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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1905)
THE' OREGON7 DAltY JOURNAi; PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY. EVENING. SEPTEMBER 27.. 1CC3. . : ' " nr. TP' --asss mvmm mmm. wmsm i . -, i a HiW '1 -I I a"Ose- mm m- iar- I V - ' . I W ) I..:... atiw.l U MMfnMM Mt Portland. OfMNL ', foe tseaeeeivtoB through the (Hill .aa eeeuad. . ' Cieee BMUsa-. '.' ' "page psperr J cant; U to SO M. assts! U , to 4 isgss, I MM. - . " nimoiiL Rdlti , sun artal Room Mala BW aaa vriios. ...... .................aaeu w roKBiosrASTiKTunta aKFUuvTATirx. ! Vreeland-Benjamla Speclel Advertising ifW. - . 1M Nihii street, haw York; Tribune Build I U, Chicago. ' ..'.' inHIDTtOI BATES. ; t The-Delly. Journal, arltk Sunday. I F4ar-.$T.B .ea aaj.iy 1 jar ...........a.--, . TheliallvJouerial-.-wtth Sunday, asoethe. T Tha Delly Jouraal. 8 awntha. ;:.-., Tha Mails J Hiru I ltb hiikt. atartma. l-o .Tba IHtl iaurual. mMHitba t.M Tba rallr Joaraal, with Haadar, 1 month.. ... Tk. tk.fl l J 1 1 l.iIf la. raided I..... Tba Datly, mar . daUVarad, iondT ai etpUd .10 2a Pallr Jmirnal. with Baoday. 1 af.i.lT.J Tha Ialr Joaraal. 1 year.... J The Daily Jaarnal. wltk Itaadar; aotma. J TS . Tba fllr lamraal. montka. .......... ... -J , ' Tha Pally iouraal.'witk Unndty. I mMatbm. . The Pally Jennial. t BMW tha ... . . Tha flatly Joaraal. .arltk 8naday. t aioetk.. .J5 - Tba nail Joaraal. 1 awntk... R0 Tha. Raaday. Journal, 1 year..... .. f-99 Tka Sauday Joaraal, oatha..... I.M ; - ' Tha' tamtf-Waakl? aimL ... ' The IVail-WerklT Jomal, I to IS maga ... --' aarh tanr. Ulna tra led. ton mwrkat re part 1 year " Readtaaa akoald be mwda br mfrafta, paatal . motne, riprec ordera amd amull aimoaata are lrniiti)ila la 1 mail 1 ." B "P' '- f: p. Bos m. arttaad. Orcitom. ' .mi' rtu JOtfMAL mat i TOtnro. : j Jtmm Joaraal cam ba foaad om mate at tha followlne nlerwa: feOIHB. IDAHO H. SeUcr m Oa.1 W. B. Mc Inrrra. - -CHICAGO Poatofflea Kawa coaipanr; ITS Dear- , own atrear. tBXVEE. fW-OBADO J. BUck. SUtotmtk mad Cnrtle irnrta. - KANfAg riTy-.Vam Noy Wrwa ronpanv. MinVRAPOLIS If. t. KAraaaacb. M - tfBW TORK CITT Hrerjtaao'a.TJaloa fraafaT' - OMAHA Millard Hotel new. ataad: Mecaatb . Bt.tkiaer'r cmrrnamy. 1011 raraaai atreet. , 1AI.T LArtE CITY Kenyna Hotel mew ataad; kirrmr ItrM . aa XVmmt . irfMf. eaath.-. ,BT. Il'Ill ptitrtrr Rned., aia Lsrait a treat; i r j-e aoa nti.. . . t lAN rRAN'CTSCO W. E. Ardtnc. Palar Hotel wwt' arena ana lnrej Htnei nren; oio emits Brna.. 2W Hatter etreet and ftalnt & Frasrra lintel; Boater A Orear. Ferry bulld- lac; N. Wkearler. noeable aewa ataad. cor - ner Market and atearaey atreeta. SEATTLE Rainier Orand aewa ataad; W. L. . Hhanka. Hotel rVattle newa ataad. BPOKANE, WASHINGTON John W.Orabaat Co. , - - 1 TAfOMA, TVAKITINOTOI Central Haara eeai ranr: Rotol Taeema aewa atand.' TrrTOBIA. BRITISH COI.rMBIA TletorU v" Book fe Statloaary (oatpaay. t WEATHER REPORT. ' 4, Aaotner . dlaturhanec, apparently at derided berarter. baa made Ita appear. ore off the - Waahlmrton. eoaat. It will qxrre Inland and eanae ceaeral raloa la tbia district and a . atoderate anntbeaat ehlftlnf to aonthweat aala alotar the meet and na Inland aarlrabla watera. yirorm warDlnaa bam bera ordered daiplayed a tba ".trait t Bnea. from Port Townaend weat alone tka aotlra ... coast aonth aa . far aa Marahfleld. ". - .. Heavy ralna aerarred lat nlfbt. In eaetera . ll'aahliiftoand anrthera Idaho, aad thunder, atorma are reported at Tatonab laland and " North Read. la the eaetern , atatea fair wrafher- prwralla. Tram are Teportert thtl . tlwmlna- la New.Baclaad aad the attddla At' lantlr atatea. - , It will ho warmer la thai dlatrlet tonlaht. MARRIAOE LICENSES. '"'S Antaa Soinna, Ealao, Britlah CohiBibla. 46; XMIe May. & . CUrenra Uater, Prlnerllle Dremna, Ad- aiumi.'SS. ( . , . Frank Mearbem. ' fort Bl Bmt, Waebinttoa. Oeorrianna Millar. IB. , . , Aoetln lanerhlll, XI; A Ma A. Beaalln. 2S. - . Robert MeNalty. 4: Lanra A. Mark. M. - Tred Bilmer. Aberdtaa. Waahlnrtaa. 3T; Kata ' Ollavwe. 1. . . - Andrew PnpoBt. Astoria, Oeegom, 48; Mtnaia v Jl 'hira. 49. . ' . Jaaiea E. Keeeaa. tl : Mary P. Atmend. IB. ' .Jamb KramUrh. Colrllle. Waablnctoa. 34; ' rfAa RrbalK. . ' . " ' Beblea R. Searla. Caatla Rock. Oresoa, Jgj ; .lora K. BnnU. ZI. "TW. a. Marraai. 11; I.nla A. Bmlth. IS. Ottn.. W. Dreaaer. Wlophrster, Oreroa, , JS; . Am.Ma Oerallae. IT..-- ' Henry Tledemaa. Klnfaley, ' Oregon, . t3; Bertha Wll llama. IB. John Matblaoa. 63; Elisabeth 8. Brhleiler, M. ": r. P. Beott, SI: Oertrude Koraatedt, IB. Rrnat Wleaaaa, BA; Iarfne Jobnaoa. M. - Gaera P. Law. SO; Rosa Edwarde. BO. - Weddlnc Cards. W. a. Baitrh Co.. Wash Instoa bide., eor. Foorth and Washington at. BIRTHS DamwOBBi. member . SB, to Mr. aad Mrs. Oinini f, pitiboer. Old Mllwaakle.avcnae; r " a iT-ir-- in-. HI IX Bent ember IS. to Mr. and Ifil. flirt Hill. ,847 Raaarll atreet: a aom. CHAPMAN RepteD-ber Ift. to Mr. and Mrs. Victor Chapman. 233 14 Bnrnalda atreet; aoa. THOMABVKeptemher 20. to Mr. aad Mrs. Bea- ry J. Thome e. 44HVa BUtb street; s son. BPRAareBeptemner 23. to Mr. and Mrs. I. I l-Bor.raa lef Oreaa Park. Waaklagtoe; a danrhter. : FtJMK Beotember IB. to Mr. sad -. Mrs. ' Thnmra Bielaoa of Portland; a aoa. JOHNROX Bentember 24. to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. J oh neon of Portland: a eon. CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. , JOSEB . Beplembet SB. Ellaabetb Jnaea. TM Flanders atreet: rkl'-kea-ooi. ' CJIBF.K Vntembee 26,, Aire, Cllffr Cheek of Fniton: meeelea. , BrPMfKT Bentember SB. Julia Supllrky. BdO Bortbwlek atreet: dlnhtkerta. tfK'K Bentember 2H. Mrs Lnrk le. Alder sad eieermfl streets: nipnThjeria. :-:)r ' . DEATHS. : ' . IVAXIER September 22. .Robert Lanier, aged B rears. at.Oond Samaritan hoard t.l': rauee. - eaiam-BOwawmg. BTOBITO Biiptemhaa tl, . Tumaalna- ared ZJ yeara. at it. Yinrem f aosnttan ' eauae, tumor oa the brain. Burial at Loos v rir eesnetery. , fl-praP4emner 24. Ethel B. Bnner. aged S ..yeara. Eaat Oak and Osr atreet: eanae, , 1 tnberealar menlngltl.. Burial at Ixne rir '.. ' ' cemetery. . CA RBTKK Beptember 23, Charles C. rates. ' -. aged 6B yeara. 