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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1905)
X . TIIS CnrCOIJ DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER S7. 1CC5. . ..-- . GIRL IS ARRESTED V AS PATRICIDE , - . -.. . Children of V. M. , Jennings Ac- ' cuse'd of - Murdering -Thole,' 1 LlttlESUE TRACT DOUGIIT yy y.::;j--yi..-:; W - ' Johnson Addition Will Probably ' Many of your neighbora have used Mellin'e Pood for their children. Ask Be Site . for the New Father at Granite Hill. '"THrricrivlan.Iort: them -what they think of Ui look tneir cnuaren ana see tne reeuit 01 using a proper food. MeLUn'e Pood will ' give the same good reaulta If you wlU use it with your baby. -8end for a sample, we will send it free of charge. .-. . ..; j SON AND DAUGHTER SENT ESTATE SECURED HALF v Our splendid showin? of Misses' man-tailored Suite and Coats have been replenished with several lines of newest and most ex clusive styles for fall and winter. ' :, . : ' - f Suits, novelties of the famous Buster Brown and Peter Thomp- r. ion, very pretty effects in blues, browns and smart niixtures. TO JACKSONVILLE JAIL V BLOCK ON WASHINGTON . Woodcho pper Wa Found Shot in -,Hi Bed Clrla Sleeping In Same ;' Room Say ; That They Heard "No Plana rJot . Announced but Friends whj?swcetva4.tkf irajjtue. (W award af the Lel-ia hir-1-eaalit.a , L-t-Ja. 1L KUk-, Believe; That Work . la Soon to . Commence on Beautiful Home for ' as Uu a gaU ladali , uxixnra food co, boston, mass. $10, $12.50, $15 i Report ' .'Well-Known Family. . V l?(g)iD)li r l ill 1 V. , "J ' IBweUI DbMtck to Tee learaaLV ' Grants Pass. Or., fiept 17. After dil igent Inquiry, authorities have bacoma convinced that V, M. Jennlnga. who vu found murdered in bed In hla noma at Granite Hill two weeks ago, waa killed by hla' own children. Jasper 'Jennings, aged IS.' aon of the dead man. waa ar. 'rested Sunday oh tba charge of. murder and last night Dora Jennings. aged la, ' the daughter, was arrested upon a, sim ilar charge. -The ooupla bave been tak eii to Jacksonville for safekeeping, as 1 the local Jail la overcrowded.- . ' Jennings waa killed the night of Sep .ember .7 at the" Granite Hill mine, nine tnllea front thla sKy. ' He waa a wood chopper and had .a contract to supply the mine with .hardwood, working a crew of 15 men. ' Bf was SO years old and had a wife, who left him laat spring, ! to return to her parents in North Caro- H lived tn ar three-roora house at tha (Ulna with his children. Dora, aged It; her alster, aged S, and two boys, 1 and 14 years of age - respectively. He alept In a amall room downstairs off ths 'living room. The two girl slept In the aame room. The boya slept tn the attic The youngest aon aald that when ha arose to build the fire he went Into the ' bedroom for matches and found hla fa ther dead, shot through the head with a . rifle. The boy awakened his . sisters and brother and tba neighbors were no tified. " - . . . The windows and doore f the house were-found closed, and there 'waa no -evidence that' the shot had been fired from the outside. The children said that they had not heard a shot, but a man working In the mine said that h heard a shot about 1 o'clock. . ... . Jennings was a hard worker and a . hard i drinker. f one - of the children aemtd to be In the leaat affected by ,the loaa of their father, -GAME LAW NULLIFIED ; BY ONE PROVISION . ' (Special Dispatch to Tbe JoeraaL) . . , 'McMlnnville. Or... Sept, 17. A vigor oua legal battle waa fought out In the V circuit court here yesterday afternoon 'before Judge Burnett, which resulted in : District Attorney H. McNary dismissing .: an information agalnat William Belt for violating the game laws last Janu ary. The case -was originally brought - In, Justice gogeTs; court, charging a v8 . Jatton arstlotf SO 10 of the" God4 In - bavins; in. possession a deer. ... .Tt1 DUPt . mhm&- fca - -pert of ' the carcase and - the Justice.' t xooaa-t nm guniy Bis- attorney a -Mc am & Vinton, appealed to the circuit "j court. "District Attorney McNary. and Ma deputy, R. UrrConner, fought hard to austain the Information,, which la in the very words. of. the staftite. but the court held that as provision waa else- where In the statute made for having la t. possession the ' carcaaa of ' deer and . other antmala for certain purposes, sec . . tion 1010 means a live deer. Takes the burn out: heals the wound ,-- euros the" pain. Dr. Thomas' Eclectrio ; Oil. the - household remedy.. ASKS RECOGNITION OF THE TIBETAN TREATY , . UToaraal Special Service.) '"' '; Washington, Sept. 17. Great Britain la aeeklng to have China recognise tho j Tounghusband treaty that the latter , maaa wun tne noeian auinoritiea. wixn , thla end In view a conference will in the .'