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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1905)
TII3 OREGON - DAILY JOUZIIAi; POnTLl!.D. W-DirriDAY 1., -7 r. .. e W 'W A--- .. . lir illOil IS tut ma Atlantic Terminal of .-' Isthmian ., Canal Burn Help Sum -t moned From Panama, i GOVERNMENT BUILblNCS ' ? FURNISH FUEL FOR FIRE ; ? --.V''1'.' 1 1 ' '" - V 7 '. - v . 1 . .,. . .-',- .- f t Portoffice and Reflatered K.tSL, Cable and Passcncer 'Office, Police Sta t , tion and ' Hundreds of loases , in Ruins. r'-' ' 7 (Joureel Special tateies.) ?'v . Colon, ruMnt, Sept. 17. Htlf ' ef - Colo la a tnass of smoking ruin u , result of Are that Btart4 early this . morning end burned nearly all day.- It was late - this . afternoon-' before, the -flame were extinguished. "Tanned by tiff breese the fire threatened to burn down the entire town. Assistance waa early , called for from Panama and a peolal train of : flrenghtere, policemen OOEABAERIW .TO: COIITQIIT. Dressed as Hobo Female Brake JPeam7TourisrtrTravet-7 V 1 I flarV UtWla '"' . - 4JesraaI-eelel'Berriea,)r. '"-V Busna Vista, Cot. Sept, 17. Beating her way on freight traina 'frotn Sao Francisco to Tonkera. New Tork, where he says bar father Uvea, Mrs. Blanch , West, If years old, was arrested in Den , ver 'yesterday. She was dressed In ragged salt of male attire, much soiled, Iter hair 'tucked away under a- big aloucb hat-" i - -"When' she was taken Into custody the , 'woman,., lav appearance . was a . typical hobo.- She was held pending Investiga tion on ths charge of vagrancy. Tb woman at the polios station said: -"--.' -- T -am the wlfs of .James Weal, a traveling man,' whose territory embraces - California.. and the.' Northwest. . He . abused me, and I determined to leave him to return to my father l,n -Yunksrs. f,ba& no money, so the only alternative waa to don male attire and beat my way across the. continent. A kind brakeman gave me my suit. All I aak la liberty. -1 do not want aaalstanoe or charity, for I can make my own way, and I am not afraid.",.', . , mmmmm SC!EriTIFICALLY TREATED Japanese General Reads Lengthy ',. Paper Before Convention . v - of Syrveyors. ..,7-.'-. - V ;; 'T.:;;- 'j . .. AaV? V:? i " (Joenul aeerlel arvics. , Detroit. 8pt. i 7. Burgeon -Oeneral Susukt of the Japanese navy - read - a .. 10.000 word papers at the conventlos jot military surgeons of the I'nlted States. The members say it Is ths .most valuable document of the kind of modern times, It told Bow they treated the wounded In ths battles of Japan and Russia. Ordered sailors to don-clean clothing . Imme diately before i a battle to .prevent Infce- . tlon from wounds, and mads each wear disinfected cotton In their ears: to pro-' gagement If It waa possible to twait Ths peroentag of deaths from wounds was very small. . Moat of the fatalities were, by drowning, as a' result of. mine explosions. Ths convention gave a vote of thanks to Susuki. ; - . FAtLING CAGE'KILLS MINE SUPERINTENDENT J I. ',. (IperiU DUpateh to Tae 7oaraaLt ' Butte, Mont. Sept S7. F, C. Hendra, .. foreman of ths Mountain .View, mine nd on of the beat known mining men In the city, was Instantly killed -while . on duty at that mine yesterday- after .moon, about 4 o'clock, in-an oddyet pimple aecidsnt. - - . The cage had been up for some tlra nd the skip had been dumped. Mr. hendra , had evidently forgotten about 'the location of the cage and It was im possible for ths engineer to know that Hendra- waaln a'posltion' to be hurt by Its descent, ..The. cage descending rap - idly, struck the man on the back of the head, but the cage was almost Instantly stopped and the body did not fall down the -shaft- - . OLD BARLOW FARM T-S0LDrOVDAHO-MAN , epelsl XHspetch to The Joans. L) ' -Barlow, Or, Sept. 17. Mr. Berg of ' Idaho has purohased the old William Barlow farm' of Miss M. 8 Barlow for 17.(00.' Miss Barlow will move to ; Portland Tharaday, when Mr: Howe and family wilt take possession of ths house. . Mr. Berg will not take possession of ths farm for one year. , . ' - Mr. Barlow settled on this place In 114 and It has since beep the family horn. Mr. Barlow died In June of laat -year.- The depaiiurs of Mtsmanow la .. much regretted. She expects to. sell for . Europe In February, where she will re ; main one year.'' . CIRCUIT COURT OF APPEALS TO MEET r, (Jemial gptvial Byrvlee.) ' . Sen . Pranclaco, Sept J 7. The circuit court nf appeals for the Ninth district - will -hold its Initial meeting in the fed ral -building 'next Monday. The court ' la oompoaed 'of William K ' Gilbert of Portland, presiding Judge; K. M. Ross, ,nf Uts Angelss district; W. W. Morrow. aa . Franclsoo, . .and , Thomas . Porter llawley, Nevads. It is expected several important derisions affecting ths dls ' trict will be banded down in ths near -. '"tore, -v ; . ,, . ... , , Kattook Weds. Ouy Matlock and Louise Malse of Heppner are to be married this aftsr noon by Police Judge Cameron In con evience ef a. raid made by Acting De twelves Kay and Jones on Elsie Davis ass. Ml (..stark reeW ,-t- SIVEPT Br FIOS half the tov.t and apparatus arrived to aid the people of Colon la extinguishing the flames; Starting In the native quarter the Are went through the huta rapidly an spread (nto the bualneaa district, where many of the principal structures were consumed, Ho rallroed.