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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1905)
TIIS OrXGOM DAILY JOUSNAi; POnTLAt?P. .' WEDNESDAY EVZIIINQ. SSPTSHSSnrtT. 1!! 7. ILLI :r'.'.'z Exciting Race at Chur ch"! Downs Two Jumpara - Meet Their .Daath. il OCXEY CAREY SUFFERS SEVERE ' INJURIES oiciola Wins CIom Race at Cincin nati Remits of tha Going - at Brighton Beach and Boisa Tracks -The Day's Racing Summary.' . ' ' (iMnillNdtl Sarrto.) ..... .Louisville, Kfn ept7. TlitN WM raj excitement at Churchill Downs jres ttrday during ths steeplechase raoe. t -iree horaHi falling. two suffering I -oken )r. causing them to be kilted. li-lnre Real and Mr. Rose wars the un- fortunate- ones. -Jookay.Carar-srss.aan- ' gerously Injured. Tha results: . Six furlongs Echodale won. Klein' v weoe second, 8ld ; 811 vsr ' third; . time. 1:11. '!-:. .- ' . ; .- : Ftvs and one half furlongs Nlfo won, Brlo-a-Brao second,- laid 'third; Seven furlongw-Dollnda won. Fallen Leaf aecond. Covins, third; time. l:s. Mile and a sixteenth Braneae won, Silver Bkln' second JDevout third; time. 1:48, -t. .... - - . teenlechsse handicap, short eoui Sceptre won. Onyx' II' second.' Pborlands third: time, '" Mile Envoy won. Savior Fairs ... end, Running Start third; time, 1:42. CC.7 CASECALL CP.IT1C l.Now MlksjLbS-PJIt is. erJp ' 8Pr kane .button, -and souadlog tbe.-,alogaa "Spokane for the Coaat league In 10 says aa exchange.. It Is tbs same old way as when he broke into Tscoms two years ago. "That's one "trouble about Mlque, he lacks originality, and It la sad thing, too,' In one who 1 has been hailed as s. natural born funnyman. Spokane may or may not be, taken Into the ' Coaat league next year. Uncle Henry will decide that at the meeting aext December., ends Henry tninka lot ef Mlque, and as he Jiaa to And home for htm somewhere, he may ahip him to Spokane. . - 1 , Mlque said a few weeks ago that If he went broke In Taeoma he would have to quit baseball and go to work. Her rtble thought. -Isn't itT , But perhaps rncte Henry will save him from Such terrible fate. ; The figures In the old Pacing Northwest - league show that Spokane .did not play to as much money aa Taeoma did. ' Mlque has made a frost of It In Taooma. What assurance can ho give that he will not be a -dead one In Spokane.- too? Spokane would have to turn out much larger crowds than Taeoma did. or It would not' pay to make the transfer, for the difference In rati' road rare will be considerable. Taeoma failure to keep up with the procession may lead to a readjustment all around and a" return to saner ' methods of handling the. genie on this oSast. Mlque Insists that he has not a word to say, and then goes on to talk for about three columns, all of .which would be printed in 'Frisco, but doesn't go. up this way. and he Is all on Are with enthusiasm for Spokane.' The new .past urea ' over there look green to Mlque. snd hs would Welcome a chance to spring some of Jits ancient stories on a new crowd. - At Olsananatd . . . Cincinnati.' Ohio, Sept. J7 Tester day's grand circuit-results st Oakley park 'were: : class, pacing, three In Ave, parse $?.00 (unfinished from Monday) Stein won three straight beats In ' !:07V. 2:0 and i:0. Ethel -Mcv ShIock. Black Pet. Josle. Oregon Maid, Elmwood, Peruna, Owyhee and Secret Bay also started. 2:1 class, trotting, three In Ave, purse t!,0 91 en wood M-, won three straight heats in J:1H4. 