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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1905)
r- t : n' iv - i - JLll"':: i . - , - .- r r : T LltpNDAY EVENING, CCJC: a y QQf , , - - - - ' y v ' : - . ' , Ai Cyettt cf River lmprov- mnt Awocittion Ctatemn j iClrcIv Ftmcus Vt&y. v .CHINESE COYCOTT MOT - f ERJ0U3 SAYS SECRETARY ' T.n Wni Ammt Peace . Terms - r - , - Ladronlam Rampant in " Philip. ...l.aaA mrtriiUnrml CenrMaloil in ' . talanda. ' '-''.- '' "-' vtee.iJ - , - . a a -1 f Baa ' Frenclaoo, oept -"t"v ' Taft and party left thia morning, the 'guests of tha Sacramento Klvar Im- ' pi ovement Navigation association, for a clrcJa rtip up tha Sacramento valley ' preparatory to departure asst. Th pur - pose oX th trip baa jjot been mad public. ' . : ' .... t... -i vi. u th arlant and tha plillipplnee Secretary Taft devoted ! entire Uma to gov.rneomi " , returns home with secret and moat lm Taft said thai b "would place before .tha praaloast inionuuan rvawuv w Philippines which would undoubtedly result In reoommandatlona 9 congress, m -Am ia4alatiAii Intended US (11 U IVMlf - " to remedy certain conditions requiring official attention. Tha disaffection h certain quarter waa treated lightly ,. tha secretary, woo aeciarea o , general peace and contentment prevailed . among tha native, r - - . . ; ... auMraata Wat Karloaa. Tha' Chlnea boyeott. Mr. . Taft thought, waa not a aerloue matter. Be . carding exclusion, ha thought that all . that waa naceaaary waa to enforce ex - istlng law with" discretion - and -not anger celestial by harsh reatrlctlona on tha batter 'claaaaal whom w do not 'want to keep out. , , . '' in Tnkin wam arlran a popular farewell, auch a bad aaTar : been j seen in tokio rjeiore. n wm mini ciiw tuwa w m. - atatlon waa crowded with people about lag 'Banaal' and extending to ua eyrery evidence, or enuiuaiaaiio iwo wiu aw .frtendahlp. ..,."..!''''-' - t vMm mMMnff am landlne1 at Manila to find that the great harbor ; work. Which will probably make Manila naroor aa convenient u uj u ii nri.n In' fhA Main wam Amnnlatilil. ao that tha largeat reaeele were. able to land and unload in atormy weainer ir. Ing the aouthweat monaoon. . behind the breakwater, eomethlng which waa. an- t.asl . .a mil am Tha whole u- yearanoo of the- city of Manila.-to ana who knew It four or on year ago, u - cnangea. - 4 :.-J. T. 3 ' Over c!l ccmscIIwC U hco never felled to rccelvo tho ioiniuM r.-7. IE) AIL K IS TJOT THAT A GUARArJTEE OF QUALITYP gj(UJ8T ?KV A Arj ' . . - ' . f ' j - V 9. 4' "Tha political altuaUon In aotna re apecta waa not a good aa It ought to bi. A ware of ladronlam haa awept over the province of Cavlto a,nd it haa been , found neceaaary to auapend the writ of.habaaa corpua In tha province of Cavlta and Bataagaa, the neighboring i Srovtnce. The aama waa true In Bamar, 1 ut the uae of troop la flamar and -the pae of tha acouta and eonatabulary la Cavtta baai. put an-end to tha dleturb ancea;. however, there ' .wera. -two or' threat -men reaponalble for the -keeping up ol ladronlam who had not been cap tured. Complalnta were made agalnat the eonetabulary and, walla many of them were Unfounded, It waa probably true that a change In the eonetabulary ought to be effective, and It la now Under consideration by the government. "Tha diatreaalng agricultural depree elon, due to the loaa of 71 per cent of the agricultural cattle, . drouth, locuat and the cholera aa well aa other eaaaaa, will probably not ceaae to be for aeveral yeara, Thle, naturally, aubjecta the government to erttlclam, because thla alien government la much more likely to be criticised for existing condltlona. . "Many of the people la. Japan are dis appointed at the term a of peace, but tha great aober majority of that people, 1 - am . aura, are deeply grateful that peace baa coma and-grateful -to Presi dent Roosevelt for bla asalatanee In bringing It about, and conscious of tha fact that Japan was under a great . strain and that true statesmanship re quired that, when she could make an 41 The Original I ! M Brand ; Welsb&ch j Man tie I v Price, 30cts. I r " ' 1 This mantle fepresentg the finest J I ' product of our factory. ' , -'. i It U the btti mantle made, i p- fffph Give. 15 ! I , km tu . 