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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1905)
z::z cz2'i , daily -jourTAU ' - rr KEJ liflLIDffi A I . a r i V. SacrerJ Annual Fasts and Cere- ! Arid I ZclpMakca Greater Portland Uay : 1 ; ; STORB CLOCIZD 5ATU.7DAY WE CELECRATE rOHTLANt) DAY I ' .W celebrate It" as we &t any olhcr holiday by closing aiep and giving our patriotic employes an oZTtvirZtj to mingle with and help SWELL the throngs that shall make Portland Day es . :re Vessels Under Charter to Utd Hare Than Ever Before .' - In' Port's History k i ' "J" "v yk -:-S .".! ZAT ' AND ' FLOUR. ; ; CHIEF-CARGO ' monies Will Be Observed f ! Beginning Friday. - " ajcCEXFJL : NEITHER MEAT NOR , R1NKLE0R.A-DAY 'greatest tlay of; the Exposition: v - OEGIOIOO I" l ' I N 4 Jk Dosca Tramps Art on th List and Twenty in AH Will Bs Here Soon Twclvt of th Number Are Vessels chartered. f teemshlps ' Imtun. , Den pt Crombl. Algoi; JLabuaa. ; Coulsdoa. " i , Croydon. -Aocbenblae. -Aglncourt . .... Volga. -i 8quar-Rif gers . Asle. ; ; . Briseau. (:. . i Kuropa. '. Fennla. : : Ihjnboyne. -, T. " knight Errant.:. Ygnduara, eano. Invergarry. Kelvinbank. " Touralne. ' With tha chartering of the British gteamahlp Deo of Crombl yesterday to load grain and floor at Portland tor Japan IS tramp ntV under contract to secur cargoes her (or tha Tar aaat, and nly ona or them will tk out lumbar. Thl on I tba British steamship Volga, which will b loadad by tha Pacific Ex port Lumbar company for Taka Bar. CMmw , - ; , i Tba float la tha largest that haa vr been under charter at tba earn tlmo to transport freight from tbia port. . All of them wilt be fllted uut with wiuw In October and November. Two of them. tha Kelvinbank and the Imaum, have ' reached port, and a couple of other, the '. Knight Errant and Ocaano, are at As toria. .---.v-3r. ' - The twelv represent a net registered tonnage of U.tot. but their actual car rying capacity will approximate- M.000 ton. " From now on It i expected that 'one of the tramp will be putting in as appearance at the month of tha river . .every few day a : It la known that daala are on for other eteamer to load for th orient and tb Indication are that there Will be lively timea In tha harbor for th next two or three month. In addition to theae vessel tha. usual number of regular liners will arrive and depart: so the ex port bnsinea this fall will exceed- that of any other similar period In the his tory of shipping from the Willamette river. i ..'.. -. i -? - - Business 'with Europe 1 not ao briak " a It baa been during some of th pre vious seasons, but there la earn to be every Indication that It will soon pick rp. The aalllng vessels that are under narter to transport grain to tha United Kingdom are capable of handling about tona of wheat These vessels, . together with the tramp, eteamer. will take out of Portland In the nelghbor fcood of 3.100.000 bushel of wheat, in cluding the flour shipments. 1 A"QTHR 3T0RM DUlif juttpptaff ; Wsjnii That Sal y at i ; - - Bxpeeted Along- Com Tonight, . ' - Storm warning were again ordered displayed thla morning all . along the coast in thl district. It la not yet known Just what strength th gal la likely to develop. -. f . Th .United States engineers an nounced thla morning that the Tf-mlle wind off th mouth of th Columbia f Monday night did not damage 'the Jetty In the least. The blow had aubalded to such an extent yesterday that. tha work : ' of extending th Jetty : was resumed. . Operation are tn progr today, but It la feared that the fore of men will - have to be laid off again thl - after -noon.- . f".r. ,. ; v.