48T Eaat Twenty-fifth atreet: .eanae, , tnkaVcnhMia. Burial at crematorium. . , BITIRTIEW CEMETERY. ' Blngl graees Sin. Family Iota 170 'to SI. 000. The only cemetery la Portland which per. netnally maintains sad rarea for lota. Por foil Information apply to W. R. Mackenste, Woe raster block, elty. W. M. Ladd. president. '' fmnnlng. McEnree A flllhangb. aweeeaaors to Ttoaalng A Caatptoa. aadertakera and embalm. era. Mndera In a Terr detail. BVeeathsad Pine, rtem Mala 430. Lady aselstsnt. ' The Edwbrd Bolmaa Cndertsklng eompawy, fnneral .dlreetora and aanbalmera. 220 Third - raoae) acn. '" J. P. Flaler A Bon. rancrsl directors sad - w-hal8ers, eorner Third snd Msdlaon streets. '"Ofrire) of maty coroner. Telephone Mala S. i .-Pweeeal wwwtba- and ent- flowers a specialty V; " . at Roa. City Twenty eeoad, and Fees, storrtson. era, eemctecy. . ... t' i,i isjan 1 111 ia itmcaaan , REAL' ESTATE TRANSFERS. W'.-M. tdd snd wife to C. W. CrelF. 7 V parcel of laarl- at laeiiar of At. Clair and Warn ............. ,N fS.SW , Klisanetti Van rrlderk to. E.ff. Laasraa. Mt1a) feet la north H ef fractional . Week '." eltr . , j r t '-r-i -W.-,-Warrena and wife to L. O. Pf len der, parcel land beginning at northeast corner ef Meek Ta. sner'e atblltma. . . . t,100 ' T l oilham and wtfe to M. R. fislUgber, - r IB. block I. Ollhsm a addition ISS " 9k-' W . " N w f f. "Tit MIttti W r1, lets It. 14. Wo. tsys addttloa.r." S0 IWarlty esaabar. ,B Ymat enmnany, trne- ... . tee. to i'ma B. Rtrrel. lot 14 and east u -of tot. la, bhvk L J. I tr lag a tint addfttoa . s. ......... .j,,,. ...... ... lSO REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. C H. Tbomiiaoa to William Canada aad -wife, seat U tot . Klork 1. lloutll' : .Tabor i)trl park 1.000 0. W. Alder to A. i. KVm, lot IS. block p, Hirers trie addition 1a Albloa ISO 0. F. Hubbard to ora E. Hubbard, parrel -of land la anutbweat earner af aectioa SI, township 1 avrtb. range S eaat B. Willlaine ta T. L. Oarlaod. weat 4 of lota 1. - B. block 304. city ' 0P0 Portland Trust company to W, Ferris, lot . ' la. block 'A." snbdlrlsloa of lota 2, ' ' a. T. . to tract "t." Bmltb'a adoitaw. . i W. rerrle snd baabaad to Portland Trust com near, lot IB. block "A.V Smlth'a ' aiklltku . ............................ I M. F. Tufts to A ante Btenoet. northeast . U of lot 8, block S. Oak park aMltlon. I B. O.serorto R. I., Cate. lot d. block 10. ' llawtburne'a first addition 1 Marr A. Burtim to E. Drake, lot Id. blork Si; Weat Portland ' 10 A. Hvrold toUl-C. Drake, lot B. d. block ' 10. gyodlraYa addllk IS Bams to ssue.. k.ts IB. IS. 14. bktrk S. ... Kyndlcat addition IS Banw to same, lots T; S. B, 10, block 10, saute addition Amanda Bllaer. eaat 14 lota' 1.- X block 1H4. Eaat Portland 1. 000 J. A. Bellwood and wife ta B. . L. Krraat. ' lot . blurk . Bellwood ' 1T3 J. W Tree her and wtfe to' H. J. Ha war ' and wife, lot 24. Mock B. Alntna .. 1,000 R: I. Erkeraun aad wife to J. B. Wester- - relt. lot B, Brookdala 3.T30 J. E. WeatenteH and wlfa to F. J. Aa- dross, tot B, Hrookdale S.730 Blrer VW-w Cemetery aaanrlatlon to M. T. ' Kady, bat 157, ' section inn, cemetery.. TS Board af Cbnrch Extanaias of M. B church to J. F.- Bandera,' lots 6, . B. , block SA3, Conrb's sddltlon I W. A. TUt a end wlfa to V trior Land eom- . pa ay. lot 14, block SO. Maltaomab....,' it Bet rnwrTlnanraDea and abatracta to real estate from tba Title Guaraateet A Traat eo la ps nr. B40 Waahlngton atreeti eiwrweBecoad. WITHIN THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS OUR 12 Wilt he" sttth-ely fitted Bp aad ready for oc cupancy. Tha data of - removal to oar'" per manent heme, from the old quarters ws hare occupied as many, years, will ba announced later. , Cell on as at aar time and wa will gladly show yon the many advantage of our new a,eraesa ana -npiain oar ateinaaa or assist ing yoa la earing money. - PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON . Resources Over $1,000,000 : 10B Third Street. Pboas Mala 46S. BBS.--COHEN .2T. President H. L. PITTOCK.. Tlrs-Prealdent .. Secretary . . .Amlstant Secretary B. LEE PAGET.. J. . OOLTR A . . , NOTICE. B0TICE Of SALE OF B0BD. - Kotlce la hereby given that tba board of directors of the Hood Rleer Irrigation District la Waaco county, th-eann. will aell tba bond f said district la tba eutn of $00,000 aa Tues day, the 24tb day af October, it 10. at tba bonr of 10 o'clock a. m., st tbs office of eald board. at The residence of .J. H. Bboemsker la said dlatrlet, and that sealed proposals far eald bonds will be reel red by aald board at aald Placs for tba aarebaan of aald bonds antll tbs day and hour above mentioned, at which time taa Bosra sbsll open tbe propossls anrt award tba purchase of tba bonds to the klgheat bid- sponsible bidder,- tbe board reserving tbs right to reject anr and all bids, bins to ba accom panied wy-n -certified check for- 1ft pas-cant of w a meum si tbs txmos for wblrk tha eta is submitted. - - Bald bnnda shall ba payable In money of tbs fatted Htstee. In 10 eerlee, aa follows, to-wtt: At tbs sxolrstlon of etoeen Yeara. fire aar cent of the whole number of ssid bonds; st tba axplrsrinr of rwelT years, six per cent;' at tba aspiration of thirteen years, seres per cent; st tbs sxplrstlos of fourteen Tears, eleht -nee cent; at tba expiration of fifteen yeara, nine per eeai; at taa expiration or aixtaen yeara, ten par cent; at tbe expiration of seventeen, yeara. eleven per cent:' at tha sxDlraMna af eighteen yeara. thirteen per rent; at tbe. expira tion af nineteen yeara, flfteea percent; st the ipirstlon of twenty years, sixteen per cent: sad aha II bear Intereat at tbs rata of all per cent per annum, payable eeml-annaally. on tbs nrsx asy or January sns July, of sack year, Tha principal and Intereat ahall he payable at tbe placs designated In tbs bnnda and bidders are given tha option of baring aald bonds paya ble at Portland, In tbs State of Oregon, or la tbs city of New York. In tbe aute of New lork, ana said noons win he leaned In accord ance with tba election of tbe sncesssfnl-bidders. Said bonds shall be each of tka denomination of not leaa than $100 and ant mora than $!W0. ana snail he negotiable In-form and coupons, for tbe Intereat ahall ba attacked to aaeh bond signed by tbs secretary. i'stcn ai uooa Hirer, Oregon, this let k day of September, lSOS. , , 4. tx. BHOEMAKKB. Secretary. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Notice Is kereby given insc too nosra or directors or tbs Hood River Irrigation district. In Wasco county, Oregon, will receive bids for tbs eona traction of tba necessary eaaale and works for aald dlatrlet to ba constructed In a cooed, nee with tbe plana and specifications thereof. BeateJ MdSrJbr a ark work will ba received at tba office of the board at tha iigldi siC'TiT Fhiwm.kei i wmlaii 'ur-The hoard In said dlatrlet. till Baturday, the 2Bth day of Oc tober, 1BHB, st tbe hour of 3 o'clock p. m. Bids mnat ba accompanied by a certified check for S per cant of tha amount of tha bid. Tha board reserves tbs right to reject sny snd nil bids. Plane and aped fiction, may ba procured br application to tbs secre tary of the board. J. H. SHOEMAKER, Secretary. . Pated at Hood River, Or., Ibis IBth day ef September. 1006. SEALED proposals addressed to tbs Lewis snd Clsrk Centennial Exposition Commission will be received at tbe office of tbs commission in the Oregon building nntll 12 o'clock noon, Mondsy, October IS. 19f0, for tbs pure bus of sny of the following buildings' now on tha Lewta and Clsrk exposition grounds belonging to the ststs of Oregon l Administration group, Including firs ststion, police depsrtment. Ad ministration building proper, colonrde sod entrance; foreign Exhibits building. Agricul tural building. Oriental and Educational build ing. Machinery. Electricity and Transportation building. Auditorium, . Mining building sad Oregon Btste building. Specification and Information" for pros, pacllve bidders, also blsnk forma foe bids, ran be obtained anon application at tha aeerr. tarj a office in tbs etregon pulldlnspaan,a volume., lue jkin insianu EDMOND C. UILTXER. Secretary.,' TO THE TAXPAYERS OF MULTNOMAH COUNTY, OR.: Notice Is hereby glees that on Monday. Ocxoher 3. 1900, tba hoard of 'equalisation of Multnomah county will attend st ths office of the county clerk of said county and publicly examine tha aaeeaament rot la for ths yesr 100ft, snd correct nil errors In valuation, description or Qualities of land, iota or other property, and It la tbs duty nfv.ll persons Interested to appear at tba tin sad placs appointed, and If It shall sppesr ts sorb board of sqnsllnstlon that there are any la ads, hts or other property ssseaaed twice or la tbs asms of s person or persons not tbs owner of tbe ssme, or sensed under or beyond Its veins, or sny lends, lots V-ether property not saaeaaed, ssid board ef equsUsatioa shall make taa proper corrections. B. It. SIOI.FS, County Assessor. - Porttsnd. Or.; September B. IBOB. MEETING NOTICES. A MEETING of tbe stockholder, of Northers Light Mining sY Milling company will be held st tbrlr office, iW Or snd ave.. 7:30 p. ta . Portland, Oregon. October 10. lOoft. for ' tbe purpose-of devising wars ssd mesns to rerry on tbs bnsloess of tbe comnsny. R. RENFRR, Prea.j PertUnd team 107. W. O. W.. will gtvs) n mill tsry whist party - this evening In Helling lllreeh bldg. Admission. 13c. . Refresh ment.. All . LOST AND FOUND. LOUT A pa per -carrier's routebnoh. NoviTT. sustaining list iif -JonTtal " snhacrlbrra; bat , between Arista and Learelwond. on tbe Keen Park road. Ret n re to rlrcslatloa ' depart. ; ment. Journal office, ssd receive rewsrd. LOBT On Twenty-third st. ear at -10 a. .. - Mends v. Beptsmbee 3ev--ahstsajn1n leslbes .ease; suitable reward If returnsdl to Honey , man Hardware ( e. LOBT" A Nee attk frmbrella. ne.rl snd -ebenj New Btfnking House asaea,e saiesw aaaasy-iwwara. jsutasj. 1 t .... LOST AND FOUND. LOHT Pair spectacles,- eoojewhere along Flrat at., between WSahlngton and (ray sts.. or at Urst Natwaat bank; return to 10 Clay and receive rewarn. LOHT A brown water apantsl. For informs. ftom reg.raiug oug can up, cut evJun. , sto- warn. HELP WANTED MALE. R'AKTBD Boys under tbs age of 14 for t tioral noclety;" good proposition for bova wun vojcea ana taienx. laii- at i'rew pen, 102 Second St.. cor., of kiorrleoa, nuaday, betweeo 10 and 12 a. m. THERE la a fine opening for a good saosmsker ana repairer is us town or waits Salmon, Wash. ; dobs but a reliable man need apply. Address j. c Maclnaaa, Whits Sal. toon, Waab. s. MEN and boys wanted to earn $3 day, after two monies' instruction; position guaranteed. . Coyne Bros. Co, Plumbing Schools, New York, Cincinnati, 0.aj St. Lou ra. Mo. - (Frew cats, lugue.). ' '. THREE mors mea wanted at once to preps re for letter -camera In 1'ortland; exam. ov. in. Bee R. O. Heynsn, 1$ Rreedru bldg., lanrsosy, S.g. m. to 8 p. as.; eve., I to 0. STATION MEN. nek work; good arlcoa. new work, lots of It, side) rata, nil winter, eastern Oregon; free faro. Parties tare at Baaasa's Employment Office. 3d North Baoond st. WANTED Clerks snd window-dressers to study show-card writing st Y. M. '. A. sight school; person. 1 Instruction. Apply for par ticulars. , . $75 PERMANENT salary sad expenses paid le- lianie men, outside of tue city: pleasant worn. H -Henker. room S, 127). 7th St., Portland. WANTED Off lea boy sboat IB years old. Apply la own handwriting to Willamette iron A Steel Works. Fourth and Gllaau. WANTED--Young mam to work on exposition grouniis nntll close; eaay. Apply roriiana Concession Co., St. Helens gate. . BOYB wanted; hove 14 yeara old and over, to wrap soap at rartory or Luckel, h.lng eV lake Soap Co.. B40-4d Hood at. ' . . . WANTED Good aad quick offlca. boy. between is and bu yeara; gooa penman. Answer a. Jouraal. INTELLIUBNT office boy: one willing to work sna warn. Address la own handwriting, r. U. Bor 138. FIRST-CLASS broiler and Inaebmaa. Address O. U. Campbell. S20. Ja-en St., Seattle, Waak. 4 HOI 'SB carpenters. $.1: 4 helpers, $2.2n; R. R. work, free rare. Hansen s office, as K. 2d st. ADTERTI8INO soUclton, $3 to $10 dally. Bee Alien mornings, jur ansrioca mag. WANTED S good boys with wbeele. Apply immediately, aoa mars st. WANTED Marker at tbe Grand laundry. Bay, eoteenta aaa tjuimny eta. WANTED Good boy, IB or la years old. Ap- i .n a.