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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1905)
rcr-LAirr. T::ur.:-Y cv:;:u;a, crmMirn a 1:::.. v j .: t:"j Are f.'ow Cunning to Their Full Cs-p-tlty In Crdrr ts JT. the Ordsrs for Fteur Ltttly Rtcslved r rom the Crisnt. vaeewal 4.k ka e. e 4 aW..aw9 BS1H MOBAZJrOBT hTTaUXaT. -Op posits Postofflca and Melsr 4V lranB. . 1 urnm flour COllI STROuG Firmness in East and on the Con- tlnent Yesterday Is Re- ; fleeted Hero : OREGON tiAfilCERS TO' , HELP HOP MEN HOLD Tncy Hay Is to Demand Whik Poor ' Quality It Too PlentUul stoma 1 Off Coast Shut Off Crab Supply- Salmon Receipts Are Better. 1 ' Pront (tract. Sept, SB. Tbs priaelpel features . eg the Fc-tlnd wbeloeal HiUU oay ersj ' Wheel so flow srs strong. . 11mm seye Weehlngtoa hops are od. . Twt can ef orssges srrtvs.'-. - Twa cars sweet pets toss .treat llerced. ' t'aaey bay is demand. '';' " . Kgg merest holds at tbs ark. . ludarlymg ecadltfcms week as poultry, i 4 . Storm akat aft crab awpply. . ' Sahaoa receipts from Columbia bsttsr. , Bggplaat baa good daaiaad. - . ( - r - Cm peaches la from Ashland. ! aMat supplies fairly liberal. -.. Celery la eealag battar eupply. J. , ... Wheat aad flour As Stress;, v-nr- ' Condition la tba wheat market ars Tar (Irak near daaiaad. although ao ae great ' from tba artaat aa durteg tba prsrloos waak. Still shows a good ton. It ta bow stated that tka neaey ardara reetred fraaa both Japan aim ; Hull daring the put wvra ar 10 dajs bars filled all tka ml 11a ta errfVwmg. It la be lieved tkat aat a atngl mill ta tba Pacific , Borthweet hi ta a poettlea today ta baadla a large order ft floor for eerly dell Tory, and thla la tba pmsob why aa may ordera ara not tow being racatrad or ecoepeed. Barer oa tba -eiber alda unrferetaod due situation uwlts tbor enahly ad will aat auk too sasny offers ba eeuee af tba Mr of advancing -the gestation aa tbemetirea. . Loral trada ta floar at tba aMmoat la ao bacry, bop ailllera bara bat ' anall atorka ta of far a ad ara aot pnahlng thalr waraa mj hard. Prleaa ara f lra bat aa chaaged. 'baat ralaaa aaekangad to la hlgbar. tv. ' Fancy Bay b la Baauad. -"' ' - - Tbara la a rary goad eaaaaad bow rallag la tfca markat for tba faaoaat gradaa of bay. Chotre WHIaoiotta rallcy and aaaura Oregon 4 ... iinoiay aio fwm -wry iitbb m iw ii' , ronr aaa an-aiaucy aay at Tary piemimi , frleea, dull and. waak. tboogb aackaaged. Waahlagtonlana Many Terr strongly that thahr npa of tkat year's growth ara an thing bat tba beat, aat plain .la a single breath tkat tbey Will qualify with.. tba workt-faaMoa Oregoae. The loUswInf av fraai laaac Ptncna Bona of ineamn:''. Tifoia, WMh.,,"nWa3g. OoaataercUl Edi tor Oregna Dally Jxonrrt w aata la recent laiaiia of yoar paper -eoanaeat oa tba reality ' of tba bops recently sold a tab) at eta, elaa tba statement that Oregon, hope ara tba only fine quality bona la tba world. tbla year. We will '.pet take, ap tba tght af other sections of the world, bat la yaatlca to the producer of hope ' Is Waaklngtoa wa wleh ta anphatlcally deay the aaaertloa that oar heps ara of htfertor qual ity. Tba quality of tba hops la- thai atats 'thla peer sea the eqenl a 4he -beet- growths of any of tba bop paaduelag aeetkma of the UnHl Ktatee. , Waahlngtontana taae jtartleular prhle . tba qaaflty of tbelr-ops TWa vpesrt sea sea aad we da an Ilka tke reflections caat apoa aa. aawttttagly we preaaaae. "by the Oregoa aewapapara and Oregon dealere. Oar tepauttna la being assailed aadeeerradly and we treat Tba Joarnal, with He naval .fah-neea. will sndeeror to eorrect the falne tmpraailoa re- .seatly meted with reference to the awttar bars eUseaaaad. . Leeel Baakera Win Help Orewera. It Is sow a war to tbs death la the hop , Market. It traaaplres that a number of banker ' bare decided to back bopgrowera aa that they wlU be able to hold their hope la this state for at loaat all aMoths, If necessary to aeenre farerable prVo. At the BHaneat grower are , bokllng ratbar fjrat.' only a few dealers aslllng. See Waaklngtoa giowera ara aot harrying their proa art to nerfcot. Altboagh the market la still vary dull aad waak. prices (re aacbanged. It ta now setteaated that fully 4.000 bales of bops will so ruined by tba continued rains had the - lack of pick ere. ; r-- -;- ' A anther of Cara aa riedaoa la.' -. Freea tba eonth a aamber af eara at