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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1905)
'. . v -a E I'lEIOIKIS mm hp Dullness Still Rule Out This Is Owing to Growers Refus- ' .,..'. Inj to Sell. POULTRY PRICE SHAKES . AT THE TOP TODAY Cheese Is Weaker With More Liberal --; Arrhralt-tCreamerjr- Buttery- Dull - Eggs Are Finn With Arrivala Small Flour BniineM la. Still Heavy. QDA ,T mat Street. Sept. AS. Tba srlaetbal taataree im metis na wawasaw hiuii wmi .an. Boo are Sail bat firmer, t'lour beabssse eontlnaee heavy, f" , i' Poultry narkat a abaky. ' . (in arc (Ira at tba too. -', ' ' v -s ,1 - tliim aerket a weaker. I-ocai grease M poor IT pecked, rusk recelpis trifle eeltar. . ' .. PsUneaa (111 rate W nutter. Uood demand for peacbaa. .. . J'. Potatoes and ealooB dull. Freeh ataata have (air reellag. ' - fend of cantabttaee la tight. Apple market la good snaps. - K r- . 1 " 7" Celery reeelntg ate better. . , . Sens Are Dnll Bit fir-Mr. - Tor fcop aarket is daU. bqt'tliatoo7a firmer. Tbat there ara anas orders In tea . aarkat at tbe present price a ebowa by efferiaga of tba dealers at eoantr pa Orowara generally re fine la their views -as.' ara Mwllllng ta aall at praaant arteea. tba prloee bow prevailing bopa ara wartb barely ' . store thaa tba coat of prodactlaa sad growers ara xa auapa to apacaiata aa tnair awu seeora. " la Boraai years bopa Java aara raised prom atiy em ably wttta tba aarkat at 12Q13e for efeolee. bat itra coat Imposed am Saras, labor east ooipsar lapoaa addltnaal enargaa aa taa grew- mat aaka It alga lapoalOM . lor uwa a Mil ander 14Q1M a poaail. Tkat M ' wilt aatipay tba prtoa aatll tbay ara aalM to br lack a brcwlnc aaarlal a abowa by tba aaaaraaa attara raonrad br aeal daalara aajag tbat tboy eanaot pumijr aaa alocka that v - aaat arar lieiae oallTarad aaat. , Tba woald : naaa a 10a aarkat In tbla cltr. riraa tbat war aaaawbat baarlab 1a tbair alawa of tba w bp aarkat a .pbort, .UdN iMi. lt1.4 W rtl aot bo at tba prleaa anotad. - Hiort Mllara ara aaujp aad it la ta tbalr ntaraat to kp tba aarkvt ,v aomawaat nrmar witaoat amanir aacirag taa giuwaa ta bold fop -anaraaoa prlaaa. Tba alraa ' tba a bopa baa coma to Huit ataadtng tnat browara a tba aaat da aat waat to taka ta . - aooda tbar eoatraetad tor aaaa at prleaa sanad. Thay banrra, according ta racaat attara taealTad froa tbam, tbat taa aarkat mold MaUy ba brekaa to.lOo la tba fltr 'f growancaa ba frlgataaoa .aaona a. Thaa aaaa f tba baarlab daalara ara wUllaa to trr tbalt baa da at boootln aatll tbap aaa fill tbalt , ardara.i At tba praaaal tlaa tbara a aa dooM that Baalaad will bara a boarr oroo of bona. bat tbara will ba arr Utta tbat wlU arada : raorca. Haw Tarbv-cannrala. aad Waabar - - toa win aa-praMallr aa hopa that-will tara aat wail aaoaa ta ba eaiird amppara, tan thoaa wha waat tba eboiraat (ooda in tba world aaat of ami ally eaaa a uracaa. Tba EnflMi aarkat a saw raportad waa tor ardaar grada. at caolea ara nraar aad allgbtlr no. ah ' tbara to a taadaacjr ta waaknaw la tba aadlauta ' - bad. prtaM with a carraapoadagly good tana r w ma raoiea auropara. - or lata Mlra ra- portad ara tba followlag: oa BirrM of BaWm, trpraatBtatrra or amwartanr of Kaw Tork tioacbt aoo aaka at prlaaa Barurdar fraa T. A. I Mvaalar Oa. mt Halaa at I9e. Browa a Ca. -of Naaa ara taper lad ta baa parthawd ear load of lWMai thar gradad aadtaa and wet ' parehaead at !.' Paal Hon a aald ta baa rmrenaaM .tnroagp rapraamttlTaa to bawa at IMtt Taklaaa at !, aad ta aaeara tba tot . 'Mr. Horat to mm ta bar gnaraataad tba - gKiaat wbatarar raa aar attui ta tba aarkat . batwaaa aow aad Jaaaary I. J 90S. Tba battl " af tba brawra aad tba gruaaia baa J ..' a. . - - - Tlaar Baataaat OaaUaaaa Kaar -l Trading Iw floor fimlluaaa aa bfary aa tba ' ' llmltad npaelty af-fha allto of tba north mat win aow prraitt. Hllma ara now boMtnc tbelr -prtHg-mtttt1 tWST- Tla waar-Bartf sand ebapa wlU a eaaB pnana atlll batag paid lor eaeirer gradra. 1. : . raoJtry Xarfcat Batkar UaaW. . . ' K - One af tba larawr of tba ratal! daalara today "wtibdrsw" fiib-poaTrfielliiiBirniat ba" hail valpta ware sot baary and etbar daalara took all iaai eaaa. ifromary amraa win. Baap taa . aarkat fraa breaking, aa tba Jaw lab holidays (, during tba latter part of tba weak will take .ramldarable a took. Ban arrlvala weald caoae the aarkat ta take a eeddea dip daring tba , raw ears. ' Tba mt aarkat a ta vatygoad abape, with taealpta ar oeaa very am 11. qnaury laprerag oauy. wita prieaa lira aat aaeaansao. Cbttaa abowa a enaaMerable fateraaaa and the :rnaa of (be aarkat la outer, with Me aa the top. ' ' ' , 1 Craeaary bolter saaaua doll at tTUe . poaad. aad tboaa qaotlnc tbalr prod net hlcber pre faoartad ta ba aaklng aaeret to larger layers. - Tba followtag eaota rloaa are tboaa batag paid akmir Fteat at root by tba retail trade for ebolre , qaaltty la tooad Iota. Prodaeere prleaa are aa specified: - r BraJa. riaar aad Paad. , . WBBAT New rtnb. TQt; Bed Eaaadaa, esei " BaBufcl Taad. l.toilS.00 eHed; 2LM , JplAOO: brawlng, a.60O&.0a - . vOKfi wdom, zi.wi craeaes. pap aa. . RYK SI ISS are awt. ' OATS Prodaeara prlra Mo. 1 waits, I3S.D0 - JB2A00 gray. tMMUM.Vt. . MOUB Old. aaitara Oragoa pa ronta, 4.S0; etrelehU. 