-Or canal . prop erty was burned and the shipping In th harbor escaped.1- : - The principal bulldlngg destroyed were the Isthmian poetofflce.- two newspa per offices, the -government house, the police headquarters, . the West - Indian Cable company offices. Armour Pack' Ins; company, stock and building, the Chinese quarter of the city, and all the principal .Chinese shops. . ' , On Bolivar ' street 4 - houses were burned. On severs! other streets there J. re aa many more deatroyed. ' A great amount of International regletered mall parcels were burned In the postoffloe. I Governor Magoonror the canal sons has hurried to the scene. Hundreds of people are homeless and without shelter. Among the burned structures ware a number of hotels end lodglng-houseS sad much ' suffering end Inconvenience A number 'of flre-flahters . were "In jured by falling walls but none of them fatally. ' No deaths are reported. The property loss la Immense. . SIOUX IrtDlAfiS POSSESSORS OF 18 AUTOMOBILES ' Luxuries of Civilization Take Fbrtuneaof Abdnglhes o T-;f ;r Rosebud Agency. . - iJovmI BpwUl strrleo.) :" : ..Chamberlain. S IX-Sept. J 7. Reports mads by .assessors of listed property of ths Indians In Rosebud and Cheyenne reservations show that ths Bloux In diana possessed ths following' treasures: Three hundred and twenty -.telephones, II automobiles, t horses (used as car riages), 21 pianos and $ organs. . ..The fact that 47, divorces had been secured by the Indiana during ths psst ysar seems to indicate that the Bloux has become an apt, pupil of the white man- .... , .. : Often, when they receive ItOOO or more for their aUotted lands, Indtsns go to Omaha, or Sioux City, see a strlk- ing looking automobile and spend their entire xortune lor one like It. ,' :'., EVERY DAY ADDS TO A ? i SCHOOL ATTENDANCE "Work at the Chapman and Peninsula schools was resumed this morning and ths schools of ths city are pretty well organised today," said City Superintend ent Prank Rlgler today. "The crowded condition of several at the schools on ths east aide is giving us some trouble and more room will have to be pro vided." .1; : -.v- ;-.. . - . . Mr. Rlgler stated that instead of ens portable , building 1.' et . Bunnyslds two would 'be required, aa the-4tendance la increasing daily. At ths Wllllsrris Ave nue school the building is. overflowing and a, portable room will have to be erected, - The Holladay school has two classes In the aasembly hsll and a port able may be necessary if the attendance continues to grow. . ' - ' - The-manual training department will begin work Monday. - The centere at Da via, , SUphena, . Shattuck. Holladay, Thompson and Atkinson achoola are be ing provided -with necessary - material for the work. These centers will prove inadequate for the accommodation of . all whn Amrm tk t,lr tb wnr-lr and tha flAiw. grade pupils will have to be In structed In ' manual training In ths school at which they are registered,- To make 'this possible, work benches to fit on the tops of the regular school desks If the demands require them. MISS DITCHBURN ADDS -; - TO HER FORMER FAME Friends filled the White Temple last night to hear Miss Anne Dltchburn In a farewell recital Siren by Lauren Pease in 'her honor. Some were surprised, others knew lust what she could do, but everyone waa pleased. Miss latchburn hsd a sweet, sympathetic voice when she left here a little more than a year ago, but many were not prepared for the maturity 'her voice has acquired In a single veer's study. It Is a rich, full contralto. of excellent-range end prom ises to grow better. And her girlish, un affected charm captured the audience Her songs were, all delightful, but her talents do not end there, and ahe de lighted her hearers with a reading from "King John.'? , v., , Tne assisting numbers or tne pro gram were excellent -The Lakme quar tet sang with perfect harmony. - Will iam Wallace Graham, In hla Rubinstein Romania, left a-feeling of satisfaction with the audience, Stuart McOuIre, bar itone, and Mr. Pease, tenor, both well known In vocal work, pleased, and Mrs. Psullns ' Miller : Chapman of Forest arovelcreated alavorabislmpresaion.I The aecompsntsts were Mrs. Warren E. Thorn aa, Mtaa Arvllla McOelre, Frank T.. Chapman and Arthur N. DeVore. t FLOYD GOES FREE FOR SIXTY SECONDS ..... ' f ' y 1 J ' r- - ''- It B. Floyd enjoyed a mlnute'a ob servation of the grass growing around the courthouse this morning: he took few breathe. of air aa a free msn. Then.he wssj-earrestedV. - Floyd, was at-: rested on a warrant telegraphed from Eureka.