sredene am red la during tba day Two care ef sweet potatoes frees M erred ware unloaded lata reete- ; day aftaraaoa aad this morafcif ; alee two cars of eraages aad saa car ar peecaee froa Aeh lend. Tbs Utter were ef fairly good quality. Demand ta tba poach ajerket la good with sup plies sad trada equal at the price. - Underlying Conditions a Vealtry Weak. . lt- C dad It tone under tying the poultry market ara aot aa firm aa genet ally belle-red. The market St preeear takaa erery thing that' eomea at the Srlre, but bearler arrlTan would wrerk prices , wtthhv a day. A tew turkeys came la during the day aad tnaad a good demand at the price. Irrt ara belag firmly held at the top for local reach, but there ta eonaMerabls weakness la tbs eastern stocks. Of the hitter eeveral cars ara new aa tbs aurket. Quality of tba aaa tern pot ae good as formerly. . Storme Skat Off Orak Suppllaa. r Crab aappllaa la tbs Portland markets were ' pet gerid today M aeaonat of the heary atarme ruling off the eeaet, Turn ma bay crab bare all but disappeared, while the aeaaoa hi Waaa Ingtoa will not opaa aatll October 1. , Tbs ratra ef salmoa la the Columbia ehowa a eooeiderabla mcreeaq oa account of tba blghet water. Suppllaa la hls market bow liberal..' rape Demand la Oead. 'There Is a eery good demand for grape gad moat of tba late arriTale- hire baea "I eery good qumUty. Oa thla account the trade baa been -uers willing to af- Celery from the ealley la coming In faatet nnd the quality Is all that -could be deetred. Itlasa tfcq ewBMMh - Potatoes are dull, but fancy atoesa are quoted aouiewhat firmer at former price. f i There were as Walla Wane salens la tbf market today, with tbs poaalbls exceptioa of ens or two sacks, and tkla waa conetderahle rt a help to the local prod act. Dealere are afraid to buy the glebes from tbs north en account ef their poor beeping quality. , - The Mmwtng quotations wars paid tod.iy akmg rreat anree by the retail trade tor aholre auallty la ronad lata. Produeerg prices are se speafled: - . C .. . Orata, near aad Fees. WFKAT New club. Tie: Bed Buealaa, 8T; ?732F&$ma.m mat OATll-Ptodwcer' prlreffe. 1 white. $SS.W )M! grer. 2SfM0a - FLOUB Old, eaatera Orrgoa petents. MH Straights. H MO"! .I'- ! eylley. U.gsi nhaa. . eS-to; rye, 60a. 6.ooj in LWTVrTw--Braa. lh per ton: mid. Clna-e. f 28.00: eherts, eouotry, tMi eity, 00 erne, 11100. . HAT Produce re pm Theater. WDIemette alUy. fancy. Hl.OOeJ U.OO: ordinary. TjOOH THURSDAY PRICES IN 1 THE WHEAT MARKET . d ' Sept. ' ' Poo. ' ,'d d Chicago ......I .lit I lA . e - LJrarpwol .....aH H e Wlnaep pollp .Pi s Puluth .SI d-'lnnlpeg A . New .Turk . ,. e Kansas City.. ettHi t. Louis t JWB-4 .B .11 d . 1-lfVt . e Ban rranegoI)07 Mllwauks .... .IHt e Milwaukee) .. .g .as q s t'srcK. December parley. e 7, - JOURNAL'S DAILY v . TIPS TO SHIPPERS a Real fancy potatosa will fine a,. d ' good demand around present d valusS, but the trada Is nil for e . ordinary -varieties. Of tba latter ' d ths supplies srs Tjiora than d llbersL A few Inquiries ars be- d X Ins; received f Or fancy. , stocks e , from the far southwest, but a a prices ars not wui couia oa con- ey sldered liberal. . All Interests . now agree that the lata crop will e . bo lighter than expected. - d d -e i d .00; eaatera Oregon. $14.0001(00;- mliel, M 40O 00; ctorer. .00)iao0i grain, SaVSOtl 1.001 cheat. S8.00WS M. Sort tar. Eggs aad Vealtrp, BUTTS B JfAC Sweet, Slat sear. She. BUTTS City ereeniery. beet, soauHet aacond grade. 1H: oatekle fancy. XI c; ordt nary, fee; store. 1SQ 10 feci VaiUorala fqacy. vi"rt: KXIOS No. 1 freak Oregon, eandled. tTtt! cold etnrage and paetern, st25e.' CRBKHS New full cream, twin, lHlc Teonr America. lHlScr chMdar, 14c. ' POULTRY Oilckena, mlied, 14e per n fancy hone. 1H per If I reoetern. eld. PHQlOa per lb; fryers. UK1 per lb: brolleta, IS per Ih;' duck. 13 HUM He par lb; geeee, 10e per lb; turkeye, lHfJSSc per lb; dramas, 2&Xt par lb: sejuaba. f2.MOS.00 per Smb. s Bops. Weal aad- Hides. ' HOP 1000 Orrgoe. UUliWc; Wsahlngtos, lottllc-, 1004 crop, 12e for choice, UVaOlSe for primes end medium. WoOlr-lwuS eUtv ealley. sosree to miitlaak. t4hictVWi toe, MOSIci eaatera tVegeo, IP 41 22c . hluHAIE rtomtnaL SOASls. " ' SHCUPBKIN'S Shenrlng, 1. Otjso; medium waoi, SOOMMI eara. TALLOW Priaaa. par Bl 401 .Be. S sad greeae. lOSHe. . CHITTIht BARK SUaSe per ft. HIDES Dry hide. e, L IS Ih