-.. ...... V7 l mim pi. HELP WANTED FEMALE. BOP-PICKERS to pick B24 acres bops; nil de sired eecommodartona, grocery, bakery, res taurant, butcher -anop. beautlBfl camp grounds, dsnce bsll, pure mountain water, ate. Boons 441 Sherlock bldg. Third sad Oak. WANTED By family of two adults snd ens child, occupying modern 0-room cottage, girl for general housework ; references required. Apply 800 Gllaaa at., or phone Front 12US EE PERI ENCED aaloswomem tor ladles' mnelln knltnnderwesr, hosiery, ribbons -snd notion departments. . Apply personally nr by letter, giving reference,. to MeAUea A McDonnell. . WANTED 180 girls to make wverelle aad snirn; instructions given to Inexpenencea. Apply Neustsdter Broe.. Standard Factory WANTED fterea waiters. 5 'bus boys. S dlah. w sabers; good wares, rrce psss to rah. Ad uilnlstratlon restaurant. Answer by phone. Fair A WANTED Six waitresses, good wages, free psss to rair, a p. m., no rmnaay work. Ad ministration restaurant. Answer by phone, Felr S. 61RL wanted for bouse work la email family. Call forenoon No. SB Eaat rirteeata at., south. . Anksny or pine at. care, ... LADT eanveaaer who plays piano to introduce neginners tnatrnetion. i-aii oetween a nna o .p. m,, S3S East Ankeny et. . HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. S4SH Wsshtng- , . . . k U.-H P.U. Mala. ,,202. Female halft wanted. - A COOK for logging camp: elderly ady pre ferred; fu a mo-nta. Aaaresa n. n, xmna bas. Orient. Or. WANTED Young Isdy to do very light house. work and assist la aura. Apply n bixib ei. WANTED 18 girls or women to work, st Btlll- well's restaurant oa tbs Iran oa rortiaaa aar. GIRL for general housework, fsmlly of adults; good waxes, inquire jaa a.aai nixieenm si. WANTED A girl for general housework in priests rsmuy. Appry on aaei rine ex. WANTED 10 girls for Portland dressmaking ecboul. XII va Morn eon at., cor. rourtn. SEWING girl wsnlsd at Pnrtlsnd Dressmsknif -. BclKwi. cor. rourtn. ... iva exarrison. . WANTED Girl for general housework In family of two. 304 North Twenty-rourtn et. GOOD, modern, nearly new 8-room bouse. In- onlre Sts) R a era men to St. , COMPETENT girt for general housework. Ap ply 180 Esst Kixteentn St. , . WANTED Millinery apprentices. Tbe Crown Hat Co., 37 Morrison. GIRL for general housework! moat be compe tent. Phone Eaat 4100. WAITRESSES wanting work at fair grounds, apply 180 Fourth st. . . WjkNTED Waitress st fair ground. Apply at 1S.1 Fourth at. - MALE AND-FEMALEHELP THE demand for competent bookkeepers and etenographere is grsster tnan tne supply, rrom Angust 1. 1004. to Augnst 1. 1008, we placed till In good positions; had calls for nre than aoo. .at. e.lM..Ha see . f .t. mnlnvarf. wa. wilt tsatat you to a position when comMtenvrr enroll now; nay or meat, nennae-waiker Business College, Stearns blk.. bixth aad Morrison sts. ... WANTED At once, n bright, energetic, pre. sentsbls man or women, s gnoa tsiaer. u tsks np nn sttrsetlve proposition, inquire TH3 Chamber of Commerce. 8 a. as. , 40 MORE glrla. packers snd chocolate dippers. Aldoa tanay to., lenia ana unsss sts. Phone Main 107S. WANTED Immedl.tely, 3 men or women to do esnveseinm i-aii sb r.a.i uoi slJV- prupusiiKm. WANTED Girl or woman tat general house- work. 844, Oregon at., or rntma Eaat BHtrr, HELP wanted and euFplted, male or female. H. U. ukakb, auok waanington st cisy eao. SITUATIONS' ANTED-r-MALE. PRACTICAL stonemsn wishes lob st liable quarry; exnerieaced in hard stone. Box a, A r let a. Oregon. - YOUNG German chemist. Dr. Phil., wants chemical situs I ion. Address r 44, Journal. WANTED Talloreea for panta and making general nejp. ssuingion, room a. AN expert bottler wants a posltloa. Address H on. esre jonrnsi. . SITUATIONS" WANTED-FEMALB WANTED Bltsstton by a Scotch woman aa working housekeeper; la good cook and eaa 'take good -care of a knnae. Call or addreaa H44s .Becona sr.. roots m. . t. , 0 modern g room houses corner Ross tnd . McMillan stso-eornee $3, 2 V;- . Inside, r.-Wllsoa,T $27AOi terms to sulU-a Cb.mber o( Commerce, HELP WANTED FEMALE. A VOL N O lady wishes placs to work tor board in a good home: must not iht too rar rrom - aiga acauot. Address I 42, Journal. l'Ol'NU woman with girl S aa bouarkeeper, widower or email fatally. ' iOt YainblU. rnone juain aaiit. i- YOUNO womaa wltk child would like place to work in n small fsmlly. AdOreaa I, so, cars of Journal. ... WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Agrnta; aalary. and eosamlai . New York Outfitting Co., fj First at. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. OU MEN. - 2d , Second at Phone Mala 152B. PIONEER EMPLOYMENT CO. Labor eontrao. tore; bel free to employers. 215 Morrison. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED Farm to rent; oa skexes preferred; hsvs wagon, team, barneaa. L. W. Frymira, B44 EUla at.; BeUwood car. . WANTED Ts secure office and share office ripeusee; smell business. Address H 00, Journal. . ...."- . " V DAIRY farm. TO acres. 4 aflks front city-, fine road; $5 month.' 208 Allsky bldg. ' ' WANTED FINANCIAL.. WANTED $.0l0 to $425,000 st low rata of intereat, for building oa dealrable Inside real sstats. Addreaa H 41, care Journal. WANTED REAL ESTATE.' WANTED We have a number of cn.tomera for hordea, large and email; bring to us what you bare to scIL . HENKI.E A BAKER. 217 Abington Bldg.. KnJH Third St. IF YOU wsnt quick results, list your properly or misiuess cnance, rrce, la our weekly Rec ord; over lOO.ouo mailed and distributed week ly, to prospective buyers. CN1VEK8AI. EXCHANGE, V. S, Hotel, cor. Sixth and Ankeny Sts. FARMS WANTED All kinds stock, poultry, i run, gram ana nop rurme; must De good and reasonable la price; give fall daacrlptloa, price aad terms: 208 Allsky bldg. WANTED Two lota with er without S or 8- room moaern nouae, nesr street car tins; ?art essb. bale ace monthly. Addreaa. giving ull deacrlptkn, locative and terms, C 42, Journal. WANTED House end lot, either on east at west slds or river; will psy cask If price Is right; sgents need not answer. Address D OA, care Journal. WANTED 4 or S room weat aide house and lot; Booth Portland preferred; will pay cash. Home Land Co., 1404 First et. J, LANDIOAN will pay rash for cheep cottage ana rnrniture. rnone uooa iss. 1 1 'i " 1 1 i iii, hi rr-T-a-r-aarrrif-ir-aw WANTED MISCELLANEOUS PAINTING, spraying and whitewashing trees. oaeemeniB, oerns. oocss, ere. ; isrgssx gasoline spraying outfit on the coast. M. G. Morgaa A Co.,- B70 Mllwaukie at. Phone East 281T. ORCHESTRA. S pieces, wants engagements evenings. Bunoeys; music roc su occasions very reasonable. 