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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1905)
gave $1,000, or orioliolt the General" I2l2ctric Mght Co. being second with f500.00 ECQST FCP-TLAND DAY.! BOOST PORTLAND DAY ! w ru.i tv, i r:j4. i ; ; tt-W, v V ,,i,k"-r.rr J r.rrrr-' V lr,.7-r-'.7-H Fim Fioorwof. ; ahc i ooodwin'e Demonstrate ei i totvPortland Da Visitors r Open c::;Hl C: Fi:: c3 Uc-: C:rcc - ycrforT - . From 8 A. M. to 6JP. M. ? : ; - , ,,,;,w . ; - A , ; , . xxr . f phon parcel, check.d fr... ddnkinf founuiw, r..t room t 3 ---3 . tzic cc::::c7 czpzizt c-a c"3 ,Watcne3 Cleaned ana Wanrantcu , lavatories, writing deska and, raateriala, lunchroom, information TT . ' - r-w.w rrf07 rtMlrtriOrV .,, . ,' i g-y:l- 7C C bureau, ate, and a grand bargain aala thro' which vieitort may ClOCi Uww wiU?- w OLJIOmUO Cl O P ' r IOT UflC iCdT iOT JC - 'r aave alt ths expenses of their trip. Stors open aU day nut - V " MQ JuLJ.1Mn ,,,VT7 - New mainsprings. 75c AUother repairing of Jewelry and Clocks ti - S'turday,.,.. .TTT . . BARGAINS FOR ;RTLAND WEEK ' t ... , , ., 1 proportioiMteTy modest prices. Flrrt Floroeaj largo elevators. Svyeepin&IasticCuttiriE of Prices on New, Secconable,Stylish Merchandise Tbmorrowl Portland. Week visitors CE. homefolk share alike 1 "Portland Points' the Way OLDS, - WORTMAN D. . K1NG PAYS THE WAY- V v- "FRIENDSHIPS ARE BUILT ON UNDERSTANDING. WHILE ENMITIES ARE SIMPLY LACK, OF UNDERSTAND. INU. Hubbard.. Down In California tha tourist may see men ehoveUna: orsnres into an immense revolving sieve. -Down below are eight different bine, and certain else of range will gravitate without fail into a certain bin. - Thus it ia that each teacher, or dictator, catches a cer tain aise and shape of head. The world bestows its big prises, both in money and honors, for but one thing. And that ia INITIATIVE. What ia INITIATIVE? v " ITS DOING THE RIGHT THING AT THE RIGHT TIME WITHOUT BEINO TOLD. , -- ,V f V Next to doing a thing; without being told or shown is to do it after being once shown. It is a curious fact (or it isn't) that of aU the illusions that beset 'mankind none ia quite so curious as that we are mentally and morally superior to those who differ from us in opinion. Just now soma folks with an axe to grind are standing on certain street corners, prating aloud, that they may be heard of "men, of their "civic pride and patriotism"- in dosing their store on. a day when our city wilt be filled with strsngers who come to Port. , land expecting to be met at the very threshold with a welcome, who expect tocome. .and find the city's big stores and other public utili ties open wide with all attractions that go with them.. There ia a .principle involved. in this matter that we cannot be false to., We cannot, in justice to ourselves or our city, invite people here and then 30 Vay and leave them to their own resources. ' . This store cannot agree to become that unhospi table host Neither do we believe that as many people will coma to Portland on Portland day with stores closed as with stores open. FOR EVERY HUN DRED SALES-FOLK EMPLOYED IN THE CITY STORES A THOUSAND. VISITORS COULD BE ATTRACTED TO THE CITY WITH THE 8TORES OPEN and offerinc the same induce. . ments wa shall effete for people' to coma to Portland, enjoy the . exposition and the sights the big shops afford, and with the addU , tional incentive ot aucn a rare feast of oargairur aa Portland never ' knew before, allowing of the saving ia the harvest shopping of mora thaa enough to pay all the expenses toi the trip. More out-of-town 'folk have