aad ap, lejiae per lb; dry kip. he. a. a to IS Bw, 14c; dry calf. Ma. L ander nmvlsejISet dry salted bides, eteers, sound. SO the a. ee aVtS tel SO to SO iha. St8nSe aaaer ) aha and aewa, SaXSWel at is aad null, eeana. saTe kip. IS to SO Bmh b seaad, V to 14 Bm, SO Wet self, sound, ander 10 lbs H)lli; Sreea (aoaalted). Is per Ih tee: calm. 1 per U) lee soraehldw. salted, - each, $l.OLIt dry, each, 11.0001 su; -salt bldaa. . each, . SSOeOat goat ahlaa. common, eeeti. lOf;l Angora, with wool en. eeaa, toeqtSl. ' ' Fruita aad Tegetahlea. BOTATOKft Beat Oregoa, OTSe ear lots, Oe sack; srdlasry, dOQuUei sweet. Is sacks, 2)4e crates. .... ONION New Oregoa yellow Eaaeers, 1-00 ear lota, goe; garirc, Sktlue oer Ih. -".v;." " PRS8H ritt ITS Apple, Oregoa. I1.OO01SO: faaej, Il.TStt2.0O; erabapplce, $100: oreagfa, late tairaciaa, M.753 5; banaaaa, 6c per Mr; atmon, choice, 3.60j4.7 per bos; fancy, f.00 niekma, SOe per ewt: grapes, Oregon, w7c (acorda. as. 80c; 10a. M ibaaketj California, TSc4JU.nO boa; peer, Bartiett. 1.2S pet box; Wluter Nllla. 1.28 per boa; black ber riee, SOcQSl.OO; caaabaa, S2-00e2.H0 doe; treeb prune ) per lb; pomegrenatea, i a6 per box. V KG KTABI.KS Turnip, new. St-Oe ar aechl eerrote, tl.OO. per eeck; . beeta, fl.otHI I.Xo par each; Oregon radlahes. gas pes seei cabbage, Oregoe. fl.OO01.ZB per- ewt; frees pepper, ,. Se per' lb; local '. tomatoes, 25c; naranlna. 1 OOtll atrina brans. IfiH cauliflower, T3rUtI-00 doa; rhubarb. per lb; boraeradlah, 10c Ih; ' artlchokea. 401 60c per . doa; head mttuce. SOe per doa; green . onions, ) per dos; splnsch, Seser lb: araen earn. The ser eeck; peee. o per lb; cucambar. TBc per -seek; eatery. I Colorado. ftftrl local. TS&SSe per , onalj eggplant, $3-00 per crate; pumpklas, lHe. 'I ifkisu rituiTav Asifiea, eeaoarnim. per lb: awrieots, SUdiiSe pee Ibl sacks. H aer Ik bai Beaches. AAlla nor lb: sear. see , lb: Brunea. IUllaa. Sma.4Ua per. Ibl I Mr . J(44He sec lb: Caeltorala bhMk. as oer Ibl California white. par-Jht ma. pitted. per Ih: dates. aeUteu. S elama. ser 4hi farde. fl.60 see lB- bos, - htetn. Eta. a. S1.BO as ls- aoa.-- aieaarlan. Bnta. Xta. - tocb beale Cube. SS-SOl powdered, granulated, (u.25; dry graaslatrd. A, . SS-SO; beet granulated, S&.1M 4.T6; golden C, 4.06; D yellow. BnOAhU-aaeh baaleCube. H.M: SOWdered, SSBl fruit 2S: Coat. atre A. 4 f4.66; bbla, 10c; H hbla. She; boxes AOs sdrsnce aa aack baala. leae 2oe per ewa m dar; mania. 14 a 1 Be net lb ' HOSKY its per erst. - ' ' COrrEB Package nranda, flS.T5. SALT tine Bale. 2. Se. 4a. aa. 10a tl.ri table, dairy. SOa. 111.00: 100s. S10.7S; ; Im ported Llroraool. Sua. 11.ti lOua. tM.Mi 224. tlS.OO; ektra fine. bole. 2. da.- 10a, S4.WCtg.Mli sulk. 220 lbs. SaitCAu. sacks. SALT Coarse Half (round. iOtw. Bar ton. rr.OO: SO. r ton, ST.601 Llrerpoal awa rock, Slg.M par tant SO-lb rock. STXhti lew. as,I. tAbora prices spsly to aalee el p-ssthsa tar lots. Car lots at asiaial artcss a blast to flneteetranal. , OBAIM BA08 Calcutta. ' . BICB Imaerial J a Dae. No. 1. S"a- . f Us: New Orleans bead. SVtet A tax. 4ai Cr sle. BM". BCANS SmsTi whits. Sa4Ust lerew white; l4e: nlnk. SttSISUe: bsysa. 4e: Umaa. Mcrtran reda. . MOTS Peaaata. YUe: tern bo. ShkS see Fat raw. OOlOe per Bt roasted. t eaeueaeta. MeMOe per deal wamuta. 14loe Per lb; pine nut. tOAlSUe per lb: blrkorr ante. 10a per R1 nwefimta. eaarefi. IKOlfV oee lb: Bra ail jreta, Ue per Ih; filbert. 14015c per lb; tsaef sarans. I4llle: el7ada. 1S01SS pat BV Valata. Coal Oil. Bto. BOPB Pars Manila. 14: stsadard. tSlisi llaal. 10ei lisle bread ewal. Stte. - COAL OIL f earl or AatraL Cneas. SOU set nil water wblte. troe bhja. lie let sell wesdea. ISa nee sail hasdUsht. 170-aaa. eaaea. 22ve per sal. . . , OASOUNB asides, eaaea. SSs per gait troa bbte. SAe per sal: atores. caaee. 24 We pat sail Iron hbla. lSe per gl. , . etcNZlNS U-ila. caaae, tBc par gait Irsa bbT tTBP it-J Tl'a la eaaea. Bit nag rail waodei Pole, (c per gi. WHITB LBAD Tea tore, THe per ft; - ,w. ' La ,u . Ik SOO-DJ Wins rail rreeena neee or LIN8CCD OIL Pure raw, la o-hhl lota. BSr; 1-bbl lot. hPc) caaee, S4e per gl; geaaln kettle boiled, eaaea. One per gal; --bol lota,. SOe; 1-bhl lot, gle per galr ground cake, car lota. f2O-0g topi : lea thsn ear tots, gau.w per ion. Bteata. TUh sad Preeiatone. PRBKIl hi BAT Front atreet Beef ateera. SQoc per lb; pork, block, Si8e per lb; pack era. Se per lb; bulla, 4(jSe par lb; eowa, with pal'. SWOSe per lb; reel, extra, Tc; ordinary, Se per lb;Poor, SeBHe pet lb. HAU.t, BAlOri. afiC. Portland each tmrall ha ma. 10 to 14 me, ite per id; h to is ae, l4e per Ibl IS to SO lba, ISfce par Ibt sottsge, a per lb; break f aat bacon. lSajliVie per lb; ph-nlc. Be. oer lb: regpUr ehori clear, aa amokad, 11a per lb; emokeeVlSe per lui ateer back, aoamoked, 10e lb; smoked. 