. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK. ' e -' OR SALB 34 tame cowav all young; IS talraai IS steers; T heifers, yearllngei one 8-year bull; one 3-year atag; are not breachy, and .are In good condition.. Id Clsff, Ion, Morrow county. Oregon, - . . - -- FOR : SALE MISCELLANEOUS. MRS. HOWE'S BULLETTK-ood atovewoodV eieaa ana ary, rssay 10 eera, at sx.00 per eords oak aad Sr at cat rate: brick tor ash) cheap; express for hire; houses for rout. Phoaa Union 17S of 130S Bast Dlrlalos at. 8EB tha Lewie aad Clark fair at homes Bend ., sue ia atampa ror aaaaeoma pnoto nook. ,' nearly 200 okotos of fsir, TttxBVk tnehea, western view noon vo... roruana. ' BILLIARD AND POOL tablee fa rant at for saie an eaay payments. THB BRUNSWICK-BALKBOOLLRNDRB CO, 4 Third at., Portlaad. WANTED At one,, to Import to sound city a, large quantity of aecond-haad fumlturo, for which big beet cash price will be paid, A. M. Baattla, roonv 333. rstllng bids. DUCK bunterr and flahermen notlcs: For aala. sailing sloop with Si 10-foot cabla: furalabad for 8; la good arder, Inqulrs Orpbeam theatre for Cook. . , FOR SALE On complrto art of aoanery - 14 root; 1 oaas ornm, 1 snare drum; a 10 1 a. bui uef biuje'Ssmar ollstove. Call Gay Par, tbe Trail. . . FOR SALB 8 pairs heavy wrought Iron (atea. sniTSBio xor xo iroux or a store apply pa tlonal Cash Register Cat's . exhibit, fair ground. , VIENNA chairs, matting, sooth glass parte- tlons. ete.r ror aai cnean. inquire of R, Campbell, at Natural Fond booth, Agrlcoltarat hMg.- , -- . - 800 DOZEN Mason's freltjara. all once, (noa ee aew, er-o. pertled Bnttla uapl 0o. M ivortk k . y j A -'k t rn, f