1 I than any : 2 othet mande. " , ISm! Strength'; J J . unexcelled f hit the cheapest mantle because k uvea gas, it gives more Eght, k lasts longest. Buy the beat and the cheapest! -JHld" Brand Weltbaek. . . Price," 30 cents. lanttatleaa are Werlhleaa . . a .. and XjrtraTagaa . - ; Kememrjer mat earrr all maaUea are . - not Well bach. See that the mantle yon buy baa this Shield . of Quality, the We 1 bach Trade Mark, on the box. Five kind, 1$, so, 15, 30, Jjc. . For Sale by All Doaloro f -reot'"--v ? honorable peace, abe should do so. Tha paaoa Is honorable, tn that she accom plished everything, and that, had she continued tho- war for the Indemnity, abe would simply be In the attitude of ngbtmg tor money. . Tnera is not. in my Judgment, the allghteet fear that the people of Japan will sot continue ta bo aa friendly to Americana and America our- reception in July -snowed that they wer then.".-.. , - r J : atuakoea oa aterobaota. (apretal Dtaaatck ts Tk JooraaL) Pendleton, Or- Sept. 21. Latest da- velopmanta ta tha case"f Mrs. John WUllaaaa, whe) bunkoed local merchant with bogua checks, are that her victims numbered four Instead of three, aa drat reported'- Just before eloalng time at the bank the caahlar . of the People's Warehouso department store - appeared with a 111 check which lira. 'Williams had passed at his store. . .. .... T0.KEEPrC0NSTITUTI0N - - ANCHORED H BOSTON Joaraal gpeelal gfrvles.) .Boston, alaas.. Bept. 2t. Local mem ber of the Daughter of the American Revolution, Daughters of 1813, and other patriotic organisation are determined to oppose every attempt te remove the old frigate CotarUtattoa from the Charles town navy yard. - They say that It would not only be out of place eleewhere than Boston, where It 'was built, but It would fall ' to pieces should any attempt be mad to remove the old ehip to any new quarter. - It ha been suggested to raise a fund ' among the school children of Brooklyn, . New . York, to purchase the old ship and bring It to Brooklyn, with a view 'of preserving It . there a a national relic. Thla plan I bitterly op posed by the patrlotlo . women ' of - thla city and a meeting ha been called t consider the matter and decide upon soma method of preserving the frigate with out removing It from It present quarters. CONSULTING ENGINEERS - SAIL FOR PANAMA CANAL ' - V- ' " ' Oemrntl Rpeetal "-errlre.) New York, Sept. X8. The member of the - Panama canal commission, - ac companied by tha member of tha board of consulting engineers, - whleh held their teuton in Washington, Balled today for Panama on tha ateamer Havana of the Panama' Railroad Steamship line. Many of their friends .ware at the dock to speed them on their way. According to the present arrangements the steamer will be tied up' at the wharf at Colon and the member will retain their quarter on board while they are making their Inveatlgattone. A special , train of tha Panama railroad will be placed at the - dlapoaal of the engineer and any part of the Una ot the canal. Includ ing the city of Panama, may be visited each day at the pleasure of the board. The Isthmian f anal commission, eom ply ing , with the Instruction by . President' Roosevelt will hold ft quarterly meet ing In- the of flcea of the. governor of the canal son In tha first week of October. TELL YOUR FRIENDS Abe-at Tory Sow Betas Tta onthera ltno for Vorttaad Bay Saturday. BcptombOT a, la Portland day at the fair. , Tell your friends toi aaeet you at tha exposition. Very low rate la-day tteketa via Souther) Pacini as aale September tl and t. - - aTegroea em sftaasbaod Qaasrido (Jaaraal aaeetal Btrvlea.) Okmulgee. I. T., Sept. IS. The Negro Suffrage leagna of Indian Territory met here today for tha purpose of consider ing th statehood quest! 