114 ner Ibl I a too Itutta. 10 to IS lba. snemoked. S per Ibi smoked P par lb: clear halllee. ae amoked. lie eer lb! smokeil. 12t per Ifi; shoal LOCA LABD Kettle ' leef, lou, lls per lb 5a. IlUc per lb; PO-lh tins, llKr per lb; attam renoeredV 10a. 10e per lb; aa. 101st per m. CANNRD AtJ0! Columhm rteer, I-lh talis.; l-lh tall. S2.T0; faery. 1-M data. SI. SO; Va-lb fancy flats, fl.lSs fancy l ib ovale, W-Ii; AUaka ulla. pink. aftaPOet red, tiMtl aamlsai la. tall. f240. . risil Rock cad. tc aer Ih; flounder. Se m lh: halibut. He per lb; eraha, 21.00 per die; , k . - IK. IK, uiiw " r' t . H, w . t aalmoa. allraraidra, Sc per lb; blue bark. St per Ibl serring. oe per in; an ma, ec par u; ahrlmna, loe per Ih; perch, Se per lb; black rod, tc per lb; atlrer smalt. Te per lb; mooters. I5e; rreaa meeker se pet u; era a aaa, see per doa. . OYRI CRA Hhoalwatar bap. eer saL S2.SSI per eark. SS.TS. CLAhlS Bard ebelV far bos. J2.0PI rasa flaeie. 12.00 see boa, - , COTTON FUTURES SIX - TO SEVENJOINTS UP KeW York. Sept. 2. Cotton fninraa closed t to T pomts hlrbrr. -offleHl aBotatVnaa by Orsrherk. SUrr A Cooke Company: Open, TTIgh. Iyr. Doe JannoiT . v. .l'Ttt 10K2 !" 107hflT$ Peonary loan im inaft lfn.8T March r... ...loos inns tnu oj8il April .... Ms ....inoo ions inoo lOMtJM Vt ttr-'tewn- nnrerl ....lV IdiJ lftt.1 lfMlf)1 geptemher October ...,.,,. .1044- 1W lr2 ll71I Meeewhet December ...10T0 lOTf 1002 10T207I I.lTeeBonl. Sept, SS. Cotton- futarea closed 4 to S pemts tnerer ....... j...."-.: Sterling Batae. .: ..i... j:.4 'S.. ... w-W (, ga4tTllng rate: D , - i.V); SO days, toiSoatoATS. onu ' mill i;i CIIICiiGO PIT Conditionf In th Wheat Market , Ara Slow arVd PricM Drop . . i-Purlng the Seaaion. ; "': r-' -. ' , .. PRICES GENERALLY , : ARE : WELL' SUSTAINED September snd 'Msy . Closes Without Chsnf s From Previous , Dsy D- : cember Dtops , QTiavter-Fraetloft ' THURSDAY'S , WHS AT , MARKXT. '' OlOBP Thur. Tear Asa Bept....;.....f .e f fiA f MO xi.ia , D A, idO'rt JUS B -0014 J.12H May .,- .27 V- .00 -',1.12 ' Chicago, Sept. 22 Logaa 4V Bryaa aayt Are gentln wheat ehlpaente are -aat Una ted at SOO, OOO huefcale. The narrow range la haaye Biar- ket cleerrr tells the etory ef s slew affair, but conatdermg the duUneaa sad the santlmaat ef we traoe m general, pricaa were waa eur taiaad. reapectlng the dcto reamed seppott oa the part at leading bulla. Cash pricaa were eeeier ana - primary receipt were mnanmj Urger than a rear 'ago.. The actios ef the market, while alow and st timer exasperating, Is asrertkeleas a strong oaa..":., " , , osra Mai a i-raeuon. . Oara lnat a saaaU fraction ta tea' dsy'a trad- tag, bat buying aaemed ef excellent character, though not la a rorn me large enough to secaslaa sny comment. Condition asem see hanged and prlcee are etubboroly held. . Oata elaeed preotleally aachanged after aa extremely duU day. As Is the ether plte, trade h diwppotntlng. ' Liquidating October BtafT. - The nrerlaloa market today was a repelltloe ef arrant aeeelons. . As ws hare baea pointing out, the liquidation eeemed to be ea fa uetoner, with splaadld buying hi the January staff. This In eridence as in today. Official qneutloas by Orortjeck, tart. Oteee. ; si4 ..81V, .6114 .44 V , ' ' Ml, , .4B RwTpt. a aaaer D9?e Mayw.... SI- .22 JS .80 - . J0 BfEKS POBB. 18.20 . .18.08 , . 14 J0 V :. 14.88 -- ' ' 12.82 - U-42 (' ; LARD. T.22 --T.M T.28 . - iSa Sept,.... 15.20 Ort...... 14.00 Jan...... 12.48 Sept..... , T.23 Oct...... ' T.28 Jaa S.S0 18 00 14.88 .12.82 i-a T.S2 S.S2 - S.BS 8.82 S.8S SHORT BIBB. Bept. Oct.. i n - S 8S S.M S 80 - S.f.2 f 48 BJS . S.BS S.80 Jaa.. BULABT SBAIX VOTXJfJCBT, , Okasav Best, IS, Prlmair rare rata: , ' . r Today- , . Tear Age ,.....-. paan. . . troan. Wheat l.sno.ono l.2s.0OS oora , 031,000 281,000 nipmeatst - Wheat BIT.fjOS Corn -. i.... 288.000 44T.OOP, 832.000 Clearance:- Wheat and floar. 182.000 buehslai eorai 111,000 buahele; oata. SO.OOO basbem. 