-California,-charging- him -with embesslement. Five days having elapsed slnee a oomplelnt -wm-filed against Floyd, he was ordered released s, this morning. But Just as he left the coun ty Jail doorway, he was rearrested, and will t held until the arrival' of Sheriff T. M. Brown of Humboldt county, Cali fornia. Attorney John F. Watts hss been trying ts gst Floyd vrelessed on a writ of habeaa corpus and a hearing will be held tomorrow. . , , 7- . W1U right Water Board. ( 1 Harvey O'Bryan has. begun a suit In me circuit court agalnat Mayor Harry Lsns and 8. E. Joseph!, C. H. Raffety and George W. Bates, to. enjoin them from cutting, aff the water aupply of hla dwelling at tl Hancock street A fiI lftttiMii,y'- iwVtrei iiln'ortS'sr Weiei iMQtd by Presiding Judgs Fraser yesterday aftsmoon. . Mr. O Bryan states that ths Albins water ofAoe hee notified him that the city water would be ehut off from Ms residence If he did not pay ' for the sprinkling of his Iswn during the month of September. O'Bryan says that th lawn, waa not sprinkled ihta month. - r. T1FT HOuE FROul FOREIGfl LilODS 'v"N J"'".' : ' '.. "' Secretary of War and Party Ar rive at San 1 Francisco ; ' From Far East. ' TRAVELERS BROWNED BY' SUN IN THE TROPICS wm Publish Lon( Statement ol Viewa on the Philippines and the ; Eastern, Situation Cordially JVel 1 corned Abroad. '. .. " . ' (Jesrsal lpo4al tervlss.) ..'- ' . San 'Francisco, Sept. 17. The Pecifla Mair steamelr "Korea with Secretary of War Taft and party aboard was sighted early this morning 10 miles out. Gen eral Punsten, In command of ths depart ment or Call forma," with tnniury aidf Immediately left the government tug Slocjim arid boarded the Korea, where they) welcomed, the returning officials. The Korea mads good time coming in and docked at I o'clock. There waa av immenaa crowd 'down to greet the dis tinguished Party and Taft was loudly Cheered. i He was escorted to ths Palace hotel, where another 'large crowd wel comed him with noisy enthusiasm. Thr party at once sst down to lunch. - Tsft stated that he had prepared a long - statement covering bis views on the Philippines and ths far - eastern situation, which he will give out this afternoon. ..-- - - . - Ty Is apparently in ths leatttc All of the-party are browned from 'their exposures to tropi cal suns and they all report that they were given a moat cordial reception everywhere, and had a- most enjoysble trip. .; ; .. " --v.- v SAfi FRAIiClSCO DEMOCRATS - ADOPT FUSIOn PLAN Combine With : Republicans to Defeat SchmitzNominate Htli Portion of.TlckeL '. . . . . , (iptcUI Dispatch te The JoirMl) irl'z. Ban Francisco, Sept. 17-- A . Demo cratic munloipal convention laat . night adopted the plan of fualon with the Re publican party recommended by the Joint Committee On coalition. -A plat form much on the linea of that adopted by the Republican convention waa also adopted by the Democratic body. The Democratic portion of the fualon ticket waa nominated and the convention ad journed to meet tomorrow evening. - The only Work remaining for thla body Is to nominate the Republican section of ths proposed fusion ticket and elect . its county committee. - , " - - The Democratic nominations are: For dlatrict attorney, H. V. Brandanstsln; for: sheriff, Peter J. Curtis; for re corder, Edmond Godchaux; for coroner, Thomas B. W. Iceland; for public ad ministrator,' A.VJ. Hynes;'. for police judges, Cbarlss T. Conlan nd A. J. Frits; for supervisors, Jamas P. Booth, Bsmuel Braunhart, A. Comte, Jrt, John Connor, A. A. D'Ancona, George B. Mo Clellan, Henry Payot, Oscar Hocks, Ed ward R. Rock, Knox Maddox, Matthew McManus and Cbarlss Swelgert. A. - v jacob f litt dies 1.1 the yo:;kers sanatoriu:.i Once Usher,. Leaves a Fortune Estimated at Five Millions. ; Mloereat Spsetar ervl(S.r " 3 T Tonkers, . T., Sept. 17. Jacob lltt. manager of many theatrical ' houses, died In a sanatorium In t,hle city today. Jscob Lttt was it years of age and was one of the moot prominent theat rical men In America. He was a part of both syndicates, his greatest holdings being with the Stair dt Havlln attrac tions. At the time of his death he con trolled the Broadwsy theatre, New Tork; McVickers. Chicago; Bijou. Milwaukee; the Grand and Metropolitan.. St. Paul,, and the Bijou, Metropolitan and Henne pin Avenue. Minneapolis. .. ".' He began his theatrical career as an ushsr 'st the Grand theatre In Milwau kee and was the son of a pawnbroker. His fortune is estlmsted st 15.000,000. He is survived by a widow and two children. " His widow wae Rutn carpenter,- who formerly took the leading part In "The Ensign," which Lltt produced. - Among his most notabla productions were "Lights of London." "Shenandoah," "The Ensign," ; "Ths Price of Peace," "In Old Kentucky," the latter of which la said to have mads for Its producers a lulltfomlollarr trrThr past 11 yearetT-1 The foundation of hla- fortune fa said I to Ifavs started, with the production of "Ben Hur," In' which he waa Interested with Klaw A.Erlanger. For the past three years he has not been engaged in active bualneas. having left the manage ment of hla Interests to A. W. Dingwall, his general manager., "'w ;..