1:07 tt and :0. Jack Wilkes. Clarlta W.. Pat Monroe, Leon ardo. Be Had t. Get Away and Woody R. also started. . ' ' '-. The Ohio, : clsss trotting, three In five, purse f 1S.0OS Angiola won fourth. nfth and alxth heats In 1:01. : and J:1H. Rsdlae won first and third beau In 1:07 H and :. Norman B. won 1 second 'heat .ta 1:1. Zephyr, Ma setto. Direct View. , Robert ,lo., . Hall Fry snd Lady Mowry also started. . J:l class pacing, three In five, purse 11.00S Byrl Wilkes won three straight heats In :07K. 2:01 and I:0. Hal ite, -Ben FV, Dakota Dan. Inter Ocean, Queen of Spades, Mlas Georgle. Sam Rysdlck. . Wlndhurst, Ethel Rose, Jos Interest and Lady Vex also started.. AtaMgMomBsask.'''' " New Tork, Sept. J7 Brighton Beach race results: v Six furlongs Ortsks. won, . Maid of Ttmbuctoo second, Fleur ds Marie third time. 1:14 -. , . v , v Five and a half furlongs Brookdale Nymph won. Disobedient aecond. Devil lreahird: time. 1:0S. : 'e. .-' Mile snd a elmteenth Sidney C.'love won. Tokolon aecond, " Santa CetaJIna third: tlms, 1:45. , -. - The cup preliminary, mils snd a-nalf Cairngorm won,.,Caughnagwa t' see-, ond: time. 1:14. Two starters. 81a furlongs Sly Ben won. Ingiestds second. Capias third; time; 1:14 M.- Mile and a sixteenth--Au Cassln won, Oliver ' Cromwell ' second. Sailor- Boy third; tiros, J:4t 4-sV.y -j At Botss Track. - Boise, Idaho, Sept., 17. Summary of rarea: . - ..- . r -- . Half ' mils Cowboy Nlbbon ' won, lAguihaldo second. Abbott third; time. :S4 M.... ' .-.'V - Three eighths mils dash for' I-year-lds only May Thorn won, N'yoba sec- ,-t.lxlit l"uut lliliii I In, itl 1 I Six furlongs, . free-for-all The Pride won. Step Around second. Infsnt third; .. tlms.. 1:16. -..,,'..': , .. Half mlls 'daah, free-for-all Adloa won. Queen Cup second, Forty-Four third; tlms. :4l- , . t ;,: , ' " Seals Won la Eleventh. San Francisco, Sept J7. The . Seals defeated the Angela yesterday In a . heavy hitting game In the eleventh In rting. when Eager dropped a perfectly fielded ball, allowing. Wheeler to score. Tha score: j. , ' - ' R. JJ, Pan Fran' .. tSStOOISSl 10 ll' S Los Angelas SISOleillS lt 't Batterlee Wheeler and .Wilson; Gray, . Tost er a nd Eager. I'm pi re Da vl a. rtaataaaaaaa Were You Born I lniigonia 1 tv : 1 g If so, 'you should certainly. j De inreresiea in our little h book -i.:..:UvJ v: -ft II I Lewis and Clark i I It tells briefly , anT pfamly I the fascinatine A story of 1 h Lewis and Dark,' . . J M It U r a most timely book. m Handsomely .bound in cloth 159 naees--mailed - anv r". -. .... . f VVIITI t IV 1 . " t"' ' .. . -L. s.. H J. K. GILL CO. i 1 1 Booksellers and ) ',--.Sutioneri.M.-r.r THIRD AND ALDER ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL" 1 AT RECREATION PARK The association football tournament will begin tomorrow afternoon at 1:1 st Rerreatlon "park, ' Instead of on the Mvillnomih field aaTfaaTieen publlsned. Tha contesting . teams, iadysralth and Portland, ..have been .at. .hard practice for soma -time and are In fine condition for the game. The Portland- lineup will be: oosi. Dymsnt: backs, , oowen and Dickson; halfbacks,. Mills, Kennerly'and Dlcksoni forwards. Kllpack. Rylane. Vernal, Toung and Matthews. The sub stitutes will bs Jamison, Dago and Mo- Mastsr. . . .:.. , ,. .... ; . AMERICAN LEAGUE. ' ' f ..' :- ' Won. Philadelphia:. . ...... 84 Cnicaao . 4 ' Cleveland 1 . ......... It . Boston.. ............ ( . New Tork : Detroit . . ........... Washington ....... 4: St Louis . .'. Lost . H 61 .. t " . - 7 , 6t 7 . PC .418 .(II .tit .417 ' .49 ,600 -.468 .867 At FhUadelpnla. - ;.. ' , t R. H. E. uetroic . ........ ...... .s il Philadelphia 4 I Hatterlee MUllln ana Doran: coaklair. uygeri ana nenreca. ' V ' At atsw Tsrk.'. First rame . , ...... . R. H. E. St Louie . ....... J..J New York . ...I ll Batteries Powell and 8ugden: H Con, Clarkson and Kletnow. . Second same - R. It E. st. ixmia . ....;;;T..-..T;r.;i..7 ll New Tork .1 1 Hatterlea Huchanan and RMncr: Ia. roy ana cueinow. At WsshlBjrtoa. . First came . . R. H. K. Washington . , ......... .9 s Cleveland ...S . t Batteries Hardin snd Herdon: Rhodes and Wakefield. , Second ,xame ' " ' R. H. E. Washington... i. .11 1 ClevelanUL . 