1 j ' V CBI0M0 CASH WXXAT, . Chicago, Sept. IS,. Oeeh wheat BM. Ak. No. red........ . . ..... S .86 f .87 No. S red .84 .ST Ne. I hard...... .88 0 .M .87 No. S hard JtS No. 1 northern. ................. .00 No. 2' northern.................. .ST Ne. aprlng M tirniPOOL sbaiw iiabkxt. Lirernool. Sept. 2.. (."loee: Wheat. Decern. ber. as Sd. d hlgbari March, Ss 8d. Jl higher. Com December. 4 8T4d, d higher; January, as Sd, d higher; March,- d higher. . CKICASO OBAIB CAB LOTS. Chicago, Sept. SB. Oram car lots: Csra Orada Bat. IBM Wheat ............... 47 17 IT IT Corn 271 i 120,. 204 10 Oata 208 80 SOT 122 Wheat ear today: Mtmea nolle SSO. - Duluth 4T. - Vear ago: kllnaeapolle 478, Dulsth SSL 7QQ ACRES OF HOPS ARE . YET UmPJCKED Growers Around Independence Fear for Quality on Account ' , of Continued Raint. ' (Spsetst Dispatch to Tbs Jonrasl.) ..... jt a D . . M .1 . n,i..wK.i v,., ovpi. m. la conuneeai rslns srs doing greet damage to tbs hops. Tbey ere commencing to turn eolnr and the grewees are afraid of the "blur mold," which entered the yards a aumber ef years ago aad apoilsd the crop. There M probably TOO acres of urm Irked bops here, aad they are aU sbowtat tbs affect er the continued rains. ' This has baea a hard peer en tbs siuwats. They atarted picking by weight aad the pickers, would not come, and all yards hare been run ning abort-banded. Moat ef tbs grow srs changed rrom weight picking to picking by the box. Pickers kses been going home for the last twa er three days and there Is suits a abortase. although picker from the yerde where picking haa flnlahed hare gnas la whole crews to aa- pk-ked yarda of other growers. Some a row era state they haee frees ens to two weeks' picking yet, and they are afraid that the remaining crop will Dot be flret-elaaa after being baled. Krebe Brae, bare ever 100 seres rmplcked. Hlrsebberg 20 acre, Greece. 28 aires. s. 4. Hues is ecree. nut. renaeii. iiorsx woe.. Damon. J. B. Cooper, Darklaon as HedgrV. Oeop. er, end a ssmber ef etber grow eta bars auny annteked hope. Ths worolmnsse ars being crowded with bept end buyers srs eempllna extenerrely, nut they do not look for the market to open before next weak. Oaa or the bnyers elated be expected to bare a man et Independence, commencing next week, aa be thought that be would rerelr enters by tost time. Growers srs looking tot fair prtrea, eey 18 to IS eeala. for goad tbap tlaas bops. ....... btw tobx corn wukm. New Tor. Sep. 24. Oiffee fs tares rloeed asrhanted -to S potato lower. OfSdU pelree: . . .1 - Bid. Aak.f Bid. Aatf. January ...fT.40 ST 4Vulr ..fT.TS ST.fS pehrnarr ., T.48 T.BOlAaeuet .... T.TB T0 T.10 T28 T.28 I March T.HO A pelk .... T no May ....... t oo Juas ....... TO T.M'rtetobee T.08 ? n"oeemhee ... T PI Bri December ... ISO t.ttl Vew York Oaak Oafree. New York. Sent Rio, Sci No. 4, Ssstos. 8. BATJTS AB1 TJOOBTIBIMT, (Special DtapatcB re The Journal ! . Knxene. Or, Sea. 28. The praeaat rain. whk-u h) teptoa. has caused soma Inmaeealenes to thoas hops tow era' who here aot flntehad picking, hut tbey bees raneed s benefit ell around. Three who baea ant ftnmned slrhlnf are ao4 wnrrr leg, es there ere plenty ef ptrber. aad rt will be s matter ef only a few dart aatll they ara threugh with tad wars. .1. . . uooae sompaay: x WHEAT. . mam. Hleku tarw Baptn... .Ml4'$..8644 ,ge Ms..... .87 ,JUt .,M CORN. . New Bept '.81 .81 ' M Old Bept. . JH4 X.82 .81, Oct .61 .81 .814, New Dee. . AiL M .44 ( Old Dee. A6 M May...,. AH . -'.-.44 . "OATS. -' J0 CIIES1PU LED THE GIKET Shows Considerable Activity on a Falling Market and Gains One and Three Eighths. HIGHER MONEY FORCES ; GENERAL LIST DOWN LouisrflJe Tc Nsshrille and St Paul Arc Good Traders but Lose, One ' and an Eighth on Weak Tone , Steel Losea, ' .... ', I tOSSE. N. T. Central Atcklaoa Smelter ; Car roaadry ... Brooklya . , . Bsltlators Colo, fuel ....... Out. Weetora V Peanarreanla . .. ".v .H Preeeed Bteel, pfd. Si Heaning ........ Rep. Steel Pfd.... St. L 4I. W.,.. St. Paul ......... 1'bL i ln!o HlWab u a i. wv p. Canadian ......... trie Erie. Sd Dfd ..... PaciBe .... Wabaah, pfd Wla. Cent., pfd ... Greet Weetora ... U Bock 1 aland Ututorllle . Metropolitan ...... htextcaa Central ,. Katy, Mlsiourl Psctfls .. lSouthera By rnir uoai ....... Texas A Pacta. .. U. B. Steel ...,. U. a Steel, pfd... ADVANCES. Aaaalaaaaatad Dearer-... Suglr ............ Cm K.