46 Lucretia at. TeL Main 8608. BIGHRBT cash price paid for bottles end juuk or every aescnpiinn. roruana uottis auppiy Co.. 881 North Elghteentk. Pndne Main 2284. WANTED Piano for ' storage, best af rare fiven Tor use or ssme; will psy cert age bone Esst 1320. Its) North I'nlon svs. HENRY B. EGI.ER, upholstering, snd repairing; furniture pecnea rar -snipmeni. rnone rectus eii. HIGHEST prlcae paid. Men's eld clothing, shoes. uocie joe. ov intra st, rnone reel tie 40. GOOD driving rig wanted, horse, hsrnees sad -Buggy. Apply tub Oregoniaa bldg. BOOKS bought, eold and exchaaged at tba uid uooa a tore. za xamaui nr. F. J. BTDER. printer. Second and Waahlngton u. rnone axem soon. v WHO IS M. O. MORGAN 4k CO. I FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms fa nee i nrieg niocx on esst side; gss ranges. os in. etc.; mo transients; prices moderate lyogas cis., lont vnion ave.. Alder. Pboae Union $283. BOCSEKEEPING spartments. quiet location; 4-raom anlte. $10 month; 3-yonm, $ month; pnona, water tree, mcasoa. cnlversity i'srk Scott 1208. $1.78 PER WEEK Large, clean, furnished housekeeping rooms: 'laundry snd bath. 1M . Bbsrmsn. south fortlaad. S I'NFl'RNIBHED boneekeeplng rooms nt 70S esst ismnui st. rnone Ksst ison. FOR RENT 8 Isrge boneekeeplng rooms. 38B Wasco st., close to stsel Brulgs, HOUSES FOR - RENT FURNI TURB FOR SALE. FOR best remits on . - - "FURNITURE Whether to buy or sell, ring np Msln 0055. PORTLAND AI'CTION BOOMS, 211 First st. FOR RENT OFFICE ROOMS. SPECIALIST oa dlsesses of hslr snd scalp will sen nsu mierens m eeianusnea or nee to n , reliable person; patronage too much for one. Address P. O. box 67. city. LARGE top floor for lease, Morrison st,. near postnfflcs: elevator; aultable for offices. Ad dress M 41, cars Journal. FOR RENT Centrally located office with phone. R. I Cete, 118 Second St. - OFFICE-It 60M for rant. nough bldg. Apply elevator. OFFICES and rooma. Lewis, bldg. Inquire White. Btsx Dekum bldg. FOR 'RENTv FLATS. S-ROOM flat, Including basement, nee of hath tand water paid; no children; $18. 828 Mill at. FCRNIBHED upper flat for rent. Inquire after 8 p. m., 2M Tenth et. NEW Tat. eor. Tenth and Clay, Oct. 1, $87.89, Can 2M2H Sixth. . NEW modern 4 -room . flat, -rent - reasonable. Phone Eaat 148. " " When the Madam, ? Frets About the' C Vacant Rooms . c C Tell Her to Use a ' ( )jLJOURNAL--?-Vy FOR RENT AD. C ROOMS' AND BOARD. FIRST-CLASS rooms ssd hoard for perms neat - people, $21 Wand $20 par month; table board $4 par waak. Astor houea, 7th sad Matisse, sts. Tsl. Msla B23kv. THB IRVING Elegant acoommodationa. no exorbitant charges; dining-room la coanee. KMNs, prices rignu t-uraer atn ids arving. BOOMS with board for permanent tenants, reasonable; first-class .home . eooklng. SSI Blxtk St. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THE KING New building, hsndsomsly fur. n aaa. eauinpea wits every moaern conven ience ; on direct car line to exposition; all " outalde rooms; beat, gaa. electric lights, por cel. I a hatha; rates, Aoe, T5o end $1: tsks Fifth st. car from nnlon depot to SOB Jeflar. son St., aear elty hall. Pkone Black 1B11. THB HAMANN. 138 N. 18th., cor. Hoyt Newly furnished rooaia, $1.80 up; convenient iocs t Ion, . IS aiinutee' walk to fair groands; Morrlaoa ear at nulon depot direct to house. Pnune S470. NICE S front too ma furnished for f;ht houee- . keeping, wltk gaa and bath, for 3 respect .able ladles, or couple .without ebllurenv F Fucha, 14V Flrat at. - - JUST the piece for fair visitors; nice, large rooms; a peels 1 rates to parties of 4, 8 or S people; nousekeepBig rooms, ousvh Alder. MARQUAM HOUSB. 1H etb Rooms sa suits or stug is; aooseassptng roooss;.gss stovee. nam, etecmc ugnia; iranmeatB nouoiiea. FRONT parlor for gentle maa of refinement wbe wiaaae room near, ua esntsr ox etty. sol a verett st, . ' THB GLADSTONE 812- Savior at., furnished rooms; saoer aew management; prions raa aonahle. CHEAPEST aad beet located rooma In Portland, $1 week aad up. Gllmaa. Flret aad Alder eta. THB GRAND, 46 H N. Third St. i mea, gi.eo per week and no. THB CASTLE 873 W a abington ac. rSrnlahsd rooms, raoae Mala lora. TO RENT Furnished cottage. 814 Marguerite eve,;, laae u.- w. r. ear. - - FOR RENT HOUSES. ' U. B. EDWARDS, -n House fumleher. 1 RENTAL DEPARTMENT. Dwelllnga of all kinds aad to, all parte et the city are listed with us. We ksve tbe most complete directory of- ascent bouse In town, snd If yon eontsmplsts moving It . will psy you to visit our rental depart ment. Ws era sure to here a place for you. Following la a partial list; t slai nil's.. B-rm. house, 1 Portland Height. ...$10 00 . 4-rm. (1st. Mill at .12.00 8 raw., bath, gaa, good condition.... 12.00 S-rm house. Sixth at mrj ' T-rma., bath, gaa ,' 2B.00 rO-rm. bouse, new, bath ............ 4. . 20.00 7- rm. bouee, new. bath, gaa 20.00 8- rrn. house, good condition. 4th at.... 20.00 B-rm. flat, modern, good location...... 82.80 7-rm. house, new, modern , 80.00 18-rta. bouee, new, bath, electricity 40.00 B-rm. bouse, close in 48.00 ' B-rm. house, new, modern 45.00 ' B-rm. bouse, new, modern 40.00 12-rm.- bouse, bath, gss 70.00 EAST SIDE. .3 rms., bath S.0O B rms., good condition, class In 10.00 B-rm. house, new, beta 10.00 4-rm. bouse, Taylor st... 12.00 7-rm. bonse. new. bath ............... 18.00 B-rm. cottage, new, bath, electricity... 10.00 i-rm. nouae, rair condition ............ -B-rm. cottage., bath. Htantoa at........ 16.00 B-rm. bouse, bath, electricity , 17.50 iT-eenbouee, batbgaa. BUrk at. . -,,,- 1 nn 7-rm. boaae, hath, good condition...... 