. near future be held at Caloutta, British India. . i The Original T Brand fWelsb&ch Ma nil e "Price73Q ctSe" This mantle represents the finest froduct of our factory.. . t is tho best mantle made. Gives 155 lBore L'ght. uses 12 less, '.gas than any other mantle. i Strength' unexcelled It k the cheapest mantle because k saves gas, it gives more tight, it huts longest.. Buy the best and the cheapest: . Tt"J"BrandWelibac$t Price,-30 cents. Imltatlene are Werthlei. . ... sal Cxtravaaaat. Remember that 11 tnantlea are pot WeUbacba. i See that the mantle you bay -baa this Shield. of QuaUty, the . Welabach Trade 14arJt,on.thebox, VT' j'ive kinda, is, a3, tST 30. 35C rForSiaio by All Dealers Sa S '.-.A.fc vnaf immlrr ttJ a W,!.br h I HutmttH It pretty sf-Ui I'll Et $ I at m a V I f 1 ' S3RS'f ' 1 ftiei3si J m V. sirr M '" Mrs. Josephlns Hlrsch has purchased for the estate of the lata Sol Hlrsch a sightly tract on the southwest corner of Washington and t,--CUtr Utreats, and It la the Impression that a banoiome man sion is to be erected. - Mrs. Hlrsch does not state that she plana to srect a home on the purchased property, but friends close to her understand that auch'.waa bar purpose in . aecuring 00. feet on Washington atreet and 101 feet on Bt Clair, an area of more than half, an ordinary block. .. - , W. M. Ladd. trustee, sold the prop erty to Mrs. Hlrsch, the: deal having Just been consummated.' . The ; conalderatloa waa $21,000. . The purchaaa of such a site in the choice residence district of the city would naturally convey the idea of a beautiful mansion to "be built but -those - most Interested do not care to make any ststement at the pressnt time.' ; '; - y :', - ; MAY BUILD A TEMPLE. Krai rTohmaa) Plaonseea rians for Japev aese gtrmgtnxe of Beaaty. ' In the purchase yesterday of the southeast cornsr of Washington and St. Clair atreeta for M.100, it la probable that a site baa been secured for one of the most '.unique structures of this city. - Mrs. I. Frohman bought the property of W. M. Ladd, truatea, and is discussing plana for a building. Bhe has long favored something on the or der of a Japaneee temple, worked out with due regard to Japanese architec ture, and "yet ' adapted to tho require ments of a home and rare curio store. "I have not fully decided what I will build," aald Mrs. Frohman thla morning, but will commence work soon on a suit able edifice. If I erect a . Japaneee temple. It will be the purpose to make it as beautiful a. the order of architec ture will permit, a building which will be admired and famous. But until I have' discussed' ths matter further, I do n8t care to say that such a building will be undertaken.' - . - . . MORE ROOM NEEDED. Telephony Company Mae Oemmeaeed Work ,em a arga Addition. A big addition is te be built immedi- atelr-thfmaln bnlldlng nf -the Paco States. Telegraph A;. Telephone company, costing more" tharT $10.0.9 for the work. and much more by thet!me that U. Is finished on tho Interior. It will be at tached to "the sooth end of the present building, filling in all of the unoccupied portion of the ''company's lot, " to-the same height ae - the present edifice. Manager Thatcher . aald this morning that the addition would be used for ex tension ' of 'the "swltchboarda and for company offices.' Business 'baa been expanding .so"' rapidly that the large building put up bat a few-years ago is-already outgrown, and the force of the company la Jammed -in tho various departments. ' ' With" the. addition, on which worwrls-to be commenced immedi- ately. -the telephoh '.gmp-iry 'IIUtiM iu be comfortably situated for three or tour yoaf. ,:. ';. ? .' . . . . -I-REALIeSTATE NOTES Johnson addition haa been the acene of unusual buying activity this week. In ' addition to the purchases of ths Hirsch estate and