- .... . Illlnats Oentrai -JT. Manhattan People' Uea ...... Denver, pra ..... x Kortolk Rep. Steel H Southern , PsclSg Wabaah k U U. B. B abhor, pfd. Cbaeanaake 4MB 1 Cole, aoutb ,. Wall Street, Kew York. Sept. BSHIghet money played hatee with atock eatoes "today, the ratee going aa high ap S per teat. The general Hat ewayed under beaev pressure and pricaa closed meetly down.- Chesapeake A Okie was - tbs strong tea rare andas some uvatefione Buying and- during the aeaatoa gained 1 point peer the praeloBS day's price. Pressed Steel Car preferred was eery weak with saaaU trade aad lost S points. Leaieellla sad St. Psal were each aetire bat both lost 1 points- today. r . . orBeial eoetatioo by Orerbeek, Starr 4 oooks company : pnCBIRIOK. Asseonds Mining Co.... Amal. Copper Oo. ...... AtrhlsoB, com, ., ,... da preferred. i-m. Car a round., som. Am. Sugar, com....... Am. Smelt., sacs do preferred Baltimore A Obto, earn.' Broaklrn Banld Transit. I 123 108 S8h0 127 121 112 11 Cuaadlaa PaciSc. eesl...tlT4T8 cat. 4k Aitaa. coal...,. Chi. It St. West., sea Chi., MIL a St. Paul.. CM. d Northweat .. com Chesapeake a Ohio. . . Onto. Fuel Iron, com Colo. 'South., eom...,. 21 181 xi a 87 do 2d preferred. .p. ,, do. let nreferred SI . I 81 I 81 Delaware a Bndsoa... v. a B. G., com...... do nreferred. trie, com , oo 2a profaned . do 1st preferred 1 Ir4reipt,SSj Central.. niinela ..1181 Loaferl lie a feehrllle. 184 128 MerrapoHtaB Btreer By. Maabattaa By Mexican - Central Br... 108 I 24 M.. St. P. a Sta. kf.... Missouri PaciSc.......? 10 108 104 M. . K. a T.. soai...... P4 80 55 otS prererred. ... ...... New York Central iro 140 200 Wor thorn Paclnc 210 210 Norfolk a Weetora. snm.VM 88 03 ....I 86 83 SS . North American.......! N. Y.. Out. a Wast.... bb' reBasyresBia By 148 103 143 103 p. a., i a o. co..... Praaaad Steel Cat. son 4amV BBsTsrf PaclfM Mall B. B. Oa. 48 122 Beading, do first are reread Ben. Iron a Btael, cam. do preferred.......... Bock Island, com do - Beef erred .......... Southern By, asm...... ' do preferred . ....... Ben there Pacific...... . . ds preferred... St. L. a B. F, Sd pfd SOU S 100 100 nv 120 118 to first prjXarT a St. Im a B. W- asm. ...I tawV ytluwrPaM . 4seja Tsxas a Pacific Tennimn Coal a Troa,. Toledo. It L 4 W, t do nrefeeeed. ........ Pnloa Pacific, aom,... do preferred 0. B. Leather, com.... do preferred.... U. S. Bnhber. asm..... do nreferred ......... 108 108 84 V. 110 111 IllOU TJ. B. Steel Co., eom.... 8T 87 oe psafei led. ......... Wheel, a Lake KrM, e 104 104 Wisconsin Central, eom. ds pref ei i ed ....... W. TJ. Telesraph....... Wabaah. com........... do preTaered . . .. . . Bubber Oonde. ........ do preferred . . . ...... Total sales ror oar, tH.m anaree. Call money closed '4 per coat. . , . BAJf rBAJTCISOO LOCAL STOCXB. Baa Pranclsce, Bent. 28. Official eloae. to-s BM. : Centra Ootta Wetsr...,........ 61 Spring Y.lley Wster..., 40 Mutual Electric 10 8. P. Gas Electric........... 82 uiant rewaer .... Hawaiian Commerelel. ............. B44; Boaokee. Susar. ......... ......... 14 Hntebinaoa 8uxar...... ............ 11 MakaweU Suter 88 , Oaemaa Sugar. .u. ...... .......... 84 Paauhaa Purer........ zz Alaaka Parker' 88 . 04 . . s : "sivi Oceanic Pteamhlp. ...... .......... 8 " Pacific Statea Tel im California Wbte Padflc Cbsst Borax ids sostost coma stocks. Bcstos, Bept -.f8elaf copper ' rloaaj Bld. Bid. Adeeiitnre ...f T.28 (Copper Mt ...,f M 00 Atlantic ..... MnO Oereola ....... 102.00 Allones 80 00 Parrot 28.00 Blagkam .... 80.T8 IPhoentx ....... .87 Cel. a Arts... 100.12'Ouloey 101.00 rsramet 80.00 Phannoa ..... T.KT Copper Bangs. Tt.80 TaBMrsck .... 138.00 Centennial X7.nzMl inniiy ...... o. Dely Wre ... Kim 14 IJU.I alted ..r... 88 SO 840 rirtaria ...... S.82U Granby T.02 Wlnoae ...... 11.00 . Wolverine .... 11T.00 I'tab ........ 44. Boyal 22 "0 Greene . . . i . XVTH Old Domtnloa.. 2T.28 neaaei ..... Mlrhigaa .... amtftSaj) s e 's s 67 87 .14 no U. B. Klang S8.80 S.TS -f- ... C0JfJT0nt BTTJOTe STTOCXS. ; -dlaa Praneises, Sept. SS. OfSrsl dess, mors Bid. - ' Bid. Saeata ........$ .OS Potoal .14 t'alea Con . . ,M ,.4 TehrwJecket .. .18 IT SCaMrlQakaS1 ease . )T Bale a Norcreas. 1.10 Balllna ........ f .88 Belchrr 22 Con. CaL-Va .. t.28 Ophlr ,v BT Caledonia .4 Mexlcaa i...... 1.00 lea. Marear .... .80 a a 4 a as eZefl ,. - .18 , Shrafarrwd Baaek OauaBsdl VUadB eaSWir. etwa. eiBBaV ; morn- i Ak a si 90 SS nillnrs ....... 