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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1905)
; i y 'f - - t ' ..-::l..-iu lit "flrz-T " "i V tr-i Mf .- ' rv ' " .'" -' ' . ' t r.........i.Mr trwls" I On ad. -"CO... , .' t ...,, 1 trt... and .... .ft r "Oa til Quiet' .Mimical BurWaoue ..."Dr. end Mr. fc-yov "Th. CanTiet'e Paiuater' Vauaarllle VaMM'Ul EVEIErS DAPEH KOHIoIIG DAPZD Om hundred and foortwa f taa largest d.prtm.nt : atom tbronirboot -tba United States were aaked which )iper u tb. moat profitable for aerer. , tLlne be moraine or toe ereulnji; 10a preferred tb .rainf paper. 10 pre tarred tba nornlng. . Tba Journal will pabltah letter each . availing from one of tea 10s. - - "Consider evening papers bet-' ' ter , mediums. More people ' have time to read item to tfV -. tW--M.' Br- LOOMISr U Adv.'MrJThe Howe & Stet son Co., New Haven, Conn. In Portland and In Ormgonj Marls gwrybody radt Th Journal. Officer' and engineers' from the Brit- aahloa Kelvlnbank and Imaum . will give a concert tonight at tne tsea man' a Institute.- Tha following . pro - frram ha beam- pra par ad tor tha occa- sloni. Selection cwaltS) or nano iron , Imaum; song, "Three FlBhers," J. Col- Una: banlo solo.. W. Wheaton: aong, - ' "r A walttn : Joele," -: W.-.- Carnduf f : mandolin , olo. J. - McKensle;- song, KJIaloa." a.' Wlgdahl; mandolin aolo, H. OIH: popular, air, band, of BrHlab steamship .Imaum: German aong. M. Bphm; song, "Kachel." D. Campbell. -- :. .-.'. , :- . f ' ... ' -. At a meeting of tha stockholders of the ' Oregon Auto-Despatoh company ' held yesterday, tt was decided to aend . one of, the firm's auto-coaches to Loa 'Angeles' a aoon as the -exposition, waa '. 7 over. If business warrants, the threa '-, ' auto-coache now operated by the com' pany here will be sent to the southern California ' city. The' names of the roaches will . be changed .from "Wll ":"laroette.6IUana,haultnotnah t to names applying to Loa 'Angeles. ; "Theactf lb Bridie-company be awarded tha contract, for the Irrlngton - district aewer for rl.78.4. The T atwr committee of the , executive board recommended that tha bid, wnlch ia the lowest of five, be'- accepted. "Work on . the conduit wilt 'begin aa . , oon aa the- reoommendationa are adopted by the executive board and the contract le ' drawn and signed. : The - -contractor will be given nine month t in whiot te finlab the drain. - . t '- Cheap ' lUtes -Csmeeled.'-' CTommeaetng . October-1 tha excursion rate of S8 for 4tke- round trip from Portland -to Astoria ;nd Seaside and return via the A. C . -R. ft, 'will be withdrawn and "the regular winter ratea go Into effect. Only three "days left 'to see the ocean at ' reduced - rate. Train leaves Union depot-at I- a. m. dally. , tr. Edgar-- Pr- Hlir-wl -ondnct-tha aervlce over the' body of the late Colonel K; C. Judaon at 4 o'clock today at the Flrar Presbyterian church. The general V"; frlgBf office of 'the O.'KT" Nrwlll , be 'cloeed thla afternoon out of respect to the memory of the deceased. The : body will be burled at farnilngton, Min--i-'. peaota. 4 - ;, . , : A' reception waa given the members ef the Sacramento Valley Development association last night by tba Portland Cuiiiuieiclal iLluli un tin elglUli flirui ul the Chamber of Commerce building. Dancing and music were the pasttmea of tha evening. Drlscoll's orchestra .waa In attendance. ' ' Married, deserted and divorced within three months may be tha atory of Ruby " R. Rlttenour. She baa tiled ault for divorce' agalnat Fred H. Rlttenour, a farmer. They were married In this city . . June 4. - ItOt; aha waa xieaerted In the x. aama place July 1 7, and on September a aha filed ber ault . . f.,, -.