The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 27, 1905, Image 2

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    rnz onzcofi ' dailV jouaiiAU rcr:
. JLfc. ...... , .
..,;; iwic
- mtm
; Steel Bridge Win Not Be Used to
Give New, Line Access to
No Trouble WOl Be Experienced on
Thia Score and Conetroction Along
V" the Columbia River Will Start to
' Thirty Day. ;)-. i J-v V ''
V ' " Speculation '. to tna-probability ef
reconstruction of th tei Driage, jikb
turnout at the Mat end to accemrao-
. date th train of to Northern Facia
-r,-- WUroa haa- fcwndX by that w
.vany. It ha bwa definitely ,dciae
that lha teel bride wlU not ba conald
' ered a a croaalnc over the Willamette
Vrlver la raining aeccaa to th new Tort
V land terminal. Th company will build
naw bridge oTr the Columbia and WU
. lametta. " Mr. ModJaaM'a reoommenda
ilon accented a final la deter-
mlnlnr th 'exact location of the
' bridge, and be wUl be ready to atart
work on them within the-aext . dtya.
. .' a'Ufli,ef Way.. "-e
Right of way are rapidly being ae
; quired for the remaining portion of the
route on the north bank ot the Colurn
bla, and -every weeded trtgle- point
"V la now In poaaeaalon of the Northern
- Pacific It- la aa Id -the- company - will
have plate sailing unleaa some unex
- peeled complication arises. The aentl
' ment of the people ta favorable to the
t Northern Pacific, and the benefit that
construction of the north bank line will
' brine to the contiguous territory ta
belna; more generally , appreciated aa
.Vthe work proceed.
, v There will be a division point Mtab
ltahd either at at. John or Vancouver.
'' The company haa ample ground at both
- place, now under option, to acoommo-
. date repair shop and reundhouae. The
- will be built aa rapidly aa the work can
- be carried on. In conjunction with the
't' construction ef the north benk Una.
' -Begla Work Sooa -''"'
Within the next 10 daya the Northern
' Paclno will have the north bank line
under construction all along the route.
- The contract for grading, which haa
, been awarded to Selma Shield of St
Paul, provide for-completion of the
; work at the earliest possible data, and
no time Is being lost by th contractor
- In assembling the necessary men and
,e equipment ' to rush the undertaking.
Rock work will be carried on all winter
' at numerous point,' and with th open
'.i. Ing of spring there will . be grader'
L ' , camp strung along th line from Van
r couver to, Kennewick. Thouaanda of
t men -will be employed. If the needed
v numbers can be secured, in the building
t ef th railroad, th construction of
v bridge and th erection of, the large
- buildings required for a division point
..." of three great railroad systems. All
taea -taaa iu be oerrieo on simultaneously,-
with th view of completing
at th same time, and it is expected
... that the apiing of; 1107 the
train of the Northern Pacific, the Great
. ,. Northern and .-tha, Burllngftm railroad
..coming dowa the .north bank Of the
. 1 Columbia river and running into Port- 1
,' land over th new bridge and terminal,
i - - Taeaaoia a Beard. ' -
' ' Th Northern Pacific haa two vaean
V cles en Us board of director. Buo
I ceeaora are to be elected In a few day
; to the Ut Daniel J. Lanaont and Rob
I art Bacon, who haa accepted an appoint-,
1 merit from President Roosevelt.- Lamont
. left a will ln which he had written a
:' prevision that when his executors should
decide to aell his Northern Pacific and
- - Great 'Northern stock they should "be
t offered to my friend J. J. Hill of Bt
i paal. and if he be not living to hla aona.
and It eiisj duslie to buf eutU saws
th same prios at which It can be sold
i to others, that It be sold to hint or
i them."
- Mr. Hill, fortunately for hi continued
. control At th railroad- properties, was
-;- able to secure the Lamont atock. B
-' . haa chosen a successor for Mr. Lamont
t In th directory of the Northers Pacific
, - The tnaa who will supervise th build
I Ing of th first bridge to span th Co-
lumbla river at Its lower reaches I a
Chloagoan, who haa at a comparative
ly early age gained fame a a consult
' ing engineer. - He la a sa of Madam
,' Helena Modjeaka. th celebrated Polish
i actress, although their names are
f spelled differently. In the Polish tongue
the nam of Modjeaka dlfferentlatea aa
' to th gender of It bearer. ' "Modjeaka"
r I feminine, and "Modjeakl" the mascu
- line of the word. Hence many mlaun
- derstand th relationship of Ralph Mod-
' Jeskl, th bridge engineer, to the woman
-who hns enjoyed Immense popularity on American stage. . i j. , ..