11 Batteries Falkenburs and HevdOn: jaoore ana tiarae. ,, ' iBi 4.1 fflM4.fe M TV iMHull - University of Oregon, Eugene.. Sept 17. Good hard training has commenced st the "varsity and how each afternoon from S w'clock until Kineatd field pre sents a lively appearance as tha football squad trots on the field and goea through the rigid' practice Introduced by Coach Shorts. Already there are two teams St work., first, going through a light practice In kicking1 and paasing the ball snd then taking a run across the Held trying to overtake the high snd long punt a of Oregon's' lata acquisition Mullen. The work of this player la phenomenal and the large crowd of spec tators that dally watch tha prsctloe of what la conceded to bs the best team that Oregon ever had era loud In their oralses of averv one of the members. and especially this Lick High school boy. ' Beginning yesterday . coach snorts put the team tor some-severe -work and out sf ter a short run across tha field. Captain Letourete la making tha team play-faster than ever' and-ln-thln Judg ment he ta backed by the coach, who Is used to the styls ef play, sod la keeping them constantly at It Training tables " are already estab lished snd rigid rules are being forced so tbst every man will be In first claaa condition for tha first game on October 7. Testerday afternoon Hammond - snd Mclntirre arrived and 4 minutes, later were on the field kicking the plgakln. Of ' the ' new players a Portland boy, Whittlesey, la showing up well, snd a big fellow by the name of Leland Kurd. one of Michigan's crack players, la keeping up with the veterans. Hurd's position Is' at half.' " ' ' For a while it wss thought hers that Olln Arnsplger would not return . to school, but a letter brings . the Informa tion that ha wlU arrive about the first of October. At this, tlms Virgil Earl will also return. whUs Beth Kerron, the popular Portland player, la scheduled to arrive tomorrow. This lesves only ons msn of last year's team In doubt and the. management Is dally expecting to hear that Frank Templeton, one of the swlfteat of Dick Smith's '04 team, wUI reenter snd be ready to play In hla old poettlon at tackle. If Templeton returns bs wtll bring- with htm ia .new - player who Is sure to maka good-on the line. This new man whom -the atudenta have beard so much- about la Spencer, : the son of Csptaln Spencer of Portland, and id who has had experience In the footban world. First same R. H. F. Chicago .j .. . . . 10 J 1 Boston s Batteries White, wash and Sullivan Winter and Arrabruster. Second came . : . R. It. E. Chicago . v .1 7 Boston . l k Batteries Walker and Sullivan: Har- ns sna cnger. NATIONAL LEAGUE. New Tork Plttsburc . . Philadelphia Chicago . . . Cincinnati . St. Louts . . Boston . . Brooklyn - - """' ' w WonT Lost ' P.C ...s.... . ; 43 , .r '..,...... fl SI .4 . 78 , 88 -. .6t 81 6 .684 in Am ki a I , ........ , . . I 4 C (7 .8811 . ....... 4 7.,i .82S ...!..4S 101 . .290 , -....., At fJhloare. . ' x- . . , 1. . R. H.E. caco . . ................... .0 4 Brooklyn . . '. ...1 1 " 1 Batteries Wetmer and Kilns: Eason and kBergen. . Umpire lviera. At St &uia, R. H.E. ,.2 S . 1 0 St Louis . .............. Philadelphia . . ..,. l 9 Batterlee Mcuougai and uraay; fit- Llll S in. VWWl ll. i.iuyn, mmtm. ' ' ' At OlnetamatL ' :- - ., .- . R. H.E. ClnclnnaU . ......... . M. .....W J J . 1 Boston 4 i s 4 Batteries Chech. Jones and Street; Toung. knd Need ham. - Umpire John- stone.....i-a.tL ; .. ' At Plttsbnrs. : ).,. -. , ' R. H. E. tHttabura- . . . ...... '. ,V ..5 II 1 New Tork . .t 7 0 Batteries Lynch, Llefleld and Gib son; Ames, Mat hew son and Breanshan. PACIFIC COAST , LEAGUE. OakUad l- .lll! l 01 5 6 88 .611 FerUsnd 11 .. I o I N .M0 Loa Aneflee .. 