18.00 - 4-rm. fist, new. batb, gaa ............. 30.00 B-rm. bouse, batb, gss. Taylor St......' 80.00 8-rm. bouse, new, modern 2O.00 7-rm. bonse, bath. gas. furnace ,, 25.00 Note No . information regarding these nouses can pe given over phone. H. E. EDWARDS, Houer furnisher, ....... IS to 101 First St. . : A SWELL,' new, mndera bonse of T rooms - will rent to n good tenant $18 n month: ' will give lease If 'desired; between 3 esr lines, call 428 Esst Thirty-fourth St., South. STUART station. Mount Scott ear 4 targe cnns, oniouiiaings, moaern; peruse witnont children; furniture for sale. Call the Belle vue, r our is nna Sainton. AT $20 per nxoatb. S rooma furnished for beo.e keeping, oa ear line; aultable for two families. ' IQlOVe Belmont. Sunnystda ear. 84th at. FOR RENT Broom modern bouee. 812 Gen. tennein eve.: key at tbe house. Owner, rerey warran, xne r-smona hotel, elty. 8-ROOM modern nouae om eaat side. Ire good Iocs t ton. $ib per month. Hartman. Thompson ' A Powers, 3 Chamber of Commerce $15 SEVEN-ROOM bouse, 830 East Twenty- - seventa sr., neniiworrn curve. Bear Clinton- Kelly scnonl. mono Msla 4028. FOR RENT Houses end rooms, furnished and nnrurnissea. WJfr Ur.Bd svs., n. H. D. Winters. $ FIVB.ROOM cottsge: lsrge basement. Key i-neiie grocery, nooa eaa urnnt. A HOVKE of six Moms with bath.. Inqutrs at exn nevenrn ai. BUSINESS CHANCES. WANTED Party wlahlng a good rleen cash buelneaa, with good trade, enlendld location and lone lease, with cheap rent, and at a bargain; no trade will be accented. Party who wishes a nice clean atork of general merchandise. In n enlendld eastern Oregon "town, with good trade; will Invoice shout yiz.uuu, aaa the building nnd ground for eele at a bargain: beat reason, for selling. Psrtles wlahlng good nomesteads or timber claims, to call at once, aa eastern Oregon cruiser Is in the city. Full particulars at 208 Good nough bldg. PATENT covering . several counties oa aa article that la wanted by each store and . la a ready eel lee. mnat be eold on account of other buelneaa; here -la a chance to get Into business on small capital, where yog can make big money In a abort time; will eell county rights cheap and will take acre age er lots la exchange; Inveatlgate this If you srg looking for a business opening. H. W. MILLER, lOOti Blxtk St. STRANGERS desiring to inc. I a In Oregon VU do well to esll upon me before deciding, ee I sm seqnsinted with lends snd values In each county, and have n large Hat of bargalne to eeleet from, and also all klnda of business openings for aala at tempting prices. Hsvlng traveled tbe ststs ever for tbs past 30 years I sm prepared to -serve yon. H. W. Millar, 808 Good nough bldg., Portland, Or. WE ksve one of the best paying retail grocery ' end. meet msrkets in lbs city thst ws will -' offer for s few dsys; this business will stsnd Investigation, snd Is going to be sold this week. If yoa are Interested esll st our office snd learn ths reason why. Northwest Land Co., 808 Morrison St., room 211. HAVING just gotten out n prospectus on ths Yellow Jewel mines, will say sll tboee wlahlng aame can be accommodated by rail ' lng or wrltng one; remember, tba proposition -is- guaranteed aa represented or ell cost. psld by company. H. W. ' Miller. 3o$ . Ooodramigh bldg. GOOD PAYING COUNTRY STORES. One for $3,000 One In Brick store, oonnty beat, doing a big bualBraa S.BOQ '" Inveatlgate thoroughly and convince your. - self. "" " V " F. Fl'CHS. U9 First St. 13 ROOM rooming house, good fnrnlfnre, few blocks soutk of Portland hotel; rent $.KV; all llghKrooms. open Into ksllway; g eaerl flee bargain for $400; mnat be eold before tbe flrat. H. W. Garland A Cev, 10S Fourth. Pboae Bed 3001. FOR BALK At SS per rent below Invoice, If eold In 10 dare, on account ef elckneea. a flrat-elges confectionery, lee ereem and snort order; good locstion, doing a good business; nesr O. R.A Nsbopt, US-BunaoU-at, "U'notve Scott KdT. FREB LANDS IN OREGON. FERTILE soil, pure water, delightful cTltnetot Isnd of alfalfa, apples snd clover. For gull I r. Formation address tbe Colnmnia Soe there - leetgeitoa Co., SJB Worcester blk.. Fortlaad. MATTRRBM mannfarturlng snd renovstlng bu si nce; machinery run ny electric power; low . .rent. This Is s good eheaee for any one With r'anma money who will give ell attention te same. Apply owaer, st) Wll llama svs. , BUSINESS CHANCES. illlk'il ftl'T AT "OBT... ' -'- 0. A. -W liana A Co.. 307 Third at., betweea Taylor aad Balmon. their entire siecx. ens. elating ot wall paper, paints, varnlahae, oils. ersists, piciure iuuhiius, .reiu.s, via. FOR ash) or rent Sickness compels ave to esll my flock of . tboreugbbred Plymouth Rock pigeons, also soms common ones, with or without bulldmgs. sic. ; n snap, ss., uiimaa aotet, riral ana Awar eta. HALF Interest In general mercantile business, , doing $40,000 yearly cssbt bank next to .tore: . cause for eaillng. eyesight falling, cannot see - to do buelneeet $8,000 buya hall Interest. Ad areas r 43, care Jouraal. A SNAP Stock and fixtures of cigar, tobacco. confectionery and fruit etore, doing good business; must be sold before' October' i; beet ef reasons for selling; price $200. Ad dress I 44, JonmaL - . - - - PARTIES wishing to keep posted rewarding tbe opening of lbs Indisn reservstlona In bios tana, either tbe Crow or Flathead, eaa do ae ny caning or writing u gum uooanouga mob., roruana, vr. FOB SALB On account of atckaeea. alee, eleaa. . asoney-msklng bnalnesa on eaat aide; sales from $18 to $38 per 4s y: price $1,400, er will la voice; an ageoia waniao. u wt, mt Joan A CERTIFICATE of transfer from Bebnke-Wsl - ker Business -Csllegs for $88 will hs trsna, rerea at 10 -per cent oiecount. J, et. overturr, Portland, Or., .general delivery. $178 BI TS rooming-bouse of 18 furnished (all rested) rooma that cost over $400; most sell. Call tomorrow, S to 111 I. m., 146)4 First at., room m - . . FOB SALB Btock bf general merchandise la gooa location; asies rrom guuo to, gi.uw per moot a. Address uca eg a. langsnc. ur. A GOOD paying restaurant (or sale; must- bs soia ac-encs; partiea going esst. .zee xiuua day ave., J net serosa eteel bridge. ' ' FOB SALE EaUbllabed nbotogTsnk atndlo: spienaid equipment, gooa business. Aaareee r. u. aoa sui. wregon tjity. ur. FOB SALE Roomlng-bouee, IT rooms) newly rurnlsbed; close to rer anopa.