signified their Intention already Y coming to the city on & Portland day han would havo-come -altogether if -such stores aa tha , OLDS. WORTMAN ft KINO organisation had not signified their intention yes positively assured the great, public that they would BIT OPEN WIDE ALL DAY. ; r V The friendships we shall form by taking this INITIATIVE, will be permanent end valuable, the "enmities" if any beneficial. Be cause FRIENDSHIP IS -BUILT ON UNDERSTANDING, and intelligent folk will understand our motives to be for the best for Portlsnd's present and FUTURE. -Thia store ia one of those great "PUBLIC UTILITIES that, stay on top when the aleve ia ahook, the smaller fall below into the smaller groovea. .--i" The public ia assured thst the BEST STORES. OF PORTLAND WILL BE OPEN TO RECEIVE THE CITY8 GUESTS ON -. PORTLAND DAY, that shopping may be done even more satisfac- torily than at any other time on that account, if no other. As stated in another column. THIS STORE WILL BE OPEN FROM t A. M. TO 6 P. M. on Saturday next Portland day. So win hundreds of other important stores, the hotels, restaurants. theatres, etc., thst form a city's great public utilities. The streetcars will run on time andjl hslt to.jooveTJJhepwda.JtcandJrrirn tha fair and atosoe. Tha newapapera will issue. , Every privilege that a great atore has to offer will be for our guests on that day, matchless merchandise displays and style expositions, and an aggregation of bargaina each aa were never offered by any atore in aU the weat before, thus allow ing of tha saving of the day's expenses to all who do tha season's shopping in-connection with atheir exposition visit. .. ;! . BARGAINS IN THE "HOUSEKEEPERS', EXCHANGE ( r. AIIONO '.THE r;..;,v China and House Furnishings i . THIRD FLOOR. ' . If any article In about-the-house needfuls is wanted or if it is a stsndsrd article, not' needed right now, but soon will be it is. manifest good sense to buy when the store hss a ' tle -of - these goods. This September Sale abounds in - economies planned to brinsr - Savins: of Fourth. Third, even Half, of the regular prices of these goods. The makers of reliable sorts are the suppliers of this Housefurnishings and . --China-Stor Decorated American Porcelain Dinner Sets in fancy shapes, with . plain brown sprsy decoration.".: . ? V).";' 'ii'-.C ; 1(,. .v-.-:-'' 50-piece sets; S 4.80 value.. ...U..... .7,.'. S.39 60-piece sets; : I 6.40 value.....,.,...... ............ 4.48 , 100-piece sets ! 19.60 vslue... ..................... ...... 6.T3 112-piece sets; 12.00 vslue......, .4... ....... ...... ...... .9 .40 117-piece sets; $15.00 value.... .................. .......... flO.03 : Decorated China Plates 9-inch size, special at, the-dozen.,., i. U04 ' Old Blue Plates 9-inch size, special at, trie doren. .......... f 1.00 ' Beautiful New Auatrian China in rich decorations, consisting of staple and. fancy articles. - . , Haviland ft - Coa -Decorated - China in Jhrte -new - pn-tok ' patterni,....i.u::;;-', ' x yrfTNEWLINES TOFGUOGERSBRO S.ILVER WARETTT Quadruple Plate Ink Bottles , Dur $2.65 value, special at... ..................1.. .,... .fl.TS Our $2.35 value, special at. ............. ........ 4.. ......f 1.60 Quadruple Plate Sugar and Creamer Our $4.85 value; special " ' Nickel Crumb Pan and Scraper Our $1.25 rtluc; tptcitl at. . -the pair a -, eB8 Nfckel Pudding Disk With cover and IinirigToulr $1.40 value, Special at, the set..., .......... i.... Special Pricea on Heating Stovea Wood Heaters, specisl at f 3.00 Oak Heaters For 'wood or cosl,: special si, each. .. J......fj5.50 ' Suick Steal Heatera For coal or Wood, specisl at, eaah S1S.60 il Heater Our $3.50 value, special st.....................fa.T5 r itr thr StQve Section-new wood,-coal-and otl heatmg-srover-are vsrriving slmotit daily. Special bargains in Kitchen Furnishings. T No. 8 Wsstt Boilers With copper bottom; special at. each..... TIM Tin Pie Plates 9-inch size; specisl at, each..... .t.'