- 1 n ':,'? k a Mlaa Laura Clay of -Kentucky and Mias Gregg of Oklahoma addressed a . . woman's- suffrage rally held last-night In room 400 of the Allsky building. Mis Clay sooke on the subject of "The 4 Labor of Women," while Miss .Gregg titnln wa. f-hllH lhn." ... M..'and Mr. Ed Barker and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Barker, two prominent atock t men of. Iowa, have, been .touring the ' northwest. While In Portland, they were th guests of A. Countryman of - Mi -'" Height avenue. . ,. - .'-..Vt'v V '" Frank Brown, 'manager of Ladd's Oak s , Hill farm, yeeterday aold the flrat priae a-year-oIdbulL-3apton Brnailhook and rthe grand champion cow Lady Dorothy . to S, U. Glide of Sacramento, California. Mrs. ! B '- Schaller .' of San ' KYahclsop, formerly of Portland, arrived thla week - to visit tha exposition. - She will be at heme to -ber friend at 147 Eleventh treet. r- V ;- .Jt,, - W. R. McGarry-a counsel for Mayor , King of St ' Johns haa filed- a motion ' in the circuit court to. make the com plaint in -the case against Councilman XOTtraaorsr1SuppIics OBITS 1 P . 'TABS'" Irarrrmir narATnro obasv - -aatal AMD siToxaaa Will handle your dirt for aeata per yard. AVmOaVA ABTO 1VITW . PVatT . WAaoaTS Most modern made; models- of v almplicltyi no complications to ' bother; one chain and one arbor; door a In center lap, preventing leakage of load; a pedal devices, obtained by years of experience and covered by patents. Investi gate. . ?-r-Tl-T ThtnHwUu,.- T' ral' OBj, TlljL ' aai MM9 tAamaCAZluaa . Weetara nr - Oar. Book Ornshars, Hoed U radars aad Ooa trac tors' SappUea our RpeolalUea. C3ALL Ca CO. til Kawtkorn Ave IrortUaa, io. The, then, who Are weeettful , are the men who succeed in, putting money to work for them at a profitable rate; Thousands of men and women are talcing advantage of the opportunity offered by this bank to deposit sav 1 l 1 j y . . ... lugs or- ruic iunu at . CENT -: INTEREST ' Many of Portland's most successful men. are identified with this bank as officers and director. . v Oregon Savings Bank 321 Morrison Street, t -OFFICERS. T Moor. President, ,E.. E. Lytle, Vice-President- ' . - W. Cooner Morris. Cashier. V S.- Logan Hays, Ass't Cashier. .'DIRECTORS. W. K.- Moore, ' S. E.- Lytl. . iveo rriene, w. h. copeiana, W. Cooper Morrla. . . . Edwards mora definite and ' certain. Thla ease la; ona In which it Is sought to oust Mr, Edwards from the-St. Johns council. '-. 3 Tour credit is good. We bar ad'dd tav our baelneea an Installment depart- ment ' Tou can buy watches, diamonds. jewelry on weekly payments. Hetsger a Co., jewelers, opticians, ill Sixth st . Ton save a walk of a roll In visiting tha stock abow by aiding on tha Favor. lta . Boatlrrg company'a launches from the upper (rlfht-hand) side of Morrison aireei onuge.' in. wain .v Dr. H. A. Stuoavant, formerly of Tha Dalles, ts now wrth Wise Broa. at .room J11-11. The railing. Third and Washing ton atreeta. Phone Main I02t. ' Professor Rlngler physical , culture school and dancing academy, SOt Alder street - Class and private instruction. rat people, reduced. , ; - ' .. . ... Frank It. Judson and Mrs. Judaon are here from Omaha to attend the funeral of the lata Colonel R. CL Judaon,' father of Mr. judson. . . , Any watches cleaned. 11.00: main- sprlng,' tl.00; all work guaranteed one year. Metsger Co 111 Sixth atreet Antique ' mahogany furniture. . old brass, bronce. and pewter; rare old colo nial antiques; to sell. . 411 Washington. a.e 1 1 . - .j--..