8 O0C3 Mi fT porta, M.BI: VaUer. "at an. mhia. Urn.- SaaAt ava BA aa no. ' baiaa, 2.TS. . ' eilexa. as.OO: eborta, .aoaotry. 136.00; elty. sip.uu: erop, ain.vw. nAX Prodeeara pncaTlanthy. Wlllaa lley. faaey. 11.00OU.00i orrtloary, . St 004) ,10 00; eaetera . Oraaoa. 114.004)10.00; alxad. .. u.ooqs.ovi envar, ".twajiu.w; grata, pa.euu S.eO; cheat. ft.0OO8.bO. - ... T - Battar. Kree and PaaHry," r . T . BOTTBA PAT Sweat, Sle; soar, fee. BUTTER City creamery, baat, KOfJSrUr: saeond grade,. 17we: eutalde fancy, ITHei ardl pary, Sftei atora. lflSHe CaUtorala faaey, - BofiiTHe. - - , '- . p.unfl No. 1 mah Oregon, readied, ITUe; enid atnrage ' and eaatern. SKCMe. . CHBBHB New Pall eraam, twin, lie; Xoang POGLTET Cf lekaaa. aliad. tea par th; Xfaaey nana, 14Hc por If; rooatera, aid. HfJ10e , Per tb; frrara. I3Ml4e par lb; brellats. lit per in; aoeaa, iinnitr par in; ft ; PttOe par Ibt tarkera, lfl?2c pat lb; drat ,t303B Bar lb! aquabe. IXtoaAOO paa aaa. Hapa, Waal aad Hldaa. " BOPB ISOS ' OragoaV ISei Waablngtos, 1AA llle; ISO erop, 1 Par eaorce, tfc for prima - ana adlama WOOL 1MB alia, nlbf, Me aaat tSa aaa tare Cragaa. VIOHAIB rToalaal. SOditlA r- BBBICP8KINB Sbaarlna. isais f.- MONDAY PRICES IN THE WHEAT, MARKET - V f 4 4 4 .. Chicago ....... , I .7H e e Milwaukee .... .I&H .lfa ) t4t. Louis ,.IH4 ,a" e . . Kansas CUV ... . .77 A .71 e .eMlnneapolla .... -ftt t ay TvinnipeB ..... rmiuth ..... : e,New Tork .0 B MIA 1 4 Liverpool (sHd tssHd San. rr pclsco... 1.1 H 1.0714 , September. March. : . jl December barley. . JOl'rJAL'S DAILY ' TIPS TO SHIrPERS Tha burlnc publlo ia atill mak Ina ' rarjr wlda ranga In tba prleaa ' on : Oragon grapaa . and thodc coming from tha - south. Praaant arrlvala of local grapea ara of good quality kut tha trad does not want tham on account . of vary poor pack and former ; oaa quality. With fancy- pack Oregon grapa producera will ba able to secure, almost double the prleaa now obtained for their stocks. ' ' ' " SOajoei aaadlna KOceei Oruill.OO Meb. , TALLOW PHaa. mmr Bu abi I Ma. aaa araa. ISlUi. I . T V'lrrriM BABK IHle ear m. , f . lb; dry kip. a V.VUIH laa: drr calf. Ma. 1. aaAaa B laa. UHlbi ava salted kldaa, at aora. aoatxt SO lb aa. r Hat SO ta Se aa, lbi aaaaw aa Ba aad ?. O'Waj ataaa aad ballaTawaa. aOTej I f. M M ta Ba, Kt aoaadV ia o 14 la, SO eair. aoeaa. Bade 10 Iba POIU: graaa tad), le par lb laaat eaia. la paa a laa; kldaa. . aaltaaV aaai &1 HS1 Tit era. tai each. dl.00Ol.SOi salt kldaa. each, SB few I "' e. eeaaea. -eaea. " iPTTtsej irltb weal aa. aaob. ael. Pratta aad Vaaatablaaa- POTATO EM Hmt Oraaoa. a&filTlW.f aaa Iota. "7 area, arttinarj, euttuus; nan, ao aacaa. ONIONavlWaw Oraaoa vallnw Caaavra. I1.0D1 car Ma, POc; Walla Valla, Wc garue, aoioe pQt ID. WKmen FRi rrSApplaa. Oregon, gl. 004)1. BO; fancy, ll.TSfIZ.O0l erabapplaa, 1.60; arangaa. " famuaa, . w w, oauauaa. ao toaoBa,. choice, S SOtiJ.TS par bo: fancr, .00 eoa; llntaa. Uexlcaa. Sl.SS pa( 10r PfiMapplaa. S4.00 par Aaa: aaacbea. faaey, TSOSSe; ordinary. SOOne; plnma, TOcttfl.OO Par crate: caataloapea, 70e per crate; water aahaa, 60e per ewt: grapes. .Oregon. BOetiSer Coaeorda, Be. SOo; iq,, jae baakaU-CaUfornia. 7 5c till 50 baa; paara. Bartlett. $1.20 par box; Winter NelUa, fl.SB par bax; blaefcber. rlee, SDcQtLOO; eaaa aaa. ).00Olb0 doa; freak pninea ( ) per lb; pomegraaataa. I1.3B par box. VKQSTA BLKfi -Taralua, bow. 11.00 per aarkj arrota, f 1.00Q1 IS par each; beets. l.O0O t.M pee Meki Oregna radlabas. See par doa: cabbage. Oragoa, I1.00O1.S6 per ewt: graea pappen, 25e per box; acal tamataaa, SAtiSAc) Paraolpa. ll.OOfll 19: atrisg beana, IV02e eanllflowar, f0ctt1.00 doa; rbnbarb. ) lb; boraetadlab. 10c lb; artlcbokea, 4041 e per doa: head . lettuce. fiOe per Josr" grees ' onlona, ( -) per doa;( aplnacb, Se par lb; green eora. TSe per aack; peaa, J. ar- lb! enroabere. Toe par aack; eelery. Colorado, 65c; local,- WfisBe per ooa; tggplaaL $1 00 par arate; pumpkloa. IMa. DRIED PRUrrs Apolaa. eraaoratad. late Per lbi aaeieota. SaaelSe par lb aacka, Uc ear a taaat aaaok aaa Ibt nranaa Iencbai4a4Aa IaWe Per lb CaUferaia white. Bar Ibt eaaa. anted. par n: dates. laMae. s ear Ibt tarda. tl.BO aar la-!h boa. - Braaailaa. Beta. Xta. ' - ' HHOAB Bark baele Co be. 4.0 powdered, S 86; frnlt granulated, BS.Z5; dry granalated. VS.ZS; Oonf. A. " BB.SO; beet granalafad. n.l; extra C. fl.TS; goldea 0, PASS; D yellow. 