4 8 0 JJ .4J Taeoma 7 O 3., T M .49 Nil rruHm , t 4 4 S .. 7 38 ,400 Seattle 01 H T .. 31 .447 , ' :., . f f ( ' tjmt- '.: i...arM 34130 314T - 1 1 2 tftHIHHMHt4 f . aolsa' at Walla fslla,-- - '' (SpeHal Dtapetr M The Jouptal.) ?' Walla Walla. Wash., Sept 27. Yes terday's races were puUsd off In. a con tinual downpour of ram. The results: One mile, 2:21 pace for 1400, best two In three Robert H. first Bonnie M. sec ond, Esther B. third, Lady Julia fourth. Tlms. :. 1:23. . -. Six furlongs Silver' Heets (Losgue), lit. first; Dandle Belle . French), 11. second; Rnaebudr (Bullman), lit, third. Time, 1:17. - ' ( Five furlongs "hlef Ahola Herbert). 114. first; Eldred (Losgue), 113, aecond: Ooldfinder (Catron), lit, third. Tims, 1:02. ' Five f urlonga.-trchaBU'- handicap Sad Sam (B. Powell), 111, first; Miss Hunter (League). Ill, second; Peter J. (I. Powell), 11. third.- Time, 1.03. , : Seven furlongs Metlakahtla (C Wrlght).l107. first; Ripper (Catron), 111. fnrt: Follow Ms (Williams), 107 third. Tlms., 1:11 H. . i f t OfflUKIIY I0-;i;:SU3E-;FEPi mwK Oil Coach Shorts Puts Hla Man Through Long and Varlad . . Football Stunta. - TRAINlNG"TABLESARE"r NOW IN OPERATION Moat of Oregon's Old Men Have ' Returned and tha Prospects for tha . Stats "Varsity Are Much Brighter Portland Boys to Join Squad. MULTNOMAH REDS DEFEAT THE WHITES Tha Multnomah Reds defeated the Multnomah Whites laat svsnlng In an Interesting . basketball match by the score of It to It. ' Rough work was the order of the evening and Referee Mackle Imposed many flnea. . The teamwork of the Reds prevalledndearied the Tic tory. The lineup: ' Reds. Position. - Whites.' Barton (C) .....Guard...;.'.. Callahan i ... ' W. Percy A. Percy Guard...,., . Frohman A. Alien v. . . r. center. Keea Raach - O. Kerrigan Rasch. B. Allen-.Forward. ...... .Bennett Dent, Flavel. . . .Forward. .Steadman (C) DracwsMtcit: FIB EAS mm. :'fe Groat . Britain ahd Japan Bind Themtelvaa to Fight Each Othar'a Battlaa. o. MIKADO WILtrASSIST' . ENGLAND TO KEEP INDIA British Forces to Aid Brown Men to Maintain Their Grip Upon Korts-. Independence snd Integrity of .... -t i China Ouarantesd. . (Jeeraal IpecUl Serviee.l " 1 London. Sept 27. The text of the new British-Japansss treaty nas seen made public Tbs treaty provides for sn alliance for the defenss of Korea and' India and Is as folowe: The preamble reads: "Th governments of Great Britain and Japan, being desirous ef replacing the agreement concluded between them January 10. 1303. by fresh stipulation bsve agreed upon the following artlclea, which have for their object "A-CanaolldatHm . and thS malnts aance of general peace In tha regions of eastern Asia and India. - "B The preaervation or tns common Interests of all tha powers In China by insuring the Independence and Integrity of the Chinese empire and tha principle of equal opportunities for the commerce and industry of sll nstlons In China. "C The maintenance of the territo rial rights of the high contracting par- of India, and the defense of their spe cial Intereats In ths said regions." . Ylffet .yosstdissi . . . , rtn Tig: of the timekeeper; 'BTtlMlnir; Holman, umpire; Wilson, scorer. Baskets from field Reds: Barton ). Dent (3). A. Percy, FlaveL Whltea Steadman (2), Reed, Frohman, Bennett SPORTING GOSSIP. In Sunday's game with Los Angeles Eddie Householder mads his customary two safe hits for the Seals, one of which wss a two-bagger. Still Eddie was not good enough for Portland. . .