- Slgna of all ' vsrletles. . Foater aV Klelaer. Fifth and Everett Try a meal without meat at tha Vg tanaa aaia, is eutn atreec. ATplne employment ' office. . Phon Main HIT. -'-, Dr.' E. C Brown,' Eye-Ear. . Marauam. Frit' lamale are the best - AUTO-WOODSAWISTHE' LATEST STREET SIGHT Portland baa an auto-wood aaw. neat, compact ..machine, which wood-end aaya llttla or-nothing while doing ao. and then quietly -movea along tha atreeta to- tha next setting. It hove to on Morrison this morning, tha man aging director noting aa chauffeur'.' and waa greeted with shouta .by thoa who thought it an 1 . imitation ' automobile, rather; than a modern, appliance - of power to a city naoaaslty.- The sawyer steered it neatly aa any tonneau could have been . managed, and while it did not get up the speed of some of the red devils. It - put the good old stand-by A very Sim pie arrangement sufficed to connect the main shaft on which the drive wheel for the eaw rests with the rear axla Sprockets were placed and a removable chain attached. When tha manager desire to travel, he place hla sprocket chain, and when aawlng wood he removes it The gasoline engine need for aawlng and traction nureosea suffices' to draw the machine anywhere inai wood mar be Hauled in tha cltr. uasoiine lor traction wui coat but a trifle of what feed coata for a count a of horses, while there la far leee trouble ror keep and., car, . AGRICULTURAL DAY , ! ';- PROGRAM AT FAIR The. eommltte which haa' In nhara-a ino arrangements ror Aarlcultural day at the exposition tomorrow announcea the following program, to take nlace at the Agricultural building at i o'clock: t music. Administration band; baritone soio, seiecten, Mr. k. s, Thomas; so prano solo (a) "If I But Knew" (Jessie Gayhor), (b) "May Morning" (Dense), mis uetnen -Virginia Crayne; music. Administration band: Diana solo. se- flected,' Professor A. XT Remllnger: so prano aolo, "My Mercedes- (Wells). Miss Myrtle Park; -music. Administra tion band; plana dust selected. Mrs. Kathleen Randle and Ityae Oxford; tenor wia, seiecieo, rroiessor 4. W. Belcher; music. Administration . bandt soprano solo, eelacted. Mis Bessie D Lacy; music, Aaminiatration. band. , - ., . - VIRTUOSO : BAUER HS v ; COMING TO PORTLAND t ' tmr" eaBBaBaaaaaBBBaawaawaan t , L - : Commenting Tipon'Burs New Tork reciui a year agowama Hunaker of the New York Sun, "aidrrhar a violin timbre In hi touch; hla-ten fltt fera alng in velocity passages, chant In cantilena, and, " to top- all, .there is strong mentality. Hla aucceaa 1 une- qutvoeal." - '. , . . y,.r.- - Critics generally agree that aa a mas ter of pianoforte tone Bauer can rank with Paderewakl, and De Pachmann at their beat "One in ten thousand," waa the view Uken by W. F. f Apthrop in the Boeton Transcript, and other east ern musical writers have been equally enthusiastic Harold Bauer will plsy In Portland Wednesday evening, October 11, direc tion Lola Steers-Wyna Coman.. ' .- " jt ' ; Milwauki Courrtry-C1ubr- Eastern and Seattle raoaa. Take 8eH. wood and Oregon City cars at First and Alder. , v , .... . . ,. , .'. When in Seem : 2i:lC Oo to the Rathskeller, a hlah-claaa plao to eat Sea foods- aaatara aaeata. V... . VsJe Murderer in ' County: Jail Prafera Fatal Uoot to . Ufa Sentence. . HAS APPEAL MONEY . - 'T1 BUT MAKES NO MOVE 'J. rrrrr' Says Ha ' ,Was Dastd From Son's . Blow When He Killed HU .Wife and Did Not Know What He Was Doing. 1 'J;-.: '. - " Stlsntly counting tha hours until he a hail be ' hanged for the murder of hi wife. Megorden, at one time a prow perous cltlsen of Vale,' Oregon.' apent yesterday ;tn the county Jail in this city. He was on hla way to Salem, where he has been sentenced to hang November 14. two dava After hla Sth blrthdav. I Megorden apent moat of tha day yea- terd a y 1 n- read tn g an d a 1 eepln g. " - Ho tmnas a great deal upon nis past. -Ha stated yesterday that be haa furnished his lawyers with cpough money to ap peal the case, but that Jie did not know whether he would have thla action taken or not. j - '.'