4.66: bbla, 10c; H bba, XSc; boxee BOe adeaaea aa aack baeia. leaa 20e par ewt fat eaakv IS aaTaiwapie. lamioe Dar.iB. , t HONBT is per crate, ; ' tur ru rack axe braada.. S1B.TB, , SALT Plea Bakaa. Be. Be. a. Be. 10a. SI. 00; table, dairy. BOe. SlLOOi 100a. Ble.TS: lm ported UTerpeeL BOe, SlT.Out JOOa. tla.!M: t34a. BIS.OOl aitra rtaa. tibia. " mt. da. 10a. M.SOftBJSO: balk. ABO lba. HJDCatM. Mrka. ) BM.. eioaaHoa. - t "ALT Coaree Bait rreaad. per tea. ST .001 aoa, .e taa. ST.BOt heme rock. I1I..OU par toat po-w rock. gT-wi mat aa.jD. lAbora prleaa aaolr ta attat et paa tl car kta. Ow Ms at sseeal srtees eableet to iinetaatwnai. i , . . ORAIN BAOB Cbleara. Tc- - . ft ICS Imaertal I.uaT If a. 1. Be, Ha.' BMe: New Orleaas bead. Bael Aias. a; Ore. ale. BK. . BBANH eiman wbfte. SVatUe; ante wntte. SHet alnk. tudnaei bayea. 4Wei tlaes. HeTteaai raaa. Xt)TH Paaaata. TV at faaabae. BHe par lb: raw. PaBlOe aa fa; eaaaiaA. t eWeuaaata. asasoe ner deal wataata, I41Se per lbs pine pea. toaitUe nee lbi hletowr awta. lee aar Vj: eeaaiaata. eaatera, inaiae nee at Braatl aara. iae par a; nuarta, leoise per a; laaey peraaa, 140 tV: alTonda. Hflle ner Batata. Oeal OUa. Bta. BOPB Pare Manila, lee: etaadard. UKei saaL 10c: 11a le bread ekwL Be coal OIL rear ar Aetral Ua.aa. sou. aar rei; water white, trea aaa. iae pal ISC aar salt baadiaht. 1T0 daa SBHe ner rat. - .... casohbb SB dee. aaaa gsa per salt fraa Pea, sne per sal: atneaa. ehsaa, Btae aar gall won now. iae Dae-a I. BCNXilfB f-de. eeeea. BBe ear gat ate TDBPBNTINB la , Ble pas gall wooibn eon, aar pa, m, WH1TB LKAD ID Tea are. 1t aar ; DOO-n a. Se ner lb: leaa krta..kUe nar 1 1 in. W1KI NAItA Preernt haw at '.IN8Cin OIL Pare raw. In B-bW lotaVSrTT boiled, eeaee, Sne per gal; t-hbl lota, 60c; 1-hhl at. Sle pee gal; greaed cake, ear lota, f 20.00 par roa; aw waa car ata, sau.eo per tea. '. Kaats. Tab aad Prul.lai, PBCan UBAT rroat all aat Hr eejoe par fat para, omca, B'tistpe par ib: pack' ara. Be per lb; an 11a, 4U5e per lbi1 eewa with pelts, BHOBe per lb; real, extra, Te; ordinary, Be per Ib; poor, BAJBUe per Ib. le. BTO.4ort lead, peek fVieal) bams, 10 to 14 II oa. iae aer ini i 14e per lb; li te IB Iba, Iba, lSe per Ihi aottaas. le per Ib: 18 te SO Iba. lSVe per Ik Be per a breakfaat baeaa. lSejlaHe per lb; alenle. Be aar ret raanlsr ahoee eiaaea aa. Beaked, lie per lbi eamked. IBs par lb; eaer sacsa, aaanoaeo, tv mt amok aa. ne aar lb: Union batta. 10 at IS Iba, aaaaokad. Be per at eaoaea ee per ai caar aeiuaa. s aaaskad. lie Bar Ibt aaoked. Ua see lbi ahnal LOCAL LABD-Kettre leaf, 10a. Ue per lbi Be, HHe per lb; BO-lb Una. Il,i per lb; ataaa roe dared. 10a, 10e par lb; Ba, 1014c per w. v fliMHtn ntjiAe-aMM. m m. 5M)t 8-tb tails. $1 TO; faaey. Mb data, Sl.tM; -lb fancy flats, 1.1S: fancy 1-lb eeals, iitt: 1 . ..Ha nlak. S&afln.i aaJl a. BA - - ' lau, axea. riKH Beck Cad. Te Per Bit nnendera. Be net i osiidsk. awe d. per Bt; crabs, per d'; ,e per Ib: ratab. Ba nar II.: etrtped baaa, 12 He aalmaa,. Ileerajdea. Ba per Ib: blnenacka. c pee w; aerriaa. lb; kerrlag.' Be per lb; enlee,Be per lb; Bine, I0e par lb; perch, Be per Ib; black Te per lb; el leer smelt. Te per Ibt lobsters. snrlBi cod. T lOet fresh aackarel. Be per a; erawBab. Bm OYaTBBR Rboslwa'tse hae. ' baa aal. BHi ear aara, bfHs-ara)rt-BeV-rcrOFjn aaa. BS.00 eta baa. ... V TRADE 17ANTS VEAL CALVES AT THE PRICE Rcipts 1 Ar Small Packers Still Buy Hogs and Ton of Market Is Stady..l Portland 1 rnloa Storkrarda ' lUat ' ts etock Teaalpta--- ; l 1 Tadar- ....".".TT....'. .100 as, 250 -" . ... 143 Preeloua eek 4d ,.. tn. Dm Month age JM , t 2TS veal cat res are aot eomlne so aa.kai the trade would take a ronalderahla nan bar at the price. Parkers are holding hoga firm with the stesdy drmsnd. Csttla . fair.- and abeep trong at the price. . t ., orrinai prices ror nrasrock: tl ia Kaa t . . ,.,H , Ovaaai' - H)auli blockers and rblnd.faM, si.Oo4s.2S; atorkers aad feeders, 14. aa rattleBest eaetera Oregoa steers, BS.Aoa S.3B; light aad a.dlna steers, 12 50; llfht cows, Bl.sOTS.M; stock era aad feeders. SS.SQ BOA; balls. IhtKX Bbeap wethers. StlSHe: alxed sheep. tt; atraleht ewee, BWllie; anrlna lanha. aa4V;e. Cslt-e flood Teal. 1(W te 200 poaads, Btbj; rooga Bearj, esfasc . .. XABTXBB m04a STKADT. v Chlrago, Bept. SB. Ureetneh receipts) Hoes M'atrla flKeM. Cbleepo- .BO KO nn.Oiat : 4S.00 ansae city. ....... s.ono asoiio m.tmo Oasba .................. S.0H0 T.SOO IA1 Hogs opened ateady with B.nno aft eeer, Rerelpta a esee see weie-IT.OOO. -.