-'-;' . c In lee than a day after th recent torm. eteamer were croeslng in and out over the bar with the bum ease nd regularity s eth mi gnffl . f V J d occurrea. Liunng previous torm of th magnitude of that of day befor yeeterday waa ufflclent to delay hipping at the mouth of the river al most a . week. After th . wind would would subside th bar continued rough and ships had to remain either on th nutatde or insld for several days at least, waiting for th waters' over the Shoal bar to become calm. That they Were not. delayed -tb -other day but a few hours is taken for granted by the Shippers that th extension of th Jetty baa been the means of deepening th channel sufficiently that a gal doe not hav th effect on it that was for- Some pull back and some pull ahead. Regardless of the 'pull all must go to . school : The right clothing makes it easier.. There are po critics, so unrelenting as the young-lL. Our suits are built to satisfy young and old. .' t . SctCGlfcilSalc" C2.S5 for the $3.50 suits." -C3.85 for the $5,00 suits. Corduroy Knee Pants.,,. 39 Ironclad : Hose. . . . . . .10 Good School Caps....... 25 Fine Wool Sweaters..... G5e Kast, Iron Shoes...:.. 91.45 L:::iCLOTHinjQ 0'J3Sizfm-Prc : C ."itete t Ken and Boys. ; . ' : -o i&s Ticia stxxxt rV yerr4ee. i. If is Lulu Harlow of Star, Oregon, gt the Portland Fair w the Ouett V of the Cotttge Grore. Leader, Hav. faff Won a Popularity Conteet. V merW the case. 'With deep watef it held that ajrdloarjhlaw wllljjay ma m I alutaMr. .I.'.' v -m . . - . . . nil . - CUSTOM HOUSE CLOSES . .-.v...... ' yortlaad Bar Oovarnmrat Werkern Win 1. B Olvea Vaoatlom. . - rtn Haturdav Portland day .' at the fair - the United State custom nous will be closed and th official and em ployes to tha number of 100 will enjoy a holldav. j- Thla nw wa- received from the . treasury department this morning by I Paiterson. collector of custom and cuatodlaa of tn ouuaing. It 1 explained, however, thit If th cap Uln of any of the ahipe are delrou bfcrearlnghlMtdsirrthrwl be accommodated. In a matter, or thla sort a tleputy collector can aupply the vessels with clearance .paper without going about th building, so th place will be closed for th day. Tb longahoremen ar also preparing for a holiday and the indlcatlona are that no freicht will be either discharged or nlaced on board a vessel in tn Har bor on Saturday. A- number of coaster and several tramp steamers are In port. but tba of fleera aay they will not be in convenienced to any great extent if no work should be don on their craft for one day. In fact, th majority or them would rather hav it that way, a they ar also dealfoua of taking In tha fair. OCEANO COMES TO DOCK. WJU Sate Pontoon Tomorrow and Sa teat of Damage Ascertained., AS. o'clock tht morning th British steamship left up from Astoria and will reach St. Johna in time either to he placed on the drydock thla evening or early ., tomorrow. " Th .. government dredge W, & Ladd I also en rout up tba river to be drydocked. Sh ha th -right of way on tb dock, but It to aid th government 1 willing to wait until th Oceano haa been given treat ment, a th exporter to whom b 1. under charter ar anxious to give her aulck dispatch. ' Those who hav been on the big tramp since ah waa aground at the mouth of th rive are of the opinion that she was not 'damaged by her experience, but - the - underwriter hold that aher will have to be given a thorough- Inspection to determine thl matter. If ah 1 not damaged she will not remain on th dock more than a dr. LEAVES PORT. Crateer SaUg for Trtooo Thi lprirfttg -Wttav rtog nylng.