. "i wonid rather bang than receive a life' sentence," said the prisoner yester day; "rather die than e locked up In a cold, .dark cell for the rest of my lit?. What's the nee of . living when every one' In the world is against you T' Be fore . I committed Ah awful deed for which X am tcreuffer I do not think I ha-1 an, enemy In Malheur county. - Today I have only three friend, my lawyer.- My children are against me; atlll, I love them" as-muefi' aa T ever (lld loveniliera better than any father la tha world love hla children." t -.' . .. asm Xrfvee Sis Ohildrea. - 1 With thm atatement Megorden burled hla face in hla hands and for several minute did not peak. - Hla body ahook witn hla aobe. ..-v s .. " ,1 v "We had six aa nice children as eve lived,"' ha oontlnuedV "and, although It was the evidence of two of them that placed me In thla position, ! tfll love them and deeded them all my property with the exception of- that paid for at torney's fees. We had four boys and two girls. - tba youngest child - being a S-yaar-old - boy. The three . oldest ' chil dren, two boy and a girl, are now at tending the Idaho Induatrial school."': - How did you happen to commit the crimeT" the Interviewer aaked. ' : : llatal SflrM Xonor atui.. : TU. I do not like to talk about tha' night," came tha alow reply, -"but It was the result of a quarrel. When I- ahot t war so dased -from a blow an lS-y ear-old son dealt me over the head with, a. rJfl.i that I hardly knew what I -did until it wa. told, to me afterwards. My -wife and. I had not agreed for two years. I bad left, and taken up a home In Waeh- ington. but returned to Vale In order to aettle up our property arfalrs. We had a severe -quarrel tha night I tired the fatal ahot" v - ;r '. - 5- .. Megorden talka Ilk a man who would meet hie fate without a murmur.'. But, he look and talka aa though he waa en during great mental agony now. '- r -; Twenty-two year ago Megorden wa married In Farmlngton, New Mexico. H waa a printer by trade, and bad worked on a score of paper throughout th middle west In' the early '70s he waa on of the edltore and owners of k the Canyon City (Colorado) Ttmeav PROGRAM AT FAIR A GOOD ONE TOMORROW The order of event atlhe exposition tomorrow will Include the following: a. m. Exhibit buildings, govern ment exhibit and Trail open. ' S f -ll a. m. Concert Administration band.- Africultural building. - -. tt -10 to 11 a m. Concert, U. & artillery band. Government terrace. ' - 11 a. m. Hood River day exercises. in attendance. 11 a. m. Airship flight, aeroneuUo eonooura. . - - . S p. m. Alaska day exercises. Agri cultural . building. , 1 to 4 p. m. Concert, Vi- B. artillery band, livestock arena. Lewis and Clark bora and cattle abow. S p. m. Blanket weaving, Alaska In diana, Alaaka exhibit . ' 2:t0 p. m. Grand . concert Ellery a band, bandatand, Oray boulevard. , 1:10 t. m. Organ recital, Profeaaor F. . W. Goodrich,, Foreatry building. . 3:80 p. nv U. S. llfeeavlng exhlbiUon on lake. t: t:tO- p.! m. Aasoclatlon football. . S:S0 to t p. m. Concert Administra tion band, 'Agricultural building. t:IO p. m. Timber testing , exhibit. Foreatry building, government exhibit I p. m. Grand opera tlo concert, Ki- ralfy'a "Carnival of Venice ', company, on rustic steps. ...... -re-' tt p. m. Government exhibit cloeea. P. m.