..S Galvanised Paila 10-quart size; specisl at. etch VJ..........,,.16f Granite Iron Sauce Pans 2-quart size; special at, each.. ,1 ' .Black Satin Stove Polish Does not make a dust or burn; ! special st, the bottle.Vt.l.Vviiv.v-r.."..,,,,','.;;',",!- Scrub Brushes 10 1-2-inch size; Iptcial, each., 10f" C A High Bobit and Strong One: for "Portland Day " Hi WITH EVERV PUHCIIASE OF t3.C0 OR OVER. DURING THIS WEEK, BEFORE P. M. OF 8ATURDAY NEXT, MADE ANYWHERE IN THIS GREAT STORE, WE WILL GIVE THE PURCHASER, ABSOLUTELY FREE, A SOUVENIR TICKET JCQOD FOR ADMISSION TO ' -rr -17 t-THE EXPOSITION ON "PORTLAND DAY." ; ,f i One More oi tSSS Sensational Reductions on Fall Dress Goods ,? V "DRESS -GOODS STORE FIFTH STREET ANNEX FIRST FLOOR. ' ' - V:- ' POPULAR AUTUMN DRESS STUFFS AT THE LOWEST PRICES ON THE COAST t VERY EXTRAORDINARY PRICES NAMED THAT SHOULD CREATE AN, ENORMOUS DEMAND I ; - The Dress Goods Store deserves to be crowded to its utmost cspscity tomorrow, for Portland never saw such values st the opening of a season. In some esses the orices auoted arc lower than the fabrics would coit at JTtheintfrafwhoIesale under ordinary conditions. The sale ia for tomorrow only. And we would advise esrly selection, aa tne rosiest applea are always; picked first by the hungry and such values should crcste a "starring appetite. .....-:,.. .-..'..,."!:''-'. ..':-i-u ;-:.:-,-,.-,,.. uur wen Known ii.ts gra or Nov- Smart Feminine Attire for Refined Wearers -- : Correct and Authoritative' Styles la ra' the Ready-to-Don ' Suite, Gowna and Wrapt for Wear on Portland day. When Att Must Be at Their Beat. Matehlec3jVa ' Gorgeous creations from abroad and beautiful adaptations from American , workshops. Read a bit of the atory below. Let's pay s passing glance to the COATS FOR: THEATRE WEAR AND AUTOMOBILING. , The fin est line ever shown 'in all the west. No local house could hope to com - pete with such a monster showing of authoritative styles. Among this gath ering we tall especial attention to the. magnificent convention of FUR LINED COATS.' Rich broadcloths'. in black and colore, with padded and -quilted linings, for elderly women. Among the furs we note mink, squirrel, astrschan and Persian JambvAalow aa-f 3B.OO. Aa good as f lT.0O. I r THREE - QUARTER LENGTH COATS 1 JO TO $85.00. ; : - ESPECIALLY STR6NG LINES AT $120. $15.00. $1IJ0. ' ' f ' - - The Biggest; Valuea Ever Shown in the City by Any House. A GREAT VALUE IS A NEW fi-LENOTH COAT AT $7 JO. A handsome Coat cuf in very latest and smartest mode, made of stylish msn nish mixed tweedish ' materials, in the swell box effect; hss leg-o '-mutton sleeves, belted back, self collar and trimmed in strap and button effects. Most stores would consider these costs priced low at $10.00. It's r habit we have to undersell. Our price for thesecoata is......... .............f T.50 HANDSOME COATS AT $1150 MATCHLESS VALUES. 