M13X to AitIt Bnaday.' . 1. ".
r Th Hill special train en route to
, Portland reached Spokane today, and
'..will arrive at' Tacoma tomorrow and
'f at BeatUe Friday. The party will spend
; a day at Seattle and continue their Jour
4 ney by easy atagea. reaching Portland
a. Sunday afternoon or evening.
A complete liat of the party received
. 1 her . today by Vice-President C M.
.- lvey of the Northern Pacific, contain
the following nam: J. J. Hill, preel
rdeniTjrear"Krainfr6war6rriaiioiT; i ' prealdent Northern Pacific; George V..
BJcr," Payne Whftneyr-Ale-r- 8. Coett
. rane. New Tork. - director . Northern
Pacific; George Clark, director C B. a:
-- Q.; F. EL Baker, stockholder C B. Q i
' G. M. Lane of Lee. Hlgginaoa aV Co.,
Boston; Grant Schley of Moor
K Schley, New Tork; Darius Miller, first
' vice-president of the Burlington; L. W.
-J...HUU trlce-presldent Great Northern; W.
B. Dean, director Great Northern; "Ben
' CampbelL, fourth vice-president Oreat
.v Northern; J.' M. Ha na ford, second vlce-
prealdent Northern Pacific; Amo T.
V" French, director Northern Pacific. In
- v addition to these arar Mr. Levey, Mr.
Gross cup of -Taooma. - general western
' counsel Northern Pacific; George Croe
" by, chief engineer Pacific coaat line
Northern Pacific? ' Ralph Modjeskl,
Coupon Free Hawaiian Trip
i -".'-. ; : Hoaololav Hawaii btaada . . . .
t vet fer.,a .(....
Thl coupon must t) voted en er
:m cudse hie
IMS!) !;
bridge engineer. Chicago, making a par
ty bf nearly a score of capitalists and
railroad official who are devoting their
time to gaining an understanding the
resources and possibilities for develop
ment ot tJia Oregon, country, .
The great banauat to President J. J.
Hill, Prealdent Howard Elliott and their
party haa been turned over to the Lewis
and Clark fair management '
"The banquet will be held at- the
American Inn next Monday evening. It
will begin at 1 o'clock," aald President
H. W. Goode. . "Th list of Invitations
will embrace) th business community of
Portland, to an extent that will insure a
representative gathering, to welcome
the Vlaltore." ; .
' TannoBTar ' KJaa tnaeaiam. " '
1 At a meeting of the Portland Seattle
Railroad company, held at Vancouver
yesterday afternoon, C M. Levey be
came It executive head," and a new set
of officers waa chosen from the offlciala
of th Northern Pacific and Great North
ern railroads. President J. Couch Flan
ders remaining ta th organisation aa,
a mreoxoT. '. " :
The aew officer are as -' fellow:
President C. M. Levey; vice-president. L.
C. . Gllmsn, genera west era - counsel
Great ; Northern, Seattle; controller.
Jtl- A. Gray, controller Northern-- Pa
elflc. St Paul; treasurer, C. A. Clark,
treaaurer Northern Pacific, St Paul
aecretary, VJ Martin, asalstant purchas
ing agent Northern Pacific, Tacoma; as
alstant secretary,, R. M. Relf. sslUnt
secretary Northern paclno, Bt. lll;
chief engineer, N. D. Miller, Vancouver
The new board of director I composed
of C M. Levey. J. Couch Flanders, L C
Oilman. C. F. Adama and John & Baker.
'' (loanal BneeUl gei-vles.)
, Wew Tork. Sept. -17. Three men died
suddenly In this city yesterday. Accor
ding to some physicians, death In every
case waa due to the mad rush of life Jb
New Tortt. Jamea B. M. Groavenor, a
millionaire residing on Fifth avenue
died on an elevated railroad train from
a weak heart- Th ambulance Burgeon
aald it waa an attack due to overexer
tion. He had been running to catch the
train, - '.''
John' G. Retnhard. expert tatlatlclan,
waa th aecond victim of the- day. HI
death la attributed to overexertion. He
lived in Brooklyn... Death struck, him
down in hla Broad etreet office.
Count Lulgl Caprlanl, of a wealthy
Italian family, waa th third victim of
th "pace that kllla." He waa found
dying ia hla apartment thla morning.