- prkear ied, f .ol.1.n: good and hesee. g.V)sDstlJa: nmigh. Be.nteB.A; Mpb, BB.aOuB.7B . aitle ateady fa 10a lower. . , Seeep 10e lower. ... . . ' . T ( , - . . ' . i. ' i . llr? Mjtt Ccm Cr.';rt cf Crow trs Is EARLY TRADE IS JElCTIOffl . i Sever Weakness Shown In In : itial Sales in th Chicago Wheat Market Today., , SHARP REACTION - A HELP TO PRICES LoBB Is Cut in Half on later BubU BeSB September-Drope- - Half December and . May Each Loae Three Eightha. '.. A ' MOXDAra WHBAT If ABKIT. CToae Cloae ' Loae . ' Clone - , kloa. bat.' . Woe.' Tear Age Sept. Dec,, 4 44 B ss ' li Sl.iv r... Chicago. Best. SB. Leeaa A Brraa Mr: Tba wheat aarkat eaeaaad a raaetwaary eolrlt earl In the aeaaran. at one tlae being a bunt le lower thaa the orerloaa cloae. baa tha rallr waa abarp and nerara, laaetag the Bet luaa about ae. atatatica ware raroraba ta a reaetloa, world! ablpmenta being (onewbat larger -than roreceated. Beeelpta ara large, thoagb bat utta la exceaa of laat rear, e larree acreaM the ralbla thaa axpeeted br tba trade and. laat bat not baat. aa eaalnx off la tha caab demand aa ref acted by arlgbtty awer caab prleaa. Tha enaractar at the market itaalf. keweeer. anchanged. - The leading ball waa eery aacb a erkienee aa tha decline, taking back wheat uar se eora at a higher pnee aaa eanang running pf abort, wnS early bad been aellera. Caah Oera Is Bead. Ia corn tba early efrengtb petered. eat mpatby with tba ntback m wheat, the cloa owing a aaall gain fraa the low point. The an euaetm con tin nee a aoa Mturactorr one. While the caah demand aeemeSto hare let an at the moment, we feel condition -underlying tba aarkat are each aa to bring apoat material la- eeeaeai- ta toe epeeaame trace. - t ' . .. aeeataa la Oaa. ' Aa ta other pita, oata ahewad a reaetlanarr apin. box ua net ma I or tne flay waa aalm Dortant. The altaattoa anial aa atrana aa are. Tba nrnrlalon market waa freeaalar hat Inarar. Taking the Hat aa a whole, eery little change eaa oa aotieea ib the aparaatlTe aarkat. Paekara eontlnne la tha aadrfia anil rrnm ttia rtlbHnsr the market apnarentryfeetUnt win tne cotHiitiona new preeainnc. Official onotatkaa he Oearbaek. Blare Oeoke company: . . wheat. Open. I Htrb. ree..; Mar.. Itew Bept Old Kept .B2V4 .4n4 new iee. Old pec. Ht Bent. Mar. f. .... ;., Mt .80 .B0 -M MEHH PORK. Sept..... 1B.00 lSfiO 18.00 Oct...... IS. 00 1.1.M 14 T .an...... 1S.8T -' 1S.BT - 11.8ft 5Pt.a.. . , , . . Oct f.05 ' T.BS TBS Jaa...... S.68 ' : B.BO S.TS i V- "BORT RIB?, Bept,,...;. sao B.00 ao Oet.TV. , S.62 'I 8.BS ' . 8.B3 Jaa 0.4. S.4T S.w 18 SO M5.50 1S.U T.BJ T.RJ B.7T - IM v B.BO S.4T primart Bunr MOTOmrt. Cklcsro, Sept SB. Prtai ary reeeinbj: Today Tear Age Boali. Bnah. Wkeatrr.r. B3B.U00 Oorn BOftOOO ShlpnanUi- Wheat. BM.000 . est im vara ., ., B04.ono BAS.AUO vwaraneea: wneer. ai.ono nuaaaa nnae a.taju narreia: corn. 771.000 naaneia: nets 9u . Aoa. . . - . . " AMxaic- oradi visible. mm Bapli'. Saea-kaai -era enpply: Today A Tear Age , DerreeM Bnsb. Bosh. Bnsh. ....16.B-t.000 ls.SO8.0rs) 1.O4H.000 WTieat LOOO. AATl.onol.11 OOA Oata .i.a.378.OOia.ia100O l.T-S-jna 'Increase. . " , CHICAGO CASH WKXAT. Cklcsro, Sept. SB. Cash wheat: '. . . .-. DM . ..v ao. 1 rea. ................. .....a .snu s .m No. S red 04 . Jin No. 8 bard .04 J No. bard M ' .80 No, 1 Borthera .PO. ... Na. S aorthera .." JI7 . aa Mo. S eprtBg.. -Jll .87 V" CHIOAOO ORAIB CiJt 10TS. , Ctlcseo. Sept. IS, 1 Grain ear Iota: ' t'mrm -lira Am 9m. tail I Wheat I rr se 81 TO - Tl Cora 51 . ' IM BM 470 Oata j ..4M lod 417 Bid snnlti '77, SB1. Tear age: Minneapolis DahUh 108. uvxuool eaAor karxxt. Lrrerpnnl, gant. SB. Ckwer a. ge SVad. fed towi art March. Be SL Hd lower. Corn December, da ti, d lower; Jaaaary, a s-ko, si Jow.r. EARLY ADVANCES LOST V IN COTTON MARKET New Tork. Bent. 25. After a seed Advance cotton rataree eueea aacnangea M i point rer. . nenta saya: The forenoon aarkat waa steady with the q noted range et noon abowmg a net advance f ia potnu en .aaaary, a pouu oa .sne, .sly ana Angust and '10 polnta oa other aaantbe.' The flrmneaa et Harre a eceoanted tar by tba fwt that stocks there are decreasing, while New I Tork inrka are Incresalng. Harre etock -Mahont 3.BOO.00O baaa and stock at New York a.eoo.ouo osxs. as lee were aboat be re. Incrndmg Sl.ono awltcbee at October switched te December at so polsu and Deceabet te May at so nomte. -Of Octal quntatkma ' bf " Oeerbeck. Starr'- Oooke company: i men. niga. iew, I'Mee. Ja idnar ,ono 1 loa.iooo inpiwpt Perere .V.Virr.Vr.lloo-lino ' 11W - lopttii March ,.......llo 1118 lilt lioaii April .....w.. ....111(1 Ills 111B . lion. May . ..r..j.....i.i.lllSlllllL 1H nepremper. ..a...... l'ni October .loan iots load vmit" ions inns o41 7 1000 1081' lOMtisd Noreinber ' December low ..lost Vew Orleaas Oettea. New Orleans, Bept. BS. Cor ton l Spots flra, IS peblM ap; alddiage. 