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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1905)
na cr: :n D.n.v rcr.TL,:n. v7zz::zzd.y evz::i::o, tzrziizz C7, t '4' tl- i ;j. i: ...;s:;,...UiU.i mm -N- tb'rmHM No Effect on Hurt, r dredt From rorth Who Maka V i Fair a Busy Place. "GOVERNOR MEAD IS ' f ! f ORATOR OF THE 4 DAY Vancouver: Hostesses Preside at Re- ' ception '- Irty the State Building, ! tWbich proves One of Events oil the Social Season., 'tJtt ' : The attendance at the fair .to-.e e : diy up to 11:10 o'clock, waa 10.- : d e ' 129, not withstanding ; the stormy 4 vweotbor, -The- total, admissions . 4 id. yesterday war '21MU ..' ' , This la a apeclal day at the exposi tion for Oregon's elster state, Wash ington The ralnrreld"downJhe attend na Somewhat ddrlng the foFenoon. but there was no' lack at enthusiasm among ' 1 i.n V 1 ,1 I. - , 11 ' . 11 ill ii.l ' of Mrs. J. R. Smie , , Hostess. y .the hundreds who came. from Washing ton to participate In the celebration. -. . . At 1:30 o'clock this . afternoon, following- a selection by the Administration i band, Executive Commissioner B. John 1 son Called a large crowd to order In the parlors of the spacious structure. -In Iila introductory remarks Mr. Johnson . expressed tha gratification of every eitt en of Washington for tha many courte ales shown- the people of that state by the Lewis' and Clark fair management. - r Dr. J. J. Bmlth.' president of tha Waah- Ington atate com m Ira Ion, wa s oneVf tha -tmportant'Jtpeake'ra of the day. .He told : briefly pf the pert played by the ,com : "mission in exploiting Washington at the , fair and expressed himself, aa mora than ' t pleased with tba treatment accorded tha ,f state, , -J . . j '1 An' address of welcome by Preajdent A B. W. Goode followed an? an eloquent t' response was made by Governor Albert JS. Mead of Washington, v Tba final ora tion was by T. D. Rockwell. - tate this afternoon there was ' recep tion in tha biillding. at which, tha Van couver hostesses presided. : By the "Square Deal" " '"'' -'-'''. V ''"-'.. v. - r. i , ''"'' ' 1 --".--'- ....... - - .. . DR. LYMAN - ABBOTT, from an inti- . V. i mate, viewpoint, ' JtellsjfiatLthei PrcsidentL; stands for in the "square deal," what are the three great elemetits of ht strength, etc. V . ' ' r In, the 'October : ' Ladies' Home Journal THE CURTIS OiuTtliflTlD . 3' rj -iT Vaas ear sV -c. , sV fcvsl I W "Sjr . ' : . r- i .:' t.'y'v ' ' r , ) ; .I.-". Interest In . Livestock Display . Continues , Unabated De- '4 ' i . -;tpite etorms. .);' In spite of tha driving rain today, vis itors to tha- Lewis and Clark exposition headed In a continual stream for tha livestock show. Exhibitors are becom ing mora surprised sack day as they note tba Interest all take In- tha display. ' Tha ratn did not spoil tha effect of tha paYSda of horses In the morning, nor that of cattle In the afternoon. .Tha grandstand was comfortably filled with people, who ahowed. their appreciation of tha parades. j Many of tha exhibitors from the east will begin to ship their anlmala Fri day evening, and all day Saturday will ba taken up with tha loading of cattle, horses, sheep and goats. The greater majority of the stock will ba displayed at tha -Royal Livestock show at Kan sas City' and the balance will ba shown at tha Canadian National ahow at New Westminster, B. C. , v. t ;'-". ' , Tha program ' for tomorrow and Fri day will b-aa heretofore, tw parades dally, with government bands. Igorrotes Want Fine Weather. ;; During" .tha ceremony - at v tha 1 Igor, rffta r village yesterday afternoon de signed by .' tha natives to bring fair weather for Portland Day, all the tlma tha unhulled rice- was-a!ng" charred tha three chief a ware aljent Lut night Inquiry waa made as to why thla was tha caae. Chief Domingo aald that In thla part of the ceremony no words muBt . be - spoken, but that tha chiefs were repeating to themselves the Igor rote words, "Ma-kls-ais-kay 11-fo-o-mln-chl-kang-ka ay fat-a-wa ta-a-yu "Ton fogs, rise up rolling. Let ua have good weather In. alt tha world. Hake not the people poor." Tba petition to Lu-ma-wlg will be concluded at 4:10 thla afternoon with a dog feast. : "l . 