607 T5) sb4 fl.OO Gold Crowns, boat, ........ .... ,$S.0O rull Bat Teeth .....l..........'.fS.OO Bridgo Work, best 95.00 NO PAIN Artificial TEETH that fit and rtwiero the. natural contour facial axpreasloa and rsmoTcg all Unas at Boston Painless Dentists MIH KOaUUBOBT Opposite Posloffica and Molar 4 Fmnk. I nconie Property )na block from Washington stroat 'rloo rsssonabls. Apply to ... . , , Tyson Kinsell SOS OomTBsmial Bloek.' Bd BaaS WaaTB. plu:.::.;er says, shipjour VEAL CALVES Secretary of Local Stockyards Tells of Small Receipts ' r ; and a Good Demand. ' ' PortUnd TJaloa Strarda. Sept. SBUra. stock rscslpts: ... Bogs CatOs Sheep Today 8T .. .. We)k uBso e paaaa , .ITS Tt$ .'.''96 PrsTlous week 2d , SS SJ8 Month ago 10S 47 70 Vary email receipts wars shows la tba Bre etoek market today, ths total consisting ef ST boss sad 84 bora. Bega are firm, ssttls ssey end sheep strong. "Not many asl calves srs oomlns," says secretary pinmmer, - "sad ths msrket I la good shape aad atrang at -ths price. - Official prices for Ireeetoekt - Hogs Beet esstera Oregoa, SS.00OS.28l blockers and China fata, SB.00tjS.So; atockert sad feeders. $4.00. Oat tie Beet eaatera Oregoa' steere, 83-00(1 I. 25: light and medium eteere, $2.80; light eowa, II. 8022.00; stoefcers sad feeders, 82-2602.80; bulla, 81.80. iUieep Wether. Se8c; mixed sheep. Se) strslgbt ewe. 8)8c: eprtns lamba. 4a4e. Coleee Oood Teal, 180 to 200 pmuda, Bfi8Ct rough heery. S8t. V . BASTTSJf BOOS 8TB0BI2, - Cblcago, BeptaS. Ursstork recerptet : . : . u Bogs Cottle ' Bhsep Chlcag 18,000 8.000 2o.0t) Kansas City,...-,... 8.000 10.000 4.O11O Omaha S.R0O 8,800 2O.OU0 nogs opened strong with 4.000 left erar. Ba celpte s year kSo were 22.000. Price i Mixed, IS. 105. TO; good. 88.80B.70; rough, UJtOQ 8.20;ll(ht. S8.108.A0. ..VT . . Csttle Strong to 10a higher. . Bbaep Bmsdy. - ,.... . TOaTOPAjI BTXBTjrO STOCKS. . : Baa rYenciaeo, Sept. Scial close, awrning Bid. MoAtank ...... 2.8 Midway ...... IM MrNamara .... .41 Belmont ,. 1.4S North Star .... .81 Beecue .OT flold Mountala.. .10 Jim Butler .... .TBA Red Top .84 28. Tonopah Stock a, of. I . ' Btd. ' Mohawk .......I .14 Dile .18 Kendall .18 Columbia Mt.....lT Jumbs .TT 811rer Pick 08 Jumbo Eitea.... .20 , Black Butte .... .21 ' Ooidea Aneber.. .80 Tea. Nevada.... .18 Bay O'Briea ... .ng Tub. Ohio ..... .28 Ton. Kites .... son Ooldneld ...... .83 Baadetorm ..... .40 Saadstorm Ba.. ,0T Adams ........ .06 Kcllpae 42 Caafc Bap M 0. Bull Prog.... .21 Ulamorxineta ... .zv Um Star .08 DeuTer ........ .18 Atlanta Jl " raraiga Oaffee BUrkata. ' ' Baers. Bept. 28. Offee declined : Plast burg declined . Bio receipts, 11.000 bees, msrket firm, prices unchanged: Santos, 88,000 bags, market galet and aachaaged. MISS CLARA I. IRVIN EDITS COLLEGE PAPER ' (Special Dtapatch te The JournaL) Pacific Unleeralty, Foraat Oroya, Or, Bept. 1!. Ths first number 'of the Weekly Index, ths collsgs paper, ap. paaratj last evening. For ths first time In the history of ths porlodleaj. a co ed. Miss Clara Z. Irwin, a senior rsgis tsrsd from Aurora, ta the sdltor-ln-ehlaf. 8 ho will be assisted bp sevsn report srs. A. J. Prldsaox, lttS, of port, land mill ba tha business manager. Ths laauo la a credit to tha now board.. sThTeei loto JaaSaB B aVge.pOwa. The Southern Paclflo. oompauiy has placed on sale at an rortland offloas round trip ticket to Newport at rata of 18. limited to October 18. l0i, and for (t Saturdap to Monoap tlcksta Ampls hotel accommodation at reason able rales ara provided at thla pepalaf iaortv , RIDE IN AIR FOR ' ,: SOME LIGHTWEIGHT ' It was announced bp Major T. 8. Clarkson of tha acronautlo concourse to day that befors tba fair oloaaa IJnooln Baaehsp will take a second paasenger In tha airship City of Portland. ' Tho cruise will doubtless bo corsted by a Kraat many Portland era, but tha maa who makes th ascent must be) very light, that Is. under ISO pounds, and must act aa ballast, although tha soalor aaaures applicants that thoro Is no danger of tba extra psssenger being hurled from tho airship as ions; as tho sand lasta. - . : i , CAPTAIN CARTER MADE MISLEADING ENTRIES . ' A . " " ' ' :-v ' (Jouraat BpecUl Berelce.l Chicago, Sept. 18. Captain Oberlla it. Carter span thla morning sxplsln lna tho disposition at tha government's money In tho construction of tha south ern wtrrks, and how, large auraa tant to ! paid to per arm a wnoee connection la unoortaln. and admitted misleading entriem In checkbook atuba - TEETH Tha Ooaoasl'g Wahsrloo: V Onion el John M. Fuller of Honey Orova. Texas, nearly' met M" Waterloo from Liver and Kidney trouble. In a reoent letter he say a: "I was nearly dead of these complaints, aad although I tpiad Bay family dor , he t re no rood; so I pot a 80e b ' t Rleetrlo Bill era, whir alder them tho best i and thank Ood who r sdga to make then." teed to cttra Dye Kidney Dlsesse, V i HI xurd 2tti, hi i ' V i' " r sb ' firiiiTTnr . If yoor cU bKfarjorn suite is oci srl yd -tjuubossoy, wor wish ssty be letCzei ty U cri IJDiW VandBh States sndj litie cl rX c- spare dine. v.'- 'a r-;': '-. ' -. VoUyomruVwCh ' 'r--:'j:,- Cl uks!ea -l f ftrnln U Ofr- UilUIUl)- VUlllloll 0IU..J tlieae Sates etre perfect resala wtiboat tiSL or erericzc3.v . Varoisli sod stsia stone opetBtioo. -Vr1 . Aa. for color card, tivowins iugaa Wkae Lead Cstsr For Szlt by Thf 1A1 on 1 We r 1 r newspapefonthe J coast - lBoosits PortlaiiiK"! lay fclC0,CG0 - " , amwlmhtd 1ST, f - 4 t ta Portland aad sP. seer the aatthwwt eea teetuy la ear greet sad un exampled Santas. GONORRHCEIA May he attended with the gravest eoerpTlee tioss If aeglected or Improperly treat. We hare a epeetfte treatment watab aaras asickly. safely sad paaileealy. , SYPHILIS It another asswtrsd awMss.-.tBS tovafag ea" which when felly Seaeloped a pes csa deecrlss. When ft Shews by thla eruptloaa er by cures ta swath er throat Ita aeeiera are afcreedy hegua. Ws ssfaly aad dh sagtily eara yos and ss mineral passes sag smplaped. . , .,, . VaRICX)CELE AND 4 HYDROCELE ' We treat aad cars, sot by the eld earsiaal er qui aura, put by s petpleas asethed aawry for eat. W likewise ' will eara yea esd eev yea the suffering aaaecioted with Pan in Dehillty, Lett hUnhaod, JmpaSsaey, Spermatorrhea. Booturaal taiaalosa. Pre. stare Dealine. lees sf Masaerr, Bawrgy aad mhitlaa la ths brtoteet time It cea he deea asd we later yea a esfe aad poaltlt care. Coamaltauos saa snmuDOB rrve. wne Sot symptom bleak sad aoek If ye Basset mii OfSes Boartt Says. 10 ts 11. ST. LOUIS ; Mtdlcat andSurilemt ; DISPENSARY . Oat. N aad Tamhin guv. rartlasd. Oa. $1 Per fcb For 10 weeks, with opportunity to a. 1 a ...I. a at n 1XA UmIIti.I ovary , Wodnssday ovanlna. Invsttlgats Johnston Suit Club SU WisilijitaSlrerl : ; 9. IV, Orswa. Ill 8. ltth at, secored tha 0 jtult in thd J. H.' Johnston- Suit club, l4 Washington stroat, Wednes day evening, September 37. ovc 3URB '. -- ? r:-. -F r n n :r''U V . n mLvmjwnmwvM. Vorts, Deereat. SThShn Era Ptlst & Vtr PROF. VAN CORTLAND The Kmlaeat Clslrvsy. . , tat. Beer . and . . . Heeler. Oldest Known CUtrvey- aat ka PertUad, "1- -'A sTe) Charn t7alM Stt- p ' ggwttrft (Tea Caa Be the Judge) Wltheat Bag StS I hiss taaelalaa aaal havtns as aatursl ateena ef kaswing who yon are. he maa yeer oaaae, s. eecupatloa, WUer yna Ilea. Whence and for what yoa can. Be telle you name ef friend sad esswuee, who la true and who la falsa. Tell whom aad when yoa will starry. Siring aamas. dates, facta and lace. Man. taking bo fee la advance, accepting aoae unless satlafsetloa Is gives: ad Tire ea boat sea, health, law, love, marriage, divorce end ail dome tie and financial dif flcultleei renews yee'h and vital foree; locates mine and vaner-ie area; reunites eeparated. . Don't mletake ths name and aumber. VAN CORTLAND JojK WASH ST '..' Soars B a. m. te S p. m. PALACE HOTEL. Whether ba roaa by land r oca, thw traveler will Bad It a delightful trip to Ban PTaaoiaoo, where ba ahetud stop at tha world-famed Pcfccc IIct:l and onioT Its SB sny attmo tlva featurwa. For fu Information writs ta Ins Palaca, or aso , . . at tba 'Uprtland laformtv tton and Booklas; AeToaat, Hotel Portlaad. , iiuoh aovnvd Hotel Step! eat. See antes tear wa rnssi U, i el ahopptngand I l i disrjte. Large afOita, laaagtta. sm t. " Isdlmr tapttea parlaaa. ay aaa a r Prrensa Rmia fl.OO tm $3.00 m Cap BUS ZATtrC nn Aon . t '.' .i - r" ' 1 t - Cbtsc? Beach, Szzzllz, C.. rtnaat summer resort la Oregon. TX3 only hotat an tho beach overlooklnp: tha ocean. Bea foods a specialty. Tha ht I has swat rebuilt and aewly furnlw. 1. Hot gait hatha rina surf bathta 4 v rectly la front af tha hotel. Sir flrst-elasa. Americaa plan. Far . and reservations ' addreag Dan ., MOORE, prwprlator. 1 ft (Xstabllshsa 1 : . v. ?f ) km a i i