- 'With her flags flying and dressed as though In holiday attire, the German cruiser Falke left down the river this morning bound for San Francisco, where aha will remain a few day before pro ceeding farther aouth. . Very few. if any, of th bluejacketa deserted. - Th Falke waa in th harbor a trifle more than a week, and It la eetlmated that aha waa boarded, by 10.000 visitor. Sh will probably cross out to a lata thla after ALONG THE WATERFRONT. ' Thl morning th German ahlp Adolf moved from th Mersey to .tb and dock, where a ahlpment of steel beam will be discharged. The work, of fitting out the American ship Berlin with a wheat cargo for San FranctseoWaa " started yesterday at Montgomery" dock No. i. Sb may be towed down th coast, as tha purchaser of the cargo is desirous of receiving It with as little delay as possible. - . . United States Inspectors Edward and Fuller Inspected th ateamer Charles R. Spencer thl morning and It was almost noon befor the vessel went out on her trip u i n vaiiea. - Teeterday evening the Britlah bark Thistle moved out into the stream and left for the aea this afternoon. - Laden with lumber, th 'American bark Star of Bengal left down thi morning bound for Ban Pedro. 1 Thla morning the steamer Grace Dol lar began taking on a cargo of lumber at Llnnton. .--,,. '...- . , Three hours ahead "of her regular achedule, the steamer St. Paul arrived yesterday afternoon from' San Fran- dlae and a full list of passengers. . , Th steamer Acme has cleared for San Francisco with 471,000 feet of lumber..,- .. .-'. .... At noon the steamship Arabia left down th river bound for Hongkong and way porta ..... - :' :'" MARINE , NOTES. ' Astoria, ,Spt -J7. Arrived down ntJ 7:10 a. m., ateamer -Acme. Left up ktl a. m cintisn steamer oceano. ' Astoria, Sept J. Balled at 1:10 p. to, ateamer-Aauneionr Francisco. Ban-Francisco 8ept5-Arrlved at I p. nw steamer Caarina. from Portland. Astoria, Sept ' 17. -Condition of. the bar it I a. m.,.very rough;. wind south east; weather rainy: ' i. it BenJ. Andrew red lets that Ellhu Root wUl succeed Roosevelt- This la th same Andrews who predicted that Brysn wouldjiucceed CHevHand ft pays to do busiftew gener ously. The preKif: ScWllkxgi Best Full-rnorth aaA rsirv -; e---r and trie prices only enough to pay for, the rjuahty; " ' eMoneybacke . . . ; . i .', Time of Penitence and Prayer Will Be Strictly ' Kept by Liberal and Orthodox Congregation! of Port' land. " V ? ' v?r 7 Th meet ; Important of th Jwiah holiday ar coming and the Hebrews are making ready to . ceiebrat tnem. Friday avenlnc or thla ween maraa th beginning of their new year, th first day of tb s.f th year or tne Jewish era, Th New Tear day la known by the Jew aa Roth Heshonoh, tnougn m the Bible it is called also Yom Haa Ikorom, tha day of remembrance, when thr Jewrar - called upon to- remember their aln of the past year and to ask pardon. It I also known aa th Jay of th trumpet, or Yom Truoh. , still an other nam for it 1 Tom Hadin, or th day of trial. It Is believed that on this day th world cam' Into existence and that ' on thla day God causes all , hi creaturea to stand before him In Judg ment. k . .- 1 ' By th reformed church of th Jew the New Tear day la observed Friday evening and Saturday morning. Th or thodox- nhurcb, however, obeervee two day, considering them a one long day. Thl custom cam from th slowness with which th decree v for holidays were transmitted to th outlying people tn Bible time, ao that by many th-day after tb decree wa observed also. - kfany Xoly say,. ; Tha new. year la only, th beginning of a aeaaon of holy day, known as th tea day of penitence, or Asereth T'mel Tshuvob. The first two daya ar known th "Solmn- daya," or Tomln Nor- oyln. Th Sabbath Intervening during thla season la Shabbath Shuvoh or Sab bath of penitence.. The day of atone ment,' beginning on th evening of Bun- day th eighth and lasting from sun down T to sundown closes thi period. Tom Klppur, aa It la known, I th moat solemn day of tha whole Jewish year and la observed with solemn fasting and prayer. ; . . . , t On this day only. In th time of the holy temple of Jerusalem, could the high priest enter th holy of