'y MERE BOYS GUILTY - :' OF SERIOUS CRIME ,p .;'. ' Guy and Grover Bmlth were arrested at Bridal Vail last night by Deputy Sheriff Bam Downey, charged with hav ing committed a statutory crime, the complaining - witness being Almlra Shepperd, the 14 -year-old daughter of George Shepperd, .. a farmer residing near Bridal Veil. The Bmlth boys are aged 1 and 14 years respectively. Both admit their guilt, and 'will be sentenced by 'Presiding Judge. Fraser tomorrow moYnlng ? rz:z T v Tr-i.-j.-..-.- : Downey atatea that when ha reached Bridal Veil last night k score or more of men were guarding the boys. Shepperd bavlng threatened to kill them., The boys were captured near Multnomah.'., The boye resided, at IJ1 Eaat Thirty-sixth etreet. their father, James F. Smith, being an expressman, WILL REBUILD AT ONCE - ALL BUILDINGS BURNED "" "(pedal Dlneteh to Ska Josrnel.)- ''" Spokana, Wash., Bept 17. The wholesale dlstrtot burned over -yesterday morning will be rebuilt Immedi ately on a larger acale than formerly. Dr. Thomas, owner of tha building oe- eupted, by v-tha - jCudaby company,, wll erect a three story structure to replace tne two-story , nuneing aeetroyed. , C H Weeke will build a four-story and basement on tha alto if. the old three story warehouse. '-. . .,.: Occupants of the buildings are mak ing arrangements to continue business in new quarters. The possible loaa may total f 275,000. ' The Insurance approx- nmates I16S.000. ' ' Willamette Valley Development league at Eugene next week. ' - . i 15 Cents at All News-Stands ' PUBLISHING CQMPANr Captain Carter .Saye Famous Capitalist Cave Hie Father- -InLaW a Fortune. " MONEY ALLEGED TO BE LOOT FROM GOVERNMENT Trying to Make Former Captain Dis gorge Seven Hundred Thousand ' Doltat Which It Is Claimed la i ' Part of His Stealings. . .' 1 (Joaroal SpeeUl Serrlee.) s Chicago,, Sept. J7- Oberlln M. Carter, the cashiered United Btates army cap tain, who served five yeara at Leaven worth military prison' for swindling the government out of mora than J.000.0OO, told Special Examiner Wyman today an almost Incredible atory. of the gener osity of the late Cornelius Vanderbilt From March 14, 181. to January . 1896, Carter aald, Vanderbilt made six gifts to . hU (Carter's) : father-in-law, aggregating 1602,000. . ..'.. . . On March 14. U9, Carter sagi that he went with. Weatcott to the Grand Central depot in - New York. Weatcott went to Vanderbllt'a -private office, Carter remained outside, whila tha rela tive interviewed the multi-millionaire. When Weatcott emerged, be went to the hank , up to wn. Where Weatcott produced a roll containing $12,400. On April 14 of the same . year Weatcott got 1 S!S,S60i and on July 11 following $26,000. - On September 11, lt4, according to Carter, Vanderbilt, gave Weatcott $200, 000, Juno I of tba following year Weat cott got a rom or IKO.OOO. All these gifts. Carter says, were deposited to Westcott's credit. Special Examiner Erwin, who Is"" con ducting tha case in which it Is sought to compel Carter to disgorge $700,004 claimed aa part, of hla stealings, is in clined to laugh at "Carter's atory. It le stated that the dates on which the glfte are said by Carter to have been) made, are identical with tha datea on which Carter, Gaynor and Greene divided the loot which they obtained in their fraudu lent dealing. The government clalme Carter-a ahare of the plunder was de posited to Westcott's account. - ASKS RECEIVER FOR" : LITTLE