10S0. V" ajsarpeat Oettea Lewer, fi l.rrernooL Heot. . tot tea fstarea eaaad aa. changed te S points knrer. BXW TORS COTTXR VAXX it. New Tork, Sept. SB. Coffee Tatares .cloeed S points ap. . Offl ftlelal qootaflone: . . Bid. Aak.t - Bid, Ask. Tannery ...87 4(1 7 IWM Inly , 87 SB reheaary Trr- ae- T.wiiniwt-rrr-.-T."t- 7 rt March . T SO T a Octoner T T 28 April ....i. T SB T T" Noeeaber .. T.BO 11.1 May as T TO T TBIOeceabrr ... T.40 T.4B Isne ...... T.T8 T.BO) , - Psiaeje . Oefee Merbsa, e Htt, Sept. 88. Coffee fnttirea advanced llamhnrx adraaced Vs.. Rio recelpla. 13.0t1 bars, aarket flra. Tt pomtd ap; Santos, SS,000 hags, prleaa JC4. ap. , ' Baw Terh Cask Oef fee. New"Tora - BeBt. 2B. fih ref fee e. T KbjPVi eealee, , - Lew. ' Cloae. m'A .asm s :-.sH . JTW CORN. . .B2I4 Mk M , J2V ,S2L .521 .4ii" .44.". Af Ani .41 . .eeS .48 .44 - 4B OATH. CJiow9 a Firm Cut C-TTon In at Prc::r.t Price Cut Tenancy to He! J 1st Prctft. : ' r lEDEilS KF, BUT LOUR LouisviM A Nashvill and St. Paul Each Off Two and v an Eighth Points. METROPOLITAN "L" IS TWO POINTS LOWER Entire Stock Market Weak Today- Canadian Pacific ' Down dne and 6., . . a en EighUiBLoBsea Few and for Small Amounts. - . DICUNKaT Aaaktaasjed ..... Canadlaa .......... 1 Atchison Ileaver ........... .......... I are. k.g aaieiiar. pra...... Car A Poandry.... .tOrest w. pfd......t eatera .... A 3 Brooklyn L. Loalarille Baitiaore , u Celorado Paal .... IV. St. Paal ......... tw a. ar a, ?W MetroooUtan .... s .... i 4 .Trig Mexlcaa Ceatrsl aaty, pro North Americas W ........ 1 l oeaspsaxe Norfolk .......... Mlasoart Pacific feansyivkMa J?, ventral 1 w Ont. A Westers... C Besdlug m PrtfleMn People's Osa 14 Renublle Steel .... U akvra isiaaa a. Hleoathera JUUWA8W- mrenn Coat a. resae Pacific .. 4ll'aloa Paclf P. 8. Rubber 2 1 1' a. Steel pactne ..a.; 1H wssaaa. .......... HI do preferred..... H . do preferred.,... HlWIseooala Central., .. "ADVANCES. - 1 r, Brie, lat-pfd...... a W.n thae v e- ... . rapt In tba leaders, Waa very' assail, and eves la these the voluaa et business waa sot heavy. Severe weakness was abowa la Loatarllle Nashville, the price going 2 "a oft MetropoU. tea -'L'J- was also down with a dip of S persta. St. Paal and Canadian Pad fie were redely buaped, the for aar dropplag S potatt while . " "ep. o- jraoa, ex tne utter went. 1H polnta off. Mlaaourl Pacific to proceed with work on railway exten waa abowlng a fair rolsae of trade, bat bad a I . .v.,.tl. of trrlaatlon Icu-va with . wL raV-dea: 114 T'''t'.'lg--t''lrl "a oi 8n: twfTokf Official aaotstlons By Overbeck, : Starr Cooks eoeapany: DKSCRIPTIOrt. Anaconda Mining Co.... us ii a mat. conoer uo ... 88 41 81 Atchlaoa, coa.. ....... do preferred......... Aa. Car A PoaadV. aoa. no prerarrea..,,.Jl,, Aaa,- Sugar, COM.,.,..., A a, Baelt, ' coa ....... da preferred.......,, Baltimore A Ohio, coa. Brook Ira P. a old Tranalt TO Canadian Paclfle, com. CbL A O. W coa.... 1721 ., MIL A . P...i. tni. m h. w., com..,. Chesapeake A Ohio Colo. Fnel A Iron, eoa. Ooto. Southern, com.... 00 Zd preferred. da-lot neeferrefl Delaware. A Hudson..,. Denver A R. U., coa.. Aa . Krls,com oo id prercrred. ..... do 1st eraferred Illinois Central Loalavllle A Nssbvllla., MetrapollUn St. Rr ManbatUn Railway .... Mexlcaa Central Rr.... 'X77 Minn., St. P. A Ste. If. ai, .a Missoan racirie M-. K. A T.. eoa...... do nraferrad . New Vork Central..... Northern Pad fie ...... Norfolk A W eatera, eea TTorrtSencfnt N. V Out. Westera Pennarlvanla Ry. ...... BOH oa 181 14tt 21iH so BS 14SW . u. u A o. Vo reoeed Steel . do nraferrad - 1US e-aetra MahVH Reading, com oo second pierened , u da first nreferrad... Ren. Iron A Steel, eea as srs f erred. . . Rock Island, coa...... do nrafinai , . 23 Boo them Ry eea.,.,. do preferred Boothera Pacific........ at. L. A B. P, Bd pfd. St. L. A S. W.. com'... no orererrefl Terrs A Pacific. . .. r.. . Tennessee Coal A Ires.. Toledo, Bt. Um A W s. do. preferred Caloa Pacific, eoa..... do prsfei led. ......... fJ. B. Leather, nfd...... V. S. Robber, eoa....... OA prererred....... . . 