-.:' , e e '. . yesterday's gams, saya a Baltimore dispatch, was marred by a fight at the plate between Steelman snd umpire a. Moran. Steelman' bed a few - minutes previously struck out with three on bases snd although he did not kick at the- time. It la aald that ha began argu Ing wtth Moran when he resumed work behind the bat" Suddenly Steelman grasped Moran by tha neck and was getting ' the better of the argument though Moran stuck manfully to hla guns. Zlmmer rushed up and aided by the Baltimore players Tuiiea steelman off. An officer ran out on the field, but seemed loath to lead Steelman off. He broke away and attacked Moran again and was induced to leave the field with great trouble. He declarea that Moran called blm a vile name. Steelman. was not put off the grounda. but eat on the Orioles' bench vowing all kinds of ven geance after the game.. He forgot It however,-and lert .peaceaoiy chatting Ith Umpire Zlmmer. - And this Is the same Steelman who played on th Port land team last year. Steelman, when he waa with Portland, never snowed .any fight He looked and acted like a, dead man most of the time,, . ;'''.' e a .; . Here's tha way different umpires act under fire from a slayer: .-. Sheridan Folds - bis arms- and .looks patronlslngly at tha player Ilka a maa tiff slslng up a toy - terrier. seldom makes any reply other than as ambled laugh. - r - O'Loughlln Looks threateningly' at tha complainant, and with ' a wave of the hand Intlmatea that tt will bo bet ter for the kicker to desist st once. Then saya. "Come on.. boys.. Hurry up. Who's the hltterr Connolly Stsnds strikingly snd lie- tens without comment Has an Injured look, - and If 1 tha - complaint.- la too lengthy will send ths offender to ths bench. . - Hurst Flies at the offender like a terrier, at a rat or Weary Willie after free lunch. Frequently beats the plsyer to ths scene of wsr, snd If he's a Ger man will hush him up quickly. If the klcke'r Is sn Irishman he may holler for 40 seconds. Thivls Rushes-st -ths of fsndrr- and calls him vile names first, and: If the plsyea ssys a word, orders, him to the beneh. carrying a fine. :-j Perrlne Hides ors band behind . his bark and Is slways adjusting hla mssk with ths other when his swsrds are dis puted. When greatly aagered he looks, Ths text of the treaty follows! "Article 1 It Is agreed that whenever. In ths opinion of either Great Britain or Japan, any of the rights and Interests referred ' to . In the preamble to this agreement are In jeopardy tha two gov srnmenta will oommuntcate ' with ons another fully and frankly and will con sider In common the measures which should bs taken to safeguard those men aced rights or Interests. , -i : - "Article 3 Should either of the high contracting parties bs Involved in wsf in defenss of its territorial rights or special Interests, ths other party will st once coma to ths assistance of Its ally, and both parties will conduct a war In common and make peace in mutual agreement with any power or. powers Involved In such wsr. , '., , 'Article 1 Japan. , possessing para mount political, military and economic Interests in Korea, Great Britain recog nises Jspan's right to take auch meas ures for ths guidance, control and pro tection , of , Korea as . shs may ,deem proper and neceaaary to safeguard snd advance those Interests. . providing ths measures so taken are not contrary to tha principle of equal opportunities tor the commerce snd Industry of all na tions. . .... -r ,,-! ., . Japaa ts JMfssul India. . "Article 4 Great Britain ' having a special interest In all that concerns the security of the Indian 'frontier, Japan recognises her right to take such meas ures In ths proximity of that frontier she may find necessary for safe guarding her Indian possessions. - Article (The high contracting par ties agree that neither will; without ronaultlng the other, enter Into a sepa rate agreement wtth another power, to the prejudice of tha objects dose ii bed In the preamble. . Article 0 As regards the present war between -Japan and Russia, Great Britain will continue to maintain strict neutrality., unleaa eome other power or powers join In hostilities against Japan. In which case Great Britain will come .to the assistance of Japan, will conduct war In common and will make peace In mutual agreement with Japan. "Article 7 Ths conditions under which armed assistance shall be afforded - by either newer te ths ulliei1 lu js"ili AND STREET. CAR TICKETS GIVEN AWAY . -I -. . . . . .. ... ..; : r i , - 4 - WITH EVERY BOY'S SUIT OR OVERCOAT, OR ANY PURCHASE AMOUNTING TO $5 or Over ... . -. - - . i . ' , , - . - ' .f . . '. . r .'