'r WeVa- arranged several lines to be offered at the above price, and allow 1 ' choice of all leading styles. - Empire' modes, Raglans or bof coats, alt in the . effects so much favored by swell dressers. Buttons and strappings from the trimming accessories. Outside pstch pockets are a featura on many,,, Some have velvet collars, others bare-collars of the materials. The styles ere very smart and, mannish. These are, the much advertised "$25.00 values" of some stores. Price here.... f!9.50 Vi-:--W V'-'?' ' A; GREAT VALUE IN ' FULL-LENGTH RAGLANS 'AT $25.00. v For those who prefer the full lengths-in Raglana we offer especially great value) at $25.00. .The choosing Is wide in this class. You may select a fancy mixture, covert, cheviot, homespun or tweedish mixed cloth. v Suit your, preference aa to color from reds, greens, grays and mixtures. All are smartly trimmed with strappings of the materials, fancy atitchings, fancy buckles and touches of velvet Greatest vslue ever offered in the ity for..3o.00 : .. ''Vivi WOMEN'S TAILORED SUITS FOR tllSO.:.',''-'" CVyV'V Though we sell more suits-at higher prices -than the above named, we offer for thia week the best vslue at "the price we have ever known shown by any house in America. It sgain illustrates our. absolute supremacy in the apparel market The nearest we are approached locally at this value is by a house that shows a suit not quite so good as ibese-we offer, BUT ATiA HIGHER PRICE. .They call it A $23.00 value, sold by them at $22.50.M Our price is $18.50. The suits: Navy, black or gray mixtures, cheviots and homespuns. Cut in Redingote styles, costs with leg-o'-mutton sleeves, notched collar. Shirts full plaited, 9 and 18-gored. Very smartly tailored. Best value you ever saw, with all the wearing sesson ahead.,.......,.;...,........ .........s)18.50 srsHCTVaw COLORED DRESS GOODS V i 1 ; SECTION. : - -.' i ,TomofTw w wilt offer at 8S na i Oatr 9XOOVaT-sua lmmensa ' sortaaant of ramnanta.- Evorr new I ; : tun and eolor, tn att lancths; suit-, " abls for waists, skirts, and eooros of i . suit lengths. ' Our buslnoaa has bean f ' so groat la this ' departmout sine . : , tha fall soaaon bogan that wS find ': ! r ourselves with tiundreda ef short lengths, so - Thursday they go at ' i w aa m onrr , elty Suiting. In every new weave i and eolor. There la no larger aa ortmeat to ohoose from or such .. values at the regular prloe la the city, but for Thursday we may. -yard ..... ..,....f 1.4 Also our regular ti ll grade of new' Novelty Suitings, ia two-toned Panamas, neat Worsted Suitings,' etc; ail colore and color eombtna- tlona to aeleet from. Special for Thursday only, the yard..... 09 BLACK DRESS GOODS, '.v Specially Priced fee Thursday I $1.50 Grades fcr Tomorrow Only $Llt They are Panamas. Serges.' Cheviots, trnflnished Worsted. Prunellaa, ' . Venetians, Poplin de Chenes. Crepe " de Paris, Mohair Crtaplne, Box- ' anas, Arraurcs; in fact, every new weave to be found. Theee are unequaled valuea at II. IS. our reg ' ular price. Special for Thursday, .the yard ......... ..gl19 . iA Stirring Sale of Smart SilkSilks That Satisfy wcSiASkr There's a sale -of Silks tomorrow, to last thro Thursday only, a grand sale as a feature of "Portland weejt tnst snouia tnrong tne owe More ana keep the shears flying like mad for the. day. Kead tne descriptions ana pncci !( iqiiows -Pertlend'o largeet and only down- 14-$t,Sg-Wvslty-Sllk-Plaidi . . new erreet and eolor. special only, : the yard ....89 1100 yarda of new Novelty , Suit . Bllha, In all wanted colore, fln- toaie' Silk Store offers : ThuraU ' day f l.SS Novelty SUk Plaids for, the yard .......... 