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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1905)
1 r 4 o , TO BEST-BOOSTING "FORTLAND DAY" 6ld3,-Wcrtmah CD, Kiri" Will GiveTicketito All ATTRACTIVE DEMO:i3TRATlC:i ' - FIRST FLOOR Dr. Alice Goodwin's demonstration e! "Wisdom's Violet Cream" for tb toilet. IWATCHES-CtEANED AND WARRANTED '. TOR ONE YEAR FOR 75c .. ... - '" New mainsprings, 73c All other repairing of Jewelry and Clocks at proportionately modest prices. First floor-near large- elevators. '.;;'' " ; tzzzzz eras? c? onio&oo BARGAINS' FOR "TbllTLAND WEEK" r I ; d O P.D. EN and mice may Clltt as to methods; liferent V roads may be chosen by several individuals and, firms, but all are working toward one goal -" and that coal ia marked bv a number that reachea above 100,000 as the record of attendance at the Exposition next Saturday.- "PORTLAND -DArM Wt wouldn't cive much for a man (or firm) that didn't have mind and a backbone of hia own, and moral stamina to back it op. We admire a man with an Opinion, and sufficient backbone behind it to see it through, even though he differs with us. We believe the best way to boost Port, land Day is for every Loyal Merchant With Civic Pride in His ' Breast to keep "open house" on that day for the reception and care - of the city's visitors. To show our guests Portland at its Best With All Flags Flying and Wheels Revolving. Show Them Real, Live, Everyday Portland With Ita Hum of Industry, rather than Port. land closed and gone on a picnic; " Suppose some grand dame should be giving a big garden fete, and issue invitations far and wide, the country .round. Tor her friends to come and they came, arriving tired, dusty from travel and fatigued. They go up to the door that leads into that hospitable mansion owned by their hostess, and ' containing many grand sights, try the latch, but Find the Door .Locked Against Them. "You can go out into the garden as you ' are, and roam to your heart's content, but you can't go in the house." says the hostess. . "Wouldn't that Jar you?" ' Exactly what some' business men of the city, with selfish alma in view, ask Portland's - f oretnoststores to-dor Play the onhospitsble post r We? el 1 " " THIS, PORTLAND'S LARGEST AND LEADING STORE, WILL BE OPEN ALL DAY NEXT SATURDAY. "PORT- LANDDAY." Extra attractions will be offered, vast and magnifi cent merchandise displays arranged, stupendous style expositions planned. AND THE MOST UNPARALLELED BARGAIN CARNIVAL-CONDUCTED EVER KNOWN IN i WESTERN USTQREHISTORY. We shall offer unprecedented 'opportunities for people to save'aatfae-expenees cX.ihclr trip by the savinga we shall make poaaible to all who participate In thi "monster--sale.-Matchlesa special values will be made that will smash all previous records in Portland store history. Out-of-town folk may rest assured ' of finding Portland'a foremoat and beat atore wide open all day. Its free phones, information bureaus, lavatories, writing desks, water founts from which spring the cold and sparkling waters of "Bull Run," rest room ana every, convenience that a big modern store pjbQBJPTJteZiljov cwne. prepared to do the fall buyine; we shall: oe preparca io save you your capena money lor um oay or more. Suit yourselL WELCOME AN Y WAY YOU , COME. . Chic and Fetching Veils! ..VEILING COUNTER FIRST FLOOR., , .... $1.00 CHIFFON VEILS. 