."'',j... r -""jT"' v' :'- f "". ' ". .v.,. .r.'.-..f-r.; '' ;'.;.T-;.,.,.!;, . - , jr vi' Made between now arid 7 P. M Saturday, Sept 30th OUR way of boosting PoirtlM-d . Bay BE ONE OF THE 100,0001 1 rOT TTVTTT? V- A TTQTnrl'P Q Espedany arc invited to do VAJ IN JL XV X ; V XOX X VJXyO thdrtrading here Saturday. Well keep open house on that day. You can save all expenses of the trip end get free pass to the Fair by trading at the OLD-ESTABLISHED, RELIABLE J . Ill 1 1 1 1 llVi .ill W IlllMI ! SS-87 third St. (fl Gtriocii Stark . Oak Ms cumstances mentioned In the present agreement and ths means by which such assistance shall be made available. will be arranged by tha naval and mili tary authorities or ths cqutisetlng ua ties, who will from time to time con suit with each other freely on all ques tions or mutual Interest . "Article S Ths ; present egreement shell be subject to ths provisions of ar ticle I,, and come Into effect Immediate ly after ths date of aignature, and re main In force 10 years from that date. In case neither of tha parties shall- have been notified ' 12 months: before . the expiration of said IS years of sn Inten tion of terminating It . It -shall remain binding until ths explrstion of one year from the day on which either, of ths par ties ahall have denounced it; but if when the data for the expiration arrives. either ally la sctualy engaged In war, tbs alliance shall be Ipso facto and con tlnue until-peace shall have been eon eluded." f .... .., .. -, .1. . . . Ths treaty la signed by Foreign Secre tary Lansdowne, on behalf , of t Great Britain, snd Baron HayashL the Japa nese minister, on behalf of Japan. holds his mask In his hand snd tries to resemble a aoft shell crab, . j McDonald Glares at the kicker, never anawering back, - but Intimating by his look that there will be something doing soon. . . ,.. . Klopf This msn wss so .bus look ing at his Indicator that ha haver saw a play, unleaa soma one called .his at. tention to it Aevy ir tna teams sngsged reore- sented San Francisco or Taeoma. then rest assured the. other fellows always got me snorr ena oi too deal. ' Rankin Tries to be' polite to both tesms with a desire not to offend. This la-due to his Ists entrance into official Ufa. i : . u, How to Pickle Almost anythlni can be pickled. Pickled pears, pickled peacnea; picstea pickles, pickled tongue and pickled onlona have come under our observation, Even men become pickled. wo special recipe is required in their esse, however. Every man knows how to- get pickled. The housewife , who da sires to become proficient In pickling naa nasi nnd out from ner husband just how he gets pickled, and then do the same thing to her peachea or pears or onions. . All picxies should be sour with the exception of sweet pickles. They should be sweet" Follow closely along tne lines lata aown in mis article and you will have no troubls In gettlna pickled. , ... Csptaln David Jordan gave out' this season's signals to the Multnomah squad laat evening at 'the practice In the ring at the Portland Riding academy. The new. aignals srs quits complex snd will baffle any opponent who tries ts pilfer or use them.