Mrs. Frohman, C W. Craig haa purchased a tract at ths cor ner of St,' Clair and Wayne atreeta for (6,500. and is understood to contem plate building. BUILDING PERMITS. R. 8. Williams, dwelling, E. Gllsan, between ' Twenty-ninth and Thirtieth streete; 11.000. - C Rabenelck, dwelling on Eaat Thirty-third, between East Washington and Eaat Alder; I1..0O. Pacific States Telegraph Telephone company, addition to main exchange on Alder atreet,-between Eighth and Park; 10,50. r - j-.r . - : A. L Clark, dwelling on Garfield ave nue, between Killlngaworth and Peark; 1,809.' , , " H. 8. Rowe, dwelling on East First, between HoUlday and Pacific; I1.S00. Charles , Sweeny, flva-story - brick block at Seventh and Alder streets; $10,000. . , - --WJUaniJTjjger-j-wel-lng nn Braiea atreet, at tho coener of Ruaaell; $1,100. ' ' REPAIR PERMIT. C. Ziefuchs, dwelling Market street; 1200. at 4S East THINK DEAD MAN WAS VICTIM OF FOUL PLAY , (Special Dlspatcb te Tb Jo-real.) Chehalls, Wash., Sept 17. The coro ner's- .ufy-ealled yesterday morning in connectldn with the ffndlng of the body of a, dead - man- in thla -cltyr- near the railroad track, eonalsted of the follow ing: Ira Johhson. R. H. Deyerle, O. F. Balndun. W. H. Strahan. - John West snd R. Griffith. Justice White acted ae coroner, until County Coroner Harding arrived from Pe Ell. The greater part of the ' day waa occupied with taking evidence and the bulk of the evidence indicated that the man met hla death by foul means. , I ' ' In handing In their verdict the Jury agreed that hla name might have been other than F. Connelly aa waa flrat supposed, by reason of tha fact that tattoo marks 'T. MeD. were found on the. left arm Just below the elbow, and that he came to bis death between 11 mMAIghv-aBd--a. m. near where the body was found, " v 1 Johnson, Deyerle and Salndon signed tha verdict that he came to hla death by a blow or blowa struck by a. person or persona unknown with murderous in tent. Strahan. West Snd Griffith signed that he" waa killed by the-cars. 1 t)ther vidence is being Investigated by tba NEWS ITEMS FROM HI "From the Irrigon Irrigator. Rabbltvllle, Morrow County, - Or., Sept, 2. A few of us educated folkv who are -the' leading citlaens of Rab bltvllle. have decided that Rabbltvllle must be got to tha front more speed ier than aha haa lately been brung there. We know Rabbltvllle la bownd to be a great metropolis, but we ain't wlllln' to wate for her., to git there slowly like a lurkle. We want Jier to git there with both feet, quick and at onct, like a Hair. So we have or ganised a promoter aosclety, that la we Ira goln' to hold a mast meeting Friday -. mte for -to organnlsa one. " I am goln to allow myaelf to be elected president and secretary of this new. club,- and then there will' be aomethin' did. for I will atart a lltterary burow and git out a batn of clrklers and push' thlrfgs as they was never1 pushed by a promoter before. ' I have good manny nowel . ldeara. up my - aleave, but I will give them all to my beloved Rabbltvllle gratis, and without money and without price There waa a dans at the- Bunko House laat Saturday nlte.' They waa a pretty good croud out so they could danse two full aeta at onct by some body holdln' of Mrs. Butterbottom's baby so she could git .In the game. It was a pretty awetl af fare ' two. No body waan't a f loud to danae without a coat on. That Is the gents.. We are glad our upper clrklea la gettln' so sleet Such a coarae will help grately to bring Rabbltvllle to tha front Pollywog Jonea plaid the fid dle and Peg Leg Charley called tho fig- gers. Folks that has attended 'swell funkahuns in Fifth avenoo in New Tork. aaya Peg Leg ia the beat flgger caller they have ever saw. Soma of our folka is ' growlln' and grumblln' .because we -hain't got no postofflce) nor school, nor sidewalka nor ahade trees. But every one of them complalntn' nockera would ruther walk 10 miles and back at nlte to ateal a sheep than to work tor Stt per day per fllem to buy one at H price for cash. And we, that la me. your correspondent, ain't afraid to speak -rite oat and give names if called for. We. that la I, eaat -be found at any hour day or nlte to snser for all what ia printed over my .onn hsjicock. r or 1 am go in to bring Rabbltvllle tn-the front if