- inquire 121 Vk n usee u ex. rnone union oua. WHEN looking for a lecatlow. ithsr city er country, call oa in. nortnwest Msej ve zoa Msrrisea stn room zu. CORNER saloon ta good location with 4 rur nlsbed rooms, rent $40; price $300. Call 3001, iuarrieoa at., room a. WANTED Good' business man with money to promote new profitable company. Address H BB, care Jouraal. NEWSPAPER pleat for ssls In a growing town; wan estsbiiensa inqaire i. to av, care journal. RNITCRE factorv. located $83 Water at. for eele, cheap; reason, slckasss; moat lee v. roruana. FOR BALE Brick hoteL BS reems. good Tnral urn, epienaia leans; u rortuaa. so, jeeraaa, FINE evoortanlty la estsbllshrd bu.lneaa: a aeip nna capital. Aaareee u o-t. ears journsL WANTED A partner ra a good paying bnetness. lady er gentleman, boots Morrison St., room 1, FOR SALE All or bslf Interest la good paying restaurant, ouo aaat Morriaoa at. FOR SALB Good reetaurant, with leases nna location. 412 Morrison st. WHO IS M. O. MORGAN A CO.? FOR SALE REAL ESTATE.; 330 arret, floe timber, , near ' Portland, $1X50 pes- acre. $3.000 Good 8-room bonse, aear cap line, Ira. proved street, esst stoe. $2,500 Modern 8-room colonial bouee, close la. esst side. $4,300 looxlOO and atodern cotonlnl 7-room house, en I'nlon svsnue. A fine boaae. 17.000 A fractional lot on Waablagtoa at. $18,000 Tli ree -story brick oa let et. ' Income $180 a month. $10,000 three-etory frame oa 1st st. IneonM $1 10. - , , BIO Hon lisnion on Third at $100 -Lnta oa car line," only 30 mlnutea front renter or rtty; water end graoea rreete; ' AI per month. - Rome fine wsrehoass .property en weal ' 8AHL8TROM A PATTERSON, ,. ' 166 it fourth St., eor. Morrison. . a aprkB all choice land. 444 acres cultivated: 100 choice bearing rruit trees, xooo nesiss f S rooms snd pantry, nil plsatsred snd good order en fine level roea leaaiug te roruana ua. Si BiM. t ncree cultivated, fme new house and barm. on 8-cent car line; a snap; oniy eo,ouu. 2H scree choice land on peninsula, near Co lumns siougn luna, una isrgs sruis w wm. knllillnM. S scree, 3 arras cultivated; 'new 8-romn houae f ronta on rer ime, running water, ei.ouu. f ncree near Tlgardvllle, all cultivated; e-room bouse, good bera. rruit trees. 4 team am sua, soma chickens, buggy, wagon, t cow, mum k.s- trade for home in Portland: 81.500. SV, acree aear rar Una at Lenta. Improved; bouse, barn; will trade Into a good farm. S arras Improved, nouae, barn, orchard, good water, aeer Vancouver, Vfueningum; sen cheep or might trade Into email heme In auiMirna ox rorrianu: sever. $V4 acres on electric ear line, running stream or water, nice new a-room couase, cnicxen- bouse end perk, fins spring wster oa tbs bill piped into tba houss; s caeap place; ooiy a7Mi. . i 3 acres choice lend, no gravel, living water. rnd Douse, nam ana outnouses, a eppm irees, rherrlee. B peers, raspberries, blackberries. strawberries, asparagus, sll c boles snd beer. lng; B choice ornamental treee. some grapes, V4 mile from station, SV miles out; cbesp, tZw enlV-gl.B00. t seres choice lend st South Mount Tabor, all fenced snd euitivetea: i" c no ice pea rag fruit treee; cheap at $1,000. HBNKI.B A BAKEB 217 Abington Bldg. '' WHO WANTS A $5,000 QUARTER BLOCK t 81 rusted nicely, on tne weax aide, on Keen St., between Twenty-first snd Twenty-second, pear the fair 1 grounds. If eold thla week, $1,500 will take it. Good title or no sale. An acre-aad-a quarter place, all nicely cul tivated and gardened, choice fruit and her rlea; email cottage; 3 blocks from electric Cera, Oak Grove, only $.60. 3 full lota, B room bonae, $03 Howe , St., worth $8,000, for only tMlf essy psyments. $K will buy 3-scre place la Clackamaa. If Its the snaps you rs looking for, ws bare them. $3.300 a nsaatirni m-aere place, gooa i room residence, choice frnlt. A good BO-ecre place, aear Molalla.' Clack amas county, snd $1,500 to $2.floo cask for a desirable elty reeldenee. Apply to THB Dl'NM-LA WRENCE CQu- . 1 : ."7 148Vk First St. :r-- ACRB TRACTSI ' 0C SPtCTALTT IS ACRE TRACTSI ' " FsU-almd atreeta, water to each aera. , TERMS $10 PER ACRB CASH -. S10 PER ACRB PER MONTH. Ton go tbese seres em the aame ' esr, Ciy the same Be fare tbe tot mea pays. The t maa la year melghbor, but be Is re stricted la mejorlty ef feat urea that Stoke 8 true rubor baa konrs. A. C CHt'RCHILL A CO., I 3, ' 110 Seeood et. Dl'BOlB A . SHERWOOD, reel eatate. 305tA MoTTMnrh roem g. ir yna wsnt s home bore are bsrgslns yna ought to Inveatlgate. 8-rnem rottsgs, Esst Portland Heights: $1,01x1; terms. rinej B-room modern, near. Eaat Twenty eleblh and Belmont : $2,100. . reora. Mollsday Park, $2,210. - Elegant 5-renm eottags on Ankeny esr line, - nese Twenty-eighth st .. $23. - - Fonr nice lots on Psrtlsad Helgbto.- 0xl09 each. $e.200 tskes them silt a big snap, " WB kave maay other bsrgalns. . FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ' El $1,800 Tery neat, new 8-room cot tag.- eelaaat ' basement, bath, gss, esst front, Vs - block te ears, within wslklng dlataacei eeay terms. $l,3oO s-room kouae, ' 3. full lota, goad wood houe.. 150 feet to cere, la good coa . ditioa; awry -assy bran. $1J00 New S-room cottage, modera, H block to cars; $100 cash, balance $10 per - month, , GKCNDY-MELRATH CO., ; 34HS Morriaoa St., Room It 30 ACRES, ell ba berrlee aad fruit t Binders bouse, isrge barn: close to rar line; $0,000. . ' 10 acree, berry aad fruit ranch ; close m, tend build Is ta; for sale cheap, with terms. - rV-room cottage, modern, close In. $1,100, bslf cash, bale ore $13 per month. . B room modern rottsgs on Grand ave, Cloea to Clay et.; price 82.800; eeay term a. Also auburbaa cottages and booses on small1 payment; $25 to $100 down. 404 Esst Morrison st. Phone East $38. W1T.T.A MttTTW. '. ' Beatimily situated this side of University V oa ear unei wis gauu -sacn; iu cass aaa 35 per month. , AMERICAN INVESTMENT CO., : 223 Falling Bldg. ' Branch office WUlametU station. SNAP , - S-room nice aew bouse, all la good ardor; . two porches, Co acre ts cellar aad walks; ale . wuodbousr; ground 80x100, aa Mt. Scott car -line; owner leaving tbs elty, snd will sell at sacrifice for a quick sale: $800. , HENKLB A BAKER, . . 