- v i i i m i T Preferred Steak Canned Sesda. Allen 4k Lewis' Best Brand. .. . , f r t 7 JbrcJcd ' . . y .' istaMhajsi ura. , . - - J Tbnaaasds la Porttead asd all ever the' GONORRHOEA Kay be attended wtth tae gravest eowpnea Kona If mlwlrf if la.pta.wlr traatae. Wa hava a asecUte treatatest walob eares ejuckiy, samiy aaa SYPHILIS I aasfber aeqnlred sleMse, the ravages ef wtleh wsrit Yalhr eVveloped ae pea eaa eescribe.. Wbaa H ataows br skla eraptises ar ar eorae la BMatk or threat Ita sonM ere already eesea. We safely aad taer easlily core yea aad so silaeral paisesa sse eaplores. .. . ,. . -t it i VARICOCELE AND HYDROCELE; - We treat sad ears, not by 'the eld earrleal sreeedere, bat br s painless SMthod selelr We llkewfae win cere yea and aave yea the euff-rlnr aenclalea wits n.i.eue BeMltty, Leet ataabeod. lapseaaey, SpnaatoTTkM, Heetaraal Xnluieaa, Tre SMtare Dellae, less ef Meeaer. Baergy aad Ambitiea la tbe brlefeet time tt eaa be dees snd we Insure yea a safe aad sealtlve ewe. - GeaeaUatlea and examlaatloa free. Writ for srswtoa slaak. aad yea caaaet eall. Ofdce Roam. a. sj. ts a, bl Saa days, M te IX - , : ST. LOVI3 ; Mmdleai and Surgical TDISPEiNSAlVlf Oer. M sal TasUm eta.. Pernaaa, Or. SOUTHERN METHODISTS' IN ANNUAL CONFERENCE ,, . '. . N (Joernat Bpectal Servtee.) ' T Lei tcb field, Ky Bept 27. The annual conference of tha Methodist Episcopal cp"ufcn7gontli.' opened hera-tsday-wlth a large atterfvianca,- Over lit ministers of ths church Vere present When tha conference was- balled - ts order - this morning. - - Owing to tbe Illness of Bishop A. Coke Smith of Norfolk. Vir ginia. Bishop Warren A. CShdISf of At lanta, Georgia; Is presiding at ths con- ferenee. - 1 '" In addition to tha assignment of pas tors, thS conference will elect delegates to ths general conference, which will be held - in - Birmingham, . Alabama, In May of next year. There will also, be four preachers and' four lay delegates to" bo chosen. Aside from theee elec tions there Is . little of Importance ts corns before ths conference, -out aide of the ordinary routine. , The usual cars 111 be given to ths . superan nuated ministers, their widows and children-end -educational matters will also dlscuased. ." . There is no need for you to pay exorbitant "prices, because -you buy on credit. Our EASY PAYMENT SYSTEM i different from all others different because we DO NOT CHARGE any more than were you to pay cash, and at prices below tnose of otner jewelers. . -DIAMONDS- WATCHES; JEWELRY, Can be secured from, us by ' paying one third down. The ' balance you ; can pay us on ' wtrtrvT v liAWTtf : .LY PAYMENTS. We. give you possession when making,: first payment, we aemand no security, charge no interest. It will pay you to see us before buying elsewhere. '. THE PORHAND LOAN OMtE ... ;,Manft Bloch; Props, v'--. v-f.-r.'T...:-.- 74 -Third St.'- ... .'I S 'i 1 ffs I '' f 4 .1 ','.. PoetmasSers' OoaventJen. (Journal Pneetal S'ntre ) Dayton, Ohio, pt. a 7. The annual convention ot ths National Postmaster' association, .composed. of postmsstsrs Of ., IT". '' '. .- ; "... rvlUTUMN,-1905 FTER months of careful prep aration, I take pleasure in an nouncing the showing 6f an mm exceptionally-varied assortment-of fabric fronr: .... ' x ' . which patrons may select suiuble patterns for .1 ::t- ., Fall arid Winter Suits and Overcoats. olT H. GRISWOLD (Successor to Griswold & Phegley.) j 1S1 SIXTH ST, PORTLAND, OREGON. - ..r first' clsss' offices! opened" hsrsftodsy, Bevaral hundred members of ths ssao- elation srs In attendance. - Great prepa rations have been made for ths conven tion and ths visiting postmsaters will be well taken care of.' Many .social vents and entertainments , have beta srrsnged In their honor. The conven tion will Isst throe daya and manyj, matters of Interest snd Importance to ths service will bs considered. -.' -i .. - ; ' - Preferred gteeh Oaaaed sta ' " Alien Lewis' Best Brand.