I die a doln of It i - Our barber ehop haa changed hands onct more. We don't kno where the last barber haa went, but most of us hopes he Is dead, but : soma is charrit table enuff 'to hope he la only in "Jail for about a 100 years or so. This other barber we don't know much about him ylt for ho la layln' kwlesacent sleepln' off a Jag. When he sobers upp so hs can stand without leanln'-agln'-hlseelf we will give him a chance lo show what he can do and make a unbiassed re port ' The perserlptlon department of the rrry nrut stuie is suuii uiim mi keep thla week for the head mixer was took down with a aggravated case of the Jama last Sundsy. It haa been noted latterly that he waa goln' agin hla peri scrtptiona - pretty regular ml - pretty strong, and now he la fltetn' devjulls and anafka and toads and llssarda and things, and Is tied down onto a kot with ropes. In the langwldge of the Profit "The mtxer who drinks his own perscrlptlons haa a fool for a pas h lent," Miss . violet Appiebiossom, Miss Pearl Peachblossom and Miss Lisa But- terbottom are all .gettln' reddy to go to the fair at Portland.' 80 they are busy so win' and mendln' and fixln' and go arownd all day with their hare did upp In curl papera and their finger nalea ataned and practictn' palntin' of their eyelaahera. They will be about three of the swellest damsels what ever struck the trail you bet your boots. And their beauty and stile will do a hull lot towards gettln' Rabbltvllle to the front . Write About Want Ads. Little Florence Klme. 12 years old. thinks so much of Journsl -'wsnt ads' that ahe presents a few verses for pub itcatton. Florence's sister and brother are .of a literary turn of mind and she ss well hss lesnings that way. Her Journal "want ad"' verses follow: There is sn old maid living out here; ShrHis been looking for a husband II - years. - - , . ..... She was Juat about to give up In despair. When along come a fairy floating through the air.. Saye ahe, "Don't be discouraged, my dear old maid; Remember Tbe Journal, it will corns to ' your aid." -. - . So In The Journal aha placed an ad. And by ao doing her heart waa made : glad. For the vary next day there appeared down the, lane A wealthy old bachelor; I'll not tell you ' hla name. ' Says he. "My dear lady, you've made my heart glad; There la nothing so good aa a 'Journal -want ad. ' ALBANY PREPARES, FOR v .PRIMARY ELECTION ;' . (Special tH-patrh to The Journal. ) Albany, Or, Hept 17. The city coun cil last evening set in motion the ma chinery for the primary election to be held In thla city on November 4. Judges were appointed and the first steps taken to have the first primary election held California Prune Wafers Cure liver dlseaaea and all stomach troubles; they set . gently but surely, strengthen the bowels and stimulate them to healthy action.- ' 100 Wafer 25 CetjU SkM-tore "ft Ce.. 1ST Third. St, This Hottse-Will urday, September 30 "Portfemd Day" ""Well be thereat the fair." help make a great day of it. their-buying diiipe - thV - re - C - wmm Many people who are neglecting symptoms of kidney trouble, hoping "it will wear away," are drifting towards Bright's Disease, which is kidney trouble in one of its worst forms. 1 .trini !rrriilar!tSs' . strcnorthcris the urinary organs and builds up the worn-out tisshes of the kid neys so' they will perform their iunctions properly, neaitny Kia neys strain out the impurities from - the blood "as it p a s s e s through them. " Diseased kidneys do not, and the poisonous waste matter is carried by the circulation to everv cart of the bodv. causinc dizziness, backache, stomacni trouble, sluggish liver, irregular heart action, etc. If vou have anv siens of Kidnev or Bladder trouble commence tak ing FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE at once, as it will cure a slight dis order in a few days and prevent a fatal malady. It is peasant to take and benefits the whole system. How to Find Out. You can easily deteralna If your k!d Beya are oat of order by setting; aside for 24 hours a bottle of the urine paaaed upon arising. If upon examination it is cloudy or mil icy or has a Mick-dust sediment or small particles float about In it. voar kidnev are diseased, and FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE should be taken at once. -ft. B. Bitrmtna Taatlflea After . . For Year. - 0. B. BsmsM sf Osriltle Ceater, a, Y WrttaK "About four years ago I wrote you Stating tbet I had been entirely cured of a severe kldnef trouble bv taking leaa than two bottles of Foley'i J.idney Cure. It entirely stopped tne ones uat sediment and pala sod synptomaof kidaej disease dtaaDceared. I am clad to aay that bave never had a return of anv of those symp tom! during tbe four years that bare elapsed, and T am evldentlr cured to stay eared, ens Urartu 7 renotnmeB. Foley "s Kiaoc tire to enj ana sunensg from kidney or bladder aroaaie. Tare vises, 80s audi 100. SOLO U9 EEC0!-;EI3ED it Wooaard, Clarke Oo. and tb O. Skid' aaore k Co. under the new law. The Judged' and clerka named are all men who have served -ia . that rapacity- before It Is probable that at the next meeting or the -council registration blanks will be provided to be used at the primaries In stead of the regular registration. The city wards do not conform to the pre cincts, hence the registration of votera In the county clerk's office Is useless to" the city, and as no registration of vot era has been held for the city 'ward a, registration blanks will have to., be useeV at the city election. - ' . - o Att VI Special rbany, Ol Attend Xeagne Steetlaf, Dl.nntrh tn Tbe Jowrual. Or- Hept. 17. Mayor W. H. Davis, upon Insntalloo of the officers of tha Willamette' Valley Development league, will atendVthe league meeting at Kusrene net FYMny and Saturday. H - - CASTOR I A Jot Xafaats and Children. x L Tlii KIr,J Yea Han Always E:ht - Bears tha BWnatttrao. mmim Km Be 'Qosed Sat "Join us in a good time and Patrons are requested to do b - ar - . THE NEWEST, BIGGEST, FASTEST AND BEST BOAT Cm THE RIVER CHARGE ' ORIILY $1.00 TO ; 1 Fifty cents less than any of its opponents The-capacity of the ' mmm Is 8SP passengers, the boat is newly furnished throughout, JDock Round trip every day but Friday, leaving at 7:30 a, m.; Sunday '. : . ' only $1.00. .THEY f&nnrffDTP Us a peach. . Anyway she is suchadandy that leverybody.seems to want to enjoy her speed . -till i1 iv T" "fi-- ""- n A.o-i. at m g ;gQ clip. She hist "goes' as if she meant it, and TDE FARE TO ASTORIA AND RETURN IS OrM $2.25 AND THE TICKETS ARE GOOD TILL OCTOBER SO. What do you think of that - ROUND TRIP EVERY DAY BUT FRIDAY. Boat leaves at 7:30 a. m, Sunday 8 a. m. Returning leaves Astoria at 2 p. m., arriving in Portland at 8:30 p. m. PHONE MAIN 835. o . . . .'..'' '....'.. , . " ' ' -V --',.:, .' ' ' ,:.....'.: ' 'V". ' : ; Low Es-Ufi! Mss I Steamnier - Liuiolitie. j i t ' Leaves dafly from Taylor treet4 DcaA at 7 A. M. k. . . . ' aSeeeeeeeeeeeeseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeefeeeeeeeeeesox-eie .. 'lit t. th. h,.A .l.n. tion representing this city, composed of the following, appointed by himself: J. rl. van v inKie, j. JV. v eainer.ioru, r. I). Cuslck. 8. A. Uawaon and O. IW Wright, trik Ox at oo ana ; " . . (Joaraal Special awvtee.) Lewlstoa Ida.. . Sept. IT. Because they wanted shorter hours - between meals three inmstea of the Nea Perres County Poor farm went on strike yester- dsy.- Thai three men are rnppiee snd claim hey are only allowed tw scanty i met la ' a . day and are being Coats, three-quarter and full lengths, with or without belts. Something new in light, cheviots finished, with black leather color and belt, ''". ' V - -r ' . $10 and Greatest CntothmgJJouselin-theNorthwest 1 i ii iff absolutely new, can show her heels to any of her competitors, b and no hotel in Oregon surpasses her cuisine. '' She is a bird "of a boat, and flies like one, too. - . Foot of Oak ALL SAY THAT THE LIGHTNING' rmLTi DOCK FOOT OF ALDER. To Astoria and Ocean Beacheson ThcDayBoatDownthe Columbia C ' . . . . wr FJ IT DIDIN'T HURT A BIT Is wkat tkey say er-ese snn-s eT -af S-aUl week. We 4 wefe aw .H frs at f the ettv auWllr a anM a-r -'. gTr;tklg as to S.ta. Saa-ara. tula W1SB BROS.. Drntlrt-J TW raCUac. ass. falsi sad Vt- IT TT7TTH TTTTfhr.TTT.1 r n mi i j ii. i MJMJll UliVUlJJ Street .j-... at 9 a. m. Round trip ticket . v-' ; .v ,.' .. r,': ' TiO CTl TTT I m STREET Call up MAIN 613 l . f ..... ' MMMHMt . C-B svim sas a r autnoritiea. . ' Sola Ag-eata for a-ortlaad. Or. ) la Afaat 1 - atarved. . , . ... ;'- - . i