00 and t give the colored voter ot th territory aa opportunity to express themselves a tha sublect. Tha attendance la v larws and th sentiment ta favor ef statehood very enthusiastic MS' J ' Two beautiful end costly prise will be given to the two mczt beautiful ladiee as Mlected by a special committee - : -. on that occasion, Every man who" entenTthe pavilion will have e chance to vet. The entire day haa been act aside aa,. .. "IcUes Grcz3 Gi Coy cr3 IZz'T tvery lady ot Portland and vicinity admitted FRESt to the crocr. J t of The Oefce from 0 a. m. to 12 midnifht. Souvenira to all who attend from the conceaaionairea,y CpecU j French dinner, including wine, for 75 cents, at k ' THE O AIIO TAVERN .. 1 Children admitted free every Satnrday and Sunday. .. - Take & O. W. P. dt y. Co.'a cars from First and Alder streets I special I ':.;:'..;';: -r teaBSBWaeaBaaes .'V-.-- '. r .a . .. a. ' aa. aaa a, a - ea . e . 9 . Strangers sre cordially invited to visit in uaks. it u one 01 tne moat beautiful resorts in America. There are a hundred amusement '- , . .. -. . featurea. '.. ...Vjr .7 'pOrOvPrgvCVOvavtg .. s The Great Chinese Ccctcr LOCATED Iff SINCE PORTLAND iSMO Ha 1s called great because he cures eU dlseaaaea without resorting to the kni. Call and have a free examination. Ha wul tell you the exact nature of your trouble. "He treata suooaaafully every form ot fe male eomnlalnt. all crivate and blood die- Baralysla, teaoora, rheumatism and all disorders of th etomaeh, liver and kidneys. Ha baa bad great aueeeaa- in euna nanllln vtn tha wlatlBB la BSt tOO inUOh IWB OWS OT US Oil irTr.ii -... wk. ( aa laaradlhlv alutrt tlma. He brV 7w medlcTna. f rora Chl-eaa, root, herbs, buda. barka and ireewteble tea, all of which are entirely harmleea, and whose naaiiroperte areanknown to American doctors He uaes In his practice oveirlO fereat Oriental remediea. Haadreds ef testlinonlala from grateful pa Uanta, , 1 , ,r-, DR. WINQ .;. LEE - , - ii obts rovmr mnr. .- pobtajtb. omacoar. Z f MMMMMM wa hie If testable J perta Tl TEETH Per modern dental work. WerteVfe aewned epeckUlata, Lewit prices consistent wttn srat-elaae NEW YORK -BfeNTISTS ravmtm am atoBsasoai sts. ' fjpaa dsy end night, from i.ia natn ft ss, - eNAaeeim otau. kino 4MA &orytveioco ohzcmt JOURNAL WANT ADS V BRING QUICK RESULTS -3V MILLIONS BEQUEATHED TO CHARITY BY ROTHSCHILD . . i ii i . . (Jearaal Spedal Servlev.) " ' London. Sept. -as. The will of Baron Nathanlet Rothschild, who died In Vienna recently, was admitted to probate .here and ha been accepted by all concerned. The Baron bequeathed over COOv.Ono te charity, chiefly devoted to th relief of suffer ere from chroiljo arid . Incurable diseases.- H left ftOtSTS to the chariuble Institution of Vienna; tt.M to the poof of Vienna without distinction of creed; llO.On to th poor fund of Bchlllersdorf; rt.0n to - th Charlottenstlft at Hultarhun; M.00 for distribution araong th poor of Schmrdorf and 4,4e for th poor of Nleafeid. The will direct I etecutor to contlnu all pensions. . . ,. r - .O o. o o o ' - " aMamc- ' -: PerMatanI fJAQ '"'Mf ' mm mi www (THIS INCLUDES INSTALLINQ) : The fonncr price of these well-known lighta was $1.00. Witii the reduction of gas on Nov. 1st to $1.15 per 1000 cubic feet makes the cost of lighting by gas by far the cheapest light on the market j ; The Welsbach and Lindsay light save both gas and money. It's the way they are built They save several times the cost during the year. y - With the Circulate i heating, gas is by far the most convenient as well as econohiical LET: US TELL YOU ABOUT THE SYSTEM! tii- TThnMm mm mr FT ATATTm u.- , .... ynnT7 vm. . a a- i J VJ t j K 1 8 o t y , y ( ( o g o. f ,- FIFTn "AND -YAT.Z5LL STOEETS D0QQQQQQQQQQQQ09Q;QQ'