KANAWHA ROAD (Josrsal Special Service.) ' ' Cincinnati. Ohio, Sept. 27. A . move that will probably have an Important afreet on the Gould-Ramsey fight for the Wabash system wae made today by John 6. Jonea, bolder of $100,000 worth of stock la tha Little Kanawha proper ties, who applied for a reoelver. The hearing la aet for October 2. Ramsey controls the Kanawha, which la aald to be -the key of the' situation for entering the Pittsburg terminals. The plaintiff aaye that he takes no aide la the con troversy, but wants to protect the etock- holders during the tight. - Open- Sid Oetebev 10. , (Special Dimetcfc to The JoernaLt Corvallis, Or., Sept, 17.-Bids for ma terial for construction of tha mountain water system for Corvallis were not opened at the meeting held last night for that purpose. Because the steel pipe concerns had been delayed in securing prices from eastern factories, their blda were not In, and a postponement was granted to allow this concern to bid. and October "10 eat as a date for opening bide both for material and for construc tion of the plant. PHIDVDELPHIA I k- le.el-ik.J ; lu 17 A EL'.'Z.IEE " Dr. Coe insists Competitors Ars Clufflng and Trying to Shut ' " Out His tins. ' ' 9Beeial Dimatdi ta Tka Joara.Lt Vancouver, Wash., Bept. 27. The men behind the Vancouver ft Suburban-street railway, project are evidently getting ready to take up the proposition to be submitted by the city council on next Monday evening. Yesterday a certified check for 11,000, the" amount decided upon as a guarantee by tha franchise committee of the council, was aent to J. U. Sugg, the local representative front the Portland office. It le probable that some modification will be aaked in the time limit, "but otherwise it is thought the company will accept the franchise. It Is learned - that several weeks ago a -preliminary survey was made of the proposed route within the city limits by men who at that tlma it waa suppoeed were doing government work. ,7 j , , Dr. H. W. Coe. promoter of the St Helens runiic service, waa in Vancouver. Mr. Cote has not told the local council on whaf "streets he wishes' 'franchise; It is stated that; no action wlU be taken until be does. As bla - proposal - now stands, if granted. It would permit him to lay a streetcar track. on any street in ine miy. -. -,..''' IDAHO JUSTICE OF PEAGE MAY BE ARRESTED ChargsdtatHMIsapprq. ' prlatetfTundHrHssuinjf-1 . Licenses. : (Special tMapateh te net fearaaLl ' Lewlston. Ida-.. Sent 27. The -prob- able arreet of a north Idaho justice of tha peace charged with tha misappro priation of funds promises to bo a sen satlpn soon to be sprung, by. the state fish and game commlsalon. -The invc tlgation has been completed by Deputy Warden Harbaugh and a report of con ditlons has been made to State Game Warden Btevena. Mr.. Harbaugh recent ly visited Kootenai county and aecured from tha justice a receipt, instead of the regular license authorised by the state and with which' all persons authorised to issue licenses are supplied. Upon Inquiry ba was Informed that tha li censes bad not arrived, but the records at the postofflce show the justice to have received the registered .. package containing the licenses early In the ae son. The investigation was made in comnllance with orders issued by War. den Stevens, and it Is expected criminal proceedings will be commenced aa soon aa the preliminary steps can na uuten. s CAREFUL CENSUS -""-r- (Continued from Page One.) Increase indicated by the counting of all insertions aa referred to therefore furnish, with the 100 federal enumer ation, tha three figures in a proportion which when worked out Would give the present population, or close estimate thereof. Tha proportion la: Tha Insertions of 1000- (40,400) are to tha federal enumer ation of 100-(90.420) as tha Insertions