4Je i--Xi:- .v.;. Very eWc and-fetching new Chiffon Veils, in ljjyard lengths;-all colors snd black and white, some plain, others in dotted designs: ' our regular. $1.00 .value Special at, each. ...48 NEW CHIFFON VEILINGS, in the fancy border effectsiln brown,"" navy, champagne,' pis."" blue and violet.-- The veils are all the - r rage for automobiling, driving, etc. Price, the yard....... .81.00 NEW CHIFFON " VEILINGS, in the Tuxedo mesh, some dotted, " some plain. ; Priced af, the yard. ............. .35 up to 81.76 ASK TO SEE THE NEW ALICE BLUE .VEILINGS- is the .veryt newest thing, i, :"'; .r-.V- t .,'1-V, NEW CHIFFON VEIUNGS. by the yard.- Priced up from..25e . NEW FANCY NET VEILINGS. Priced et. the yard, up from. 25 :. AN IMPORTANT SPECIAL SALE OF i M Exclusive Fall Dress Fabrics Months of esrnest effort have brought to this great style store the finest showing of Prej Goods it is possible to. secure.. Buying direct from the manufacturers, both st home and abroad, secures for u the low it nrices and best stvles all to vour advantage. : We'd like you tolccthrm in all thi ulisnii r f thur TiTnrittTrmTrfny We offer very special values for today and tomorrow; Wiu you shsre.' Colors or black both are in the sale. ; 1 . ;- t . . Colored Dress Goods specials for Monday snd Tuesday only hjrt3aTf.(XrraftiehmoTrlshr'ip and spot-proof ; ; , French Broadcloths. This cloth hss no cqusl st any price in town. ' i Special for Mondsy and Tuesday, yard.....................a)3.QT Regulsr $2.50 value, chiffon finish, sponged and shrunk Broadcloth. ; ' This fabric is our own importation, snd is a beautiful rich doth, ; in all the newest colors. Special for Mondsy and Tuesday, ysrd v... ........ ,..f.l RfjTular $2.00 vslues in the new Fall "Suiting Panamas French Coverts snd Worsteds, in all the latest weaves -snd colors; this "7 is the. best line. evershown in Portland. Special for Monday and V, Tuesday, yard..,...., ........ V, ...ft.68 Black Dress Goods for less: ' Imported English Brillisntines and Sicilians reduced for two days' monster selling , V . Regular $ .65 grsde-SpeeiaL ysrdfT?. . . . . , I, : . ... t v . . . .4S Regular $ 75 grsde-Specisl,"ysrd..i..7....... ,.69e " Regular $ "J85 grade--Special, yar d. .'. . ..... ...... . ...69e - Regular. $1,00 grade Special, .yard.,. .' . . i mi r,;;T77B24 Regular $1JS grader-Special, yard.... ... .8e Regular $1.50 grade Special, yard Regular $175 gTsde-Spccial, ysrd Vv'ho Hcish't Need of $5 "Worth of New Merchandise at This Season ? Buy It this week at Portland'a foremoat store and receive FREE a souvenir ticket of admission to .the Exposition on Saturday next, besides saving ia a marked decree on merchandise selected and helplnf to BOOST, "PORTLAND, DAY." The uvins are great. Add the printed mentions below to those con tained in the full pages of yesterday and youll find the sum to be the most matchless aggregation of rare values ever offered by any Portland house. ' !"( ' ;.' AHigtfBobst With every purchase of $9.00 or over, during this week, before. 6 p. m. of Saturday next, made anywhere in this great store, we will give the purchaser, absolutely free, a souvenir ticket good for admission to the Exposition on "Portland Day.' Merchants who are boasting of "loyalty" and Twying a half doxen, a score, or even a hundred or twoor a "thousand" are invited to meet this proposition. Olds; Wprtman ft King led the line, by a purchase of 2,000 last Friday. It's a "free-for-alU and entries are open. Come on, "patriots," boost ''Portland Day.w .,:';; -I ''.'