holloa and it waa the day of fasting and repent ance, when th whole nation prayed. Tha temple wa then attended by th prieet engaged In their, sacrificial du ties, and th Xevttes singing praise to th Almighty,. This day Is also on for peacemaking between men. v Tha Jews faat strictly for 21 hours neither eat ing nor drinking. - A number of tb old Hebrew customs ar observed during thl period of holy daya On th new year the ram's horn is sounded In commemoration of the way that Israel was called In convoca tion and of th time that th law was given to th Jew. Thl season la the only tun that tha Jews kneel In prayer and at this time the orthodox church ooeervea very xlosely tha old formal. Hies Of the burning of candles to com pel the law of Ood with light to enter th soul of man. .'. ; ". v.. storvieaa at Beta tsraeX - -. At Temple Beth Israel, the reforme church, tha special services begin Fri day evening of this week at 7:30, when vr. oiepnen a. wise will give an ad dress on The Light of Truth." - Sat urday morning at :! he will speak on - un ai- Jewin - History- in tb Making." D. Soils Cohen will assist in tha reading of the aervlce during th holy day aeaaon;-A special musical aerv- we- aeeompaniea-tn Tlte. At Congregation Abavai Bholom resenung ne orthodos t mnt t. Dr VT. Winner will open th services Friday evening at T o'clock with an ad dreaa on "A Familiar Text." R.nH.. morning hi subject will be "The Per manence Amonast tha Vani.hin .- Bundav mnrt.inT Tk. ct--rir" (ram'a horn. WOMEN'S DAY AT OAKS r. GIVEN NEXT MONDAY An InUreeUng program I being pre pared for th Ladl' Oala day. which has been fixed for October X at th Oaks. That is th day that all women attend ing will be admitted free to the ground at any tlm from nine o'clock In the morning. until tb closing of th park at midnight Th O. W. P. company ha arranged for a number of original feat- urea ana surprises ror th women, and beautiful prise will b distributed In the pavilllon for the handsomest woman. novei manner or distributing th mimnu aum oeen inougnt out by th man- agemeni, wno wui issus .coupon ' to "7 person wno enter tn pavilion, and th flrat tea numbers taken from the bog will be the one who ar to act a th judge -for th decision and award of th prises. , . ,. . ,. .... ,.. . , . AU th concessionaires will distribute souvenirs to every woman who enter th park, and th Japan colony will present beautiful lantern to all who tini int Japanese tea garden snq Othsf Japan plaee. - .- . ,- v- - CONCERTS AT FAIR; . ; v DURING THURSDAY Ellery' band will play th following program at th fair tomorrow: - Afternoon March, "Expo" (Forullo): overture, "lone" (Petrella); Japaneae in- termeaso. "Popple" (Moret); "vision," Morceau characterlatle (Van Blon); lectlon, "Prlnc of Pllsen" (Luders), solo by Slgnor Palma: march, "Para graph A FemHo rnviutloh to th uance- (Von weoer); Intermcsao, "Whlsparlng Flowers" (Von Blon) ; "Alda Act I," Seen 1 (Verdi), in an Egyptlkn temple, priestess' song, aacred dance leeaing of th sword, solo by Slgnorl' Palma, Loroonte and Rla Evening March, "Ellery Band" (Fe rullo) ; overture, . ."Orphee aux Enfers" (Offenbech); trombone solo, "An swer," by request (Robyn); sig ner - Lomonte; Hungarian Denoe" (Brahma); "kfanon Laacaut," grand se tectlon (Puccini), aolo by Slgnorl Palma, lomonte and Dclmo; 'Tllgrlma' Chorus." from 1 Xombardl" (Verdi): a Boheme." grand duet from . Act 1 (Puccini), Slgnorl Palma and Lomonte; "Pomponctt" (Durand); celebrated "Or gan Offertory" (Batiste). ... HEARING OF BRETT . SUIT CONCLUDED fudge George today finished th heer- Ing of th ult brought by Oeorg n. I Brett, formerly of Spokane,. Washing- ton, asalnt( Bobrt. Z., and , Jobs yr.l Thm-s This genuine Oak Umbrella :.f like cut, will be -It baa solid brass 'drip basin. Is verV neat in appearance. what you need in jrour hall this weather- ' Regular S 1 .00 r Special 65c Why pay a fancy price for a Sewing Machine when you can get as good an article for half the money? How can we do it? That's easy. We do not have the great expense of agents commission -to add to the original cost of the machine. 