37d ; In all color combinational . -hhes and effects. Theeo--aro the I same makes, patterns and colore that eome call their famous ' silks. Thursday they go In the Silk Store at. yard 5T ii A Wonderful a Celebration Sale " of Stylish ; Shoes WOMEN'S $2 JO AND $3.00 SHOES $1J7. ? Women's Fstent Kid Lsee and Blucher-cut Shoes, straight last snd opera toe, made by the leading shoe-, .makers, C H. Aborm fc Co-Lynn, Mass.; 8 new excluiivft.and up-to-date designs, also vici r kid in 3 styles, vsry stylish, vici kid laceayvatent tip ' njilitary heel; regular valuea $2.50 and $3.00. :m"mi . SpeciaCtha pair.....4V......rt..-)i. MISSES $2.00 AND $2.25 SHOES $L24. Misses' . Lace Shoes, in box calf and valour ealf, atout solcsv low, fist snd spring heels, tiro 11 1-2 to 2; - pro-liter valnri 200 and 12.25. r Soecial. the ---' 1 r- . fl.eV pair . r. f .. .... . IN "YE BOOTS SHOPPE" ON THE FAIR-WAY," SIXTH STREET ANNEX. FIRST FLOOR. ' SHOES ARE. A SERIOUS CONSIDERATION WHERK DO YOU GET YOURS? .No one wants to throw money away needlessly, even if it's only 50c or.$lr:You:can wast:ift0ney::6n, shoes - aa-quickly -as -on anything,, perhaps .iiwiw- vki ivn wu iwaa imv icemvx ia uiwn - a nuisi vi quite wiuuici vuivi r Apsrt from wasting money, are you tired? look to your shoes. Are , you a' " little less well-dressed then' a person of your means should be? look to your t shoes. This store buys in such enormous quantities and has such an intimate knowledge of what every manufacturer in the .United States can do and . is -doing, thst we can sell at prices impossible to the sversge shoe store. But the bedrock foundation on which our shoe business is built is QUALITY. The shoes in tomorrow's sale combine both quality and style.. The valuea are for two asys, mursasy ana rnoay. , .,..,.-... - ,:- :. .'. ., CHILDREN'S $1.50 AND $1.75 SHOES 89c AND 97c. Same Shoes, children's sizes, 81-2 to II; regular values $1.50 snd $175. Special, the pair.... ....... .......Tel . Sizea 5 to 8. special, the pair... ,......Oe) BOYS' SCHOOL SHOES. O Little Gent's Box Calf and Vici Kid Lace Shoes, sites 9 to-13 regular value $140. Special the pair--4l.ltt Youths' "Steel Shod" Veal Cslf Lsee Shoes, stout soles; - sold everywhere for $2.00. , Our special, the pair ..........f 1.4 Boys' sires of the same with quilted soles; regular , ' value $2.50. Special, the pair..... i. .......... fl.OS Bys' Box Calf Blucher Lace Shoes, solid and guaranteed in every wsy; new line msde to sell for $250l - -Oar pedal at the -pair:.-.-rr r.nrrTrrr.T.r.': -. -; f Don't iMiss Getting Your Vb in the MantialTraining School Contest But You Muat Get Them at Tim of Purchase Poaitively No Votea - - . WU TaetMMt ThmHfata Checks. , , A mother said to the writer the other day t "ManuatTfatniHriB;: one of the greatest blessings that ever csme. into our fsmily. .AIy : boys were continually asking of me, 'Mamma, what can we do to have some funr I guess every mother knows what a task it is to provide amusement for growing boys. Quite by accident we learned of the American Manual Training School, and bought each .of our boys a scholarship.)' Well, what a relief came ' with the first lesson ; and since then they here no difficulty in amusing themselves, lessen-? ing my esres much and' allowing more time for. household duties. The boys are attaining considerable skill in their work and with it a good, wholesome mental development. We owe Mr. Beardsley a ' debt of gratitude we can never pay for the great work he is doing for boys and for our boys in particular." , A MILLINERY Event to Interest Misses and Children - J: , ' "BljOU" SALONS ANNEX, SECOND FLOOR. ISNT XT SURPRISING TO BE ABLE TO OFFER SUCH , HANDSOME HATS FOR , . $2.49? etc, very for a . ' Cheap in price, but not in appearance.vThat'a -why this Special ia sure to be a tremea- - dous success. .We wanted aometbing un- ...... . i. : .v.. i j ..i ' those smart dressers, who want a hand some, stylish hat, yet cost but a 'trifle.