8. Steel Co., cam.... Ao ont n in! ....... BT 04 S Wheel. A Lake Erie. e. Wisconsin Central, can. da preferred W. U. Tefrevanh Wabaab, com......,.,,. no preferred Mel eent?"U" ',w'" BAi'lSnorni Pr Call aenay eased 44T4U, per cent, aalse far day, B08.100 ehsrrs. v Total . tobopah imrnrs aroozs. Saa FVsadsco. Beot. Bn Toaonah .m, Bid. Bld. Montana , Midway ., MeNaaara S2STH I.BTH Mohawk Dixie . a .js .18 Kendall Onhjable Mt-,vsT Inmbe 8llver Pick Jnmho Kxtea..., Black Bntte .... Roldea Anchor. , Ray O'Brien ... Ton. Ohio 1..... .18 .TT .oe .IT .to .M , .08 .2S .21 .20 : ,na . . .12 ft tlBOll ' k T i"sTg 4 v "1 4eV"" North Star f.2 ae os Sold MonaUla.. . .11 Butler TB Red Too ...... .88 foa. Nevada ... .18M Ton. Erten .... eon Boldfleld .88 , O .Boll Prn..... Randatnra ..... M iniamondfteld ... tsndatora Ex.. ,0T . Lone Star ...... Denver ,, Atlanta. t...M, Adana ,08 . Eclipse .41 Cash Boy .18 BAR TRAB CISCO LOCAL BTOCXS. Saa rVaadsca, Bept SB. Official abas. tag seatlon: V .1"-- v Bid. ' Contra Costa Water. .............. 61 Aak. - Sit as ring Valley Water.. fi . tnai Kiectnc IS P. Oaa A Electric. nu Olsnt Powder 7iA.Tnu Hawallaa Com , MS, .... Honnkea Bnaar 14 IS - Hnlrhlnana Bager ..ttv. 1414". I4SX Makawsll Sngar ............r..... BS Onoaea Snear ,............ 8B Pasnkaa Bngar fntt Alaska Peckers' 04 Oeeanlc Bteaaaklp ........ ....4,.. 8 Pacific States Tel."........... 108 California Wine , Mi, Pacific Coast Borax.. IBS O0MST0OX laTBTBO STOCKS. , Bid. Bid. Savage ........ f .Be Potnat ......... .14-. Vnlon Coa s T el low Jacket ,ip -Exeheonee .no Haa A Neecrnaa . Bsllloa 4 -3 Belcher ........ .St On. CaL-Va... 128 voir .... slrdonla .48 Mexican ....... 1.08 Con. Meeewr Andre ......... .. .is : MB ?0RTLABT BARK STATE If XBT. Casrmae SsUncsa ...11.071 ana RT ... BO.OuO.W .....i, ........ WSiK to Wallowa, II m.laa. want I were weak.' - TItb to 100 men at ones. n Portland and VIclnJty Can Us Thr Thousand Mn" , at One. 1.: Z 8,0 PR0JECTS DELAYED WAITINQ FOR WORICMEN AU Winter Demand for All Classes of Toilers W(n: Be Hesvr and Few Are Now Without Permaneni Em ployment , ' ' -Common labchysW-oos of tbsr-win nn4 mployment 4a tha tarrltorr in nd invar coniana m ins addition to those who near r-ortiana m tne cominc xoonths, in now are at work.' said a Portland maa Ust night who la well Informed on tba condition of tha labor market. "If every man of this class now at work were te remain with bis present employers, these 1,000 new workers could secure employment ' at once, or so soon as tbs new enterprises now ready for. Inauguration ara started." Borne have expressed ths opinion that the ceostnc of ths exposition would leave here a large body of unemployed laborers and that that would causa a depression which In a measure would offset ths manifold advantages tha bis . (air bag wr ouht," " " .- " Inquiry among employment sgencles reveala that-ihere la -now- -atronaT -demand lor man. and that waxes are rising for common laborers. . Ktn Bros., operating what Is known ss Fisher's quarrr. shore Vancouver. Saturday raised Je pay of common la borers from ILK , BtO-a oar. and others have done , the same. Spokane .tHtH aeMne foe the Carbln Unea. I ! ' . . . . - 1 bare reoentiy come to . i'oniana ana Uken Greek and Italian laborers ta that region, paying half of their railway fare and Riving then, tl a dajc -Oaa- rial W A partial list of ths enterprleee thst are calling for men or tnat are -rvaray ol.tches washand teTha Journ HaT.fc. i Wsna n tllllMlnar . the -TsrfHreT I : Erlckaon Peterson, Who ara to puna tha line from Rlparla to IaSwlston. can use 1.808 men at good wages. Tba Tacoma A Kaatem. oonstructing but o " Tacoma, "Bftd ths - Bunnyaiae branch between Seattle and Spokane ara calling for common laborora. a . Tha O. R. A N. and Southern Pacific oompanlea have been short of men for their section and extra gangs au aura mar. . . ' ' . . Tha work of surfacing tne bow una rom-Arlragto-4orondon baa been de- layea xry invruii v ,ov, a. The proposed Una from Wallowa to Lewlston will Increase tha demand for men.- ... - -. ' . ... Tha extension from Orangsvllla. SO miles. Is another anterprtsa that wUl need many laborera. . ; ": When-tha extension' of. the Great Southern from Dufur begins U wlU call for workera, and tha Irrigation projects In various places will absorb a Urge force of laborera. 