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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1905)
TIIS OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. 'PORTLAND. TIIU. 'DAY ZVZl'.lllO, ZZrTZllZ: FREE TRADE W II iLlim -t1 -:.- Owner bf Plantation In Islands Telle Why Barrier Should . ; , " Be Removed. RICH AND UNTILLED . ' : FIELD LIES WAITING ',.-..- . ... ..... TZi New Home of Holmes Business College; Tenth and Washington Streets '" Tba building will be completed about January 1st and' will have. floor apace .10x100, with accommodations for tin hundred atudenta. Building will be splendidly lighted and every convenience for the accommodation of students. -There will be twelve offlcca for buaineea practice, equipped with' department telephones, adding machines, loose-leaf ledger card fl lea, and with ail the conveniences 'and appliances necessary, to the modem business .office. ' ; TliflllElV VESSELS mm FRISCO flarriman Interests Charter Re dondo and Aurelia to Care,-; for Freight Business. ' " EACH WILL MAKE ONE ; v. TRIP tTO RELIEVE DOCKS Xter til Aurelia ,WiH Bt Operated oo Ron to the Sooth by her Own- No Vessel Found to Aid the Columbia. ' aground at the mouth of th a Columbia.. The veaaeL, waa. lifted, at. about, noon and will probably -occupy a berth on the dock until tomorrow, evening. She la Che largest craft ever" placed on the local dry doc It" i Members f the Port otPort. land commission went down to St. Johns this morning to see, the .vessel floated. Ths Knight Errant came direct from Kobe, but was detained . at ' Astoria a couple of day a bwtoH .the skipper failed to procure a consular-bill of health bo fore ' leaving- the orient. She , is now anchored i in- the. stream) below, tha; AI blna ferry line. 'She made the passage across tha t?nelflo in SI days. ; - The Knight Errant la among the big gest tramps that, plough the Pacific On . various) occasions she baa carried almost 11.000 tona of - cargo. . 8 he la under charter-to Mitsui 4s Co.. to load grain end flour for Japan, but nearly tha entire shipment will ba supplied by Kerr, Olfford eV Co. It is understood that aha will take 1,000 tona from Port land and will go to tha sound -to com plete the cargo. She will moor at Mont gomery dock No. .---r " ,-- - ;, AMBITIOUS APPLE TREE. ":,'. 1 1 " Mood nUvsr Tree Brought to tha rati - . XriMdea Wttk Big Bed Apples. . Bent under . tha weight of luscious fruit 6-year-old appla tree waa re moved this morning ' from tha steamer Regulator on which It bad been brought from i Hood v River, i There were 30 apples hanging from the branches. When the trip waa a tar ted It la probable Uiat, the .number; .exceeded .twice that amount, aa many of them, were shaken off. during tha passage te Portland, These will be picked up and wired in place. The tree will form a part of the exhibit at tha fair grounds and arranged with the Hood River display. -It la tha property of Chris Dethman, who also sent on tha same, boat a 1-year-old tree, bearing four well-developed apples. Tha -variety la known as tha Detroit Red. . , raged to transport cargoes down there. The- American ship Berlin la now re ceiving a shipment at Montgomery dock No: t and aha baa been engaged to make two mora trlpa It la also reported that th American ship Bu Nicholas has bean tii ken for the aame purpose, whlla It Is ! generally understood that tha bark Star f .Bengal will return for gram lust aa soon aa aha delivers bar lumber cargo at Ban Pedro. -' .t OCEANO IS DOCKED. (Vargas Teasel Bra Balsed em imkou la Baafly Wan died, r r Two more tramp steamers, the Knight Krrajit and Oceano, have , reached port, tha former arriving -thla morning and the; latter last night. The Oceano left for St Johna shortly after daylight to no on tha drydock. where an Inspection .win . be- made to ascertain ir