He was well known to the "white
light" of Broadway and the hotel. ;
: (gpeelal Diapateh te The JaaraaL) .. :
- Grant Pa, Or:. ' Sept 17. Judge
Hanna- yesterday aentenoed flv man to
th penitentiary. Three of them, Ben
O'Neal, Ed Rosa and Ed T. Berry., war
given fir years each. They were th
men who robbed McCroakey dry goods
a tors and pawned the articles In Cot
tag Grove. The other tw,o, William
RotttwaU and Xd Ma-rgaa, war given
three year each. They took a grip from
the depot which a traveling man had
set down for a fw minute, v; . , .
Piano - Maklntr, Piano - Playine
:T and PianoiSalllng '
Have been my occupation from child
hood up. Don't you think ' I ought to
know a little more about piano than th
average dealer and salesman Uon't
you think my knowledge of piano can
be of aom benefit to you in case you
wian to nuy t I nav a nn line to se
lect from; Just look them over. My
senrioe are at your disposal. A. W.
Meyer, 74 Sixth street, near Oak.
Corvallla. Or, Sept 27. -The trial of
aawo uina ana - jacx Minne, manager
and bartender respectively of the Cor
vaJlis club, I in progress In th circuit
court Th Jury consist ef Messrs.
Smith. Hurt, Herbert. Carl. Bogus and
Small. The taking of teatlmony be
gan thl morning. If convicted, the
limit of penalty la a fin of t&0 and
the closing of th club. Th othsr flv
cases see nnitnAMrf iMt vw .i
charge 1 violation of th prohibition
About Tsry tew Sato Tla Soataera
. . raolfi for jpoHiaaa Bay.
Saturday. September 10. Is PortUnd
day at the fair,- Tell your friend to
meet you at th exposition. Very low
rate 10-day ticket via Southern PaclfU
on ai Bepiemoer i ana I. i
t- i . . - --f 'h
) '' ttana for aovsno.
. (Jeenal Mneetal ml l '
' Boston. Sept 17. The 1,2 delegate
chosen at th Republican caucuaea
throughout Massachusetts yesterday are
unanimously In favor of Lieutenant
Oovrn6T-TruTrtr--aunddfBoton for
governor. -.-.: ,,-,.... .-
Befaartor Arrted.
' ' tJosmal gpteial gerrlee.l
San Francisco, Sept 17. In their
anartmenta at the Pim hnt.l v..
terday W. H. Gil map and Aubrey L. Rice
wen srrssisa on a cnarge or obtaining
t.S00 from the United National bank
of Provldet.ce,, R. 1 by fraud. , . .
-txearslon Sato to Sw-OTt,
The Southern Paciflo company haa
placed en sale at all - Portland office
round trip ticket to Newport at rat
ef t. Umlted to October 10, 1101. and
for Saturday ttr Monuay tlckata.
Ample hotel accommodation at reason
able rate are provided at thla popular
resort , - '
- . ,. v.. ..
befor October 4, mi. ' "
n,i mn Fay
..!!, in ti:e cm
et Z.i.jl
Distinguished Nebratktn Leaves
m saw a tll3l'J
tor tout or mo mroria
Farewell to Roosevelt ,
- ' (Jearaal leeetal terrtee.) .
an rreeiseo, gept T.yUllam Jan.
nlnga Bryan, Mr. Rryat) their eon and
their youngeat daughter sailed today on
th Manchuria for th orient -They will
top for a time on the Hawaiian islands
and expect to reach Tokohama about Oc
tober IB. . n " r '-'
Juat before Bailing Mr. Bryan aald:
"I may want td stay some time m Japan
and. will also make an xtensive itour
through th Philippine. It I probable
that from there I shall go to Australia
and New Zealand. In India I have
planned to make aa Investigation of the
English method of dealing with colonies.
When w leave there w aball go up th
Nil to th Holy Land. Then I intend
to make a thorough tour of the Euro
pean continent I Intend to atay for
some time in every country.-' The entire
Journey will tak about on ar.
Mr. Bryan haa publianea tn following
parting letter: -i
"To Prealdent Rooeevelt: permit a
parting word. Tou have th contest of
your 11 f before you. and I dealre to ren
der you all the aaelataace la my power.
Tou have aaked congress to enact a law
so enlarging th powers ef th Interstate
commerce commission a to permit it to
enf ore and fix freight ratee. Th rail
road magnates expect Jo block the paae
age of th bill again.