-'-luV v"--.v'V...,,,-.: Annual September Sale School SuppKes MAN Y SAVIMOS- AND-DKPENU ABLE . FINDINGS THS GREAT SALB OF SCHOOL TOOLS , OFFERS;. - " ' -'r. i FIRST FLOOR SHOPS. , 1 School opens this morning; don'-LJt tlTfr-roi-atheraAad..jaaihrrs back in memory to the pleassntest "days of all' yourlife? Don't it make, you. feet that nothing is -too good for the youngster who is starting off to school this morn ing? This yesrly economy event should be looked torvsrd to witn much-interest Jby fsthers-and-mothets'who hsve "the echoqr-things tp-boy: IrTMeTinnritieh to them. There sre msny things which the child -must hsve f6r school work which individually do not cost much, but , : . in me aggrcgaie 1001 qp io quuc re spectable amount You can save a part of the annual expense by buying at this sale. Better bring this list along . . Library .School Tablets,- large site, plain oaoer. each.. 5 and S for 10e Pencil Tablets, large size ruled, each. e 1 inx wnung laoieis, special lor, casa.v - - Ink T.blett, ruled, each.7 8 e3LO.XS 15 and 04 Legal Tablets, white or yellow pages... ...10 Best Composition Books,'40 and 48 lesves, ach.. e Best Composition Books, 72 leaves, aach ............ 10e Our President Composition Books.. ...... ..B and 10e Student Note Books each. .......... ........Bv and 104 Pencil Sharpeners, each..s....,....M......B and 0 Stenogrspher's Note Bookresch........ Te 10 Festher-Weight Eye Shsdes, esch 5e Memorsndum Books;. ....... ..Be !Oe lBe 20 85 Drawing Pads, esch...... i. lOet Chsmois Skins, each..... ............... ..'...Ke and T Pencil Boxes, with lock and key, each.,.. 4 8f and 10 Round Pencil Boxes, each.....;...,. .3e Sponges, esch............. ..4e and Be xiin jum;v vk-t., ww.....-.. a................ -TV Rubber Tip Cedar Lead Pencils, dosen..,.. ...... ...10 Rubber Tip Lead Pencils, each.. 8 8Ue ft 4a and B Rubber Erasers, esch f f Slate Pencils, plain, 2 dosen boapitone biate f enciisoiosenj. f and Be i oibic r cnvn, nmcn. .......... , , ,i -n vered "Slate Pencils losen 104 Colored Wax School Crayons, box.. .......... 4 and 6 White School Chalk. 144 sticks in box, esch.... ...... ..Te Ink Wells, etch...... ..........IS 10 88 SO 80 Penholders, esch ............. 8 9yi S 4 B Drswing Compssses, esch... ........................ . Urawing Sets ic value at, eacn........l.....M...a Drawing Sets 38c vslue at, each. .................. .SB Drawing Sets 50c vslue at, each.;..., ........80 Book or Shawl Straps, esch.... ...;..10 Uestner Book Strsps, each.. .................. ...,....b Patent Leather Book Straps, esch..-......;... ...B Waterman's Idesl Fountain Pens, - r esch. 88.60 8S.B0 84.00 88.00 and 86.00 Fountain Pens, etch;... V... ............ .81.00 Bamboo Rulers. 3 for... ..............,;..,. .6 Brass dge Rulers, each............................o Twine School Bags. esch.... ....SB 8B 60 and 78 Pocket Knives, each. 10 IB 86 35 60 to 68.50 Kneaded Erasers, esch. 7;.............. ........ ......ft Best Blsck Letter Ink, 2-ounce bottle, esch ......8 Carter's Best Ink. bottle.... 6 10 16 85 46 Library Paste, bottle ......B 10 IB The' American School Voting Contest at. the Store . Resd what a Portland school Prfor T of manusl training-: and the American" ,-coarse, Pro- ; fessor W. A. Law, principal of the 1.1 South Mount Tabor school, who is . taking the Normal course says; . The more' I work at it the better I v like Mr Besrdsleys ' methods. He certainly knows how to get down to the side of s boy snd lift him up to msnusl training." NAMES OF LEADINd TEN CONTESTANTS IN AMERICAN , MANUAL TRAINING SCHOOL VOTINO CONTEST WITH. STANDINO OF EACH AT 10 A. M. TODAY.v ; ROBERT HOLMES, Harrlaon..,....;..;.... ..,.........12.019 GEORGE SLATERLadd.. ...;.....V.:ilis3 JAMES WINSTON, Hanim:;v'iS.Tnn-tV30S' ROWLAND MALM, Sunnyside...... .......... 