the bottom of her hull was damaged by 'bar going Ccatrcctors Supplies - 5 cnexm TABJ nirni bt.btattto obas- IH ABB BXTOHBB VM handle your dirt for a seats . per yard. . - . ,, .. . ATTBOba aw Avrrnr bvbop wAaova Moat modern made; " models of "xmpHclty: no complications to bother; one chain and ona arbor; doore in center, lap, preventing leakage of load Special devices, ootalned by years of, experience and covered fey patents. Invest! gate. - ' vsv-Nakl-4 Zbor-Savlnr. r - tTB - aOTIOW, TlLa. ' b-awa. ASB atnUsAXZBs7 : Veabera Baaes Oats, Book rvnaaora, Bead er radars and Ooa IvTa' ap llee aa atpeaiaJttoe,- ZZALL & CO. 1 Cawtbecma Ave, Fertlaad, Ot. Te assist the Columbia And Si Paul tn taking care of tha freight which' has accumulated at. their dock, the Harrl maa steamship people-have chartered tha steamers Radoado and Aurelia to make - one trip eaoh from Portland to Ban Francisco. Tha cargoes' which the additional craft will take out wlU be principally flour and wheat .V t Tha Redottdo left Portland yesterday '. afternoon, for the Bay -City and as soon as she returns she will bo taken ever by the Baa Francisco A Portland Steamship company. ' . She -has" - been - a '- Tegular trader bar for tha past two .months and la one ot the beat known coasters that frequents tha Columbia river. Of late- she has boon operated aa an Inde pendent boat. . She Is of about 1.100 tons carrying capacity.- Whan aha sailed . w ,h. 1.1.1, tlk a AAA J uj mum mmm n.u . w.w w cases of salmon, 770 tons of .wheat and J99.000 feat of lumber. ; . i The Aurelia Is 'owned and operated by the Russell A Rogers Una For more than a year she. baa been' plying regu larly between Portland and tha - Cali fornia metropolis, carrying freight and passengers. Bhe is expected to arrive from the south the latter part of the week. After making her, next trip to the south for tha Harrtman Interests aha will continue to be operated on the same rua by her owners. - She . can handle about 70S tona of grain.: For tha past month tha Ban Francisco A -Portland Steamship company -has beea making persistent efforts to char ter a third steamer te place In regular conmlaalon dowa tha coast in connec . tlon with tha Columbia . and St. Paul. Not being able to engage a suitable craft they secured the vessels named merely to gat some of the freight out of bare which has - been stacking up -at the -docks. - So far as a third Teaser Is con- apnears to be none available. .- , Bmm3X tra" wm e Beady foe On account of the enormous demand r ' Winter Boat Trafflo. for Oregon wheal tn California a sum- At the rata the livers are rising all of oer. oi-uimf. vnasia nava seen en-itne smalt steamers will again be able lu , , HECU GOES ASHORE. Bark With tooal Cargo Orouads e v., - . Baaaii at Oaelta, - thriven by a hurricane the American bark Heda went ashore yesterday at Cavlte, but just how badly aha has been damaged la not known locally. A brief message , of the Incident 1 was received this - morning by the Merchants" Ex change. The Hecla arrived at Manila rrora Portland on August 80 with a car go of lumber,- and it Is supposed that tha greater amount of the shipment had been - discharged before aha - was caught by tha storm. . Bhe sailed from the mouth . of the Columbia river for the ' Philippines June IS with l,1.0g feet of lumber, dispatched by Balfour. Guthrie A Co. , . food . from dinner palls,' ' waa - captured yesterday afternoon. It was turned over this morning to tba proprietor of a bird and animal store on Sixth street United States Inspectors Edwards and Fuller are at Oregon City todajJn spectlng tha ateamer N. R Xang. With ;,40.000feetf.lumber.the ateamer (3 race Dollar haa cleared for Ban Francisco. . The government dredge -reached port thla morning from near Astoria, and will be . placed on the drydock Satur day morning for an