1 Vortkara raolfla WOl Vaa Msay. Whan tbs Northern Pacific commences work on tha llae em tha north bank of tha Columbia river from KenaewicK not less -thaa-1,000 man will DO SDsoiuieiy aaaiatl.l la tha Aarrvlnat an of vork SO I cordlna to nraaent puna. : I - I . . . aa aa Loggers sra in aemana ax irora ii.ii to 81.7B a day, and bard to get at, that prloa. ' It is aald that an alectrlo Una will ba built from walla Walla to Lawlston, and that .win nsad a large number of la hnrara m n Tha Sumnter VsTTerroad II UUIldlug Ion Into central Oregon, and this alse I bulla tha labor market. - rlmsn system, wm soon ba under way; tha right-of-way men ara now In tha field and plans are wBtntloTic-feif beginning, work. Tha Oregon Water power I company is aavertiaing ror many te work on tha eonstruotion ox its immense concrete dam at Caaadaro. Smyth Jk Jones will want a big force lot men to carry on their govern ment I contract at Celllo. Twenty miles of- road la to ba built from Vancouver to Knobstel. by the i Vancouver A Suburban. Tha Oregon Traction company Is to I construct from Portlsnd to Forest Orove. it mllea,- Even -Alaska la coming down to the statss te obtain laborers on tba Alaska Central railway . which bow Js undet way. and there are a half hundred smaller projects thst will utilise many laborera during ths eneuing year. O. TA. ft . steads Tstaa. Chief Engineer Boechke of the O. R. Jfc N. company atated that his company had been., unable to Inaugurate many new enterprises on account of lack of men. In fact ths common laborer sppesrs to be about tha most Important element in the multitude of railway and tniga ition enterpnses tna. nave neen piannea ror ut i'oniana territory, many or which are absolutely certain of eon structlon. . It le said that otapsv have- baaa takaa by one heavy ooncern to send to Omaha to get laborera and that liberal con cessions will bs msde In the form of transportation across ths western half of the continent. It appeara certain that so far as com. mon laborers are concerned the poet exposition period. Instead of leaving here an army of unemployed, will wit ness a demand for men that haa had no precedent in the JHstory ofthe north const. Besides all these common laborera there will be" many skilled workmen needed, for a large part of the Improve ments contemplated by several of the big enterprises la ths construction of buildings. , , bostob nrm stocks. Bos tea. Bent. RV Official cocoee chat: Bid. I .' Bid. adventare ....I 7.2.1 I Man 8 79 Atlantic SB 80 (areola . A 1 tones ..... Blnahaa .... M OO I Parrot .. 8n. 78 I Phoenix CaL A Aria... Copper Range. Centennial ... Paly Wat ... Sim Oranby ..... lon.lfH!Qalncy ...... 6.V) OO Shannon .... Tl.ftO J Tama rack r. SB.M jTrlnlty ...... 14 ii n nitea 280 Victoria . Winona T.Tn -SB. IBAi 27.O0 8T.M I IS.B0 'I Woreartse Old Dominion. Mohawk ..... rtah Royal I Michigan .... Uaetrta Starage DIvideaA New Tork. Sent. 88. Tlrbee ears the dbwetara af the Electric Stores Battery eomnaar have I declared the asnaJ enarterly dividend af IV, ner rent oa common and preferred stork a. para ble October S, te sleek af record Sep, jer w, fteoke da net y lose; - Btsrllaw Rstae. New Tork. Beat. nerllaa r I aaad. AAAtOejiU eOi BO dsjra, mum ...... -B7 14 I . ee:.:.i;.uQr.'.:::: ; Sill MEB C. H. VVilliam and Othtr Now ' Ask Wellt-Fargo Company ''J--. J . for SattlomonL SAY ASSETS OF OLD ' " BANK WERE MANIPULATED Shareholdsrs Assert That Express Company' Really Controlled Funds Before Judgment " Was Secured - Caae Tried In Joint Session. .. ' '' Wells, rargo A Co. Is being sued by Ex-Mayor . Oeorge . H. Williams, the Henry Wernhard estate; Cleveland Hock. well, the. Perry Htnckle estate, Oeorge H. Durham and Ella C Lurham, admln istratrix of the estate of 8. A. Durham, for 111.808, alleged to be due for Shsres the plaintiffs held In the Commercial National bank, which Institution wss ab sorbed by Wells, Fargo A Co. In 18. suit was begun agslnst the Commercial National bank for this sum, and after several yeara of legal warfare a victory was won by tha former stock holders In ths united tatee supreme court. It Is now alleged that before this Judjrment waa secured v Wells, Pargo A Co. had obtained ' possssslon of ths funds of the bank so the plain- tiffs wars tinahla tcrecOTet a penn It Is claimed that as the majority of the bank's - stock 'was "owned bjrtha- com pany, , which also , abator bed 'the - bank. that the Welle-rarge company should pay ths Judgment. The sums snowed each or the plain tiffs ars: rorge H. Williams. If.BOO; Henry 1 Welnhard, fS.SOO; ' Cleveland lockwell, 11.400; Perry Hlnckle, ll.TOO; Oeorge H. Durham. 