7j446 SIDNEY CRUMM, North Central.. .t 7.016 WRIGHT BROWN, CUnton Kelly W34 JOHN WILHELM, Couch. 6.09S MARION OGDEN, Ockley Green....... ............ 6,025 TRUMAN COOK. Failing.... ....C..;..V......;......Vi..ii 587 LEWIS THOMAS, North Central ...,......... 4.7S0; Scattering .........................16,218 TOTAL eaeeeeooeeeee)aeeeeeeeej .85,504 A PLEASING FIND FOR SHO"PPIr15TINTOE rtrStitcheryfShop' "SECOND-FLOOR ANNEX. ;rvw' 65e GERMAN APPLIQUE PIECESFOX 39c- -Handsome pieces of Germsn Applique, some squares, '32 inches In ' , sire and scarfs 18x54 inches. Plain, 1 hemstitched or scalloped ' borders and a great variety of center designs; pur 65c value.. Spe i cisl st, esch.. ....................Bde) All kinds of Yarna, such ss German Knitting Yarn, Germantown Zephyr, Spanish Imported Saxony, Shetland Floss, Shetland Zephyr and Ice weoL We have them in all leading colors snd shades. : Every dsy sees us with more new fsney goods for our Art Shop. We are always pleased snd willing to show you all the new fin ; lehed pieces In Cushion Tope and Centerpieces. - B4-Pencil Holdersyaach. Blackboard Erasers, each...... .6 Kinderearten Scissors, esch .......86 7x11 Bound Slstes, esch..... 8 4pparey5E BABYOISSOPSECCraFLOORr With the new things thst the comfort and the well-being of the little ones demsnd our aepartment nss given itseu mucn concern, from an unpretentious garment st a very modest pnee to tne most exclusive novelty trom soroad such s tne diversity witn-wnicn tne de partment tnntes your interest sna tne mooest pnees esrn it. mm a ia mm m w Our ahowing of Infanta and Children's Wear was never so complete as now.' -The dsintiest and prettiest little garments of all kinds that you ever saw. All new and down-to-date nothing old. . ' - x " : '-r ;. . :: ; . . There is plenty of room in esch one of thsm for baby to grow in at the ssme time the gsrment fits. .' '. ''- ' Prices and quality being taken into consideration, we should clothe every little child in Portland ;...'."".;..-..--.-. .- - ... INFANTS' UNTRIMMED BASKETS ' AND HAMPERS Priced from.. ...8 .60 to 810.00 INFANTS' KIMONOS Priced from.. 8 .85 to 8 4.00 1NFANT8 MOCCASINS ........ ,f 1411., ....... .....81.43 ;Most PopularrCprsets of he - Moment - THE ROY Why do some women lose- the most graceful effect thst ' beautiful costumes might pro ' dues by thoughtlessly wear- . ing the wrong corset? A PROPER FITTING CORSET MAKES A PER. FECT-FITTING GQWN. , .There is . beauty Jn every turveand-grsce- in. every. Una WORCESTER. BON TON AND SAPPHIRE CORSETS OF COUKSS. of the Royal Worcester, JBon Ton and - bapphire - Corsets. Until you hsve worn one of these celebrated corsets you cannot, of course, appreciste the wonderful esse snd com-., fort thst can be had in them... . We are showing ; all the new fall mddels. We earnest ly, ask you to have one of these corsets fitted to your figure, bv one of our expert fitters. We are positive that you will be more than plessed with the graceful effect pro duced. " The. celebrsted "velvet hip" cTasp is used on ell Royal Worcester, Bon Ton snd Sapphire- Corset Hose Sup porters. . . 