overhauling. Her tall ahaft will be repaired and tha craft will ba cleaned and painted. It Is announced that tha work of over hauling tha Alliance will be completed in time for the ateamer to sail tomor row night for Eureka and way ports. - MARINE NOTES. Astoria. Sept' II. Arrived down 'at 7:11 a., n, steamer 'Redondo.' Outside at 7 a m., a three-masted' ship,' thought to be British shjp Carradals, from Hono luuL . ' . . ' . - ' . , Saa Franoiaoo, Sept. It. Arrived at 7 a. m steamer Roanoke, from Portland and coast ports, for1 Port .'las Angeles. Arrived at ,' a. ni, steamer Aurelia, from Portland. Sailed at p. m. yes terday, ateamer Aberdeen,' for Astoria and Grays Harbor. - . Astoria, Sept. 17. Arrived down at 1:10 P. m., steamer Francis H.-Lggett with" log raft Left up at I p. m, Brit ish - ateamer ' Knight Erranti . Arrived down at 4 p. nt, German cruiser Falka. Arrived down .at :I0 p. m.4 German ateamer "Arabia; Anchored at - Bugby"s hole. ' ' Hobart Sept It. -Bailed, French bark Alice Maria,-for Portland. - ; Astoria, -Sept ? II. Condition ' of the bar at l a. m rough; wind aouth; weather rainy. Astoria, Sept II. Sailed at noon for California points, ateamera Redondo and Acme. Arrived, British ahlp Durbrldga, from South Africa. ' ' - "' JRIVERSRERISINGL- a few daya to resume their regular trips on the tributaries of the Willamette and Columbia. For more than a month the ateamer Chester of the Kellogg Trans portation company's fleet, which ha bean plying on the Cowllts, has had to He idle, but It la said aha will be placed la service again In a few days. All of the boats of tha Oregon City line will also be running regularly to points on tha upper Willamette. Tha Yamhill is also reported to bo getting at a good, boating ataga. In tba peat week the Lewis river has risen more than a foot PAUL JONES COMING. Torpedo Boat Destroy sc Will Be la Hatv nor fo Portland Bay. .'. On Friday- morning the torpedo boat destroyer Paul Jones Is scheduled to ar rive at Astoria from tha Puget sound navy, yards. . Bhe la expected to reach here the same evening and will bo In ample time to form another attraction for Portland day at tha fair. Tba vaa ael ia In command of Lieutenant J. D. Marshall. Tha Paul Jonea is ona of the awlftest boats In tha navy, her speed being placed at 17 knots, an hour. Bhe has .been In the local -harbor on a num ber of occasions. . It Is probable that ne WW remain here at leaat a week. ALONG THE WATERFRONT. Steamer Undine of tha Kamm line was fitted out with aa electric light plant yesterday. Tha work was completed in time for. her to go out on her run this morning. , , . E. 'Hough, consulting engineer for tha California A, Oregon Coast Steamship oompenvv la In the city from San Fran cisco. He la hare overseeing. he work which " Is being done on" the 1 steaarar Alliance at tba dock of the Willamette Iron A Steel works. Fred Connor, freight and trafflo man agar, for tha ,PacWoyCaaat- g seams tup company, ia -a,, business- visitor In tha city from Seattle. - By means or a laaso tha monkey which haa beea prowling around the Aleak dock for the past. week, stealing PORTLAND OCTOBERS H N . ARE USUALLY FINE ' ' 11 1 1 . . , y ;. ' If. the average cllmatlo condltiona of tha past II years should prevail during October,' Portland will enjoy some fine fall weather. Tha normal temperature for tha month, 'according to statistics complied. by Forecast Official Beala, Is 4 aegraea unco, on cciooer 1. isii, the 'mercury registered It In tha ahade, and never has it gone down to tha 10 mark. Twice It sank to It, first 'on October 11, 1177,' and again on October 10, lilt. The warmest month of Oo to bar in the history of the local branch of tha weather bureau waa in 1101, when an average of SI degrees. was recorded. Tha coldest month waa in lilt, when the mean temperature was 