- ' Here is positively, thai greatest little-price value ever known so early in the season. But we're going to be sure there's no resson why every miss in town shouldn't have' a new hat to wear on Portland dayt Smart and jaunty "Napoleons," . very , tastefully trimmed, suited for wear of . misses and children. The shapes are of r- . r t . , . t . ..:. " . a line uuaiiir ieii in navr. tzo.: orown. trisnming effecta ia ribbons, pom-poms, quills and velvets. A popular hat much in demand at this time. A plenty tomorrow 11 comers, a grand specisl value at, each... ....S2.49 - W Mll p: 'ZJrV THE WIND-UP OFMASVELOUS . ; - Values in Undenveaf arid Hosiery l il ? Li KNITWEAR SHOPS-FIRST FLOOR. ' , -Tomorrow the last dsy of these exceptional bargains In women s. misses', and children's Fait and Winter Undergarments and Hosiery. Timely injksed and worth while are these values. . . "UNDERWEAR." ' - Women's $2.00 Unions Suits $1.39. v Pure White Swiss-Ribbed Vega Silk Unioav Suits, mediunr weight, long-sleeve, ankle-length; regular value $2.00. Special, . the suit ; ;..flJC3 ' . i ; Women's 85c Vesta and Pants 84c " Vests and Panta in white and silver gray, 50 per cent wool, good -winter garments; regular value 85c Special at, each.,,....W4e ' ' f Women's $1.50 Union Suits $1.15. . Extra size "Merode" Cotton Union Suits, long sleeves, ankle-length, medium weight; regular value $1.50. Special at, the suit..? 1.15 ..a Misses 65e Union Suits S9c - : v, -'' Misses' Gray Cotton Union Suits, ages 12 to 16 years, medium t weight, slightly fleeced, regular value 65c Special at, the --uit ..................................................... SS ! Children's Vests and Pants 29c and 85c Children's "Merode" Winter-Weight Cotton Vesta and Pants, sizes' 2 to 4: regular value 40c. Splendid special, each ............ &e) , " Sizes 5 and 6; regular value 50c Splendid special, each.,...S3 : " HOSIERY. ' M Women's 25c Hoaa 18c ' . , Black-Maco Cotton Hoae finished foot,, spliced., heel, white, double soler regular value 25c Special, the pair.,, lw -'Women's 60c Hose 35c.V,; Fine Brilliant Lisle Hose, medium gaute weight, spliced beet, double sole; regular value 60c Special, the pair..,,..............&a Children's 20c Hoaa 121-2c' - - -:-: f "XhHdre Ii'rB tsclC Cotton-H ot7-dotible-it)b e d and knef.-eamlei - foot; regular value ZDc Special, the pair .............. ji MEISPSMBMIGAIWS I 'I'g-WtUJIT &- H A ETA .. fi M in ivi rcvM u BARGAIN SCINTILLATIONS FROM te UIRROR OF FACHIOn j . 'An aft Man 0 vtiv, . ;1 SIXTH STREET ANNEX FIRST riv . . .Tft.nnR. 1 MEN'S $IJ5 UNDERWEAR FOR t3c Men'a '. F.xtra . Fin Worsted Shtrta and M Drawers, in tan shade; a good gar . ment at $15. . Special sale price, : fun ............................ or the suit. ................. SOc FOR MEN'S 11.00 GOLF 8IIIHT2. r Three broken lines of Men's Coif Shirts, , msde of Msdrss cloth, in medium snd I XT lio-ht effecta and with white pique VA y fronts; our $1.00 value, Special ' J HUN 2WC SUA IWC naur . . . Men's Plain Black or Tan Seamless I . in medium weight and food wear. - 1 : oualitv: our 20c value. Special at, . pair S5o AND-50c NECKWEAR FOR 19c Men's Fancy Silk Four-in-Hand Ties, in neat, pretty tl'Att x , and SOc values. Special tale price, each....,...... ........ FOR YOUNGSTERS' SCHOOL V.T ' ; CHILDKirrS tIJO GOLF jACSSTJ J Children's Coif Jackets, msde of pure worsted, in r trimmings, sites 20, 22 and 24; our $150 Value, f --each .'. t . . . , , , i,..L.... :... ......;... . . . si-