'The picture is an exact reproduc tion of ouj: $35.00 Bartlett Machine. We will deliver; it to your home on payment of $3.00 down and. an agreement to pay (3.00 every month till paid for. It has all modern attachments. We have other machines for' $20.00 on same terms.'; r " '. "'j:,' ' Between I lT F the Rivers - XL'JL j-i. to -""'l --ajoewJI; eei e mmm s m ' 9i m. !.--SD t' 'm jg I e .- s m M g m4L jg I, n $f -jr. . l .W .8S .j lr m $ j 11 i J t 1M j -m i aw Ia w Wjl a- M m J0 I m Mas j - m m I vtaw I g jy . V I r .sjrUsg M ' wJJmS ji , -m- I .yrfjg jt sJYf m l-F" ja 'Fm fSS J j h m m--jf- g jm m mmm is yJg s-. w m m- m !. sj - es m j '; ' s i m-m e U J0 ''' e dat W jF let M ' er .IWjMtM J0 -T-Wjk r Jffisj .sw p " fiaf jm 7T r Hsi m i tm ss m. 0 ;;ss jst. 0 m w m .: .jst. ' w-sr " - m ess r I J r; "ir; -ill A good hlb. Bishtlyl lot for a home for ONLY 020choice location, dry water, (jaded street, risht on carlinej 5c fire, 20 miactca from center of drjr on payxssnts of only Ol PER WEEK yVr-. 346.0TARIC OTa Warnlck and th grand lodg of th Ancient Order of United Workmen of Oregon.: Brett -allege that, h ehould b paid IJ.oo life lnstiranoe held by th lata J. T. Warnlck. who died at Brett horn In Spokane on April It. not. Mrs. J. T. Warnlek, U wn gam illillllll day-is unrL SOirtches high, 10 inches square on sale Thursday all day for ; ; , ; 173-175 First Street e -w" m p w Tsr - m - -ss ss -, ess ss -w i. --- -s m . r m ' . Is '.; ' ' L 'g M r m 1' P : m .sW Mr;!ar m m M m i j . m m m f mm smm .- mm m jm mmm m I in n th policy had at Srst been taken out. died 'May 10, lilt,, and th insurance waa then mad payabl to Robert 2. and John W. Warnlck. brothers of th d 0 eased Warnlck. Brett allege that th rollcy had been mad . payable to th rothrs providing t&it ,tny,g1vs th Just 219-227 Yamhill ao av- m m m S . m g. j mm m ! j- F rs jsr : , im SaT -Jt sg mmTja" m mm m m .. ar j mm mm m w mm S 'm jo 0mm mmj9 0 mm m jm mm mm-m- I A l 1 .1 1 II 1 1 0 :9m mm 00 m ,. s m 09 0 mm m-M ' ? mm mm. 30 afaaBaaBaaSBBBs aanklVaaaBajBBi sangsajsBjsgflisjsaM -anSMMshaassanBaWi - .i jr 0, 0tm mm jm mm JS M r F 0. mmXm 00- mmA Xpm m 1 0 sasT YWSI JsT , 0 sYftatf J 0, .mm mm r. mm mm jm - 0 , mm mujm 0 n m s0 , 0 ;,. isj m 00 0 jt, mm aw m mm 0j . j mm mm jg Tfiui.r Wsrkman brethar a horn and pay his duea Thl,-etate Brtt, was don for only short tlm, when they cam un abl to make th payments or to pro vide for their brother. Brett says that h then took tha old man. provided him a jpod bom and kept up tt insurano Boost I Booetl Be k Portland - Booster I "Don't croakt croak t like a -,: j voiceless rboattr - Boost with a rush, boost with . a tim . ' Boost 1 aloi lone I Boost with- - himt Well, all booat' tof ether, . And help point the way -," " For. s gteater Portland TJayr Street - r ' f T - t -' ' I , 0 j . 1 - If. , (',... .; it " , . : Cm J - -: Orow s ' ;- 0 mm m j v--'--jav " 1 l..e ajsga - . I , s jbtH - ' . 'x. mm mmji F' ;- - ' :i s mm s i - mm-jm-j er mm mm j i - er i- ' JH 4 SejfV Wt J0 r : its mm Jm m mm its jm 0 mm mg am mmmr mat ' at .p:-.;rL; v-. - . ' mmmi - . 1 v.;.. ;-. - isnte: ' :i H r-g-' . -'.r-,' ' wmmm ar mm mm 00 0 mm w.gj 0 - mm mm 00- mmjr 4 iaf Vr4itl ar r 000 iu m I enat mm j$ tn 0m m 00 mm st 1 h payments, h having been promised th amount of th policy In case of death. But th policy I mad out In favor of th two brothers, who claim th 12.004, .' and tb insurance company I holding ' th amount awaiting" th- autcom ( V am suic ,v ,- ,T