"Stand -by your gun, .. zou nav aa
veloped a reform element in th itepuo
lican party; you must lead It or suffer
th humiliation of seeing th leadership
pass to some on else.
"Go forwaro. xou owe it to yourir;
you ow It to your party and. more than
all. you ow it to your country.
. . w. J. BRIAN.
hai:gs i:.:?aled o:i a spixe
dai:bli::s i:i l:id air
Man Slips From Roof of World's
Fair Building and Is Caught
. ; on Projection.
-(Joeraal gpeelal Senrlce.)
8t Louis. Mo.. Sept 17. Whll en
gaged In removing a cornice from th
transportation building at th world'
fair ground a, M. Davenport allpped and
telL . Instinctively . he threw out - hi
right arm. which was Impaled on a six
Inch aplk 0 feet from th ground.
Here he hung.
Finally Davenport managed to grasp
th edge of the cornice with hi free
hand. H oould not raise himself nor
releaa hi - Impaled arm. He swung
there helpless, whll fallow workman
kept calling on him to-hold on, that they
would soon com Jto hla relief. Block
and tackle were secured and Davsnport
lowered to th ground. Thar I a gap
ing wound in hi arm. but phyaiolans
ay h wlir recover if tetanus do not
t in, .,- .;: :.
..-it.V- .i ' ' ' '.' - ''
"Duk" Evana," on of th proprietor
of th Royal aaloon. Stark a treat, be
tween Third and Fourth, offered resist
ance thl morning when arrested by
Acting Detective Kay and Jonea, and
era subdued only after a hard struggle
during which' Kay' left hand waa in
jured. , V "
Evan' wife ha been living in the
north end and th chargs plaeed-agalnat
him was living - with a fallen woman.
He waa released on depoeltlng f 100 bail.
When Kay accosted him and told him
he waa under arrest Evans demanded
Iff hP"T "h" f mnA f?
Tou know well -enough who I am.
aid Kay.
Th saloon-keeper wrenched loos
from th officer's hold. Kay grasped
his arm, whereupon Evan tried to
strike him down. With th assistance
of Jones be waa conquered and marched
to polio headquarter. -
Again the Ohiekerlag. , '
The -Chlckerinr" piano- haa ushered In
th Portland musical season. Th open
ing concert given last Saturday even
ing by Madame Norelli found the fin
old Checkering concert grand occupying
th old-tim plao of honor upon th
tag, and for th - charming recital
given last -evening by Mia Dttchburn
and aaaoclatea the Chlckerlng piano
waa again selected and Portland muale
lover may look to see it mors promi
nently Identified than ever before with
the season' coming notable attractions.
Th Eilers Piano House, who represent
the Chlckerlng la th northwest exclu
sively, hav now th largest and moat
costly . display . of . Chlckerlng . aver
brought to th coaat and are placing
further order for thl peerless piano
In anticipation of th coming holiday
demand .for them. , .
Declares Bond Xstroe Talld.
, (gpeelal Dtapateh to The Joemil.)
Lewlaton, Ida., Sept 17. The bond
laaue by the city of Lewlaton for
161,000 wa pronounced valid y
terday by District Judge 8 teal In .cham
bers session. The question was brought
to Issue by a friendly suit instituted by
C. E, Butler to restrain th mayor and
city council from Issuing th bond.
Th case will now be taken to the au
prerhe court and decided at th October
term, , i : n t -
Ho, for Astoria. '
Swift ateamar . Telegraph Jeave Alder
etreet dock 7:10 a. m. dally except Fri
day. Returning leave Astoria I p. m4
arriving Portland I:t0 p. m. Sunday
leave Portland I a. m., Astoria t:t p,
m. Arriving Portland p. m
-T. . S. O. a. Meeting Bad.-
(gpeeisl Owvateh le The Jesraal.)
Tillamook. Or., Sept 17. Rev. W. J.
Sharp, general field aecretary of the
T. P. S.' C. Endeavor for Waahlngton
and Oregon, ha Juat closed his work In
thl county for th present and left for
southern Oregon.
medaesd Bate to ghaaw. gprua-a
Th' Southern Paciflo - company haa
plaoed on aal at it Portland effloe
round trip ticket to Shasta Springs at
a rats of 110. Beautiful, illustrated
pamphlet descriptive ef thl resort a
be secured from any southern Paolo
Beaf TaTnW 1
(Rpeetel Dlepatra te Tba Jonrnal.)