- MINERS ESCAPE FROM -FLOOD IN 0PHIR MINE (Special tnspateb to Tie JesrB.Lt ' Butte, Mont-, Sept 27A shaft In ths Ophlr mlns 1 claim at ths foot of Dakota street wss floodsd with water yeeterday , and two mlnera, CarmlchaM and Mcponald. who wars In the shs ft at ths time, - narrowly escaped with their lives. The diaaeter was ons of the results of Saturday's fire. A great force of water coming from the storm sewer tors away ths ground and flooded the shs ft, which cauaed It to cave. - During the fire and 'all day yeater day mllllona and millions of gallons of water poured down this sewsr with tremendous foree. The ehaft was on enetncltne, to which fact the men owe their Uvea, aa had It been perpendicular they would have been drowned like rata In a trapv -' The Ophlr claim was formerly one of the-rlchest in the camp and-eho-work-Ings hsvs been dsmaged to the extent of flo.eoo.' The ehaft la a total wreck and will have to be -abandoned. The lose le about f l.toe as the result of the cave-In, ..... . Pref erred Stock Canned Oocde, Allen .Lewie Qest Brand. .v ... ; ; -A''-,'; - --' ' -Z-- ' -; --'--i v.--. . ' GOT TfiliiJEO G0L1 FOR CU Minister" Suspended From Holy Church of Christ for Accept - V fn's Whiskey Moneys REFUSE! ES TO GET OUT OR REFUND THE CASH Preacher Solicited Beer Prom Brew erlee. Liquor From Saloon Men and Tobacco In Order to Raiae Fundi . tor New Temple. ',' 'r j, .'7-,!'': . (Special Dispatch to The Journal.). Seattle. Sept. 17. Bishop F. U. Pen dleton, of the Holy Church of Christ, with. headquarteW at Knoxvllle. Tennes see, hss discharged Rev. Herbert D. Stanley, paator of the Green Lake church of-ths-eect-et- Seattle-end" 'de manded that he turn,- over all church property and f unda. . Rev. Mr. Stanley has refused to be deposed Hn the man ner. sought and ths w6rk. ,or the church In this part of ths siste l at a stand still aa a consequence. .. i,v')"; According to the local version, Stan ley .came here about a year ago and at one began raising funds to erect a new temple. He was successful and got to gether several; thousand dollars, but it reached the ears of the bishop that some of the money was obtained from dona tlons of beer by the breweries, liquor by saloons men and; tobacco by cigar manufacturers. - Aa the church creed is directly against patronizing sny.of thrsel brsnchee uf Industry, Stanley waa caiiee. on for an explanation by the bishop. He acknowledged the corn and a demand for his restgnstion-followed. . -Now Stsnley refuses to? deliver either the church property or the funds col lected for the new temple and the Holy Church of 'Christ Is threatened with a revolutionary movement. , yo;:s wm dies $i::gi:;g HER FAV081TE HYr.a Expires on Operating Table With Smile on Her Lips and Song ' in Her Heart. : . (Jsarssl SpeeUI Bervtee.) ' Chicago. Sept. 17. Although she knew that death wae la the room and fast closing her,spsn of lifs. Miss Clara But ler, a prominent Morgan Park society woman and leading soprano lh the First Bsptlst church,, paaaed away on the operating table on Blue Island hospital. emlle-ou ber.face, and a aong in her heart. y -v - ;, - ' ). Chanting her favorite hymn, "Abide With Ma. Fast; Fella the Eventide," until ; It became a whisper, she gave no evidence of the " terrible atony In flicted by a Rock Island train which cruelly .mangled her as: shs waa "'at tempting to alight, in an aajoinmg room were the parens, and slstsr, pros trated with grief. ; ' TelH them I am not afraid to die." shs said to the psstor of her church. Then she sang - the ' old hymn until death stilled, her. tongue, and dimmed her glorious eyes. Surgeons and nurses, overcome by the situation, went to the Windows snd waited for -the end... - At her request, e brief funeral service wss - held, immediately roi lowing ner death, while her body still lay on the operating table. Thle Is the second tragedy in the fam ily within a year, the brother, being drowned in Texas.