-i-Exhibit buiidinga close. J JO p. m. Grand -conoer Ellery' band, bandstand. Gray boulevard. (Ia event of Inclement weather, In Audito rium.) .,-;'-'- p.. m. Orand electrical-: tuumina- 11 p. m. Gates close. , . ; 11:10 p. m. Trail close. . , , THE CECILIAN IS YOURS "fw- IF YOU IHUSTLE J. If vou do not thoroughly' understand Tfte Journal s Ceclliaa piano player prop oeltlon you should call up the Journal business office Immediately and we wlU with pleaaure expaln any point that I not clear.- It la almply a little effort, a little - inveatlgatlon., a little thought. Write down the result and aend It to the merchants aa explained In the advertise ments, sending ua a copy.. For tha beat work we will give the Ceclllan. Only five reasons why 10 dealers In Portland not - now using The Journal shoald and eould us .The Journal with profit to themaeive. Wa want your reasons, and .It Is . so eaay for, you to think of only Ave. - Its Just like flnldng fine musical Instrument In the street. The beautiful Ceclllan can bo' aeen at any time in 'the window of th Manu facturers" Muslo company, a 60 Aldor street. ; Call and look tt over carefully. The Ceclllan atanda at the top among tha piano playera of tha land, . There la none better.'. . ' , i -Bl(i PORTLAND DAY- atav Tons msada Com eptaaka M -'-"' --Taajr' &w mat. - - ; ' Tell your friend about th very low rate mad by th O. R. A N. for Port. land day at th fair, Saturday, Septem ber s. ' Make it the blggeet day of the fair.' Very low-10-day tlckete on aale Four Morning Masse Will Ee Qb served and t HisK Maaa -: ; Kept With Pomp. Next Sunday the Dominican Father. corner Union vnu - and Clackamas street, will celebrate with pomp the feast of tha Most Holy Rosary. , Masses at fc.Ta;i:? and 10:80 a. m. The last ma will be a solemn high mass. with Vary Rev. A. 8. Law la r aa cele brant, aeslsted . by ' deacon.' ubdeacon. censer-bearer, acolytes, etc. Before the solemn maas rosea will b pleased and distributed to tb whole congregation In honor of tha Queen of the Rosary tb "mystical rose." "" " An orchestra will be In attendance. led by U. Oechsle, Mia Nora Shelland being organiat J. H. Case will direct the holy rosary male choir, which eon alata of the following singers: Tenors, J. P. Wlldman. . D. A. Morris, A. J. Brault, J. E. Malley, . Bell and F. Bar retts bassos, E. Alt stock, XL Atkinson, A. Morris, J. Hoben, 1 B. Eder. Thomas Neeson. Dr. Walker and others. . The musical program will be: "Ave I Maria" (EL C. Masten), chorus, arrange- J ment -for- holy -rosary male -choir by Father Dominlo of Mount Angel college; "Asperges" (Theo. von 1 Hache); "Ky rle, Gloria and Credo" (Haydn's First Maas); "Salve Reglna" (Michael Haydn) ; "Sanotua" (Haydn's First Mass); "Benedlctus" (C f. von Weber); "Agnus Dei".(C M. von -Weber); Inter lude. and poBtlude, orchestra. : .. .' - I , After the mass the rosary procession will wend Its way from tha church In the following order;. Croaa-bearer, aco lytes, banners of tha Joyful mysteries, little girls. following: banners. of -the sorrowful mysteries, escorted by boys; banners of tba glorious mysteries, ac companied by women; rosary banner, followed by men; rosary statue and the cIergy7Theerfflon in tha momtnawtll be delivered by Rev. Father O'Brien, O. P. In the evening at 7:10 o'clock there Trili b a sermon by Re-v.