Of 1005 (72,(47) are to tha preaent pop ulation, which gives K3.0S1 as the re sult. - ' I . Other Ksaaa of Woof. However, In order that there might ba an even more accurate means em- Dloved. Mrs. Clinton had expert dirao tory workers take tha proof sheets of the naw directory of 10S and actually count tha names of individuals, taking absolutely none of business firms or societies. This count showed 04,482 names, to which la applied the universal multiplication-ratio or giving, as tha "copulation, ill, 200. And then, after these figures - had bn"compircym6Tiyr of the ratio of increaae comae to hand in the registration of school children in the publlo schools, which this year show an increase of between 2.000 and . 1. 000. It is islaimed by some that the ratio of five to one of school attendance may ba applied. If it were: tha increased at tendance would Indicate an Increaae in population of front 10.000 to 11,000 in one year; in other words, that Port land's Increase in one year la between 10 and 71 per cent of that which As sessor Slgler assigned for the entire five yeara from 1000 to 1108. The quarter year that baa elapsed since the directory enumeration was made early in July, would, according to tha indicated rate of 1 growth, have brought another 1.000 to 6,000 people so that at thla time tha population of Portland la not much If any under !,- 000. These results, reached by tha scien tific methods employed by experienced directory workers, demonstrate the sllp shod work -that was done ' by the as sessor; work that, according to reporta from Salem, and many countlea of Ore gon, haa found ita counterpart In many ether parte of the state. ' Oensna-Taklng Mo Xasy. T will admit that tha 'taking of a WnaualSoritreMy-Bkrgald-TeT Clinton. 'It la no child's play; It calls for exacting work, careful supervision, and. as Important as anything else, for solicitors in the field who do tha work. ."We do not retain In our employ any person who ovincea a disposition to slight his work. When the first lndlca tton of this shows, we discharge him: There are no political considerations to bother ua, and we base Judgment of one'e right to continue to earn his living In the directory business on demon strated efficiency. There ere regular methods of checks and counter-checks. and we have ways of ascertaining ex actly whether or not our men are doing careful work.-Therarln "tittle nentlment about it; only results, and actual re sults, count. . . .. . It Is apparent, then, that present meth ods employed by aaaessora aa a rale In Oregon ro- not-satisfactory-- It la equally true that the syatem of taking tha state census Is wrong; that tha statute does not provide for the proper handling of the work. , However, It Is believed that the re sults attained by the Polk directory peo ple In correcting the deplorable impres sion created by the assessor in hie slip shod enumeration will serve to repair the , wrong and that Portland will be given eredlt for ita real growth.- Ambassador Sana Xomtav Berlin. Sept. 27 Oeorgs . L. Meyer, tba American , ambassador to Russia, sailed for home today by way of tha North German Lloyd Una.' Ambaaaador Meyer- has been granted an extended leave of abeenoe- In order that be may recunerata after bis arduoua duttee at St.-. Petersburg in ; connection with the settlement of peace between Russia and -Jewelry Tiffany & Co. have completed the installation" of : their;;!-1 business in their new building, Fifth Avenue at 37th Street', New York - , - Patrons will find many advantages; notably in greatly v increased facilities for expeditious service and opportunities for making selections under the most favorable conditions Upon receipt of satisfactory references from any National v. Bank or responsible business house, Tiffany, & Co. will send r . oa4ipprwaLselections-from ,theirstockJo-anyipart oLthe United States'" . ' ' ; ' ; . , . .Tiffany' & Co.'s monthly announcements containing descriptions and prices appear in all the leading magazines "The Tiffany. 