-- - , . NEWORIUUSCUSSES- MUNICIPAL OWNERSHIP ' (Joorasl IpeeUI Strviee.) New Tork. BepU 17. The board of trade and transportation Is holding a meeting here today to conalder a report which has been prepared by Ita executive committee regarding the clty'e control of Its paaaenger tranatt eervlce. ' It le the opinion ; of the committee, ae ex pressed In the ' report, that the city should have the power to take back its grants of franchises to railway corpora tions and substitute short-term grants, revocable at Ita pleasure en payment of stated Indemnity. The" committee thinks that the aubwaye to bo constructed In the city will dominate and control the present subway, end. ths- surface end elevated lines as welL - - .'-. -The committee-recommende that the mayor, at the beginning of - the next session of the leglslaturs, and before the city ehall grant additional transit franchisee, shall demand that the legis lature ao amend the rapid transit Isw ss to give the rapid transit commission powers to " separate ' contracta for con struction from operating contracts; to provids for pipe galleries; to' contract oroperatlng periods nf less , than 1 1 years, and to enable the city to avsil Itself, If need be, of the power of jnunict pal operation. . '.-... DEADLOCK IN AUSTRIA -: 0 MAY DISRUPT EMPIRE ' (Joernal Special Service.) ' London, Sept. 17. Dlspatchee ' from Budapest state that each day.eeee ths situation In the empire growing worse. The old liberal party has- been broken yip and where the Soda lis te once held supreme sway, me Koesutn psrtissns now dominate. It la believed that ' the Independent party-has secured nul less than 10.000 new adherents, Kossuth Is reported ae eeylng he be lieved the klng-emperort would yet grant Concessions te Hungary.' October .0, the meeting of all the coalition parties .will heheld at Budapest snd It to realised thst much depends upon the act ton taken at thla gathering,. ..Meanwhile the wild eat rumors are afloat, one being that ths klng-cmperor Intends to resign . the crown, end other similar statements. . 1'' Funeral Directors Keel ' " " (Special Ofepetch to Tb JunmtL ) ' ' Olympla. Wash., Sept M. The Wash ington Funeral Directors' association began Its fourth annual session at the I. O. O. F. temple In thle city yester day. .An address of welcome by Mayor H. P. Corlyon and a response by IS. R. Butterworth; of Seattle were features of the. morning seaston. In the-afternoon L. M- Pen well, president of the National Funeral Directors' assoclstlon, of To peka, Kanaaa, delivered a lengthy ad-drees.-.. The eeeslon will continue four dsys. , :... . . ,. ' When doctors fall, try Burdock Blond Bitters. - Cures dyspepsia, constipation: unii OL J OliilJi:' L.:i Mrs. W. B. Gay of ) tlnnton Leaves Home for . Visit tp City and Disappears. HAD, BEEN WEDDED' LESS THAN A MONTH Husband Belierea ; She Has .Met With Some Accident and Xmplorea Police Department to Aid Him in Finding 'Wife.'' Married only three weeks ago to W. B. Gay, proprietor of a planing mill at Llnnton, Mre. Gay packed a suitcase wun clothing snd a few personal err acta yeeterday and disappeared. She left a brief note to" her huaband. ssylng that she Intended having a dentist fill a tooth and would return home at S o'clock. AH trace of her haa been loat and the hua band applied., to the police thla afternoon to help hlavlocata her, -' Mra. GaV formerly lived with a Mra, Anderson as companion at 17 H Sixth street She Is aged 10 years She took a t-yeer-old boy. Gay's child by his flrstJ wue, to Aneia ana lert mm wjtn the sister of Special Policemen C. M. Phil lips before coming to Portland, and told there that' aha would call for the child on her way home, about I o'clock.. v ' "My mother-in-law went eaat only a few daye ago,", said Gay, "and I fur nished her the money. - My wife -hed; very :ltttlemoney Her departure Is something T cannot explain, but ahe was a good glrl.7. . RURAL MAIL BOXES VILL . . ALL BE COERED " Will Enable Business Houses to ." Reach All Outside Patrons : . : Without Knowing Names. , (Sseelal Mssatck te The JisnL ' ' - AlbanyT Or. Sept 17. A new order for the rural- mail routes haa been pro mulgated, providing for the. numbering of the nvall boxes of patrons along the rural - mall routee. The boxee on the routes are to be numbered consecutively from No. 1 up, the carriers to doslgnats ths numbers of the boxes on their re spective routes.- This will enable houses desiring to reach ths residents of rural mail routes to aendmall to each real dent along a rural route by addressing circulars and other mail matter to the box number without the aender knowing a eingie ' name along a route. In the paat the poetofflce offlclala have not been permitted to furnish lists of the patrons of rural mall routes to inquirers, but under the new order' these lists will not be wanted, forfall that will be re quired to reach evefy realdent along a route will be approximately the, number of people receiving mell from the car-rlere-T The order is' to be effective on September to, and all patrons who havs np to that time failed to number their mail boxee will loee the privilege of re ceiving their mall from the 1 rural car riers until thsy comply with the order. LONG SAYS CHARGE- -. IS MERELY A LIE J. it. Long,' Jr. and hla eftfe were arrested lets yeeterday - afternoon 1 at Astoria by Deputy Sheriff John Grussl, charged with having induced .Viola Mo rlaxlty, who says she Is II yea re old, to visit a dive -where drlnke are sold to women and their eecorta. Long denlee the chsrge. " :.. - - - Aesti1 egu tne gin tame to-myT wife and said that she '' was hungry snd friendless snd would like a place to stay," said Long, . who waa-lodged In the county Jalb thle morning, "and so my wife took her la.