11,501, and Ella a Durham, $7,100. " The Commercial National bank waa organised - with a capital stock of 1280,000,' which was later Incraaaed to 1800,000. a majority of the stock being owned by Wells, Fargo Co. On May S, 181T, an assessmsnt of IBS a share was made on the stock, but It Is claimed that no monsy Waa paid tha Commercial National ban by. Wells, ri:iiTjclt la then claimed IhaT the bank waa se cured by the company. It being alleged that the bank merely charged the com pany on lte booka with the amount of the purchaae price of Its stock, the en tire transaction being merely a book keeping arrangement. " At the time of -the- ealo. the eomnany held 1400,000 worth of the bank stock. Tba case bears upon certain nhaaea of ths national ' banking law tbat have never been passed upon by the courts. It ia being tried before a Joint session st Circuit Judges Bears and Cleland. PROPRIETORS LIABLEtSt FOR BARTENDERS' ACTS No proprietor of a saloon le to be ex empt from prosecution when complaint la laid agalnat his place because the of fense charged was committed, by a bar tender. This ia-the verdict of Police Judge Cameron. At the trial of C. ,. Kayssr, proprie tor 01 tne Ban Francisco saloon, sixth and Deris streets. Recused of sailing llqeor In violation of a state law to Ina Abraham, aged IS. and Josle Smith. aged 17, Attorney H. H. Northrup made an impassioned appeal to tha court thla morning te dismiss hie .client from cus tody. "Keyser la In bo wise responslbls for tne -aale - of the liquor," be - asserted. His bartender sold It whUe Keyser wss absent. -It la not right to puniah a man vicariously, and the upper courts art 11 not uphold such procedure." "I fail to see It that way." retorted Judas ramarnn. "T'ndar fba janr, f T understand It, sn employe In such cases Is responsible ror the ecu of his em- BJflTUjpraircnt. XwlU. hold.,Xsy serto sppear before the srrnnd lure and hla bond wiu be siks. :IRE CONSUMES FOUR RGtEFOINTBUItOINGS Msdford. Or., Sept A fire at Eagle Point, on the line of the Kedford A Crater Lake railroad, thla morning at S o'clock consumed the buildings in which J. H. Carlton conducted a hard ware store. Jackson Bros, a confection ery store and Mr. Boffa barber-ahop also a small building owned by Dr. W. B. Officer. Tha total loss Is about IS, 000, with 12.000 insurance on mer chandise, stocks and buildings. A Delightful Excursion. One of the . wonders ef the world le the crater (now active) of Kllaoea. and thla Is only one of many attractions of a trip to Hawaii Tha Oceanic team an Ip company's excursion steamship Alameda, sailing September IS from San Francisco, makes reduced round trip rate to Honolulu only U.S. , 3. tTAnrok rails, Ornshiaf live. f Jcanrasl Bnaclsl mt t les. rlorneT Bept. Jk Twelve worirncnT . 1 were burled today In tha collapse of a new church. All are dead. - Ho. for Astoria. wlft stsemer Telegraph leaeea Alder street dock 7:10 a. m. datly exeept Fri day. Returning leaves Astoria t p. rriT.' arriving Portland 1:10 p. mv Suadaya leaves Portland 8 a. m., Astoria .:8S p. m. Arrirlng Portland S p. m. Ia VaebaassA, . Tfew Terk. Bset. 3S Beriaed aad raw eon-are steady aad aaebaagsd. See Tak Slrear. .' New Terk. phtpt. BB. Slleee. 'BBe. . '. ' KembereC e . v . ir. S -eevw i. ' , - . . r-- s T ""v ' 1- W 1U - essassaasa. I ' ei?T : -xxuuiviJ Vmma I i7-v-;:-.: ; The place where ill 3 looldnj for tar-iixj L. lone. You try it. ; lConi!2M:-d Cr Having made a very Ur;j j... chase of "Star" Condetutd Cr we will put it on the msxttt c . the extremely low price cf cr can. This is a great karitlj. is our regular price has been CI: per dozen cans. ; - Sugar h2c?2r 20 Pounds Dry Granulated for -'laCO --; - -Can Baker's or ahlrardelll's Cocoa. . Two , -ltv. pkgs. Gold Dust r ; ; 7..V -II bars Good Laundry Soap, - u 25 t " I pkgs. Force or Vfalta-Vlta. ' 30 . Pound Hoffman Houae Java and Mocha . 1 Coffee. .. Cor. West Park aneVWashin'gtoit' ,f.,..-.-. Streets.-. '. - X1 ' ..cVfcl dte iLB)(ri -f B4- s" Q7 -a'aav CC7slifTCi4 BUIUDINO Conaiatlna' of about three acres located comer. Hawthorne avenue , aad East Watsr street, for lsase In whole er in part on favorable terms, v ,., Ths location Is suitable for warehouse, manufacturing, hotel and store purposes. . Owner will build to suit tenanta In quire ' '. jiiktili 1 AO . Portland. OrSaton Is "Hot Stuff" We sell the nroducta of all the mlnea that send their coal to thla market. Whatever kind you require you can ret from us. so you do not have to ftdnle around elsewhere. We sell blacksmith's coal and foundry end smeltea coke. VULGAN GOALCO. MS Bsnmelde -, Op, aeett eteBal.' -. Tel. Mala am. $1.00 Turtclsfi I "Belli : -Jtbe Bfcja, aa flag CL Kind's Ccli.3 ' Serantk sad Wsaav. aad Isrgsss -la the atty. TEETK For mod era dental work. World. re newaed speolallata Lew eat prteee con sis teat wltn Sret-elAM t; we . Oe te the !. .. NEW YORK DENTI5T3 POTJaTM AMD KOBBXSMm m. Ope day and niht, frees S 48 aV gi. aaUl is 9. aa. Bowjmw. soman ca, (Sstabllshed 18t BWasa 4, 8esrr- v-- C2AA :3 tl ,J I T - ard f T ' - J . , ,. .... 1: 1 1 1 t, ; - - Fellows OA MLQt Mint, '.'. -r t F41 st A Ides-. gtrCII I gsa si Baals,