MfcMlnnvllle, Or., Sept 17-In the
circuit " court, William - Johnson, a
deaf mute, pleaded guilty .to the for
gery of two checks on his father and
wa sentenced to two year In th pen
itentiary. j.- ...,,. .
iiiaiaci m
White-Masked Pair That Robbed
" ; Mr. Morrison . Active '
' ' Again. . '
--------"--- i v..
Two Held Are Room . Robbers and
Are Proven Guilty but More Ca
peble Thieves Are Still at Large and
In the City. ':;'
That the two: men held at the city
prison on suspicion of holding up and
robbing Rev. Dr. A. A. Morrlsen are
not the criminals wanted for the deed
la believed to be ahown by two other
bold robberies which oeourred at aa
arty hour thl morning. F. Matthlea
or mi para street waa neia up at :
o'clock at Tenth and Everett atreete by
two man anawering In every detail thoa
who . robbed Dr. Morrison and beaten
Into Insensibility before hi money .wag
Matthias had reached th corner ef
Tenth and' Everett afreet whan h waa
accosted by two man. both wearing white
handkerchief a tied around th lower part
of their face.' -
"Throw up your handa." ordered on.
presenting a ravolver at Matthlea' head.
Their victim aid aa oraerea. a hi
hands went up th other robber atepped
around behind hint and atrucit him
tunning- blow on - th . , head with a
"billy." H f U to th ground inaen-
alble. v -- - . ... -
Recovering consciousness a naif hout
latar Matthlea found he had been robbed
of IS.40. Hi key lay bealde him on
th ldwalk. , . .
TC R. Borrow notified th polio by
telephone thl morning that, h waa held
up and robbed of It s at 1S-.1 o'clock
thl morning at Tenth and Jefferson
streets. -One man covered him with a
revolver and the other arched - hla
pocket. ' Th robbers are described aa
wearing white . masks. Th wrong ad
dress waa eecured over the telephone
and th polio hav been unable to lo
cate Borrow.
Thomas Dixon- and Richard Bruce,
th auapeet under arrest, turn out to
be room worker. A. Jje Lewis charged
them, in th police court thia morning,
with the larceny of a watch from him
at If North Fifth trt It was re
covered at a pawnshop by Detectives
Carpentar and Rasing. . Another watch
1 supposed to hav been stolen by
th men and th police are seeking
th .owner. - -
Henry Markeaon, who'haa Just re
turned from a trip late the Nehalem
country, says that, a movement 1 on
foot to hav th . wagon-road, between
OIney and .Jewell improved. At pres
ent th read ia rough, while from- Olney
to Astoria and from Jewell into th
main part "of th Nehalem .valley there
are good fbada. " . - -
That- country - is- growing rapidly."
aald' Mr, Markeaon. "and the people are
more clamoroua than aver for railway
connection. - When I left they bad not
heard of th prospective work, but whan
It ia reported to them there la aura to
be great xettmnt there. When th
people of Nehalem and Tillamook hav
a good outlet for their produce, they
will build up a rich district of th atat,
which I as promising aa any developed
section at th present time.'
When Qeorgs P Jjr aj pearedJJLOhA
county clerk a orf 1c to secure a- mar
riage license thl morning, he wa ac
companied by - hi ' mother. Mr. N. X
Bonn. George haa only eeen 10 sum
mers, and County Clark Fields wished to
have the mother's conaent befor ha
would lssus young Boha a permit to wad
Roe Edwards, whose age was given a
I yaara. Mr. Bohn waa willing.'
Cupid wa buay aa a baa thl morning
about th marriage license desk, nine
licenses having been granted from I
until It. o'clock thla morning. , Four of
the license a were granted during th
first hour and a half the clerk's office
was open. . ;
(oaraal Special rrlc..)
WeUsvllla, Mo., Sept. 27. .Richard
Maughs, formerly of thia city, under
aentenc of death at Merced, California,
for th murder of hi employer, a ranch
man., may. escape the gallowe. Friends'
end relative In thl count yhave ralaed
tl.tOtf to nd a representative to Cali
fornia with' facta showing that Maugb'
mother was Inaane a. short i time befor
her son waa born. . Msugh' divorced
wlf and children live her. v
(Journal gpaeUl Service.) " ' ''
-Chicago, Sept. 17. Tranqutlam Par
aba, Identified by th Mexican consul aa
on of th wealthleat planter in Mex
ico, waa found partially aaphyxlated In
a hotel here thl morning. Th gas
had been- accidentally tttrnedon. He
earn from hi horn In Ban Diego, Mex
ico, to plac hi two sons tn school.