-. -We fed the girl and treated her right, but .a few days afterward I learned the character of the girl and eo told her that ahe had better ' go-and flnd another ' home. If ahe went to live In a dive, shs did eo at her own acoord.. . . . ' When placed tinder arrest Long was clerking In a department a tore. Oruaal states that the eetoon in which the -girl claims to have been placed le one of the toughpst dives In Astoria, being known as the riig Swede." - FAMOUS LECTURERS ;::iJ0.TALK:AT ALBANY . - - (Special Ilsrtch te The JoerssLl Albany, Or., Sept. ST. The mlniaterlal assoclstlon of this city 'has arranged for a lecture ' course for , the -coming winter thst promises to give good enter tainment for the citlsens of 'Albany. The first of these entertslnmsnts of which there ere to be six, will be given on October 11, when the Psrland-New hall company will give an entertainment here, Among the lecturers to tga brought hers w UK be, -Rev. Bam Jones., who Is to visit .Albany soms time nsxt Janu ary, and other equally famoua lecturers wil be here during ths winter. , It Is ex pected that thle lecture course will be the best form of entertainment ever of fered (In this city. : ( ; , -;. GERMANY AND FRANCE ' AGREE .UPON MOROCCO ' - . - ' '". ' . (Joureal Sierlil Brvlcs.l : ' -t '; V ' Paris, Sept.7c--Frnce and Germany havereached a complete agreement on the Moroccan question. - Germany recog nises ths claim of France -relative to the policing of -the -Algerian-Moroccan frontier. , The , privilege formerly granted France by Morocco by which the former haa preference ' over other na tlona for financial operatlons.when other eonditiona are equal Is also retained by rrance. . , ; Wealthy scan Bf ordered. ' IJoarasI Special Strrtae.) 4 Albuquerque, N. M-, Sept 17. Andrew Caana. a well-known coal operator liv ing near Gallup, waa murders last night by unknown parties. His wife wss shot snd msy also die. . It Is known . thst Casna.' always kept considerable money sboat the house, snd several men, one a relative, ere suspected. ' Baby Is a Biogsn.' And the bsby likes It. He le there sll day and Is happy to have you see him enjoy his Mellln'e Food. Ths Blogen Is In the Mellln's Food booth, Agriculture building, at tha Lewis and Clark expo sltlon. . Also there ere msny pictures of pretty children which you msy see and nsjuaxa aU jieWa'a -jropd- bableet -' r ' " . - i ,' . j.. W ISIID . :,e XLM Assessor Multiplies Last Year's , . Estimate by Three forja.. . Tax Basis. - - PERSONAL EFFECT8 HAVE ; h GAINED THE MOST ThU' Is First . Real' Valuation That ' Has Been Made of Portland Hold " Ings and Much Trouble Was Ex- perienced. X' According to the ' eaeesement ' being made by County Aaaeaaor B. . Slgler, the essessed valuation ef property In the city will be treble what it was last year. The equalised valuation in 104 wne-61,eil,eeejwhU-hle-yaar-U Je eatlmated that the valuation will reach approximately I1B0,00,00. . ; ' Increase, in the valuation of personal property have been greater then thoee ef reel property. In several Instsnoes. eecordlng to County' Assessor Slgler, the valuation on personal property has been Increased five and six tlmse, In other cases It has been trebled, in cer tain Instances doubled, while some prop erty remains et ths same figure et VlKU uaaand laat fall. ' .. . ' Many of tha statements" of tereonal property Ihsnded the assessor for bis guidance 'have - proven mieleadlng, ae thev do not renreaeht ths true valuation of 'the property snd money possessed hy the1 "taxes ver. ' The essessor ajjd his denutlea have gone eareruuy over an the lists and -where It has been aacer Ulned that the property wae valued at more than the amount given in tne statement - the asaeaaed valuation haa been Increased accordingly". ' -- As nearly as possible the assessor Is fixing the flguree on all property, both real and personal at a true valuation. He has found this extremely difficult en sccount of ths many obstacles he hss had to . encounter In securing the- real valuation, ae such en assessment of property has never been made In thle city and he baa had nothing to guide him. The 'old figures on the assessmsnt roll have proven of but little aaslstancs to him end be baa had to rely almoat entirely on the statements of the tax payers and the personsl Inveetlgatlons he hae made.'