1905 Blue Book v;. , Second Editiona 492-page cataloguewithout pictures ' or cuts, but Ireplete ' with descriptions and'prices, sent free up6rirequesf ': ; ,. r JJ Tiffany &' Fifth if PICKED UP IN A DAZED -CONDITION IN SEATTLE Special Dispatch to The Joaraal . Seattle, Sept. 27. B. Fraaer of the Morden, Manitoba, land offloa, waa picked up on the streets this morning In a dazed condition. He says he re members nothing of how he got here. He started for Portland and while at Victoria he was Induced to take several drinks and waa robbed of all his money. That le the laat he remembere until he came to himself at police headquar ters In this city. - ' . : . A , .. ' AT THE THEATRES. Belasco Offering. The Belasco theatre atnrk company la offering h nkrmm nf Pnrtl.n4 tha ftlnnfMt fatM trtt "On the Qnlt" rn which Wll. I 11am Collier made bla groatret soeeeaa. It Is I es for the whole week, inrlndlag mattoeas Sat arday sod Sunday aad a Baoday algbt pertorrap "The A Girl From Kay's Coming. It, hnM bhImI Maidr. 'Tha Olrl Vrrtin kay's," wlU ha tba attrartloa at the Mar quam Grand tbaatra seat Monday and Tore- day algbta, October a and s. wits a special price aoatlM Tuaadar.' It la aa entartdning play that tells a atralght story IntarpelatMl with tunerol sambara. There are SO people on Its salary Hat and It requires s empls ef eare te transport its scenic effcete. The ad vaare sale ot easts will open Friday stoning at 10 e'ciocBV - This Show at the Star. ; LlCbsrdiadKlcharda iLtL TtTactlre arnnber at lb. Rtf hair Tl BaaiJ ef a splendid bill. The WblU Teal ahows some very clever minie in me mi tie line, im Stetson trio are good singers and dance grace rally. Marie Sparrow captivates her andlance with Irish anngs sad stories. Wilbur Is clever an the wheel. . . Leon at the Grand. Perhape the greateet llfcMtoalet la the wnrM le Lon. who Is the head e tha Grand Mil this week. Wales and Llgon have a bright maaleal aet; Durban and Conrteney ere totrodndng the latest eaatera song kits, aad Walter Ptrry M telling roany stories. At the Lyric " , ETery one has heard "of the standard eld drama. "Dr. J.krll and Mr. Hyde," bat many have sever bad the opportunity ot wttneamng U. Theae are offered the ebetce this weak et the Lyric, wbere It Is being prodnced la s manner that laevea nothing to be Seal red. There hi a daily matinee ss ,wtU as two performances nightly. .,:.. t , , The Convict's Daughter." One ef tne stellar attractions ef tba eaaaoa at the Empire Is "The Convict's Daughter," a new, original sensational melodrama by i. A. Treeer, Jr. It is s play full of heart Interest and coe tains uncommon scenle reallam. The escape of an Innocent convict aa a freight tram la s thrilling scans.. The engagement will dose te algbt. , : , Baker Is Popular. Any evening one may see the standing room sign anng oat hi front ot the Baker theatre. wbere the William Ideal Kxtravasansa company le plarins. The sensation tnat that company baa created fees earned the management to arraitse for a special train so ss to give s regale pes fonnance ea Saturday sight of this weak. a "Sweet, Clover" at Empire. The entertainment te be offered at tba Empire for .three nlghte commencing Thoraday. Septem ber 8H, will be the superb scenle production of the four art comedy, "Sweet Clover." Tba atmosphere of the play from the city to the country, and both loralltiee are falthrnll represented wits' Intelligent attention te realis tic .details, - i , . . May Irwin'a Matinee Tomorrow. A apevtal matinee will bl 'lives tonvirmw St 2:SO o'clock, when lolly May Irwla and her excellent company will preaent her . efferves cent