50. - ' ,' If tha records hold good thers will be ho lack of rain and melted snow, for the monthly average Is 1.61 Inches. Ia US! 11.01 Inches of rain fell In October, and II .years later there was a bare trace of precipitation ; In the. whole month... The greatest amount of precipi tation recorded In any 14 consecutive hours was l.ll Inches on October I and 10, llll. . The average number of clear daya la : partly cloudy daya, 10, and cloudy daya, II. , The -prevailing winds have been from the northwest and tha average hourly velocity five miles. The hlghaat velocity waa CI mllea on Oc tober ll.'ltOO.'j The wind was from the south. .- , : . . Natives Coming to RealUe That New Government Will ' Not - Rob ' Them an4 'Are' Aiding Federal Officers In Their Work. - - - trr- ASSOCIATE OF MRS. L EDDY TO LECTURE - Much Interest is being manifested In tha lecture which will ba delivered Bun- day evening at tha Marquam theatre byvMiss.Maxy Brooklna of the Christian Science board of lectureship. Miss Brooklna la a personal, student of Mrs. Eddy and haa been associated with the Christian Science movement having been a teacher and practitioner In Minneapolis and for some time pas tor of First Church of Christ Scientist of that place,- ; . During tha peat month Miss Brooklns haa lectured at points In California and at Merrill, Ashland. Grants Pass, Rose burg and, Eugene In thla state. A lec ture will be given at Oregon City on Tuesday next, following which' Mlsa Brooklns - will - go -to points-on- tha aound and return to Salem for a lecture October I. . Reserved seats to tha number of. six obtained -at the Marquam box orrice tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. Theae reservations must ba claimed, however, before 7 ft! o'clock on the even ing of the lecture, as all aeats will ba made public after that time - and tha doors of tha theatre 1 will ba closed at I p. m. after the lecture begins. Irving Duohu Wafei'a Ire a troe'mmedr for n Kidney DMM. trim Its Bust slsipla form la la the back, ta Its worst and very dsnferau enadltkn Brlftat's OIMM. We ama It vhea we s.r.ther will w rom ana- wa woold not say ltljf we has sac eonnaenee in mm.. woics is tse Slrert remit of oar kaowledf of their enrre la cam that seeawd slatnst sepeleaa. goM St Bo S. 0. ikidmore A Oo.,-lg7 Third St- . Bole- Agents fer Portlaad, Or. "The commercial . Interests of', tha United - States demand free trad ' be tween thla country and the Philippines." said' C. F. Humphrey ot San Francisco today; "When . the . four-year treaty with Spain ends, as ltwlll In a year or so, the congress should take away tha tariff which now la Impoaed on. all gooda brought-from tba islands to the United Statea." - '.'.. .iHr. , Humphrey and John J. ' Meyers are hero, from the California metropolis to procure, .if possible, the entire ex hibit from tha Philippine islands for the commercial museum "of that city. It la at this time the property of tha National American Museum association of New York, and Mr. Hall, who col lected - It for tha government,- is .In charga .. ; ;.v-:':,.- .' ' -"V -"'' . Why Trisoe Waata Rxhiblt, . "The exhibit,- said Mr. Humphrey. 'Is of peculiar., yalua to San Francisco com mercial Intcreata. because -or - me large amount of capital- that baa gone from that city for investment In the Philip pines... Probably more money" haa been" Invested by San Francisco -men than by thoaa of any other . American city. "General T, H. Goodman, general pas senger agent, of the Southern" Pacific, Mr. Meyera and I 'owni probably 'the largest plantation 1tT the "Islands. 7It Is on the Cagayan rtver, tha - valley of which- le one ot the moat: fertile. In the world.' ' "For 70 years tha natives have raised tobacco there without' fertilising;, al though here and In other countries It Is necessary to fertilise at an exponas ot from 110 to 140 a year. - - .