Rainy Hays
Are ur to com. Will help you be
ready for them by fitting you out with
a Coopey tailor-made walking skirt to
your measure for the same price that a
ready-made would coat. Excluslvs de
signs, fit and workmanship guaranteed.
Coopey Y Son, II H Third trC
.. Prino Sefuae vcr Bealga, - .
(Jearaal gpeelal gervtee.)
Helalagfora.i Sept. IT. -Princ John re
fuse to resign. He told the Finnish
delegation that he believed they could
settle their difference peaceably with
the governor-general.
----------------- -r a , . .
' Begia Sixth Tear. ' .
(Bpeelal tnspatch te The fearaaL)
Newberg, . Or., Sept. IT, Rev. Hiram
Oould returned from the Methodist con
ference to begin hi sixth year with
the church here. ' During hi jtaatorat
tn church haa been freed from debt.
m .'- "
sTlndne a O. A. O.
(Sneolal MaDatRh to The J Waal. I
Corvallla. Or., Sept. tJ. Up to noon
Tueaday th enrollment at th Oregon
Agricultural college had reached 110, the
lergeat In the history of the Institution
at a almilar Cat. Several Hlado.tu
a'"'"! .. :j ta.:. .i- - i -- ' - V -; - --"----- -
Capital 3,700,000
Resorve $3,Boe,eoo
Portland Branch, 144 Waahlngtoa.
& A. WTU Manager.
Available ta all parte ot th world
111 branch la Canada and the
United State, including I San
Francisco, Seattle, Victoria. Van
couver, Nangimo, New Waatmln
ter, Dawson (Tukon). .
- Drafts Isauatl on
'' any Branch - '
- Tranafer of money to or from
' any part of Canada by letter er
' tlarn. - , .;"-r -,. ; " " :t
- A Qeneral Banking ;
Business Transacted '
Boston Scientific Dentists
Opposite Poetofgce and i
Filling ..,.....50f T54 end fl-00
Gold Crown. bt ....... ......S5.0O
FuU Set Teeth ............. ...-SS.00
Brldg Work, beat 7. SS.00
Artificial TEBTH'that St and rtor
th natural contour, facial apraloa
and remove all Una at ; ,
Boston Painless Dentists
am scoasaaoaT
Opposite Poatofflc and. Meier a. Frank.
dent hav arrived and are registered
for a cours at O. A. C. .
Canadian Bank . OraerS
of Commerce R for Pnl l
Class A billiard tournament, begin
ning, tonight Reddlck "billiard hall
Mayer y. Hansen. . - . '
, '...-. - - -
- .
, .
The D:j Store la the me of the
a Ia golcj to help mxis It
ii JoWvllvllj O)
Portland Day, Sept 30th, try rorudiilnj
( -, r-
..This store closes Friday, September 89, at 6 P. and opens .
, again Monday morning, October 8.. Let us all put our shoulders
to the wheel and close up shop in order to allow our. employes li
and ourselves the opportunity of helping to swell the attendance, i !
' That tap the only way, to make ft 100,000 or more. There is ne)
other. So let's -all puli together, : .
rr y ..
y i :.-
- : CHAa'R QLBIIal Agent : : 7l: ". ' I ' -: .;:
249 Washington. St
Huiid reds of
From fraternal asseciatiQns, social organixations and other
bodies, all clamoring to be present on the . -.- ; '-
Grand Gala Day and Night for Ladles"
Which will take place on
The day which is free to all ladies promises to excel from point
of interest and amusement anything yet offered by the
O. W; P.
THE OAKS will be open on Monday from 9 A. M. to 12 mid
night. All car lines transfer directly, to THE OAKS, for one
fare. Beautiful and costly prizes will be distributed for various
purposes. ; All the concessionaires will' distribute souvenirs.
' There will be a apecial French dinner at the beautiful and
cosy OAKS TAVERN for 78 cents, including excellent wine.
' Plesse do not make any other date for that day. ' - V i
, The children admitted free on Saturday and Sunday to THE
OAKS. - -
. .'
- .. e. -. .. .... '
closed all day
Ma-r be sent by matt, telephone or
leHWwW5HJwFti UlattRTlaenWteiwa
will receive prompt attentloa.. ,
' The Coalg that we cell are of
belt grades, and. oricaa are varv
Telephones 229 mod 237
Letters Are
Monday next, October 2, at
fi: RY. CO.
V'.:.-, '-,