4.80 4.00 INFANTS' CHRISTENING ROBES AND SLIPS Priced from f INFANTS' WHITE SKIRTS v ' Priced from ................. .......6 INFANTS FLANNEL SKIRTS Priced from 8 INFANTS' PINNING BLANKETS Priced from ...v....... ".f INFANTS' KNIT OR r FLANNEL SACQUES Priced from ...........f INFANTS' KNIT BOOTEES ' ' Priced from-... .............. ........8 INFANTS'-SHORT OR LONQ COATS Priced from ......fl4l5 to 84B.OO INFANTS' WOOL OR SILK . VEILS Priced from .30 to 8 .78 .80 to f 15.00 418 to 8 4.60 . 8 8 to f 8 to f 418 to 8 .07 to f 8.60 1.60 J 416 to f 18.00 .86 to 8.0O INFANTS' BONNETS Priced from INFANTS' SHIRTS Priced from .. INFANTS WOOL BANDS Priced from .8 .80 to INFANTS' DIAPERS Priced from ..8 .86 to INFANTS' SHAWLS Priced from ..8 .86 to INFANTS TRIMMED BASKETS AND HAMPERS Priced from ..... 8S.0O to 83S.OO 76 78 50 Priced from ..............6 .88 to 8 l.OO INFANTS' SHOES Priced from.....! .35 to f 15 INFANTS' MITTENS Priced from, .f .85 to f 1.50 FANCY RATTLES AND -TOYS 4 At all prices. ... . . . " INFANTS' FRENCH HAND-MADE SLIPS Priced from ............... f 3.25 to 820.00 INFANTS' FRENCH HAND-MADE -r v - - SKIRTS Priced f rom - .t. ; . f 8.00 T f "T.80 INFANTS' FRENCH HAND-MADE-. BONNETS Priced from ........... 8.80 to f 4.60 INFANTS' FRENCH HAND-MADE BIBS Priced fromT7T...rr.,.i..;..S1.78 to f 8.50 INFANTS' FRENCH HAND-MADE PILLOW SLIPS Priced from f 4.00 to 9 8.50 INFANTS' DIAPERS of fine birdseye cotton They but. ton around the waist and are drawn around the legs by tapes; are comfortable and sanitary; obviste the use of pins .,' v , " .-" . '. ;; Our 35c vslue Special all week at, each... ..,.. 19 Our 65c value Special all week at, each..'. ..33 Women's Knit Underwear-First Floor The completeness of 0ur Stock of Women's Knit Underwear .certainly means a great deal to intending purchasers. We start wtth garments vslued at 25c esch, and advance step by step, according to quelityr to- the. garments which sell for $6.00 each, or to union, suits at $10.00. Resd thisit will iht'cfcspyoar"' "-"r - -. " . Women's White snd Gray Cotton Vesta and Pants Priced at each ........ ..85e Women'a White Cotton Vests and Pants Extra sires Priced st, each.................. ............85 Women's Swisf Jersey Ribbed and Fine Ribbed Cotton Vests' and Pants, in white or silver gray Priced at, - each V.-iJ.. ....... 80 Women'a White Jersey Ribbed Vests and Pants, combed 'omens White Jersey KioBed vests ana rants, comoea cotton, medium or heavy-weight, silk trimmed Priced at, each :..5 Same as above, in extra sites Priced at, each., 76 Women'a Silver end White- Merino Vesta and Pants," fine ribbed, splendid winter weight Priced, garment... 88 Women'a White and Silver Gray Merino Vests snd Pants and Tights, in medium and heavy weight. The famous "Merode" Priced at, each......... f 1.00 Some in better grade Priced at, the gsrment..... .8 1.88 Women's "Merode" All-Wool Vests and .Pants, in white snd silver grey Priced at, the garment ,...fl.50 Women's Silk and Woot Vests and Tights, in whlteyeresny Wpink, blue snd nature! Priced st. each..... , fl.To omen's Fine White Cashmere Vesta and Pants Priced st, esch ........ :...T....i.i......... ..'..Sa.OO Women's Extra Fine Silk and Wool Vests and Tights " Priced at, the garment ,...$8.50 Women's "Stuttgarter" Sanitary Underwear, pure all wool, in silver gray Priced st, the garment, from.T.T.......... ....fl.80 to 88.00 Women's Cotton Union Suits, medium wc!hf, in white or ' silver grsy Priced st, suit... .......50 Women's White Cotton Union. Suits, v:.