- - .- We- are now i enjoying harmonious relatlone-wlth- tha-natlves. Colonel Bowen, who has just returned to' the archipelago, stated to ma that ao soon as the people there learned that they were hot going to be robbed by the Americana,' they, were pleased with the hew regime; and are - now " cooperating with ua In '.every way. possible. ; Are Bobbed STo &oswe. :- ."The " Spmniarda robbed those poor people aa shamefully as the people of Turkey are robbed by the tax-farmers. The prealdentee and members of their elaas would go Into a field -of robaccd and -tall tha helpless natives how much of tha crop they would demand;" usually It waa two thlrde, and only enough for bare existence was left for the -men sad women who did the work. . -.. , . '.- "All this . outrageous treatment haa been remedied, and the people over there realise that the entrance of tha United States Into their country waa tha best thing" that could have, occurred, .and that It la already bringing them untold benefits. "Colonel Bowsn said to me that, when the. people of tha Islands found that he waa not. there to rob them and that he would recognise their , rights, ;thay called him their deliverer. "Thla country has not yet eome to re alise what is In store for It In the com ma roe that will be -opened with the Islands, when . the present -enterprises have .been developed. and that tariff has been adjusted so aa to permit the free entrance of gooda between tha United States arid the Islands, , . t "We-must have t free- trade; thoaa Islands are part of thla country, and It Is not proper that a duty ahould be Im poaed upon goods -shipped from one country to. ths other. " Such a change will stimulate tha trading and assist in the development of the Islands. 'Cap ital is going thers by ths million and great things are In store for the coming. decsde." 9 Kmmgm Ytm looking Young Always wstares vonthfal eoka to srov or (oea ssir. stops nair rsnisg. rosiHveiy -wDMros aasaroB:. a a dressloc, keeplsf hair sat. Does aot soil s Orest Hair food. aMed brHaJUTINAaaaP, A blaVdass halMTower hair soft, gloeay, Iorort ll skin er Ibirn. Tbls Orest Hair Food. aMed brHaJUTINAaOAP, seals scalp, kills dasdraS germs, slops Itching, promote, as rrawtb. Large 00c. Botuoe, snargisu . xaae aotaug wiuoax ear iiM.tiirt. Free in flffsr f o 6.Cake liil.rviiM HAHFI.f A aOAP. glga this, take to any ot following drag- gita. sad get 60e. kottle Balrkealtk ssd r. ease Hargna M'dlratrd Soep, both for toe.t regoUr ptlre 76c. r or sst br Pblfci' Hsr Do.. Ketraik, M. J., prtpeid, for eOo. and thla sdv. m snap sot g1a by draprlt wtthoat ibis eatirs aav. ana soe. lor uairaeatta. KSSM Addnss.. WOOSABB, OUBX1 a CO., and .WasbiaeTtoa Sts. - Those subjects , which will - most Sulckly mske - you Independent, horthand and Typewriting. Office Methods and Bookkeeping, Civil Serv ice and Applied Business English as taugnt in ins . - Multnomah Business Institute will soon place you in line for'-a pleasant - and well-paying position. Tuition so low you -cannot afford to miss the opportunity. Day and even- Grcca Shorthaid By former irlce-prasldent of tha dregs acnooi, r-enmansmp oy tne best Instructor 0th coast. Call, write or pnona. , - . Multnomah Business) Institute Tel. Mala eaoe. aa Sixth. Street, ae; . ,'..': ' ,. v.. -U . ".-"..: ' ' " .-.'-'sZa.i ." - ..'.'". .."v: '"... . , HONOT UT TT "1 caPta' the young territory, is in many , ways the most beauti- XmtKJ fui nf trnpiral cities.:;",; .;' ; : (' ' ' 'T'XJTr "NTTTT A"MTT P AT T cliff with one thousand feet face, at the gap in the . x XAJO 1M J Jl U rtmUL backbone rid of the Islands of Qahu is one of the . .. v. 1- - v-'.v; .!'..; : natural .wonders of the world. 