-'-'-- -v?--. -"-.'.'-,--' r The force In the essessorB office ts working dsy and night to get a report ready for the- board - of -equalisation, which meets Monday In he county clerk's office, when all objections re girding the valuations pieced en prop erty will bl heard. By that time foot Inge will have been made end the as sessor will report epproxlmately . the amount of assessed property in - ths county: It ts stated by ths assessor that the Increase In the -valuation of property outalde the city will not be eo large as It wae In the corporation, and In bla opinion the outside vsluatlons will not be more than doubled. -; ,. r . ; " mEITER'S Witt PROBATED GITY -OF: HMi Twenty Million Dollar 'Estate 1 ; Has Narrow Escape From . '. Public Administrator. . ; - , (Joonal Special Srlee.J Chicago, Sept. . 17. The 130,000,000 estate of Levi Z.. Letter baa narrowly escaped paaslng Into the bends of ths publlo - admirilstrator for ' the reaaon that it waa probated In Waahlngton, Dlstrlctof Columbla.lnstead-of Cook county. Illinois, where most of Uim-pronerlT la located. :r, mr A Bwsae, wno woiaea in one w on er's elevators, ' presented a claim for damagee and, aa no ancillary adminis trator had been appointed In Illlnola, the caaa wae pasalng to the public adminis trator when Joseph Letter, warned of ths danger, haetened to Chicago from the Wining town . of -Zlegler, and had himself appointed ancillary' adminis trator. -- -'- - Thsrs Is consldsrabls curiosity as te the reeeone for probating the will - In Waahlngton." Although', tha 'home . of Levi Letter at his death. It la estimated that of the $29,000,000 at which his estate Is valued fully 111.000.000 la In Illinois. Including much real estate. In Chicago. Had ths estats passed to the publlo ' administrator, it. would have brought out many facta about ths ea ts t a, now guarded ae family aeoreta. SCOTT AND RIDDELL ;v ; . ; :have not settled ""Endre M."- Cederbergh, Swedish - and Korweglen consul, today reiterated hla request tbet County Judge Webster compel R. O. Scott and H. H. Riddell. hla oouneel, to pay Into court the money of the. eatate of the late Rudolph Jensen which remains In their possession. Mr. Ssott ' waa administrator of the estate until abnirt- three weeke ago when h was dlsohsrgsd and Mr. Cederbergh wae appointed. - - .;.:-.- ,.'.. ... t...: Mr. Riddell received from the Port land Consolidated- company. . 12,100 In settlement of. the claim for ths death of Janaen In 'a street car accident ai Montavllla February I.' ' Of thla he paid by check 1750 to R. W. Ruff In, a law yer who had a contract, with "Herman Janaen, brother of the deceased. Eighteen days passed after Coder bergh'e - appointment, and, having not received the money, he, aaked the coun ty judge to-eompel ite psymant.. Prom Ises were made by Riddell thae-the money' would be 'forthcoming' at once; but up to a late hour thle afternoon no attention haa been paid to the case by him. ' .. .i f . .( . 'v.. WORKMAN CRUSHED TO v ; DEATH BY HUGE ROCK ' (Special TMasatea ts Tee JearasL) ' Eugene, Or., Sept. 17. Thomss Tsy lor, residing -at Hale, a farming com munity 10 mllea weal of Eugene, wae accidentally anled yesterday afternoon. He waa In a rock pit when aome of the reckerusner crew, not knowing he wee there, rolled a hugs, rock down the kill t the foot of which was the pit. ' They rottced Tsylor and shouted to him but loaltte,Taylor ,wee a. .bachelor aged (l years. He lived with hie broth ere, Chris end'DIlwood Teylor. , . - SCemara (Jnorsal Special Swvlee. Kew Tork, Sept. J7 Komura left at 1:10 o'clock thle morning for Montreal, thence to Vancouver, to take ship 'fof Japan,,? A erewd cheered as he left. . k '. '-, :?:', '-'V k'f 1 1 i i ; evssaawamwawaw4tajmkSTawsejse Three Pass ' Examln&tloa for v ,: Jobs. Now Hel4 by; Hulme? v'.-; and Woodhouss. ' PRESENT 0FFICER3 1 ,r. REFUSE TO QUIT Their Salary WU1 Be Cut Off and . the Matter Probably Taken to the Courts'"ty Political Opponentav , ' Mayor Lena. ','". William Hey. Colburn Barrel! nd 3. H. Morrow have paaasd the civil ssrvles examinations for tha positions of plumb Ing Inspector and deputy plumbing in pecior. ah eligible Mat will be certi fied to Mayor - Lane, who will appoint . from the lief a plumbing Inepeetor -at a-- aalary of 1100 a month. Tb poaitlone . are now filled by Thomaa E. Hulme end Harry Woodhouee, who declare they will not give up their positions; . t . , . Their refussl to vacate the office will . mean the beginning tf litigation over the poaitlone, ae the mayor clatma the civil service commission la supported by the charter. In placing , tH positions . under civil service, while Hulme and -WoodhoUse. -supported by ths city coun- . cll will hold that the council has com-. piste jurisdiction over the offices, be ceuee they were created by- that body. The result will be. that the civil serr- lo commission will refuse to certify the names of Hulme and Woodhouss to 'thsT: auditor foe-payment of , their aalariseyX wnue tne two appointeee of the mayor will receive the pay for the poaitlone. Hulme and Woodhouss . will have to bring suit. In which case the matter may be tied up in ths courte for an in -deftnlte period.'