comedy, "Mrs. Black la Back." "Under 1 Southern Skies" ' Friday. Tba advent of "tinder Sosthera galea" at the Ma rqo am Grand theatre nest tVlday and Ba tarda y sights. Ssptembe 2S and su. with s populat-price matinee Satnrday, should be et Interest" te tbearra-goera. The theme ef the story Is tntereatlag aad the enmeay dellsbtral. The enmpeny at large end the prod action le carried. Intact ' Seats new an sale. - May Irwin. Tonight at Warquam. That lanah-Bcodnclng woaaan. May Irwla, and kef eic.ll.nt company jsrlB. be the attrae. Una St. the lferauam Grand thsatre tonight and tomorrow night at S:30 e'clncs, when atie will preernt her latest t sneresafal comedy, "Mrs. Black I Bark." . a WS'an. efllm. as. an.aaVlaS sSa,aaaa . aa.( It 1UHT aV PUI1VI A Vtll aura. H'- blague of Uie night, itching piles. I Ointment cures, quickly and t . j ... . CO. Tiffany 7 Diamond and f Cue - MucRAarra , Stsictlt RrrArtiai. 'No Aosim ' The Niw Store and - Sllvjerware- Sent- Upon - Co. always welcome a comparison of prices Avenue : New' . Fermtrlf at Um'om Squsr ' "! FINSEN LIGHT CAUSES MAN TO BECOME BLIND : (Special Dtapatob e The JoarnaL) -Walla Walla,, SVaah., Bept. 27.-rrour hours' work ovsr a Flnsen light being installed In a local magnetic Institute caused I I Bolce, an electrician, to go stone blind Sunday night The, man, enduring the most agonising torture. Is slowly recovering his eyesight Bolce started for home about . 11 o'clock at night after finishing his work. . When about two blocks from his realdenco he was horrified to And that he had become totally blind. He made his way along by following the fences and arrived home -wrthout-injuryv- A physician-was summoned who diagnosed the case as paralysis of the optlo nerve. Treatment Do You Eat Do You Eat Cm . (LIQUID) .- West Broadway, New Tore, Oet j. raoa. Having been a aafferer from Dyspepsia for many jrsare. wtikinwwH not yield to the treatment of terror si phyaktiaaa. I had bcoocao aknoat convinced that Iwae destined to become a chronic invalid, whaa a friend gave me a bottle of your core, and i aseperation. nee navtng tne surprise felt relief almost imroedintaly. nod could not now be trsftafail M live without having a bottle in the houte. Very truly yoara, .. - ' f-; rr:"' ..." '"-.' i p. whitmaii. . Are you willing to'bo helped and curexl? Then go to any ; druggist and get a bottle of rs . Chase's Dyspepsia Cnro ; Take ip according to directions for three day, and if It jjlLL doesnA benefit you go back to tha druggist and get your , - money without question or argument. -SOc'tsd 51.00 Per Dcttla THE CHASit M7C. CO., fOTVDUMII, fl. Y, FOR SALE ' BY WOOD ARD. CLARKE ft CO. e l 1 ... f ' v , . i-'" - - f ,'! ; - - Approval Yprk ! la gradually restoring the eyesight, at though at will be some time before he will fully recover. - ' 'emss"asaasessBsBssMBssessssBssssaaaBsBssn Taka Advasreags af Side Trtp. Holders of certain" Lewie and ClarH tickets are entitled to fifteen-day one-, fare tickets en tho Hither Pnelfle aa far south aa Ashland. Partienlara by asking at Third and Washington streets ; Portland. s' . L;2I etu 0. KeOoy Zs Killed. - '.'. (Journal Special Brrlfe.y ""' ' Hood River. Or, Bept. 27. John C McCoy, who resided in Portland for-It years, while an engineer on the O. R. N., was crushed to death at White Salmon by falling under a sawlog yes terday. At the time of bin death be was a member of the sawmill firm of MoCoy eV Thomas, too Mcch? too Foot? ; daring one of my bevd speile I arted ft leaat laitn rt, bt vary i to saw PAIffT IS ATI iriIU2''.T Against decay In woods and metals. T tooth ef time makes -little bead r J i your premises are painted wl i reliable painU aa we aurr'V. t your fancy aa to colore r are certain" to" f ..1 T : ready mixed or la t - f neotlv. At any drug store, h c. ' 1 e ' ,.' T.' . ' "