1 : V. '.: PP A P T H A P RHP the wonderful enclosed locks, where the United States will ' xain.XV.JaXV build it9 most extensive Pacific naval, station, is but a. half i-vs.; -. . ; r;;;,'-;--.; V- '''-."'--' hour from Honolulu' ; ; : . ' -V-:i ", XJTTQ the second city; from whose bay; surrounded by tropical verdure, one may look A w p the eternal snows on Mauna Kea.." ' .' ' : - ' KIL Atl E? t,e greatest of living volcanoes,' lies beyond Hiks reached by combined . A a'rx rail and carriage trip through cane field and fern forest. vXJ A T;"P ATT. A T A whose. dead crater takes first rank for extent, offers rare views xinujniiin frnm n milca above the Sa ,V. ATt AT whcSse rare valleys, gr$at canyons and impressive' waterfalls are all too little known, calls for-a voice of beauty. . - ; ..r. ,- ---J- r:;MsP: '' Every road is full of striking possibilities and the industries, the views, the peo- - pie, yhe spectacles j eUl, worth s,eefag and knowing. - ' 1 HERE JS THE WAY : T)HEYv STAND Votes received op to Wednesday evenbs la The Jotrrnal' Hawaiian Trip CONDITIONS Of The Journars Hawaiian Tour t . A mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmWmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm -.,' CONTEST . mar Aay roans lady ever IS years of ace Bay be noaainated at any time en blaaks provided by The Joarnal. with the endorMnwnt of two ll-kBea dtiaass mt the eistHct la wbleh aha rasldsa. ' aZOOVO-rbrae Jadges ameable to tha different . eandldatas shall bo seleetod te racially aaaoaDaa the wtnaov la eaeb dis trict, one yoofig lady - to be ebtsoa rroaa sack district. . ... , , ; ,' THTED Am la ether eleetkma.' earh alo trlet shall vote seearatelr. The vote la eao CBBDot affect too otbor. Matters prop erly eoBcernlng the dl.triet orlll 'M sottlod by tbo wlahos of ths sialority. The wta aer shall, bare tbo rlsnt to aaaa a Broxr U aaabls to attend herself. , yOtniTH Votlna will eoaraaaes Tfcare- dar. -AomMt a.. 408, .ssa ekwe Batarday. Doeonbor so, at- S o'clock a. m., lacs. Onnpons smst bo votad wltbls sovoa days sftar Issas. Ooapons est franj tbo Datts- Iflnrool aiast bo Boatlr trlmBMS. All coupons, whether siacle or special, mrxtt bear tne aaaw or toe eaaaiaata to oo votes nr. eovrova abs errnr as roixowsi TTTTH atnele coo pons, rat fraas tbo gathr paper, ara sood- for ooo vote. Bsbocrlptloa ! to tha iTOnlns .Journal and Snnday liornlns . Journal, tbreo BKmtbs, f 1.88, a special ' eon poo of 1DO votes (paid la advance). BODOcnptioa te Evening a no snnoay , Moraine- Joam.l sis mootha SS.75. a sooclal mom of ISO votes foals In advanced Sob scrlptloa to tbo Evening sod Rosday 'Ifara Ins Joarnal It BMntbs, $7.60. s apodal Ooo poo of TOO votoe paid u adTaace), BuhaerlDtloa to tbo Bvaslns and anadav Mornlos joarnal, throe months br nulu 1.80. a spooai coapna or ibo votes ipaia In advance, eabeerlpfloa to tbo Kvonlno and Bandar bforntns Jonrnal br nail sis aoontha, tS.T5. s special eoapon of 260 votes (paid la sdvanca). Bnbonrlptlon to the BTenfoa snd Sann.v kfornlna Jonrnal bv mall IS saontba. 17.00, a special eeonon of TOO votes (paid In advance). 8aal-Weeklr Joarnal. tl.BO s year.-special eoapoa of 100 . votes (paid la advasco) . BIXTK Ooapons sbenM be voted st tbs . beadqaartars nearest yon or Balled to tbe eoapon separrnoni or ino jonrnal, or at any Dolnt named below. Vetaa.wtl) sa- eoanted Mondaya. Wednesdays and Prldara ana tBo-tntais saaoaacaa n tse potuia too following ear. Aav candidate wttbdrawtBa? froa tbs een- . teat, eaanot save bar votes eoasted for sa tbsr.. .. . . - BZaDavaanms am Torat rxacrat rirst Dlsti lui- Vnltnoeaab sad OlacbsBss . eonntlos. Votlnsr place. Oonpoa DonartBuiat el Tba Jonrnal office. ..... tTmatlUa and Third IMrtria Waoeo. Riorsnaa. OlllUnv bf arrow, Wboelsr snd Oroob eoastlas. Wetriet Osloa. : Wallowa coaatloa. ' . , . Toarth UlstHot Baker. and bfalhenr eoaaUas. Great, Barney yiftb DUtrlot OotasiMs "snd Oanion ranntles, Orea-on; Klickitat. Oewllts, Clark, raeinc. wanaiaaaB aaa asasMaia winstias, Waablagtoa. . . . lath Watrlot btarlon. tana sad Lass raBttee. -. r - . . vsntb THatrtoi Waatilmrtrm. TlllaBnnh. TambUl, Benton. Polk ssd Llnoola cos atlas. Elath IMsUhib Ponclss. Cooa. Carry. JoeepblBO, Jackson, Klsaiatk .. and Lass .eoaotles. - . - .