-Father Lamb, O. P.. preceded by the devotion of the rosary -and followed by benedic tion, after which new member wll) be enrolled In the. rosary confraternity. ..Crawfish at The Tavern. Pon't forget that the Tavern la mak ing a ' great hit with It famoua craw fish. .. Just the thing after the theatre. Orant orcheatral concert every noon and evening. Opposite the Oregonian build Ing. Ladle' annex SOS Alder atreet -. Oarpeatry, Wood Carving, Wood Toning Tha. houses of the PacMo coast are built of wood, requiring many carpen ters, some of whom are "wood butchere.' The T. M. C. A. la conducting evening classea in carpeatryK.wood carving and wood turning, tnat train men to be come efficient and high-priced working- men. A thoroughly equipped abop; with machinery and itoola, and the best In struction. I provided. Thee - shop are used on Monday and 'Friday afternoon by boys' manual tralntesfrJlasses, under the Instruction of Mr. William J. Stand- ley.' : IPtKJB Of household goods, office furni ture or fixtures.;; We are loading cars for Minneapolis, Chicago, Kansas' City and the east and can handle any size shipment at GREATLY REDUCED "RATES. Have emr agent call, quote you rates and explain ben efits qf.OUR THROUGH-CAR SERVICE. Portland VmQ Storage Company Household goods moved, packed, -Stored -and ..Shipped d I Office and Warehouse - 29-31 North FifthStreet 'A'-. Phone Main 1520. Special on Shoes - LadiesV Men's, . Misses and Boys' Shoes of all kinds from 50 centa to $1.00 less in price- in comparison . to any '; other shoe stores' , prices. ? - v .The newest . patterns : of Men's and -Youths - Suits," Top Coats," Pants, Shirts, also r the 7, latest--8hapes of -Hats 20 per cent less in price in comparison to other .stores'- prices. . ,.';; v ., v - Reduced prices on Trunks, Suit Cases, Blankets and Comforters. 1 ' ? JOHN DELLAR ' Running two stores : Cor. Jirst and Yamhill and cor. -Third and Davis. A single inspection will con vince the most critical that itfie latent Steinway models, the Ver tegrand,' at 550. and the Min iature Grand at $800, are the modern triumphs of -the-art-of piano building. , ,f , ; . . - - For 'sale by the.''-'. -' ' '- ' ...'-".. :-1" .".' DorcrePinnoCo PMRIO 233 IVASIIIfiGTOri STREET. AIWAYSTiETIEAKEl ' The Best $3 HAT In the World eVKVI Marauam TUastra ' PtiaetloB- ft. W. T. ASg'H. Orana , ' iivuii , C Ballis, Pres. eta aad Tta. I TONIOHT AT S:B0 O'CLOCK. Toairat as , Tomorrow ' Xlght. . . lal Matiaaa That Xxabaiaatly Kirtkral Ttnem S VichU . S Katlaee U JUr latest OsaMAy 'lit SXAOX IS BAOX." If ATINES AND - KIOHT PRICES--OBe, Be. bos. Toe. si.iw aao ai.ow. flcata Now Relllns " Kvery Perfbraiaace. Empire Theatre, Uth aad Bforriaoa. Pboae Mala 11T. MILTON W. SEAMAN. Maaaer.: - PRICES msbt. IB. SBe. S8e. SOe. Matl- iM. 10e. - IBe. SKe. ., .... Laat time tontcnt. xna great SMieorasMiic mrrta, "Xaa Ooavtat'a oaasaMr." Tnaraaaj. yiiday aad Saturday nlfhta, September 38, 3 aad SO. watiaae Satarda. ensaceBrat e Otta R Tharar and Oartruda BoBOhllL vr'nflo a apeelal eeenir pnxtartloe of tba beaatlroi eaei. edr-drama, "Sweat Otevaf." . , AtthePresect - Unheard-of . - r luw rriccs Tou cannot af ford to be with out a telephone In your offloe. .The telephone haa become - A business neces sity. 1 It saves time, trouble and eiDense. We carry a full line- of the Instruments in aU styles ahd ; finish. .-.-:T-i :777. '.. --.. Also a. complete Una of TELE GRAPH ' Instrument. . Send. for . catalogue. , -, . . ; .; '. . ' Dayton Hardware Co. lit First Street ' i Piy Highest Cash Prices For ail kfnds of furniture Also sell good on commission. Auction sal at private residence our specialty. sit rrmsr rmBT. Pboaa Stain BSao. A. ohnBaoh. Prop'r. $!!nMtinttt "WOMTULKB, OBSaOaT. . Forty-eevanth acholaatlo . year begin Tuesday, September (, ItOS. ' First-class hoarding and day school for girl: ;'-. '.