317 Ablngtoa Bldg. " - BI.'SINESS BOI'SB IN ST. JOHNS. New bouse la beat business center, rested $43 per month: a good Investment; owner neede soms money now nd will gall very cheep. . . ' . HENKLB A BAKER. .J' . 317 Abington Building. LOT worth $1,200 foe $1,000, In walking die. tance. nlca aalgbborbood; $50. cash,- balaaae -$ yeers 8 per cent. New anodera B-room bonse, fruit trees, ene. , ner. good neighbor bond, $2,800; cash $760, balaace $30 monthly. F. FUCHS. 149 First SL roB SALI rtYjttaae. FINS MODERN COTTAGE - Five large rooms, complete: batb, large i-bssement; atreet graded; rants $18 per month: low rssn price; terms eoasiaereu. Auareea J 48. JournaL - BARGAINS FOB SALB Tea acrea of cleared land aad feaced. 2 ml lea eaat ef Menta , villa car line. Price $850. . Also 34 ncree ef excellent terming Isnd oa Johnson creek, only . $50 per acre. Inquire . : - J. Is. WELLS A CO.. 84 Grand Ave. ' , A FULL block em Grand ave.. old bnlldtnga bringing $250 per month: aa excellent location . ' for hotel, tenement bouee or etore buildings; nothing better In Eaet Portland: price $88,000: $18,000, balance long time at low rate ac Interact. Addreaa 0 48, care JournaL WHAT la your bldt I mjuet aell at once a very dealrable borne, well Improved and located. saving ail auourosu u , u 1 . . pom. www, woodshed, well, fence nnd a very fine grove; 314 acres cleared. 1H surface cleared, mm rock. Address D 83. care oj ureal. . DO YOU want one more lota oa Portland . Heights? If so. ws can name you prices that will beet anything ever offered la that locality. ....: NORTHWEST LAND CO., -389 Morrison SL. Boom 2ll. - - DO you want a boass aad lot oa East 8th eg.. nesr osk St., si price 01 Aov.r is sot s sevw -It. Lot 50x100. 8-room bouee, brick basement. . ,i bath snd toilet, fins cherry trees; $3,850, part cash. Address O 46. care JournaL . - FOB SALE -8 800 Will buy eorner lot. clnee la. ' $2 il.noo lot InoxlOO corner on Wllllsms avo. $3.300 For rooxlOO on Eaat Pine, close In.. J. La. WELUB- 41 t-o., as uraau avvw. FOB SALE 3 new bouses (modern) of T rooms eseh. fine locstion. on esr line; price gz.ou end $3,000. T-room bouse en East Pins, close . In. $3.000. ' J. L. Welle A Co.. 04 Grand ave. TERT choice lot. 60x100, Hellsd.y's adds ansa a boms et Mt. Tabor, luuxiuo, 00 car naei Bull Bun water. I rooma. bath, barm, all kinds fruit. Owner. 128 Third at, ' 11,500 6-room cottage, 1 sere. Improved. II .800 B room bonae. fine lot. close in. 11,000 82 room tranalenti a snap. Boom 303. Commercial Block. - FOR BALE 44 acres, cheap, with aesdars ju-rosm nowee, seaiaa iwi "ns lei lie)! maw bearing fruit treee; must be S..0. . Inquire ea premises. B70 Mllwaukie at. A .BARGAIN Improved property, mew build. .Inge; rent paye 10 and 16 per cent on tbe In. vestment. Appiy 10 owner on me premises. 878 First at. MODERN S to S room houses, large lota, a Marguerite ave., Momaviua car una; ynar own tar ma; call aad examine. W. t. Btrrdea. owner. . , 4 BATB you $4,500 to Invest I own e property wblcn 1 eaa snow win os vrerca exu.mej m a few years. Address H SB. - care Jonrsal. $1,850 NICE T-room 8-story hones: bath, patent tOI let, trail ; -jSRioriane sk.. nwusoDi station, terms. T. W. Plttenger. S46H Morrleou St. FOB SALB at a bargaia. modern boeee ea Eaat aayior, cmee in; isrma as snii purchaser. Apply F 43. esre JournaL P0RTI.AND HEIGHTS T-room house, modern. block: smat aigntiy tocatma on aetgate. Real Eetate. room 10, I., O. O. F. bldg. FOB SALE Modera eaburban eottags, etoae to cat UBC. Bne loeauoo, grouaa luuniuw. a W. f. Tosraslto Oo., 134 First at. FOB SALE Neat enhurben cottage, good bouse, . 4 rooms, to a quirk purchaser, tor cass. Bee owner today. L'tay, cars Journsl. 300 FARMS, smsll tracts and lots; bargains ea O. W. P. electric line. u. h. aaaiioa, ijenia. Oregon. Take Mt. Scott car. 6s. BIG SNAP Hslf Interest for sale. Income prop. erty; psy. la per cent; must nave ae.ouo. Call SO Knott st Owner. ' . MAKE an offer for 5-room modern cottage. Jos Naabn at Nashville station, oa ait. Boott ear line. Must hsve money. FOR SALE Corner lot, T-room house, rem. pieteiv rurnieneo; pert veso, oaiaucu nmiD' ly. B21 Eaat Bnrnelde. FOR SALE S-rnom bouee In Irvlngton; part rash, balaace in a yeara; line rruit aaa flow era. Phone Scott 2030. $1.850 New 8-room cottage and' 4 Urge 'lots oa corner Grand ave. aad Shaver at. Bee owner. 804 Shaver at. WE build boueee; eeay monthly puymentat lota furnished 11 aeairea. - Big UMnmereui bldg. Msln 1040. SELLWOOD lots. $5 down and $6 n asontkl from $7B to gwo. Beijwooa iswnsiie te, Phone Eaat 4704. IF your hones neede repair, or yoa Intend to build, phone Bast 9UZ4. rrea A. tvrgg, nrcni teet and builder. BARB bargaia 7-room bouee, lot 100x128. fine rruit, good garqen, gooa Kcanon. 11 Breen St.. Mimtsvllls. FOR SALE Lots 11. 13. IS, block S, Arlets rark, gixa eacu. auiusss mmim nvensr. Barton. Oregon. FOR SALE S room house cm esr line with sere fruit trees, etc inquire sat Ban Sixth' St. S-ROOM benee. cheap for eaab. Inquire L. B. - Remington, Boeemont ave.. montaviiia car. FOR SALB T-roem house. Sixth snd Alberts s.,r Illgblane. .can np untoa aoaa. B-R0OM house and full lot; a bargain If takes et ones. ' awi urana svs., n. FOR SALE FARMS. GOOD dO-eere fsrm. 26 cleared. 18 pasture, good soil, good bnlldlnga. good orchard, living tW lHg,Tfr miles- frrmr Pnrtlsndr $2,000", OR1 NDY-MKLRATH CO., 345V4 Morriaoa St. - ' $2,TS0 BUYS a $4,500 farm af IBS acree. . T room bouse, bars, goad water, 834 miles from warehouse, lit miles to school; $1,008 rash, balance $ years' time. F. i, Mabeaey. '. . Tekoa..,Waah.-.. . . . . '.-, .. FREE greverument farm Mnds jnst opened to ' ' eeetlementt- level -valley lend; no- arena-es - timber; water, snd anil fkrst-claas. Room M Labbs bldg., eor. Second aad Wasblngtam. ft. 1. 1 1