-'..,,--. "Any Information regarding c6n- ditiona of tha Hawaiian tour ahould be addressed to tha manager of tha l Contest : Department Jof jTha Journal. ' - . .' SUtBin JTe. V- :" ' , Total Vote, Miss Minnie 8. Phillips, deputy clerk circuit court 41, UT Mlsa Bailie Madlgan, Olds, Wortman 4 King eiora ....,.........40,ll 'Miss Lura Baty. 140 Ban Rafael street ...40.9S Miss Sadla Wlntermantle, City Dye Works .IMlt - Miss Oretchen Kurth, . telephone operator Portland hotel ., SI, 111 ; Miss Ruth Lee, Indorsed by Federated Tradea Council .... U.J4T Miss Henrietta Wlnkleman. 407 East Couch street i i.i. ... .. .... .17.IJI Mlsa Bess Sharon. K10 aat Thirtieth street , 14.04 Miss Laura Derbyshire, CIO Water street. .12.501 Mlaa Edith Bern, Z4 Stark street. .............11.071 Miss Sophia Olson, 29 Ivy street . ..'..t... -...., II, U7 Miss Margaret Smith, 698 Williams avenue ..20,861 Miss Lucy Oould, telephone operator Oregon hotel .1,6 . Mlsa Mlaa Orlenol. tot East Thirty-first' street . . . .. .l.4a Miss A I vena Horn. Oregon City...... t7.. .... ,1,1I4 Miss Oenevlevo Holmes, Olds, Wortmaa Si King store .11,111 Mlsa El vav Hurlbert, St.- Johns .. ,.11,084 Mlsa Nellie Munger, 5 Raleigh street, . ........... . ........... 14.494 Miss Cora Jolly, 751 First street . j ...1 2.(24 Miss Marlon Leahy, Woodard, Clarke Drug Co. V,. ,.....,..... .11.821 Mlaa Georgia Mink, I2S Burnslde street . 10.4 -Miss Cornelia Barker, I8t Grand avenue .-, ........... J.r. ...... . 10.08 .Miss Burse Reddlck. Oregon City .................. . A ......... . 0,710 (Voting place, Coupon Department, Journal office.) ' . , ' J:.'.. t , - BZaTTBXOT Be. f. ' r -... -.1 - - , Miss Katie Nash. La Orande, Oregon. . .......................... .20,040 Miss Molly Proobatel. La Oranda, , Oregon . 15,217 (Voting place. La Oranda, Steinbeck at Blever confectionery.) . -Mies Agnes Fletoher, Pendleton. Oregon. . 18.17 .. Miss Grace Hawks, Pandleton. Oregon . . .11, 4 Miss Pearl Harris, Pendleton. Oregon . 7,790 Miss Mabel Johnson, Pendleton, Oregon ... ,I7( (Voting place, Pendleton, Brock ok McComas' drug stora) v-.,-i-. ...,.,,,... . i-jjtJtllOTl,.-,i,:, i.?..,',-': - -Miss Rmilto Crosaafi; The Dalles, Oregon , . ................ ....... 17,13 Miss Lucille Crate,-The Dalles, Oregon . ; .....1I,22S - 'Voting nlace. Tha Dalles. Recorder's ofllcai i - j. - MISs Stella Richardson, Hood River, Oregon .. ............ ,1S.00 ansa uiura Cramer, noon jtiver, uregon . i ............ ..4... ... . 11, 60 - (Voting place. Hood River, Wright's store.) -, . r Miss Florence Oeorge. Arlington. Oregon . . ....,...11,09 .(Voting placa, Arlington, Braham's confectionery.) ... ,w , , t. , , . , . JXsmtlOT kTo. 4V - - j-. -'' Miss Clara Swain. Burns, Oregon . .'... .....14,199 (Voting place. Burns, Welcome Pharmacy.) . . Mlaa Hattie Barton, Baker City, Oregon , ,Mles Gertrude Tin. Baker Cltx. Oregon . . ...... - aiise r.inei-- raraer. twaer city, ureaon Ty-iTj-m-si i. ........... .11.4ZS Mlsa Myrtle Bratton, Baker City, Oregon . ........................ 10,287 (Voting place. Baker City, Levinger's drug store.) Miss Effle Mae King, Ontario. Oregon . - 12.81 Miss Daisy Betterley, Vale, Oregon .- . 7,065 BZSTaUOT Wo. tV Mtsa Katharine Oore. Kalama, Washington . '. 14.01 (Voting place, Kalama, Coffey's store.) Miss Amelia WUllams. Kelso, Washington . . ...... ...... ...'.....IMIt (Voting place, Kelao confectionery.) ' A - Mlaa -Mary Berge, Horn Valley, Washington , v .11,021 Mlsa Florence Heavren. Vancouver, Washington . . ............ ...10,11) (Voting place, Vancouver, 111 Main street) .-; , . , .. . .. .Miss Esther Anderson, Astoria. Oregon ....... 0,141 (Voting place, Astoria. Owl drug store.) 'Miss Daisy Watklns. St. Helens, Oregon . . 1,081 (Voting place. St Helens, Gray'a store.) . , e Mlaa Grace Wright, Castle itock,-Waahlngton . . ,V. v 159 Mlsa Gertrude Randall, Castle Rocki" Washington . Hi , , t voting piace, casus hock, anoer a drug etore.) ' nirrairi wow a. .11,41? .11.080 Mlaa Madge Batteaw Eugene, Oregon Mlas Emma Moffett, Eugene, Oregon (Voting plaoe, Eugene, Hull's drug store.) lAicy Morcom, woooDurn, uregon .......... v.. n.m" 11.419 Ml Miss Myrtle Trask, Wood burn, Oregon .. ..,.10,720 l.wiriH piauw, mnwvwt,' oovuwo ac n niiuMl t llim, I ., , Mlsa Effle Stewart. Cottaae Grove- Oroaon . - 1 MISS LIxile veatcb. Cottage Grove, Oregon , ............. .........10,015 miss Mauae Hiair, uottaga urova, uregon , ..10,424 (Voting placa. Cottage OroveJ Gill's confectionery.) Miss Kathryn Garvls, Bllvertnn, Oregon ,11,284 .- (Voting place. SUverton, Brook's drug store.) . . .. . , -. Miss U Belle Darby, Saleni, Oregon . ..........10,880 Miss Mary Davidson, Salem. Oregon , 10,712 Miss Blanche Brown, Salem. Oregon.'. ..10.449 Miss Minnie Treton, Salem, Oregon. 0.881 , ' Miss Pearl Shelley, Salem, Oregon . . .4 6,027 Mlaa Minnie Aohenbach, Salem, Oregon 1,774 Mlas Nettle Reddekoop, Salem, Oregon', , ........ ,908v (Voting place, Salem. Haas' drug store.) . . . , -. i Mlas Maggie Chambers. Albany, Oregon . ...... ........ v.. ...... ..10,124 Miss Pearl Savage, Albany. Oregon .10.075 Mlsa Alice Locke, Albany, Oregon . ,.,..,,,..,.,.,,,.,......... 7,18 Mlas Emily G. Hill, Albany. Oregon . . 1,(09- (Votlng place, Albany, Dawson's drug store.) ' Miss Addle Simpson, Lebanon,. Oregon 4,657- (VoMng place, Lebanon, Cottons store.) ..- v - . Miss Nunda Qlesy, Aurora, Oregon 1,010 - - - ' SZSTaUOT tTov T. . ... . . .Miss Bertha Courtemanche, McMlnnvllle, Oregon . ...............11,18 (Voting plaoe. McMlnnvllle Houser'a stora.) ' - - .. Miss Hasel Kennedy, Lafayette, Oregon .,. 11,569 (Voting Disco. Lafavette costofflca) . J,. Miss Cora Span gla. Day Umv Oregon . . .r. ,T, , ..v... ........ .,11.774 (voting place, uayton, Harrir drug a tor. Miss Minnie Roy, Dallas, Oregon. 11.191 (Votinc tilace. Dallas Stasia confectionary.) ..-.. , -Mlaa Marie Hoatetler, Hlllaboro, Oregon . . ..' ......19,719 Mlaa Rosa B. Bowser, Hlllaboro, Oregon .........,. 1429 (Voting place, Hlllaboro, Schulmerlch's store.) . 1 Miss Myrtle Butler, Forest Grove,Oregon 7,058 (Voting place. Forest Grove, La Course's store.) ' - . Miss Olive Stratum, Newberg, Oregon ....i 1,779 (Voting place. Newberg. Calwell Ca drug store.) . . . . Mine Lillian Webster, Philomath, Oregon . . ,.4,184 .Miss Rosals C Holsbelroer, Beaver ton, Oregon 1,011 -j'-'- BiamuoT ia av ...... -- - Miss Fdna Parsley, Roseburg. Oregon 11,9(9 Miss Dale Harmon, Roseburg, Oregon . , ......,,...,16,158 (Voting place, Roseburg, - Hamilton's drug Store.) . ; ." , ,- . Mlas Louise T. Jonea, Jacksonville, Oregon , ...................... .12.992 Miss Maude Berry, Grants Paas, Oregon .......................... 9,41 Mlas Maude Baber, Granta Pass, Oregon . -. 1,818 (Voting place. Granta Paas. Smith's drug atora) w Miss Jennie Woodford, Med ford, Oregon . . 1,917; (voting place, M ear or a. Kusseus conrectionery.) . ..- Miss Frances Osborne, Ashland. Oregon 1,111. ..(.Voting place. Ashland. Button's news sjarid and Sayles'.) . . Orijja bwHsi gaj CE1 Coupon -f - Free Ha wallan Trip ' ' Monolulo, llawaUaa Ulaada1 ; , - -, . - - i" '-''' ' ! - . k ' ' v ' ' - -Wte - tot r rrtrm t mnn rr ititts m vr n(ii.'.......i.i..V Thla eeupoh must be voted on or before October I, 1101. ., Cocr.t!3 b doss ca Mondays, Wtizz tJayt c4 Friiay tsi to tha flUc tba tel. ldTi23 day &