.' " '.; . ' 7, Mayor Lane le of the opinion that the ' offlcee ;of ' plumbing Inspector, deputy j plumbing Inspector and building inapeo- tor ahould all be placed under a com mission, with the offlcee together, as ell " pertain to the conatruotlon of buildings. The examination for building' inspec tor will be held next week. Thomaa Mann. the. Incumbent and tha appointee of Mayor Lane, will not take the testa ' He eaya he finds the duties too arduous for htm on account of 'bis sge. ' ' . . DOMINJON EXHIBITION ''- C : OPENED BY EARL GRAY , "'tJesraal Speelal UrAei.' y' - Kew Waatmlnaite.. -n r . The great- Dominion exhibition wae openeo. nere toaay in the presence of thousands of visitors from 11 parts of the Dominion. .Earl Grey, governor general of Canada, and his staff arrived here yeeterday and will .attend tb formal opening of the fair thla after-." noon.'' Nearly 11.000 Indian from dif ferent -narts 'of the toirovlnM h.wa, ,., ' ' here to see ths governor-general and pay L aim tueir respects. f , Among the apeclal attractions will '' um m ui lacrosss tournament, a base ball .tournament and a big regatta "on tho. river, SUnabury, who recently de feated Towna for, the. single eeulllng championship of the world, and hla de fected opponent have been Invited for a race wnicn promiaes to attract many vlaltore from all parts of the country. It la nrobablv that ' av-hnita ..w oarsman from the United States, will siso taxs part in soma or the racing svsnta. The town le crowded with visitors end the capacity of the hotels le taxed to the utmost. a ,. .. WORKMEN ARE RAISING 4 SUNKEN BOAT JEROME ; " ' (Speelsl Dtapstch to The JonruL) ',' Well ills- (r timnt 7 Th. H. Dorta . received from the ,tum., t- rome which, waa wrecked et the west mnnth nf the Bnske river, on September 1, wae 4hat it wae expected that the veasel would be raised end In operation within 10 days. When reaay the steamer .will be operated be tween I'mftiJJla and Celllo. Tne boat lies In. about U feet of water and la loaded with 100 tone of wheat As she - wss secured by the Open River association to - transport wheat from ' up : river polnte to the portage railroad and waa making her , initial trip ahe -atruck a rock which opened a big hole la her bottom. ,, MANY CITIES IN RUINS- SEVERAL VESSELS LOST I'.VJ'-' ft V ;vi. I-jrnal SMelal avrrlee.) ' - . -S- Manila, Sept. 27 Reporta of tha re eulte of the etorm are alowly coming In. Four towna In Marequlna valley are reported In ruins. It Is fee red that there are a number of deaths. Hundreds are injured. ' It le certain that many of. the vessels suffered and several are be lieved To have been lost." Several llxht-" ere nd government launches wsr lost In Manila harbor. A schooner broke from her moorlng and threatened to ram th. Interned Ruaalan crulaerev 8he aank near' the bow of the Oleg. , The Malacanan palace gardens are ruined. . : Steamer Telegraph for Astoria. Round ' trip dally (except ' Friday). ' Leaves Alder street dock T:I0 a. m.- re turning lesvss Astoria 1 n. m. Arriving1 Portland S:I0 p. mi Sundaya leaves Port- land f a. nw , Arrives Portland t p. m. . STAGE-STRUCK GIRL - I ':. ' ; LEAVES HER HOME Pesrl -Laurence, egsd II years, ac-; cording to her1 mother. Mrs. N. E. Laur ence, of 401 Salmon street, la stage struck and raa away from .home yes terday evening. Her purpose is ssld to) be to leave her with a road troupe to night. ; Acting ' Detective Hellyer hae beerT delated to apprehend the glrL . a Round Trip Daily to Astoria. " Excursion steamer Telegraph . aiakea round tripe dally (except Friday).- De parta from Alder street dock 7:10 a, m. From Astoria t p. nv Arriving Portland 1:10 p. tn. ' Sundays - leaves Portleaa a. aa. Arrlvea Portland.! o m. ; , '.'". .. Asks for aa XaJnaoUoa. ; - -. (Joomsl Siwclsl awvtre.) - ' '' Columbus, O., Sept. 17. John S. JoneS today filed a petition for an Injunction restraining Gould,- Ramsey and. Guy. from- traaaf erring the Little .Kamawha, ' ' tew B4e Slde-Trtf Tlekwhs. ' Holdere of Lewie' end Clark ticket eold east of Pocatsllo or Butte and the wsstsra boundary of Artsona are entl- tied to flftsn-day one-fare tlckete to certain points on tha O. R. A N. P re ticulars by asking at Third and T ash- lngton strsets, rottlsxX T".'""