-- " ; ----- ----v:,. Courses of elementary, secondary an higher education. '.. v BEM SELLING I " --' - ' ' ' r 1 t .1 ...... - I ! . . . . i e Portland Auction Rooms Portl and Auction Rooms The Best $3 HAT In the World LEADING Hatter -AJmTJl Belasco Theatre ' ' TEL.' " KAUf tU - 14rh Sad wash.: Belaaee A Ifayer. Praps. V ' 1JTH WIIIIC BCLASOO STOCK CO. SBATS TWO "WEEKS IN ADVANCB. : TOKIOar at ATINBRS 8ATCEDAX AND DUAVAX tost rna mi nr stoos . - ft CntheQffler , ' W.'' U, Cellier's Great Comedy Soeeaaa. "L Svg.. SSe TBe; Mate.. Sat..' Sao., Sic to SO. ' Neat Ifcwday. Y'THS CHABITT. BAU. C Oct: ,'. White Wbltttaaey. ta "Tha Fortonei ;. ' at ttx King." . .'-. ; , . To Claremont Tavern : A ,J .-4 ' ' r- PC 'v-. -: - '.i;-.. VAJIOTni 9Cmf :p Maryland Chicken Beautiful 14-Mile Ride Auto leave Oreron Motel, stopptaa; at Tao PorUaaA, S, 4, e, S, 19 p. aa. dally. -Round Trip; $.00 BAKER THEATRE OBBOON TRRATBB CO., LEX !f ICS. V. GEO, L. BAKKR, MAItAOBB. ,rT Pboae Mala 1WT. . TBB HOMB Or MUSICAL, BDBLK8QCB. Tonlfht aad Kwry NlyM This Week, -- Beslr ParfnraiaBva S tarda r Nlaat. . Playing to Capaelty blghtly. : Williams' Ideal Eztravafiaiiza Col ,-- .....inem au. PBICB8 Onalnar. SM. BA. ' sne aa TBe, Satorday maUaae. lte, 29. SSe and BOe. Next Week Baar Dever' Owe. Show. f -THEST-AR-'; T 1 TBTB WTtTTl TOOL aiCHARDS AMD aiOHABSa. .:' - .- WIXBTB. . ..... .' .. ..-.'.,' . TB XIIAITS.,' '';.'.'. 8TETSOM TBIO. ' v'. . ' - FBAMKLIW COKrrE. .' ,'.. THE STAAOSOOPE. R.MM1 .llmtaaUiM. IA mm... . V n. I a d7lnd ho)l1T Bes-md seata e ' knr.r floor. SO eenta; boa aeata. "SB renta. "tt.ll. THE GRAND " . TH OSSAT LZ0M. , . waltia rxaaT. - . yEEEMAM AND CLABX. ' '". WALSH ABO LIOOV. ' ' STTBBAM AKD OOWBTMIT. j .. . iiui ruaisTOB. , - THX OBABDISOOP. ' " l General aduilaaloa, 10 eenta. Ereolnta, Baa ear" anlldaTa-Baaervad aaata aa bnrer f lonrr 80 rentat Box aaata.. SB - eeate. - Pally Nt.iMw, .v nnii vm a uj mfm escape Doaee, LYRI C , THXt ATIIE WI1B STABTLVe MOBDAT. SIPTEXaUl St &jn:Cwirt8 . h "A Payehnloftral intaaaltr. .' B. B). M'LXAJI, A Tr. Jet-11 aad Mr. Ht." Mnppnrtee bt the InrmniiaraMe Lrrlc Stoeft Company. , ADMISSION. 10c; Beeerved Seata, Sue. .', LOUIS H. BOLL . mso stttirxow nrBroit ptriU . ' farloca S sad 10, SUH Wa'tkiBCtaa at pon fall u:.::. r,n HIS time' b year you Iwant new fixins for . -..iVr , . . i . . lau. we : Bnacipatca your needs,-your ' tastes and your purse" in the selection of this . gigantic shawinff of kapparelr Every garment bears the stamp ot iashton approvaL iCome tomorrow and see , these beautiful things, and if, you,' make up your ; mind 7; to r purchase, never mind about, the cash. Well ; charge it,ts ry a n d'.; y o it c avsif1 wj pay ""VTrvs."? V I I ' XOk Portland Oay. AU loyal - Fortlandara will be eA tb Ba peeltaow to aa yon. WeOl eloaa U day Batnrday. AVEEit BO CKABOB -WR ATE TEA FOB CXXDXX tie Stem Waere Tear Oiadlt I Bead Of Chinese and Japanese ; CURIOS We purchased too heavy for the FAIR TRADE- - We ' are overstocked foods coming every day and more on sell at Brest sacrificeour full line of CLOISSONIE. SATSUMA, SILVERWARE, BRONZE, NEW BRAS3, SILK EMBROIDERIES and DECORATED PORCELAIN. AritfrewKanliCo. . SST Sftorrlaon Btreet, B ; : Fonrt aad lira. PLANE FACTS about hardware! I tV have a larg assortment ' of mechanlce' tool -and bulldera' hardware at a low price for superior '. quality . and . manufacture, to be found in any house dealing in thla line of goods In the suite. Build ers and contractors will suit thetr interests by looking at our stock before purchasing elsewhere. .Avery SL Co. . S Third bet. Fin aad Ask. Our is "Hot Z ".:y We sell the products of all te r t vter - Whatever kind you require yn from ua, ao you do wit r around elsewhere. We e:i coal and foundry and s . V ('--c-. 1.1.' -wa 4 , . , , ( targa reaeatra 4lly. ' teptesnber II and I. Conarvatorla of mualo and art