-:?r ' wei-M Priced, the suit v.. ; -c : Basket of Bargain Plums i -" t" IN THE SMALL WARES SHOP FIRST FLOOR"- CLOTH BRUSHES, with extra quality black bristles; large size brushes; our Jfrl.50 value. Special at, each.. ............... ...85 CHAMOIS SKINS, medium largo size, in grsy or natural color: our 50c value. Special at, each ....'... .....85 JERSEY CREAMERY. BUTTERMILK TOILET SOAP-Three cakes in box; our 15c vslue. Special at, the box.. ...... ..,..10 . SPANISH CASTILE SOAP, white, purest quality; large size squsre cakes; our 10c value Special at, each., ..6 SUNLIGHT TOILET AND LAUNDRY SOAP, large aize cake. Special at, the cake.. ............ ............... ......4 KENT'S BEST ENGLISH HAIR BRUSHES, superior oualiti pure bristles; our $2.00 value. Special at, each.. ...fXJtS 6HELL SIDE COMBS. -extrs heavr. smooth finish, in assorted tleijurCtejalueSpecial aU-the psir. . ,85.- PLAIN SHELL TURNOVER BACK COMBS Our 25c value. Special at, each.. , 17 DARNING COTTON in all colors, blscklarjuJbiown. blue, etc -oa-epools-pedalnCthe- spool .......... ....a REVERSIBLE TAILOR BRAID AND VELVETEEN SKIRT KiKrnTmzsrmry,-.,!,,, rr...i , rH , , , ,t7f , "IHirr.l. tiriVTi 1UATP- PIfja in mrrmA annsih finl.ti. 1 dozen in box; our 25c value. Special at, the box........ ...15 BALL AND SOCKET SNAP FASTENERS in' black or white. email or urge sise, i dozen on card; our iuc value.,. Special at. the-card China and Housefurnishings " s . . . v THIRD FLOOR. w ; '-'""11 any article in about-the-honse needfuls is wsnted or if It is a . stsndard article, not needed right now, but soon will be it is mani fest good sense to buy when tne store hss a ssle of these goods. This September Ssle abounds in economies planned . to bring ' SAVINGS QF FOURTH, THIRD. EVEN HALF of the regular prices of these goods. The makers of reliable sorts are the suppliers of the House Furnishings end-China Store. "r 77 -"" DECORATED AMERICAN PORCELAIN DINNER SETS . In fancy shapes, with plain brown spray decoration. . 50-Piece Sets Our $ 4.80 value Special...... ....... ......83.38 60-Piece Sets Our $ 6.40 vslue Special ..i.... 84.48 J00-Piece SetaOur $ 9.60 vslue Special...;... J.. .86.78 11Z-Piece sets Puf SIZ.QP vslue Special..... 68.40 117-Piece Sets Our $15.00 vslue Special .610.88 NEW AND FETCHINQ IN Woman's Fancy Neckwear 1 FIRST FLOOR SHOPS. T - : v LADIES' LINEN COLLARS, . . . with two rows of hemstitching, . Cm 1 ' ; msde to launder: our 15c vslue. - Specie! st each 10 lSv Yi Also LADIES' PLAIN THREE- LrnlT I .4 PLY COLLARS, in ssme lot st, cacn ... ...... NEW WASHABLE STOCK ...COLLARS, with front tabs, in 'white, also some fine embroid-' ered Wsist Stoclcs. Priced at. each : 35 and 85 NEW CHEMISETTES in embroidered or lace effects. Priced st. -Mip-Sfons-.. ,x. NEW' COLLAR AND CUFF SETS in lace or embroidery, verv handsome. , Priced at, the set, from. ,35 up to BlO.t J BEAUTIFUL NEW ; SCARFS, one and one half yards long, in oouea crepe; si so some in uresden designs, rricea, . Ach ....61.00 and C1-- LADIES' NAVY BLUE 8ILK WINDSOR TIES, some in " 1 wide stripes, some in large fancy designs. Price, each 1 .' FINE SILE VIUCrOa TIES, in blsck, white and stl cV some in plain, others fancy silks. Priced, esch i- - ? r" ' -HANDIOIIS TZATIIZn tOAS-Cer-! y t r ?" dressy or more cc for tie foe wr t . ! c I 1 then aae ostri.i fitter bos. 1 ' ' ' skowir J cf ostrich toas, msii ly " eor-eiit'- " , v ' t-o ' a: -f ,t . .y